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Policy Statement 46 - Helicopter Operations in Performance Class 3

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Effective Date of Implementation: 8 July 2014

ASSI File Reference: UK/X/J/86/02 – Policy Statements


This Policy Statement covers Commercial Air Transport (CAT) operations in performance Class
3 (e.g. single engine helicopters) in the Territories.


Flights by any helicopter that cannot sustain flight following an engine failure are defined by
ICAO as ‘Operations in performance Class 3’. This includes all single engine commercial air
transport helicopter operations.

Here is the definition from ICAO Annex 6 Part III –

Operations in performance Class 3. Operations with performance such that, in the event of
an engine failure at any time during the flight, a forced landing will be required.

Annex 6 Part III, Section II (CAT) provides (Standard 3.1.2): In conditions where the safe
continuation of flight is not ensured in the event of a critical engine failure, helicopter operations
shall be conducted in a manner that gives appropriate consideration for achieving a safe forced
landing. (See definition below.)

Safe forced landing. Unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable expectancy of no

injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.

In addition, where such helicopters are to be flown over water beyond autorotational or safe
forced landing distance from land, they are required to be equipped with a permanent or rapidly
deployable means of flotation (e.g. pop-out floats). (Standard 4.5.1(d)) 1

Annex 6 Part III, Section II also provides (Standard 3.4.1) that performance Class 3 CAT
operations in IMC shall be conducted only over a surface environment acceptable to the
competent authority of the State over which the operations are performed.

For CAT operations using OT-registered helicopters, OTAR Part 135.570(g) limits such
operations to daytime flight by visual reference (i.e. "with the surface in sight" and flight visibility
not less than 1500 m), with specified minimum cloudbase and limited exposure time over open
sea areas.

Any proposal to use foreign-registered helicopters for operations in performance Class 3 in a

Territory must be handled in accordance with PacMan Policy Statement No 19 'Foreign
Operator Permits' and the associated procedures in PacMan (and the ASSI CRMS where
applicable). It is important to keep in mind that the regulation of foreign-registered aircraft and

Irrespective of the performance Class, when a helicopter is to be used for CAT under IFR or when the
helicopter cannot be maintained in a desired attitude without reference to one or more flight instruments
(e.g. over water when out of sight of land) it is required to be equipped with a stabilization system, unless
it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the certificating authority that the helicopter possesses, by
nature of its design, adequate stability without such a system. (Annex 6 Part III Section II, Standard 4.4.3;
implemented for OT-registered helicopters in OTAR 135.655.)

Air Safety Support International Issue 3.00 8 July 2014

Policy Statement 46 Page 2 of 2

their operation are matters for the State of the Operator, therefore advice to the enquirer (UK
Department for Transport or the Governor) is for assurance that the AN(OT)O and applicable
ICAO SARPs can be complied with, and consideration of any risk assessment or submission by
the operator will be for that purpose.

Where an application is made for a Foreign Operator Permit (FOP) to conduct CAT operations
in performance Class 3 (e.g. using a single engine helicopter), such a permit should only be
granted subject to the condition that flights shall be restricted to VFR day only. For flights over
water beyond autorotational or safe forced landing distance from land applicants will need to
verify that flotation equipment is provided in compliance with ICAO Standard 4.5.1.

Note that where a FOP has been granted under AN(OT)O Article 135, the terms and conditions
of that permit apply only while the aircraft is flying over the Territory and within the limit of the
territorial sea – normally 3 miles or 12 miles (but less where it is a median line e.g. with US
Virgin Islands). Operations beyond that limit are matters for the competent authorities of the
State of the Operator. 2

Note also that the Rules of the Air do not permit VFR at night in the Territory. Rule 5 prohibits
flight below 1000 feet over congested areas, except when flying in accordance with normal
aviation practice for the purpose of taking off from, landing at or practising approaches to
landing at a government or certificated aerodrome; and helicopters must always be able to land
without causing danger to persons or property on the surface in the event of an engine failure.
Requirements for the use of landing sites within the Territory are in OTAR Part 91.225.

Policy Statement:

1. Commercial air transport helicopter operations in performance Class 3 (e.g. using single
engine helicopters) in the UK Overseas Territories are limited to VFR day only.

2. The codes of performance for commercial air transport helicopter operations using OT-
registered helicopters are the same as those used in the United Kingdom (i.e. based on
the EASA method). 3

3. Police operations and commercial air transport medevac flights in the UK Overseas
Territories shall be subject to paragraph 1 or 2 above, as appropriate.

4. Applications by operators of foreign-registered helicopters will be handled in accordance

with PacMan Policy Statement No 19 'Foreign Operator Permits'.

Other States may have approved operations by helicopters operating in performance Class 3 in IMC.
For this the helicopter must be certificated for flight under IFR and the operator must meet additional
requirements, which include a programme for engine trend monitoring. (Annex 6 Part III, Section II,
Standard 3.4.2 and Appendix 2)
Requirements and limitations applicable to OT-registered helicopters conducting operations in
performance Class 3 are in OTAR Part 135. The technical description (i.e. the method of calculation) is
contained in Appendix E6 and E9 to OTAR Part 91.

Air Safety Support International Issue 3.00 8 July 2014

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