1.050 Engineering Mechanics: Example - Detailed Steps

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050 Engineering Mechanics

Lecture 23:

Example – detailed steps

Problem statement

H ρg z

Isotropic solid
rigid substrate (soil) on a rigid
(no displacement) substrate (infinitely
large in x-y-
Note: p is applied pressure at the top of the soil layer K,G given
r r r r
Goal: Determine ξ (x ), ε (x ), σ (x )

On the next few slides we will go through steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 to solve this problem.

Reminder: 4-step procedure to solve
elasticity problems

• Step 1: Write down BCs (stress BCs and displacement BCs),

analyze the problem to be solved (read carefully!)

• Step 2: Write governing equations for stress tensor, strain tensor,

and constitutive equations that link stress and strain, simplify

• Step 3: Solve governing equations (e.g. by integration), typically

results in expression with unknown integration constants

• Step 4: Apply BCs (determine integration constants)

Step 1: Boundary conditions

Write out all BCs in mathematical equations

Displacement BCs: At z=H: Displacement specified

ξ d (z = H ) = (0,0,0) or ξ xd = 0, ξ yd = 0, ξ zd = 0
(no displacement at the interface between
the soil layer and the rigid substrate)

r r r r
Stress BCs: At z=0: Stress vector provided T d (n = −ez , z = 0) = pez

Note: Orientation of
surface and C.S.

Step 2: Governing equations

Write out all governing equations and simplify

Due to the symmetry of the problem (infinite in x- and y-directions),

the solution will depend on z only, and there are no displacements
r in the
x- and y-directions (anywhere in the solution domain): ξ = ξ z ez

1 ⎛ ∂ξ ∂ξ ⎞
Governing eqn. for strain tensor: ε ij = ⎜⎜ i + j ⎟⎟
2 ⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎠

∂ξ z Note : only 1
Calculation of strain tensor simplifies ε zz = (*) nonzero coefficient
(symmetry): ∂z
of strain tensor

Governing eqn. for stress tensor: div σ + ρg = 0
(cont’d next slide)

Step 2: Governing equations (cont’d)

Gravity only in z-

σ xx σ xy σ xz
Governing eqn. for stress tensor: + + + ρg x = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z
σ xy σ yy σ yz
+ + + ρg y = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z
σ xz σ yz σ zz
+ + + ρg z = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z

Due to symmetry, only dependence on z-direction

σ xz σ yz
=0 =0
∂z ∂z
Final set of governing eqns. for stress tensor
σ zz
(1) + ρg = 0 (note: g z = g )
∂z 6

Step 2: Governing equations (cont’d)

Link between stress and strain

Linear isotropic elasticity (considering that there is only one nonzero

coefficient in the strain tensor, ε zz ):

⎛ 2 ⎞
σ 11 = ⎜ K − G ⎟ε 33
⎝ 3 ⎠
⎛ 2 ⎞
σ 22 = ⎜ K − G ⎟ε 33
⎝ 3 ⎠
⎛ 4 ⎞
σ 33 = ⎜ K + G ⎟ε 33 (2)
⎝ 3 ⎠

Step 2: Governing equations (cont’d)

Now combine eqns. (*), (1) and (2):

∂ε zz ⎛ 4 ⎞
Substitute (2) in (1): ⎜ K + G ⎟ + ρg = 0 (4)
∂z ⎝ 3 ⎠
∂ 2ξ z ⎛ 4 ⎞
Substitute (*) in (4): ⎜ K + G ⎟ + ρg = 0
∂z 2 ⎝ 3 ⎠

∂ 2ξ z ρg σ xz σ yz

=− (5) =0 = 0 (6)

∂z 2 4
K+ G ∂z ∂z
Step 2 results in a set of differential eqns.

Step 3: Solve governing eqns. by integration

∂ξ z ρg
From (5): =− z + C1 = ε zz (first integration)
∂z 4
K+ G
⎛ ⎞
⎛ 4 ⎞⎜ ρg ⎟
σ zz = ⎜ K + G ⎟⎜ − z + C1 ⎟ (knowledge of strain enables
⎝ 3 ⎠⎜ K + 4 G
⎜ ⎟⎟ to calculate stress via eq. (2))
⎝ 3 ⎠

1 ρg
ξz = − z 2 + C1 z + C2 (second integration)
2 K + 4G
From (6):

σ xz σ yz
=0 =0 σ xz = const . = C3 σ yz = const . = C4
∂z ∂z
Solution expressed in terms of integration constants Ci

Step 4: Apply BCs

Stress boundary conditions: Integration provided that

σ xz = const . = C3 σ yz = const . = C4
Stress vector at the boundary of the domain:

r r r r ! r r r
T d (n = −ez , z = 0) = pez = −σ xz ex − σ yz e y − σ zz ez

BC Stress vector due to stress tensor at z = 0:

r r r r
T ( n = −ez , z = 0) = σ ( z = 0) ⋅ ( −ez )

Left and right side σ xz = C3 = 0, σ yz = C4 = 0 Note: Orientation of

must be equal, surface and C.S.
therefore: σ zz = − p

Step 4: Apply BCs (cont’d)


⎛ ⎞
4 ⎜ ρg ⎟
σ zz = K + G ⎜ − z + C1 ⎟ (general solution)
3 ⎜ K + 4G ⎟⎟

⎝ 3 ⎠

⎛ 4 ⎞!
σ zz (z = 0) = C1 ⎜ K + G ⎟ = − p (at z=0, see previous slide)
⎝ 3 ⎠

This enables us to determine the constant C1

C1 = −

K + G

3 11

Step 4: Apply BCs (cont’d)

Displacement boundary conditions:

1 ρg p
ξz = − z2 − z + C2 (general solution, with C1
2 K + 4G 4
K+ G included)
3 3

Displacement is known at z = H:

1 ρg p !
ξz ( z = H ) = − H2 − H + C2
= 0

2 K + 4G 4
K+ G
3 3
This enables us to determine the constant C2

1 ⎛ ρg 2 ⎞
C2 = ⎜ H + pH ⎟
4 ⎝ 2 ⎠
K+ G 12

Final solution (summary): Displacement field, strain field, stress field

⎛ ρg 2
ξ z (z) =

4 ⎝ 2
(H − z 2 ) − p(z − H ) ⎞⎟
K+ G ⎠
− ρgz + p
ε zz (z) =
K+ G

σ zz (z) = − ρgz + p


Solution sketch

Displacement profile Stress profile:

ρg p
− H2 − H
⎛ 4 ⎞ 4
K + G

2⎜ K + G ⎟
⎝ 3 ⎠ 3

ξz z = 0 σ zz z = 0
z z

z=H z=H
− ( p + ρgH )


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