Effects of external stress aging on morphology and precipitation behavior of θ'' phase in Al−Cu alloy
Effects of external stress aging on morphology and precipitation behavior of θ'' phase in Al−Cu alloy
Effects of external stress aging on morphology and precipitation behavior of θ'' phase in Al−Cu alloy
Shang FU1,2, Dan-qing YI1,2, Hui-qun LIU1,2, Yong JIANG1,2, Bin WANG1,2, Zhan HU1,2
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
2. Key Lab of Nonferrous Materials (Ministry of Education), Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Received 17 October 2013; accepted 3 April 2014
Abstract: The exposure of Al−5Cu alloy to an external stress with normal aging was carried out. The effects of external stress-aging
on the morphology and precipitation behavior of θ'' phase were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC) and first principle calculation. The size of the θ'' phase precipitated plates in stress-aging (453 K, 6 h, 50
MPa) is 19.83 nm, which is smaller than that of those present (28.79 nm) in stress-free aging (453 K, 6 h). The precipitation process
of θ'' phase is accelerated by loading external stress aging according to the analysis of DSC results. The apparent activation energy
for the external stress-aging is 10% lower than the stress-free one. The first principle calculation results show that the external stress
makes a decrease of 6% in the interface energy. The effects of the stress on aging process of the alloy are discussed on the basis of
the classical theory. The external stress changes the morphology and precipitation behavior of θ'' phase because the critical nucleation
energy is decreased by 19% under stress aging.
Key words: Al−Cu alloy; stress aging; morphology; precipitation behavior; first principle calculation; interface energy
Foundation item: Project (2012CB619506) supported by the National Basic Research Program of China; Project (51071177) supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China
Corresponding author: Dan-qing YI; Tel: +86-731-88830263; E-mail: yioffice@csu.edu.cn
DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(14)63345-8
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interface energetic would be a challenge for the
experimentalists. The first principle calculation is a
useful method to investigate the energetic properties on
the bulk material and interface between the secondary
phase and matrix [17].
The aims in this work are to investigate the
precipitation behavior and morphology of the θ″ phase Fig. 1 Al matrix/precipitation θ″ phase interface model
under different external stress levels by DSC and TEM
characterization methods. The effect of potential change 3 Results and discussion
of external stress on the interface energy and the critical
nucleation energy is assessed by the first principle 3.1 Age-hardening response and morphology of
calculation based strategy according to the classical precipitation under external stress
nucleation theory. The hardness versus aging−time curves under
different external stress levels are exhibited in Fig. 2.
2 Experimental and computational method The peak-aging time is 6 h from the curves and it shows
that the peak-aging time is irrelevant with the external
The material used in this study was an Al−Cu alloy stress 50 MPa since it is in the elastic stress range which
melted by induction furnace. The chemical composition would only produce a strain at 0.006. During the
of the alloy is listed in Table 1. under-age period, the hardness values of all different
external stress levels samples are improved dramatically
Table 1 Chemical composition of nominal Al−5Cu alloy (mass
since the amount of the meta-stable phase precipitated
fraction, %)
from the supersaturated solid solution. Additionally, the
Cu Mg Mn Fe Si Zn Al
major precipitation phase in this period is θ″ phase (the
4.99 0.01 0.008 0.01 0.026 0.012 Bal. nominal composition of the θ″ phase is Al3Cu) according
to the 453 K aging temperature. Meanwhile, the higher
The ingots of the alloy were broken-down and external stress-level sample had the higher hardness
rolled to sheets with the thickness of 2 mm. The sheets compared with 0 stress level (or stress-free aging). It
were solution heat treated at 773 K for 1 h, followed by means that the external stress makes the precipitation
water-quenching, and the sheets were then subjected to response more significantly and rapidly. The traditional
the external stress aging. The temperature for the precipitation strengthening view holds that the strong
external stress aging was determined as 453 K and the precipitation response is caused by the decreasing of the
external stress levels were 0, 50 MPa (50 MPa was in the precipitation barrier energy [5]. Generally speaking, the
elastic load period according to the stress−strain curve external stress is considered to be a sort of energy source
yet). Hardness measurement was applied to determining to have an impact on the aging processing response.
the peak-aging time for each aging condition. The load
for the hardness measurement was 1500 g. The TEM
specimens of 3 mm in diameter were electro-polished
with 30% nitric acid and 70% methanol solution at 253
K. TEM observation was performed on FEI Tecnai G2 20
transmission electron microscope operated at 200 kV.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC, NETZSCH
DSC 200 F3) was performed on the specimens to
investigate the transformation temperature and the θ″
phase precipitation behavior under different heat rates
10, 15, and 20 K/min. The first principle calculation was
applied to determining the interface energy between Al
matrix and the θ″ phase. All these calculations (including
the bulk property optimization, the activity of Cu in Al
under stress/strain and the interface energy as mentioned Fig. 2 Age-hardening curves of Al−5Cu alloy at 453 K
above) were determined by the Vienna ab initio
simulation package (VASP) [18]. The parameter of the The TEM microstructure and the corresponding
K-point mesh was followed by the energy convergent selected area electron diffraction patterns of θ″ phase for
principle. The interface model (including a 12Å vacuum all samples in the peak-aging condition are shown in
layer) is schematically shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3. Along the {100} zone axis of the electron beam,
2284 Shang FU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 2282−2288
the bright field image shows two “edge-on” {100} average θ″ phase length under 50 MPa external stress
variants of the θ″ phase plates with the stress-free level level is determined as 19.83 nm while the result for
(0). However, the external stress-aged (453 K, 50 MPa) stress-free aging is 28.79 nm. According to Fig. 4,
sample obtained a stress-orientation precipitation external stress makes the θ″ phase plate length smaller,
phenomenon that only one variant of the θ″ phase plate is and the mode zone move from 30 nm to 20 nm in
visible. It would be in an agreement with the previous statistics distribution level. This implies that the external
work [16]. stress would promote the nucleation of θ″ phase,
resulting in the formation of finer and more θ″ phase.
It is clearly observed that the morphology of the θ″ 3.2 θ″ phase precipitation behavior under external
phase under higher stress level is quite different that stress
under the stress-free ones. The θ″ phase in higher stress- The DSC (heat flow) curves under all different
level (50 MPa) sample is finer than that in stress-free (0) external stress levels at heating rate of 15 K/min are
aged sample; the volume fraction of the θ″ phase is displayed in Fig. 5. The endothermic peak1 (peak 1a and
higher than that in stress-free aging condition. So, the peak 1b) and the exothermic peak 2 (peak 2a and peak
finer and more volume fraction θ″ phase under external 2b) correspond to the G.P. zone’s dissolution period and
stress contributed to the precipitation strengthening the θ″ phase precipitation transformation, respectively,
effect, resulting in the improvement of hardness. according to the work by HAYOUNE and HAMANA
Additionally, 4−6 bright-field TEM photographs [19].
(about 1000 θ″ phase plates counted) in peak-aging The exothermic peak 2b moves to the lower
condition were used to make a precipitation phase length temperature since the precipitation behavior is influenced
distribution statistics figure and evaluate the effect of by the external-stress. Similarly, the endothermic peak1
external stress (0, 50 MPa) aging on the morphology of shifts to the higher temperature because an amount of the
θ″ phase by quantitative method. The precipitation phase G.P. zone is too little to detect in lower temperature. The
length distribution statistics is exhibited in Fig. 4. The θ″ phase precipitation rate results are shown in Fig. 6.
Shang FU, et al/Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 2282−2288 2285
This supports the consideration that the sample under the stress-free aging. It would be a strong evidence to
external stress has more amounts and quick precipitation show that the precipitation behavior is accelerated by
of θ″ phase. external stress.
ΔEstrain = − Eδ 2 (5)
Fig. 8 Calculated activity αCu in Al under different strain/stress
Under stress-free aging condition, the misfit δ could levels
be determined as −0.052 between θ″ phase [24] and
matrix, the calculated elastic modulus is 77 GPa.
However, the misfit δ was determined to be −0.058 under
50 MPa external stress. Therefore, the elastic strain
energy would be similar for the all external stress levels
(0, 50 MPa) to some extent. This means that lower
external stress level has little influence on the strain
The interface energy can be expressed as Eq. (6).
γ interface (ε ) = [ E0 (ε ) − N Al μAl (ε ) − N Cu μCu (ε )]
1 1
= {E0 (ε ) − N Al μ (ε ) − N Al in Al3Cu μAl3Cu (ε ) −
2A Al
1 Fig. 9 Calculated interface energy and nucleation energy
( N Cu in Al3Cu − N Al in Al3Cu )[ μ Cu (ε ) + KT ln α Cu in Al ]}
3 change in all strain/stress levels
where A is the area defined in the interface model; E0 is In addition, it is implied that the interface energy is
the total energy of interface model; μi and Ni are the the major factor to influence the nucleation processing.
chemical potential and the atom number of species i, The change of the critical nucleation energy is larger
respectively; ε is the applied strain under external stress; than that of the apparent precipitation activation energy
αCu in Al is the activity of Cu in Al matrix; αCu in Al can be since the effect of the external stress would be different
determined as shown in Fig.8 according to Ref. [25]. during the coarsening processing of precipitation.
The interface energy is calculated by the first
principle calculation (VASP software packages), and the 4 Conclusions
interface energy results in different strains are shown in
Fig. 9. The results show that the interface energy 1) The applied external stress contributes to the
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