Pilipino Values Perspective

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A Term Paper Presented to

Ms. Julie Ann Alberto

Sta. Teresa College

Bauan, Batangas


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

English IV


Niko I. Arcega

Sheila Mae A. Medrano

IV-St. Sebastian


In preparation of this research paper the researchers wish to acknowledge the

following for their assistance, untiring support and cooperation in preparing and

finalizing this term paper.

To Ms. Julie Ann Alberto, our teacher for her suggestions, scholarly advise and

encouragement to finish this term paper.

A countless thanks to our parents for their moral and financial support.

And most of all a special thanks to the Almighty God for giving us the strength and

guidance in this undertaking.





Title Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3




Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Definition of Terms


Related Literature








Chapter I



Since, Filipino values have become one of the most important parts of the

Philippine history. Filipinos up today and yesterday were described through their

traditional values. Actually, it was one of the major factors of invasion and domination of

the Philippines by the neighboring nations. The coming of invaders in the country

marked the beginning of the entrance of foreign influences that brought changes and

alternations in the moods of the long-cherished Filipino values.

For the fact, Young Filipinos of today look far different from their forefathers in the

manner they speak, act, dress, in the mode of living and other aspects. But then,

cultural traces inherited from ancestors are carried from generation to generation in

varying degrees. Presently, traces of this culture can be gleaned through typical ways

shown in relation to their everybody dealings with each other.

Because of our vulnerability to outside influences, our actions today in terms of

cultural traits are very much affected by our connections with the foreigners who came

to our shores. We easily picked up many of their cultural traits.

It is for us now to decide whether we should be better known as Filipinos in the

manner we act. We can’t deny that it is a fact that we began to fail identify in us

Filipinos qualities that we should uphold as true Filipinos.

In this research work, the researchers want to give the readers a glimpse of

Filipino values, its austere condition at present.

II.Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to find out the current plight of Filipino values. The study

specifically answers the following questions:

Are Filipino values really fading out?

1. What are common qualities of Filipinos as of today?

2. What are some of the traditional Filipino values?

3. What are the factors behind the slowly fading of Filipino values?

III.Significance of the Study

The study gives the reader a glimpse of values upholds in every Filipino

individual. This study is purposely for everybody especially for those who are interested

in the topic particularly people who are conditionally studies on the same or connected

topic. It aims to give the readers the awareness of the current plight of the Filipino

National character. Moreover, the study aims to knock the heart and awaken the minds

of the readers to move them into action. In addition, the author wishes to encourage the

readers to pay attention to the most neglected social problem, the fading of Filipino

values. This study will also give the readers the chance to go over the most common

traditional values and make proper valuing to reinforce observation and practice our

beautiful customs, beliefs, and traits as Filipinos.

To sum up, we are considering the study as a revelation that all of us are the root cause

of the problem.

IV.Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study limitedly deals with the present status of Filipino values including the

factors behind its fading. Furthermore, its effect in the current Philippine economical,

social and political condition will also be discussed.

V.Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined according the purpose of the study to make

them clearer to the readers:

Character. Is the aggregate of feature and traits that form the individual nature of

a person.1

Culture. Is the ways of living built up by a human group and transmitted to

succeeding generations.2

Deteriorate. To make or become worse in character or quality.3

Fade. To disappear gradually of die out.4

Manner. Is the prevailing customs of people, class or period or the ways of

behaving with reference to polite standards.5

Traits. A distinguishing character or quality.6

Values. The abstract concepts of what is right or worthwhile. 7

Random House Webster’s Dictionary (New York: Ballantine Books, 2001),

Chapter II


A.Related Literature

This chapter presents a brief discussion of related literature and studies of

local authorities which have provided background of the study.

According to Bacilig, values are our inner powers. They make us feel truly

strong and alive. They give us the needed enthusiasm and energy in life. Love,

affection or care as a value is the willingness to reach out to other persons in order to

give them support and to experience their support in return. When we give importance

to love, we are not afraid to make friends with others. Faith in God as a value is the

inner connection that there is God, in whom we can place all our trust, and whose laws

we should always follow and obey. When we value faith, we are not afraid. We are

certain that God will take care of us.8

Reinventing the Filipino values is not a matter of chance. It should be left to

chance. It is a movement, a concerted, deliberate effort to establish a new order of life.

It is also a creative process. Colonization is merely a temporary detraction.

Fr. Mario Bacilig, Bush Forth, (Makati City: Salesiana Publishers, Inc., 2000),p.192

Life goes on according to its anima and hidden strength. This study especially

elucidates critical issues underlying ethnicity, religion, historiography, language and

many more. The issue on transnationalization and intellectual experience is a great leap

beyond the boundary of our natural culture. It is hoped that the leap is not from the

frying pan to the fire. Certainly, Filipino values are our distinct contribution to the many

cultures around the globe.9

Carino and Peñalosa reveals that the answer is in our hands. What we do to

preserve Filipino values and not what we say, will determine what tomorrow will be. We

Filipinos talk much but do little. We should change our ways. Let us train and teach our

youth to do their part. For unless we do so we will continue to be the sick man of Asia.

Or maybe even the dying man of Asia.10

Arnold Molina Azurin, Reinventing the Filipinos, (Diliman, Quezon City, CSSP
Publications, 1995),pp.5-6.
Isidro D. Carino and Amor B. Peñalosa, Reviving and Developing Desirable Values in
Filipino Boys and Girls, (Quezon City: Carson Resources and Management Services,

Values are things that we consider good and important, and help us make

decision. These justify our actions and behavior.

Here are some suggestions to help us as we grow up: 11

1. Let us look at the lives of great men and women. Let us discover their values,

that is the many things they considered most important in life. Let us learn from

them, and be inspired by the example that they gave us.

2. Let us look at ourselves. Let us be willing to set aside some of our time for

silence and reflection. Only then we can be able to listen to our hearts and

become aware of our own values.

3. Let us not be afraid to live according to our values. In whatever we say or do,

let us act and behave because of the good and beautiful things that are most

precious to us.

Bacilig. Op.cit.,p.20

Chapter III


In this chapter, the details of the method that was used, the way that the

researchers did the research and the data gathering instruments that was used in the

research will be stated.

Research Method

The methods that were used in this study were the library research method and

the descriptive research method.

Subject of the Study

The subject of this study are the Filipinos. They are the subject of this study

because this is about Slowly Deteriorating and Fading of Filipino Values. Encouraging

the Filipino to be aware for the values of the Filipino that said to be fading out


Time Frame of the Research

The researchers started to research during December. The researchers had a

hard time in researching since most of the libraries are closed during the long period of

Christmas vacation.

Data Gathering Instruments

The instruments that were used in this research are by the untiring support of

friends and relatives who lend the researchers the books and dictionaries. Yellow

papers and ball pen were used in writing the research as a drafts. Computer was used

as well to finalize the work.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the findings of the study based on the problems above-


The value upheld by every Filipino individual significantly affect the current status

of our nation. In fact, it has played a major role in the economic, political, social, and

moral aspects of the Filipino people in the nation building. From the earliest centuries of

the Philippines, sets of values accompanied by traditions and customs were maintained

by our forefathers.

The Filipinos are usually caught in the midst of social changes, of depression and

other natural crises. Problems usually encountered by every Filipino challenge their

establishing and thereby pose aspects of life. Despite of this hazard, they were able to

resist on these because of having the traits of being a true Filipino. 12

1. What are common qualities of Filipinos as of today?

A. Close Family Ties

The family is considered the basic unit of our society. It is usually composed of

grandfather, grandmother, parents and children. It maybe observed that the Filipino

family is closely-knit.


J.B. Abecia, The Development of Filipino Community, (Quezon City: GFC Books),

It is an extended clan of blood relatives. The close ties are also

reflected in the frequent family reunion held on such as weddings, anniversaries,

Christmas, New Year, All Saints Day and Town Fiestas. 13

However, closeness of family members can be readily seen by the way parents

bring up their children. Even when family members are far from each other because of

work situation or demands or when children are married and living in other places. We

also love to care for our old folks until they die. As much as possible, we don’t allow

them to be cared for by any institution for the aged. 14

B. Strong Belief in the Education of Children

This is a sure mean of success run in every Filipino family. Traditionally, parents

try their best always to spend every centavo of earning to send their children to school.

If parents cannot support schooling, usually elder sister or brother shoulder the

education of the younger ones until everyone finishing a career. It is a pride of every

Filipino to be able to have their children earn a career. 15

Ibid., p.10.
Carmen M. Cabato and Gloria Tamisen, Towards Filipino Identity,:

Values Education, (Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.),pp.110-111.

C. Respectfulness

The children have a great respect fir their parent and elders. They have been

thought to kiss the hands of the elders. This manifest the due respect we should give to

our elders not only for the holiday but for the rest of the year and the year to come as


Furthermore, Filipinos use “Po” and “Opo” when talking to their elders. The

children are expected to consult their parents about any activity or plan they wish to


D. Hospitality

Filipino hospitality is said to be outstanding. Anytime a visitor come, he is sure to

be offered food or drinks. If the guest stayed overnight, he is made to feel comfortable

as if he were in his own house. Hospitality, on the other hand, has its good and bad

sides. This trait may encourage overdependence and laziness. The trait may also lead

to poverty as a result of lavish spending for fiestas, wedding and anniversaries.

However, it is good if its end is to help a person in need. Thus, the government may

utilize this trait in getting support for its charitable projects, and promoting, cooperation

and brotherhood. 18


Jovita de Guzman, Psychology Of Filipinos, (Metro Manila: Bookmark, Inc.,
E. Humility

This trait may be seemed in the way a Filipino speaks with others. A Filipino does

not drag about himself. Sometimes, we mistake humility with timidity and shyness. Our

tendency to depreciate ourselves often a mistake action of humility. 19


The Filipinos are courageous people as attested to by those who suffered and

died for their country. This is a value that should be preserved by our people. The

demand and complexities of modern life can only be met by people with strong hearts

and healthy minds and bodies.20

G. Loyalty to Friends

The Filipinos considered friendship as important to them which means helping

each in times of need. Extending help or doing a good turn to one’s friend will always be

valued and never forgotten. A friend is considered a member of the family that any help

he can give is heartily welcomed.21



H. Honesty

Honesty is the virtue and righteousness in deed and in thought. In a person, this

virtue strengthens him against cheating and lying. It results in cooperation and trust

among neighbors, friends and co-workers. In the highest officers of the land,

“katapatan” is the sole measure of leadership and public trust. 22


Delicadeza is the virtue that determines a person’s sensitivity to what is right or

wrong. A sense of prudence and poverty is implicit in a person with delicadeza. It also

serves as an early warning device in recognizing the traps of graft and corruption,

whether the guise of “pagtanaw ng utang na loob” or an innocent gift. 23

J. Orderliness

Kaayusan in Tagalog terms is the learn like an orderliness. It begins at home at

an early mental discipline instilled on children by their parents. An order home is an

evidence of this virtue on work in the family in the formative years of life. Kaayusan

ripens into the habit of discipline allocation of time and energy to work and play. It

usually results in a citizen with a sincere respect and adherence for the spirit and the

letter of the law.24



K. The Bayanihan Spirit

Filipino people are fond of group work, offering help freely to friends or neighbors

needing a help. A person planting or clearing his fields or moving his house may call

several neighbors for help work done this way is done gaily and cheerfully and without

expectation of payment except for a free meal. 25


Filipino value denotes the religious character of the people who firmly believe in

the supernatural and in kinds of spirit dwelling in individual person, place or thing. 26


Filipinos have the capacity for hard work given proper condition. The desire to

race one’s standard of living and to possess the essential of a descent for one’s family

combined with the right opportunities and incentives makes the Filipino work very hard.

This is manifest most noticeably in willingness to take risk with jobs abroad and there to

work one, two or three jobs. The result is productivity and entrepreneurship for some

and survival despite poverty.27

Building a People, building a Nation, (Instructural Materials Corp.),p.5.

N. Ability to Survive

Filipinos have an ability to survive which is manifested in our capacity for

endurance despite difficult times and our ability to get by on so very little. This survival

instinct is related to the Filipinos other strengths basic optimisms, flexibility and

adoptability, hard work and deep faith in God. It is manifested in the millions of Filipinos

who bravely live through the harshest economic and social circumstances. 28

O.Joy and Humor

Filipinos have a cheerful and fun loving approach to life and its ups and downs.

We have a pleasant disposition, a sense of humor and a propensity for happiness that

contribute not only to the Filipino charm but to incommunitability of the Filipino spirit.

This sense of joy and humor is manifested in the Filipino love for social and celebration,

in our capacity to laugh even in the most crying times, and in appear of political satire. 29

2. What are some of the traditional Filipino values?

A.Extreme Personalism

Filipinos view the world in terms of personal relationships and the extent to which

one is able to personally related to things and people determine the recognition of their

existence and the value given to them.


This personalism is manifested in tendency to give personal interpretation to actions.

Because of personalistic world view, Filipinos have difficulty dealing with all forms of

impersonal stimulant. Extreme personalism thus leads to the graft and corruption

evident in the Philippine society.30

B. Lack of Discipline

The Filipinos lack of discipline encompasses several related characteristics. We

have a casual and relax attitude towards time and space which manifest itself in lack of

precision and compulsiveness, in poor time management, and in procrastination or

reward, resulting in the use of shortcuts, in result in efficient and wasteful work system,

violation of rules leading to more serious and casual work ethic leading to carelessness

and lack of initiative.31

C. Passivity and Lack of Initiative

Filipinos are generally passive and lacking in initiative. One waits to be what has

to be done. There is a strong reliance on others to do things for us. Filipinos tend to be

complaint and there rarely is a sense of urgency about any problems and even violation

of one’s basic rights. In many ways, it can be said that the Filipinos is too patient and

long suffering.


Teodoro A. Agoncillo, History of the Filipino People, (Quezon City: Garotech
Publishing, 1990),p.14.

Too easily resigned to one’s faith, Filipinos are thus easily oppressed and exploited. 32

D. Colonial Mentality

Filipinos have a colonial mentality which is made up of two dimensions: (1) lack of

patriotism, (2) actual preferences for foreign things. Filipino culture is characterized by

an openness to the outside adopting and incorporating the foreign elements into our

image or ourselves. And yet this image is not built around a days core of Philippine

history and language. The result is a cultural vagueness and weakness. The Filipino

colonial mentality is manifested in the alienation in the elite from their roots and from

the masses as well as in the basic feeling of national inferiority that makes it difficult for

the Filipino to relate as equal to Westerners. 33

E. Kanya-Kanya Syndrome

Filipinos have selfish, self-serving attitude that generates a feeling of envy and

competitiveness towards others. The Kanya-kanya Syndrome is also evident in the

personal ambition and the desire for power and status that is completely insensitive to

the common good.



Filipino demonstrates also the so-called “crab mentality” using the leveling instruments

of tsismis, intriga and unconstructive criticism to bring others down. 34

F. Ningas-Kugon

Filipinos are guilty of ningas-kugon, which is the starting out project with full vigor

and interest which abruptly die down leaving things unfinished. 35

G.Filipino Time Mania

Filipino time is one of the attractive traits of Filipinos. Ironically, we Filipinos have

to accept the fact that are not sincere in keeping our time. We waste precious in most

of our daily activities.36

H. Hiya

Filipino accepts or does something because of hiya, some of us even get into

debts by spending lavishing during Fiestas because of hiya to visitors. 37

3. What are the factors behind the slowly fading of Filipino values?

Facts in the Deterioration of Filipino Values

A cynic eye view of the Filipino National character has been aired in TV. We are all

parts of the problem and our desperate means. Still, one wonders whether constantly

being reminded of our shortcomings will contribute constructively to building a national

character we can all be proud of. Traditional Filipino values has been compared with

the lofty institutional tenets that every school child learns to pay his service to against

the welfare of the common tag is set family centeredness. The Filipinos loyalty is not to

his national but to the “padrino” who protects his family. 38

Hopeless to say that the erosion of the Filipino values were becoming waist,

Filipino values like:39

1. Wholestic – this is the value that makes Filipino integrate and separate.

2. Regionalism or Region-Oriented – regionalism is a product of Filipino small-group-

centeredness which social critics trace to the Barangay of old.

3. Compassionate – this is the value that makes Filipino compassionate.

4. Delicadeza

5. Personal Integrity

J.B. Abecia, The Development of Filipino Community, (Quezon City: GFC Books),

The disregard of the traditional values of delicadeza and personal integrity is the

public servants who could destroy democracy in the country. The steady erosion of the

time-honored principles and nation strong service that make the government and

national strong has been also disregard. The traditional value of treasuring one’s sacred

honor has been cast aside and replaced by “Armor of Arrogance”. Many of these in

public welfare, but their own selfish and narrow interest or the interest of the family. 40

In connection with the slowly fading of Filipino values, it was almost seven years

ago after the EDSA Revolution happened a few Filipinos thought that the EDSA People

Power would change people’s character for the better. Christian values prevail in the

ultimate choice between good and evil are that selfishness would turn to selfishness

and generosity, are Delicadeza, dignity and honor in all level of human relationship.

Now expectation the values of the people who made the event happened. 41

Chapter V




VALUES” is conducted to find out the current plight of Filipino values.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

Are Filipino values really fading out?

1. What are common qualities of Filipinos as of today?

2. What are some of the traditional Filipino values?

3. What are the factors behind the slowly fading out of the Filipino values?


The following conclusions were drawn based in the findings of the study:

1. The Filipino values, exposed at it has been to foreign influences, has not entirely lost it

values, beliefs and traditions we have cherished for long. Many old-fashioned virtues as

mentioned before continue to be treasured in most Filipino houses. However, it is a fact that

many Filipinos have succumbed to cording foreign influences.

2. Fading of Filipino values as evident in the current happening all over the country is

continuously getting worst. It can be said that the Filipinos are undergoing change. The major

cause of this process of change is urbanization and the whole complex of factors associated

with the urban life.

3. For most of the institution, the main problem seems to have been identified and the

suggestion is within us in which the solution may lie. The rest must be left to the wisdom,

patience and sacrifice of the Filipino people. Despite of the deterrent values which keep on

going with us, still, there are much that is fine and admirable in the national character of the

Filipinos people.


Based on the conclusions being drawn, the following recommendations may

be considered:

1. It is strongly suggested that we have to reinvent Filipino values. Through a

proposal systematic training aimed to revive and develop desirable values using the

experimental learning approach there may be hope to save our country from further

bankruptcy of values. It is hoped that the older and present generation will act together

now to ensure that the coming generation will be properly equipped with the correct

value system that will enable them to assume moral stewardship of the country


2.The researchers hope that readers see themselves in it. From the strengths

and weaknesses mentioned earlier. We hope that all of us will start eliminating

weaknesses and developing strengths, and this start with analysis, understanding and

appreciation of them. We must take good look of ourselves, objectively with scientific

detachment but also emotionally.

3. Also recommended is that amidst of the changes that are seen in our

Filipino values. Filipinos should understand their relation with the society, Filipinos

should prove that they rise above self-interest, that they are capable of obeying rules for

common goods. We must not follow negative development in our country.

4.We, the researchers believe that Filipinos deserve to move a step closer on

this journey of thousand miles. We must change. And understanding ourselves is the

first step.

5.Lastly, similar studies should also be conducted to further substantiate the

present findings.


A. Books

Abecia, J.B. The Development Of the Filipino Community. Quezon

City: GFC Books, 1987.

Agoncillo, Teodoro A. History of the Filipino People. Quezon City:

Garotech Publishing, 1990

Azurin, Arnold Molina Reinventing The Filipinos. Diliman Quezon City: CSSP


Bacilig, Fr. Mario, Bush Forth. Makati City: Salesiana Publishers, Inc., 2000

Building a People, Building a Nation. Instructural Materials Corp.

Cabato, Carmen M. and Tamisen, Gloria. “Towards Filipino Identity,” Values

Education. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Carino, Isidro D. and Peñelosa, Amor B. Reviving and Developing Desirable

Values in Filipino Boys and Girls. Quezon City: Carson Resources

and Management Services, 1995.

De Guzman, Jovita. Psychology of Filipinos. Metro Manila: Bookmark, Inc., 1987.

B. Dictionary

Random House Webster’s Dictionary. New York Ballantine Books, 2001

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