Agenda 19

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I N F O C H A N G E agenda ISSUE 19 2010

New Agriculturist
With roughly 45,000 certified organic farms operating in India,
there is finally a rejection of resource-extractive industrial agriculture
and a return to traditional, sustainable and ecologically safe farming



agenda I N F O C H A N G E agenda ISSUE 17 2009

We, the people

Exploring the role and impact of civil society in India


Coastal communities Civil society Intercultural dialogue Reporting conflict

© Infochange News & Features, Centre for Communication and Development Studies, 2010
Infochange Agenda is a quarterly journal published by the Centre for Communication and Development Studies,
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Introduction: Towards a new agriculture by Rahul Goswami 2

An evolutionary view of Indian agriculture by A Thimmaiah 5
Tamil Nadu’s organic revolution: Interview with G Nammalvar by Claude Alvares 9
Return to the good earth in Sangli: Interview with Jayant Barve by Claude Alvares 12
The new natural economics of agriculture by Subhash Sharma 15
Climate change and food security by Suman Sahai 18
Local solutions to climate change by Sreenath Dixit and B Venkateswarlu 21
Tackling climate change in Gorakhpur by Surekha Sule 25
Agriculture at nature’s mercy by Sukanta Das Gupta 28
Resilience of man and nature by Santadas Ghosh 30
Animal farms by Nitya S Ghotge and Sagari R Ramdas 32
Women farmers: From seed to kitchen by Kavya Dashora 36
Empty claims of financial inclusion by P S M Rao 39
Natural farming, tribal farming by Vidhya Das 42
The home gardens of Wayanad by A V Santhoshkumar and Kaoru Ichikawa 46
Small farmer zindabad 49
The tired mirage of top-down technology by Rahul Goswami 52
The gap between field and lab by Anitha Pailoor 55
Kudrat, Karishma and other living seeds by Anjali Pathak 58

This issue has been guest-edited by Rahul Goswami

Cover photograph by Sudharak Olwe

Editors: Hutokshi Doctor, John Samuel

Production and layout: Gita Vasudevan, Sameer Karmarkar
Infochange team: Anosh Malekar, K C Dwarkanath,
Philip Varghese, Ujwala Samarth, Vijay Narvekar, Vishnu Walje
ISSUE 19 2010

Agricultural revival

Towards a new agriculture

All over India rural revivalists are rejecting the corporatised, programmatic, high-
input model of agriculture and following agro-ecological approaches in which
shared, distributed knowledge systems provide ways to adapt to changing climate
and a shrinking natural resource base

THERE ARE TWO SCHOOLS of practice that are used to

describe agricultural activity in India. One is the ‘industrial’,
corporate view, developed by a sprawling and overweening
bureaucracy that functions through a bewildering range of
programmes, missions, campaigns and initiatives. India’s
agriculture officialdom sees the natural produce of its land
and people as distilled into a few powerful equations. At
the top of this reductionist, year-on-year corporate view
reigns the APY equation — area, production, yield. There
are others, some just as old and some new — for example
‘logistics’ and ‘public-private partnership’. In this school of
practice, the kisan and the cultivating household are treated
as human collateral, ultimately incidental to the great task
of feeding the nation, useful only to the extent that it obeys
with the modern, hermetic understanding of ‘food security’
The other school of practice and method is diffuse and as it has to do with the post-1960s, western-dominated
independent. Its practitioners come from a variety of definition of organic agriculture and food. Humans,
backgrounds and some may even have been a part of animals, trees (including grasslands) and agricultural fields
the bureaucracy mentioned above. Others have been and were inseparable and harmonious components of a single
are part of social movements whose origins lie in India’s system. The village household looked after the trees on
freedom struggle. They confound measurement, yet in their their fields and also contributed to the maintenance of the
intellectual and practical independence lie the answers to community grazing land. They looked after animals owned
many of India’s right to food questions. by them, sometimes with the assistance of a grazing hand,
and cultivated their fields with or without hired labour or
Generations of our farmers and herders have developed sharecroppers.
complex, diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems,
managed with time-tested, ingenious combinations of Writing in The Ecologist 27 years ago, Bharat Dogra
techniques and practices that lead to community food sketched out the harmony: “The trees provided fodder for
security and the conservation of natural resources and the cattle. They also provided fuel for the villagers. The
biodiversity. These microcosms of agricultural heritage exist leaves that fell were put to uses beneficial to the agricultural
all over India, providing ecological and cultural services and fields. Meanwhile, their soil and water conservation
preserving traditional forms of farming knowledge, local properties were beneficial for the villagers and contributed
crop and animal varieties, and socio-cultural organisation. to maintaining the fertility of agricultural fields, as well as
These systems represent the accumulated experiences providing shade during the scorching summer. Certain trees
of peasants interacting with their environment using provided edible fruits, medicines, gum, toothpaste and a
self-reliance and locally available resources. These agro- host of other commodities of everyday use. Cattle provided
ecosystems have allowed our traditional farmers to avert milk and milk products and contributed to the nutritional
risks and maximise harvest security even in uncertain and content of the villagers’ diet. Cattle dung provided organic
marginal environments, using low levels of technology fertilisers for the fields, while the poultry provided eggs
and inputs. and meat. Not least, bullocks ploughed the fields. The fields
produced foodgrain, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables for the
ISSUE 19 2010

It is a system (taken as a whole but including its many villagers. The residues of those crops, of no direct use to
geographical and cultural variations) that has as little to do man who could not eat them, were fed to the cattle. Poultry


birds scavenged the wasted scattered grain.” ‘mitigation’ and seek to build such laboratory ‘solutions’
into modified central programmes, all the while refusing to
Alas, India’s agricultural bureaucracies of 30 years ago, still cede control of crop production to those who know it best,
fat on a diet of Green Revolution instruction provided by and all the while supporting the vast network of businesses
the massive and powerful agricultural colleges of the USA and interests surrounding foodgrain at the heart of which
and their agro-industrial partners, chose not to recognise throb the chemical fertiliser complexes.
our invaluable agro-ecological heritage. From that time on,
those who converted to the corporatist mode of agricultural All the while, the evidence at both national and meta-
thought (and the defining APY equation) were India’s national levels has been growing and becoming compelling.
‘progressive’ farmers, and to them partly was the ‘Jai Jawan, The horrendously long sequence of farmer suicides in
Jai Kisan’ slogan raised. Harmonious agro-ecologies were Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and other states exposed
swept aside by the bureaucracy-research-network combine, the tragic, needless human cost of India’s corporatised
and the justification for such steady and deliberate ecocide agricultural control structures; the discovery that
was held out to Indians in the form of rising yield and groundwater extraction rates in Punjab and Haryana were
production curves. We have many mouths to feed, said the amongst the highest in the world exposed the appalling
agricultural bureaucracy, and who could argue? true cost of high-input cultivation techniques; the steady
tide of migration to towns and cities by households all over
It took the gathering global alarm over climate change — the country revealed the millions forced to abandon their
revealed by a new and nervous scientific method — for us lands in the face of rising input costs and debt burdens. All
to turn back to agriculture and take a long look at what these pointed directly at the core of the State’s approach to
two decades of the reckless pursuit of GDP growth had agriculture and its utterly misplaced ends.
wrought. Within India, such scrutiny was discouraged, for
agricultural research and bureaucracies brook no falling Outside, systematic study of why industrial agriculture
out of line, even in the obvious face of yield plateaus and was failing was driven by deep alarm at the staggering
the growing evidence of widespread ecological damage human costs, costs that were often unseen and unmarked.
caused by soil abuse. Within India, it was in those pockets “The evidence from various developing countries reveals
where traditional agro-ecologies had been safeguarded that sustainable agricultural practices, anchored in local
that the answers lay, and the practitioners of such forms knowledge, are the most effective in developing resilient
of cultivation (whether low-input, zero-chemical fertiliser, food production systems,” stated the bottom-line conclusion
rishi-kheti and others) organised themselves into thriving of one of the largest studies to analyse how agro-ecological
sub-cultures. Cut off from official funding sources and still practices affect productivity in the developing world. It
needing to find consumers who valued their produce, some was conducted by researchers at the University of Essex, in
cautiously reached out to the western ‘organics’ networks Britain, who analysed 286 projects in 57 countries. Among
whose institutional strengths were superior. Outside India, the 12.6 million farmers followed, who were transitioning
new forms of rigorous enquiry into the impacts and effects towards sustainable agriculture, researchers found an
of a globalised economy on climate were steering the focus average yield increase of 79% across a wide variety of crop
towards industrial agriculture and its excesses. types. These farmlands averaged 3 hectares, located in a
variety of farming systems — irrigated, rainfed, wetland,
For much of the 2000-2009 decade, even grudging humid, highland, mixed and urban. The 2006 study bluntly
official recognition that industrially-organised, centrally- said: “Sustainable agriculture is driven by local knowledge
programmed agriculture in India was falling short in and resource-conserving techniques, making the best use
delivering ‘food security’ came slowly. Conceptually ahead of nature’s goods and services without damaging those
by a magnitude were the tradition-oriented sub-cultures assets. Investing in the capacities of small farmers to adopt
— groups such as Deccan Development Society, Centre for sustainable practices will help secure higher yields and
Indian Knowledge Systems, Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary, profits, and will promote local food consumption.”
Raitateerpu; and individuals such as G Nammalwar, Subhash
Sharma and Suman Sahai — that were strengthening Thereafter came the most comprehensive analysis of
through practice and dialogue the concepts that are easily world agriculture to date, with a consortium of United
understood as ‘community resilience’ and ‘food sovereignty’. Nations, and the World Bank too, engaging more than
The foodgrain and food staples price shock of 2008, which 400 scientists and development experts from 80 countries
had grown from a year earlier and returned in late-2009, over four years to produce the International Assessment
forced our government and its agencies to act. They have of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for
done so, but their response has been damage containment Development (IAASTD). The boldface conclusion? That
(as they see it), not a phased rollback of industrial our “reliance on resource-extractive industrial agriculture
agriculture through a recognition of sub-continental agro- is risky and unsustainable, particularly in the face of
ISSUE 19 2010

ecologies. They adopt and freely use the common parlance worsening climate, energy, and water crises”. The IAASTD
of climate change negotiation, such as ‘adaptation’ and was ground-breaking in its ability to address agriculture for

Agricultural revival

what it is, an all-inclusive human activity. It also said that have significant impact on a wide range of factors essential
achieving a sustainable agro-ecosystem will take some time, to human wellbeing, including employment, income, health
especially since we have built up a tremendous debt in our and prices for water, energy and food. Climate change will
agricultural soils and ecosystem services from the long- affect the extent and nature of agro-ecological zones in Asia
standing industrial abuses and historically poor practices in and elsewhere, the estimates of areas with potential for
many subsistence agro-ecosystems. Typically, the insights crop production and the projections of maximum attainable
contained in the IAASTD and the import of the study have yields.” These projections and estimates have for 50 years
been ignored by our Ministry of Agriculture, our National been calculated for India by first, a research bureaucracy
Agricultural Research System, and by the many agencies wedded to the mechanics of a centrally planned economy
tasked with delivering ‘development’ to rural cultivators. and, later, a research bureaucracy allied to a merchant
network that has grown in power and influence.
What are the reasons for this chronic unwillingness to see?
Today’s biotech-oriented PPP models of industrial agriculture
First, agro-ecological systems cannot be defined in terms of — linked intimately to financial and commodities markets
the adoption of any particular technologies or practices — — rely on petroleum-based chemicals for pest and weed
there are no ready blueprints and off-the-shelf templates. control, and rising amounts of synthetic fertiliser in an
Second, sustainable agricultural systems contribute to the ultimately futile attempt to compensate for soil degradation.
delivery and maintenance of a range of public goods such The inputs trap can simply not be disguised by any amount
as clean water, carbon sequestration, flood protection, of financial and technological scheming. In stark contrast
groundwater recharge, and soil conservation. Few of are the tenets of the agro-ecological system (for which, in
these processes and outcomes — to borrow managerial this issue of Agenda, we shall use ‘organic’ as a synonym).
terminology — have ‘market’ value quantifiable in terms These practices are defined by much more than just the
understood by those advocating public-private partnerships absence of industrial inputs and the functioning of market
(PPP), for example. Third, the cost benefit of conservation mechanics. It is knowledge-intensive farming in which — to
of resources can be determined by the scarcity value of borrow a modern term — open source knowledge networks
those resources (will urban food consumers be willing proliferate and thrive.
to pay for watershed protection in a district they import
food from?). But this mechanism can be used only after Organic farmers improve output by tapping a sophisticated
investing in public education — so that the connections are understanding of biological systems to build soil fertility
made in minds — and by building it into public policy at an and manage pests and weeds through techniques that
institutional level, where it immediately runs into political include intercropping, composting, manures, cover crops,
and business interests. crop sequencing, and natural pest control. The contrast
is frightening both because of its crippling weaknesses
Yet the pressure is mounting. Technological breakthroughs and because of the disinformation used to disguise those
weaknesses: herbicide-resistant weeds and pesticide-resistant
have been neutralised by unfavourable, declining, degrading
pests, both contributing to reduce crop biodiversity. As
soil-water ecosystems, by enhanced biotic and abiotic
commercial crop biotechnologies have oversimplified and
stresses, large post-harvest losses, dwindling national
industrialised simultaneously, they have made agriculture more
and global funding support to agriculture in general and
vulnerable to the next problem. And that problem — climate
agricultural research and education in particular, restrictive change — has already stepped over our ecological threshold.
knowledge-sharing opportunities, stagnating capacity and
skills, uncertain policy support, collapsing public service and That is why the medium-term future of conventional
support systems, and indifferent and inefficient governance. agriculture (and the massive State- and industrial-sponsored
Expanding the area used to cultivate crops is curtailed systems which sustain it) seems unsuitable or even
on the ground directly by urbanisation, on the one hand, implausible. There is, in addition, a major external factor,
and creeping environmental degradation on the other. and that is oil. Conventional industrial agriculture, pursued
When climate change impacts are added to this medley in the corporate mode, researched as an adjunct to the
of obstacles — extreme weather events that make sowing global seed-pharma MNCs and distributed as a function
or harvesting impossible, seasonal shifts in the entire crop of the financial markets, is utterly dependent upon oil.
calendar — cultivation as an income for rural households The future of fossil fuels is now known, and there again,
becomes less feasible. while the central government pursues its GDP algorithms, it
ignores the inevitability of that future. Local organics steps
“Less immediate, but possibly even more significant impacts out of that doomed mathematics entirely, and there alone
are anticipated because of changes in mean temperatures lies the importance of its role in the future of India’s myriad
and rainfall and increasing weather variability,” said a 2009 agro-ecologies.
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) report entitled
ISSUE 19 2010

‘Agricultural reforms and trade liberalisation in China and Rahul Goswami is an agriculture systems researcher and a social sector consultant
selected Asian countries’. “Climate change is thus likely to with the National Agriculture Innovation Project

Sustainable agriculture

An evolutionary view of Indian agriculture

Farmers work with knowledge systems that evolve with time and circumstance.
They learn and unlearn, choosing the appropriate knowledge in their struggle to
earn a livelihood. While scientists rely on averages, the knowledge of local people is
dynamic and up-to-date, continually revised as conditions alter. The integration of
scientific knowledge systems with indigenous knowledge systems is vital to make
agriculture sustainable

TRADITIONAL WISDOM relating to agriculture dates available resources. Even in the poems of Ghagh (kahawaten),
back around 12,000 years when the first plants were one comes across descriptions of agro-management, timing
domesticated by humans. This wisdom has since been and forecasting of weather, and crop yields.
evolving through accumulated experiences in dealing
with situations and problems, and has been recorded and Traditional farming systems appear to be complex
channelled down the generations. and advanced as they exhibit important elements of
sustainability: for instance, they are well adapted to
Our ancient literature, which was most likely composed the particular environment, rely on local resources, are
between 6,000 BCE and 1,000 ACE, contains a lot of decentralised, and, overall, tend to conserve the natural
information on agriculture. This includes the four Vedas, resource base. The ancient texts referred to contain
the nine Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, Sutra literature, the information on farm implements to be used, types of land,
Sushruta Samhita, the Charaka Samhita, the Upanishads, the monsoon forecasts, manure, irrigation, seeds and sowing,
epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, the 18 Puranas, and texts pests and their management, horticulture, etc. The fertile
such as the Krishi-Parasharas, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, the status of the soil in most parts of our country is a result of
Manusmriti, Varahamihira’s Brhat Samhita, the Amarkosha, the wisdom of our forefathers.
the Kashyapiya-Krishisukti and Surapala’s Vrikshayurveda.
Kautilya’s Arthashastra deals with the agriculture of his time; Farmers work with dynamic knowledge systems that
Vrikshayurveda provides information on how to combat plant co-evolve with time as circumstances change. They learn
problems through various traditional practices and utilising and unlearn, choosing the appropriate knowledge in

Rahul Goswami
ISSUE 19 2010

Agricultural revival

their struggle to earn a livelihood. While scientists rely on Revolution have proved to be a paradox: on the one hand, it
averages, the knowledge of local people is dynamic and up- offered technology as a substitute both for nature as well as
to-date, continually revised as conditions alter. for politics, by the creation of abundance and peace. On the
other hand, the technology itself demanded more intensive
The integration of scientific knowledge systems with natural resource use along with intensive external inputs and
indigenous knowledge systems is vital to make agriculture a restructuring of the way power was distributed in society.
sustainable. We need to maintain the health of the soil in While treating nature and politics as dispensable elements
the interest of future generations. Some civilisations view in agricultural transformation, the Green Revolution brought
soil as sacred, inviolate, something that must be handed about major changes in natural ecosystems and agrarian
down to coming generations intact, if not improved. Even structures. Sir Albert Howard, who was associated with the
today, it is proving difficult to find terms equivalent to the Pusa Agriculture Research Centre, made an almost prophetic
ethnic names of soils (with particular or combinations of declaration at the beginning of the 20th century about the
properties) in many classification systems. The integration of emerging practices of modern farming.
knowledge systems is important because farmers are much
more accurate about their nomenclature for identifying soils He said: “These mushroom ideas of agriculture are failing;
and their suitability for varied uses. mother earth deprived of her manurial rights is in revolt; the
land is going on strike; the fertility of the soil is declining…
Indigenous technical knowledge is the systematic body Soil is no longer able to stand the strain. Soil fertility is
of knowledge acquired by local people through the rapidly diminishing particularly in the US, Canada, Africa,
accumulation of experiences, informal experiments, and Australia, New Zealand. The loss of fertility all over the
an intimate understanding of the environment. Over the world is indicated by the growing menace of soil erosion…
years, the impact of traditional and indigenous knowledge Diseases are on the increase… the diseases of crops and
on agriculture has diminished due to the introduction of animals which feed on them.”
a synthetic, chemical fertiliser system during the Green
Revolution to attain so-called ‘self-sufficiency’ in food Though they may have sounded like an exaggeration at the
production. But the consequences of dousing the soil time, Howard’s predictions have all come true, in a magnified
with deadly chemicals are being observed in the form of way. As history shows, former civilisations were able to
deteriorating soil fertility, contamination of the natural overcome economic and cultural decline when the ecosystems
resource base and an increase in crop pest and disease which made up their environment remained intact and free
outbreaks. As a result, food producers and consumers from interference. Avoiding detrimental changes in material
are faced with an array of problems on the environment, cycles and energy fluxes, and preventing the loss of biological
ecology and health fronts. Eventually, a revival of diversity in our natural environment are of utmost priority
sustainable, ecologically safe and socially sound practices among the goals of sustainable development.
is being sought by recognising and retrieving traditional
wisdom in agriculture. Soil is the basis of all human life. Destruction of the soil has
contributed to the fall of past civilisations, yet the lessons
The indiscriminate use of chemical fertilisers, hybrid seeds of history are seldom acknowledged and usually unheeded.
and pesticides has resulted in various environmental and The only hope for a healthy world rests on re-establishing
health hazards coupled with socio-economic problems. harmony in the soil that has been disrupted by modern
Though agricultural production overall continues to increase, methods of chemical farming and unplanned rapid industrial
the rate of yield per hectare has begun to decline. The growth. These methods bring about serious problems
causes of the environmental crisis are, in fact, rooted in the through land degradation. Today’s cropland losses impair
prevalent materialistic paradigm, which promotes high-input the wellbeing of the living as well as of generations to come.
technologies and practices in all sectors (domestic, agriculture,
industrial, services) leading to soil erosion, salinisation, all types The idea of sustainable agriculture is a response to the decline
of pollution, desertification, and biodiversity loss. in quality of produce and of the resource base associated
with modern farming. It captures a set of concerns about
In the agriculture sector, the Green Revolution selected agriculture conceived as a result of the co-evolution of socio-
crops for high yield and palatability. By sacrificing natural economic and natural systems. Agricultural development
resistance for productivity, it made crops more susceptible resulting from the complex interaction of a multitude of
to pests. Since monoculture has been maintained as the factors, and a wider understanding of the agricultural
structural base of agricultural systems, pest problems will context, requires the study of relations between farming,
continue on a negative treadmill that reinforces itself, the environment and social systems. It is through this deeper
as more and more vulnerable crops call for increasingly understanding of the ecology of farming that doors will open
destructive or expensive high-tech protective measures. to new technological and management options that are more
in tune with the aims of a truly sustainable agriculture. The
ISSUE 19 2010

Thus, any gain in production is associated with pain of goal is to develop agro-ecosystems with minimal dependence
various kinds and magnitudes. The results of the Green on high agro-chemical and energy inputs, and in which

Sustainable agriculture

ecological interactions and synergies between biological economically viable and socially acceptable.
components provide the mechanisms for systems to sponsor
their own soil fertility, productivity and crop protection. The The production system must:
five objectives of productivity, security, protection, viability
and acceptability are called the five pillars of sustainable land • Reduce energy and resource use and regulate overall
management, and they must be achieved simultaneously if energy inputs so that the output-input ratio is high.
true sustainability is to be predicted.
• Reduce plant nutrient losses by effectively controlling
In fact, sustainability is not possible without preserving leaching, runoff and erosion, and improve nutrient recycling
the cultural diversity that nurtures local agriculture. A through the promotion of legumes, organic manure and
closer look at ethno science (the knowledge system of an compost, and other effective recycling mechanisms —
ethnic group that has originated locally and naturally) will residue management.
indicate that local people have enormous knowledge about
• Encourage local production of feed items adapted to the
the environment, vegetation, animals and soils. Peasant
natural and socio-economic setting.
knowledge about ecosystems usually results in multi-
dimensional land use production strategies which generate,
• Sustain desired net output by preserving natural resources
within certain ecological and technical limits, the food
(by minimising soil degradation).
self-sufficiency of communities in particular regions. Stable
production can only take place within the context of a social • Reduce costs and increase the efficiency and economic
organisation that protects the integrity of natural resources viability of small- and medium-sized farms, thereby
and nurtures harmonious interactions among humans, promoting a diverse, potentially resilient agricultural system.
the agro-ecosystem and the environment. Sustainable
development is development that meets the needs of From a management point of view, the basic components of
the present without compromising the ability of future a sustainable agro-ecosystem include:
generations to meet their own needs.
• Vegetative cover as an effective soil- and water-conserving
The basic tenets of a sustainable agricultural system are measure, met through the use of no-till practices, mulch
conservation of renewable resources, adaptation of the farming, cover crops, etc.
crop to the environment, and maintenance of a moderate
but sustainable level of productivity. And it should be • A regular supply of organic matter through regular

Rahul Goswami
ISSUE 19 2010

Agricultural revival

addition of manure and compost, and promotion of soil Gandhiji and Kumarappa were able to visualise the future of
biotic activity. Indian farming through their non-violent approach — aptly
suited to the present. Indian culture imbibed a deep sense
• Nutrient recycling mechanisms through the use of crop of oneness with all things natural. Ancient (Vedic) culture
rotation, crop/livestock systems, use of legumes, etc. taught veneration of the earth as mother, the sky as father,
the air as prana (soul), the sun as energy, and water streams
• Pest regulation assured through enhanced activity of as life-sustaining veins.
biological control agents, achieved by conserving and
multiplying natural enemies in an eco-friendly way. The goal of an alternative agriculture system is to enable
peasants to become architects and actors in their own
The ultimate goal of sustainable agriculture system design development. From a management perspective, the objective
is to integrate farm components in a holistic fabric so that of such a system is to provide a balanced environment,
overall biological efficiency is improved, biodiversity is sustained yields, biologically mediated soil fertility, and natural
preserved, and agro-ecosystem productivity and its self- pest regulation through the design of diversified alternative
regulating capacity are maintained. The idea is to design agricultural systems and use of low-input technologies.
an agro-ecosystem that mimics the structure and function The strategy is generally based on ecological principles so
of local natural ecosystems. A major strategy in sustainable that management aims at optimal recycling of nutrients,
agriculture is to restore agricultural diversity in a given time organic matter turnover, closed energy flows, water and soil
and space through alternative cropping systems, such as conservation, and balanced pest/natural enemy populations.
crop rotation, cover crops, intercropping, border cropping By assembling a functional biodiversity, it is possible to provoke
or crop/livestock mixtures — all of which exhibit several a beneficial symbiosis. These, in effect, subsidise alternative
ecological features. Modern agriculture is not sustainable agriculture processes by providing ecological services such
as it is not in consonance with economics, ecology, equity, as the activation of soil biology, recycling of nutrients, and
energy and the socio-cultural dimension. That’s why enhancement of beneficial arthropods.
the world over, environmental degradation sourced to
agriculture is reaching catastrophic proportions. Today there is a whole battery of practices and technologies
available that vary in effectiveness as well as in strategic
Time is running out if we are going to continue with more or value. Some, which include practices that are already part of
less the same strategies in agriculture — high agro-chemical- conventional farming (genetic improvement, minimum tillage,
responsive hybrids, monoculture, ex-situ bio-control agents, crop rotation) are of prophylactic value, while others, which
terminator seeds, and similar technologies. Ironically, the are key, are of a preventative nature and act by reinforcing the
shift from chemical farming to sustainable agriculture is ‘immunity’ of the agro-ecosystem. These technologies do not
being sought within a very narrow vision, posing severe and emphasise the boosting of yields under optimal conditions,
irreparable risks to the ecosystem in the long run. as Green Revolution technologies do; rather, they assure
consistency of production under a whole range of soil and
The need of the hour is an alternative sustainable farming climatic conditions — especially the marginal conditions that
system that is ecologically sound, economically feasible and usually prevail in small-farm agriculture. The need, however,
socially just. Sustainable agriculture is a unifying concept, is not to focus on particular technologies but rather on an
which considers ecological, environmental, philosophical, agro-ecosystem management approach that emphasises crop
ethical and social impacts, balanced with cost-effectiveness. diversity, use of manure, green manure, urban and rural waste,
Several aspects of traditional systems are relevant, such as their legumes in rotation, animal integration, recycling and use
knowledge of farming practices and the physical environment, of biomass and residue, and incorporates an assemblage of
biological folk taxonomic systems, and use of low-input suitable alternative technologies.
technologies. By understanding the ecological features
of traditional agriculture, such as the ability to bear risk, The role of an alternative agricultural system is not limited to
production efficiencies of symbiotic crop mixtures, recycling input substitution alone but ensures that it is economically
of materials, reliance on local resources and germplasm, and ecologically sustainable. Various alternative agricultural
exploitation of the full range of micro-environments, etc, it is systems include traditional and natural farming, organic
possible to obtain important information that may be used agriculture, ecological farming, Vedic agriculture,
to develop appropriate agricultural strategies tailored to the permaculture, biodynamic farming and LEISA (low external
needs, preferences and resource bases of specific peasant input sustainable agriculture). The real success of these
groups and regional agro-ecosystems. systems on an evolutionary timescale demands that
the question of the paradigm of development and the
Among the various alternatives, organic farming is gaining technology package be considered together.
acceptance throughout the globe as it has the potential to
provide practical solutions to mitigate the maladies afflicting Dr A Thimmaiah is an organic farming specialist with the Netherlands Development
ISSUE 19 2010

conventional or modern farming. Before India faced the Organisation (SNV) and is a consultant to the government of Bhutan on organic
onslaught of chemical farming, its thinkers like Vinoba, agriculture

Experiences of organic farmers

Tamil Nadu’s organic revolution

With chemical farming becoming uneconomical and grain yields declining, more
and more farmers are switching to organic agriculture, says natural scientist
G Nammalvar in this interview. Nammalvar has been training organic farmers and
setting up learning centres in Tamil Nadu for three decades. Trainings sometimes
need to be held in marriage halls in order to accommodate up to 1,000 farmers CLAUDE ALVARES

Dr G NAMMALVAR IS AN ORGANIC SCIENTIST who has been there was a very big movement in Tamil Nadu regarding the
working on sustainable farming and organic practices. For social forestry programme. Around that time, I attended
over four decades he has been educating farmers against a seminar in Auroville where I was introduced to Bernard
large-scale mono-crop farming and against international Declerq. He took me to see his 3-acre farm and explained
patents on Indian traditional knowledge. His work in things to me. That was good inspiration! He recommended
desalinating over 6,000 acres of land after the 2004 tsunami me to Agriculture Man Ecology (AME, a development-
earned him much recognition. Nammalvar works primarily in oriented, non-government organisation devoted to
Tamil Nadu, but also travels in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, promoting sustainable agricultural practices). It was then
Kerala and Maharashtra, holding workshops and convincing that I realised a systematic approach was necessary for rural
farming communities to stop using harmful pesticides and farmers to improve their condition, since all their problems
fertilisers, and, more recently, GM seeds. He has written were inter-related.
extensively (mostly in Tamil) and published books and
articles on these practices At the end of two or three years there was a suggestion
from different groups to attempt certification, as
You are very well known in Tamil Nadu as an organic project-holders of NGOs were given only an introductory
farmer and natural scientist. How did you get involved course which was not sufficient for certification. Three
with organic farming, considering that you have a organisations came together to conduct a social forestry
college degree, a BSc in agriculture? programme. Kurumbam and AME conducted Tamil training
programmes for field workers on ecological farming. And
I was not altogether new to farming. Earlier, my brothers we started a movement — Low External Input Sustainable
and I worked on my father’s land in the traditional way Agriculture (LEISA) — in 1990 with farmers and NGOs as
of farming. However, after I attended agricultural college its members.
where I got a BSc in agriculture, I started using modern
methods at the Agricultural Research Station in Koilpatti, What is the motivation for farmers to switch to organic
which were intended for rainfed crops in black cotton farming?
soil. Later, I joined a voluntary organisation called Islands
of Peace, Kalakad, founded by 1958 Nobel Peace Prize- There are three main reasons. One: farmers have realised
winner Rev Father Dominique Pire, and there too I was that land and the natural environment cannot be sustained
asked to use Green Revolution practices. But it was under through chemical farming. All food is poisoned through
irrigated conditions. We helped farmers dig wells and install modern farming. Second: the farmer finds that the cost
pumpsets. After working for 10 years, I realised that only the and quantum of inputs are increasing day by day and so
traders were flourishing and that farmers were either in debt he cannot pay back his loans. The result is that small and
or their condition had remained the same. So I got fed up marginal farmers are losing their lands or they are allowing
and left the organisation. I decided to directly help farmers the land to remain fallow and migrating to the river belts
who were suffering. For a long time I searched for methods for seasonal jobs, or to other states and countries for menial
that would really help farmers. jobs in order to survive. Third: the export market is facing
a problem as importers of food materials in European
My colleagues and I started an organisation called countries and the USA find that our food contains too
Kurumbam in Thanjavur district, in 1981, where we began much pesticide. They insist that these are removed and that
training villagers in social forestry activities. The word the food has to be organic. So the pressure to change is
kurumbam means ‘family’. However, I found that here coming from the export market also. Finally, techniques have
too the forest department was not prepared to change its so improved that a farmer can switch to organic farming
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attitude. It was only interested in planting eucalyptus on without losing too much income. But most of all, farmers
grazing land and thorny subabool trees in the lake. In 1983, are interested in organic farming because chemical farming

Agricultural revival

has become uneconomical, and grain yields have started

declining. These are the prime reasons.
Farmers have realised that land
How is it that for the last 30-40 years we got sucked into and the natural environment
this chemical way?
cannot be sustained through
The State wanted more grain production. It started
brainwashing the people. People were given fertilisers chemical farming. All food is
practically free, or at heavily subsidised rates. Even now
in Tamil Nadu, electricity is completely free for farmers so
that they can go in for irrigated agriculture. But once the
poisoned through modern
government stops subsidies on chemical inputs, farmers will
have to stop using them or change over to some other way
farming. The farmer finds that
of farming. Without water, chemical farming is impossible.
the cost and quantum of inputs
Do farmers make the switch from chemical to organic
farming at one go? are increasing day by day and so
No. When they start thinking about switching they come for he cannot pay back his loans. The
more information. They start by switching first to herbal pest
repellents. Then they go in for organic methods of growing result is that small and marginal
crops, and lastly, they will switch to growing indigenous
varieties. Thus they are not switching over completely but on
a piecemeal basis.
farmers are losing their lands
Are those farmers who are doing organic farming or they are allowing the land to
convinced that the yield is comparable to that from
chemical farming? remain fallow and migrating. Also,
Oh yes, they are convinced. But right now their concern is at importers of food materials in
the economic level. In organic farming we are not spending
on external inputs. At the same time, it is labour-intensive. European countries and the USA
I met a landed woman farmer who said that she was
prepared to give the land on a contract basis for banana find that our food contains too
plantation instead of growing crops herself because it was
too costly. Basically, in our state there are a lot of industries
coming up and agricultural labour wages are high. Often it
much pesticide. They insist that
becomes difficult to get labour. these are removed and that the
What other obstacles do farmers who may wish to
convert to organic farming face? food has to be organic. Farmers
On the economic plane, many farmers think more about are interested in organic farming
money and not about their home needs and families. On
the cultural plane, they are tied up with family pressures. because chemical farming has
Also, women are not involved. Secondly, companies that
manufacture and distribute chemicals, hybrid seeds and become uneconomical, and grain
machinery, and the so-called scientists in universities, deter
farmers from switching over to organic farming. Universities yields have started declining
act against organic farming by teaching and encouraging
modern hybrid varieties, genetically modified seeds and
precision farming. That is a major problem. However, In every district in Tamil Nadu there are farms cultivating
farmers’ movements are giving support to the organic in the organic way. Some of them are fit for training, and
farming movement. about half the 100 farms need to be upgraded to become
learning centres. Nowadays, a team of experts conducts
Would you say that there is an organic farming training on the farm itself. Thirty to forty participants in each
ISSUE 19 2010

movement underway in Tamil Nadu? How was the batch are trained for three days; we have conducted many
movement initiated and how is it being sustained? such training sessions. As for organisations, there are always

Experiences of organic farmers

people with initiative and leadership. When the NGO or burnt because in organic farming nothing is a waste; the
farmers’ forum arranges meetings, sometimes around 1,000 so-called waste is nothing but misplaced resources. Fifth,
farmers attend. Sometimes they are arranged in marriage we should depend on indigenous seeds and indigenous
halls! MPs and MLAs have also participated in and attended cattle breeds. If farmers are well trained, they can easily
these meetings. In 2008, Anandha Vigadan, a well-known opt for pure line selection. It is very important that farmers
Tamil weekly, and our foundation, Nammalvar Ecological do not buy seeds from outside. When a farmer buys seeds
Foundation for Farm Research and Global Food Security, from outside, he has no information or knowledge about
together organised seminars and trainings. Anandha the growth or performance of the plant. That’s why he
Vigadan publishes a Tamil fortnightly called Paumai Vikatan, should use seeds only from his own field or get seeds from
and three other monthly magazines that promote organic other farmers and then sow them in his farm. Sixth, the
agriculture. Kalluppu, a Tamil monthly published by the farmer must realise that the plant is a producer and not a
Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore, carries articles on growing consumer. We must enrich the soil; healthy soil will take care
trees, ecology, the environment and natural farming. The of the plant. All this may appear complicated, but farmers
popular English daily, The Hindu, publishes organic farming are able to pick up these ideas quite easily especially if they
case studies every Thursday. All India Radio and TV stations are discussed in farmer groups.
broadcast news and pictures on organic farming. Our
connections with NGOs working in other states like Kerala, What are the basic practices you would recommend to
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry, Maharashtra and organic farmers?
Orissa help us share experiences and seeds.
First, take care to select a pure line of seed. Second,
Coming to the different rice varieties, what is the status collect maximum biomass from the farm and from the
of the older seeds? How many farmers are using them? neighbourhood for mulching. Third, rear earthworms
and release them into the field. Fourth, go in for bio pest
When I visit remote areas, the old seeds are still available. repellents that can be used on a large-scale with no ill
Some farmers are still growing them, even under dry effects. Fifth, use panchagavya made from cattle urine,
conditions. Only those strains will remain. Otherwise in the dung, milk, curd and groundnut cake. In Tamil Nadu, with
dry belt where tank water is available they have switched to the help of Dr Natarajan, we have been able to improve on
high-yielding varieties. They say that within three months the original formula. We have added four more ingredients
the grain will come up. In some places they have started re- to the original five — coconut water, banana, sugarcane
using the old varieties. Biodiversity is imperative to adapt to juice and toddy. With these nine components we are able to
different ecosystems. protect plants, improve the health of animals, and reduce
diseases of any kind in human beings. We also prepare
Everywhere in the countryside there are five or six plants panchagavya from materials sourced from goats.
which are cattle repellents, and the farmers know this very
well. They grow easily, and if you put four or five leaves in What is your vision for the next three years?
a pot mixed with cow urine for 10 days, they start smelling.
The farmers add 1 litre of this mixture to 10 litres of water First, very intensive work is needed to continue our
and they spray it on the leaves to prevent insect attacks. campaigns of promoting organic farming, achieving a GMO-
Even the most damaging pest — the red hairy caterpillar free India, making farmers’ seeds local, promoting rainwater
found in groundnuts — can be controlled if it is sprayed harvesting and millet crops, converting urban waste to
with this mixture. Secondly, most farmers are going in useful products, protecting water sources, establishing seed
for composting, and quite a good number are going in certification, and protecting the cow. For all these to have
for vermicomposting (local worms are best suited for an impact, a nationwide NGO-farmer network is essential.
vermiculture as they are more adaptable and survive). Second, to carry out these activities on a wider scale, we
need a large number of trainers. So we have to continually
Is organic farming a very complicated business or a conduct training programmes and support trainers who
very simple business? What are the main principles can educate people at the local and grassroots level on
that farmers should keep in mind when doing organic all aspects of organic farming — cultivation, marketing,
farming? preservation techniques, etc.
(Reprinted from Organic Farming Source Book 2009, Other India Press, Mapusa, Goa)
The most important aspect is our health; this is the first
principle and the basic reason for doing organic farming. Dr Claude Alvares is an environmentalist and editor at the Other India Press, an
Second, we should allow nature to help us. We should alternative publishing house. He is also director of the Organic Farming Association
not do anything that will hamper the natural cycle, like of India, and is based in Goa

disturbing soil microbes that fix atmospheric nitrogen in

the soil. Third, we should put agricultural by-products to
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different use as was being done in the old days. Fourth, no

waste either within the farm or outside the farm should be

Agricultural revival

Return to the good earth in Sangli

Jayant Barve used to market chemical fertilisers and pesticides and practise
chemical agriculture himself. In 1988, he switched to sustainable agriculture, and
has never looked back since. In this interview he emphasises that despite much
lower input costs, organic farming does give the same yield as chemical agriculture,
sometimes even more CLAUDE ALVARES

JAYANT BARVE ABANDONED a career at the National trees like banyan and acacia. Barve also cultivates ginger
Chemical Laboratory to become one of India’s most creative every year.
and innovative organic farmers. He has been practising
sustainable agriculture on his 14-hectare farm in Sangli Almost all the plots are surrounded by biomass, live fence
district since 1988. plantations of giri pushpa (Glyricidia maculate), adulsa
(Adathoda vasaka), bahava (Casia javanica), neem (Azadarichta
After teaching at a city college for a few years, he returned indica), karanj (Pongamia glabra) and eranne (Jatropha curcas).
to his hometown and began taking an interest in farming. Farm waste and cattle dung are used for vermicompost.
He set up a chemical factory on part of the land and a shop Irrigation is through drip or sprinkler systems; flood irrigation is
to market chemical fertilisers and pesticides. After following avoided everywhere on the farm. The vermiculture pits are kept
modern farming practices for 12 years, he changed over moist with the help of micro sprinklers. Herbal preparations
to sustainable agriculture. He closed down the factory and like vrikshayurveda and krishi parashar are prepared on the
converted the building into a storeroom for vermicasts farm and used whenever necessary
released from vermiculture. He also shut the shop marketing
chemical fertilisers and pesticides. You have been doing organic farming for 20 years. Could
you tell us something about your background?
Barve explains his conversion to sustainable agriculture as
follows: “Modern agriculture is based on increasing inputs, I completed my MSc in physics and was working at the
machinery and energy. All this brings about soil degradation. National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. I was also a physics
The farmer has to take a lot of care in plant protection. He lecturer at a reputed college in Pune for five years. Then I
was asked by my father to return to my native place because
is consequently compelled to resort to costly and hazardous
we have property there and I was the only son. So I had to
pesticides. These pesticides contaminate the water, soil and
go back.
environment. The crop cultivated is thus highly poisoned.
Tension-free farming with good output, negligible inputs With some research of my own, we started a unit to
of money and energy, supported by enhancement in manufacture textile dye intermediates. The name of the
soil quality is only possible through organic farming and product that we were manufacturing was paranitro aniline.
vermiculture practices.” We brought this product into the market and the small
factory that we erected was doing well until 1984.
The soil on Barve’s farm is mostly black cotton or stony
laterite murrum, with a pH of around 7.0. The average Then a crisis developed because of the new government
annual rainfall is 500 mm, the rainy season being from June policy: import rates for the same product we made dropped,
to September. There are six male and six female permanent bringing the price lower than ours. So we had to close
full-time workers on his farm. He has three buffaloes, two the factory. I wondered what to do next. I started the
cows, four bullocks and heifers and calves. Around two- business of marketing chemicals, pesticides and fertilisers.
thirds of the milk produced is sold at the local market, the We had a small laboratory in our office and we used to
rest is kept for consumption at home. The bullocks are used give suggestions to farmers about what to spray for which
for farm cultivation and bullock-cart transport. Barve does disease, after testing. Our business started growing.
not use motorised implements or tractors on his farm.
We earned a bit of a name in Sangli district because we were
Part of the land is reserved for horticultural crops like the only consultants at the time (1984-1988) giving proper
grapes, bananas, drumsticks, mangoes and amla; the rest is ‘medicines’ for particular diseases. We were marketing a
under seasonal crops such as sorghum, millets, groundnut, NOCIL product. The business grew very nicely.
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chillies, wheat and pulses like horse gram, pigeon pea, etc.
Some portion is reserved for fodder for the cattle and forest Then one day I was sitting in our shop and a farmer

Experiences of organic farmers

approached me and asked for a pesticide to repel the crows must practise vermiculture. So we started manufacturing
that were attacking the grapes in his vineyard. He told me vermicompost. The biomass was not available with us so
that the crows damaged the grapes when they were at the we approached the Vita Municipal Council and bought
ripening stage. I asked him when he was going to harvest vegetable market waste for three years, for our farm. We
the grapes. He told me he would be packing them the converted it to vermicompost and got very good results
following week. I thought: if he sprays hazardous chemicals from it. Our grapes were of the best quality. We exported
to deal with the problem, they will go along with the grapes grapes from our particular group — the Vita Village Farmers
to the consumer. What would be the impact? Group — until 1994.

This was the turning point for me into organic farming. Till It then struck me that the limitation of organic farming was
then I had a farm of my own but I was not looking after it. I vermiculture. I had read that if you add organic carbon to
decided to do farming myself, and do only organic farming. I the soil, the worms will grow automatically. You need not
met several people and began reading up on organic farming. build a shed and put water on it to develop the worms. Give
I met Dr Bhavalkar and Jambekar in Pune, and with their help the soil organic carbon and it will automatically improve
we planted a grape plot of about 1 acre. We decided not to and the microbes will develop. And so I realised that
use any chemical fertiliser, so we started vermiculture. Before vermiculture was not the only solution.
planting the grapes and six months after that, because of
our laboratory and science mindset, we analysed the soil We started thinking about concentrated organic material
and observed how its nutrient and organic carbon levels had and collected a number of things like oil cakes, phosphates
increased, so also its potash content. and silicon oxide, bentomite and rock dust. I read
somewhere that composting is not recommended in any
After a year we arrived at the conclusion that this was
of the ancient agricultural systems. Some of the literature
the only way to grow grapes; that any farming system
I read on the subject came from Dr Rahudkar from Pune
and Ashok Joshi, son of Mahadev Shastri Joshi who has
In my vicinity, wheat farmers translated and published ancient agricultural texts. In
ancient times nobody did composting; they would collect
irrigate their fields eight to nine dung, put it in a shelter, powder it, and sprinkle it onto the
farm. That gave better results because it was not composted
times per acre, by flooding. On and it provided nutrition to the soil and microbes.

our farm we irrigate the wheat This stuck in my mind and I thought of adding ‘raw food’ to
the soil — organic carbon. When we compost it in a pit, all
five times. Hence we are saving a the degradation happens inside the pit. Microbes in the soil
do not get food. So we thought of putting organic microbes
lot of water, electricity and labour. directly into the soil. We mixed organic carbon materials
together and got good results. Again, we did lab tests
There is no burden of buying continuously for two years.

Then my son Jaydev completed his BSc in microbiology. We

pesticides and spraying them, started a unit to make organic manure at my place, and it’s
coming up nicely. We have a product called Sanvardhan that
and the anxiety that the people we are marketing all over India, mainly in Maharashtra, and
also exporting. There’s another product called Green Harvest
spraying the crops could fall ill. which we are marketing in two districts only. This manure is
formulated to replace chemical fertilisers totally.
My cattle are in excellent health. The second aspect was that although soil quality was
I sell one or two buffaloes and improving, we wanted to get rid of pesticides. In 1992, I
closed down the chemicals and pesticide business. I also
am now beginning cow-rearing. closed down the marketing business. I started reading the
ancient books. Then I met Dr Nene from ICRISAT. I purchased
a book called Suraphala’s Vrukshayurveda. Professor
Everybody says that my cattle Rahudkar was always writing something about herbal
preparations. There’s another book, Return to the Good
are healthier than those they buy Earth, a Malaysian publication. I started making some herbal
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preparations of my own and by 1995 our grapes were

elsewhere absolutely chemical-free.

Agricultural revival

We enjoyed a separate market; there was no certification. What is the message you would like to give to those
I would market it in my name and earn a good income who say we cannot grow enough food through
from it. This continued up to 2000. From 2000-2003, there organic farming?
was a drought and we were unable to manage the grape
plantation. I was forced to cut down the grape vines. After This is not the case. Yields in organic farming and chemical
2003, a small dam was built near my farm. I lost around farming are the same. In fact, after two or three years,
10 acres of land to the dam, but the rest of the 25 acres yields start increasing (with organic farming) as is the case
became irrigated land. with sugarcane in our vicinity which is nearly 50-55 tonnes
per acre. With wheat and jowar, yields may vary because
All the literature on organic farming that I read and the of climatic conditions, but with sugarcane it doesn’t. In
knowledge we gathered on the farm enabled us to do my area, sugarcane yields are nearly 55-60 tonnes per acre
organic farming more consistently. We are producing a with chemical farming while in my case it is 60-65 tonnes
number of things including cereals and pulses, chickoo and per acre. Besides, in contrast to chemical farming, our soil
amla. We have a plantation of around 900 mango trees. We is improving every year, our water requirements are coming
have done grafting of mango trees. When I started farming down, and input costs are reduced.
in 1988, on the 40 acres of land, there were barely 20-25
trees. Today there are 5,000 trees of 54 varieties on the For example, for wheat in my vicinity farmers irrigate their
farm. I have maintained this biodiversity. fields eight to nine times per acre, by flooding. On our farm
we irrigate the wheat five times. Hence we are saving a lot
We are also growing crops like sugarcane, ginger and of water, electricity and labour. There is no burden of buying
turmeric. In turmeric we have a black variety that is good pesticides and spraying them, and the anxiety that the people
for medicinal purposes. We grow jowar and wheat along spraying the crops could fall ill. My cattle are in excellent
with beans, red gram and horse gram. This year, we are in health. I sell one or two buffaloes and am now beginning
contract with a company to supply them specific vegetables cow-rearing. Everybody says that my cattle are healthier
for export. We also grow brinjal, tomatoes, onions, garlic than those they buy elsewhere. Albert Howard says in his
Agricultural Testament that the organic farmer is to be judged
and chillies. My farm is now self-sufficient.
by the health of his farm cattle and the health of the plant.
What are your outgoings on the farm? Earlier, you would
The problem is with other farmers. They see that you are
buy chemicals, etc…
saving money. They see that your yields are increasing,
Today only the final product is going out, not money. My and they see that you do not have to buy chemicals or
only cost is labour; no inputs are being bought from the fertilisers or spray your crops. They see all this and still
there is a mental block about organic farming. Why is that?
market. We buy electricity and concentrates — such as oil
cakes, rock dust and rock phosphate — whenever needed.
The mental block is of two kinds. Before Independence
Today, a grape farmer’s expenditure on pesticides alone, at
we were almost slaves, and our minds are set like that.
current market rates, is Rs 24,000-25,000 per year. Fertiliser
Whenever farmers want to consult about a problem, they
expenditure is about Rs 15,000-20,000. I am also looking
go to the doctor or to the shopkeeper. They will not consult
after a farm for a friend who is cultivating organic grapes.
their neighbour. Farmers in my area come to my farm; they
There, our expenditure is like this: the input is our organic
see how things are done. But they are not ready to swallow
manure on which he spends around Rs 8,000-9,000 per
what is good because their minds are not set that way. We
year and around Rs 3,000-4,000 for herbal preparations.
have been trying for the last 15 years to change this mindset
His expenditure is around Rs 14,000 per year, whereas a
through promotion, canvassing and seminars. But we
chemical farmer spends around Rs 55,000 per year. The only
have not had much success. I have been in the area for the
thing is that when a farmer cultivates organic grapes he has
past 15 years and have travelled a lot, at my own expense,
to be very alert about weather changes.
advising farmers. But I am still not able to convert even two
farmers per year, after meeting 1,000 farmers in a year.
You are one of those people who have come from the
other side to this side (organic). Do you think you will
The NCOF has a scheme to train 1,500 farmers. They have
ever cross back and use chemicals again? offered the scheme to my organisation, and we contacted
1,500 farmers. We went to them in their villages at night
No, because our minds have totally changed. Even when
— because farmers are free only at that time — and had
we go out, whilst eating outside food, we wonder what
meetings with them. But whenever we go, their minds
pesticides have been sprayed on it. Having run a pesticides
are set. They ask us whether we are going to give them
business for four years, we know everything about pesticides.
subsidies. Secondly, only the women in the villages attend
Even if somebody gifts us a truckload of urea or chemicals or
these programmes, the men do not.
ISSUE 19 2010

pesticides, we will not allow him to enter the farm because

we are now enjoying the fruits of organic farming. (Reprinted from Organic Farming Source Book 2009, Other India Press, Mapusa, Goa)

Experiences of organic farmers

The new natural economics of agriculture

This farmer watched the decline of his soil and agricultural yields before he let
nature be his teacher and understood the agro-economics of agriculture. He
abandoned insecticides and chemical fertilisers and relied instead on the cow,
trees, birds and vegetation

SOIL, WATER AND SEEDS are the strength of farmers. Rising temperatures have had their own damaging effect
I was able to understand this agro-economics only when on production patterns. In 2008-09, yields from my farm
I connected with this ground reality. I have been farming dropped 25% although my profits doubled thanks to market
since 1975 and, in this time, I have seen two faces of science forces (less produce pushed up prices).
in agriculture.
We certainly do not want a situation where farm produce
In 1975 I began farming like any other farmer, applying is beyond the purchasing capacity of people. That is why
plenty of chemical fertiliser and using hybrid seeds. I enjoyed a change in agricultural technique is essential. We need to
bumper harvests in the initial years, but they could not be change in order to protect and preserve our soils, water,
sustained for any length of time. Production from my farm seeds, environment, and labour, and to strengthen our
started dropping and cultivation costs rose. economics. And that’s possible only if we reduce our costs
and yet enhance production.
This situation continued till 1994, the year I took up natural
farming. Nature became my guru and started revealing the When I first started natural farming I did not know much
reasons for the reduced production on my farm. about it. Slowly, nature became my teacher and showed
me the science and economics of agriculture. From 1994
In the process of farming with chemicals I had all but onwards, I began to understand that this is the only
destroyed the micro-organism population in the soil, constructive science under which all nature’s constituents
trees, birds, seeds, water. This is what had caused the are conserved, and, at the same time, gradually grows.
drop in yields. Nobody should ignore or underestimate the Under chemical-intensive agriculture, growth results from
importance of these factors in agriculture. What unfolded killing off almost everything else. Natural farming put an
on my farm was happening to every farmer like me in India. end to this violent growth. I was able to visualise a strong
In pursuit of increased production, we adopted the science economics that served the interests of both farmers and our
of agriculture based on chemicals which resulted in steady ecological system. It also made me totally self-reliant.
low yields and damaged agro-economics.
Rejuvenating the soil has strengthened my agro-economics.
I have come to realise the potential strength of the country’s
Of far greater consequence was destruction of the
agricultural economy. Today, I do not need insecticides or
agricultural environment. The labour that was employed
chemical fertiliser, as both problems are managed by nature.
on farms was affected by mechanisation, leading to large-
The four elements of nature that help this process are: the
scale migration of the rural population to urban areas. The
cow, trees, birds and vegetation. Here is a short elaboration
life these people faced in cities and towns turned out to
on each of these elements:
be worse, giving rise to urban crime. Those who could not
migrate became Naxalites — tackling them is now costing The cow
the nation enormous amounts of public money.
In 1994, based on personal observations, I developed a
Loss of soil and water is another serious problem. We have process of utilising fresh cowdung, cow urine, and jaggery.
already lost our seeds and are being forced to depend on In Indian villages, fresh cowdung diluted with water is
genetically modified seeds that are harmful to human health traditionally sprayed on open areas around the house
as well as the environment. Such seeds are referred to as (except during the monsoon). When the rains begin, large
‘terminator’ seeds as they barely germinate the following numbers of earthworms start emerging. This made me think:
season. Wherever farmers have used genetically modified if fresh cowdung were sprayed onto the fields, wouldn’t
ISSUE 19 2010

seeds, soils have deteriorated and new diseases have begun it multiply earthworm and micro-organism populations?
to affect the crops. Moreover, if cow urine were used along with the dung,

Agricultural revival

fungus in the soil too could be controlled. great help in the growth of bacteria and friendly insects.
Leaf litter is converted into manure. As the number of trees
I prepared a 200-litre drum for each acre, using a mixture increases, birds multiply and a new economics of agriculture
of 60 kg of fresh cowdung, 5 litres of cow urine, and 250 is revealed.
grams of jaggery, all diluted with water. The mixture gave
me better yields in the very first year itself, and after four Birds
years the micro-organisms had increased to such an extent
that there were 6-10 earthworms in every square foot of The tree growth increased the number of micro-organisms
field. This called for more feed, which was met by another of and good manure, as bird populations in and around the
the four critical elements — vegetation. farm increased. I noticed that each bird ate at least 50
destructive insects, contributing its excreta to the soil as
Trees manure. Where there is good vegetation, this process goes
on the whole year round. When bird populations swell to
During 1990-92, I realised that the temperature increase several thousands (it took 8-10 years) their ‘management’
brought on by industrial pollution would kill off millions of of insects increases proportionately, and, of course, more
plant species and living organisms within the next 40-45 manure is added to the soil.
years. For me, a farmer, this was a serious warning. To check
the rise in temperature, I decided to plant trees. I planted Vegetation
2,000 wild trees on 1 hectare; on the remaining 11 hectares
I planted bird-friendly trees such as jamun, goolar, mango, I started returning crop residue and grass to the farm
peepul, bargad, neem, imli and arjun. As these trees grew, in 1994. Each hectare of the farm received around 25
yields on my farm increased and I realised how trees help tonnes of this wet biomass, encouraging the growth of
agricultural production. micro-organisms which, in turn, converted the biomass
into manure and simultaneously controlled soil fungi. The
Trees control increase in ambient temperature, which is a increase in micro-organisms and earthworms made our soil
ISSUE 19 2010

Organic farmer Sharma: Learning from nature

Experiences of organic farmers

porous, helping plant roots get oxygen and rain water. Tens diverted to groundwater; thus, if we draw more water than
of millions of micro-organisms help improve soil fertility this for irrigation we will not be self-reliant in water.
during their short lifespan, and, after their demise, they
become the best possible natural manure. Studying these How much water do I draw? I have two borewells on my
organisms and creatures made me realise that every living farm, each fitted with a 5 hp pump that draws about 36,000
being on earth plays an important role in the wellbeing of litres of water per hour. Normally, my pumps run for 800
the human race. hours a year. That means each pump draws 28.8 million
litres per year; together, they extract 57.6 million litres. Since
India is faced with a deepening water crisis despite it I have recharged 84 million litres in the year, I have a net
being blessed by nature with abundant water. Changes gain of 26.4 million litres, which reassures me that my farm
in agricultural technologies in the 1960s resulted in large is fully self-reliant in water and is recharging the water table.
amounts of water being used for farming, along with
chemical fertilisers and other poisonous compounds. These The farm methods that I adopted in 1994, after realising the
destroyed and killed insects and small creatures that make importance of the new natural economics, took my produce
the soil porous, thereby capable of absorbing water and up to an average of 450 tonnes by 2000, after a low 50
recharging the water table. Chemical-based farming caused tonnes at the end of the 1975-1994 period. This shows how
a rapid drop in groundwater levels. At the same time, false the claims of scientists are that chemical fertilisers,
rainwater was allowed to flow away through drains and poisons and hybrid seeds contribute to higher production.
canals, carrying with it useful top soil. Worse, the washed-
away soil collected as silt in dams and irrigation reservoirs, The increase in production through chemical farming was
adding to the water shortage. essentially a result of making more water available and
bringing energy to the farm, which was not the case before
Even as more hydro-electricity was being generated, greater 1960. From 1975 onwards, chemical-intensive farming
quantities of groundwater were exploited for irrigation and was taken up on a large scale. In the first three decades
drinking purposes. The result was that, in several states, the following this dramatic change in method, foodgrain
groundwater dropped to dangerous levels, affecting ground production rose, only to stabilise and then steadily decline
temperatures as well. from 2002.

This situation is alarming because it directly affects crop In my own case, production dropped steeply during the
productivity as well as human health. Many irrigation period 1986-1994: cotton from 30 quintals to 10 quintals,
projects were built to develop agriculture, but rising urban jowar from 50 quintals to 15 quintals, tomatoes from 350
populations and industrial growth forced the diversion quintals to barely 5 quintals because of mosaic infestation.
of enormous quantities of water away from farmers and This happened despite application of the same number
agriculture. Even within the water crisis spiral, the water of units of electricity, the same amount of water, and
that is available is polluted thanks to chemical-intensive increasing doses of chemical fertiliser and pesticides.
agriculture and the discharge of poisonous effluents from Contrast this annual disappointment with 1994, the first
industries. Today, management of such harmful, unhealthy year of my natural farming, in which I received only 50
water consumes ever more resources. tonnes but saved because of lower costs.

Yet there is a ray of hope. I am sure that if we change our Today, with a yield of around 450 tonnes I continue to use
agricultural policies even now we can solve the water crisis electricity and water but chemicals and pesticides have
forever. I say this because of my personal experiences with been banished. The day more farmers understand the agro-
natural farming over destructive science. Since I took to economics of natural farming is the day they will become
natural farming I have come to realise the importance of strong. Their villages will have abundant water, groundwater
water. Now, as a result of retaining all the water that falls levels will rise, and their hard work will genuinely benefit
onto my farm and diverting it underground, the soil is their families, society, and our country.
automatically saved from erosion, enhancing its productivity.
Subhash Sharma is an organic farmer in Yavatmal, Maharashtra. He has lectured
on the economics of organic farming all over India
This is self-reliance in water. To verify it, I studied the passage
of water onto and through my farm in 2003-04.

The sequence is as follows: when 1 hectare of land receives

1 cm (10 mm) of rain, the total precipitation is 100,000
litres; if rainfall during a particular year in that area is 100
cm, the total precipitation per hectare is 10 million litres;
a 12-hectare farm like mine receives a total of 120 million
ISSUE 19 2010

litres of rainwater; adjusting for an average evaporation rate

of 30% from the surface leaves behind 84 million litres to be

Agricultural revival

Climate change and food security

Rice production in India could decrease by almost a tonne/hectare if the
temperature goes up 20C, while each 10C rise in mean temperature could cause
wheat yield losses of 7 million tonnes per year. A recent national conference on
food security and agriculture deliberated strategies to protect agriculture, food and
nutrition security in the time of climate change SUMAN SAHAI

A TWO-DAY NATIONAL CONFERENCE was organised by Gene of development programmes right away, it will help to
Campaign and ActionAid on ‘Ensuring Food Security in a reduce vulnerability, stabilise food production and secure
Changing Climate’ to generate greater awareness about this livelihoods. A large-scale climate literacy programme is
crucial issue and to develop recommendations for future action. necessary to prepare farmers, who are today bewildered by
The conference, held on April 23 and 24, in New Delhi, brought the rapid fluctuations in weather conditions that affect their
together over 200 participants from 22 states. Scientific and agriculture. Their traditional knowledge does not help them
technical experts from government and non-government manage these recent anthropogenic changes.
organisations, grassroots-level community organisations,
civil society groups, members of government departments, Developing countries face a substantial decrease in cereal
scientists, farmer organisations, officials of state governments, production potential. In India, rice production is slated
diplomats, international organisations and concerned citizens to decrease by almost a tonne/hectare if the temperature
discussed the impact of climate change on agriculture and goes up 20C. By 2050, about half of India’s prime wheat
deliberated the strategies needed to help protect agriculture, production area could get heat-stressed, with the cultivation
food and nutrition security, as well as rural livelihoods window becoming smaller, affecting productivity. For each
10C rise in mean temperature, wheat yield losses in India are
According to climate estimates, developing countries in the likely to be around 7 million tonnes per year, or around
tropics are more susceptible to climate change damage than $ 1.5 billion at current prices.
temperate countries. Agriculture in the productive areas of
Africa and South Asia will be amongst the worst-affected. To cope with the impact of climate change on agriculture
According to some estimates, almost 40% of the production and food production, India will need to act at the global,
potential in certain developing countries could be lost. regional, national and local levels.

Changes in rainfall patterns and temperature regimes will Recommendations for action
influence the local water balance and disturb the optimal
cultivation period available for particular crops, thus Global
throwing food and agricultural production out of gear. The
worst brunt of climate change will be borne by farmers in India must negotiate hard against the post-Copenhagen
dryland regions where agriculture is rainfed, conditions are ‘pledge and review’ framework for emissions and try to get
marginal and only one crop is grown per year. global temperature rise capped at 20C. If this is not done,
the impact on agriculture and food security in developing
In South Asia, the biggest blow to food production is countries will be devastating. Rising temperatures will be
expected to come from the loss of multiple cropping zones. beneficial for agriculture in cold temperate regions since
The worst-affected areas are predicted to be the double- and warmer conditions will allow their single-crop zones to
triple-cropping zones. To offset most of this loss, an effort become two-, even three-crop zones. Given that agriculture
must be made to convert today’s single-cropping areas into is the lifeline of the developing world and will bear the worst
two-crop zones. This can first and foremost be done by brunt of climate change, India must insist that developed
efficient water harvesting and equitable management. countries reduce their own agriculture emissions while at the
same time paying for adaptation, especially in the agriculture
Coping with the impact of climate change on agriculture sector, consistent with the ‘polluter pays’ principle.
will require careful management of resources like soil, water
and biodiversity. Making agriculture sustainable is key, and Regional
is possible only through production systems that make the
most efficient use of environmental goods and services Regional cooperation at the SAARC level is necessary to
ISSUE 19 2010

without damaging these assets. If climate change impacts protect the Himalayan ecosystems and minimise glacial
can be incorporated in the design and implementation melt. Negotiations on river waters emanating from the

Impact of climate change

Tibetan plateau are urgent so that flows in our major rivers sustainable. The real challenge to the agricultural future
like the Ganga and Brahmaputra are maintained to support of the country, however, will have to be met by rapid and
agriculture. Regional strategies for mitigation and adaptation targeted adaptation strategies. Adaptation will require
across similar agro-ecologies will help all countries of the strategies to reduce vulnerabilities, strengthen resilience and
region to protect their agriculture and food production. build the adaptive capacity of rural and farming communities.
Industrial agro ecosystems damage environmental goods and
National services and so have weak resilience.

Adaptation strategies have long lead times and need to be Developing sustainability in agriculture production systems
started now. Appropriate policy and budgetary support for rather than seeking to maximise crop, aquacultural and
mitigation and adaptation actions is needed. Multiple food livestock outputs, will help farming communities cope
and livelihood strategies are required in rural areas to minimise with the uncertainties of climate change. The ecosystem
risk. Food inflation must be contained at all costs. It will worsen approach with crop rotations, bio-organic fertilisers and
with climate change, as more frequent and unpredictable biological pest control, improves soil health and water
drought and floods will result in shortfalls in food production. retention, increases fertile top soil, reduces soil erosion
Just one bad monsoon in 2009 led to a reduction of 15 million and maintains productivity over the long term. The more
tonnes of rice and 4 million tonnes of pulse production, diverse the agro ecosystem, the more efficient the network
causing prices to go through the roof. A carefully planned of insects and micro-organisms that control pests and
programme for strategic research, along with dedicated disease. Building resilience in agro ecosystems and farming
funding, is needed to develop solutions to cope with the communities, improving adaptive capacity and mitigating
impact of global warming on crops, livestock, fish, soil, etc. greenhouse gas emissions is the way to cope.

Local Agricultural biodiversity is central to an agro ecosystem

approach to food production. Such an approach promotes
The real action for both mitigation and adaptation will soil fertility, fosters high productivity and protects crop,
have to be at the local level. The pursuit of sustainable livestock, fish and soil resources. Diversity in livestock and
agricultural development at the local level is integral to fish species and breeds is as important as in crop varieties.
climate change mitigation, and combating the effects of Genetic diversity gives species the ability to adapt to
climate change is vital for sustainable agriculture. Location- changing environments and combat biotic and abiotic stress
specific technologies will need to be developed at the level like pests and disease, drought and salinity.
of the agro-ecological unit, to make agriculture sustainable
and minimise losses to food and nutrition. Specific recommendations

Mitigating emissions from agriculture will reduce the Apart from the obvious focus needed on soil health, water
farmer’s input costs and make the production system more conservation and management, and pest management,

Rahul Goswami
ISSUE 19 2010

Agricultural revival

agriculture and food production per se will need to become benefits of a good monsoon.
sustainable and ecologically sound to adapt to climate
change turbulence. • A farmer field school to house dynamic research and
training programmes on building soil health, integrated
• A special package for adaptation should be developed pest management, water conservation and its equitable
for rainfed areas based on minimising risk. The production and efficient use. The school should engage in participatory
model should be diversified to include crops, livestock, plant and animal breeding; there should be a focused
fisheries, poultry and agro forestry; homestead gardens research programme to identify valuable genetic traits like
supported by nurseries should be promoted to make up drought-, heat- and salinity-tolerance and disease resistance
deficits in food and nutrition from climate-related yield available in the agro biodiversity of the region.
losses; farm ponds, fertiliser trees and biogas plants must
be promoted in all semi-arid rainfed areas which constitute • Gyan chaupals and village resource centres with satellite
60% of our cultivated area. connectivity from where value-added weather data from the
government’s Agromet service should be made available to
• A knowledge-intensive rather than input-intensive farmers through mobile telephony, giving them information
approach should be adopted to develop adaptation on rainfall and weather in real-time.
strategies. Traditional knowledge about the community’s
coping strategies should be documented and used in • A network of community-level seed banks with the capacity
training programmes to help find solutions to address the to implement contingency plans and alternative cropping
uncertainties of climate change, build resilience, adapt strategies depending on the behaviour of the monsoon.
agriculture, and reduce emissions.
• Decentralised seed production programmes involving local
• Conserving the genetic diversity of crops and animal communities, to address the crisis of seed availability. Seeds
breeds, and its associated knowledge, in partnership with of the main crops and contingency crops (for a delayed/
local communities, must receive the highest priority. failed monsoon, or floods) as well as seeds of fodder and
green manure plants specific to the agro ecological unit
• Breed improvement of indigenous cattle must be must be produced and stocked.
undertaken to improve their performance since they
are much better adapted to adverse weather than high- Technical and financial investments must be made in climate
performance hybrids. Balancing feed mixtures, which adaptation and mitigation research. Some priority areas
research shows has the potential to increase milk yields and identified by the conference are:
reduce methane emissions, must be promoted widely.
• Evaluation of traditional varieties and animal breeds
• An early warning system should be put in place to monitor for valuable traits like tolerance to higher temperatures,
changes in pest and disease profiles and predict new pest drought and salinity, feed conversion efficiency and disease
and disease outbreaks. The overall pest control strategy resistance, for use in breeding new varieties and breeds.
should be based on integrated pest management because it
• Developing balanced ration and feed-and-fodder regimes
takes care of multiple pests in a given climatic scenario.
that will increase milk yields of indigenous cattle and reduce
• A national grid of grain storages, ranging from pusa bins methane emissions.
and grain golas at the household/community level to ultra-
• Participatory and formal plant breeding to develop
modern silos at the district level, must be established to
climate-resilient crop varieties that can tolerate higher
ensure local food security and stabilise prices.
temperatures, drought and salinity.
• Agricultural credit and insurance systems must be made
• Developing short-duration crop varieties (especially wheat)
more comprehensive and responsive to the needs of small
that can mature before the peak heat phase sets in.
farmers. For instance, pigs are not covered by livestock
insurance despite their potential for income enhancement of
• Selecting genotypes in crops that have a higher per day
poor households.
yield potential to counter yield loss from heat-induced
reduction in growing periods.
The following adaptation and mitigation support structures
should be established at each of the 128 agro ecological
• Developing (the more heat-tolerant) durum wheat varieties
zones in the country:
for rabi cultivation in north India, to supplement diminishing
wheat yields from existing wheat cultivars, and for durum
• A centre for climate risk research, management and
wheat’s chapatti-making qualities.
extension should prepare computer simulation models of
different weather probabilities and develop and promote
ISSUE 19 2010

farming system approaches which can help minimise the Dr Suman Sahai is President of Gene Campaign, a research and advocacy
adverse impacts of unfavourable weather, and maximise the organisation working in the field of rural and adivasi community development

Coping with climate change

Local solutions to climate change

In developing countries, 11% of arable land could be affected by climate change.
Indeed, farmers are already facing the impact of climate change. The need of the
hour is not to wait for global agreements on mitigating climate change but to
act locally, intelligently and consistently, as is being done with water harvesting SREENATH DIXIT
solutions for rainfed agriculture in Andhra Pradesh B VENKATESWARLU

AROUND 2200 BCE, there was a shift in the Mediterranean significant impacts on agriculture and food production.
westerly winds. This far-off change had an effect on the
Indian monsoon, leading to three centuries of reduced rainfall Those least able to cope will likely bear additional adverse
and colder temperatures. The phenomenon hit agriculture impacts. The estimate for Africa is that 25-42% of habitats
from the Aegean Sea to the Indus; it’s said the change in could be lost, affecting both food and non-food crops.
climate brought down Egypt’s pyramid-building Old Kingdom Habitat change is already underway in some areas, leading
and Sargon the Great’s empire in Mesopotamia. to species range shifts, changes in plant diversity, including
indigenous foods and plant-based medicines. In developing
After only a few decades of reduced rainfall, cities lining countries, 11% of arable land could be affected by climate
the northern reaches of the Euphrates — a region that change, including a reduction of cereal production in up
was the bread basket for the Akkadians — emptied out as to 65 countries, about 16% of agricultural GDP. Changes in
populations migrated. Even intensively irrigated southern ocean circulation patterns may affect fish populations and
Mesopotamia, which boasted one of the most sophisticated the aquatic food web as species seek conditions suitable for
bureaucracies of its time, could not react fast enough to the their lifecycle. Higher ocean acidity (resulting from carbon
new conditions. With no supplies of rainfed grain from the dioxide absorption from the atmosphere) could affect
north, irrigation canals running dry, and waves of migrants the marine environment through deficiency in calcium
from the northern cities, the empire simply collapsed. carbonate, affecting shelled organisms and coral reefs.

Societies have always depended on climate, but are only Climate change impacts are both biophysical and socio-
now coming to grips with the fact that the climate depends economic. Biophysical impacts include physiological effects on
on their actions. Left unmanaged, climate change could crops, pasture, forests and livestock; changes in land, soil and
reverse developmental progress and compromise the water resources; increased weed and pest challenges; shifts
wellbeing of current and future generations. As the earth in spatial and temporal distribution of impacts; sea level rise,
warms, the impacts will be felt everywhere. But much of changes in ocean salinity; and sea temperature rise causing
the damage will occur in developing countries. Millions of fish to inhabit different ranges. These will, in turn, bring
people from Bangladesh to Florida will suffer as sea levels socio-economic stresses with decline in yields and production;
rise, inundating settlements and contaminating freshwater. reduced marginal GDP from agriculture; fluctuations in world
Greater rainfall variability and more severe droughts in market prices; changes in geographical distribution of trade
semi-arid Asia and Africa will hinder efforts to enhance food regimes; increased number of people at risk of hunger and
security and combat malnourishment. Shrinking Himalayan food insecurity; migration; and civil unrest.
and Andean glaciers — which regulate river flow and supply
water to over a billion people on farms and in cities — will The failure of the recent Copenhagen climate change
threaten rural livelihoods and major food markets. summit is only a symptom of the deep divide in the
international community. No path-breaking outcome can
Croplands, pastures and forests that occupy 60% of the be expected from a world so polarised. The need of the
earth’s surface are progressively being exposed to threats hour is not to wait for miracles to happen but to act locally,
from increased climatic variability and, in the longer run, to intelligently and consistently. For, small consistent efforts
climate change. Abnormal changes in air temperature and bring about big and lasting change.
rainfall, and resultant increases in the frequency and intensity
of drought and flood events, have long-term implications for The most important primary industry that sustains the world
the viability of these ecosystems. As climatic patterns alter, is agriculture and its allied sectors. It is this sector that has
so too do the spatial distribution of agro-ecological zones, the potential to decide the future of human civilisation. There
ISSUE 19 2010

habitats, distribution patterns of plant diseases and pests, fish are plenty opportunities here. We elaborate on one such
populations and ocean circulation patterns which could have opportunity in rainfed agriculture, where water is going to be

Agricultural revival

a serious limiting factor as an impact of climate change. cluster being selected as an action research field laboratory.
Each cluster represents a unique agro-ecology with
In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, rain is the only source of opportunities for rainwater harvesting and its efficient use.
water for agriculture and human and livestock consumption. The annual rainfall in these clusters ranges from a mere 500
One of the prominent impacts of climate change has been mm (in Pampanur cluster of Anantapur) to over 1,100 mm (in
frequent heavy rainfall interspersed with long spells of drought; Thummalacheruvu cluster of Khammam).
many such events have been recorded by our meteorological
department in the last decade. In 2008, for instance, parts Soil type varies too, from deep black soils (Seethagondi,
of Andhra Pradesh’s dry Anantapur district experienced 114 Adilabad) to medium and shallow red soils (Pampanur,
mm of rain (more than a fifth of its average annual rainfall of Anantapur). Hence, the runoff and infiltration rate, therefore
500 mm!) in less than three hours, after a prolonged drought rainwater harvesting potential, also vary. The Seethagondi
of over 25 days. This event devastated groundnut, the only cluster of villages in tribal Adilabad district is blessed with
profitable commercial crop in the region, resulting in heavy fairly good rainfall (above 1,000 mm) and a deep black
economic losses. Such events are being increasingly reported soil. Besides these, the undulating topography offers an
across rainfed regions in recent years, causing loss of livelihood, ideal opportunity to harvest runoff, storing and reusing
agrarian unrest, even farmer suicides. the same to tide over brief spells of drought during the
cropping season. The technical and economic feasibility of
The sustainability of rainfed agriculture therefore depends runoff harvesting through farm ponds for profitable crop
on managing drastic changes in weather patterns through production and diversification was amply proved over two
local adaptations that require consistent policy and years (2007-2009). Emphasis is also being laid on scaling up
institutional support. farm ponds through convergence with the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) as an option for
The National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) stresses enhancing productivity (see box).
rainwater management in eight drought-prone districts
of Andhra Pradesh. Implemented by the Central Research The Pampanur cluster of Anantapur is extremely arid, hence
Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA, an institute of the rainwater harvesting through percolation ponds and recharge
Natural Resource Management Division, Indian Council of of groundwater is preferred as it is not feasible to store
Agricultural Research), rainwater management is being water in the porous red soil of the region. Groundwater is
practised in a cluster of villages in each of these districts, a judiciously used through sprinklers and drip irrigation systems

Rahul Goswami
ISSUE 19 2010

Coping with climate change

which have been deployed across the cluster by converging

with development programmes such as the Andhra Pradesh Farm ponds: scaling up and converging
Micro Irrigation Project (APMIP) and National Horticulture with the NREGS
Mission (NHM). Custom hiring centres at Pampanur and Y
Kothapalli are equipped with sprinkler sets and pipelines that Farm ponds as an option for harvesting and recycling
are in great demand among farmers. Farmers hire sprinkler rainwater have been recommended for over two decades.
sets and pay user fees to a committee of fellow farmers Such ponds are meant mainly to provide life-saving
(called ‘salaha samiti’, meaning ‘advisory committee’), which irrigation to small patches of crop when they are exposed
maintains records and accounts. The money collected is used to mid-term drought that is very common in rainfed
to maintain and repair the equipment. agriculture.

In the B Yerragudi cluster of Kadapa district, in the dry However, this simple technology has not really taken off,
Rayalaseema area, attempts are on to augment water the main reason being that by the time the need for life-
availability through de-silting of the Gajulakunta tank saving irrigation arises, water in the pond has dried up.
near Konampeta village. The effort began after villagers This is either because the soil is so porous it does not retain
said they wanted to increase the volume of the silted-up water for long, or the pond is too small to meet water
tank. The work was undertaken under the NREGS, thereby needs during an intense period of climatic stress.
ensuring the participation of households in the cluster. The
community now feels empowered to employ the NREGS to Keeping these shortcomings in mind, several options like
create assets for the village. Says Veeranna, a small farmer: lining the pond with various materials have been tried,
“We knew that the government was spending a lot of especially in shallow, porous red soil regions. But they
money to help us. But we were unable to use it to create have proven too expensive for farmers to invest in without
good facilities for our villages.” assistance.

The Jamisthapur cluster in Mahboobnagar is extremely In black soil regions, water remains impounded for a longer
drought-prone, with an average annual rainfall of just period as fine clay particles in the soil act as natural sealants.
around 600 mm. The soil is shallow, with poor water-holding Despite this, farm ponds do not find wide acceptance even
capacity. The rainwater harvesting strategy here comprised in these regions. In fact, black soil regions with a rainfall
digging a series of percolation ponds, trench-cum-bunds of around 800 mm are ideal for rainwater harvesting and
and repairing old check-dams and other water harvesting reuse. With this in mind, an attempt was made in Adilabad
structures. Promotion of nursery and plantation activities district’s Seethagondi cluster to impound a large volume
to green up barren hillocks in the ridge area was also of rainwater by digging farm ponds whose volume was
encouraged. An old check-dam that was leaking and unable nine times the recommended size. Initially, it took a lot
to arrest runoff (and store it to recharge groundwater) was of persuasion to convince farmers to part with some of
repaired at a cost of Rs 38,000, with people contributing their land to dig a pond. Finally, a farmer called Namdev
their labour towards the repair. A trench-cum-bund over reluctantly agreed. The farm pond was not only a huge
5.2 km long was dug in the ridge area, and trees planted success, it managed to pull Namdev out of a debt trap.
along bunds. Two percolation tanks were dug in the cluster
to enhance groundwater resources; local youth have been This success generated a lot of interest among farmers
trained to monitor groundwater levels periodically so that and within line departments in Adilabad. Namdev became
the community is aware of the relation between rainfall, a household name in the surrounding villages. Several
conservation measures and groundwater exploitation. The farmers who had earlier resisted the idea of a farm pond
custom hiring centre here too is equipped with efficient began to approach project staff to pledge their willingness
groundwater using systems like sprinklers. The farmers of to surrender part of their field for a pond.
Jamisthapur are being motivated to choose irrigated dry
crops in place of paddy during the rabi season, and zero-till Namdev’s experiences were widely shared at discussions,
maize is being promoted in paddy fallows through careful meetings and seminars with the media; they were also
training and capacity-building activities. highlighted on the project’s and ICAR’s websites. Taking
advantage of the changed attitude of farmers towards
Dupahad cluster of Nalgonda is one of the most drought- farm ponds, a detailed ground survey was carried out in
prone areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Groundwater all villages in the Seethagondi cluster and a proposal was
resources are meagre and the soil porous and shallow. For prepared identifying 30 suitable sites for farm ponds. The
ages, agriculture here has depended on water harvesting proposal was later submitted to the nodal agency (the
structures like tanks and open wells. However, tanks District Water Management Agency) that processes NREGS
chronically silt up while open wells remain dry as a result of works through gram panchayats. It was closely monitored
by project staff and the community. Finally, the agency
ISSUE 19 2010

the collapse of people’s institutions and the indiscriminate

approved 30 farm ponds at a cost of Rs 20 lakh.
digging of borewells.

Agricultural revival

An entirely different approach was adopted in the

Social regulation for efficient Ibrahimpur cluster of Rangareddy district, adjacent to the
groundwater usage peri-urban areas around Hyderabad city. The objective
here was more efficient use of available groundwater by
This project in the Ibrahimpur cluster of Rangareddy networking six borewells belonging to different farmers and
district is committed to judicious use of scarce resources distributing the water to around 18 farmers (their combined
such as groundwater by investing in technology as well land being 45 acres) with the help of sprinklers. The process
as community capacity. It involved a series of of linking and networking the wells required greater social
consultations with borewell-owning farmers and their skills than irrigation engineering (see box)!
neighbours who did not have water sources to irrigate
their lands. Initially, the two farmers who owned The Jaffergudem cluster of Warangal has proved progressive
borewells were opposed to the idea. Project staff decided in terms of the agricultural practices adopted by farmers.
to repair a defunct borewell as a goodwill gesture, and However, the shallow and gravelly soil has poor water-
approached the farmers again. By then, the farmers had holding capacity and needs protective irrigation support
begun seeing the benefits and agreed to share water, for better productivity. Farmers therefore use groundwater
provided the project assisted the community in digging for irrigation support. The strategy for rainwater harvesting
a few more borewells so that there was enough water to and use in this cluster is mainly through farm ponds and
share across a large area. percolation ponds, and appropriate cropping options. All
the soil conservation and rainwater harvesting measures in
This time, the project contacted NABARD for assistance. this cluster are being carried out in conjunction with the
The bank responded by financing the digging of two NABARD-funded watershed project.
borewells in the area, under its comprehensive land
development programme. This raised the hopes of several Farmers who own borewells generally cultivate paddy
farmers, including those who owned borewells, because in both the kharif and rabi seasons, upsetting the water
with the pooling of water they could now irrigate patches balance. While technical support for the watershed
of their dry fields that were currently beyond reach. Thus, activities here was provided to the NABARD project,
year-long negotiations with the community to implement simultaneous training and capacity-building was launched
social regulations on groundwater usage finally bore fruit. to educate farmers on the importance of maintaining a
Over 60 acres of land belonging to 18 households were water balance. Farmers growing two crops of paddy were
brought under protective irrigation by laying a network convinced to change their methods, at least for the rabi
of pipelines and borewells. The entire group of farmers crop. Of the group of five farmers who initially agreed to
has now agreed not to cultivate rabi paddy, and to share take up zero-till maize in paddy fallows during the rabi
borewell water among themselves. season, one was able to finally sow zero-till maize in rabi
2007. A sustained campaign and farmer-to-farmer training
and interactions facilitated by the project team resulted in
Two strategies were adopted to augment water resources this practice spreading to 20 farmers during rabi 2008.
in this cluster. The Jalamalakunta (kunta means ‘tank’) was Now, zero-till maize has been accepted not only as
de-silted by mobilising people under the NREGS. Project staff a viable water conservation option but also a
carried out a detailed survey and estimate of the work, and remunerative alternative.
the village community was encouraged to submit this for
inclusion under the NREGS. The success of ‘proofing’ rainfed agriculture against climate
change lies in judicious use of scarce resources like water,
They were sanctioned Rs 2.5 lakh (translating to 2,500 person- nutrients and biomass, facilitating a support system, and
days at Rs 100 per day per person) for the job. Work began developing people’s capacity. The changes brought about
during the summer of 2009. Although there was a severe by farmers in these eight drought-prone districts show that
drought during kharif 2009, rainfall at the end of the season technologies need a favourable environment in which to work
provided some runoff that could be harvested, pushing the and produce results. The catalyst to making technologies
water table up in this land of parched fields and dry wells. work is community capacity and supportive institutions
that are able to sustain the change beyond the project
Around 50 open wells had been abandoned. After a detailed period. CRIDA’s work here shows how synergies between
topological survey, five were selected for recharging using different development schemes can be employed to influence
low-cost techniques. This involved diverting runoff from sustainable development. These need-based, site-specific
a nearby waterway into a silt trap (a pit filled with loose innovations and methods reveal how local solutions are
pebbles) and then leading clear water into the open well more suited to climate change than technology-intensive
through a PVC duct; the whole system costs no more than prescriptions pushed through a top-down approach.
Rs 1,500. Initial results have been encouraging as farmers
ISSUE 19 2010

were able to grow short-duration vegetables by lifting Dr Sreenath Dixit and Dr B Venkateswarlu are scientists at the Central Research
harvested water from the open wells. Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Coping with climate change

Tackling climate change in Gorakhpur

The people of Gorakhpur district, UP, have come to expect heavy rains followed by
long dry spells as a consequence of climate change. But they are no longer allowing
climate change to affect their crops. At shared learning dialogues, they are learning
about the benefits of multi-cropping, alternative farming, soil management and
seed autonomy SUREKHA SULE

“EARLIER THERE USED TO BE continuous low-intensity rain, arhar (a pulse), that requires cold weather during its
with the river Rohini swelling two or three times due to heavy flowering phase has also been affected by a delayed winter.
rains in Nepal. But now it rains incessantly here, bringing flash In short, traditional cropping patterns have been seriously
floods every now and then, followed by a long dry spell which disturbed by the extreme weather.
is very bad for our crops,” says Ramdeen. He is a farmer from
Makhanaha village (Campierganj block, Gorakhpur district) in The Himalaya in Nepal descends steeply towards Uttar
eastern Uttar Pradesh. Pradesh with rivers running into the flat plains (the terai) of
eastern Uttar Pradesh, flooding them during the monsoon.
“Earlier the monsoon season would start in June and end in River embankments, built to control the water, are often
September; our village used to get flooded twice or thrice breached by the swirling waters.
in July and August. But in 2009 the rain arrived on May 24,
and in June itself we had floods,” says Rajendra, who also Analysing the agro-climatic situation in eastern Uttar
lives in Makhanaha. Villagers speak of odd weather patterns Pradesh, Dr Shiraz Wajih (who formed GEAG in 1975) says
with floods becoming more frequent due to heavier rainfall that Nepal is usually blamed for releasing water and causing
over fewer days. Earlier, the floodwaters would recede flash floods. Instead, he explains, it is a simple relationship
within a week; now the land remains waterlogged for a between the plains and the hills; with floods comes the
month, destroying the kharif crop. Excessive rain, floods, problem of heavy siltation (the 1998 flood deposited silt to a
waterlogging, drought — all in one season! depth of six feet, in places). Rivers sometimes change course,
forming new lakes. Embankments that are designed to
In contrast to earlier years, when 70% of the average annual mitigate the effects of flooding are often breached by flash
precipitation fell over an 80-day period, the same amount floods. Floodwaters enter villages and fields and then cannot
now falls in just 50 days. The indications are that climate return to the river channel. Various works — such as roads
change has increased the intensity and frequency of extreme and canals, or projects under the National Rural Employment
weather events, complicating weather predictions, according Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) — act as barriers to the natural
to the Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG). flow of water. Drainage should in fact be a priority in the
handling of flood-related problems. These may seem like
Shakuntala Devi, another villager, says: “Earlier it used to localised issues, says Dr Wajih, but their impact adds up at
get cold during Dassehra (October) and we needed sweaters the macro level making the entire region vulnerable.
and rajais (quilts). But now even after Diwali there is no sign
of winter.” Bhanamati Devi agrees: “We used to wait for the Shared learning dialogue
arrival of kadakul birds (sparrow) to sow wheat after Diwali.
These birds flock here at the onset of winter, and that is the Most villages in the terai region of eastern Uttar Pradesh find
right time for us to sow wheat. This year there has been no themselves in a similar situation. With a view to identifying
sign of the birds.” effective mitigation measures, the Gorakhpur Environmental
Action Group organised shared learning dialogues (SLDs)
Indeed, farmers were worried about the wheat crop. A at the village, district and state level. “During these SLDs,
late winter means late sowing of wheat. The winter (rabi) focus group discussions on local issues were supplemented
wheat grain is aided in the ripening process by warm winds with recent information drawn from scientific journals and
following peak winter. This time around, however, because regional research on the implications of climate change on
of the late sowing the fear was that the winds may blow in regional flood dynamics,” says a policy brief from the group.
before the ripening stage, destroying or badly affecting the “Much of the information available on the impact of climate
crop. Gorakhpur’s potato crop was affected too because of change was very general. Despite this generality, when
ISSUE 19 2010

late winter fog, and then the onion crop was in danger of used to support discussions with regional stakeholders, it
rotting thanks to a long hot spell. The essential foodgrain, was extremely useful for identifying a potential course of

Agricultural revival

action to mitigate the impacts of climate change.” SLDs also that happened, farmers looked to rabi crops like wheat,
highlighted the risk of continuing reliance on conventional gram, peas, lentils and chickpea to sustain them and their
strategies such as embankments, where existing technical families. In a year of excessive flooding, the wheat was
problems like breaching or blocking of drainage are likely to sown late and productivity declined. Most of the time the
become worse with climate change. village experienced food insecurity; migration to cities was
extremely common.
The GEAG dialogues have shown that while strategies
designed for the micro level seem to be working, much The Gorakhpur group discussed with the villagers of
more is needed for a particular region. A few strategies Sarekhurd how to form a common strategy that would
suggested by GEAG are: better access to climate and ensure food security whilst guarding against the effects
weather information and early warnings (the creation of of climate change. With this objective, three committees
village information centres has been discussed, also SMS- — agriculture and livelihood, disaster management, and
based text services as mobile phone usage in the villages health — were set up. Farmers who joined the agriculture
is high); development of points of refuge (raised grain and livelihood committee were given training in alternative
banks and raised houses) in which people and their assets farming methods, composting, vegetable production, cash
can shelter during a flood; diversification of livelihood and crops, nursery, etc. As a result, they started earning more by
cropping systems; improved drainage; development of growing four to five crops in a year. Multi-cropping instead of
insurance systems; and new sources of groundwater for mono-cropping has helped stabilise incomes so that farming
irrigation in drought-prone areas. households that found it difficult to get two square meals
a day are now able to run their households comfortably.
The strategies identified through SLDs were implemented Children who were earlier taken out of school have returned.
by farmers in the village of Sarekhurd (Mehdawal block). Women’s and children’s health issues are being tackled, and
Farmers were accustomed to growing foodgrain both during more work in the village has helped stem migration.
the kharif and rabi seasons. The kharif crop was uncertain
and depended on the length of waterlogging — when the Thirty-five-year-old Chulhai owns 1 acre of land in the
entire area was inundated, no farming was possible. When low-lying area adjacent to the river Rapti. Frequent floods
Rahul Goswami
ISSUE 19 2010

Coping with climate change

and waterlogging made the going extremely tough for chickpea and got 32 quintals per hectare in 2008, as against
him and his family of 14. Today, Chulhai considers himself an earlier yield of 12-15 quintals per hectare.
empowered enough to tackle any disaster. “Floods,
waterlogging or drought, any situation can be turned to our • The soil department helped farmers protect their farms
advantage through right management of time and place,” against soil erosion by placing bunds at strategic locations;
he says. During waterlogging, Chulhai prepares the nursery the bunds totalled a length of around 3 km.
on a raised platform and replants the saplings when the
water recedes. This strategy saves him sowing time; had he • Animal husbandry officials now come to the village
waited for the water to recede he would have lost precious regularly to vaccinate cattle instead of farmers having to
time in the plants’ growth cycle. During waterlogging, drive their cattle to the department office, at the block level.
vegetables like bottle gourd and beans are made to grow
upwards on a raised platform or machaan. • Farmers use the 90% subsidy on zinc and gypsum fertiliser
and the 50% subsidy on pesticide-spraying machines and
Chulhai sowed Narendra, an early variety of rice, on a fifth seed storage. Even so, their use of chemical pesticides and
of an acre during the kharif season. His efforts yielded six fertiliser is dropping, to be replaced by traditional remedies
quintals of rice. After keeping some for consumption at such as neem oil.
home, he sold the remaining two quintals for Rs 2,000.
During the rabi season, Chulhai grows vegetables and spices • The agriculture department held three demonstrations on
on half his land. He has divided it thus: chillies and mustard compost preparation.
on 20% of the land; mustard and lentils on 10%; garlic,
These sessions have been successful at the individual level.
onions, radish on 5%; peas on 5%; turmeric on 2%; and gram
Rambahal says his farming costs have dropped and his
on 2%. This diverse crop portfolio spreads his risk. The radish
income increased thanks to the knowledge and support he
will be harvested first and sold, giving him a cash income. If it
received at the dialogue sessions. His wheat cultivation costs
gets too cold and the potato crop is affected, there are pulses
in 2006 were around Rs 8,000; his earnings totalled
to fall back on. Once it gets colder, Chulhai will sow wheat on
Rs 25,000. In 2008, his cultivation costs came down to
half his land. Importantly, he does not use chemical pesticides
Rs 5,000 as he used his own seeds and organic manure; his
on his crops. To control pests he has sown saunf, coriander
income shot up to Rs 100,000 thanks to a productivity boost
and marigolds along the border of his land; this also
from 15 quintals per hectare to 22 quintals.
discourages stray animals from grazing on his crops. Chulhai’s
farm earned him a cash income of Rs 35,000 in 2008, after Rambahal’s neighbour Ram Pratap Singh complained that
factoring in the household’s food requirements. farmers had to wait in long queues for seeds at the block
office in Jungal Kauria. And it took more than one trip to get
Government linkage
the seeds — a single office distributes seeds to farmers in all
During a learning session at Meerpur Phoolwaria village in 170 villages in the block. Farmers say even if they are called
Gorakhpur’s Jungal Kauria block, GEAG found that farmers one or two villages at a time, seed distribution takes several
were aware of the various government agriculture and months. But farmers need seeds during a particular week in
disaster management schemes and wanted to benefit from the sowing season. That’s why GEAC insists on self-reliance
these. The problem was scarce information on them, partly a as regards seeds.
result of poor outreach by the concerned departments. The
Finally, the community dialogues threw up an unlikely
farmers of Meerpur Phoolwaria decided to take GEAG’s help.
hero in Meerpur Phoolwaria village. Farmer Mohit Prasad
Meetings were organised where they discussed farm-related
is famous for having gone to Brussels, Belgium, in October
problems and how these could be overcome with the help of
2009. Prasad’s visit came about through a mixture of
government schemes; the process was made easier thanks to
circumstances. The effects of climate change were impacting
the attendance of officials from the departments of agriculture,
his livelihood in agriculture, so, close to desperation, Prasad
horticulture, animal husbandry, etc. A shortlist of achievements
decided to migrate to Dubai in search of work. He even had
shows the importance of these community meetings:
his passport ready. Then the aid advocacy group Oxfam
• Sessions and meetings with horticulture officials helped put out word that it wanted to take a farmer from India
Rambahal plant banana on part of his 3-acre farm. to Brussels to speak about the impact of climate change at
a conference. Prasad fit the bill, made the trip, delivered
• Jitendrakumar learnt about green manure from the his speech to an international audience, and returned to
agriculture department and now practises organic farming. Meerpur Phoolwaria. He’s now back in farming after finding
that there was enough work to be done on the land. He has
• The farmers of Meerpur Phoolwaria have begun collective put the idea of migrating behind him.
farming of chickpea. Individual farming had almost ceased
ISSUE 19 2010

Surekha Sule is a journalist/researcher and writes on rural issues and sustainable

because of repeated crop infestations. With inputs from development. She was Senior Fellow at the National Institute of Rural
the government, 15 farmer groups put 5 hectares under Development, Hyderabad

Agricultural revival

Agriculture at nature’s mercy

In recent decades, market forces have prompted farmers in the Sunderbans to
choose modern, high-yielding varieties of paddy, oblivious to their sensitivity to salt.
Cyclone Aila, which caused a huge inundation of salt in the fields, proved that this
was a costly mistake: every farmer who sowed the modern seed ended up with no
produce, while those who planted traditional salt-tolerant varieties managed to SUKANTA DAS
harvest a little rice

CULTIVATORS IN THE REMOTE islands of the Sunderbans Agriculture before Aila

have had more than their fair share of struggles against
nature since the islands were cleared and made cultivable There are 54 populated islands in the Indian Sunderbans,
more than a century ago. They cleared the forest, made apart from 48 others that constitute reserve forests. On
protective earthen embankments all around the islands to the inhabited islands, around 90% of households depend
keep out the surrounding salt water, and waited through on agriculture directly or indirectly. Agriculture here is
several monsoons so that surface salinity of the soil reduced. synonymous with paddy cultivation, in a region that is mono-
Soon agriculture became possible, and with agriculture a crop due to the shortage of fresh water. On these islands,
dense population sprang up on the islands. rain is the only source of water for agriculture because the
groundwater in most places is salty. And it’s deep (as has
The people of the Sunderbans maintained their been found by borewells on some islands), making lifting of
determination to overcome nature’s unending challenges. water for irrigation economically unviable. So, the single crop
It was a constant battle as the fragile embankments that is raised is a product of the monsoon.
suffered continuous erosion, their upper surfaces from the
onslaught of the waves and their foundations by powerful It was only natural therefore that the first settlers on the
river currents. Indeed, the people here are accustomed islands preferred rice which is salt-tolerant. Usually, soil
to crumbling embankments, to cultivated plots being salinity of 1-2 decisemens per metre (dsm) is ideal for raising
submerged, and to perpetual rebuilding. crops. But if the salinity exceeds 3 dsm, it harms agriculture.
The rice family comprises many varieties that have evolved
On May 25, 2009, however, Cyclone Aila caused such through the ages in different soil conditions; there are some
widespread havoc that the brave islanders could do nothing that can tolerate salinity above this margin.
but surrender to nature’s fury. The region was simply not
equipped to deal with a calamity on this scale; nothing in Soil salinity in the Sunderbans during the initial years of
living or recorded memory could have prepared them for settlement must have been quite high; we hear of rice
Aila. The islands have weathered cyclones with greater wind varieties like Hamilton and Matla being grown here. These
velocity and some peripheral effects of the 2004 tsunami. varieties were not known to exist outside the Sunderbans,
But all this happened when water in the rivers was at a low suggesting that they were extremely salt-tolerant. As
ebb. In this inter-tidal zone, daily fluctuations in water level agriculture on the islands progressed, the salinity of the
are at least 3-3.6 metres. On a full-moon or no-moon day, soil decreased and other varieties of rice began to be
the amplitude increases to 5.4-6 metres. That fateful day, planted, like Dudheswar, Nona Bokhra, Nona Shal, and Nona
a no-moon day, Aila’s landfall coincided with the highest Kheetish. These were imported to the Sunderbans from the
water level. The only reason the death toll (less than 100) adjoining regions of southern West Bengal.
was not greater is that Aila made landfall during the day.
In recent decades, market forces have begun driving
Although the toll is tragic for the victims’ families, it is decisions, and productivity has become the yardstick by
relatively low compared to the history of cyclones in the which farmers’ choices are determined. With a perverse
region. That’s why it masks the true impact, for it broke sense of assurance against the possibility of salt water
the backbone of agriculture on these islands. With experts intrusion, farmers began choosing modern high-yielding
predicting more frequent storms and cyclones as a result varieties, oblivious to their sensitivity and vulnerability
of climate change, Aila has shown us the vulnerability of to salt. Under normal conditions, there were indeed
coastal populations in the Sunderbans (both in India and demonstrations of significantly increased returns from the
in Bangladesh), a vulnerability that is shared by all coastal new varieties. This led farmers to ignore annual warnings of
ISSUE 19 2010

habitations in South Asia and threatens other such deltaic embankments being breached. And so, modern agriculture
regions in the world. in the Sunderbans came to be dominated by rice varieties

Coping with climate change

engineered for the mainland, with high productivity but

little salt-tolerance.
With climate change and the
Soil conditions after Aila daunting prospect of further
When the embankments crumbled under the force of disruptions to weather patterns,
Cyclone Aila, they could not be restored for over a month in
many parts of the islands. This meant the flow of salt water agriculture here will become
into low-lying lands with the twice-daily turn of the tide.
Every incoming tide contributed to fresh salt deposits on increasingly fragile. As the latest
the exposed land. In other areas, where the destruction of
embankments was not total, residents were able to carry out
patchwork repairs more quickly to keep out the seawater.
experience shows, salt tolerance
Cultivable land on the islands received varied levels of salt
deposits on them, depending on the duration of their
alone is not the solution;
exposure to the surrounding rivers.
every aspect of the residents’
When, at last, the salt water receded, layers of salt still
coated the upper surfaces. After Aila, land salinity in the livelihoods must also change
Sunderbans, measured at various places on the islands,
showed a range of 9-15 dsm! No expert on agriculture Board (an apex state body to promote development in the
would recommend any variety of paddy for such land. area) gave the tank owners money to hire pump sets to lift
the salt water out of their inundated ponds and make them
Farmers are experts in their field — they waited and prayed ready to receive fresh monsoon water.
for heavy showers to reduce the salinity. The cyclone hit
shortly before the scheduled onset of the monsoon. The With NGOs aiding efforts, the recovery process in many
hope was that a long and heavy monsoon in 2009 would islands appeared to be successful. Tanks and ponds were
quickly wash away the salt. But the monsoon was late, emptied to make way for rainwater from the months of
irregular and deficient compared to the average. August to October. Sadly, the result has not been what
was hoped for. Although the ponds did receive fresh water
Tanks and ponds directly from the rain, it had flowed across the land carrying
with it salt that had accumulated on the land surface.
The Sunderban islands are dotted with tanks and ponds of
After the monsoon, therefore, water that had collected
various sizes. Almost every landed household has at least
in the tanks and ponds was saline — unusable either for
one tank. These tanks are the sole reservoirs of fresh water
agriculture or for freshwater fish.
for domestic and agricultural work throughout the year. Not
large enough to allow for another major crop during the
Even after the 2009 monsoon, soil salinity continued to
dry season, the tanks help islanders store water required for
be high. The state had to do something. The West Bengal
ripening of the monsoon paddy in the last stage, well after
Department of Agriculture tried to induce farmers in less saline
the rains are over. They also help people grow vegetables
pockets to attempt cultivation. It provided whatever salt-
like tomatoes and chillies, which do well in these parts.
tolerant seed varieties were available in its reserve. Lunishree,
Further, the tanks hold freshwater fish stocks that provide
Jarava, Sabita and Swarna seeds were distributed to a large
the islanders essential protein. The monsoon is crucial
number of farmers, many of whom, driven to desperation,
therefore both for the paddy crop and for freshwater fish.
were ready to take a chance with the adverse conditions.
Towards the end of summer 2009, the tanks and ponds had They had no other means to sustain their households and
only a minimum level of water, which is not unusual for this themselves. They built their seed beds on higher land where
time of year. When the cyclone struck, salt water surged into soil salinity was relatively low. They began late, well after the
the tanks and ponds, destroying the freshwater fish. A day first monsoon showers. Some of the seeds failed to germinate;
after the event, the islands were filled with the stench of others that did were weak and died in the seed bed itself.
rotting fish. This also meant the end of tank and pond water Those that survived the initial phase were transplanted to the
to supplement agricultural needs after the monsoons. field when there was a reasonable level of standing rainwater.

The people of the Sunderbans and the administration After transplantation, the paddy did indeed grow, albeit not
understood the threat quickly. Together with rebuilding as vigorously as usual. The standing water had forced the
embankments, one of the early livelihood support salt to subside beneath the surface soil. At last the plants
ISSUE 19 2010

programmes was to rid the ponds of saline water. Once the flowered and, in many places, showed initial signs of being
embankments were repaired, the Sunderbans Development an adequate crop. But then another problem cropped up.

Agricultural revival

The monsoon began abating before the rice ripened, and Resilience of man
and nature
the standing water in the fields evaporated. The salt from
under the soil surface was sucked back up by the plants’
roots, crippling the plants and destroying the rice grain.
Cyclone Aila seemed to have
Mixed outcome
broken the back of agriculture
What was the outcome of the long, tiring struggle to return in the Sunderbans. But
to normalcy in the Sunderbans? Almost every farmer who three months later, salinity
sowed the modern seed variety ended up with no produce. notwithstanding, seeds were
Those who were able to collect traditional salt-tolerant SANTADAS GHOSH
varieties, and were lucky to have lower salt deposits on
their land, harvested a little rice. But their output was
greatly reduced. Compared with the usual rice output in
the Sunderbans — 3.5-4 tonnes per hectare — this harvest CYCLONE AILA devastated the economy of the low-lying but
yielded only 1.5-2 tonnes per hectare. densely populated Sunderbans islands, just before the 2009
monsoon. These islands — the official figure is 54 islands,
The difference between local varieties and high-yielding none of which has any freshwater source — are mudflats in
varieties became glaringly clear. Local rice strains such as the maze of rivers in the Indian part of the Sunderbans. They
Dudheswar, Marichsal and Nona Bokhra performed the best, are surrounded by the Bay of Bengal, whose waters travel
followed by HYV varieties like Lunishree, Jarava and Sabita. with the tide north through numerous channels from the
MTU7029, the most popular paddy variety in West Bengal, southern tip of West Bengal.
proved totally unsatisfactory in the area this year.
On a no-moon day, with unusual high-tide levels, the
Apart from rice, the croplands produce some post-monsoon islands’ earthen embankments gave way to nature’s fury,
grain in normal years. One example is khesari, a pulse that drowning almost every part of the islands in saline water.
requires little or no irrigation. Other commercial crops The destruction was not massive in terms of loss of life. But
like sunflower, tomatoes and chillies are also cultivated in it ensured little or no agriculture for the inhabitants during
places where transportation is accessible and where ample the all-important monsoon season. With most islanders
water reserves (tanks and ponds) are available. Almost every relying on agriculture — and the single monsoon crop —
household grows small quantities of winter vegetables, many outsiders like me sensed the gravity of the calamity
using pond and tank water, for their own consumption that would unfold with time.
which is important for poor households. In 2009, however,
after the monsoon, these crops failed entirely or had only Climate change predictions establish that events like these
marginal success. are likely to occur more frequently in future.

The cycle of construction and destruction in the Sunderbans After Aila

has gone on for years according to nature’s diktat. Historians
agree that the islands have been depopulated and repopulated I was able to embark on a proper exploratory visit to the
over and over again, and at all times the sustenance for people islands only three months after the event, when the chaotic
who chose to make the islands their home has been dictated situation on the ground had limped back to something
by natural laws and events. This helps us understand that resembling normalcy. But the veil of routine life in the
what is happening today is the rule, not the exception. And Sunderbans hid the effects on agriculture. With memories
that the struggle for existence against all odds will continue. of the aftermath of the cyclone — lands submerged by
Compared with a generation ago, the effects of the 2009 saline water, standing crops turned brown with salt — I
cyclone were mitigated to the extent possible thanks to instant expected to see empty, discoloured lands. But there were
communications and the vast information network that was patches of green fields, newly planted with rice! It was a
able to quickly mobilise aid and assistance. Yet the longer-term pleasant surprise to see attempts at cultivation in the year
struggle continues, for after the failed crops of 2009 many immediately following Aila. Although the plants looked
of the islands’ men have temporarily migrated to find work. weak and yellowish, the very fact that seeds had sprouted
With climate change and the daunting prospect of further and taken root in the damaged fields showed
disruptions in weather patterns and cyclonic events, agriculture their resilience.
here will become increasingly fragile. As the latest experience
shows, salt tolerance alone is not the solution; every aspect of Further into the maze of islands that make up the
the residents’ livelihoods must also change. Sunderbans, I saw a mixed scenario. There were vast
stretches of fields, as I had expected. These fields had
ISSUE 19 2010

Dr Sukanta Das Gupta is Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Department of remained submerged in a mixture of trapped salt water and
Agriculture, West Bengal monsoon rains. Where embankments could not be quickly

Coping with climate change

Even in the most devastated For the population of these islands, surviving the post-Aila
months on insufficient relief provisions, very little drinking
water and an outbreak of diarrhoea has been a dreadful
areas, homestead lands were trial. But right through the hardships, their natural instinct
was to try and grow crops.
generally higher than the
Not everyone with land risked everything on cultivation.
surrounding paddy fields and Even on islands where land salinity was uniform, some
farmers attempted agriculture while others did not. I
so the river water didn’t stay wanted to know who had tried and who hadn’t. My theory
was that some families were able to survive despite a very
for too long, even with exposed poor harvest because the ‘costs’ of growing crops differed
across households, even in the same village.
embankments nearby. Here, My discussions with several villagers yielded the following:
everything depends on family labour and hired labour.
people maintained kitchen Monsoon paddy cultivation is possible at a minimal cost if
the family doesn’t need to hire labour against cash. For such
gardens and grew fruit trees farmer families, the combined cost of fertilisers, pesticides
and the processing of rice from paddy totals around
like banana. I saw many tall Rs 1,000 per hectare in the Sunderbans, against which
a normal crop would yield a value of Rs 10,000, at local
rotten brown stems of dead prices. Therefore, farmers estimated a profit in attempting
cultivation if the post-Aila yield was more than 10% of the
banana trees, but there were usual output. For larger farmers who needed hired labour
for cultivation, the cost was estimated at Rs 3,500 per
little green leaves peeping out hectare; it would require more than 35% of normal output
to make the effort remunerative. Therefore, even where
from below! the saline water didn’t stay long, and the land received less
salt deposits, big farmers were afraid to take a risk with
agriculture. It was mostly small farmers who tried their luck,
repaired and tidal inundations regularly occurred, the using family labour.
land was too saline for seeds to sprout. But where salinity
This pattern seems perfectly rational, as those who
was reduced thanks to rainwater, desperate farmers were
attempted agriculture reported yields varying between 25%
rewarded with some rice yields.
and 40% of their normal production.
Even in the most devastated areas, homestead lands were In many places, soil salinity had risen to such an extent that
generally higher than the surrounding paddy fields and so no one even considered putting any effort into agriculture.
the river water didn’t stay for too long, even with exposed In some cases, this is true for the whole island. In other
embankments nearby. Here, people maintained kitchen places, parts of islands face different situations. In a few
gardens and grew fruit trees like banana. I saw many tall pockets, the land survived the high-salinity wash and normal
rotten brown stems of dead banana trees, but there were agriculture was reported during the post-Aila monsoon.
little green leaves peeping out from below! As I have recently begun new research on the dynamics of
post-Aila livelihood adjustments on the islands, the findings
There were more surprises in store. The first was a snake of firsthand data collection on 323 villages spread over 19
(non-venomous) that I spotted in a field. Did this mean the islands in the Sunderbans are useful.
freshwater ecosystem on the islands had revived? I had
Although all the evidence indicates destruction to agriculture
discussed the impact of salt water on freshwater snakes,
following Aila, there is also evidence of resilience, refuting
frogs and earthworms with the inhabitants. If there was
the perception that no agriculture in the Sunderbans would
a drastic decline in their population, the entire ecosystem
be possible in 2009, a view that I too initially subscribed
would be crippled. But people confidently told me that even to (see previous issue of Infochange Agenda on coastal
on the most damaged islands, these species had survived, communities).
although in fewer numbers. Earthworms too had survived
(salt water is deadly to them); they must have buried
ISSUE 19 2010

Dr Santadas Ghosh is a Reader in Economics in the Department of Economics and

themselves deep in the earth to stay away from the salty Politics, Visva Bharati, Shantiniketan, and has extensively chronicled ecological
surface water, coming back up only on higher ground. changes in the Sunderbans

Agricultural revival

Animal farms
The Green Revolution impacted livestock-rearing as well as agriculture. Farmers
were encouraged to shift from low-input backyard systems to corporatised capital-
intensive systems. As a result, there was an artificial divide between livestock-
rearing and agriculture, leading to the further crumbling of fragile livelihoods of
small and landless farmers. Organisations such as Anthra are now working with
communities to revitalise and re-integrate livestock and agriculture.

THE CONVENTIONAL GROWTH pathways recommended for India’s livestock, by numbers

globalisation are in direct contrast to what is needed to cope
with global warming and climate change. For the livestock India has some of the largest livestock populations in
sector, several international agencies predict that global the world. It has 57% of the world’s buffalo population
demand for livestock will double during the first half of this and 16% of cattle population. It ranks first in cattle and
century, as a result of growing human populations and their buffalo populations together, third in sheep, and second in
increasing affluence, especially in developing countries like goat populations in the world. Total export earnings from
China and India. Global trade in livestock products is already livestock, poultry and related products was Rs 5,120 crore
high. India is not yet a significant exporter, but sees itself as in 2004-05, of which leather accounted for Rs 2,660 crore,
having the potential to grow in this direction. with meat and meat products accounting for Rs 1,720
crore. The livestock sector produced 90.7 million tonnes
This demands a pattern of livestock-rearing that includes (mt) of milk, 45.2 billion eggs, 2.12 million tonnes of meat,
vertical integration of commodities into competitive and 44.5 million kg of wool in 2004-05 (India is among the
markets, and international transport of agricultural largest producers of milk and eggs in the world).
and livestock produce from areas of cheap and surplus
The development path selected 50 years ago for India drove
production to centres of demand. These patterns will be
our agriculture and livestock production systems through
disrupted in a world of diminishing fossil fuels. On the other
two predominant models: the Green and White Revolutions.
hand, climate change will impose fresh problems such as
The Green Revolution focused on improved seeds, irrigation,
prolonged and more frequent drought, changes in rainfall
mechanisation and chemical fertilisers, and began in those
distribution, extreme weather events, rising sea levels,
areas of the country rich in natural resources. One of the
increased and changing pest loads, and greater risk of heat
results of the Green Revolution in India was displacement of
stress in livestock farming.
the work-bullock from farming systems in these initial areas
and replacing it with the dairy buffalo. What followed was
Livestock-rearing along with other allied activities today
the White Revolution that based its model on exotic dairy
accounts for around 10% of India’s total emissions as
breeds, and buffalo-rearing which was based on improved
opposed to a world average of approximately 6%. While this
fodder, increased feed, artificial insemination to upgrade our
is partly because India’s emissions from industry are low,
genetic material, improved health, and improved marketing.
the country will nonetheless have to embark on a policy of
This was repeated in species after species, with mixed
livestock development that is mindful of the effects of the
sector on climate.
While our cattle was replaced with the Jersey and Holstein
The poor are already disproportionately vulnerable to breeds, our sheep were sought to be replaced with exotic
the effects of climate change because of their greater merinos from Russia and Australia, our goats with Swiss
dependence on agriculture. Food security is becoming a breeds, our pigs with Yorkshires and Berkshires and our
major issue in many developing countries including India, poultry with breeds that had proved successful in countries
with food prices spiralling upwards. According to the where livestock industrialisation was already under way.
finance ministry’s Mid-Year Review 2009-10, consumer price
inflation reached 11.6% in September 2009 thanks mainly to Subsequently, the poultry industry took off and the dairy
rising food prices. Industrialised systems of livestock-rearing cooperative movement boasted a number of success stories.
will also be affected as the benefits they enjoyed because of But there are many instances of failure too. The dismal truth
cheap energy costs and subsidies will no longer be available. in a large part of the country is the breakdown of traditional
ISSUE 19 2010

The plans and polices of the past will thus no more be valid systems, loss of breeds, inadequacy of new technologies
for the future. and research to address problems that challenge the poorest


farmers of the country, and ultimately, the crumbling of develop the unorganised sector producing dairy products,
fragile livelihoods dependent on livestock resources. One of which otherwise enjoy tremendous demand in the domestic
the most devastating results was the artificial separation of market as well as potential for export, even though the
livestock-rearing from agriculture, with both becoming more working group stated that in the first four years of the Tenth
and more dependent on external resources and inputs. Plan the growth rate of milk production was less than 3%
per annum.
The expansion of these programmes to drier, more marginal
areas of India has been a disaster. By the Eleventh Five-Year Although India’s cooperative milk marketing successes
Plan (2007-12), the Union government began to recognise are well-known, global market regimes today pose new
that the earlier path was not sustainable. According to a challenges for Indian livestock products. Competition
report of the Planning Commission’s working group on from international players, multinational corporations
animal husbandry and dairying, there were a number of and large private agri-business units threaten to wipe out
shortcomings. For instance, the efforts made during the small producers. India’s inability to meet global standards
Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-07) in raising feed and fodder of production — especially in terms of health of livestock
resources for livestock were not very successful. The and quality of livestock products — could prove extremely
recommendation was to target at least 10% of cultivable detrimental to small producers. Already, poultry contract
land for fodder crops; however, if fodder crops compete farmers are crumbling under the stress of having to produce
with foodgrain (and crops for biofuel) we will face many and compete with large international poultry companies.
more problems.
More worrisome is whether our livestock products are safe
The push to go private for consumption. Along with chemical agriculture, we also
ushered in the age of chemical livestock-rearing. Antibiotics,
India’s farming strength has been the farmer’s ability to growth boosters and hormones, anti-parasiticals, urea and
recycle crop residue to feed animals. This unfortunately has other chemicals have been extensively advocated in the
not been encouraged, with farmers being forced to grow past to boost livestock production as well as supposedly get
cash crops with no edible crop residue. There are many rid of infectious disease and infestations. Anti-parasiticals
imbalances, illustrated in the ignoring of the unorganised and toxic chemicals like ivermectin, butox and even DDT
sector in the policy space. There have been no measures to have been recommended to keep ticks and fleas at bay.

Sudharak Olwe
ISSUE 19 2010

Agricultural revival

They are often used in places where animal feed is stored, livestock in 1998-99. Changes in livestock populations and
to control rodents and other pests. They enter the animal’s composition vary across different landholding categories,
body through multiple routes and ultimately collect in the with the decline in livestock holding being sharpest among
livestock products we consume — milk, meat and eggs. landless households.

While the government may claim that rinderpest has been The 59th round of the National Sample Survey reports of
eradicated, new and emerging diseases continue to pose 2002-03 show that the average in-milk bovine stock owned
a major threat to the animal production programme. per 100 rural landless households fell from 16 in 1971-72
Emerging diseases like peste des petitis ruminants (PPR), to just 1 in 2002-03. During the same period there was
blue tongue, sheep pox and goat pox, swine fever, an overall decrease in in-milk bovine stock per 100 rural
contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, and New Castle households; it fell from 54 to 36. This decline was observed
disease (Ranikhet disease) cause substantial economic losses. in all major Indian states. NSS reports 402 (48th round), and
Regarding diseases among small ruminants and backyard 493 (59th round) reveal that the average number of sheep
poultry, the loss is borne entirely by the owner. In most and goat stock per 100 households has decreased amongst
states, departments of animal husbandry and dairying landless, marginal and small farmers over the past three
are not well-equipped with infrastructure and technical decades. The average number has increased only in the large
manpower to carry out programmes on animal health. landholding category (over 10 hectares of land). Micro-level
studies carried out in Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
The official argument is that declining budgetary allocations confirm the broad trends that obtain in the NSSO studies.
to animal husbandry and dairying — Plan outlay has The data indicates that it is becoming increasingly difficult
decreased over the past 10 Five-Year Plans from about 1.2% for poor rural farmers to keep animals.
to 0.2% — can be solved through privatisation. This is
the position taken despite animal husbandry and dairying A false shift away from livestock
contributing over 5% of national GDP.
There is now a decline in livestock assets amongst poor,
Change in livestock production systems marginal and small farmers. While the livestock economy
penetrates sections of rural society both vertically and
Farmers are being encouraged to shift from low-input laterally, and does so more equitably than landholdings, a
systems to capital-intensive, high-input systems. Backyard matter of growing concern is that despite 70% of India’s
poultry farmers are being encouraged to shift to commercial livestock being owned by landless, marginal and small
poultry farming or contract farming. Small ruminant holders farmers, recent studies across India indicate that over half of
are being encouraged to shift to dairy breeds. Most poor all these households are now ‘non-livestock owners’. While
farmers cannot cope with these changes; they either do the total population and density of livestock has increased
not shift or step out of livestock-rearing altogether. Efforts over time, the number per rural household has dropped.
and policy directives have tried to upgrade local stock to
‘high-producing’ varieties or replace indigenous breeds Indeed, the report of the working group on animal
altogether. This has had two effects. One, ‘high-producing’ husbandry and dairying reaffirms this decline; it records
breeds make greater demands on our resources, fodder, that the employment rate in the livestock sector has gone
water, labour, capital, and healthcare. Poor families often down from 4.5% to 2.52%. The report treats this decline
find that between repaying loans, feeding and watering as an “inevitable shift” out of rural areas, agriculture and
the animals, and increased healthcare, they are unable to allied sectors and a move towards urban areas and the
make ends meet. The more marginalised among them soon services sector. The reality is that the so-called shift has been
end up selling the animals and losing their livestock assets. forcibly imposed on peasant/farming communities as a
The second effect, which has far-reaching consequences, result of neo-liberal economic reforms and policies brought
is the rapid disappearance of indigenous breeds and the in by the Indian government over the past two decades,
associated genetic material. Should farmers wish to restock encouraging and nurturing corporatisation of the agriculture
with indigenous breeds, quality animals will simply not be and livestock sectors, and making it increasingly unviable for
available. farmers to farm and rear livestock, resulting in the collapse
of these rural livelihoods and the displacement of people
There was a drastic decline of bullocks after the 1980s, with from rural to urban areas. It is not, as is implied, some kind
the share of farm animals as draught power declining from of “voluntary” decision; nor is there any “evolutionary”
71% in 1961 to less than 23% in 1991. The 59th round of economic and market logic therein.
the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) reports
that working cattle in rural areas declined by 25% between For several years now, farmer organisations, scientists and
1991-92 and 2002-03. There has been a corresponding civil society groups have been questioning the validity of
shift in the composition of bovine populations from cattle such development and growth models of food production
ISSUE 19 2010

to buffaloes. According to the 54th NSSO round, a mere and food security. These models, which are capital- and
56% of households reported ownership of at least one energy-intensive, promote exotic hybrids and crossbreds,


chemical fertilisers, pesticides and chemotherapy. They have build-up of animal waste, thereby reducing the chances
driven farmers to despair and suicide. At the same time, of greenhouse gas emissions entering the atmosphere.
experiences from different areas show that there are many Returning valuable biomass to the soil ensures water
alternatives to this global model of development, which retention, reducing the risks posed by sudden periods of
posit the politics of food sovereignty: the right of people to drought. Encouraging local crop varieties which require less
healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through water reduces the need for expensive, energy-dependent
ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right irrigated systems. Local crops that also yield crop residue
to define their own food and agricultural systems. provide vital feed for livestock without the need to divert
land from food to fodder. Encouraging local livestock breeds
Rebuilding food sovereignty, coping with climate change promotes draught animal power, thereby reducing our
dependence on fossil fuels.
It is within this framework that organisations like Anthra
have been working closely with farming and pastoralist Managing manure is an important piece of the whole.
communities. Anthra aims to transform the current situation Manure reduces demand for fossil fuel, which is the main
with a view to addressing issues of food sovereignty raw material required to produce chemical fertilisers. Finally,
and environmental justice and also the emerging strengthening local markets by connecting local farming
challenges posed by climate change. We have worked communities to local consumers reduces transportation
with communities in efforts to revitalise and re-integrate costs, thus the food market’s carbon footprint. Bio-energy
livestock and agriculture. These include demonstrating generated from animal waste not only provides domestic
concrete community strategies to conserve and rear local energy to rural households, it has other multiple benefits.
indigenous livestock and poultry breeds, enhancing fodder Methane, which is 22 times more potent as a greenhouse
and water needs of livestock, promoting ethno-veterinary gas than carbon dioxide, is efficiently transformed into
medicines, accessing preventive healthcare services from the useful domestic energy. This, in turn, implies that rural
government veterinary department, integrating livestock households make fewer demands on fossil fuel energy as
into ongoing ecological agriculture initiatives to improve their energy needs are taken care of at the local level. The
energy efficiency (draught power), and recycling animal slurry from biogas plants is recycled into local agriculture,
waste into the soil thereby returning valuable carbon to thereby aiding both agriculture and reducing demand for
the soil and closing the carbon cycle. These experiences chemical fertilisers.
have formed the basis of ongoing learning as also for a
While the food sovereignty paradigm is the only sustainable
proactive outreach programme to sensitise and empower
way ahead, it has to be matched by political interventions
communities that are involved in rebuilding autonomous
that will force the rich to reduce their consumption, thereby
food production systems. They also constitute the core of
freeing up vital fossil fuel resources that can be redirected
critical policy research campaigns to challenge policies that
towards meeting the basic needs of the poor.
are detrimental to farming communities and offer concrete
alternative strategies. Dr Nitya S Ghotge and Dr Sagari R Ramdas are Co-directors of Anthra, a resource
centre offering training, research and advocacy initiatives in the areas of livestock,
A major effort aims at enabling dialogue and conversations biodiversity and people’s livelihood
between farmers and scientists, and across disciplines, as
many challenges lie at the interface of agriculture, forestry, References

commodities and trade, and health. Scientists within Chawla, N K, Kurup, M P G, and Sharma, Vijay Paul. 2002. ‘State of Indian
research institutions and animal husbandry departments Livestock Farmers and the Indian Livestock Sector: A Status Paper’. Indian Institute
have begun to unquestioningly accept certain paradigms of Management, Ahmedabad
and processes evolving in the research, development and NSSO reports (215, 338, 408, 493)
extension fields as ‘givens’ — not to be questioned — and
Shah, Amita. 2004. ‘Changing Interface between Agriculture and Livestock: A
end up conducting research within preset boundaries
Study of Livelihood Options under Dryland Farming Systems in Gujarat’. Gujarat
that have been drawn up by the State. For instance, the Institute of Development Research
acceptance that there is no way forward but to privatise
veterinary services due to lack of resources persuades Ramdas, S. 2003. ‘Strategies for Livestock Development in Watershed
Interventions: A Report of a Study Commissioned by NABARD for the Indo-German
scientists to carry out research within the framework Watershed Development Programme, Andhra Pradesh’
of a privatised veterinary healthcare delivery system.
Biotechnology as a quick-fix technology for all problems Ramdas, S et al. 1999. ‘Between the Green Pasture and Beyond… An Analytical
Study of Gender Issues in the Livestock Sector in Orissa’, technical report No 21.
— from increasing production yields, coping with climate Indo-Swiss Natural Resources Management Programme, Orissa, India
change stresses, and disease resistance — has begun to be
accepted unquestioningly by the larger scientific community Via Campesina. 2007. Nyeleni Declaration. Selingue. Mali: Forum of Food
that thus abdicates its central role of critical enquiry.
ISSUE 19 2010

Ghotge, N S and Ramdas, S R. 2008. ‘Integrated Local Systems for Mitigating

In contrast, ecological agricultural practices prevent the Climate Change’. Leisa, 24:4, December 2008. p 23

Agricultural revival

Women farmers: From seed to kitchen

Women contribute 50-60% of labour in farm production in India. There is evidence
to suggest that if agriculture were focused on women, outputs could increase by
as much as 10-20%, the ecological balance could be restored, and food security of
communities improved

IN INDIA, there are distinct male and female roles in the where land ownership is assured, and land management issues
rural economy. Women and girls engage in a number of in terms of agriculture and the support systems it requires.
agro-oriented activities ranging from seedbed preparation, Any changes in land ownership and agricultural patterns affect
weeding, horticulture and fruit cultivation to a series of women far more than men (positive or negative), given the
post-harvest crop processing activities like cleaning and existing gender roles that women are expected to fulfil, mainly
drying vegetables, fruits and nuts for domestic use and for related to management of the household in their reproductive
market. A disproportionate number of those dependent on roles — fuelwood collection, fodder collection, livestock
land are women: 58% of all male workers and 78% of all tending in general, food security needs and so on. Their
female workers, and 86% of all rural female workers are in dependence on agriculture on common lands, on forests and
agriculture. Female-headed households range from 20% to water is that much greater and more acute.
35% of rural households (widows, deserted women as well
as women who manage farming when their men migrate). The mode of female participation in agricultural production
Although the time devoted by both women and men in varies with the land-owning status of the farm household.
agricultural activities may, in several communities and Women’s roles range from managers to landless labourers.
agricultural situations, be taken to be almost equal, women In all farm production, the average contribution of women
are dominant within the domestic tasks. Rural Indian is estimated at 50% to 60% of total labour, much higher in
women are extensively involved in agricultural activities, certain regions. Girls are preferred in cottonseed production
but the nature and extent of their involvement differs with because their wages are lower than those of adults (see
variations in agro-production systems. table for wage differentials in agricultural labour). Moreover,
they work longer hours and more intensively, and are
There are community-based differences regarding women’s generally easier to administer. Gathering of fuelwood is the
participation in agriculture, therefore location, cropping

Sudharak Olwe
patterns, ethnic affiliation and economic and educational
background also have implications for the specific division
of labour within a given family unit. Usually, women’s
representation is greater in allied agriculture than in grain
production, and poor households require the greater
involvement of women in income-generating activities than
financially stable ones.

Women play an important role in all dimensions of agricultural

production — in certain regions, women’s time input equals
men’s, while in other regions traditions restrict their work to
the household where they are involved in crop processing
and are in charge of household maintenance. In most cases,
women’s efforts are non-monetised although they make large
labour contributions to a range of marketed products such as
dried fruits, fuelwood, dairy products and handicrafts.

The problems of women in agriculture resemble the

‘progressive set of problems’ that other marginalised
communities face in the general population, but in a more
ISSUE 19 2010

acute and distressing manner. These problems relate to land

ownership, security of tenure, land quality issues in cases

Women farmers

exclusive responsibility of women and girls. In general, male All-India average daily wage rates in agricultural occupations (Rs) — 2007-08
activities such as land preparation, planting, sowing, and Ploughing Sowing Weeding
fertiliser application are one-time jobs, usually accomplished Men Women Children Men Women Children Men Women Children
within a stipulated time. Female activities, however, such as Jul-07 86.72 52.14 74.80 53.57 41.77 68.45 55.82 40.06
weeding, are recurrent daily activities, lasting from the time Aug-07 86.96 46.88 75.10 55.00 43.91 67.53 55.32 41.25
the seed is planted until it is harvested. Sep-07 88.43 46.43 76.26 56.18 45.25 66.82 55.14 41.46
Oct-07 89.68 48.13 77.74 56.53 45.01 68.69 56.35 43.24
Nov-07 89.46 46.50 77.54 55.79 44.00 68.71 57.04 42.15
Rural women are often dependent on the natural
Dec-07 89.84 47.14 77.79 56.13 43.91 69.23 57.56 42.28
environment for their livelihood. Maintenance of households Jan-08 92.56 46.00 79.60 58.26 48.80 70.30 58.67 43.01
and women’s livelihoods are, therefore, directly impacted by Feb-08 92.62 64.38 79.64 58.45 44.44 71.21 59.61 43.91
climate-related damage to or scarcity of natural resources. Mar-08 94.72 52.00 81.92 59.04 44.44 70.95 59.35 42.23
Apr-08 95.16 82.86 59.17 45.00 72.00 60.05 41.67
Limited rights or access to arable land further limits livelihood
May-08 94.91 50.00 84.06 59.46 45.56 72.49 61.80 43.00
options and exacerbates financial strain on women, especially Jun-08 95.47 84.03 58.54 44.50 74.41 62.49 43.89
in women-headed households. Poor women are less able Transplanting Harvesting Winnowing
to purchase technology to adapt to climate change due to Men Women Children Men Women Children Men Women Children
Jul-07 71.78 58.96 44.00 73.27 60.62 38.44 68.88 53.70
limited access to credit and agricultural services (for example,
Aug-07 71.38 58.63 44.71 73.66 61.83 39.60 69.93 54.89
watering technology, farm implements, climate-appropriate Sep-07 71.96 59.95 46.24 75.08 61.98 40.18 71.46 54.79
seed varieties and fertilisers). Damage to infrastructure that Oct-07 73.12 61.41 44.67 74.45 61.12 41.48 70.30 54.30
limits clean water, hygienic care, and health services can Nov-07 72.59 61.31 45.14 73.37 60.83 41.40 68.38 55.13 38.53
Dec-07 72.96 61.63 45.14 74.21 60.73 43.14 69.75 55.15
be especially detrimental to pregnant or nursing women
Jan-08 74.76 62.85 46.19 74.78 61.87 44.02 71.34 56.70 43.45
(10-15% of all women, at any given point) as they have Feb-08 74.10 63.05 45.79 74.19 61.36 44.10 71.74 57.22 40.53
unique nutritional and health needs. Public and familial Mar-08 74.97 63.31 45.79 75.13 62.94 45.11 71.99 57.22 40.53
distribution of food may be influenced by gender and Apr-08 75.67 63.74 45.79 76.95 63.82 44.54 72.12 57.83 39.53
make women and girls more susceptible to poor nutrition, May-08 75.51 63.95 46.67 78.23 64.50 43.83 73.03 58.39 40.45
Jun-08 76.71 64.38 48.24 79.58 66.11 44.68 73.76 57.80 42.53
disease and famine, especially when communities are under Threshing Picking Herding livestock
environmental stress. Increased time to collect water (due to Men Women Children Men Women Children Men Women Children
drought, desertification or increased salinity) and fuel (due to Jul-07 72.40 61.27 70.26 57.95 40.02 46.07 36.89 30.55
deforestation or extensive forest kill from disease infestations) Aug-07 72.21 61.14 72.01 57.63 36.68 46.41 36.92 30.62
Sep-07 72.94 60.38 40.53 71.07 56.98 38.56 46.57 36.50 30.80
decreases the time that women are able to spend on Oct-07 73.47 58.00 38.78 74.57 57.37 39.77 46.88 37.46 30.45
education or other economic and political enterprises, and Nov-07 72.91 58.32 38.07 74.88 57.14 40.82 47.47 37.46 30.81
increases their risk of gender-based violence. Dec-07 71.96 58.45 38.24 71.55 56.16 41.24 47.30 37.39 30.75
Jan-08 72.56 58.15 41.10 69.40 57.17 46.74 48.07 37.53 31.32
The role of women in agricultural production is largely Feb-08 73.32 58.08 39.08 70.75 56.51 42.40 48.26 38.06 31.47
Mar-08 72.77 57.62 41.27 72.88 59.97 45.27 48.53 38.23 32.05
determined by the lifecycle of the household, location of Apr-08 74.44 58.34 40.27 72.20 60.19 43.20 48.49 38.78 32.16
household fields and other tasks that women undertake May-08 75.33 61.06 41.96 74.59 60.07 38.16 48.29 38.81 32.36
during the agricultural year. Their traditional role as primary Jun-08 77.66 62.13 42.53 75.29 60.65 37.89 49.38 39.29 33.45
seed-keepers and seed-processors is well known in our Source: ‘Wage Rates in Rural India 2007-08’, Ministry of Labour, Government of India

society. They have conventionally been both experts and

producers of food from seed to kitchen, and as globalisation productive role in agriculture, decrease health hazards from
shifts agriculture into capital-intensive mode, women chemicals, and avoid a drain on scarce family income to pay
bear the disproportionate costs of both displacement and for unnecessary agricultural inputs. There is a wage disparity
health hazards. They carry the heavier work burden in food based on gender which must be addressed. One solution is
production and, because of gender discrimination, get for minimum support prices to be fixed for the plantation
lower returns for their work. However, when addressed sector (such as tea, coffee, rubber, arecanut and cardamom)
in a woman-centric manner, the potential for increased in which a large number of women are directly and actively
productivity, restoration of ecological balance, for high involved. Empowering women farmers with landholding
positive social impacts like increased status, self-confidence rights and joint bank accounts with their husbands would
and food security for communities, all increase much more go a long way towards achieving gender equity in Indian
tangibly than working in a gender-neutral manner. It has agriculture. Therefore, effective land rights for women
been reported that output could be increased by as much as — not just in law, but in practice — seems to be the crux
10-20% if inputs were reallocated from plots controlled by of the matter. As researcher and writer Bina Aggarwal
men to those controlled by women. Women also put land to has argued, this is not just for the welfare, equality and
more sustainable use. The arguments for land fragmentation empowerment of women but also for efficiency in land use.
do not hold much ground given the outweighing There is empirical evidence to suggest that women can give
advantages of land ownership vesting with women. increased outputs with secure land rights.
ISSUE 19 2010

Kavya Dashora is a scientist at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,

Organic farming needs promotion to increase women’s New Delhi

Agricultural revival

Feminisation of agricultural labour “Real wages have increased, leading to a decline in the
percentage of people living below the poverty line,” they
Women constitute approximately 70% of the agricultural note. “The growth in agricultural wages was faster in the
labour force, and perform more than 70% of farm labour case of female (104%) compared to male workers (71%),
in less industrialised Asia. In India, women constitute in the 1990s. Just 6% of the budget funds allocated to
approximately 50% of agricultural and livestock workers. agriculture (less than 1% of the total budget) is devoted to
A general pattern in India and throughout Asia is that schemes explicitly addressing the needs of women farmers.
the poorer the area, the higher the contribution of
women, largely as subsistence farmers who work small After trying to maintain irrigation expenditure levels for
pieces of land of less than 0.2 hectares. While the rate of four years (1998-2002), allocations were slashed in 2003-4.
feminisation of agricultural labour differs across regions, it Irrigation would benefit women, but they might find jobs
reflects common circumstances — increased employment only in the lowest rungs; their workload would increase if
of women on a casual basis in small unregulated men migrate due to increased irrigation outside. Budgetary
workplaces — and common causes for distress migration allocations to animal husbandry and the fisheries sector
of men for better paid work in agriculture and non- have been declining in the four years under this study,
agriculture sectors. These factors are often combined 1998-2002. But it is open to further investigation as to
with the relegation of less profitable crop production to whether animal husbandry programmes substantially
women. raise women’s status or whether they only increase their
workload as unpaid family workers.
Indigenous communities are not immune to this
feminisation of agricultural work. As is seen worldwide, In Gujarat, the study ‘Impact of Agricultural Policies
women are the chief producers in jhum fields and in home and Programmes on Women of Small and Marginal and
gardens, bearing responsibility for choosing seeds and Agriculture Labour Households in Gujarat’, by Darshini
locations, weeding, fertilising, processing produce, and Mahadevia and Vimal Khawas, found that an overall
so on. It is the reliance of adivasi and indigenous women budget analysis showed that the approach to women’s
on natural resources and agriculture that makes them development and gender equity is too fragmented. “There
exceedingly vulnerable to climate change, especially as are a large number of schemes and programmes, all
they often live among the world’s most poor, with limited getting meagre funds,” say the authors, “thus each of the
access to resources. In Nepal, for example, large-scale programmes have very meagre coverage. A few women
migration of men has led women to become de facto here and a few women there benefit. There is no reflection
farm managers. Yet, effective management by women of the achievements of any of the programmes on the
is constrained by women’s inability to secure credit overall development of women and improvement of their
when they need it, if at all they get it, since most land status. Impact is also not observed at the taluka level,
titles remain in the men’s names and men’s signatures though in a few individual villages some positive impacts
are required before credit can be provided. This causes of some programmes are observed. This thin spread of
significant delays in procurement of credit and agricultural few resources is not a new observation in government
inputs. programmes. Adequate budgetary allocations for women’s
development and gender equity, and their appropriate
In the consultation on the impact of macro-economic utilisation can take place only in a policy environment that
policies on women, held by the Human Development is congenial, that is, one which is human/women-centric.”
Resource Centre of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) in India in 2004, valuable perspectives The study says that Gujarat state’s policy environment
and insights emerged from a study conducted in has always given primacy to industrial development
Maharashtra and Gujarat, both states pursuing industrial and economic growth. In the decade of the 1980s, the
capital and whose rural agricultural land use is under policy environment reached a situation of pursuing
growing pressure from urbanisation. economic growth at any cost. Serious deterioration on
the environmental front started taking place, leading to
In their study ‘Impact of Maharashtra’s Agriculture Policies stagnancy in agricultural growth and a decline in per capita
on Women Farmers: A Gender Budgeting Analysis’, Alka incomes in agriculture, which still continues to occupy
Parikh and Sarthi Acharya say that the proportion of half the working population. Water, fuelwood and fodder
female workers in agriculture to total female main workers scarcities followed and, as a consequence, women’s work
in Maharashtra was 76.72% in 2001. Thus, women seem increased.
to be more confined to agriculture than men. More than
half of women farmers were engaged in the capacity
of labourers in agriculture. In contrast, this proportion
ISSUE 19 2010

was lower by over 10% in the case of male workers.

Rural credit

Empty claims of financial inclusion

Government has been broadcasting its success in doubling institutional credit to
the agricultural sector. But these numbers have little meaning: 85% of accounts
opened were inoperative, 72% had zero or minimum balance, and only 15% had
a balance over Rs 100. It is paradoxical to talk about ‘inclusive growth’ when our
policies and practices tread the path of exclusion P S M RAO

THE GOVERNMENT has good reason to be happy with to be much above the poverty line. (This is why policymakers
institutional agricultural credit. The aggregate data shows must recognise that ‘semi-medium’ farmers have to be
that it has not only achieved its targets, but surpassed them. included in schemes with even limited benefit, such as
In 2004, the government wanted credit flow to the sector waiver of institutional loans.)
to be doubled in three years. That, claimed P Chidambaram,
These three classes of farmer — marginal, small and semi-
then Union finance minister, in his 2007-08 budget speech,
medium — account for 93.6% of holdings. Together, they
happened in just two years. He went on to set bigger credit
operate in 100.6 million hectares, which works out to
targets for the following year.
62.96% of the total operational area. For that matter, 159.9
Judging by the targets set and the achievements, the million hectares of total operational area in the country is
agricultural sector is well supplied with credit. The target for distributed over 120.8 million holdings, big and small. That
2007-08, of Rs 225,000 crore, was exceeded by Rs 348 crore. means the average size of holding in India is 1.32 hectares
A higher target was set for 2008-09 — Rs 280,000 crore. (the average holdings of marginal, small and semi-medium
This too was exceeded by around Rs 7,000 crore. For 2009- farmers are 0.40, 1.41 and 2.72 hectares respectively). No
10, the target is Rs 325,000 crore which, from all available agriculture policy that ignores these facts will be effective.
reports, looks unlikely to be missed.
While total credit has, according to the official data, increased
Yet the experiences of farmers do not match this ‘all is well’ every year for the last three years, how much of it reaches
version of agricultural credit and the numbers that make up small and marginal farmers? Many studies point to the gap
the official data. There is enough proof for us to conclude between credit and those whom it is supposed to reach.
that small farmers — who constitute the bulk of the farming According to a World Bank report, as much as 87% of
community — did not get their fair share of credit. Before marginal and 70% of small farmers do not get credit through
reviewing the farm credit scenario, it would be useful to institutions. In fact, 51% of all farmers, big and small, enjoy
summarise landholding sizes in India. no banking services at all, let alone credit. The Committee
on Financial Inclusion’s observation (the C Rangarajan
Farm size

According to the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural

Census Division data, 63% of the total 159.9 million hectares
of operational holdings in 2001 was held by marginal
farmers with less than 1 hectare of land. Small farmers
with plot sizes totalling 1-2 hectares made up 18.9% of the
holdings, which means that small and marginal farmers
together account for a high 81.9% of operational holdings.

Further, it is difficult to ignore those who are classified as

semi-medium farmers with holding sizes of 2-4 hectares of
land, and constituting about 11.7% of total holdings, since
most farmers who committed suicide in Vidarbha were in
this category. The extent of land held by them did not yield
enough produce to meet their minimum needs, let alone
deliver a surplus to repay their debts. This is because land
ISSUE 19 2010

productivity is low; although these farmers are categorised

as being above small-farmer level, they cannot be expected

Agricultural revival

Committee, 2008) on farmers not getting enough credit is: All this suggests that agricultural loans are difficult to come
“National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) data reveals by, regardless of claims made by the central government.
that 45.9 million farmer households in the country (51.4%),
out of a total of 89.3 million households, do not access There is the related issue of agricultural credit as a
credit, either from institutional or non-institutional sources. percentage of total bank credit declining over the years,
Further, despite the vast network of bank branches, only 27% although 72% of the population lives in rural areas, most of
of total farm households are indebted to formal sources (of them dependent on agriculture and allied activities for their
which one-third also borrow from informal sources). Farm livelihood. The norm of earmarking 18% net bank credit to
households not accessing credit from formal sources as a agriculture is rarely followed. According to Reserve Bank of
proportion of total farm households is especially high at India data, the share of agricultural advances to net bank
95.91%, 81.26% and 77.59% in the northeastern, eastern credit ranged between 14.5% and 17.2% of the net bank
and central regions respectively. Thus, apart from the fact credit between 2003 and 2009, in the case of public sector
that exclusion in general is large, it also varies widely across banks; it was 10.9% to 15.9% in the case of private banks.
regions, social groups and asset holdings. The poorer the The share of agricultural and allied activities in the gross
group, the greater is the exclusion.” bank credit was in the region of 12% during the last five
years, as shown in the accompanying table.
This suggests that the bulk of farmers do not get
Table 1
institutional credit. Moreover, those who do cannot meet Share of agriculture in gross bank credit in India (2005-09) (Amount in Rs crore)
all their requirements; this means most farmers have to Outstanding Agriculture and Percentage in Total bank
depend on informal sources of credit and then bear the high up to allied activities total credit

cost of interest and harsh terms. The rate of interest from Mar-05 124,269 11.88 10,45,954
Mar-06 173,875 12.04 14,43,920
non-institutional sources, according to the government’s
Mar-07 230,180 12.49 18,41,878
own admission, ranges between 24% and 48% per
Mar-08 275,343 12.25 22,47,289
annum. Interest rates in backward areas are higher than Mar-09 338,656 12.78 26,48,501
in developed centres, and the rate charged to poor people Source: RBI’s Annual Report 2006-07 and 2008-09
who have no collateral is more than the rate charged to rich
farmers. Thus, poor farmers lose whatever small assets they Another worrisome trend is that specialised institutions
have in the process of debt redemption. set up to meet the credit needs of farmers and weaker
sections are moving away from that role, at a time when
This is not to say that the cost of borrowing from the government is talking about strengthening the
institutions is reasonable. A study I recently concluded credit delivery system and financial inclusion. The share
in rainfed areas of Andhra Pradesh confirms that these of cooperatives — which were once synonymous with
costs too are burdensome. They included high interest agricultural institutional credit — in total agricultural credit
rates ranging from 7% to 16%, with the low end of the has dropped to a mere 12.8% in 2006-07, from 33.9%
interest scale coming into play only in case of loans for in 2002-03 and over 50% about a decade ago. The wide
which the government interest subvention is eligible, and network of cooperatives — there are over 100,000 outlets
up to the time that loans do not become overdue. Then all over India — would have led them to occupy a dominant
there are other charges levied by banks such as process position in agricultural credit had reforms been aimed at
fee, inspection charge, penal interest, equitable mortgage helping the farm sector.
charge, service charge, no-dues certificate fee, gold loan
process and appraisal charge and ledger folio charge. Not While cooperatives have been losing ground, commercial
all banks impose these uniformly, yet every bank has its own banks have increased their share from 33% in 1992-93, the
way of collecting extra fees. In addition, crop insurance is year from which banking reforms started taking root, to
compulsory for bank borrowers, adding another premium nearly 78% in 2008-09. Earlier, they were not considered
to the farmer’s burden. A paddy grower who takes loans for suitable for rural lending owing to their commercial approach
two crops in a year has to pay 4.5% of his/her loan amount and high cost of operation. This shows how the viability
as insurance premium (2.5% on rabi and 2% on kharif). This concerns of lending agencies are taking precedence over
cost alone often cancels out whatever benefit the farmer the social approach of protecting agriculture. Commercial
may get on account of interest subsidy. principles are now widely applied to lending to a sector that’s
responsible for providing livelihoods and food to the nation.
Worse, a sizeable number of farmers studied in the three
sample villages — one each in Mahboobnagar, Anantapur Similarly, regional rural banks (RRBs), which are exclusively
and Vizianagaram districts — reported paying a bribe in set up to provide credit to weaker sections in rural areas,
order to get loans and subsidies. That, apart from having have changed character after the reforms introduced in
to visit banks and government offices a number of times 1992-93. Their responsibility of priority sector lending has
ISSUE 19 2010

to complete the paperwork demanded of them; in extreme been brought down to the level of other commercial banks,
cases, workers lost 90 days’ wages. the focus being on the financial viability of RRBs rather than

Rural credit

Table 2 is the result of a host of factors including declining

Share of different institutions in formal agricultural credit, in India public investment in agriculture, rising input prices, an
(Amount in Rs crore) unresponsive institutional mechanism, non-remunerative
Institution/Year 1992-93 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 product prices, and the absence of extension services.
Cooperatives 9,378 23,636 26,875 31,425 39,404 42,480 48,258 36,762 Farmer suicides are seen to be the consequence of farmers
(62.00) (33.97) (30.89) (25.07) (21.83) (20.00) (18.95) (12.80) unable to clear their debts, mainly to private sources. This
Regional 831 6,070 7,581 12,404 15,223 20,434 25,312 26,724 itself indicates the failure of institutional credit to meet the
rural banks (5.00) (8.72) (8.71) (9.89) (8.43) (10.00) (9.93) (9.30) needs of farmers, particularly small and marginal ones.
Commercial 4,960 39,774 52,441 81,481 125,859 140,382 181,088 223,663
banks (33.00) (57.17) (60.29) (65.02) (69.73) (69.05) (71.11) (77.89) It is paradoxical to talk about ‘inclusive growth’ whilst
Other - 80 84 - - - - - our policies and practices tread the path of exclusion. The
reforms have not only resulted in reduced access to credit
Total 15,169 69,560 86,981 125,309 180,486 203,296 254,658 287,149 by farmers, particularly small and marginal farmers, they
Source: Economic Survey 2006-07, GOI and annual reports of different years of NABARD have also hiked banking and credit costs for this section.
Note: Figures in parentheses indicate relative share in total Measures like no-frills accounts and kisan credit cards have
proved useless to farmers. In November 2005, the RBI asked
banks to open accounts with small or no deposits, covering
financial aid to farmers. As a result, RRBs are now mandated
all households, as part of financial inclusion. By November
to earmark only 10% of their lending to weaker sections,
2008, tremendous progress was reported: 155 out of 355
from the original 100% — a complete U-turn. If RRBs are to
campaign districts were said to have achieved ‘financial
function as commercial banks there is no need for them to
inclusion’. But the opening of bank accounts did not bring
exist as separate entities.
any tangible benefits to the poor. A study, jointly conducted
by the College of Agricultural Banking of the RBI and the
Regional rural banks — originally conceived as ‘social banks’
Chennai-based Centre for Microfinance of the Institute of
and defined as ‘region-based, rural-oriented, low-cost
Financial Management and Research, found that 85% of
tiny commercial banks with a social approach’ — have 73
accounts opened were inoperative; 72% of accounts had
metropolitan and 751 urban branches among a combined
zero or minimum balance, and only 15% of accounts studied
total of 15,029 branches, as of March 2008. What business
had a balance of over Rs 100. The experience with kisan
did these banks have in urban and metropolitan areas?
credit cards is the same. Although an impressive number
While their outstanding credit, as of September 2007, is
of cards were issued — 86,359,000 by 2009, according to
Rs 52,449 crore, their rural credit is only Rs 35,003 crore.
data compiled by the National Bank for Agriculture and
Similarly, their deposit portfolio of Rs 85,311 crore contains Rural Development (NABARD) — most of the cards are not
urban deposits of Rs 32,866 crore. used as credit cards. Instead, agricultural cash credit (ACC)
borrowers are converted to KCC holders without changing
Closure of rural branches
the lending procedure.
Commercial banks as a bloc are showing an urban bias. They
These examples show that recent trends are going against
are either closing rural branches or shifting them to urban
rural areas in general and agriculture in particular. Small
centres. According to RBI data, the number of rural branches
and marginal farmers are hard done by; any assertions to
of scheduled commercial banks (including RRBs) has come the contrary neither hide the truth nor reduce the sufferings
down by 4,313, from 35,389 branches in 1993 to 31,076 of India’s rural poor. Results that reflect true ‘inclusion’ will
by March 2008. In contrast, the number of new urban and emerge only when sincere efforts are made to put in place
metropolitan branches has increased by 5,829 and 7,155 policies that genuinely have the interests of agriculture and
respectively. The change is seen — both in the reduction of farmers at their heart.
rural and increase in urban branches — not only in relative
share but in absolute numbers also (see Table 2). Dr P S M Rao is a consultant on microfinance, rural credit and livelihood issues. He
was formerly with the Andhra Pradesh Grameen Vikas Bank
Overall, even with a total of 76,050 bank branches the
population-to-branch ratio has gone up to 15,000 from
around 12,500, which was the ratio in the early-1990s. The
focus being on profitability, the social objective of providing
banking services to the people is taking a back seat although
we hear a great deal about ‘inclusive growth’. While there
are more than 600,000 settlements in India, only 30,000
have bank branches — RBI Governor Dr D Subba Rao himself
pointed this out recently.
ISSUE 19 2010

It is well documented that the current agricultural crisis

Agricultural revival

Natural farming, tribal farming

In major parts of India, agriculture is in crisis, with very low returns and large-scale
destruction of cropped lands. Conservation agriculture can help small and middle
farmers escape the downward spiral that impoverishes them even as it destroys the
soil and ecosystem. Tribal farmers in particular have an intuitive understanding of
natural farming techniques, Agragamee discovered during its nascent initiatives in
organic conservation agriculture with tribal farmers in Orissa

IT’S A LONG, ARDUOUS STRUGGLE getting something sustain them, they work on the farms of large farmers; here
out of the red-brown soil that covers most of Kashipur in too, the real labour costs are not factored in.
Orissa. And a quirky, lateral approach does little to help,
as most people, including my colleagues, view anything At the first opportunity, farmers give in and take to
unusual in cultivation practice with deep suspicion. Sumani chemicals, starting up the cycle of dependence and debt. Or,
is my strongest critic, and a follower. I impressed her with they opt out of their traditional cropping patterns and move
vermiculture and she took a pot of worms to start her to eucalyptus plantations, which hold even more risks and
own. She even took a bottle of panchakavya from me and limitations.
tried it with great enthusiasm, and, I hope, success on her
vegetable patch. When the great Masanobu-san (Fukuoka) died, I felt
compelled to re-examine his practical philosophy. Natural
Vermicompost is all very well under ideal conditions — a farming, farming in nature’s image, seemed good in the
dairy with stall-fed cattle, a largish campus that did not pages of the exciting book One Straw Revolution. But
need to grow food for the family and so could afford a I wasn’t a rice farmer, and we did not have rice lands.
fair portion of area for trees that produce leaf mould and Moreover, even the concepts of organic farming with input
mulch, sufficient water and other resources. But what substitution were difficult for my colleagues to swallow.
about small farming families with less than 2 acres of How then would they react to his major tenets of no tilling,
non-irrigated uplands? These families find it hard to keep no weeding, no fertilisers (not even organic ones), and no
vermicomposting going, and the risks are high: they can be pesticides?
attacked by pests; suffer too much or too little watering;
the organic matter has to decompose just right; you have I had chosen an unused patch of the Agragamee campus
to have the right mix of cowdung and partially decomposed land. We had just cut the grass. Just sow the paddy, I told
matter for the worms to thrive… Sumani herself found it Ratha, at the same time and the same way, just before
difficult to get her culture right; she managed only after the rains, as you do in your fields. He wanted to dig. This
replenishing her supplies several times from our carefully was upland paddy that did not require standing water. We
monitored stock of ‘local’ non-exotic worms. compromised. We raised beds 4-5 feet in width, threw soil
from the furrows in between on to the beds on either side,
We had been experimenting with organic farming, sowed our paddy, and mulched all the beds with leaves. This
permaculture, double digging, and other techniques for successful first step emboldened me and we made similar
some years. The red inorganic soil of Kashipur gives a little, beds with finger millet and foxtail millet.
grudgingly, and then holds back. Just making compost
requires a great deal of effort in terms of time and labour. The paddy did indeed sprout! When I peered at the
You have to water it regularly to keep the moisture levels neighbouring fields, my no-till methods compared very
right, and water is at a premium in the rolling uplands. We well. Sumani made special trips to monitor my fields,
had made several compost heaps, and they just grew; they and congratulated me on my success. But her scepticism
did not decompose until the rains came. I wondered how returned when we found that the millets had done poorly.
one family could do all this and manage the huge cost in Perhaps we had sown them late…
terms of labour. How would they maintain moisture levels
for good compost? And in the quantities required? I had cut and mulched weeds on an unused bed. In some
of the beds, the weeds had grown enough. In others, we
Very often, farmers do not factor labour costs into their added some to provide soil cover, spread EWM, threw
production systems, especially small and marginal farmers. soil from the furrows on either side on to the beds, and
ISSUE 19 2010

But the whole family works on the farm — children, women, transplanted cabbage, brinjal and chilli seedlings. The
even the elderly. Then, because returns are too low to cauliflowers died, but the chillies and brinjal did well. Long

Stories of change: Orissa

after other beds of chilli and brinjal, planted at the same out of hill slopes and narrow stream beds through years and
time, had exhausted, mine survived and continued to yield. years of backbreaking work with bullocks and plough. When
No-till needs understanding and patience. Gradually, the the uplands are denuded, a single day of heavy rains can
whole campus turned into a zero-tillage zone; even my destroy the crops so lovingly nurtured on them, throwing
colleagues grudgingly began showing a little acceptance of the farmer into deep despair.
the approach.
Governments have also been very unkind in compensating
Disaster struck in the form of expert advice. A group of farmers for their losses. Although an official compensation
experts saw our fields and were shocked by the overgrowth is declared for farmers who have lost their crops, it is much
and apparent disarray. The beds were dug up, weeds too little to be of any significant help, and is often badly
pulled out and put into compost bins, and soon there were handled.
perfectly straight rows of cabbage and onions, watered in
neat little furrows. They got good results from the soil that Even so, there is opportunity too. ‘Podu chaso’, as slash-
had retained its humus and organic matter. But this was and-burn cultivation is called in tribal regions of Orissa,
an exception that only proved the value of conservation is significant for the diversity of crops it has traditionally
agriculture, as yields dropped again the next season. helped sustain, as also the diversity of cultivation practices
it has generated. Crop rotations, intercropping, and other
After returning from a farmers’ fair, a member of the sustainable agricultural practices are a part of the inherited
visiting team wrote me about Raju Titus who had a ‘natural knowledge system of the Podu farmer. The rice varieties that
farm’ in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, which Masanobu have been preserved by tribal farmers in Orissa’s undivided
Fukuoka had visited and helped design. Some of us went Koraput region are amazing. There are several varieties of
to see the farm. That was the turning point. Raju’s fields short-duration and long-duration upland paddy that grow
of golden wheat put the neighbouring fields to shame. He on the middle region slopes. Some of the most exquisite
produced enough for his family even though half his land varieties of scented rice are grown here, the most famous
was covered with subabul and other fruit trees. The leaf fall being ‘kala jeera’, so called because the paddy is black
enriched his land; the fuelwood he gave away to people in colour before it is de-husked. Apart from this, there
from neighbouring villages. His wife and just one helper
are short- and long-duration varieties of ragi and the less
managed almost the entire agricultural operation. While
common millets including foxtail millet, pearl millet and
Raju explained the theoretical aspects, his wife gave us all
sorghum. Amongst pulses, they grow several varieties of
the practical insights.
broad bean, arhar, cow pea, rice bean, urad, and a local
We returned convinced that this was the future of farming, variety commonly called ‘baeil’.
and gradually we began to turn all the cultivated land on
Not all of this is grown on hill or mountain slopes, the
campus into zero-tillage, natural farms. We also felt we
typical shifting cultivation or swidden land. For example,
should help the local community benefit from this method,
most scented varieties of paddy are lowland varieties. Not
and, seeking to reach out to the tribal farmers we worked
all of the land under shifting cultivation is mountain land
with, we invited Raju for a workshop. Raju is a man of few
either. But, it is the entire system of agriculture practised
words. He briefly explained his methods and their value to
farmers, and then demonstrated the techniques in practice. by the tribal communities that has helped preserve this
The farmer-to-farmer communication worked wonders. rich diversity of crops, as also diversity of cultivation, as
During the course of the workshop, 15 farmers declared different systems are practised on different types of land
that they would like to turn their farms into zero-tillage and different types of soil. This knowledge system is of great
natural farms. This was success beyond all expectations; value today, when the genetic wealth of plant resources
we eagerly began the process of expanding our experiments is being usurped by multinational corporations and their
beyond the campus. aggressive market strategies.

But it was not an easy task. Tribal regions in south Orissa, The Podu system has developed in tune with the climatic
where Agragamee works, are hilly upland areas where conditions of the southern Orissa districts. Here, monsoon
shifting cultivation has been practised to the point of is the main agricultural season. It is characterised by a thin
disaster. Heavy rains a few years ago had caused huge continuous drizzle for four to five months in the year. This
landslides, destroying both upland and lowland crops. The provides the moisture necessary for hill slope cultivation,
lowlands, where the best paddy in the region used to be without the soil being washed away to any significant
cultivated, were now quite useless. extent. Shifting cultivation crops are completely attuned
to this sort of rain. Their shallow root zones thrive on the
Land is divided into four zones in this region: irrigated thin soil layers, while their moisture tolerance enables them
lowlands, backyards, non-irrigated croplands, and dongar or to survive and produce a bountiful harvest. The burning
ISSUE 19 2010

hilly uplands. With the entire terrain in undulating relief, the enriches the potassium content of the soil, whilst also
first category of land is at a premium. It is painfully carved controlling pests and weeds.

Agricultural revival

Tribal knowledge systems also have a deep understanding rights given to the tillers.
of the crop rotation practices required to maintain shifting
cultivation cycles at optimal level. In lowland paddy areas, Soil conservation measures were undertaken, like
tribal communities have developed indigenous systems of constructing contour stone and vegetative bunds on the
water management and crop optimisation, combining long- hill slopes, checking gully and ravine formation through
duration and short-duration varieties that enable crops to appropriate drainage treatment and other erosion control
withstand the water currents of the monsoon in the valley, measures. Fruit-bearing trees like mango, litchi, guava
while optimising land use. and cashew were introduced as part of agro-forestry.
Miscellaneous plantations were taken up on slopes above
The typical shifting cultivation of tribal communities in 30 degrees. Using sophisticated equipment, land survey
southern Orissa is practised on primarily two categories of and settlement processes were completed in 400 villages in
land: Kashipur, and pattas distributed in over 150 villages. Local
NGOs and tribal leadership were engaged in the decision-
Medium land: This land has a slope ranging from 3-10 making process, to minimise conflict.
degree gradient. Here, rice and millet, followed by a last
niger crop, are cultivated annually under rainfed conditions. Initially, the tribals adopted this model enthusiastically.
The land is cultivated in three- to four-year cycles, with equal The land was settled and pattas were issued after the state
fallow periods. This land is highly eroded, with rills and government passed an order that this form of agriculture
gullies steadily eating into the cropped area. Most of the should be applicable to all tribal areas. However, on
medium lands are under private ownership. the ground the programme was poorly planned and
implemented, and the initial impact was not sustained. The
Upland: These are hilly regions with slopes ranging from barren hill slopes, where a lot was spent on agro-forestry
10-45 degree gradient. With sufficient fallow periods, this and soil conservation, now bear testimony to the inadequacy
land has good regenerating capacity and productivity. But of measures aimed at reclaiming wastelands in high-relief
due to various reasons, the length of the fallow period shifting cultivation areas. Admitting its failures, the IFAD
has been decreasing, leading to landslides during the evaluation report states that the OTDP is a classic example
monsoons which inundate lowlands and result in huge crop of a development intervention in which the ‘hardware’ side
losses. Most of the uplands are referred to as “uncultivable of development was given far more importance than the
wastes”. These are government lands on which nobody is ‘software’ side, both during design and implementation.
allowed ownership except under special consideration. This
special consideration can take different forms. Although initially the settled lands and soil conservation
measures seemed to have worked, very soon the tribal
In 1993, the government passed an order for upland slopes practice of slash-and-burn cultivation negated much of
to be recorded in the name of landless tribals as a special the gains. Even though ownership is now recognised, the
provision under the International Fund For Agriculture soil loss and degradation of land resources continues. This
Development (IFAD)-funded Orissa Tribal Development also shows that the technology selected to provide viable
Project (OTDP) in Kashipur block. The project had several and eco-friendly alternatives to shifting cultivation was
forward-looking and pro-poor provisions, the major inappropriate.
objective being to improve tribal livelihoods through
agricultural and market development. This was a landmark Several watershed projects have also been taken up under
legislation, in which title deeds were sanctioned to landless various government programmes in tribal regions. These
tribal families on slopes between 10-30 degree gradient. projects, which saw substantial investments in earthworks,
The revenue department was required to record the names water resource development, manpower, etc, have had
of both husband and wife on the title deed, providing hardly any impact; nor have they done much to establish
economic security to women as well. Under the Land the viability of the soil conservation and erosion treatment
Acquisition Act, special provisions also facilitate acquisition model for environmentally degraded upland tribal areas.
of these lands by industrial and mining companies. A few watersheds have helped a fraction of the tribal
community improve their livelihoods. But by and large, this
A major thrust of the OTDP programme was agro-forestry, fraction does not include the poorer sections. Furthermore,
wherein hill slopes under shifting cultivation were divided the land development measures have done little to improve
into three zones based on gradient. The 0-10-degree slope soil fertility, decrease topsoil loss or help establish a healthy
was marked for annual cropping, with soil and water vegetative cover.
conservation measures being undertaken; the 10-30-degree
slope was marked for agro-forestry; slopes above 30 degrees Several reports indicate the multi-level failure of the
were marked for plantation. Hill slopes were divided into watershed programme, and many of the causes of this
strips of 1 hectare and distributed to tribal families with failure are attributed to poor levels of participation.
ISSUE 19 2010

priority being given to the landless. The zone of 0-10-degree However, there has been little review of the techniques
slopes was surveyed and settled with ownership and technology used for the treatment of watersheds, and

Stories of change: Orissa

‘Podu chaso’, as slash-and- What could the options in such a scenario be? Was it the
technology or the ‘software’ (as the IFAD report mentions)
that failed these poor communities? There is no dearth of
burn cultivation is called in government expenditure on natural resource management
programmes, and yet poverty increases. Could there be
tribal regions of Orissa, is a way where current know-how can be combined with
tribal knowledge systems and practices to reverse the
significant for the diversity ecological destruction, whilst helping improve the livelihood
opportunities of tribal communities?
of crops it has traditionally
Not just tribal regions but in major parts of India, agriculture
helped sustain, as also is in crisis with very low returns and large-scale destruction
of cropped lands. An approach such as conservation
the diversity of cultivation agriculture needs to be taken up extensively with small and
middle farmers to help them escape the downward spiral
practices it has generated. The that impoverishes them even as it destroys the soil and the

rice varieties that have been Acceptance of conservation agriculture is much greater
among farmers in rainfed regions. This could give rainfed
preserved by tribal farmers agriculture the boost it needs, as a major portion of arable
land in India is cropped primarily under rainfed conditions.
in Orissa’s undivided Koraput Conservation agro-ecology systems could also be designed
combining agriculture and plantation crops to bring about
region are amazing an overall surge in ecological gains. When integrated with
local experience and wisdom, this approach can be adapted
to improve agricultural production in rainfed agricultural
linking the interventions to the livelihood needs of poorer
uplands, irrigated backyard gardens, and commons, under
sections of the community. Thus, while NGOs fare better
the management of women’s groups and the village
thanks to their increased sensitivity towards the needs
of more marginalised sections, the cost-benefit ratios for
watersheds still raise many questions. As the farm sector goes into a downward spin, the
government’s actions to bail out farmers takes the form
According to a Planning Commission report, the 16.5
of corporatisation, which allows agri-business companies,
million hectares treated under the micro-watershed
retailers and food-processing companies to enter into
approach are not reflected in the net sown area which has
agreements directly with farmers. This, it is presumed,
stagnated at around 142 million hectares over the last 20
will help farmers find ready and reliable markets for their
years. According to the Planning Commission: “Although
produce. However, failed experiments in states like Andhra
the ministries of agriculture and rural development have
Pradesh indicate that, with such ‘solutions’, farmers bear the
implemented watershed projects for more than a decade,
final costs and receive very little benefit.
evaluation reports have shown that most projects have
failed to generate sustainability because of the failure On the other hand, support for ecologically sound measures
of government agencies to involve the people. Most that help increase the production of food commodities
government watershed development investments have that are in short supply such as lentils, oilseeds and millet,
yielded disappointing results given the vast resources through approaches like conservation agriculture, will help
allocated.” rural communities address impoverishment. Agragamee’s
nascent initiatives in organic conservation agriculture with
This is especially unfortunate in upland tribal areas where
tribal farmers highlighted the farmer’s interest and intuitive
the pace of environmental degradation is accelerating,
understanding of such an approach. Our early mistakes have
with accompanying impoverishment and distress among
only boosted enthusiasm amongst them to try again with
local communities. The poor outcomes of the watershed
deeper understanding, the next monsoon. This is where the
approach do little to build the faith of tribal people who
support and partnership of government is required, for that
respond in a superficial manner in anticipation of wage
will enable the positives from our experience to be of use in
payments as some succour in their poverty-stricken lives.
other parts of the country.
Watersheds also fail to recognise traditional knowledge
systems and do little to promote indigenous crop varieties.
ISSUE 19 2010

There is an urgent need to address all these problems for Vidhya Das is with Agragamee, a group engaged in culturally sensitive and
any level of people’s involvement and sustainability. ecologically balanced development of remote tribal communities in Orissa

Agricultural revival

The home gardens of Wayanad

Wayanad, which has been in the news for the high number of farmer suicides, is
also known for widespread homestead farming. A typical home garden integrates
trees with field crops, livestock, poultry and fish. Home gardens form a dominant
and promising land use system and maintain high levels of productivity, stability SANTHOSHKUMAR
and sustainability KAORU ICHIKAWA

WAYANAD DISTRICT IN KERALA lies on the edge of the in these wet evergreen forests, including the spices black
Deccan plateau and is unique because of its elevation pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and curcuma.
(700-2,100 metres above mean sea level) compared to
the rest of the plains in the state. This district has a purely The forests of Wayanad are unique and important because
agriculture-dependent economy and is among the most they represent a transition zone from the moist forests
underdeveloped regions in India. The social fabric of the of the southwestern ghats to the northern drier forests.
district is distinctly different from the rest of Kerala, with However, a large proportion of the Wayanad landscape
the highest proportion of aboriginal tribes, a low sex ratio, comprises tea and coffee plantations that have resulted in
and an environmentally fragile ecosystem. The district severe fragmentation of the forests. Conserving these
covers an area of 212,560 hectares and is home to 780,619 forests from fragmentation and overexploitation is a
inhabitants (2001 census). Aboriginal tribes form 17.4% of huge challenge.
the total district population.
In addition to rich biodiversity, Wayanad is home to diverse
The gross cropped area of Wayanad covers 97.82% of the social, religious, and linguistic groups. The cultural diversity
geographical area and is dominated by cash crops. The of rituals, customs and lifestyles has led to the establishment
major plantation crops (tea, coffee, pepper and arecanut) of several religious institutions. The six main tribal
together constitute 38% of cropped area. Coffee, which communities living in Wayanad are the Paniyan, Adiyan,
covers a total area of 67,429 hectares, is grown as under- Kattunaickan, Mullu Kuruman, Urali Kuruman and Kurichian.
crop in the homesteads of over 80% of small and marginal Each of these tribal groups has its own unique social and
farmers in Wayanad district. Pepper, the second most cultural characteristics.
important crop in the district, is also grown in home
gardens. Of the total estimated 155,855 landholdings in Sustainable use of biological diversity in socio-ecological
the district of Wayanad, 83% belong to either small or production landscapes
marginal farmers.
The district of Wayanad is characterised by homestead
Since Wayanad is a largely montane area that receives farming at the subsistence level and smallholder plantations.
high annual rainfall within a short span of three to four Paddy, the staple food of the region, is cultivated on 11,331
months, land performs important hydrological and hectares. Paddy-based cropping systems involve paddy,
watershed functions. A large number of people living in vegetables and banana. The uplands adjoining the wetlands
the adjoining areas receive most of their water supply from are characterised by homestead farming with coffee and
rivers originating in the area. Thus, the soils and waters pepper. Coffee-based cropping systems involving coffee,
of this region sustain the livelihoods of many people. The pepper and ginger, along with many trees, are the most
geographic setting of Wayanad makes it highly sensitive to prevalent land use patterns. In traditional agro-forestry
environmental stresses. systems composed mainly of home gardens, the native tree
composition of farmlands was largely left intact; only the
The area falls entirely within the Western Ghats of India, one under-storey plants were replaced by crops. This system
of the 18 biodiversity hotspots. It is characterised by high lies contiguous with the natural forests and provides an
levels of species endemism. The forests here are globally unhindered habitat for wildlife in the area due to plant
important as they house endemic flora and fauna, including diversity and shade.
229 species of plants, 31 species of mammals, 15 species of
birds, 52 species of amphibians. Among these, 55 species Most farmers in Wayanad are small, marginal, and tend to
are critically endangered, 148 species are endangered, and grow multiple sets of crop on their farmlands. Traditionally,
ISSUE 19 2010

129 species are vulnerable, according to IUCN classification. the inhabitants of the area have not depended on forests
A number of cultivated food plants have their wild relatives or community-owned lands for their biomass requirements.

Stories of change: Kerala

One of the reasons was the absence of community-held Home gardens play an important role in the food security
lands, unlike in many other places in the world. Farmers of the region as they supply varied products throughout
maintain a spectacular variety of plants in their home the seasons. Tubers, vegetables, fruits and spices from
gardens to meet their varied needs. home gardens make up a significant part of the nutritional
requirements of the household. Crop diversity in homesteads
A typical home garden represents an operational farm unit results in a range of output from a given area, increasing
that integrates trees with field crops, livestock, poultry self-sufficiency and reducing the economic risks associated
and/or fish, with the basic objective of ensuring sustained with adverse climatic, biological and market impacts on
availability of multiple products such as food, vegetables, particular crops. In densely populated or heavily degraded
fruits, fodder, fuel, timber, medicines and/or ornamentals, areas without sufficient staple crop fields, as in Wayanad,
besides generating employment and cash income. Home home gardens also provide large portions of staple foods.
gardens constitute a dominant and promising land use
system, maintaining high levels of productivity, stability, Another important function of home gardens is the
sustainability and equitability. generation of a cash income. Most of the income from
a home garden is from marketable surplus derived from
Home gardens with a multi-storey canopy structure are perennials such as fruit trees. Income from a home garden
deliberately planned to mimic a natural forest and thereby could account for more than 50% of the total income of
lack a discernible planting pattern. Physiognomically, home a household.
gardens exhibit a multi-tiered canopy structure somewhat
similar to that of a tropical evergreen forest. The mean The high degree of biodiversity present in a home garden
density of trees in a home garden is estimated to be as high is unique and totally distinct from the biodiversity present
as 116 trees per hectare. in a natural forest. The biodiversity of a home garden is
the result of generations of conscious selection by farmers,
and bears the imprint of their choices. Moreover, these
The high degree of components are, in most cases, the last refuge for species
that are useful but not commercially viable for cultivation.
biodiversity present in a home Various studies have indicated that home gardens usually
contain high volumes of commercial timber and fuelwood
garden is unique and totally which satisfy a substantial proportion of society’s demands.

Home gardens also meet a significant portion of the

distinct from the biodiversity household’s energy requirements. Most cooking fuel
requirements are met through twigs and other forms of
present in a natural forest. litter collected from the home garden. Oils extracted from
varied sources, like coconut and sesame, used to serve as the
The biodiversity of a home source of lighting fuel in traditional homesteads before the
advent of electricity. The green leaves and cowdung from
garden is the result of home gardens used to be a major source of chemical energy
in the household, and the fodder from home gardens fed
generations of conscious to the cows would serve as the major mechanical energy
source used in farming.
selection by farmers, and In addition to their production value, home gardens have
bears the imprint of their an important social and cultural function. At times, they
serve as a status symbol and the aesthetic value partly
outweighs the productive function. The exchange of home
choices. Moreover, these garden products and planting material is common in many
traditional societies. Some plant species in home gardens
components are, in most are necessary for religious ceremonies; not being
commercially viable, they are not cultivated. Most traditional
cases, the last refuge for medicinal plants are encountered in home gardens. Home
gardens also fulfil ecological functions, particularly in
species that are useful but landscapes where large, monotonous and mono-functional
agricultural fields dominate.
not commercially viable for The multi-layered vegetation structure of home gardens,
ISSUE 19 2010

cultivation which resemble natural forests, offers a habitat to a diverse

community of wild plants and animals. This structure

Agricultural revival

appears to contribute substantially to the sustainability of (mostly subsistence) is the main occupation and these
home garden systems. families have limited access to alternative sources of income.
They inhabit marginal, less agriculturally productive land
Home gardens save agricultural lands from the degradation where harvests are more vulnerable to deterioration of
resulting from intensive agriculture, and maintain or soil and water quality. Though the nature and mode of
increase site productivity through nutrient recycling and soil extractive dependence have changed over time, people’s
protection. Farmers derive a variety of services and products dependence on forests continues. Tribal populations are
from home gardens; they increase the value of output almost entirely dependent on these natural resources for
per unit of land through spatial or inter-temporal inter- their survival, and any deterioration of these resources will
cropping of trees and other species. Home gardens also help have a telling impact on their livelihood.
farmers by supplying raw materials (such as leaf compost)
for agriculture. And they spread the need for labour inputs The landscape of Wayanad is a mosaic of forested lands
more evenly seasonally, thus reducing the effects of sharp managed by the state as reserve forests or wildlife
peaks and troughs characteristic of tropical agriculture. sanctuaries and agricultural lands adjoining forested areas.
Farmers are able to utilise family labour as a part-time The favourable role of these landscapes and production
activity without requiring a change in occupation for the systems has been receiving a lot of attention recently. It
landholder. is now recognised that traditional farmers have not only
conserved biodiversity of great economic, cultural, and
The technology involved in home gardens is simple, labour- social value, they have also enhanced it through selection
intensive and requires little outside technical or financial and value-addition. For example, the potential of traditional
support. Tree components of home gardens offer many land use systems to serve as sinks (soil and biomass) of
useful ‘assets’ to the poor such as low investment cost, rapid atmospheric CO2 is being recognised of late.
appreciation, divisibility, flexible harvesting time and the
ability to meet unforeseen contingencies. However, agriculture in Wayanad is facing many problems
today. Agricultural production and productivity have
Despite these advantages, home gardens rank low in decreased drastically over the years due to various reasons.
economic calculations as the marketable surplus produced The area was in the news for the high number of suicides by
by them is quite low. Lower economic returns force farmers, attributed to losses in farming. Many micro- and
many farmers to shrink their home gardens to make macro-level factors have been cited as reasons for failure on
space for more remunerative mono-crops. The process the agricultural front in this area, including policy changes,
of modernisation includes a decrease in tree/shrub institutional factors, socio-economic factors, geographical
diversity, gradual concentration on a limited number of peculiarities, climate change effects, poor investment in
cash crop species, increase in ornamental plants, gradual agriculture, and poor infrastructural facilities.
homogenisation of the home garden structure, and an
There is potential to strengthen formal and informal
increase in the use of external inputs. Traditional home
institutions to save farming and traditional land use
gardens are subject to different conversion processes
systems in the area. There exist a large number of informal
linked to socio-economic changes, to the point of them institutions in the form of tribal clans that strongly influence
becoming irrelevant or even extinct. This change is public opinion and the political decision-making process.
principally attributed to an increase in the importance However, integrating these institutions with the newly-
of socio-economic factors (such as commercialisation) crafted formal institutions remains a challenge. The People’s
over time, with a decrease in the importance of agro- Biodiversity Register (PBR) is an example of one such attempt
ecological characteristics. For example, many agro-ecological under local self-government institutions (panchayats) to
characteristics, such as low fertility, can be altered with document and conserve biodiversity. More efforts like these
technologies like the application of fertiliser. Scientists are needed to document and understand the dynamics
have voiced concerns that socio-economic changes and of these landscapes for their conservation and continued
the related adoption of modern managerial systems bring maintenance.
about a negative conversion process of home gardens in
this region. Studies reinforce the general fear of loss of (Published by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity as part
traditional characteristics of home gardens and their gradual of the technical series, ‘Sustainable use of biological diversity in socio-ecological
production landscapes’ and as background to the ‘Satoyama Initiative for the
demise into cash crop production systems.
benefit of biodiversity and human wellbeing’. This study was conducted as part
of the programme activities of the Satoyama Initiative, United Nations University
A large proportion of the poor depend on ecosystem Institute of Advanced Studies)
services from forests and agricultural lands for their survival.
In Wayanad, biodiversity and ecosystems contribute to Dr A V Santhoshkumar is Assistant Professor, College of Forestry,
food security and nutrition, providing the raw materials Kerala Agricultural University
ISSUE 19 2010

that underpin health, both formal (ayurveda system) and Dr Kaoru Ichikawa is a consultant at the United Nations University Institute of
informal (tribal systems). For many families, agriculture Advanced Studies

Protecting small farmers

Small farmer zindabad

More than 80% of India’s farmers are small and marginal farmers. It has been
empirically established that small farms produce more per hectare than their larger
counterparts. It is therefore imperative to protect the interests of small farmers
through measures that help promote and stabilise incomes, reduce risks, and
increase profitability, and at the same time improve availability and access to inputs,
markets and credit

This extract is from the report of the National Commission per annum. During 1983-2004/05, female agricultural
for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector (NCEUS), ‘The employment grew at a rate faster than male agricultural
Challenge of Employment in India: An Informal Economy employment. A comparison of employment growth rates
Perspective’ (2009). It provides an insight into the character between 1983/1993-94 and 1993-94/2004-05 shows that
of farming, and reveals the nature and potential of the the growth rate of agricultural employment decelerated
smallholding character of Indian agriculture, which NCEUS sharply in the last decade, from 1.38% to 0.72%. Although
has said is “much more prominent and pertinent today than the growth in total employment also declined from 2.03%
ever before”. The predominance of marginal farmers is during 1983/1993-94 to 1.85% during 1993-94/2004-05,
significant because farming then becomes only one of the the deceleration was clearly not as sharp as in the case of
sources of livelihood for these households, often much more agricultural employment. It is obvious from these results
than that of small farmer households. The NCEUS analysis that there is a gradual decline in the potential of the
of smallholder agriculture has shown that the per hectare agricultural sector to absorb the incremental workforce.
value of output from small farms is, in general, still not less Further, structural constraints appear to be restricting
than that from large farms. “With appropriate institutional the scope of women’s employment outside agriculture,
support including credit, it has been possible for small farms confining them primarily to this sector.
to catch up and in some cases even surpass large farms in
use of HYV and other land-augmenting technologies.” The fact that agriculture continues to absorb more
workers can be of little consolation unless it can also be
THE TOTAL NUMBER of agricultural workers in India has shown that such increased employment is accompanied
been estimated at 258 million, as of 2004-05. About 248 by higher incomes and productivity per worker. Since
million of the total rural workforce of 341 million are in agricultural GDP grew at a rate faster than the growth in
rural areas. Agricultural production takes place largely employment, agricultural GDP per worker (a measure of
on individual or joint holdings. Except for the segment of labour productivity) also increased at an annual rate of
agriculture that comes under plantations and those covered 1.52% for the entire period, and 1.24% and 1.79% in the
by corporations and large cooperatives in the organised two sub-periods respectively. Thus, agricultural productivity
sector, the Commission has categorised the remaining parts has not remained entirely stagnant but has grown slowly
as the unorganised agriculture sector. with a decline in growth rate in the second period (1993-
94 to 2004-05). These results also hold for the two major
The share of unorganised sector agricultural workers in sub-sectors, viz crop and livestock. While the livestock
total agricultural workers was 98% during 2004-05. Nearly sector shows a higher growth rate in labour productivity
two-thirds of agricultural workers (64%) are self-employed, over the entire period, both the sectors show lower rates
or ‘farmers’ as we call them, and the remaining, a little over of productivity increase in the second period. This rate of
one-third (36%), wage workers. Almost all wage workers improvement is certainly far from adequate to bring about
(98%) are casual labourers. Farmers are a group which can a sustained and rapid improvement in the living conditions
be differentiated by size of landholding as a good proxy. of agricultural workers. The result of this has been a steady
Given the overwhelming dominance of the unorganised widening of the disparity in the income generated per
sector in agricultural employment, we have dealt with the worker in agriculture and in the other sectors.
sector as a whole.
Growth, grain and livelihoods
The overall structural change in employment has occurred
as a result of slower growth of employment in the It is widely recognised that in the past decades (1960s to
agricultural sector vis-à-vis total employment. Over the last 1980s), agricultural employment increased primarily as a
ISSUE 19 2010

two decades, the agricultural workforce grew at 1.04% result of land-augmenting technological changes, propelled
per annum while the total workforce grew at 1.94% by enhanced investments in irrigation and supporting

Agricultural revival

institutions and policies. These changes made possible through measures that help promote and stabilise incomes,
increases in both sown area, through higher cropping reduce risks, and increase profitability, and at the same time
intensity, as well as greater labour use per sown hectare, improve availability and access to inputs, markets and credit.
although this increase took place at different time periods, However, we have observed that the dependence on private
in different regions and across different size classes of sources for inputs, irrigation and, most importantly, for
farmers. Simultaneously, there has also been a fairly credit among small and marginal farmers has increased in
dramatic growth in employment in non-crop agricultural recent years reversing earlier trends towards expansion
sub-sectors such as dairy farming and livestock. Recent in access.
studies have shown a decline in the public support available
to agriculture and a petering out of the impetus of such As pointed out by this Commission, at the all-India level,
technological changes. Moreover, agricultural growth more than 80% of farmers belong to marginal and small
has been acquiring a more labour saving character. The farm size groups, owning or operating less than 2 hectares
relatively fast growth of the (unorganised) non-farm sector of land. The percentage of marginal and small farmers in
has also provided some scope for the limited occupational the total, and also the land operated by them, has steadily
diversification that has occurred. At the same time, one increased over time. The percentage of marginal farmers has
must recognise that if the non-farm sector does not provide gone up from nearly 38% in 1953-54 to about 70% in
adequate remunerative employment opportunities, and if 2002-03. The share of marginal and small farmers in owned
the agricultural sector does not grow fast enough, parts land went up from 16.3% in 1953-54 to 43.5% in 2002-03.
of this sector may show features of agricultural involution, A similar pattern in land distribution is discernible in the case
with the sector retaining a growing part of the workforce of operational holdings also. By 2002-03, marginal and small
through fragmentation and sharing of work, with little farmers accounted for nearly 80% of operational holdings
improvement in productivity or agricultural incomes. These as compared to about 61% in 1960-61. The smallholding
issues need to be examined in some depth as they determine character of Indian agriculture is much more prominent and
the contours of an agricultural employment strategy. pertinent today than ever before. Nonetheless, we still need
to reckon with considerable inequality in land ownership
There is clear evidence that in recent years, agricultural and operation. Medium and large farmers (6% of farmer
growth — particularly in foodgrain — has declined. This has households) operate more than one-third of total operated
had an adverse effect on the growth in agricultural wages area, while large farmers (0.9% of the total) still operate
that have shown signs of deceleration in the 1990s making 13.1% of land.
the situation even more unfavourable for agricultural
labourers. On the other hand, farmers, particularly Inter-state analysis indicates that marginal and small farmers
marginal and small farmers, are also facing a crisis due as a group outnumber the rest of the farmers in all the
to increasing input costs and uncertain output markets. states. In 12 out of 27 states, marginal and small farmers
In these conditions, government support in the form of constitute the overwhelming majority of farmers, accounting
policy initiatives and schemes to protect the interests of for 90% or above. While marginal and small farmers
agricultural workers becomes even more pertinent. However, outnumber medium and large farmers in all states, in 17 out
in the post-1990s period, there has been a decline in of 27 states they also account for more than 50% of land
government support in the form of declining investments possessed for cultivation. Within the group of marginal and
in agriculture; subsidies to the sector are also being small farmers, marginal farmers outnumber small farmers,
rationalised. ranging from 2:l in states with low incidence of marginal
and small farmers, to as high as 18:l in Tripura, 12:l in
The withdrawal of the State has led to much greater Uttarakhand, 10:l in West Bengal and Kerala, and close to 8:l
dependence on private sources for inputs, extension, in Bihar. The predominance of marginal farmers is significant
markets and credit. Farmer suicides have been widespread because farming then becomes only one of the sources of
in the last several years, and the victims have largely been livelihood for these households, often much more than that
marginal and small farmers. Increasing costs of cultivation, of small farmer households. A foothold in land cultivation
leading to higher indebtedness, crop failures and incapacity is seen to be crucial by these households for the security it
to face price shocks with greater liberalisation of the provides in terms of food, some collateral, and a source of
agricultural sector have driven farmers to the extreme. This employment when alternative opportunities become far and
has prompted the central and state governments to set up few. The importance of a livelihood approach to marginal
several commissions including the National Commission on and small farmers can hardly be underrated.
Farmers and the Committee on Agricultural Indebtedness to
suggest remedial steps. Only 10 states show the contribution of marginal and
small farmers at less than 50% of output. It varies widely
In the liberalised scenario and with increased integration across states, ranging from about 19% in Punjab to 86%
ISSUE 19 2010

with global markets it has become even more imperative in West Bengal. It is less than half the total output in only
to protect the interests of marginal and small farmers a handful of states in the northwest (Punjab, Haryana and

Protecting small farmers

Uttarakhand), centre-west (Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra qua non for demanding and securing public services and
and Madhya Pradesh) and south (Andhra Pradesh and assistance especially in the context of economic reforms
Karnataka). But their share in production is often higher in that are, by and large, urban-oriented. Farmers groups and
proportion to their share in operational crop land. cooperatives help to overcome diseconomies of small size
and access to credit, inputs and markets. Cooperative forms
Approach of the Commission, analysis and of organisation have a long history in rural India, especially
recommendations among farmers. Yet membership of cooperatives, SHGs and
other groups is very low among farmers, except in some
We have shown that the per hectare value of output from regions, and is particularly low among marginal and
small farms is, in general, still not less than that from large small farmers.
farms. The NSSO 59th round Farmers’ Survey has empirically
established that small farms continue to produce more (in The present constraints on Indian agriculture stem
value terms) per hectare than their larger counterparts in the from systemic issues, which include the macro-policy
country as a whole as well as in most parts of the country. environment. These constraints have seriously affected
Small farms are characterised by applications of smaller the degree of public support received by agriculture in
capital but higher labour and other inputs, especially owned investment, credit, extension services, R&D, and so on. This
ones, and are generally characterised by a higher index of neglect has been most prominent in the case of marginal
cropping intensity and diversification. With appropriate and small farmers. In the Commission’s view, marginal and
institutional support, including credit, it has been possible small farms are the backbone of Indian agriculture. These
for small farms to catch up and, in some cases, even surpass farmers face various disadvantages while dealing with the
large farms in use of HYV and other land-augmenting markets. At the same time, the Commission’s analysis clearly
technologies. brings out that government interventions also tend to be
less effective with respect to these categories of farmers. The
Our analysis has also shown that gender issues in farming Commission feels that there is need for a focused strategy
need to be moved to centrestage in agricultural policies and with respect to marginal and small farmers.
programmes. Till recently, little attention was paid to the
role of women in the farming community. Women’s work Organisationally, such a strategy must focus on group
in farm households was seen as mainly supplementing the approaches so that the required transaction costs can be
work of males, who also took all the major decisions. This reduced and farmers can benefit from economies of scale.
perception has changed principally because it is recognised The Commission has therefore advocated the setting up
that due to the movement of men out of agriculture, of a special programme for marginal and small farmers
women farmers are often the principal (and sole) decision- in order to incentivise the formation of farmers groups
makers in the household. The Situation Assessment Survey and apex organisations, and facilitate finding solutions to
of Farmers 2003 shows that nearly 40% of farmers in the problems of irrigation, inputs, markets, procurement
India are from among the women. This holds for all size and risk. Also, the risk factor has to be mitigated through
categories. In animal husbandry, more than three-fifths of appropriate farming strategies as well as adequate
workers are women. In forestry/plantation activities too, a insurance. There is the need for insurance instruments that
majority of workers are women. cover production and also market risks for all crops, to
reduce the financial risks and increase viability.
Input use to enhance productivity has greatly increased since
the Green Revolution, which is also one of the reasons for
increased cost of cultivation. Timely availability of HYV seeds
and usage of fertilisers and pesticides is also important to
ensure a good crop. Farmers in general, and marginal and
small farmers in particular, often face problems regarding
easy and timely availability and quality of these inputs, as
also costs and knowledge of use of these inputs in the right
quantities. Among the various inputs (pesticides, fertilisers,
HYV seeds, organic manure and veterinary services), the
Situation Assessment of Farmers Survey shows that only
organic manure is most readily available within the village.
In most cases, inputs are available in the nearest large village
which is more than 2-5 km away. Farmer households have to
travel more than 10 km for seeds and pesticides. Access to
public extension services has become very weak, which often
resulted in inappropriate choice of crops and inputs.
ISSUE 19 2010

Collective organisation for farmers may be said to be a sine

Agricultural revival

The tired mirage of top-down technology

India’s large and complex public agricultural research and extension system,
obsessed with the area-production-yield mantra, is geared towards harnessing
technology to close the yield gap, while overlooking ago-ecological approaches
entirely. This has been an error of staggering proportions

HOW DOES A TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION that makes farm more difficult with conventional breeding.” The answer
inputs its business see agriculture? This entity, which does is genomics and molecular techniques which are now
its best to convince developing country governments about being regularly applied to speed breeding in the leading
the need for technology-intensive agricultural research, multinational seed companies and elsewhere, and their costs
works hard to influence policy, programmes and eventually are falling rapidly. Moreover, “transgenic technology has a
the channels that provide farmers with seeds, fertiliser and proven record of over a decade of safe and environmentally
pesticides. How does this corporation see the farm? sound use” and its potential is “to address critical biotic and
abiotic stresses of the developing world”.
Quite simply, as a consumer for which a consuming system
must be sustained. Such a corporation’s work and view With the dominance of the area, production and yield
requires a few alliances — with central and state government, (APY) model of measuring and addressing agriculture in
with new and potentially lucrative bio-technology labs (private India, central and state planners, riding the juggernaut of
sector), with individual politicians and legislators who can the national agricultural research system, have reached
smooth the path for business-friendly acts and regulations, automatically for industrial models and paper economies
with retail chains that will stifle locally-based competition. of scale. The saddest and most pervasive indicator of what
While that web is taking shape, this is the reasoning the the pursuit of this model has cost India can be seen in
corporation will dispense for public consumption: the historical trend of fertiliser use (see box). Developing
countries now account for 68% of total global fertiliser use.
• First, there have been impressive gains in yields over Fertiliser use per hectare is also now higher in developing
the past 50 years in most of the world, but large and countries than in industrially advanced countries (in the
economically exploitable “yield gaps” remain in many places. South vs the North).

• Second, there are many technologies that are at “an early Such chemical dependence is especially tragic in India. Albert
stage of adoption” which “promise a win-win combination Howard, considered by many to be the father of organic
of enhancing productivity and sustainably managing agriculture, was one of the first to articulate an alternative
natural resources”. These include conservation farming to chemical agriculture, as usual on the basis of his work
approaches based on no-tillage and the genetically modified in India in the early part of the 20th century. Over his
(GM) technology revolution, used on less than 10% of the lifetime, he published several books describing composting
world’s cultivated land. This promise is backed by the even techniques (practice, experimentation and insights gained
younger adoption phase of information and communication through closely working with Yeshwant Wad), underlining
technology (ICT). the importance of humus and the re-use of agricultural
waste on the farm, and urging the elimination of chemical
• Third, for technology to work best at pushing up yields inputs because of their effects on soil fertility. Here was the
further, complementary changes in policy and institutions means to close the yield gap.
are needed. In much of the developing world, policies are
now more favourable towards rapid productivity growth, For the global agbiotech-seed corporations and their clients
while a range of innovations in risk management, market and partners in government and the local private sector,
development, rural finance, organising farmers, and the problem is that “closing the yield gap” on the large
provision of advisory services can make markets work better. scale needed requires, as they say, “massive investments
in rural infrastructure and institutions, plus technology
• Fourth, plant breeders are making steady gains in potential transfer”. Public sector agencies have, in reaching the billion
yields for the big three cereals: wheat and rice (slower than small farmers in Asia, helped lessen the yield gap but these
ISSUE 19 2010

before), and maize. “There is no physiological reason why efforts have been socially and politically driven, in the main.
these gains cannot be maintained, but progress is becoming That civic imperative is steadily changing, for in India as in

Agricultural research

India’s fertiliser addiction

The Economic Survey 2009-10 has attempted to conceal the true impact of chemical fertiliser abuse in India. Chapter 2 of
the survey deals with agriculture, and states: “The per hectare consumption of fertilisers in nutrient terms increased from
105.5 kg in 2005-06 to 128.6 kg in 2008-09.” This is false. Here is why.

In 1950-51, average fertiliser use in India was only 0.58 kg per hectare. The net sown area was 118.75 million hectares upon
which 69,000 tonnes of fertiliser were used. Of course, this is a notional average use only, as 60 years ago, fertiliser was an
agricultural input in only a few districts that were being primed for what was to become the Green Revolution. Still, that
was the ‘national average’. It took 16 years before that average crossed 10 kg of fertiliser per hectare, and that happened
in 1967-68 when the net sown area was 139.88 million hectares and total fertiliser use was 1.53 million tonnes. Thereafter,
it took only five years to reach 20 kg/ha. The period 1971-72 to 1975-76 saw little change — the only such period in the last
60 years — in intensity of fertiliser use. Those were the years of the global oil crisis, the so-called ‘first oil shock’ of the ’70s.
For that time, the ‘national average’ remained between 18 and 20 kg/ha, while the total net sown area varied little from 140
million hectares and total fertiliser use stayed between 2.65 and 2.89 million tonnes.

Per hectare application of fertiliser continued its upward trend in 1975-76; it took less than eight years to cross 50 kg/ha
and another six years to cross 80 kg/ha — in 1989-90 India’s total fertiliser use was 11.56 million tonnes. In the decade
of the 1990s, total fertiliser use in India rose by 44% (from 12.54 mt to 18.06 mt) and per hectare application went up by
46% as the available agricultural land plateaued at around 140 million hectares. Both total use and per hectare application
remained at those levels until 2004-05. In the last four years there has been an astonishingly steep increase in total use and
per hectare use. For 2008-09, total fertiliser use at 24.9 mt is more than 6.5 mt more than the figure for 2004-05, and per
hectare use has shot up to over 174 kg/ha from 130 kg/ha in 2004-05 — a jump of 33% in just four years.

The Economic Survey 2009-10 states: “Chemical fertilisers have played a significant role in the development of the
agricultural sector. The per hectare consumption of fertilisers in nutrient terms increased from 105.5 kg in 2005-06 to
128.6 kg in 2008-09. However, improving the marginal productivity of soil still remains a challenge. This requires increased
NPK application and application of proper nutrients, based on soil analysis.”

The survey is wrong. The per hectare use crossed 105 kg in 1997 — nine years before the survey says it did — and crossed
130 kg in 2004-05. In 2008-09, the rude equation is: 143 million hectares of net sown area; 24.9 mt of total fertiliser
consumption. The survey has concealed true per hectare consumption of fertiliser by swapping net sown area with gross
sown area. Net sown area is the land surface on which crops are grown. To assess output and productivity, when cultivated
land is used to grow more than one crop per year, that area on which the second crop is grown is counted again, which
gives us gross sown area. Counting cultivated land more than once raises the sown area from 143 million hectares (net)
to 190 million hectares (gross). And that is how the per hectare consumption of fertiliser is portrayed as much lower than
it truly is. Chemical fertiliser, however, affects the parcel of land, and is not divisible by the number of crops the land is
employed for. The resulting difference is enormous: 45.4 kg/hectare!
Data sources: Reserve Bank of India Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy 2008-09. For 2007-08 and 2008-09, total NPK consumption figures are from the
Economic Survey 2009-10

South Asia, the agricultural extension system is unable to The evidence has been accumulating. A survey conducted
respond to new challenges, hampered as it is institutionally. by a group of researchers from the Indian Institute of Soil
The new “solution” is most likely to come from the well- Science, Bhopal, and the Directorate of Oilseeds Research,
stocked public-private partnership stable, now strengthened Hyderabad, has, in rupee terms, compared the costs and
by a combination that brings together ICT and ‘AR4D’ benefits of organic farming versus conventional high-input
(agricultural research for development). farming. Reporting their findings in the journal Current
Science (May 10, 2010), the group’s work shows that organic
India’s national agricultural research system has treated
farming, in spite of the reduction in crop productivity by
agro-ecological approaches to cultivation as a clumsy
proto-technical holdout from a bygone era. In doing so, it 9.2%, provided higher net profit to farmers by 22.0%,
has made an error of staggering proportions which is only compared to conventional farming. This is mainly due to the
now being recognised. The Indian Council of Agricultural availability of premium price (20-40%) for certified organic
Research (ICAR) may make appropriate noises now and then produce combined with a reduction in the cost of cultivation
to quell criticism, but the organic tradition in India’s farming by 11.7%. Moreover, there was an overall improvement in soil
systems cannot find favour with the core of our public quality — physical, chemical, biological properties, availability
ISSUE 19 2010

agricultural research system, very simply because it is not of macro- and micro-nutrients — that point to enhanced soil
designed to. health through the adoption of organic farming methods.

Agricultural revival

The group surveyed certified organic farms to find and list the competitive funding effective and efficient.”
real benefits and feasibility of organic farming in terms of the
production potential, economics, and soil health compared What has it done with these available and favourable
with conventional farms. The survey was conducted during conditions? To answer that requires first a précis on the
2008-09 in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu (including Indian national agricultural research system.
Pondicherry), Kerala and Uttarakhand involving 50 certified
organic farms and 50 comparable conventional farms. Currently, the public agricultural research and extension
system consists of ICAR and its various institutes, and
Today, an area of more than 528,000 hectares is estimated the State Agricultural Institutes (SAUs) and their various
to be under organic farming in India, with about 45,000 campuses and regional institutes. ICAR funds and manages
certified organic farms. Economically, the Indian organic a vast network of research institutes, including national
farming industry is estimated to produce fruit, vegetables, institutes for basic and strategic research and post-graduate
grain and herbs worth about US$ 78 million and is almost education; central research institutes for commodity-specific
entirely export-oriented. According to the Agricultural and research; national bureaus for conservation and exchange
Processed Food Products Export Development Authority of germplasm and soil-survey work; and national research
(APEDA, the nodal agency that promotes Indian organic centres for applied, commodity-specific strategic research in
agriculture), about 586,000 tonnes’ worth of organic what it calls “mission mode”.
products are being exported annually.
In addition, ICAR manages a large number of All-India
There are biological and energy benefits of organic and Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs), which draw
agro-ecological farming which, under the growing shadow scientists from both ICAR institutions and SAUs. Most
of climate change and energy scarcity, become even more AICRP centres are located on SAU campuses under the
compelling for our farming households and communities. administrative control of the respective SAUs. However,
The density of soil is less in organic farms, which indicates for the most important AICRPs (rice, wheat, maize, cattle,
better soil aggregation and soil physical conditions. In India, oilseeds, water, cropping systems, and biological control of
studies have found up to a 30% increase in the organic pests), ICAR has established special project directorates with
carbon of soil in organic farms compared to conventional their own research infrastructure, under ICAR administrative
farms. Next, conservation farming using zero-tillage reduces control, that consist of teams of multi-disciplinary scientists.
fuel use for farm power in agriculture by 66-75% — in In addition to the traditional National Agricultural Research
irrigated South Asian systems there has been wide adoption System (NARS) — that is, the ICAR/SAU system — there
by small-scale farmers of zero-tillage in rice-wheat systems are non-agricultural universities and organisations that
(with recorded increases in wheat yields of 11%). As the support or conduct agricultural research either directly or
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has indirectly. For example, the central government Departments
also pointed out, conservation tillage is also a potentially of Biotechnology (DBT), Science and Technology (DST), and
important source of carbon sequestration in tropical soils. Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) under the Ministry
of Science and Technology, support and conduct agricultural
“With less than 10% of the world’s crop land under research at their institutes and may also fund research in the
conservation tillage, wider adoption of the practice represents ICAR/SAU system.
a major opportunity to improve the sustainability, energy
efficiency and yield of cropping,” was an observation made Forty years ago, there were benefits to the farmer that
during the ‘Expert Meeting on How to Feed the World in arose from technological innovations provided by this
2050’, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation sprawling, complex system densely populated by an uneasy
(FAO) in June 2009. Conservation agriculture is seen as mix of crop scientists and administrators. However, what
knowledge-intensive and location-specific and requiring this network failed to realise is that the farmer is also often
sharply increased investment in research on suitable varieties, an innovator, and that the national agricultural research
management practices adapted to specific sites, appropriate system exists primarily to assist the farmer rather than seek
machinery, and advisory services and farmer networks. direct financial reward through commercialising or licensing
their intellectual properties. If at all there is an advocacy for
Is that taking place in India? The short answer is ‘no’. biotechnologies it must demand that farmers can continue
Seven years ago, an ICAR policy briefing said: “Competitive to improve and adapt to their circumstances, rather than
agricultural technology funds focus mainly on short-term be forced to consume black-box imports from large patent
research issues. This means that there will always be a holders. India’s NARS still shrinks from the recognition
need to fund long-term basic research through block grant that the kind of biotechnology that works best for poor
systems. However, it remains important to improve the and subsistence farmers so far has not been the kind that
competitiveness and accountability of research systems concentrates the ownership of plant germplasm in the
ISSUE 19 2010

through enhancing the overall share of competitive funding. hands of a few patent holders high up in the agbiotech-seed
India has all the necessary preconditions for making industry chain.

Agricultural research

The gap between field and lab

In India, publicly-funded research shapes the choices available to farmers, food
workers and consumers. But farmers and consumers are only at the receiving
end of agricultural research, never involved in it. Raitateerpu, a farmers’ jury in
Karnataka, wants to ensure that citizens are involved in decisions around science,
technology and policymaking ANITHA PAILOOR

“GIVEN A CHOICE BETWEEN protecting nature and making the heart of the matter. Value-addition and direct marketing
a profit, I would opt for nature,” said Sadashivaiah, and his form the base of his successful venture. His main farm
statement was greeted with applause from other members produce is sapota which gets processed into powder and
of the farmers’ jury. Sadashivaiah and his fellow participants dry fruit. He also processes herbs into soap, mouth freshener
were speaking at the Raitateerpu event, organised in and tooth powder; tomato jam and turmeric pickle are
January 2010, in Bangalore. The event heard the views some of his unique products. “We haven’t put much effort
and insights of 28 small farmers from Karnataka. The into promoting our products. We have always maintained
audience included researchers, farmer leaders, a director of the quality of our products. Consumers approach us at the
the State Agriculture Department, representatives of civil doorstep, and place their orders either personally or through
society organisations and consumer activists. Underlining the post,” said Pushpa Patil, wrapping a liquid jaggery
the inclusive nature of the event, private seed company bottle to be sent to a customer by courier. The Patil couple
representatives too presented their case in front of jury has customers all over the state, even in neighbouring
members during the three-day event. Farmers collected Maharashtra. They proudly say that they have never suffered
evidence from these experts on different dimensions of from a market that does not know or value their produce.
farming with a focus on agricultural research. On the contrary, people travel 5 km from Athani in Belgaum
district to buy the Patils’ fruit in bulk.
The process, which followed a ‘citizen’s jury’ model, allowed
farmers to review the present status of agricultural research Value-addition and direct marketing are offshoots of the
and conclude with a verdict. The entire exercise reflected the organic movement in Karnataka. Organic farmers have
current tendency among farmers in Karnataka — although explored economic ways that lead out of market-related
participants included both chemical and non-chemical exploitation. Tree-based farming with horticulture crops is
farmers — to categorically support environment-friendly one such way, and was common among those who started
agricultural practices. agriculture after the 1980s. Such farming means lower
dependence on labour and good market opportunities.
It has become very important to stake farmers’ claims over Growers add value to their produce at various stages
agricultural research. For a long time, agricultural research depending on the crop, whether sun-dried fruit or pickles
was thought of as an expert domain and hence farmers and jams. When the mix works optimally, farmers get the
were only at the receiving end of research outputs. Every entire benefit. “Reaching that stage is not easy, for such
time something failed, farmers were blamed for their experiments are always prone to risk,” said Shankaranna,
‘ignorance and inability’ to handle their agriculture. Never a small farmer in Khanapur, Belgaum district. “I shifted to
was the question asked: Was there something wrong with organic farming five years ago, influenced by a civil society
the research itself? As people say, the research had all the organisation. The period of transformation was not easy.
right answers, but did it have the right questions? Organic farming requires more attention and hard work, but
now I am content with agriculture.” Having learnt traditional
The last two decades have seen the organic movement preservation techniques, he is able to offer his produce to
becoming popular among farmers. “After retirement, I consumers throughout the year.
wanted to get into farming. When I started agriculture in
2002, the organic movement had reached its peak. I have Native paddy and pulses are the major crops in
converted 9 acres of fallow land into a fertile farm, and Shankaranna’s fields, while vegetables and fruits are grown
all organic,” said S M Patil, who finds agriculture more mainly for home use. Marketing was not easy for him as
satisfying both monetarily and work-wise than his earlier job he avoided selling his produce in the general market which
as village accountant. doesn’t recognise the value of non-chemical grain. In the
ISSUE 19 2010

long term, his decision paid off and he now has regular
Though a new entrant to agriculture, Patil has touched on customers. “After people started asking for grain flour, I

Agricultural revival

decided to go for this second-level processing. I also sell and consumers to the concept of healthy food. Bengali
vegetable seeds to those who want to take up kitchen Venkatesha, a farmer in Uttara Kannada, refused chemical
gardening,” he said. On Thursday afternoons he opens inputs even at the peak of the Green Revolution. “Classifying
a temporary stall at the Gandhi Shanti Pratishthana, in farming methods is not important. It is important to be non-
Dharwar. chemical and nature-friendly. If we understand nature and
work accordingly, we always succeed. Farming should be
Weekly organic markets are increasing in number, helping need-based, and a harmony should be developed between
farmers by (1) bringing them closer to consumer needs, humans, their cattle and the land,” said Venkatesha.
which helps them plan their crop, (2) giving them the
incentive to raise the value of their produce by processing it, Each of these farms is a university for biodiverse agriculture.
and (3) removing from the equation middlemen who have When farmers have so much to offer, why is it that they
exploited farmers extensively. There is the additional benefit are denied participation in agricultural research? It is this
of networking, wherein farmers exchange their products realisation that has driven many civil society groups to take
and produce. B N Nandeesh, a farmer in Shikaripur, sends steps to dialogue, debate and discuss farmer-led research as
rare varieties of native paddy grown on his farm to G M well as to initiate well-grounded actions involving research
Hosamani in Dharwar, 200 km away. Hosamani procures where communities and farmers are involved directly in
dry grapes from Belgaum, turmeric and kokum from Sirsi, designing, data-collection and analysis of agricultural
and honey from Ankola for sale at the weekly market. “Such research.
networking helps us display diverse products,” he said. “We
cannot hold onto our consumers with just one or two items. Venkatesha added: “Any new technology which is
Procuring from other farmers can be risky as we have to be applicable in farmers’ fields, helps them get a good yield,
careful that they are chemical-free and are of good quality. and is sustainable is welcome. Agricultural universities
So we usually prefer to buy from certified organic growers should also recognise farmers’ expertise and adopt them
or from those whom we know properly.” in their package of practices.” As a farmer who has been
successfully selling his produce and value-added products,
The bottom line is that non-chemical food is getting greater Venkatesha feels that good quality and a proper approach
public attention, although organic certification is costly for towards the market are what work. His own examples are
small subsistence farmers, which is why some have opted for white kokum (Garcinia indica), which has valuable medicinal
group certification, which is affordable. properties; his wife Ganga extracts fruit essences, mixes
them with sugar or jaggery, depending on the demand, and
A P Chandrashekhar is a pioneering organic farmer who
prepares squash; fragrant and pure turmeric powder also
dared to add value to his produce 25 years ago. “Organic
has increasing demand. Their steadfast insistence on quality
agriculture requires intelligence. We have to understand the
has brought them customers from as far away as Bangalore
intricacies of nature. The first generation that shifted back
(400 km away). Venkatesha’s coconut plants are also
to organic had a clear understanding of the situation. As
popular. He prepares 200 plants every year and sells them
marketing produce was always a problem — we have small
quantities due to our mixed cropping system — we were for Rs 20 each. “The prices are fixed to compensate for our
compelled to process the produce. Now, the major task is work and material costs,” said Venkatesha’s mother. “Even if
to match demand and supply.” It was not an easy job for demand is more, we do not increase the price. Profit should
Chandrashekhar, who lives on his 13-acre farm in Kalalavadi be reasonable.”
village, 17 km from Mysore. Although the city is nearby, it
Every Saturday, Vankatesha takes his products to a vegetable
took time for consumers to accept farmers’ products that
shop in the nearby town of Sirsi, where the vendor displays
entered the market without attractive packaging
his produce separately. Regular customers visit the shop
and marketing.
— vegetables, value-added products and fruit each have
Home-made products are usually of excellent quality, as they their own set of customers. Manorama Joshi, another small
are natural and do not include artificial preservatives. The farmer in Sirsi, also works on her produce. She sun-dries
movement has crossed over to the consumer side in Mysore, bananas and jackfruit which are inter-crops in her areca
with the setting up of an outlet for organic produce called plot. She began after learning that there was good demand
Nesara: the shop offers a range of products from grain to for dried fruit. These efforts are sustainable, and appeal
fruit and soap powder. to farmers when they are initiated by their peers. At times
there is a mismatch between demand and supply but, as
The media has played an important role in strengthening the farmer and consumer get to know one another, the ability
organic movement in Karnataka. Translation of Masanobu to adjust improves. K B Virupakshar, a farmer in Hubli, grows
Fukuoka’s One Straw Revolution by farmer-writer Santosh sapota, bananas, mangoes and drumsticks. “In the last few
Koulagi created a new wave and influenced many. A range years, I used to sell the produce at home only,” he said. “This
ISSUE 19 2010

of events from native seed festivals, mango fairs, paddy field time, HOPCOMS offered me Rs 15 a kg for sapota. I thought
days, and tender coconut expositions have attracted growers that my produce should not get lost in a market dominated

Agricultural research

Rahul Goswami
by chemically-dependent produce. Now my wife and I visit At Raitateerpu, most farmer jury members were illiterate
different direct market outlets and sell. We pass on and small farmers, the majority of whom have had no
organic awareness wherever we go.” He sells his sapota at opportunity to speak at public meetings. Their concerns
Rs 20 per kg. — such as “will GM crops have a negative impact on
honeybees” — gave the discussions a new dimension.
These are the experiences of farmers who have made the For the first time in the country, farmers interacted with
transformation to organic successfully. Although there scientists on an equal footing to air their doubts and seek
is a great interest in organic farming, the changeover is answers from the researchers. “It was an opportunity for
not easy. Organic awareness has not reached the larger us to speak for ourselves and our farming community. This
farming fraternity both in rainfed and irrigated lands. For has definitely boosted our morale. We realised that the
the majority, agriculture still means ‘packet seeds, chemical researchers are answerable to us,” said Gangamma, another
fertiliser and pesticides’. Along with traditional practices, jury member.
they have lost their self-reliance and are heavily dependent
The difference in perceptions on both sides was
on outside inputs for farming. “Agriculture department
significant, showing clearly the gap between field and
officials were the ones who introduced chemical inputs to
lab. In India, publicly-funded research shapes the choices
us,” said Hemavva Lamani, a small farmer in Haveri. “Now
available to farmers, food workers and consumers, and
they ask us to avoid using them. Is it that easy? For each and
also the environments in which they live and work. There
every crisis, we farmers are blamed. What about agricultural is an increasing need to explore ways of democratising
universities, which were established to serve us? We do not the governance of science and technology — as shown
understand what they are doing and whom their convincingly at Raitateerpu — ensuring that it continues
work benefits.” to serve the public good rather than narrow economic
interests. These new experiments with deliberative and
Hemavva posed a very important question at the Raitateerpu inclusive processes are a means to broaden citizens’
meet. “I lost my chilly crop to an unknown disease after my involvement in decisions around science, technology and
neighbour started growing gherkins, which required heavy policymaking. They also consider resource allocation and
chemicals. I had to change my cropping pattern. Who will institutional choices that are important — especially
reimburse my loss, which was not my fault,” she asked. with the increasing impact of climate change — for
As a farmer jury member of the Raitateerpu programme, the governance of food systems and biodiversity
Hemavva was curious to know the role of researchers in India.
in agriculture and also whether farmers have any say in
ISSUE 19 2010

deciding the priorities adopted by the national agricultural Anitha Pailoor is with the Centre for Agricultural Media, Dharwad, Karnataka,
research system. and was closely involved with the Raitateerpu farmers’ jury

Agricultural revival

Kudrat, Karishma and other living seeds

Prakash Raghuvanshi has developed dozens of high-yielding, disease-resistant,
open pollinated seeds, distributing them to 2 million farmers in 14 states. He also
trains farmers in the basics of selection and plant breeding at his small farm near
Varanasi. His aim is clear: to conserve and protect desi (indigenous) seed varieties,
thereby freeing the farmer from the stranglehold of foreign seed companies and
the cycle of debt and dependence

PRAKASH SINGH RAGHUVANSHI epitomises the Indian of his seed varieties are: they adapt very well to extremes
tradition of grassroots research and innovation at the of temperature, rainfall and other aspects of climate change;
village level. Far more than a dry, mechanistic form of they are open pollinated and can be saved by the farmer
enquiry and a reductionist attitude to nature and farming, for the next season’s crop; they are superior in taste and
it is the approach of listening and learning that has led to flavour as they have been selected and developed from
Raghuvanshi’s success at plant breeding. traditional varieties; they deliver greater yields while not
requiring massive chemical inputs as do high-yielding
Spurred by crop losses and financial setbacks caused varieties that have been developed by India’s agricultural
by chemically-dependent farming nearly 15 years ago, research system. Cowdung and some irrigation are all that
Raghuvanshi resolved to overcome these difficulties and help
out other farmers too. He began developing a living seed

Sudharak Olwe
bank on 3 acres of land and chose wheat, paddy, arhar and
moong seeds for their high yields, disease resistance and
ability to adapt to sudden climate changes. His father had
begun the process but could not take it to its conclusion.
Raghuvanshi continued from the point his father left off,
and in the process developed several high-yielding, disease-
resistant varieties of paddy, wheat, arhar, moong, peas and

Dr Mahatim Singh, former professor at Benaras Hindu

University and a former vice-chancellor of Pantnagar
Agricultural University, encouraged Raghuvanshi to develop
new varieties of seed that would perform well and help
small and marginal farmers improve their yields and
thereby their incomes. This timely encouragement from an
agricultural scientist inspired Raghuvanshi to do his best and
come up with good results within a short period of time.

Ever since his work on plant breeding began, Raghuvanshi

has been participating in kisan melas and meets. He has met
several agricultural scientists and they have been amazed by
the results he has produced despite lack of modern research
facilities, a well-equipped lab, or research grants.

Raghuvanshi’s body of work is indeed remarkable: he has

developed 80 varieties of wheat, 25 varieties of paddy, 10
varieties of arhar, besides moong, peas, mustard, papaya,
ladiesfinger and vegetable varieties. All of their seeds can be
saved as they are open pollinated seeds.

Raghuvanshi has named his paddy and wheat varieties

ISSUE 19 2010

Kudrat and Karishma respectively, and they have performed

well wherever they have been sown. The chief characteristics

Grassroots research and innovation

Seed varieties and the Beej Dana • Encourage farmers to start their own living seed banks in
villages to conserve local seed varieties.
Mahadana campaign
• Teach farmers the basics of plant selection and plant
Raghuvanshi has listed the characteristics of his improved
breeding so that they can develop their own varieties to
seed varieties:
meet future needs.
Wheat: The three wheat varieties, Kudrat 5, Kudrat 9 and
• Encourage farmers to keep local breeds of cows.
Kudrat 17, have plant heights of 85-90 cm, 95-100 cm and
90-95 cm respectively; yields per acre are 20-25 quintals, 15- • Inspire and urge farmers to give up chemical farming and
20 quintals and 22-27 quintals respectively. convert to organic farming.

Paddy: The three paddy varieties — Kudrat 1, Kudrat 2 and • Inculcate pride in farming, and so halt migration to cities.
Lal Basmati — progress through a maturity period of 130-
135 days, 115-120 days and 90-100 days respectively, while • Enable small and marginal farmers to harvest improved
yields per acre are respectively 25-30 quintals, 20-22 quintals farm yields and earn higher incomes through cultivation
and 15-17 quintals. and sale of Kudrat seed varieties.

Pigeon pea: The Kudrat 3, Chamatkar and Karishma varieties • Return control of seeds to farmers thereby neutralising
foreign seed multinationals, putting an end to farmer
possess 500-1,000, 400-600 and 450-650 pods per plant
suicides, and improving India’s food security.
respectively, while yields per acre are 12-15 quintals, 10-12
quintals and 10-12 quintals. • Improve the health of both rural and urban populations
through consumption of cereals, pulses, oilseeds and
Mustard: Kudrat Vandana, Kudrat Gita and Kudrat Soni have
vegetables produced from indigenous seeds.
bunchy pods, a greater number of seeds per pod, and higher
oil content. Their average seed yield per hectare is 1,430 kg, • Propagate ancient Vedic practices like agnihotra which
1,405 kg and 742 kg respectively. have a beneficial effect on farming, farm animals and
farming households.
Moong: The Kudrat Jan Kalyani variety contains 24%
protein; it can be grown by small and marginal farmers and The seeds developed by Raghuvanshi are under trial at
the urban poor to make up the protein gap in their diets. various agricultural universities and government research
stations. They are awaiting patents and are not available
Recognising the importance of saving indigenous seeds, commercially. Raghuvanshi sends small seed packets of 100-
Raghuvanshi launched his Beej Dana Mahadana campaign 500 gm free of cost to individual farmers. If planted under
nearly a decade ago. Its objectives are: good soil conditions, a 100 gm seed packet can produce up
to 40 kg of seed in one growing season. This can then be
• Introduce the various Kudrat and Karishma seed varieties utilised to plant 10-15 acres of land with paddy, in the next
to farmers all over India through free distribution of 100-200 season. His address is: Prakash Singh Raghuvanshi, Tadia
gm seed packets. village, Jakhini post, Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh.

Kudrat and Karishma need. welcomes farmers and visitors at his farm to observe and
learn firsthand.
The proof of Raghuvanshi’s methods is seen in the field.
His paddy varieties yield 25-30 quintals per acre and his Raghuvanshi’s extraordinary work has been recognised by
wheat varieties 18-20 quintals per acre. He has gone on the National Innovation Foundation (NIF), Ahmedabad. He
several beej yatras distributing his seeds freely and widely was given a National Award for Innovation in Agriculture
— by his own estimate, 2 million farmers in 14 states, over on November 18, 2009, by President Pratibha Patil. The
15 years. Raghuvanshi also trains farmers in the basics of Foundation gave him a grant of Rs 1.9 lakh under the
selection and plant breeding at his small 15-acre farm near Micro Venture Innovation Fund for nursery development,
Varanasi. His aim is clear: to conserve and protect desi cultivation and scaling up manufacturing channels for
(indigenous) seed varieties, thereby freeing the farmer from his improved seed varieties. He has also been supported
the stranglehold of foreign seed companies and the cycle of financially by Shri Narayan Saiji, a religious teacher based
debt and dependence. in Ahmedabad who owns several large farms and has
used the improved seeds developed by Raghuvanshi in his
ISSUE 19 2010

Raghuvanshi is a practitioner and advocate of organic farms to produce bountiful harvests. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
farming and of protection of indigenous cow breeds. He another spiritual teacher based in Bangalore, is also a

Agricultural revival

Raghuvanshi supporter. in Varanasi and Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh; Jabalpur,

Narsingpur, Khargaon, Indore, Bhopal and Ujjain in Madhya
What shaped Raghuvanshi’s thinking and approach, and Pradesh; Raipur, Bhilai and Dhamtari in Chhattisgarh;
how does he live? Jalgaon, Yavatmal, Amravati and Pune in Maharashtra;
Kota, Bharatpur, Jaipur and Sikar in Rajasthan. He was
Nationally recognised for being an innovative farmer and invited to NIF’s informal Research Advisory Committee
plant breeder, Raghuvanshi is 50 years old and lives in a joint meeting in May 2006 to interact with fellow innovators,
family with his mother, wife and six children, and one of his and also participated in the traditional food festival, Saatvik,
brothers. His family comes from the village of Tadia, 30 km organised by Sristi-NIF in November 2006, where his seeds
from Varanasi. The land he tills and sows is held jointly by evoked a lot of interest. In 2008, Raghuvanshi went to Italy
the brothers, and Raghuvanshi uses 3 acres to do his plant with Vandana Shiva and was granted life membership to the
breeding work and to preserve his seed varieties in a living Slow Food Movement.
seed bank. Another 9-10 acres are given over to growing
rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables to meet the While aware of the controversy raging around the
family’s needs and to grow green fodder for the cows. introduction of Bt brinjal, Raghuvanshi believes the solution
lies in showing farmers the superior yields of his improved
Raghuvanshi’s greatest advantage perhaps — and his brinjal variety. He says using neem cake and mustard oil cake
greatest success — is that his three young sons are also as soil conditioners prevents the aggressive attack of pests
farmers in the village and assist him in his plant breeding, to which hybrid brinjal varieties are susceptible. Although
advocacy and outreach work. In a time when farmers’ aware of the importance of millet in the Indian diet,
children are migrating to cities and do not want to make Raghuvanshi’s focus has been on paddy, wheat and pulses
agriculture their livelihood, Raghuvanshi’s sons are an as he lives in a fertile zone where irrigated farming
example of what concerted team effort by a farm family can is the norm.
achieve over the years.
At the start of his campaign, Raghuvanshi recognised the
Coming from a conservative rural background, Raghuvanshi importance of having strong allies in the struggle to save
has stayed away from becoming fully commercial or selling indigenous seed varieties. He has linked up with various
his seed varieties to seed companies. Nevertheless, in small organisations working at the grassroots level in
order to sustain his Beej Dana Mahadana campaign, and different parts of India. The Rashtriya Asmita Manch in
to support his large family, he has felt the need to raise Mumbai, convened by Ramakrishna Pandey, is one such
funds. At present, he has verbal agreements with growers organisation; Madhavashram in Bhopal, which has done
in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Assam and Orissa. The good work at the grassroots level to promote agnihotra
arrangement is simple: Raghuvanshi provides the initial farming amongst farmers, is another; Yashpal Bansal, a
batch of seeds and his partners get them multiplied by philanthropist based in New Delhi, has extended valuable
various farmers in their respective areas. A rough sale price moral and financial support to Raghuvanshi and has
for the seeds is agreed upon when the crop is harvested, helped make his beej yatras a success; Dr B K Sahu of Kota
and the partners proceed to sell the seeds to farmers, has popularised Kudrat paddy in Rajasthan. These are only a
acknowledging Raghuvanshi as the source of the particular few examples; numerous other individuals and organisations
seed variety. Raghuvanshi gets a commission after the have extended their support to Raghuvanshi, who has also
sale is over. benefited from regular and appreciative media coverage.

Although the arrangement is straightforward, Raghuvanshi Over the years, Raghuvanshi has become proficient at
has been duped several times by unscrupulous partners in coining slogans to get his message across to farmers: Apni
the past who refused to give him his due while profiting kheti apni khad, apna beeja apna swad, and Beej bachao,
from the sale of his seeds. As the patents for his seed desh bachao are two favourites. During beej yatras these
varieties are still pending, Raghuvanshi cannot resort to are supported by a variety of banners, posters and the
legal action against the defaulters. He relies on support from distribution of pamphlets.
an NGO and the speedy registration of his seed patents to
deal with what amounts to commercial crime. Yet, his true Raghuvanshi takes a philosophical-spiritual view of his
aim is the country’s food security. His view is that foreign knowledge and work, crediting entirely the traditions of
seed companies like Monsanto — that sell hybrid rice and Indian farming for the appeal of his message and success
wheat seeds — are holding farmers to ransom and are of his campaign. “I am only an observer,” is his simple,
undermining India’s food security. Wherever Raghuvanshi’s essential description of what has become a life’s work.
seeds have been distributed to farmers, sales of companies
like Monsanto have dropped sharply. Dr Anjali Pathak is a naturopath, writer and organic farming consultant who has
worked with growers and planters of the northeast, the Dooars and the Nilgiris
ISSUE 19 2010

A regular at kisan melas in northern India, Raghuvanshi

has distributed varieties of his wheat seeds to farmers

Zishaan Latif

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