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Health Training
A Literature Review
Prepared by:
Alexander Cohen, PhD
Michael J. Colligan, PhD
June 1998
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Occupational safety and health training remains a fundamental element in workplace hazard control pro-
grams. As training objectives, recognition of job hazards, learning safe work practices and appreciating
other preventive measures are expected to contribute to the goal of reducing occupational risk of injury
and disease. This report reviews data found in the literature reflecting the significance of training in
meeting these kinds of objectives and outcomes. As will be seen, there is much positive evidence but the
results seem very selective and highly qualified. An analysis to identify factors underlying a successful
training experience is also presented and does confirm basic principles of learning. Here too, however,
important gaps are noted in the available data. The document proceeds to offer an agenda for addressing
outstanding needs and ways for strengthening the role that training can play in improving workplace
safety and health. The reader audience concerned with these kinds of issues should find this report to be
most informative.
■ iii
ore than 100 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for hazard
control in the workplace contain requirements for training aimed at reducing risk factors for
injury or disease; others limit certain jobs to persons deemed competent by virtue of special
training. A literature review was undertaken to assess the merits of such training rules to achieve this
objective and to sort out factors of consequence. The review focussed heavily on published reports, pri-
marily drawn from the period 1980 through 1996, wherein training was used as an intervention effort to
reduce risk of work-related injury and disease. Eighty (80) such reports were found and gave over-
whelming evidence to show the merits of training in increasing worker knowledge of job hazards, and in
effecting safer work practices and other positive actions in a wide array of worksites. Reports from
select surveys and investigations of worker injuries and workplace fatalities were also accessed with
many implicating lack of training as a contributing factor to the mishaps. In still other studies, workplace
training devoted to first aid instruction showed linkage to reduced worker injury rates, suggesting that
even this kind of training has benefits to job safety overall.
A critical analysis of the above findings found certain qualifications in viewing training impacts and suc-
cesses with regard to current workplace standards. For example, most of the reported training interven-
tion studies did not address OSHA training rules per se, and knowledge gain and safe behavior measures
were used in many evaluations as opposed to actual injury/disease indicators. Also, in some instances,
the training was coupled with other forms of intervention to make attribution difficult. Training deficits
noted in some surveys of work injury cases lacked for confirmation and no information was available on
the quality of the instruction if given at all.
Despite the above reservations and uncertainties, training’s role as a necessary element in developing
and maintaining effective hazard control activities remained firmly supported by the available literature.
What did emerge from this review and analysis was an appreciation of meaningful training procedures
and the recognition of factors both within and beyond the training process that could greatly affect its
impact. In this regard, the OSHA voluntary training guidelines were described along with illustrations
from the reports to show how the various steps contained within them can be met in realistic ways and
have merit in framing an effective program. In addition, factors both within and beyond the training
process were assessed for their effects on training outcomes based on data found in the reviewed litera-
ture. Variables such as size of training group, length/frequency of training, manner of instruction, and
trainer credentials were each shown to be significant determinants to the training process. Equally
important were extra-training factors such as goal setting, feedback and motivational incentives along
with managerial actions to promote the transfer of learning to the jobsite.
Based on the literature review, follow-on efforts to address outstanding issues and needs regarding effec-
tive occupational safety and health training were noted.
iv ■
Executive Summary
This review sought evidence from the literature bearing on two questions: Are occupational safety and
health training (OS&H) requirements, as cited in many Federal standards governing workplace condi-
tions and operations, effective in reducing work related injury and illness? Does the available evidence
show certain training factors or practices to be more important than others in having positive effects
on these outcome measures?
The literature search focussed on reports of training intervention efforts designed in whole or in part to
enhance worker knowledge of workplace hazards, effect behavior changes to ensure compliance with
safe work practices, or prompt other actions aimed at reducing the risk of occupational injury or dis-
ease. Eighty (80) such reports met criteria for inclusion. They were products of two literature searches.
The first search covered the period up to 1993; the second extended the first search through 1996. The
included work came mainly from the period 1980 through 1996 and, by intent, addressed five types of
hazardous agents. These were: traumatic injury forces, toxic chemicals/materials, harmful physical
factors, ergonomic stressors, and biologic/infectious agents as encountered in an array of work set-
tings. The search also examined data from select surveys and investigative reports where training fac-
tors were either implicated in the etiology of workplace injury or disease incidents or, alternatively,
were considered a key element to the success of worksite hazard control programs that showed exem-
plary safety and health records. Still another source for information was reports of worksite training
directed to other needs (e.g., first aid) but that had apparent positive effects on worksite safety and
health indicators as well.
With regard to answering the first question, the literature accessed and reviewed in this report offered
much direct and indirect evidence to show the benefits of training in establishing safe and healthful
working conditions. The intervention studies in particular were especially supportive. Findings here
were near unanimous in showing how training can attain objectives such as increased hazard aware-
ness among the workers at risk, knowledge of and adoption of safe work practices, and other actions
that improve workplace safety and health protection. Data from other types of studies suggested too
that lack of required training may have contributed to events where workers were injured or killed.
Although affirming the effectiveness of training to meet hazard control objectives, this review also
drew attention to some shortcomings in the supportive data. For example, the training intervention
work that offered the most positive evidence did not address OSHA training requirements per se.
Rather, the training interventions targeted site-specific problems, and while showing success in resolv-
ing such problems, i.e., improving safety performance, their exact relationship to OSHA mandated
training rules was unclear. Moreover, where studies reported lower injury rates, reduced lost time or
medical costs after training, analyses were lacking to show how the improvements could be accounted
for by the positive results from training when measured in terms of knowledge gain or behavior indi-
cators. One study that attempted such an analysis found that the targeted training could only account
for 25% of the observed reduction in injury rate. Also, in some instances, the training was coupled to
■ v
other forms of intervention (engineering, ergonomic) so as to make attribution even more difficult.
Still another tempering fact was that successful training results appeared greatly influenced by “extra-
training” considerations. Management’s role/support of safety training and its transfer to the jobsite,
setting goals and providing feedback to motivate use of the knowledge gained, and offering incentives
or rewards for reinforcing safe performance all seemed crucial to attaining a positive result. These
types of factors are not acknowledged in OSHA training requirements. It is noteworthy that a pro-
posed OSHA safety and health program standard does recognize the need for management actions to
support OS&H training among other critical components.
Some reports that suggested training deficits as factors contributing to injury/health problems lacked
for confirmatory information. In other reports, workers who had received training to protect them
against certain job hazards were nevertheless afflicted. Missing in these cases was information about
the quality of the training offered; whether it met OSHA requirements, or took note of any of the
extra-training factors noted above.
Even with the above reservations and uncertainties, however, the role of training as a necessary ele-
ment in developing and maintaining effective hazard control activities appeared firm. Indeed, the issue
was not so much whether OS&H training could make a difference in reducing risks from workplace
hazards. Clearly, it can. But rather ascertaining the conditions for maximizing these training effects.
This was the second question posed in this review and two approaches were used to offer a response.
One effort focussed on the OSHA voluntary training guidelines wherein examples were extracted from
the set of intervention studies to highlight the different steps that had to be taken. Various exhibits in
this exercise showed how the steps could be met in realistic ways and could have merit in framing and
implementing an effective training program.
A second approach considered factors not covered in the OSHA guidelines but more specific to the
training process itself or the attainment of its objectives. Variables included were the size of training
group, length and/or frequency of training, manner of instruction, trainer credentials, and
training/transfer conditions. Addressed among the latter conditions were extra-training factors such as
management/supervisory roles and motivational techniques for reinforcing the learning at the jobsite.
The intervention studies were examined for data that could justify statements as to the significance of
these factors and/or conditions and where they had the greatest potential for effecting successful train-
ing outcomes. A set of statements, tying together evaluative information from the different reports,
emerged from this exercise. Some were more supportable than others owing to limitations in the data
contained in the reports under review. Most statements about specific factors agreed with concepts in
the general learning and motivation literature, i.e., increases in training time per unit group of workers
or use of more frequent and shorter sessions suggested more favorable outcomes as did active learning
experiences stressing jobsite applications. Some unique extensions or refinements were also noted
such as the added benefits of having supervisors or foremen assume a more active trainer role in
workplace safety and health training as opposed to others who may have that special responsibility.
Particular attention was drawn to the length and frequency of training because of its implications for
training schedules, both for initial and for refresher instruction. Needs to develop a decision logic for
this purpose were mentioned along with some of the variables to be addressed.
vi ■
Suggestions for follow-on work were offered to take account of the gaps in the reviewed literature or
other shortcomings in responding to the two questions posed. Among those recommended were:
1) Undertaking studies to ascertain how industry is responding to OSHA training rules and the
quality of such efforts. The major data set used in this literature review were researcher directed
efforts and, for that reason were not the norm. Focussing the efforts on the most prevalent types of
injuries and illnesses and selecting industries or work operations where they are most recurrent
would be ideal. Differences in how the mandated training rules were met at the various selected
sites and links between the training undertaken and specific injury and disease risk factors would
be analyzed. The extent to which the operant practices followed OSHA training guidelines, and
the resulting experiences could offer an important reference in gauging their utility.
2) Conducting in-depth studies of training practices and their interrelationship with other ele-
ments in an establishment’s hazard control program. Directing this effort at companies showing
exemplary safety and health records could offer program models for effective training that can
best complement or enhance other workplace measures aimed at maximizing risk management.
3) Using case-control or cohort studies to compare differences in the level of training of workers
injured or afflicted by occupational disease against those not so affected. The intent here would be
to get a better assessment of how training deficits can lead to such problems. Such an analysis
would require measures to separate out many nontraining factors that could also be responsible for
apparent differences in these cases.
4) Convene workshops to discuss issues concerned with the effectiveness of worksite OS&H
training both now and in the future. Invitees would include experts and practitioners conversant
with OS&H training, job skills training, health education, organizational behavior and evaluation
subject areas. The workshops would seek to pool ideas bearing on the questions posed in this
report and added concerns such as the adequacy of current regulatory language in OSHA training
rules, future training challenges due to changing workplace technologies, worker demographics,
measurement outcomes for assessing the effectiveness of training, the merit of merging different
workplace training domains (i.e., OS&H training, job skills training, worksite health promotion),
and other issues.
■ vii
Table of Contents
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. Occupational Safety and Health Training in Broad Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A. Basic Program Thrusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
B. Worksite Training on Health Protection/Health Promotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
III. Occupational Safety and Health Training in Relation to Other
Worksite Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
IV. General Training Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
A. Some Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B. Critical Training Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1. Needs Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2. Establishing Training Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Specifying Training Content and Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4. Accounting for Individual Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5. Specifying Learning Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6. Evaluating Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7. Revising the Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
V. Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in
Current Workplace Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A. Nature of Existing OSHA Training Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1. Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2. Frequency/Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3. Documentation/Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4. Trainer Qualifications and Specialty Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
B. OSHA Voluntary Training Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1. Determining If Training Is Needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2. Identifying Training Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3. Identifying Goals and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4. Developing Learning Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
■ ix
Training Intervention Studies as Found in the Literature
Addressing Various Types of Occupational Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Extracts from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Work Injury Reports
for Discerning Real/Possible Gaps in Job Safety/Health Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
x ■
azard control and prevention strategies to assure every working man and
woman safe, healthful workplace conditions regard training as an
axiomatic part of all such efforts. To reinforce this point, requirements
for worker safety and health training are found in more than 100 occupa-
tional safety and health standards promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA); others limit certain jobs assignments to persons judged com-
petent by way of special training. Yet, the merits of training provisions in worksite
hazard control regulations and for hazard control efforts in general have not been
without question. Indeed, instances where training has been shown to be ineffective in
reducing work related disabilities have been reported (Tan et al., 1991, Snook,
Campanelli & Hart, 1978, Linnemann, et al., 1991), and at least one review has raised
concerns about the worth of workplace safety training programs (Hale, 1984). In its
defense, training shortcomings could reflect use of inadequate instructional tech-
niques or situational factors that confound the learning process or its objectives. More
importantly, however, the notion that training is somehow exempt from the account-
ability demands of business operations is no longer tenable. Moreover, in appreciating
that adherence to training rules imposes added costs on responsible employers and
extra burdens on workers too, knowledge of factors that can influence success in
training efforts would be especially important. Indeed, one could argue that faulty or
bad training may have worse consequences than no training at all.
It was these issues that prompted this literature review. The originally conceived pur-
pose was to address two questions:
Q-1: Can the occupational safety and health (OS&H) training requirements cited in
numerous Federal standards governing workplace conditions and operations be
shown to be truly effective in reducing work related injuries and illness?
Q-2: Does the evidence single out certain elements or characteristics of training pro-
grams as having the most positive effects on worker safety and health?
(1) Search the literature for reports on how employers implemented applicable
OSHA training requirements and the associated change in their work injury
and disease experience.
Introduction ■ 1
(2) Locate data sources comparing the extent and nature of OS&H training
given workers who incurred work related injury or disease with those who
have not but who are in similar occupations or work situations.
As noted in the course of this review, the existing literature only partially satisfies
these approaches. For example, reports of efforts to comply with prescribed OSHA
training rules are relatively few; more common in the literature are training studies
targeting site-specific problems that may or may not be covered by regulation.
Knowledge gain, attitude change, indications of safer work procedures being adopted
by the workers are most frequently used to measure the training impact. Fewer stud-
ies note reduced injuries or disease outcomes from training, and if they do, there are
cautions about drawing cause-effect conclusions. Results of epidemiology studies of
occupational injury and disease may suggest training shortcomings as contributing
factors but lack for baseline data or other evidence needed to support such claims.
Assessments of OS&H training practices or the merits of certain instructional meth-
ods as found in the literature may not always be able to separate training-specific
effects from other workplace factors. Also, in many instances, data collection for
worksite training evaluation purposes may not always follow sound study design prin-
Clearly, then, the current literature cannot supply complete answers to the questions
posed. Definitive responses require more research and some suggestions for such
work are described at the conclusion of this report. Even with the above reservations,
the benefits of a literature review at this time are believed twofold. First, to offer a
preliminary appraisal of the merits of training directed to workplace safety and health
concerns. Second, to offer a conceptual framework for treating OS&H training so as
to clarify the issues that should be addressed in follow-on efforts.
Although the literature has much theory on learning having relevance to training, this
review is not theory driven, i.e., intended to serve as a test of specific hypotheses
derived from specific theoretical formulations. As will be noted, the treatment in vari-
ous places does take account of suggested training models or guidelines for purposes
of organizing and analyzing the material under review.
It is envisioned that this report can serve different audiences. For one, policy-makers
engaged in setting OS&H standards need to be assured that training requirements are
essential to achieving improved workplace safety and health. Finding such supportive
evidence for training rules would offer this assurance. Also, information on whether
certain rule formulations have more merit than others in producing successful training
results would be of benefit to policy-makers. A second audience would be researchers.
2 ■ Introduction
This review reveals both strengths and weaknesses in the database for effective train-
ing procedures and factors affecting OS&H training. Especially challenging and need-
ed are studies to definitively tie immediate training results, e.g., increased knowledge
of hazards and safer work behaviors, to outcome indicators such as reduced worker
injuries and illness. A third and last audience for this report would be those who con-
duct OS&H training. Indeed, the wealth of training studies appended to this report is
an information resource on instructional methods and evaluation techniques. By
addressing different types of hazards in a variety of work settings and offering mea-
sures for indicating effects, they offer important lessons for OS&H trainers.
Introduction ■ 3
The OTA report included an analysis of 40 worker training and worker education
programs conducted by business firms, trade associations, unions, hospitals and uni-
versities, and coalitions of OS&H groups. The analysis of activities and objectives
suggested four types of programs: fundamental, recognition, problem-solving, and
empowerment programs.
Training interventions having these objectives permeate the literature and comprise
most of the reports in Appendix A, which offers an inventory of studies aimed at eval-
uating the effectiveness of OS&H training for controlling workplace hazards.
The above types of training suggest a progression from a workforce learning basic
forms of protection to known hazards, through instruction aimed at enhancing their
awareness of potential problems and problem-solving skills, and then learning how to
make it all happen in their workplaces. Although treated separately, any given training
program may contain elements of these approaches in varying degrees.
The aforementioned training and education activities are all directed to worksite health
protection, that is, to controlling occupational/environmental risk factors for disease or
injury. They should not be confused with worksite health promotion programs that also
involve training/education activities but whose objectives are to alter personal lifestyle
factors that may pose risks to one’s health and well-being. Instruction here targets
smoking, substance abuse, inadequate diet, poor physical fitness among other prob-
lems and the intent is to effect behavior change for risk reduction.
Personal lifestyle and occupational risk factors may interact in ways that can heighten
the potential for adverse outcomes. For example, asbestos workers who smoke may
have a 10-fold greater risk for lung cancer (Hammond, et al., 1979); alcohol or illicit
drug use has been implicated in work accidents in high risk jobs (Holcomb, Lehman
& Simpson, 1993). Alternatively, exercise training for enhancing physical fitness has
been suggested as an added means to limit strains from jobs imposing undue stress on
the musculoskeletal system (Genaidy, Gupta, & Alshedi, 1990; Hilyer et al., 1990;
Shi, 1993). For these reasons, training and education activities addressing worksite
health protection and health protection goals in combination may have mutually rein-
forcing effects. While health promotion studies are outside the scope of this literature
review, some reports of these worksite activities have been evaluated from the stand-
point of reducing occupational risks and will be so noted.
OS&H instruction as a component of both regular job training and worksite hazard
control program practices is depicted in Figure 1 as nested in and representing the
overlapping parts of these two types of activities. Encircling the job training and
occupational safety and health program efforts are factors which can shape the suc-
cess of these activities and their respective impacts on productivity and safety/health
experience. Indeed, the transferability of training to actual jobsite demands, use of
promotional or motivational efforts to drive the training exercise as well as boost
post-training performance in both productivity and hazard control terms, and manage-
ment’s commitment to these activities as communicated to the workers can do much
to affect these kinds of outcomes. Encompassing all of the above and shaping the ulti-
mate results are an employer’s goals and objectives. Presumably, management poli-
cies and actions that do not put company productivity and worker safety and health in
conflict but rather stress their positive interrelationships would be ideal.
Viewing OS&H training in this context underscores the difficulty in attempts to treat
or evaluate its effects separate from other workplace considerations. This is especially
Figure 1. Depiction of occupational safety/health (OSH) training as nested in other employer programs
which are affected by numerous extra- or post-training factors. Interactions here complicate
efforts to assess training-specific impacts on safety/health experience or productivity/per-
formance measures. Employer goals and objectives and related policies ultimately deter-
mine the priorities or trade-offs between the two outcomes.
A. Some Definitions
In general, training refers to instruction and practice for acquiring skills and knowl-
edge of rules, concepts, or attitudes necessary to function effectively in specified task
situations. With regard to OS&H, training can consist of instruction in hazard recog-
nition and control measures, learning safe work practices and proper use of personal
protective equipment, and acquiring knowledge of emergency procedures and preven-
tive actions. As noted in the OTA report (1985), training could also provide workers
with ways to obtain added information about potential hazards and their control; they
could gain skills to assume a more active role in implementing hazard control pro-
grams or to effect organizational changes that would enhance worksite protection.
Motivation refers to processes or conditions that can energize and direct a person’s
behaviors in ways intended to gain rewards or satisfy needs. Setting goals for perfor-
mance coincident with learning objectives and use of feed-back to note progress have
motivational value. With regard to OS&H, motivation can mean one’s readiness to
adopt or exhibit safe behaviors, take precautions, or carry out self-protective actions
as instructed. Bonuses, prizes, or special recognition can act as motivational incen-
tives or rewards in eliciting as well as reinforcing these behaviors when they are dis-
Knowledge or skills acquired in training may not always result in improved perfor-
mance in actual work situations. This may indicate 1) lack of suitable motivation, 2)
training content does not fit job demands (i.e., a problem in defining suitable training
objectives, or 3) dissimilarity or conflicts between the instruction/practice in training
conditions when compared to actual job conditions (i.e., a problem in transfer of
training). More is said about this in the sections to follow.
Different authoritative reviews of the general training literature (Goldstein & Buxton
(1982), Campbell (1988), Tannenbaum & Yukl (1992)), and job training in particular,
emphasize the importance of certain elements as critical to an effective program.
They are noted below. The OSHA set of voluntary training guidelines to assist
employers in furnishing safety and health information and instruction to workers
(OSHA, 1988) mimics most of the same elements within an OS&H context. They are
treated in a later section.
1. Needs Assessment
According to the general training literature, the needs assessment provides the
information to establish the objectives of the training program. These are stated as
observable behaviors expected of the trainee after the instruction, and they may
acknowledge the conditions under which they should be performed and the
required level of proficiency.
According to the general literature, effective training should take account of the
characteristics or attributes of the trainees. Aside from differences in aptitude, liter-
acy, or pretraining skill levels, how trainees view the training program in terms of
improving their job performance or self-efficacy may dictate variable approaches.
The kind and level of training for new job applicants versus long-term or older
workers reassigned to the same tasks also has to be addressed.
In general, instructional events comprising the training method should not inhibit,
conflict with, or be unrelated to the processes that lead to mastery. If the learning
is to develop capabilities in problem-solving techniques, the instructional approach
should stress thinking/reasoning approaches not rote memorization. Training meth-
ods should require the trainee to use the training content in active or productive
ways, e.g., restating or applying principles rather than just recalling them, or
adapting the information to new situations rather than mere repetition in the same
one. The current literature suggests that using learning events that require produc-
tive behavior or that provide appropriate feedback (positive/accurate/credible) and
opportunities for practice under conditions that promote transfer to the actual job
are ideal.
6. Evaluating Training
Step #1: Reaction—How did the trainees like the program? Typically this is
done through evaluation sheets completed at the end of the training. Typical
items inquire as to whether the material was well organized, relevant to the
trainees needs, made interesting through the instructor’s manner of presenta-
tion or use of visual aids, demonstrations, etc.
Step #2: Knowledge Gain (or Skills Acquired)—What principles, facts and
techniques were learned? Knowledge of facts and principles is usually evalu-
ated via pre/post paper-and-pencil tests or quizzes. Assessment of skills may
be done through performance tests before and after training. An untrained or
control group can be similarly tested to indicate any differences resulting from
just the test-retest experience
Step #4: Results—What were the tangible results of the program in terms of
its objectives or goals for the organization? Did it result in reduced injuries or
illness, lower medical costs, improved productivity? As noted in Figure 1,
extra- or post-training factors can affect these types of outcomes, and it is not
always possible to design evaluations that can isolate the specific training con-
tribution. Undertaking evaluations where these “extra-training factors” are
held constant during the pre-and post stages of the training assessment or can
be segregated as to their influence through use of suitable control groups are
ideal. Needless to say, training impacts at the organization level can require an
extended time line especially in using injury/illness outcomes owing to their
Criteria for rating training effects are the focus of much discussion in the literature.
Several points that deserve mention or added emphasis in light of the subject of this
report are:
(1) Past surveys have shown that most in-house assessments of training pro-
grams measure only trainee reactions of how well they liked the instruction
(Smeltzer, 1979; Smith, 1980; Parker, 1984, Alliger & Janak, 1989). Efforts
to determine the extent to which the training content was absorbed or result-
ed in changes in actual on-the-job behaviors, or had impacts on organiza-
tional measures (e.g., quantity/quality of production, sales,
absences/turnover, injury/illness rates) were rarer. Among reasons offered
for the lack of more intensive efforts at evaluating training were the unques-
tioned beliefs that training works, that workplace conditions do not readily
lend themselves to systematic assessments of training, and that more rigor-
ous attempts will entail high costs. Increasingly, however, there is the call
for more extensive training evaluations to verify the benefits as witness this
exercise (Blomberg, et al., 1988).
The evaluation of training as noted by Goldstein and Buxton (1982) offers infor-
mation as to whether the instruction has had its intended effect on the measures
set out for that purpose. Seldom do the data indicate a program was a complete
success or a failure, given multiple criteria for gauging the results. Rather, the
data may indicate better understanding, retention or application of some course
material as compared with others. Gaps or variations in knowledge or competen-
cies resulting from the training may reflect needs to consider more training time,
alternative instructional techniques, or more capable instructors.
1. Content
A number of standards are quite explicit about what safe practices should be
taught. Training rules for pulpwood logging and materials handling operations
are of this nature. For example, the pulpwood logging standard lists the
details of chainsaw instruction. A sample item: “Chainsaw operators shall be
instructed to start the saw at least 10 feet away from the fueling area” (29 CFR
1910.266(c)(5)(v)).1 Similar exposition occurs in a materials handling standard
dealing with the servicing of single rim wheels. In this case the instruction must
cover safe work practices so as to ensure “. . . that tires shall be completely deflat-
ed by removal of the valve core before demounting; mounting and demounting of
the tire shall only be done from the narrow ledge side of the wheel; tires shall not
be inflated when any flat solid surface is in the trajectory and within one foot of
the sidewall” (29 CFR 1910.177(g)(1)(2)(7). In contrast, other standards are more
general as to the content of the training. For example,
1 Excerpts of the training standards cited in Chapter V are taken from the OSHA (1992) report. More
complete statements are found in Collert (1996).
Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards ■ 17
the powered industrial truck standard states: “Only trained and authorized opera-
tors shall be permitted to operate a powered industrial truck. Methods shall be
devised to train operators in the safe operation of powered industrial trucks” (29
CFR 1910.178). Nothing more is specified. Still other standards acknowledge top-
ics to be covered (e.g., recognition of hazardous conditions, risk factors and poten-
tial outcomes, needs for and means for hazard control) but do not go further, thus
leaving the specific content up to the employer.
2. Frequency/Duration
Standards covering exposures to toxic agents dictate that employees receive train-
ing before an initial job placement and repeat training on some periodic basis.
Reflecting more explicit requirements, the Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Standard (29 CFR 1910.120(e)) indicates minimum durations for ini-
tial training offsite and supervised onsite instruction plus yearly refresher training.
At the other extreme, a number of standards make no reference either to the dura-
tion of required training or to the need for repeat or follow-up instruction.
3. Documentation/Assurance
Some standards indicate teaching requirements for those slated to instruct employ-
ees or stipulate tasks to be undertaken by competent persons. Competent persons
are defined as those having acquired necessary skills by virtue of attending train-
ing schools, holding academic degrees, or possessing specialty experience. Related
to this point, the hazardous waste operations and emergency response standard
acknowledges separate training requirements for waste site workers versus those
having management or supervisor roles. The revised OSHA asbestos standard
mentioned above (29 CFR 1915.1001(k)(9)) dictates different training for asbestos
abatement workers, supervisors, inspectors, management planners, and project
18 ■ Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards
5. Methods
With few exceptions, current standards do not dictate methods to be used in meet-
ing the required training objectives. One standard on powered platform operations
(29 CFR 1910.66)) mentions that pictorial methods can be used instead of written
work procedures in the training activity. Several others stipulate a portion of the
training time to be a “hands-on” learning experience. More generally, however, the
“how to” of training is left to the discretion of the employer.
In the matter of how best to implement required training, OSHA has training guide-
lines to assist employers in furnishing safety and health information and instruction to
workers (OSHA, 1988a). The guidelines are voluntary and are meant to enhance or
supplement other employer training activities. Tailoring their application to meet indi-
vidual worksite needs or local working conditions is encouraged.
Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards ■ 19
The OSHA voluntary training guidelines follow a model whose elements reiterate
most of those in the general job training literature reviewed earlier. The seven guide-
lines below makes this readily apparent.
Are the needs for hazard control more readily solvable by training, i.e., increased
knowledge of a work process or adoption of safe work practices as opposed to
engineering or physical control alternatives?
Job hazard analyses plus examinations of company health/safety records and work-
er perceptions of job risks are suggested as means for identifying what training is
needed and where improvements can be made in hazard control. Obviously, refer-
ence to applicable federal/state standards will also shape the training content.
The OSHA guidelines call for identifying what the instruction is intended to
achieve and defining evidence for it being met in explicit, observable terms.
OSHA indicates that a specific objective (e.g., “An employee will be able to
describe how a respirator works, how to ensure an effective fitting, and when it
should be used” ) is preferable to a vague goal (e.g., “The employee will under-
stand the use of a respirator”)(Pg. 5, OSHA, 1992).
This OSHA guideline, like the one in the general training literature, stresses the
need for an instructional format that invites worker inputs into the training process,
and provides for hands-on experiences and exercises promoting active learning. It
also makes reference to other means of motivating and maintaining worker inter-
est. Relating the training to their current skill levels and experiences and empha-
sizing the benefits (increased worker knowledge and skills, more marketable attrib-
20 ■ Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards
utes as an employee who is informed and safety conscious) are among the ideas
Each program should determine whether the training has accomplished its goal.
Trainee opinions, supervisor observations and workplace improvements resulting
in reduced injury or illness are among the means recognized for this purpose. As
already mentioned, incidents of illness/injuries for rating the impact of OS&H
training programs or other intervention activities are such rare events that surro-
gate measures may be needed. Frequencies of “near miss” incidents, evidence of
reduced exposure levels to a hazard, measures of compliance with safe work prac-
tices offer possibilities. Also, reduced injury and disease as outcomes of training
would have to account for other factors as well. (See Figure 1).
If the evaluation proved that the training was deficient, efforts to revise aspects of
the training or to offer periodic retraining may be in order. Repeating the steps in
the training model may help determine where course revision is needed.
The OSHA voluntary training guidelines also contain suggestions for identifying
those workers who may be at higher levels of risk and thus have the greatest need
for training. Occupations posing known exposure hazards or otherwise shown to
be associated with excess injury/illness are one determinant. The age and job ser-
vice of the worker group in question can be another. (Young, new workers show a
disproportionate number of injuries and illnesses.) Still another may be the size of
the establishment. (Though the pattern may vary with industry, medium size com-
panies (50 to 249 workers) tend to have higher incident rates than the rates for
smaller or larger firms (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1997).
C. Summary
Upon reflection, the following points summarize the current state of affairs regarding
the regulatory language covering training in most OSHA standards.
Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards ■ 21
(2) Without explicit requirements for a plan embodying more of the elements to
meet the training objectives cited in the standards, employers may opt for min-
imal efforts whose results are marginal at best.
(3) Perhaps most critical is the need to ascertain whether the OSHA voluntary
plan has merit. Reports of field efforts to implement various aspects of the
guidelines and the resultant indications of success or failure in terms of
impacting workplace safety/health problems can offer evidence. Further, a
review and analyses of this work could define factors that would realize the
training objectives and improve safety/health outcomes. The balance of this
review is devoted to this task.
22 ■ Occupational Safety and Health Training Rules as Found in Current Workplace Standards
This review sought empirical information relevant to assessing whether OS&H train-
ing as dictated by OSHA standards had any beneficial effects in reducing the risk of
work related injury and illness, and factors that were especially critical to successful
training efforts. Specifically, the following types of documentation were sought:
(1) Reports of studies where training interventions were used for purposes of
reducing apparent worker risks of workplace injury or disease and evaluative
data obtained to indicate their significance. References took account of train-
ing programs undertaken at specific jobsites, laboratory studies with training
simulators, and efforts to implement OSHA training rules by user/affected
groups (i.e., unions/trades organizations) and indications of results.
(2) Surveys or investigative reports offering data on training (or the lack thereof),
as well as other factors contributing to work related injuries, fatalities, and
health problems.
(3) Reports on occupational safety and health program practices for employers
having exemplary safety/health performance to isolate training factors that
may have contributed to their success.
(4) Other studies in the education/learning field or ancillary areas that deal with
issues especially pertinent to effective OS&H training.
Regarding items (1) and (4) above, the literature review was confined to those reports
that described training plans and objectives, manner of implementation, methods for
evaluation, and data/results reflecting effectiveness. Articles offering testimonials to
various training approaches, or anecdotal references were not considered. Item (2)
dealt with results from questionnaire surveys of persons having certain types of work
injuries and investigative reports of workplace incidents where workers were injured,
killed or found to exhibit health problems. The intent in both cases was to examine
any references to training in appreciating why and how the injury producing event or
health problems occurred. Item (3) sought analytical information on company pro-
gram practices, especially aspects of worker training that were relatable to their suc-
cess in hazard control.
The search strategy made use of NIOSHTIC, the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health database which covers a broad range of OS&H literature, plus
other on-line computerized reference systems and abstract listings for specialty areas
available through DIALOGUE Information Services and the National Institute of
Medicine MEDLARS system. Searches for relevant citations in specialty areas tapped
databases in applied psychology (e.g., PsychScan, PsychINFO), education (e.g.,
ERIC), social science (e.g., Social Scisearch), health planning and administration
(e.g., HEALTH/MEDLARS), trade/industry/occupation issues (e.g., AGRICOLA,
Trade & Industry ASAP), specific occupational health topics/problems (e.g., CAN-
CERLIT, TOXLINE, TOXLIT), among others.
A total of 25 different reference systems were scanned in the course of searching for
documentation. The uniqueness of the indexing systems used with the various infor-
mation sources coupled with the multidisciplinary nature and use of training concepts
made a single list of keywords for searching impractical. In many instances, a cus-
tomized list of database specific terms made up of a root or common word in combi-
nation with free-text search terms having proximal connection to the keyword had to
be devised for the search. Some sample terms for one database (MEDLARS) includ-
ed program-evaluation, risk-management, attitude-to-health, evaluation-studies, dan-
gerous-behavior, inservice-training, patient compliance. Searches for titles through
the various databases were conducted while constantly varying the mix of keywords
and free-text in essentially a round-robin fashion. This yielded a listing of over 2000
citations which after deleting duplicates, eliminating false hits, was reduced to
approximately 700 titles. Abstracts and references to these reports in other reviews
found less than 150 to meet one of the four selection requirements noted earlier. The
literature base for this review was the product of two searches. The one just described
was concluded in 1993 and included reports published no later than that year. A sec-
ond, subsequent search extended coverage through 1996 and yielded 188 additional
titles. Screening abstracts of these reports found no more than 15 to be worthy of fur-
ther consideration with regard to the purposes of this review.
The references drawn from the two search efforts were mostly from the period 1980
to 1996, though supplemented in some cases by earlier studies believed cogent to
training evaluation issues. Final selection ensured representation in five different haz-
ard agent categories which were:
• Injury-producing forces,
• Toxic chemicals or materials,
• Harmful physical agents,
• Ergonomic stressors,
• Biologic/infectious agents.
To varying degrees, the listed reports met the requirements stated above in describ-
ing training objectives, some form of training, efforts at implementation, and data
collection on certain measures to evaluate the results of the instruction. Where
noted extra-training factors of consequence to the evaluation are also entered in the
listing. Although the 80 reports do not exhaust the available literature, they repre-
sent a large and diverse sample of empirical work which offers the reader a sense
of the types of training efforts that have been conducted in addressing workplace
hazards, the approaches used in their evaluation, and the results obtained.
Some overall impressions can be gained from viewing Tables 1 and 2 whose
entries are culled from the studies listed in APPENDIX A.2
Table 1 tallies the evaluative measures found in the various training intervention
studies using a modified version of Kirkpatrick’s (1967) classification and the
results reported on the measures. Specifically, under the heading of
“Subjective/Self-Reports” are columns for “Reaction” (measures of whether the
trainee thought the training interesting, worthwhile or relevant); “Knowledge Test”
(scores on a quiz or other inquiry to determine their knowledge gain); and
“Application” (reports from the trainees that they have changed their work prac-
tices as a result of the training or applied the learning in some other way). The
2 Where the text cites a study summarized in APPENDIX A, the notation (A-I, A-II, A-III, A-IV, or
A-V) in bold will appear with the author(s) name(s), year citation to aid the reader in locating the
material by section. Specifically, Roman numerals indicate the reference by hazard section:
A-I=Injury; A-II= Chemical; A-III= Physical; A-IV= Ergonomic; and A-V= Biologic, and the entries
found therein are listed alphabetically by senior author. Example: The work cited as Komaki,
Heinzman & Lawson, 1980 [A-I] is listed in APPENDIX A in the Injury section under Komaki.
Table 2 collates the studies in terms of key elements of the methodology employed
and related factors in the interventions. The headings and descriptor terms found
therein require some explanation. Under “Basic Design” are entries defining
whether the data collection for assessment involved only post-training measures on
trainees (Post Test), or comparisons between pre- and post-training measures on a
trainee group (Pre/Post), or repeated measures on a trainee group before, during
and after training referred to as a time series design (TimeSer). In none of these
instances was an untrained or control group compared with those receiving the
training. The remaining designs did so: One form comparing post-test measures on
a trained group versus a non-trained control group (Post/Ctr); another before and
after training measures for a trained group compared with similar measures for a
non-trained group (Pre/Post/Ctr); and last, a multiple baseline method (MultBsl)
Table 1: Nature of Evaluative Measure Used in Training Interventions and Effects Reported
The training target column in Table 2 uses the OTA categorization (1985) for
defining the objectives of the study. As noted earlier, these were defined as learn-
ing fundamental work practices (FndtWkPract), training in hazard recognition-
awareness (HazRecog), worker directed or participative efforts in hazard recogni-
tion and control (WkrPartic), and worker empowerment training for the same pur-
pose (WkrEmpwr). The variables column describes the nature of the training con-
ditions and/or other factors manipulated during training or in the follow-on evalua-
tion. Those noted refer to training only (TrngOnly); feedback (FdBk) with and
without goal setting (GlSet); use of incentives (Trng&Incentives); and where the
training plan called for specific manipulations of training content/delivery vari-
ables (TrngMode).
The post-training measures column takes note of the frequency and time span of
the data collected on the evaluative measures. The basic categories were short- ver-
sus long-term (ShTm, LgTm), and whether the data were collected one or more
times (One, Rep). Long-term (LgTm) refers to a post-training period exceeding 3
The following observations elaborate upon the summary data contained in Tables 1
and 2:
(1) First and foremost, the number of entries indicating a positive effect attributed
to the training or training plus other factors in the intervention is near over-
whelming. In Table 1, 119 of 138 entries show a positive change from the
training or instructional effort on the measures indicated and 10 others show
partial success. In only nine cases do the findings display no effect which
includes one that sought to convey safety instructions to workers via slogans in
an informational campaign (Saarela, Saari & Alltonen, 1989 [A-I]).
Admittedly, one could question whether this was a true training effort. Since
the bulk of reports come from scientific journals, it could be alleged that these
impressive results supporting a training effect could be a product of a bias
toward publishing work showing positive findings. The consistency of the
findings, however, given fairly similar training approaches for addressing the
same or different agent hazards, is reassuring as is the fact that other types of
reports (government documents, thesis studies) yield similar results.
INJURY Hospital [3] Post Test [18] FndtlWk Pract [6] TrngOnly [1] One/ShTm [1] Added publicity
(21 Studies) Manufact Wkrs [3] Pre/Post [1] HazRecog- [6] Trng & FdBk [4] Rep/ShTm campaign to
Warehousing [1] TimeSer Awareness [4] Trng & [4] One/LgTm heighten
Mining [4] Post/Ctr [2] WkrPartic GlSet/FdBk [12] Rep/LgTm interest;
Paper Mill [3] Pre/Pst/Ctr HazRecog [2] Trng & [1] Effect of
Food Process [7] MultBsl [0] WkrEmpwr Incentives presence of
Maintenance HazRecog [3] TrngMode researcher.
Construction Factors [2] Mgmt
Shipbuilding incentives
Laboratory –accountability
CHEMICAL Farmers 9] Post Test [8] FndtlWk Pract [15] TrngOnly [5] One/ShTm [4] Variable mgmt
(22 Studies) Lumbermen [7] Pre/Post [4] HazRecog- [1] Trng & FdBk [6] Rep/ShTm support; [1]
Asbestos Wkrs [2] TimeSer Awareness [0] Trng [4] One/LgTm Training part of
Manufact Wkrs [2] Post/Ctr [3] WkrPartic GlSet/FdBk [7] Rep/LgTm expanded
Hospital Wkrs [1] Pre/Pst/Ctr HazRecog [1] Trng & awareness
Coke Oven [1] MultBsl [7] WkrEmpwr Incentives program
Foundrymen HazRecog [5] TrngMode [2] Small sample
Miners Factors (<10)
Public Emply
Lead Wkrs
Waste Site
PHYSICAL Outdoor Wkrs [2] Post Test [7] FndtlWk Pract [4] TrngOnly [0] One/ShTm [4] Varied mgmt
(10 Studies) Radiation [1] Pre/Post [3] HazRecog- [2] Trng & FdBk [3] Rep/ShTm support
Firefighters [2] TimeSer Awareness [0] Trng & [2] One/LgTm –surveillance,
Manufact Wkrs [0] Post/Ctr [0] WkrPartic GlSet/FdBk [5] Rep/LgTm [3] Other control
Maintenance [4] Pre/Pst/Ctr HazRecog [1] Trng & actions to
Textiles [1] MultBsl [0] WkrEmpwr Incentives augment
HazRecog [3] TrngMode training.
ERGONOMIC Health Care [2] Post Test 16] FndtlWk Pract 15] TrngOnly [5] One/ShTm [3] Workplace
(19 Studies) Food Service [5] Pre/Post [3] HazRecog- [1] Trng & FdBk [3] Rep/ShTm constraints to
Warehousing [2] TimeSer Awareness [0] Trng & [7] One/LgTm training
Assembly Work [3] Post/Ctr [0] WkrPartic GlSet/FdBk [4] Rep/LgTm [2] Training
Firefighters [6] Pre/Pst/Ctr HazRecog [0] Trng & augmented by
Janitorial [1] MultBsl [0] WkrEmpwr Incentives ergonomic
Maintenance HazRecog [3] TrngMode enhancements
Miners Factors [4] Varied mgmt
[5] Small sample
BIOLOGIC Hospitals [1] Post Test [4] FndtlWk Pract [6] TrngOnly [3] One/ShTm [2] More accessible
(8 Studies) Health Care [5] Pre/Post [2] HazRecog- [0] Trng & FdBk [3] Rep/ShTm protective
Providers [1] TimeSer Awareness [0] Trng & [0] One/LgTm devices,
[0] Post/Ctr [1] WkrPartic GlSet/FdBk [2] Rep/LgTm [1] Rating
[1] Pre/Pst/Ctr HazRecog [0] Trng & compliance
[0] MultBsl [1] WkrEmpwr Incentives in evaluating
HazRecog [2] TrngMode performance.
Factors [1] Supervisor
(3) Self-reports, especially knowledge gain and expressions of use in jobs, and
objective behavioral measures predominate as outcome indicators in the train-
ing interventions. Positive findings of behavioral change from training such as
adoption of safe work practices were in a number of instances coupled with
reductions in injury, illness, and lost-days cost figures. Although suggestive,
the reader is cautioned not to draw conclusions about a training specific effect
on the latter indicators. One reason is that the instruction may have focussed
on select (high risk) groups whereas the injury reports are for the whole orga-
nization. (Work reported by Lepore, Olson & Tomer, 1984 [A-IV] is an exam-
ple). Some studies lacked proper control groups to rule out other factors that
may have been responsible for the result on these types of outcome measures.
Also, as one report notes (Reber & Wallin, 1984 [A-I]}), the findings may
reflect changes in the manner of reporting mishaps during the intervention
period. One deliberate effort to tie successful training outcomes such as
improved work practices with reduced injury rates found that the adoption of
the recommended work practices could only account for 25% of the actual
reduction (Saari & Nasanen, 1989 [A-I]). In this study, worker training
focussed on correcting housekeeping conditions believed responsible for an
Ideally, to answer the question of whether OSHA training rules and guidelines
have the intended benefit of reducing work related injury or disease, available doc-
umentation should offer evidence of:
(2) A training plan following the training guidelines mentioned earlier that can be
reasonably implemented.
(3) A sound evaluation strategy that relates attainments of the training objectives
to improved safety/health outcomes.
Evaluation Design: In almost half of the reported studies, training effects were
determined by evaluations of post-training measures for a given group or through
pre- and post-training differences or comparisons before, during, and after training
again on the same group. Since many of the interventions took the form of
research projects, there is no way of separating out elements of novelty and
researcher effects, which could have influenced the outcomes in these subject
groups apart from any training effect. Some studies used comparable but untrained
groups as ways to control these kinds of factors. Still, as noted in Table 2, other
factors were present during the course of the evaluation, factors whose effects
could not be accounted for in the results reported. In this regard, a variety of man-
agement actions were noted that deserve particular mention. For example, in one
set of studies, they played roles in reinforcing and sustaining the learned behaviors
(e.g., Zohar & Fussfeld, 1981 [A-III]). In other cases, supervisors were themselves
the trainees and used to spearhead and effect the hazard control practices subject to
evaluation (McKenzie et al., 1985 [A-IV]; Maples et al., 1982 [A-II]). As part of
the training effort reported in other studies, supervisors were directed to increase
their surveillance (Millican et al., 1981 [A-III]), or consider staff compliance in
performance evaluations (Lynch et al.,1990 [A-V]). In still other reports, the
authors indicate management’s indifference to the training objectives (Fox &
Sulzer-Azaroff, 1987 [A-I]). Being linked with management, these actions and
other more subtle ones probably had profound effects on the evaluations which
could not be sorted out because of the lack of suitable control groups or other con-
founding conditions.
There were other design weaknesses as well. Table 2 shows that more than half of
the studies measured post-training effects less than 3 months after the instruction
ended or only once after a longer interval of time. Thus, questions as to the dura-
bility of the reported effects, or possible intervening events affecting the longer
term measures can be raised. Several studies did consider these issues with the
results being somewhat gratifying (Zohar, Cohen & Azar, 1980 [A-III]; Hopkins
1983 [A-II]). In a few cases the subject groups were too small to make generaliz-
able conclusions, and others assigned workers to training conditions on a non-ran-
dom basis which could question the representativeness of the findings.
Nevertheless, the sheer number of positive results found in so many different set-
tings suggests that training effects are real even though the appraisals do not meet
the more rigorous scientific standards.
In summary, evidence for the effectiveness of OS&H training based upon the inter-
vention studies reviewed above suggest the following observations:
(1) Taken as a whole, there is substantial documentation showing how training can
meet objectives of knowledge gain, behavior change for improving worker
health and safety. Reductions in work injuries and medical costs may also be
noted in conjunction with these changes but evidence to show actual linkage
or dependency remains to be ascertained.
Even with all of the above uncertainties and qualifications, the array of evidence
showing training-type interventions to effect positive changes in workplace safety and
health remains formidable. Clearly, OS&H training can make a difference in reducing
risks from workplace hazards. Rather than debate the issue of whether training is
worthwhile, it would appear far more productive to determine what training proce-
dures and related considerations are most crucial to optimizing its effects. Further
support for this position comes from reviewing other sources of data bearing on the
role of workplace training which are described below.
APPENDIX B describes the survey samples and includes extracts of the findings
from 19 of 20 BLS survey reports reflecting worker responses to questions dealing
with training issues. (One of the BLS reports [falls on stairs] did not include any
training questions). The column entries are self-explanatory and cover the essential
training-related data found in the surveys. The shaded entries are meant to suggest
a serious training deficit for sizeable percentages of the afflicted workers. The
authors hasten to note that this is purely judgmental; other readers may have dif-
ferent views about what is and is not noteworthy.
Nature of Limitation
Worker Injuries Limited Content Refresher Inexperience Policy/Action
Surveyed Coverage Lacking Needs Factor Lapses
Ladder Injuries 59% lacked training 66% lacked training Training for 50%
on ladder use on how to inspect over 1 year ago
Welding/Cutting 30% learned job Training for 69% 26% injured <l yr at
Injuries safety “on their own” over 1 year ago job; 16% <6 months
Injuries from 61% untrained in Lockout training for 38% hurt <1 yr at 76% did not know
Servicing Jobs lockout procedures 32% over 1 yr ago job; 22% <6 months policy on lockout
Lifting/Back Injuries 51% not informed 95% not informed of 40% believed no
on lifting procedures lifting aid devices corrective action
Hand/Arm/Finger 59% not informed of 23-27% uninformed 10% injured doing 50% believed no
Injuries-Amputations protective measures on safety gloves use work for first time corrective action
Injuries in Logging 51% had no safety 22% hurt <1 year at 14% unaware of
Work training job; 13% <6 months hazards; 15%
Laborer Injuries in 33% had no safety >75% uninformed 74% hurt <1 year at 14% noted gaps in
Construction training; 26% none on health hazards job; 50% <6 months; hazard awareness;
for task re injury (asbestos) 12% injured first day 21% need for safer
Nature of Limitation
Worker Injuries Limited Content Refresher Inexperience Policy/Action
Surveyed Coverage Lacking Needs Factor Lapses
Injuries in 48% no safety train- 21% hurt <1 year at 41% believed no
Warehousing ing; 46% none at job corrective actions
task re injury
Heat Burn Injuries 55% uninformed on 19% uninformed on 35% hurt <1 year at 25% safer work
protective clothing policy re protection job; 19% <6 months methods
Taken as a whole, Table 3 suggests many training inadequacies that may have con-
tributed to the injury occurrences. However, the self-report nature of the data set, the
possible bias of workers in avoiding any semblance of blame, and the lack of any
confirmatory observations raises questions about drawing such a conclusion. Other
data sources were sought to provide added clarification. These are summarized in the
next section.
Several studies have focussed on training issues directly or indirectly in the course
of investigating workplace hazards and related risk factors for disease and injury.
Those offering training-specific data are reviewed here to furnish added informa-
tion bearing on the question of the efficacy of training in this context. The studies
reference the injury, chemical, and ergonomic hazard agent categories and are pre-
sented in that order.
Tan et al. (1991) interviewed 41 hospitalized patients who were being treated for
hand injuries sustained at their workplaces. The interview took place shortly after
the patients were admitted and gathered information on the nature and extent of
the patient’s training plus factors such as length of job service, description of the
circumstances of the injury event. Regarding the latter, rollers, guillotines and
chain saws were the machines commonly involved; most workers were unable to
give a specific reason for the injury. Twenty-one patients had no job training and
20 had either formal or supervised on-the-job training of variable length. Three
weeks of training was noted for the majority of workers. To determine whether
training could have prevented the injury, patients having training were compared
with those who had none in terms of the time each spent on the job before the
injury occurred. The results showed little differences between the two groups.
Indeed, 3 workers with training were injured on the first day and 7 were hurt with-
in 12 weeks of starting their jobs as compared with 8 untrained workers who
injured their hands during the same period. The authors questioned the adequacy
of training in light of these results.
Chemical Hazard Investigation: Bryant, Visser & Yoshida (1989) collected ques-
tionnaire data from 165 hospital workers involved in ethylene oxide (EtO) steriliz-
ing work. They found from 20% to 40% of the respondents to suffer from
headaches, eye/skin irritations, and sore throats attributed to the exposures. Other
Green and Briggs (1989) conducted a questionnaire survey of 514 keyboard opera-
tors in a university workforce to determine the benefits of adjustable work station
furniture—furniture used to alleviate postural discomfort as well as other
ergonomic problems. The respondents included those who were classified as suf-
ferers or nonsufferers of repetitive strain from keyboard work based upon symp-
toms previously associated with overuse injury. The questionnaire items sought
information related to the adjustability of different components of the user’s work-
station (i.e., desk, chair, monitor), instruction received on how to make such
adjustments, and the adequacy of both the instruction and the adjustability features
for ensuring comfort. In addition to questionnaire data, anthropometric measures
were taken on a subsample of the sufferer and nonsufferer groups on seated pos-
tures, specifically popliteal and elbow-rest height. Related to training and though
recommended, a full-scale educational program to inform operators on use of the
Respondent data indicated that sufferers had more negative perceptions of the
equipment. Significantly more sufferers constantly readjusted the workstations
(70% vs 43% for nonsufferers), could not get comfortable (35% vs 18% for non-
sufferers), and were more likely to report insufficient adjustability (50% vs 20%
for nonsufferers). The anthropometric data found chair heights not in accord with
guides distributed. The authors believed that these problems were due to the lack
of appropriate information being given to the operators. Almost 40% of the
respondents could not recall receiving any guidance on how to adjust their work-
stations. Only 12% noted the literature distributed by the university; the most
common source of information (64%) was from other persons with no formal
ergonomic training. The authors concluded that there is a great need for training
and/or information on workstation adjustment among keyboard operators, and that
the preference for verbal instruction is greater than for printed forms of instruc-
tion. Given the widespread use of fellow workers as sources of information, it was
also suggested that supervisors as well as keyboard operators be trained to cover
new employee needs.
The BLS work injury reports combined with the NIOSH findings on confined
space fatalities and the problems seen in the postural discomfort/workstation
adjustment survey strongly suggest that training deficiencies can contribute to
these outcomes. This further supports the need for OS&H training. Yet, some
workers who received training in these and the other studies cited in this section
were still afflicted. Could the quality of training account for this result? That is,
were sound training practices used? Did they, for example, follow the OSHA
guidelines noted earlier? Even if they did, could other workplace factors (see
Figure 1) have been present to nullify efforts to reduce injury or disease risk
through training? Only two of above reviewed reports mention the instruction
process. One found distinct weaknesses (Green & Briggs, 1989), and the other
described nothing more than the length of training and whether it was formal or
supervised “on-the-job” instruction. (Tan et al., 1991). Details of the training plan
are sparse or non-existent in most of the above work.
In summary, workers without any OS&H training would appear at high risk for work-
place injury or illness. Where training is given, the adequacy of the procedures in
use becomes the issue. For this purpose, and like the intervention studies reviewed
earlier, factors and conditions associated with effective OS&H training need to be
NIOSH Studies: During the period 1975–1979, NIOSH published several reports
resulting from a project aimed at defining factors in successful occupational safety
programs. The project comprised three phases. The first was a questionnaire survey
of the safety program practices of 42 pairs of companies in one state that were
matched in type of industry, workforce size and locale but differed by more than
two-to-one in recorded injury rate (Cohen, Smith & Cohen, 1975). The second
phase comprised site visits to a sub-sample of the above group to verify and
observe more closely apparent differences between the pairs that could explain the
differential injury rate (Smith, Cohen & Cohen, 1978). The third phase used both
(1) New miners in high-accident mines were less informed as to how to do their
jobs than those in low accident mines.
(2) Lack of training in proper use of safety and health protective equipment was
more frequently cited as being an important reason for miners not using the
devices in high-accident mines.
(3) Having specific training in how the electrical system works; dealing with haz-
ards such as coal dusts, gases and noise; and how to use tools, equipment
was especially prevalent in the low-accident mines.
The Peters report noted that training for managers and supervisors produced signif-
icant improvements in mine safety and cited intervention studies demonstrating its
effectiveness. One such study (Fiedler et al., 1984 [A-I]) is described in the collec-
tion of intervention work listed in APPENDIX A. This study found that the intro-
duction of a structured supervisor training program accenting leadership style and
skills in human relations or one stressing team-building and group problem-solving
were each linked with reduced rates of injury and reduced MSHA citations at the
mines under study.
Three observations about training derive from these NIOSH and BOM studies. The
first is that training differences do exist between workplaces with good and poor
safety records, but their overall importance remains to be ascertained. The second
Several OSHA rules (e.g., 29CFR Part 1910.151(b); Part 1926.21(b)) require that
persons be trained to render first aid in the event that workers are injured and in
need of treatment to maintain life, reduce suffering, or prevent the condition from
becoming worse until more expert help arrives. Although one could argue that
even these forms of instruction need to be evaluated as to their efficacy, there is
evidence to show that workers who have first aid training tend to have fewer work-
place injuries than those who lack for this type of training. Miller & Agnew (1973)
first reported these findings which were confirmed later in more thorough evalua-
tions by McKenna & Hale (1981; 1982). The importance of these results for this
exercise is twofold: First, it documents that certain types of workplace training,
though having other objectives, can apparently generalize and benefit workplace
health and safety performance. Second, it suggests that melding first aid training
with other requirements for OS&H instruction may have a reinforcing effect on the
desired hazard control objective. The Miller and Agnew and McKenna and Hale
studies offer speculations as to interactions between first aid and regular job safety
training. These are contained in the summary of their work noted below.
Miller and Agnew (1973) analyzed frequencies of accidents as reported for work-
ers in five different Canadian work establishments over time periods ranging from
3 months to 3 years. For each workplace, workers trained in first aid, whether on a
voluntary basis or as a requirement of the job, were found to have fewer injuries
than those who did not have the training. Miller and Agnew speculated that work-
site regulations and actions taken for hazard control in combination with the first
aid instruction produced an increased safety consciousness in the workforce.
McKenna & Hale (1981; 1982) compared worker injuries in two factories for 1-
year periods before and after the completion of first aid training. The training was
given in two 2-hour sessions and covered the usual topics (i.e., treatment of
asphyxia, shock, poisons, wounds and bleeding, fractures, etc.). This instruction
Worksite health promotion programs that can enhance not substitute for required
forms of hazard control is a laudable goal. Some intervention efforts combining
elements of hazard protection and health promotion are beginning to appear but do
not allow one to determine the contributions of each to the overall gains from the
intervention. Shi (1993) for example, reported on a back injury prevention program
for California county workers who in recent years experienced the highest preva-
■ 45
o far the focus of this review has been on whether training as required in vari-
ous OSHA standards is efficacious in terms of reducing work-related injury
and disease based on data found in the literature. The findings from the train-
ing intervention work offer the strongest support for such outcomes but as already
noted there are several qualifications. In particular, the targets of most of these train-
ing studies have not been OSHA rules per se, and the evaluative measures, which do
show gains in workplace safety/health knowledge and practices, may fall short in
accounting for actual reductions in injuries or illness should they also be reported.
Yet, the intervention studies do show the potential for training to produce positive
health and safety effects and do include measures that can serve as surrogates or risk
indicators for the bottom line injury/disease experience.
The question to be addressed here is whether certain factors stand out as crucial to
attaining a successful training outcome in targeting some occupational safety and
health objective. Two approaches to answering this question are taken. One verifies
the importance of certain of the steps contained in the OSHA voluntary training
guidelines by using empirical examples taken from the literature under review. A sec-
ond considers evidence for singling out instructional factors as well as extra-training
factors for their importance to the training experience and benefits to hazard control.
As a preface to this discussion, two points should be made. First, that the bulk of the
training intervention literature reveals many studies showing positive results despite
differences in training plans, targeted objectives, and evaluation methods. Indeed, few
approaches seem ineffective which hampers the search for critical factors. Second,
few efforts have been made to independently vary certain learning variables or condi-
tions affecting the transfer of training to the jobsite so as to study their effects on out-
come measures. This too nullifies a basis for rating the significance of key factors.
Nevertheless, both in the intervention studies and other literature noted above, there
are suggestions of controlling factors or at least factors that deserve more systematic
evaluation to establish their importance. They will be noted along with other apparent
needs in sorting out critical determinants in effective OS&H training.
Examples of training situations with outcomes confirming the merits of the OSHA
voluntary training guidelines or, at the minimum, offering ways for implementing
them are found throughout the literature cited in this review. Those thought to best
illustrate or capture the essential points of the different guidelines are described in
this section, classified by the particular guideline of reference.
Exhibit #1: Cohen & Jensen (1984 [A-I]) found their training plan, though effective
in having operators adopt certain targeted behaviors critical to safer use of fork-
lift trucks in warehouses, could not effect a change in one that required them to
do more driving in reverse and to continuously look over their shoulders when
doing so. Inquiry revealed that this change was resisted for two reasons: First, lift
trucks were propane-powered and driving in reverse caused the operators to
breathe in more of the noxious fumes. Second, constantly looking over one’s
shoulder is unnatural and an uncomfortable posture to endure for prolonged peri-
ods. Use of battery-powered vehicles and installation of rear view mirrors would
appear reasonable alternatives for alleviating these problems.
Exhibit #2: Carlton (1987 [A-IV]) instructed food service workers in the straight
back/bent knee method of lifting and to recognize high risk workstyle factors
(horizontal extension, spinal torque) for back problems. This group proceeded to
score higher in a biomechanics assessment of their performance in a novel task of
lifting/lowering trays of varying weight when compared with an untrained group.
No such differences were found, however, for their on-the-job behaviors.
Thwarting the transfer of this training were worksite obstructions that forced the
workers to assume awkward positions, to engage in much extended horizontal
lifts, and to subvert other actions aimed at risk reduction. Clearly, unless work
station layout problems are addressed in this context, the benefits of training for
reducing materials handling hazards will not be achieved.
OSHA Guideline #2: Identifying the Training Needs, i.e., what the worker is expected
to do with regards to job hazard control and in what ways.
Exhibit #1: A University of Kansas study (1982 [A-II]), via industrial hygiene sur-
veys, mapped out areas in plants manufacturing fiberglass products where con-
centrations of styrene, a hardening agent used in the production process and a
known neurotoxin, were found to be the greatest. For these identified areas, job
analyses plus interviews with managers and workers were then conducted to
determine what tasks and worker actions could most influence exposure levels
for work performed at these locations. This effort yielded a control plan, which
Exhibit #2: Sulzer-Azaroff et al. (1990 [A-I]), in instituting an injury prevention pro-
gram in a large plant, reviewed accident and injury records, interviewed safety
personnel, managers, and workers, and made direct observations to determine
“hot spot” work areas and high risk job behaviors that would be candidates for
intervention efforts. The diversity of ongoing operations dictated a subdivision of
work units, each having its own set of safety performance targets, with the pro-
gram starting in those groups where the bulk of accidents were happening. Safety
performance targets included personal behaviors (e.g., wear eye protection; sort
no more than one or two boards at one time), as well as behaviors affecting con-
ditions (e.g., keep aisles clear; load carts without overhang). Targeted safety
actions following training were achieved in all high risk units with some showing
reductions in injury rates. All units showed a reduction in lost time cases and sav-
ings in medical costs.
OSHA Guideline #3: Identifying Goals and Objectives, i.e., specifying what the
instruction is to attain in clear and measurable terms.
Exhibit #1: Zohar, Cohen & Azar (1980 [A-III]) undertook a program to promote
awareness of the damaging effects of noise on hearing among workers who were
at risk and to increase their motivation to wear ear protection. In addition to a
conventional hearing conservation lecture, workers took hearing tests before and
after their workshift to demonstrate how much temporary hearing loss occurred
on days when they wore and did not wear ear protectors. Use of the protectors
minimized such loss and the audiograms of those who routinely wore protection
were posted along with those who didn’t to show the benefits of the protection.
The nonusers’ audiograms showed profound permanent hearing losses which fur-
ther accentuated the program’s endgoals. This approach yielded a 50% increase
in ear protector usage.
OSHA Guideline #4: Developing Learning Activities, i.e., instruction that emphasizes
cognitive or physical skill factors commensurate with job demands and that is offered
in ways that facilitate transfer to the actual job situation.
Exhibit #1: Michaels, et al. (1992 [A-II]) composed a training plan and materials for
increasing worker awareness/knowledge of chemical hazards. The target groups
were public employees engaged in shop work of various kinds (e.g., vehicle
maintenance, carpentry/plumbing, printing) and in construction, custodial tasks.
Materials were developed through site visits, interviews with workers to assess
their health/safety concerns, and determinations of amounts of chemicals in use
at site-specific locations. Consultations with the city OS&H office were also
included. The training course covered the Hazard Communication Standard, how
to read material safety data sheets, and to gain information on toxic chemicals,
routes of entry, symptoms, health effects, and control measures. Information was
tailored to fit exposures associated with different job titles and was offered to
workers and their foremen/supervisors in such departments. Besides lecture, exer-
cises used throughout the instruction allowed workers maximal input in identify-
ing hazards of greatest concern, and in enabling them to work through various
control options and the means for putting them in place. Post-training results
indicated follow-through efforts at the workplace to correct a number of short-
comings in OS&H program practices.
Exhibit #2: Hultman, Nordin & Ortengen (1984 [A-III]) sought to train janitorial
workers in ways to relieve increased stress on the spine caused by frequent for-
ward bending in mopping tasks. The training plan comprised three 30- to 45-
minute sessions. The first covered simple anatomy of the spine, muscle physiolo-
gy and biomechanics. The second and third sessions included slides of workers
performing tasks that put stress on the low back akin to mopping work.
Techniques to relieve this loading were demonstrated (e.g., bend knees in mop-
ping rather than flex the back; place water bucket on chair or leave on cart to
avoid deep forward bending when bucket is placed on floor). The workers were
given opportunities to practice them under the supervision of the instructor.
OSHA Guideline #5: Conducting the Training, i.e., the use of an instructional format
that promotes active learning with frequent feedback to mark progress, invites worker
inputs and takes account of differential worker experience or skill levels to create/sus-
tain motivation.
Exhibit #1: Saarela (1990 [A-I]) used a small group approach for effecting improved
housekeeping practices in a shipyard where poor housekeeping was implicated in
about one-third of the injuries reported. A steering committee of top management
plus safety staff provided information and the basic aims of the program.
Planning details and implementation were left to small groups (4-13 persons)
formed within each of 13 departments. Each group consisted of the department
chief, supervisors and workers. The groups, with the help of a facilitator, met to
discuss housekeeping problems within their own areas, how they could be reme-
died, and once corrected, how they could best be maintained. They arranged
training seminars for the total department staff to illustrate improved housekeep-
ing practices, set goals for their attainment, established a system for monitoring
compliance, the results of which were posted. All of the groups adopted measures
for better housekeeping, the more active ones showing the greatest gains in terms
of their department staff perceiving improvements in housekeeping practices.
Overall, there was a 20% reduction in injuries associated with housekeeping dur-
ing the intervention year.
Exhibit #2: Weinger & Lyons (1992 [A-II]) sought to increase farm worker knowl-
edge of the health effects of pesticides, symptoms of poisoning, routes of entry,
ways to minimize exposure, first aid procedures, and how to effect better preven-
tive measures against these types of hazards. Needs assessment took account of
pesticide exposures as documented by visits to farms and observations of work
practices. Focal group discussions were held with farmers to consider content
issues, best modes for conducting training as part of a learner-centered approach
to address the information, behavioral skills, problem-solving objectives of the
training. In some cases, training was in Spanish because of the Hispanic makeup
of trainees. Techniques adopted for actual training used role-playing, case stud-
ies, and demonstrations to dramatize issues and facilitate worker participation.
Post-training measures gave indications of lesser exposures to pesticides among
trainees. Also greater activism on their part to report unsafe, hazardous working
Exhibit #1: Lynch, et al. (1990 [A-V]) instituted an infection control training program
in a medical center. Its aim was to enhance staff (clinical, technician, housekeep-
ing) knowledge of infection control and adoption of more stringent barrier prac-
tices for body substance isolation. Program content emphasized regular use of
gloves/masks/gowns, compliance with upgraded containment/disposal methods in
handling specimens, laundry, and trash, and special handling of highly infectious
patients. After meetings were held with departments to iron out problems in
adopting new procedures, fifty 45-minute lecture and slide sessions were held to
inform staff and to maximize attendance. The pre-post training approach used to
evaluate the intervention included three measures: 1) a questionnaire to ascertain
knowledge, attitudes, and self-reports of infection control actions practiced before
and after the training session, 2) appropriate glove use for patient contacts and
procedures as recorded by independent observers for periods of 2 to 3 months
before and after the training, and 3) use of microbiology lab reports monitoring
marker organisms of nosocomial colonization and infection for the year before
and 3 years after the intervention. Post-training results indicated significant
increase in knowledge of infection control and glove use, plus a decline in the
nosocomial colonization and infection rate.
Exhibit #2: Reber & Wallin (1984 [A-I]) divided the 11 plant departments that
accounted for 95% of the company’s injury reports into 3 groups. One group
received safety training only; another, training plus goal setting; and the third,
training plus goal setting plus feed-back according to a staggered schedule. The
treatments were introduced at different times for the three groups, enabling one
group to serve as a control for the other in assessing the impact of the training
plus other factors. The training itself consisted of 10 weeks of daily 45-minute
safety discussions of safety rules with slides showing safe and unsafe ways of
doing job tasks specific to the departments involved. Training effects were evalu-
ated by several measures. One consisted of a quiz given midway (5-week point)
during the training to ascertain worker knowledge of safe practices. A second was
direct observations of whether the workers were adhering to safe practices using
a checklist to score their performance during baseline, training, goal-setting, goal
setting plus feedback phases of the program. In addition, the overall injury inci-
dence rate and lost time injury incidence rate was calculated for the 3 years
before the training intervention and for the year during which it was implement-
ed. Results showed that workers could identify over 80% of the safe and unsafe
conditions at the midpoint of the training and that training, goal setting, and feed-
back were each found to increase the frequency of observed safe behaviors.
Adding feedback to goal setting provided the greatest increase in safety perfor-
mance. The lost time injury rate decreased post-training, but the authors noted
OSHA Guideline #7: Improving the Program, i.e., shortcomings observed in evalua-
tion data such as knowledge gaps, deficient performance levels, poor retention would
dictate needs to revise training plan to improve its efficacy.
Exhibit 1: Cole et al. (1988 [A-II]) found that a 14-step procedure for donning a
self-rescuer breathing apparatus (SCSR) could not be performed proficiently for
effective use in mine emergencies even after years of hands-on training and annu-
al refresher demonstrations. A simplified 3+3 step plan was developed encom-
passing the major objectives of isolating the lungs and preparing for escape and
was structured to overcome the position/sequence problems and slowed response
noted in using the 14-step procedure. Instructor modeling of the new procedure
and repeated opportunities for each miner trainee to don equipment and observe
others doing the same was used for training with the new method. Evaluations
comparing the donning times and sequential errors for the new method versus the
old procedure found the revised one reduced overall donning time by 50% and
displayed smoother, less confused or interrupted actions. As noted in this report,
this demonstration of a revised and apparently improved training procedure was
done in training rooms above ground and did not take account of the dark,
muddy/wet floors and of the dirty/battered SCSR devices found in actual under-
ground conditions. One company trained its miners with the new procedure both
above and below ground and found more errors below ground which slowed don-
ning time. Recommendations were made to train miners to high levels of mastery
above ground and provide for frequent refresher exercises to overcome this prob-
lem. (See also report by Vaught, Brinch & Kellner (1988 [A-II]) on this point).
Exhibit #2: Karmy & Martin (1980 [A-III]) sought to increase ear protector use in a
complex of eight plants, each averaging noise levels of 90 dBA. For this purpose,
the eight plants were divided into four treatment groups: One group was educated
to use ear protection through a poster campaign followed by a videotape presen-
tation; a second was given repeat audiometric tests at 7 to 12 month intervals; a
third was given both the educational message and repeat audiometry; and the
fourth served as a control. Comparisons of ear protector use in the various plant
groups were made over 22 months. The treatments began for the audiometry at
the 3-month point; at the 10th month point for posters; and at the 15th month for
the videotape. The control group showed little change throughout this period in
percentage of workers wearing ear protection. The introduction of the posters
resulted in a 15% increase in ear protector use, which then dropped in one plant
until the videotape showing. This caused a 25% jump in use, which again trailed
off. Repeat audiometry by itself increased ear protection by 40% in one plant and
20% in a second with little signs of regression. Repeat audiometry plus education
attained a maximum 30% increase in ear protector use with indications of contin-
ued growth. The results here suggest that the educational offering by itself did
The reports summarized in APPENDIX A plus others cited in the literature offer
some data for making statements as to the significance of these types of factors, or
suggest the most promising conditions for achieving successful training results. Such
evaluative findings are summarized in this section. As will be noted, evidence based
on systematic manipulations of acknowledged variables, at least for the OS&H litera-
ture reviewed here, is available in only a few cases. Other evidence for significant
factors tended to emerge by finding them common to a number of studies with appar-
ent similar influences on the training outcomes. Table 4 lists different factors with
capsule statements tying together evaluative information from different reports cited
in APPENDIX A to indicate the nature of their effect on or importance to the training
process or its outcome.
With one exception, the evidence underlying each of the statements for the various
factors in Table 4 reflects data obtained from more than one hazard target and from
different work settings or worker groups. (The exception is one statement in Ancillary
Factors where all reports dealt with biologic hazards and hospital personnel. Even
here, however, the hospital personnel differed in makeup—some being professionals
(clinical staff), and others in support services (laboratory technicians, janitorial/laun-
dry workers). This suggests some generalizability of the findings though, as already
mentioned, the actual amount of documentation varies greatly from factor to factor
(and from factor statement to factor statement).
Factor [Hazard/Setting] Evaluative Findings
SIZE OF GROUP Saarela, 1990 [Injury A-I/Shipyard] Small groups (fewer than 25), having in common similar jobs, work
Robins et al., 1990 [Chemical locations, exposures to the same hazards, offer more opportunities
A-II/ Manufacturing] for effective learning experiences leading to and/or undertaking
actions having positive effects in risk reduction.
LENGTH/FREQUENCY Parkinson et al., 1989 [Chemical Attendance at multiple training courses dealing with the recognition
(Other Temporal Issues) A-II/Coke Oven Plants] of workplace hazards and control actions does increase knowledge
of the risks and also worker self-reports of taking more precautions
to reduce apparent exposure hazards.
Robins et al., 1990 [Chemical Increases in trainer time per unit group of workers and use of more
A-II/Manufacturing] frequent, short training sessions offered at the beginning of the
workshift suggest more favorable outcomes in terms of worker
recognition of hazardous exposure situations, increases in safe
work practices, and prompting actions aimed at improving other
hazard control measures.
MODE OF TRAINING Saarela et al., 1989 [Injury Informational campaigns involving posters, video presentations,
A-I/Shipyard] pamphlet distribution by themselves produce some gains in assimi-
Borland, et al., 1990 [Physical lating fundamental safe work practices, but based on behavioral
A-III/Telephone Linemen] indicators, the effects are typically small and may not be durable.
Karmy & Martin, 1980 [Physical
Leslie, Jr. & Adams, 1973 [Injury Comparisons of written instructions/lecture versus slide/videotape
A-I/Lab Simulation of Punch Press] presentations versus actual “hands on” or interactive video tech-
Rubinsky & Smith, 1971 [Injury niques for learning proper work methods and fundamental safe
A-I/Lab Simulation of Grinder] work practices, based on knowledge tests or behavioral indicators,
Bosco & Wagner, 1988 [Chemical tend to favor the latter, more active forms of instruction.
A-II/Auto Workers]
Vaught et al. 1988 [Chemical
Goldrick, 1989 [Biologic
McQuiston et al., 1994 [Chemical Training approaches using role play, case study to depict workplace
A-II/Hazardous Waste Sites safety and health problems, and practice in working through solu-
Brown & Nguyen-Scott, 1992 tions/obstacles to improved hazard detection and control by means
[Chemical A-II/Hazardous Waste] of individual and organizational change processes show signs of
LaMontagne et al. 1992 [Chemical being successful based on reports of trainees, which note their
A-II/Sterilizing Work] actions in overcoming shortcomings in their company hazard con-
Michaels et al. 1992 [Chemical trol program.
A-II/Public Facilities]
Weinger & Lyons, 1992 [Chemical
A-II/Farm Workers]
Cole & Brown, 1996 [Chemical
A-II/Hazardous Waste Sites]
Factor [Hazard/Setting] Evaluative Findings
TRAINING-TRANSFER Chhoker & Wallin, 1984 [Injury Contrasting illustrations of safe with unsafe work practices taken
A-I/Machine-Welding Shops] from actual job situations facilitates the learning of fundamental
Cohen & Jensen, 1984 [Injury safety and housekeeping rules; however, effective carryover to the
A-I/Warehousing] work settings in question depends on motivational-management
Fox & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1987 [Injury influences found in both the training and post-training environment.
A-I/Paper Mill]
Komaki, Barwick & Scott, 1978 [Injury
Ray, Purswell & Schlegel, 1990 [Injury
A-I/Aircraft Maintenance]
Reber & Wallin, 1984 [Injury
A-I/Equipment Manufacturing]
Saarela, 1990 [Injury A-I/Shipyard]
Saari & Nasanen, 1989 [Injury
Scholey, 1983 [Ergonomics Evidence of achieving well-trained safe work practices through
A-IV/Hospital Wards] training may fail to yield benefits in the workplace because of physi-
St. Vincent, Tellier & Lortie, 1989 cal constraints or other conditions that interfere with their expres-
[Ergonomics A-IV/Hospital] sion.
Stubbs et al. 1983 [Ergonomics
MOTIVATION- Chhoker & Wallin, 1984 [Injury Setting performance goals reflecting compliance with targeted safe-
PROMOTIONAL A-I/Machine-Welding Shops] ty and health behaviors and/or providing feedback to mark progress
FACTORS Cohen & Jensen, 1984 [Injury in both the training and post-training environment are effective
A-I/Warehousing] methods for attaining successful training results. Of the two, feed-
Fox & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1987 [Injury back looms as a more potent, influential factor. The two in combina-
A-I/Paper Mill] tion offer maximum impact.
Komaki, Barwick & Scott, 1978 [Injury
Komaki, Heinzmann & Lawson, 1980
[Injury A-I/Vehicle Maintenance]
Ray, Purswell & Schlegel, 1990 [Injury
A-I/Aircraft Maintenance]
Reber & Wallin, 1984 [Injury
A-I/Equipment Manufacture
Saari & Nasanen, 1989 [Injury
Sulzer-Azaroff et al., 1990 [Injury
A-I/Telecommunications Equipment]
Univ. of Kansas, 1982 [Chemical
A-II/Fiberglass Product]
Maples et al., 1982 [Chemical
A-II/Chemical Processing]
Zohar, Cohen & Azar, 1980 [Physical
A-III/Metal Product Manufacture]
Alavosius & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1985,1986
[Ergonomics A-IV/Infirmary]
Factor [Hazard/Setting] Evaluative Findings
MOTIVATION- Univ. of Kansas, 1982 (also Hopkins et Use of token rewards for reinforcing safety actions in the course of
PROMOTIONAL al., 1986) [Chemical OS&H training and their subsequent application in the workplace
FACTORS A-II/Fiberglass Product] also found effective. Question: Does interest in awards per se
Fox, Hopkins & Anger, 1987 [Injury cause distractions from the true intent of the training?
Zohar & Nussfeld, 1981 [Physical
A-III/Weaving Mill]
Sulzer-Azaroff et al., 1990 [Injury Success in OS&H training and its transfer to the workplace can
A-I/Telecommunications Equipment] also be driven by making workplace safety and health practices an
Lynch et al., 1990 [Biological element in one's performance evaluation.
TRAINER Maples et al., 1982 [Chemical Training supervisors/foremen in hazard recognition and means for
QUALIFICATIONS A-I/Chemical Processing] control not only appears to produce positive workplace changes,
Lepore, Olson & Tomer, 1984 but as trainers and change agents, to raise the level of worker
[Ergonomics A-IV/Air-Space safety performance. Best results for train-the-trainer approaches
Technology] occur where other safety and health program practices are well
McKenzie et al., 1985 [Ergonomics established.
A-IV/Telecomm. Product Assembly]
Fiedler et al., 1984 [Injury Supervisor/foremen training for improving skills in team building,
A-I/Mining] resolving personnel/conflict issues and performance management
Fiedler 1987 [Injury A-I/Mining] has the potential for effecting improved safety performance among
Smith, Anger & Uslan, 1978 [Injury the rank-and-file workforce.
Sulzer-Azaroff et al., 1990 [Injury
A-I/Telecommunications Equipment]
Askari & Mehring, 1992 [Biologic Train-the-trainer programs targeting workplace safety and health
A-V/Hospital] concerns and focussed on ways to promote worker actions aimed
McCarthy, Schietinger & Fitzhugh, at hazard prevention and control show promise based on follow-on
1988 [Biologic A-V/Health Care] experiences of those who received training; however, manage-
Saari et al., 1994 [Chemical ment's acceptance of workers as trainers looms as a possible
A-II/Manufacturing impediment.
Factor [Hazard/Setting] Evaluative Findings
MANAGEMENT ROLE Ray, Purswell & Schlegel, 1990 [Injury The level of management support of workplace safety and health
A-I/Aircraft Maintenance] training and/or its application in the post-training job environment
Saarela, 1990 [Injury A-I/Shipyard] greatly affects the nature and durability of its impact.
Ewigman et al., 1990 [Physical
Zohar, Cohen & Azar, 1980 [Physical
A-III/Metal Product Manufacture]
Zohar & Nussfeld, 1981 [Physical
A-III/Weaving Mill]
Cole & Brown, 1996 [Chemical
A-II/Hazardous Waste Sites
Sulzer-Azaroff et al. [1990 Injury Initiatives giving hazard control program practices high priority and
A-I/Telecommunications Equipment] accountability measures for assuring effective efforts being under-
Lynch et al., 1990 [Biologic taken at all levels of the workforce can do much to reinforce and
A-V/Hospital] sustain positive training outcomes.
Fox & Sulzer-Azaroff, 1987 [Injury Indifference on the part of management can extinguish gains
A-I/Paper Mill] from training and specific efforts at enhancing safety and health
Hopkins, 1983 [Chemical practices.
A-II/Fiberglass Product Manufacture]
OTHER ANCILLARY Linnemann et al., 1990 [Biologic Making required safety related materials and personal protective
FACTORS A-V/Hospital] items more accessible and convenient for use can facilitate the
Lynch et al., 1990 [Biologic training effort and ease the burden of complying with safe work
A-V/Hospital] practices when at the jobsite.
Seto, et al., 1990 [Biologic
Wong, et al., 1991 [Biologic
Univ. of Kansas, 1982 [Chemical Worker training may be needed to complement engineering, physi-
A-II/Fiberglass Product Manufacture] cal, and ergonomic solutions to control workplace hazards or to
Cheng, Yang & Wu, 1982 [Physical otherwise enhance their capabilities for assuring maximal health
A-III]/Ionizing Radiation Applicat.] and safety protection.
Millican, Baker & Cook, 1981 [Physical
A-III/Gas Diffusion Plant]
McKenzie et al., 1985 [Ergonomic
A-IV/Telecomm. Product Assembly]
Parenmark, Engvall & Malmkvist, 1988
[Ergonomic A-IV/Product Assembly
In discussing alternatives for effecting the transfer of safety training to the job, Ford
& Fisher (1994) suggest that techniques used for other behavior management purpos-
es may have some utility. Reference is made to three different methods. One is a
“buddy system” approach successfully used in smoking reduction; this pairs trainees
to reinforce the need in each other to maintain learning, offer advice, and be alert for
signs of relapse in themselves or their buddy. A second is use of “booster sessions” as
an extension of training wherein periodic face-to-face contact between trainee and
trainer is required. In weight control studies, inclusion of booster sessions at 2-,3-,
and 5-week intervals induced a greater percentage of maintained weight loss than did
the absence of such sessions. The third is a relapse prevention method in which the
trainees are exposed to situations posing obstacles to their trained skills and are led
through exercises preparing them to cope with these difficulties. The latter approach,
in design and objective, seems similar to work already reported in this review by
Brown & Nguyen-Scott (1992 [A-II] and LaMontagne, et al. (1992 [A-II] embracing
worker empowerment ideas. In these instances, trainees defined likely workplace
obstacles to improved hazard control, including those posed by organizational factors.
Through role play and case study examples the trainees learned ways to resolve them.
As noted, first evaluations of these efforts gave encouraging results.
Table 4 suggests conditions for the various factors that favor effective training, rein-
forcement of behaviors once learned, and success in their transfer to the jobsite. The
question of some factors and conditions being more important than others is not
addressed and, in actuality, may depend on situation-specific circumstances. One
could argue, for example, that size of group, length/frequency, and mode of instruc-
tion factors may be less important in training aimed at making workers aware of and
observant of fundamental safety rules/housekeeping measures in jobs that are routine
in nature, performed at fixed locations and under well-defined conditions. Under
these conditions, the emphasis can be less on how the training is conducted than on
those factors or conditions that can motivate continued adherence to such practices. In
contrast, factors in how the training is administered can be a major concern where
knowledge of hazard recognition and control measures plus safe work practices
becomes more formidable because of varied job operations and/or uncertain, chang-
ing workplace conditions. This would suggest that training regulations be perfor-
mance-based, allowing employers to develop a training plan that can accomplish the
safety training objectives required for their job operations or worksites. At this stage,
his review sought evidence from the literature to determine whether OS&H
training requirements, as cited in Federal standards governing workplace con-
ditions and operations, were effective in reducing work related injuries and
illnesses. A secondary objective was to determine if the available documentation
showed certain training factors or practices to be more important than others in pro-
ducing positive effects on worker safety and health. Major sources of data used in this
review were reports of training intervention efforts designed in whole or part to
enhance worker knowledge of workplace hazards, effect compliance with safe work
practices, and take other actions aimed at reducing risk of injury or disease. Surveys
and investigative reports were also examined to determine whether training factors
were implicated in the etiology of occupational injuries or disease or were considered
significant to the success of those worksite hazard control programs showing exem-
plary safety and health performance. Still other sources for data were reports of work-
site training directed to other needs but having apparent positive effects on workplace
safety and health.
A. General Conclusions on
Training Effectiveness
The literature reviewed in this report offers much direct and indirect evidence to show
the benefits of training in ensuring safe and healthful working conditions. Data from
the training intervention reports addressing major workplace hazards as encountered
in a wide array of work situations is especially supportive. Findings are near unani-
mous in showing how training can attain objectives such as increased hazard aware-
ness among the worker groups at risk, knowledge of and adoption of safe work prac-
tices, and other positive actions that can reduce the risk and improve workplace safe-
ty. There are data too from other types of studies suggesting that inadequate or lack of
required safety training may have contributed to events where workers were injured
or killed. While affirming the benefits of OS&H training, some limitations in the data
sources were also noted bearing on the merits of current OSHA training rules in
reducing work-related injury and disease. To enumerate:
1. Evidence to show how reduced injury, lost time and medical costs reported in the
intervention studies resulted from training, measured in terms of knowledge gain
and behavior indicators, was never clearly established. In some instances training
was coupled to other forms of interventions so as to make attribution even more
Summary ■ 65
2. Much of the training intervention work reported in the literature targeted site-spe-
cific problems. This afforded researchers opportunities to put into place various
training and other strategies that could yield meaningful data in a relatively short
time-frame. Many of these efforts did follow the OSHA voluntary training guide-
lines, and their apparent success in improving protective actions and safe work
conditions demonstrate the value of such guidelines. On the other hand, the
cogency of these data to any OSHA mandated training rule remains to be seen.
Even with these shortcomings, evidence that OS&H training can reduce risks from
workplace hazards remains strong. Indeed, the issue is not so much whether OS&H
training is worthwhile but what factors both within and beyond the training process
can produce the greatest possible impact.
B. General Conclusions on
Critical Training Factors
The literature reviewed in this report portrayed a wide array of training plans and
activities, targeted objectives, and evaluation methods that would appear to offer a
fertile basis for sorting out those factors or conditions most influential in affecting the
training results. This intent was hampered by the fact that so many studies yielded
positive training results regardless of which design and technique was used. Indeed,
few actually manipulated or compared variables in systematic ways to assess their
strengths to the training process. For this and other reasons, the statements below
66 ■ Summary
about critical determinants of effective occupational safety and health training pro-
grams based on this review must be regarded as somewhat speculative.
1. Numerous examples illustrating the various steps contained in the OSHA volun-
tary training guidelines are found in the literature and show support for this
approach. Various exhibits show how the intent of the guidelines can be met in
realistic ways and have merit in framing and implementing an effective training
2. Factors in the actual learning process, which were isolated in this review, included
size of group, length/frequency of training, training mode, transfer, motivation,
trainer qualifications, management role among others. Documentation was most
extensive for motivational factors with evidence that feedback, goal-setting, reward
incentives have near uniform success in facilitating safety instruction and the carry-
over of such knowledge to the jobsite. In contrast, reports and information on size
of group and length/frequency of training factors were greatly limited. The latter
raises questions about training schedules for safety and health subject matter, and
whether the timing for both original and refresher training is appropriate.
3. Factors and conditions favoring effective safety training and its transfer to the job-
site agree with or are consonant with what is known in the general scientific litera-
ture on the psychology of learning and motivation. Some refinements are also
noted in finding apparent benefits from using supervisors or foremen as safety
trainers, and evidence that effective operation of engineering or physical systems
for hazard control can be dependent on training.
4. Whether some learning factors are more important than others may vary with situ-
ation-specific concerns. The literature suggests that factors influencing safety
training focussed on fundamental safety rules and housekeeping practices for rou-
tine jobs require no elaborate instructional effort; rather the stress is on factors that
can ensure the transfer to the jobsite. Safety training requirements addressing more
complex job demands and uncertain work conditions would have to give more
consideration to the learning as well as carry-over needs.
5. Even with the qualified answers given in this report to the question of critical
training factors, the material presented should benefit users of the OSHA volun-
tary training guidelines in terms of supplying illustrations of how the different
guidelines work in practice, and enabling users to recognize the role that certain
factors or conditions can play in moderating the effectiveness of any such training
Summary ■ 67
C. Needs for Follow-on Work
This literature review has noted gaps in available information and other limitations
which suggest needs for further efforts at answering the questions at hand. The fol-
lowing reiterates and elaborates those believed most essential.
1. The training intervention studies reported in this review and showing evident suc-
cess in meeting their objectives were found wanting for several reasons. One was
that most did not address OSHA training requirements found in any particular
standard. A second was that most measured training effectiveness in terms of gains
in safety knowledge or increased preventive actions; relationships between these
measures and reductions in injuries or disease, if also reported, were not clearly
shown. Other criticisms were the limited timeframe for studying the results of any
training intervention and the site-specific nature of many efforts. These findings
could question the generalizability of the findings. More relevant work offering a
broader base for evaluation would seem indicated. In this regard, one approach
would be to focus on the most prevalent types of injuries and diseases and the
select industries or work operations where they occur. Applicable OSHA training
requirements for those industries or operations would be noted along with the
actual training practices being followed at different sites directed to those specific
injury or disease risks. Differences in how the mandated training rules were met at
the various sites selected for study, and apparent linkages between the training
undertaken and specific injury or disease control measures would be analyzed to
assess the effect of training and identify strong or weak practices, etc. This type of
study has not been done.3
3A report received just after this review was completed comes close to this idea. Its intent was to show the benefits of mandat-
ed versus voluntary training for painters who face exposure hazards from toxic paint materials and coatings. Questionnaire
data from painters in Alaska where training is mandated versus painters in Washington and Oregon where similar training is
done on a voluntary basis showed important contrasts on issues not heretofore raised. Specifically, and as expected, mandated
training increased the likelihood that all workers would be trained, regardless of union affiliation, or because of working for
small shop employers. This was viewed as an important consideration inasmuch as nonunion and small paint shops were
believed more likely to vie for jobs posing higher risk of toxic exposures. Further, it was noted that voluntary training
appeared to attract only those painters who had undergone previous training. That is, painters with the least amount of previ-
ous training tended to forgo added training under the voluntary system. Information supplied by painting contractors in this
survey also found that Alaska’s mandatory training requirement did not elevate employers’ safety and health expenditures
when compared with similar costs for voluntary programs in Washington and Oregon. Although the report goes on to note
how the Alaska training program improved respirator and fan use plus other self-protective measures against painting exposure
hazards based on the questionnaire responses for those surveyed, data validating these benefits in terms of lesser work-related
illness are not given. For more details see Wolford R, Larson M, Merrick D, Andrews M, Tillett S, Morris S, Keiffer M.
[January 1997]. A comparison of safety-and-health training of painters in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington. The Center to
Protect Workers’ Rights, 11 Massachussetts Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C. 20001.
68 ■ Summary
2. Related to the above proposal in a more general way, little information exists of
how industry responds or has responded to various OSHA training rules and the
quality of such efforts. Some information of this nature is certain to exist in data
files of NIOSH, OSHA, and MSHA as a result of other programmed work under-
taken by these agencies. Records from NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations, fatal
accident investigations, and the National Occupational Exposure Survey databank
would be good sources to tap as would OSHA and MSHA Compliance Officer
inspection files. Efforts to extract and assemble training related data from these
files could provide a status statement on OS&H training practices. Depending
upon the data actually available, one could determine the extent to which the train-
ing follows the OSHA voluntary guidelines or other frameworks and any resultant
experiences in attaining hazard control objectives.
3. A major point in this literature review is that OS&H training is embedded within a
larger overall hazard control program of an organization, and thus its effectiveness
in reducing work-related injury and disease can depend on other factors. Aside
from the instruction itself and motivational factors such as goal setting, feedback
that reinforces the learning, and its transfer to the jobsite, there are engineering,
administrative, and organizational practices that can also affect the training activity
and its objectives. Top management commitment to workplace safety and health,
supervisor/worker communications on safety and other issues, and accountability
stressing both safe performance as well as productivity can greatly influence the
degree to which the lessons learned in the training program can be transferred to
the shopfloor. To examine which types of training practices by themselves or in
combination with these other factors can yield the most positive effects will
require indepth studies, and it is proposed that such efforts be focussed on those
establishments with exemplary hazard control programs as demonstrated by their
low injury/illness rates. The OSHA “STAR” companies in their Voluntary
Protection Programs (OSHA, 1988b) would appear to offer a sample of suitable
candidates for study.4 Although seemingly repeating other work aimed at defining
successful program practices, this proposal would look more critically at the train-
ing activities, both in isolation and in their interactions with other factors to define
the dominant or controlling influences on the training outcomes. The endproduct
of this work is envisioned as a series of case study reports describing the charac-
teristics of effective training programs and ways to integrate them with other haz-
ard control measures so as to produce the maximal benefit.
4. Other possibilities for assessing the importance of training could take the form of
retrospective studies comparing differences in the level of training of workers who
are injured on the job or afflicted with an occupational disease with comparable
groups not so affected. The reports cited in this review give uncertain results as to
4 “STAR” companies in the OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs must meet comprehensive safety and health program qualifi-
cations and maintain lost day injury rates at or below the national rate for that industry. Companies who apply for and receive
“STAR” status are evaluated onsite every three years with annual reviews of their injury rates.
Summary ■ 69
whether appropriate training could have prevented these occurrences. But as noted,
one major drawback of these studies is the absence of more factual information on
the extent or nature of the training actually received as it relates to the problem.
Added efforts to determine whether training gaps or weaknesses can contribute to
injury or disease incidents would be worthwhile. Critical to this work, however,
would be the need to detail the training practices in place as well as other factors
that could moderate their effects. Case-control or cohort approaches would offer
ways for obtaining comparative data on affected versus nonaffected persons, given
the need to separate out many nontraining factors that could be responsible for the
• New training technologies and evaluation strategies for measuring training out-
Outputs from the workshop would be state-of-the-art information for training fulfill-
ing its role in contributing to improved OS&H conditions, both now and in the future.
70 ■ Summary
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A-I. Safety/Injury Hazard Control
A-II. Control of Health Hazards—Chemical Agents
A-III. Control of Health Hazards—Physical Agents
A-IV. Control of Ergonomic Hazards
A-V. Control of Health Hazards—Biologic Agents
744 nurses attending 27 To train staff in techniques Staff required to take Data accessed from None elaborated. The rate of staff injury Although suggestive,
wards in 973-bed mental for defusing or otherwise 16 hours of instruction, 1986 enabled authors to from patient violence in authors admit that the
hospital subject to risk of controlling potentially as part of initial training relate staff injuries from the wards with low association between
inpatient assault. violent acts by patients to plus 6-8 hours refresher inpatient assaults to training compliance in training and reduced
(Carmel & Hunter, 1990) limit the risk of injury. training, every 2 years in nurse compliance with managing assaultive assault injury outcomes
managing assaultive training, and to wards behavior (20/100 staff) cannot be treated as
behavior. While not serviced by staff showing was almost 3× the rate cause and effect.
detailed in the report, a high versus low of those in the high
other sources indicate compliance with training. compliance wards (7/100
the training stresses staff). For nurses not
verbal techniques for having the training,
defusing potentially vio- 18.2% reported assault-
lent behavior and type injuries as
non-offensive physical compared with 11% for
ways to control or those nurses who had
restrain violent acts by the instruction. Similar
patients. comparisons for nurse
CPR training did not
show association with
ward or nurse injury
incidence; hence, the
effect was content
Appendix A-1 ■ 81
82 ■ Appendix A-I
58 male workers To promote worker A list of 35 critical After 5 weeks, workers Following the training Percent (%) safe Results suggest the
engaged in machine, conformance to 35 behaviors was formed were given a safety quiz phase, feedback of performance scores for potency of feedback
boiler, and welding behaviors deemed based on analyzing in which workers were safety performance as the various phases of the in reinforcing safe
shop tasks in a plant critical to safe work 5 years of accident asked to differentiate observed/rated on the study were as follows: behaviors and their
manufacturing heat performance. reports, observing of slides of safe versus checklist was posted and o Baseline = 65% durability. Goal setting
exchangers. plant operations, and unsafe acts. In addition, a compared to the goal. o Training/Goal Setting by itself has positive but
(Chhoker & Wallin, 1984) National Safety Council checklist of the 35 behav- This was done first on an = 81% lesser effects on safe
(NSC) recommendations. iors was used by inde- every week basis and o Training/Goal performance. Training,
Over a 6-week period, pendent observers to rate then every 2 weeks. Setting/Feedback goal setting, feedback as
slides were shown compliance of the (1 per week) = 95% a package create
contrasting safe work workers 1–2 times per o Training/Goal optimum performance.
acts versus unsafe ones. week before, during, and Setting/Feedback
A goal was established at various stages of post- (l per 2 weeks) = 97%
and posted for attaining training where feedback o Training/Goal
95% safe behavior. was given to the workers. Setting/Feedback
withdrawn = 89%
o Training/Goal
(1 per 2 weeks) = 94%
96 operators of To promote operator Focus was on 14 worker 3 observers counted All levels of manage- For Warehouse 1, at end The effect of training to
industrial lift trucks at awareness and adoption behaviors that could be frequencies of the ment had input into of retention phase and achieve safer work
two warehouse sites. of 14 specific actions observed, measured, correct/incorrect 14 the program and sup- after all workers trained, behaviors is clear.
(Cohen & Jensen, 1984) critical to safer and related to accident behaviors as noted at ported its develop- overall decrease in Question: Will it reduce
operator/vehicle use. occurrences as defined 8 locations at each ware- ment. Feedback sup- incorrect acts was 44%. accident/injury rate in lift
by a task-hazard analy- house on a daily basis. plied daily through verbal Training + feedback truck operations?
sis. 5 training sessions At Warehouse 1, opera- and posted summaries of group showed best
(20-45 minutes long) tors were divided into 3 group performance. All scores in post-training 1.
were given on 5 succes- groups: training only, groups subject to training At Warehouse 2,
sive days: 1 introductory, training + feedback, and set an 80% goal attain- overall improvement in
3 instructional, and a control group that was ment level. 14 behaviors was 70%.
1 practice/exercise. trained only after 1st 12 of 14 target
Slides were used to post-training evaluation. behaviors indicated
show incorrect/correct Study plan had monthly clear improvements;
behaviors; Practice ses- pre-training and post- 2 were resisted because
sion had group grade training 1 & 2 phases, they involved an uncom-
performance of each plus a retention phase fortable posture, and
trainee on a practice run. that was 3 months exposure to exhaust
after post-training 2. fumes.
At Warehouse 2, all
workers trained at same
time and all received
Appendix A-I ■ 83
84 ■ Appendix A-I
500 soda-ash miners at To compare two OD approach stressed OD approach employed OD mines endured a For OD method, injury Authors note that both
2 sites and 450 lead-zinc approaches to manage- interactions at all in one lead-zinc mine 9-week strike during incidence rate fell 51% in approaches proved
miners at 2 sites (Fiedler, ment training. One management levels whose lost-time accident the last year of the mines during 2-year effective, but that the OD
Bell Jr., Chemers, & involved organization down to first-line rate, MSHA citations, and intervention, which post-training period, and is more costly to
Patrick, 1984; also development (OD), i.e., supervisors and sick-absenteeism were confounded productivity was lower than the com- implement. Efforts to
Fiedler, 1987) team-building and workers. Priority compared with miners in measures. SP mines parison mine whose rate explain away other
problem-solving; the problems discussed a second lead-zinc mine underwent market remained the same. factors that could
other, a pre-packaged and solutions developed for 2 years, before and decline in use of product Citations showed a account for the results
supervisory standard for implementation. Four 14 months after the and management steady decrease whereas are mentioned, i.e.,
program (SP). Both 45-minute meetings with program. For SP method, changes, but program comparison mine showed introduction of perfor-
aimed at improving miners held for their comparisons were made apparently retained marked fluctuation. mance evaluation sys-
productivity and safety inputs. SP approach between soda-ash mines support. Absenteeism dropped tems. Authors believe
performance. used 2 modules: one under study and those from 11% to 7% after convergence of results is
(6–8 hours) teaches for total industry on the training. For the SP reassuring. Interviews
leaders how best to exer- above measures plus mines, the injury rate with managers also hold
cise control fitting their productivity figures 1 dropped from 14 to 6 per view that training was
own personality. The year before and 2 years 200,000 hrs of work, effective factor in improv-
other, was in supervisory after the training. which met the industry ing mine safety and
skills training (16 hours) Evaluations for 3 added average. Production was productivity.
to handle problems at an years were reported for 7%–12% greater than
individual level. Video- the soda-ash mines the industry average;
tapes, role play were using the SP training citations fell 85% after
used throughout method. training. Follow-up data
instruction. at the SP mine for 3
added years found a
further drop in acci-
dent rates (3–4 per
200,000 hrs of work), and
decreases in MSHA cita-
tions (less than 50 per
year as compared with
340 pre-intervention).
Uranium miners at one To comply with MSHA Initial training for new Compare frequency rate The trading stamp reward Post-treatment results Study shows how
site numbering from 197 regulations in providing employees included both of mining injuries, num- program (described in indicated substantial training may have been
to 606 over a 13-year safety and health orienta- classroom and on-the-job bers of days lost, costs the evaluation plan col- reductions in injury rates, a necessary, but not a
period of data collection; tion to new employees, training with refresher of injury/damage events umn) constituted an days lost, and cost sufficient condition for
from 450 to 501 coal formal job training in training for others at during a baseline period extra-training condition factors. Relative to the the improvements to
miners at a second site hazard recognition, yearly intervals. Retraining of 2–5 years versus a that was in effect for 12 pre-treatment level, the have occurred. Authors
over a 12-year period. use/maintenance of undertaken for those post-treatment period of years at the uranium frequency rate of injuries note that keeping the
Lost workdays from protective equipment, assigned to different 11–12 years. The treat- mine site and 11 years dropped by 85% at the treatment in effect for
mining injuries at both and knowledge of jobs. Formal training car- ment was to reward at the coal mine site. uranium mine; and by 11–12 years offers an
sites exceeded the emergency procedures ried out by a safety and employees monthly with Add-on training factors 68% at the coal mine. extended opportunity to
national average by and first aid. Provisions health training staff. trading stamps for injury- during this time span Days lost were reduced examine efficacy issues.
factors of 3 or better. for required refresher Bi-weekly "tool box" or damage-free work, the consisted of the refresher by 89% at the uranium
(Fox, Hopkins, & Anger, training were also in meetings held by fore- stamp awards being training, plus biweekly mine and 98% at the
1987) place. men to discuss close greatest for those in the "tool box" meetings to coal mine. Savings
calls and hazard condi- most hazardous jobs. discuss "close calls" based on ratios of costs
tions needing correction. Bonus stamps were or hazards needing for injury/damage claims
given for useful safety attention. versus reward payouts
suggestions, or when all varied from 18.1 to 27.8
workers under the same at the uranium mine and
supervisor were w/o from 12.9 to 20.7 at the
injury or damage claims. coal mine.
Appendix A-I ■ 85
86 ■ Appendiix A-I
12 foremen working in a To effect more effort by Limited to a one-page Compare number of Offered/withdrew Intervention periods Gradual decline in
paper mill that employed foremen to supply all memo instructing items completed on plant feedback at different 1 and 2 where feedback completeness of
200 hourly workers and requested information on foremen on how to accident report forms for times following instruc- delivered significantly reports reinforced by
30 manager/support accident investigation complete reports and the following periods: tion. See also Comments improved the complete- company's acceptance
personnel. Foremen report forms. announcing they would 3 months pre-memo column on observer ness of reports; when of incomplete forms.
responsible for complet- receive written feedback instruction (baseline 1); effect. withdrawn after 7 weeks Results indicate need
ing and filing accident as to the thoroughness in 7 weeks post-memo (baseline 2) and after for feedback to sustain
reports according to filling out the form and when foremen received 5 months (during effort. During the
plant policy. (Fox & other reactions as to the feedback on submissions follow-up) this effect follow-up period, the
Sulzer-Azaroff, 1987) merit of the entries. (intervention 1); 6 months declined. researcher was absent
after feedback withdrawn from the plant, which
(baseline 2); memo rein- also could have helped
troduced with feedback to cue the desired
for 5 months (interven- response. The authors
tion 2); feedback again indicate need for
withdrawn—reports alternative forms of
analyzed for 1 year feedback or other
(follow-up). contingent reinforcers to
support the desired
38 bakery workers in two To enable workers to 1/2-hour session Checklists used for Weekly feedback on safe Frequencies of safe acts That the maintenance
departments reporting discriminate between using slides to depict itemizing/scoring performance given to in the two departments of safe acts were so
excessive numbers of safe/unsafe work safe/unsafe ways of safe behaviors by workers for 11 weeks in rose dramatically after dependent on feedback
injuries. (Komaki, practices and conditions, performing job tasks independent observers. one department and 1 week of feedback (from indicates continued
Barwick, & Scott, 1978) and to identify and within the two Scores taken before and 3 weeks in another, after 70% to 95.8% in one and need to prompt such
promote the adoption of departments. Baseline after the instruction which it was withdrawn. 77.6% to 99.3% in the behaviors. Raises
safer work routines. data on frequency of periodically for 20 weeks Supervisors asked to other) and remained questions about workers
safe job actions posted in one department and recognize/log times as long as feedback internalizing the idea of
and workers set safe 12 weeks in the second. workers engaged in given. When feedback working safely.
performance goal. select safe acts. withdrawn, rates fell to
earlier levels. Feedback
reintroduced by manage-
ment stabilized safe
performance level.
Coincident was a drop in
lost time injuries from 35
to below 10 per million
hours of work.
Appendix A-I ■ 87
88 ■ Appendix A-I
55 workers in 4 sections To effect changes in Accident logs for past Checklist of prescribed Upon completion of train- Comparing % safe acts Results show feedback
of the vehicle mainte- worker behavior with 5 years reviewed and safety behaviors was ing phase, supervisors against the pre-training as important motivator in
nance division of a city regards to proper weaknesses in current used by trained observers of each section indicated baseline data for the realizing benefits of
public works department equipment/tool use, safety program used to who monitored workers’ goals to be met in various phases showed worker training and
showing one of the wearing personal frame behavioral targets actions in each section complying with safety the following gains: increased worker knowl-
highest injury rates as protective/safety specific to each of the 4 3–5 times per week. rules and observed and Training alone = 9%; edge. Authors comment
compared with other equipment, improving sections. After baseline Study plan had 5 phases provided feedback on Training + feedback that management gave
divisions. (Komaki, housekeeping proce- observations directed where these observations level of adherence = 26%; Feedback with- verbal support to pro-
Heinzman, & Lawson, dures, and other to existent behaviors, were taken to show the through graphic displays. drawn = 17% (reduced gram but was inconsis-
1980) actions aimed at workers attended session effects of training alone, In subsequent phases, the previous gain by tent in actions such as
upgrading general to view/discuss slides of training plus feedback, this graphic feedback 9%); Reinstituting feed- attending safety sessions
safety performance. unsafe acts and ways to withdrawing and then was withdrawn and then back = 21% (regained or recognizing persons
prevent them, which reinstituting feedback as reinstituted to define its 4% of the previous loss). for their program efforts.
became formulated into compared with baseline effect in enhancing safe During the 8-month Frequency of feedback
safety rules. Copies of data. Total study span behaviors as prescribed period of the program, notices by supervisors
these rules issued to was 45 weeks; phases in the original training. lost-time injuries dropped also dropped off in the
workers. varied from 5 to 11 to 0.4 per month; before last phase, which could
weeks. program the rate was account for less than the
3.0/month; after program full recovery of the earlier
the rate was 1.8/month. gain.
75 construction To promote more and Workshops/seminars on Course recipients were Added interviews with Of the first 75 respon- Although positive, the
workers/managers better effective safety construction health and polled by questionnaire respondents to the ques- dents: 1) 77% noted that data reflect subjective
who had completed and health protective safety were developed as to the impact of the tionnaire in three cities their OS&H activities judgments and impres-
coursework/seminars on measures in construction from and led by union course. The report offers noted other activities that had increased. 2) 93% sions; measures showing
occupational safety and work, appreciate roles of craftmen/management data from the first 75 were prompted by the noted increased OS&H actual gains in construc-
health issues of conse- labor, management, and graduates of two 3–4 respondees. course or reinforced its measures on the job. tion safety/health out-
quence to construction OSHA in effecting such week in-residence value. 3) 96% indicated ability come indicators remain
work. (Lapping & changes; improve report- training programs with to furnish better protec- to be seen.
Parsons, 1980) ing procedures; and added fieldwork. Course tion. 4) 100% indicated
identify need for further content covered industrial increased competence.
actions. hygiene, hazard analyses, 5) 59% noted one com-
communication/education ponent of course of
techniques, cave-ins, fire marked value. 6) 92%
protection, and OSHA noted better understand-
laws re construction. ing of OSHA. 7) Up to
9 such programs 84% indicated that they
conducted under the personally had experi-
auspices of universities, enced an increase in
building construcion trade work-related health and
council, operating engi- safety practices. 8) 99%
neers, etc. A total of 871 appreciated need for
participants took the management, labor, and
course. OSHA to do more.
9) 36% noted novel
management efforts to
improve programs.
10) 18% were satisfied
with enforcement.
Appendix A-I ■ 89
90 ■ Appendix A-I
100 college students To test hypotheses about Subjects divided into Following training, sub- Not applicable. The oral/demo method Authors explain
serving as subjects in the merits of audio- 4 groups, 3 given instruc- jects operated a punch yielded the fewest superiority of the
a study comparing differ- tape/slides vs. videotape tions via one of three press simulator with sen- accidents followed by the classical method over
ent instructional methods vs. face-to-face oral vs. modes (slide/audio- sors to detect injury videotape, slide/audio, the slide/audio and
for effective, safe opera- no instruction in perform- tapes, videotape, and producing actions/events and no training condi- videotape in that it
tion of a punch press ing safe, precision work oral reading of written job (signaled by a loud klax- tions. Measures of allowed the trainees to
simulator. (Leslie, Jr. & on a punch press information by trainee on horn) and defective elapsed time to 1st have a hands-on experi-
Adams, 1973) simulator. and demonstration by quality parts in feeding accident, total time to ence with the equipment.
running one cycle of the 100 blanks into the process the blanks, and Still, learning curves for
press) in understanding machine. Measures the number of misaligned the videotape and
the elements of punch taken included the parts showed no signifi- slide/audio groups indi-
press operations. The number of accident cant differences between cated a faster rate of
4th group, a control, events, number of proper the training methods. learning than for the
viewed 2 job cycles but parts alignment, elapsed Performance curves oral/demo method.
otherwise lacked any time until first accident, showed decrease in Practical recommend-
training. Training was total time to process 100 accidents for all groups ations from study were
done in one session in all blanks through the press. but also an upturn 1) value of simulator in
cases. near the end ot the screening persons who
performance trials pose high risks for such
suggestive of a fatigue or tasks, and 2) indications
boredom effect. of boredom/fatigue points
for repetitive work
requiring interventions.
1800 full- and part-time To establish a Employees first com- For a 12-month period Monthly reports of Preintervention worker In actuality, the results
employees of a large system of hazard detec- pleted forms on their before and after the hazards noted, and hazard reporting rate indicated a need for
community hospital (Lin tion, reporting, and prob- perceptions of unsafe intervention, compar- actions taken in was 11 to 32 reports per worker training to better
& Cohen, 1983) lem-solving involving the work conditions, risky job isons were made of the response were posted month, the average appreciate operational or
workers, and to assess tasks, and suggested hazards reported by as part of the employee- being 23.5 per month. functional factors as well
the merit of their partici- ways for correcting them workers, the concomitant based hazard reporting After system startup, rate as physical ones in
pation in terms of as a learning experience number of incident staff system in all hospital was 24 to 48 per month, hazard detection. The
improved safety/health in hazard recognition and injuries/illnesses, and the departments. Select the average being 36 per overall program was
indicators and/or reduced control.Worker subgroup relationship between the hazard reports and month. Increased report- successful to the point
injury-illness cases. appointed to safety com- nature of the hazardous remedial measures also ing was spurred by the that the hospital continued
mittee ensured these data conditions reported and included in hospital special publicity cam- to maintain it after the
and later hazard reports the type of injury or newsletters to sustain paign halfway in the researchers who
filed by workers were illness. interest. The worker 12-month evaluation instituted it completed
logged, reviewed by subcommittee also had a period. Preintervention, their work.
hospital safety staff and special publicity injuries/illnesses num-
control actions taken campaign on work bered 32–33 per month;
where warranted. safety/health midway post-intervention rate
Human-factors specialist during the post- showed a decline to 24
gave the subgroup of intervention period to per month. Pre and post
workers special training bolster interest. period differences in haz-
to aid them in promoting ard reports and numbers
hazard detection efforts of mishaps were statisti-
of the total workforce. cally significant. Content
of hazard report vs. actu-
al injury cases showed
agreement in some
cases and not in others.
Detection of hazards as
physical, fixed, and
environmental in nature
Appendix A-I ■ 91
predominated; less
obvious were those
having behavioral and/or
procedural features.
92 ■ Appendix A-I
Underground mining To instill fear in miners of Three sets of training At session's end, None elaborated. First questionnaire Results based totally on
operations that present going under unsupported materials, each com- questionnaire items ratings: 98% of miners self reports, which is a
hazards of unsupported roof locations in under- posed of a videotape and rated on interest in believed tapes realistic; weakness. Whether one
roof falls. 113 miners, ground mines so that an instructor's guide. In session, new lessons 75% noted new learning; fear-producing training
attending retraining they would avoid such videotapes, miners learned, intent to stay 92% to show more care session can effect a
classes, served as a areas. described involvement in within “inby” supports. to avoid unsupported behavior change seems
field test group in real roof-fall incidents, Second questionnaire roof areas. Later ques- dubious, especially since
assessing training and answered questions given 6 weeks later as tionnaire ratings: 75% roof falls remain relatively
packages intended to on dangers, impacts on part of safety talk. Items thought about getting rare events. Will added
make them avoid such selves, and on others. rated on recall of earlier hurt in a roof fall, 95% precautions as expressed
areas. (Mallett, Vaught & Class in small groups session, talks with others noted more avoidance of give way under pressures
Peters, 1992) discussed these points, about it, thoughts, and such areas; half indicated to maintain or increase
and ways to minimize actions to limit exposure they or buddies had mine output?
risk. Field test conducted to unsupported roof changed their work
on two of three video- locations in mines. habits as a result of being
tapes. sensitized to the dangers.
Commercial fishermen To train captains and 20-hour course offered To determine for the Mention made that prac- AMSEA drill instructor Results suggest that
who fish in Alaskan crew of Alaskan by Alaska Marine Safety 4-year period 1991–1994 ticing the emergency course graduates for course is reducing fatali-
waters. This industry commercial fishing Education Association the number of graduates drills described in the 4-year period were ties among Alaskan
has the highest occupa- vessels in emergency (AMSEA) stressing how from the AMSEA course AMSEA manual were 1518. None of 114 crewmen. However, the
tional fatality rate in preparedness, survival to abandon ship, fight who were listed as fatali- important factors in deaths from 159 reported numbers of graduates
the United States. procedures, vessel fires, use distress ties or survivors in boat saving the lives of crew boat incidents for the are only 3% of the total
(Perkins R., 1995) stability and loading, signals, make distress incidents occurring during members in two vessels same period were number of Alaskan fish-
and methods for calls, launch survival the same period. not included in the study. AMSEA graduates. ermen; this raises the
conducting safety drills. craft, don survival suits, Among 227 identified question of whether
Overall goal was to and recover people from survivors were 10 those who took the
reduce the number of water. Practice in using AMSEA graduates. 8 of course were more safety
drowning deaths due to safety and survival 86 vessels with survivors conscious than the
vessel mishaps in the equipment included. but no deaths had one average fisherman. In
Alaskan fishing fleet. AMSEA trained person other words, whether this
on board; none on board attribute, more than the
vessels reporting at least course, was responsible
1 death. for the outcome.
Appendix A-I ■ 93
94 ■ Appendix A-I
Two groups of 100 To identify and promote Both worker groups Training leaders observed The feedback given to For the feedback group, Authors noted added
workers drawn from compliance with appro- given safety training workers in both depart- one group for 5 weeks the safety performance positive side effects of
two departments priate safe behaviors in focussed on use of pro- ments using the safety consisted of posting index showed a continu- feedback program in that
engaged in aircraft performing pressure tective clothing, removing index form to rate safety charts, providing weekly ous rise from a baseline 1) the work areas
maintenance work at a checks, hand rework, inappropriate personal performance. These updates of their safety of 84% to 100% at the became tidier and
large facility employing welding, and machining clothes or jewelry, safe observations were taken performance, and weekly end of the 5-week 2) both the workers as
20,000 workers. The tasks. materials handling prac- at random times during a meetings to discuss feedback period. The well as their supervisors
departments had tices, and machine oper- 2-week period to estab- continuing violations and untreated group's index showed an increased
comparable hazards ations. Elements of these lish baseline data for ways to correct them. varied little (from 88% to awareness of safety
and safety records. actions were identified each group. Safety 90%) over the total issues at the workplace.
(Ray, Purswell, & and included in a form performance feedback 7-week period of obser- The simplicity of the
Schlegel, 1990) used to define a safety was then given to one vations. Differences feedback treatment
performance index for group whereas the between the safety induced senior manage-
use by observers in second continued without performance indices of ment to consider its
monitoring worker such feedback for a the feedback vs. non- adoption for improving
compliance. Training 5-week period. feedback groups were safety throughout the
plan included one group statistically significant. facility.
setting goals for the
safety performance index
and receiving feedback
on their progress. The
second group received
no such feedback.
105 workers in 11 depart- To create increased Over a period of 10 Departments divided into In one post-training The effects of training, Design allows for sepa-
ments of a farm-equip- worker awareness of weeks, daily 45-minute 3 groups: training only, phase, supervisors gave goal setting, and posting rate effects of training,
ment manufacturing specific safe work training sessions held training+goal setting, and weekly reminders to the feedback were each goal setting, and knowl-
plant who accounted for practices and set goals discussing manual of training+goal setting+feed- workers of the safety found to increase the edge of results to be
95% of the company's to achieve compliance safety rules plus slides back according to a stag- goals established during frequency of observed appreciated.
accident reports. with such acts. shown of safe/unsafe gered schedule. Midway the training session. In a safe behaviors. Adding
(Reber & Wallin, 1984) acts. In later sessions, during training workers second phase, goal set- feedback to goal setting
items in observational given a quiz to deter- ting was augmented by provided the greatest
checklist of select safe- mine their knowledge feedback, i.e., posting increase in safety perfor-
worker behaviors were of safe work practices. the observed safe mance. Injury rates
explained with goals set Behavioral checklist used behavior checklist scores dropped from a pre-inter-
to achieve them. post training to determine 2 to 3 times per week. vention level of 84.7 to
effects of goal setting 55.1 per year post
and feedback on occur- intervention.
rences of safe acts. Injury
rates for one department
computed before and
after the intervention.
Appendix A-I ■ 95
96 ■ Appendix A-I
104 undergraduate To demonstrate the Two studies run where Number of simulated Not applicable. In both studies, G-1 Ss Study indicates the
college students serving feasibility of simulating Ss divided into 4 groups accidents occurring to had most "accidents" and potency of simulated
as subjects in an evalua- grinder tool accidents as follows: G-1 = written subjects in running spark G-4 the fewest. All accidents as a training
tion of the effectiveness and their usefulness as a instructions and demon- tests on the 10 rods used groups having either technique, especially
of accident simulators as training device. Bench stration of correct to measure performance demonstrated or experi- under conditions where
a means of teaching safe grinder modified to simu- start-up procedure; during training session enced "accidents" (G-2, the operator experiences
operation of power tools. late a disintegrating G-2 = same as G-1 and during a retention G-3, G-4) showed safer the simulated "accident."
(Rubinsky & Smith, wheel accident by direct- plus demonstration of session 1 week later. In operation of the grinder A follow-up study (Smith
1971) ing stream of water at simulated accident; G-3 2nd study, each group in both the training and and Rubinsky, 1972)
the operator's normal = same as G-1 plus had a second retention retention sessions. In 4 varied the frequency and
position in front of the subject experiencing test 4 weeks after the week retention trial, only method of presenting the
grinder. Training objec- simulated grinder original training trial G-4 (demonstration + simulated accidents
tive was to teach opera- accident; G-4 = same as where standard pedestal experienced with acci- during the training trials.
tors when starting up G-1 plus demonstration grinder was used. dent) had significantly Retention measured 6
grinder (when risk of plus subject experience fewer "accidents" than months post-training
wheel explosion is most with simulated accident. other groups. found those with the
apparent) to stand to the Task for all subjects was accident simulations had
side so as escape injury. to run spark tests on 10 fewer accidents than
steel rods to determine those with traditional
makeup. safety instruction.
1136 shipyard workers To identify and eliminate Steering committee of Questionnaire surveys As noted in the overall More than half (53%) of Authors noted that
organized into 13 depart- obstacles to good house- top management plus were used to gain reac- program plan, all levels the shipyard workers groups used training,
ments. Small groups keeping, and establish safety staff provided tions to the program's of the company organiza- reported that housekeep- frequent measurement of
(4–13 workers/foremen) new housekeeping prac- information about impact from group mem- tion had a function in the ing improved during the the housekeeping level,
formed in each depart- tices in the various program and main tasks bers and all department effort, which suggested a program. Departments and feedback to effect
ment were the focus of departments and for the with planning details, personnel at the end of full commitment by top varied greatly in this improved housekeeping
study in addressing personnel found therein. implementation left to 1 year. The program management on down. response: best was 92%; practices in their depart-
housekeeping problems department groups. effect on accidents weakest was 28%. ment. Also stressed the
and how they could be Groups met to assess was determined on a Changes in housekeep- participative feature in
controlled. housekeeping problems before/after basis using ing most difficult for the program success. Most
(Saarela, 1990) in their own depart- yearly reports for cases largest departments active group in terms of
ments, developed reme- of falls on the same or to (>100). Program year meetings held and coun-
dies, held training semi- a lower level, and of saw a 20% drop in rela- termeasures taken
nars with all personnel to being struck by falling tive number of accidents; reported the highest
discuss goals for improved objects. this continued after the improvement score.
practices and set up a intervention.
system to monitor
results, which were
Appendix A-I ■ 97
98 ■ Appendix A-I
300 workers per ship To promote better house- For tanker work crews, Worker crews equipping Safety personnel in the Interviews with tanker Results suggest the
engaged in equipping keeping practices with informational campaign one tanker and one ferry shipyard received all crews found recall for limitation in media
two tankers; and 650 emphasis on keeping with 35 slogans convey- were exposed to the interview reports on the 3–4 slogans of 35 (or campaign for effecting
workers per ship cables/hoses out of path- ing specific safety slogan campaign and slogan recall; not clear 11%); for the ferry crew, behavior change. The
in equipping two ways, more orderly work- instructions posted at compared with those whether they made recall was 1–2 of 4–5 feedback effect also
car/passenger fer- places, and proper trash sites for the required equipping a second changes in subsequent presented per posting (or proved only marginal.
ries.(Saarela, Saari, & disposal. action. Slogans dis- tanker and ferry who postings in light of these 32%). Comparisons
Alltonen 1989). played 3 times for were not. Interviews data. of injuries/week and
2-week intervals, the used to determine extent severity rates for tanker
display time being 10% of worker recall of and ferry crews found
of the tanker-equipping slogans, typically at the the slogans to have no
period of 7 months. 17 end of a slogan display significant effect. If any-
slogans used for ferries, period. Average number thing, the crews having
4–5 posted for 3–4 and severity (days lost) the slogans showed a
weeks; total display time of injuries compared slightly greater rate of
was 40% of ferry-equip- between the tanker and injury frequency and
ping period of 9 months. ferry crews having the severity. Feedback had a
Inspections/ratings of slogans with those not. small positive shift on
housekeeping made and housekeeping level for
posted on bulletin boards the tanker crew; little for
to tanker crews; posted the ferry crew.
and written feedback
given ferry crews.
32 workers in two pro- To promote worker atten- 1-hour training seminar Frequency of adherence Feedback on compliance Compliance actions Speculation that
duction halls of a ship- tion to and compliance given to workers, fore- to targeted housekeeping given to foremen for the increased 29% in one improved housekeeping
yard. (Saari & Nasanen, with 9 housekeeping men, and production acts charted before, then first week post-training, hall; 22% in the second. leaves more capacity for
1989) practices of conse- engineers focussed on at weekly, and then at then posted for all work- Major changes occurred noticing other potential
quence to both depart- the nine housekeeping 5- to 6-month intervals ers over a 6-month once feedback posted for hazards. Suggests that
ment safety and produc- targets. Pre-training spanning a 3-year peri- period. Compliance all workers. Injury gains in housekeeping
tivity based on foremens' (baseline data) observa- od. Injury reports before monitored for another frequency fell by 75% may facilitate other
suggestions, reviews of tions on housekeeping and after training 18 months in one hall during the 3-year post hazard control actions.
injury reports, and worker problems shown and reviewed to determine and for 7 months in the intervention period but
inputs. discussed. relation to any house- second but with no feed- improved housekeeping
keeping improvement. back. could only account for a
25% reduction.
Five first-line supervisors To make supervisors 10 hours of instruction Before/after comparisons Supervisors of 5 crews 4 of the 5 crews, after Data on actual use of
of shipfitter crews show- more observant of given supervisors in of dispensary reports of responded with praise training of their supervi- safety glasses not
ing excessive eye injury worker use of protective ways of observing, eye injuries for 5 crews and encouragement to sors showed a decrease reported. Later reassign-
reports. (Smith, Anger, & eyewear and to reinforce recording, and reinforc- whose supervisors workers found to be in eye injury rate; the ment of supervisors
Uslan, 1978) increased use through ing worker use of protec- received instruction wearing safety glasses in average decrease was posed problems in main-
praise and positive tive eye glasses. versus others not subject course of contacts at 7.4 per 100 workers. This taining reinforcement of
encouragement. to the intervention. work stations. reduction made the rates eyewear use.
of eye injuries compara-
ble to those found for the
other crews.
Appendix A-I ■ 99
100 ■ Appendix A-I
225 employees in three To promote worker Review of injury records, Weekly tours of the 3 Upper level managers Safety achievement Authors conclude that
departments of a large adherence to safe work interviews with staff, departments were used from the Vice President scores for the 3 depart- effecting improvements
(total workforce=3,300) practices, targeting direct observations of to rate safety achieve- down were working ments at end of study in safe work practices
telecommunications specificactions and con- defined "hot-spots", and ment; these were joint under incentive plans were 92%, 99%, and was responsible for the
manufacturer engaged in ditions that could reduce high-risk behaviors for observations of safe to improve company 100% as compared with reduced injury rate.
producing, assembling, the frequency and cost of effecting change. worker behaviors and safety, and department baseline values of Although this may be
and wrapping circuit work-related injuries. Workers "told how to zones free of hazards. managers had previous 70–75%. Relative to true, the lack of any
boards and electrical perform safely" in these Scores were collected for experience in using figures 6 months before, analyses to show how
components where the situations with specific an 11-week baseline performance manage- OSHA- recordable the observed injury
highest inury rates were behavior targets noted. period, followed by 24 ment training. This orga- injuries 6 months post- reduction was dependent
reported. (Sulzer-Azaroff, Supervisory team used to weeks where increased nizational environment intervention showed on the targeted safe
Loafman, Merante, & oversee program with goals were set and was ideal for the behav- reductions in the 2 higher behaviors tempers this
Hlavcek, 1990) successively higher goals progress plotted. ioral approach used in scoring departments, but conclusion.
set to meet targeted OSHA- recordable the study. the third increased. All
objectives with weekly injuries were noted for departments showed a
feedback to workers on the three departments decrease in lost-time
their progress. Token 6 months before and cases. The latter resulted
rewards given at meeting 6 months during the in an estimated savings
interim goal; luncheon intervention along with to the company of
when 100% reached and program cost vs injury $55,000.
sustained. cost savings figures.
16 groups of farm To inform workers on Slide show, recorded Audience split into three None specially noted but Increased knowledge on Information obtained in
workers (total of 566 pesticide use, routes of narration featuring inter- groups: One group inter- references made to the pesticide hazards noted this study resulted in
people) having pesticides exposure, symptoms of view with poisoned viewed with set ques- fact that the county from for the two groups inter- revisions in audio-visual
expo- sures. (Barnett, poisoning, simple first worker, plus brochures tions before presentation which the workers were viewed after the session; presentations to address
Midtling, Velasco, aid, and means for mini- were used to convey to establish baseline drawn was the first in protective regulation problem needs as noted.
Romero, O'Malley, mizing exposure, and information. Question knowledge, a second United States to require questions were most dif- Study addresses literacy
Clements, Tobin, governmental rules and answer session interviewed at end of that warning signs be ficult. 84.5% of audience factors and accommoda-
Wollitzer, & Barbaccia, regarding protection. held with audience. session to determine posted in fields of pesti- believed pesticides a tion to language fluency
1984) Presentations and mater- immediate gain, and a cide treated crops. serious hazard to agricul- of audience.
ial offered in Spanish to third interviewed one ture workers; information
match workers' back- week later. Spanish needs cited on persis-
ground. used throughout. tence of residues in field
and hazards posed by
chemical drift.
Appendix A-II ■ 101
102 ■ Appendix A-II
8 lumbermen engaged in To counsel workers in Training intervention Air samples were moni- Workers were encour- Before/after tests of Forms of feedback (use
handling timber coated the need to reduce con- conducted over a tored throughout the aged during breaks to chlorophenol urine of UV light to illuminate
with chlorophenol, a tact/exposures to 3-week period. At 3-week period to ensure visualize their contact metabolites showed dermal contact areas and
preservative having chlorophenol via use of start-up, 1) workers inter- no changes in work con- with the chlorophenol by reductions for all but needs for control) that
known toxic properties, gloves/aprons, applica- viewed/answered ques- ditions. Questionnaire using the UV illumination. one worker, the median dramatize the effects of
with dermal contact tion of barrier creams, tionnaire on personal and urine samples were decrease was 32% for behavior actions taken
being the principle route washing hands at protection and hygiene taken at the end of the one metabolite can be a potent motiva-
for exposure. (Bentley & breaks, wearing clothes practices, 2) exposures 3-week session to com- (tretrachlorophenol)and tor for such behaviors.
Horstman, 1986) offering maximum cover- to chlorophenol mea- pare with those taken at 5% for a second
age, and laundering sured via air/urine sam- the onset to determine (pentachlorophenol).
them each day. ples, and 3) a fluorescent apparent shifts in use of Greatest reduction was
agent was added to the protective measures and for those who wore clean
chlorophenol enabling their effect on exposure overalls each day. UV
the workers to see extent and dose levels. visualization detected
of skin contact using previously unknown
ultra-violet lamps. sources of contamina-
Workers counseled in tion. Post training ques-
need to follow personal tionnaire responses
protection, hygiene prac- showed shift to increased
tices, and view areas of skin protective measures
their body with UV light for 9 of 11 items.
to show effect.
114 asbestos workers on Intent of 1 year refresher Original certification Workers were retested Not applicable On retest, workers did Study not originally
the occasion of being was to determine reten- required 32 hours of on material from initial better on specific work designed as an evalua-
recertified for undertak- tion of original instruction instruction on legal certification course by a practices questions than tion effort but gave
ing such work. (Booker, and applicability of work issues, asbestos haz- questionnaire. Also those dealing with other opportunity for an
Catlin, & Weiss, 1991) practices to worksite situ- ards, proper work asked how well course issues. Most workers assessment of original
ations encountered. practices, and use of aided them in work rated instruction better training. Results lack
personal protective area preparations, than adequate to fill job "bottom line" indication
equipment including removal methods, glove needs; some noted lack that the certification
respirators. 12 hours of bagging, decontamina- of time and contractor program is paying off in
this instruction was tion, clean-up/take-down enforcement as compli- terms of reduced cases
practical hands-on procedures, and how cations to following pre- of asbestos-related
training. closely actual work con- scribed measures. disease.
ditions allowed pre- Trainees with most
scribed procedures to be recent work experience
followed. gave higher ratings on
prescribed work prac-
tices and health behav-
iors such as informing
one's physcian of
asbestos work.
Appendix A-II ■ 103
104 ■ Appendix A-II
209 workers from 15 To compare knowledge Workers were divided Workers were given None. Interactive video yielded Results indicate positive
auto plants whose jobs gains and merits of inter- into two groups who before/after achievement fewer errors on knowl- response to more active,
involve use of solvents. active video training ver- were instructed first tests, attitude/opinion edge quiz, more high individual forms of learn-
(Bosco & Wagner,1988) sus lecture/video-tape with one method and surveys to measure achievers, and favorable ing. Evaluation con-
instruction on hazards then with the second knowledge increase, and interest in and use of ducted under psuedo-
in handling solvents in counter-balanced interest/preference for information. Years of lab conditions that may
and related safe-work fashion. Training for both instruction. Training time education showed limit conclusions. How
practices. required one whole day and demographic factors correlation with knowl- much information is
were also analyzed. edge scores. Test time retained from either
for interactive video learning method remains
more variable than open.
lecture/videotape as
118 workers representing To promote employee Consortium of 6 universi- At 3 and 12 months See results section. Results based on Article gives positive and
58 employers engaged in actions aimed at defining ties and a state labor post-training, trainees to 3-month follow-up inter- negative features of
hazardous waste site and remedying major group formulated 5-day undergo a standard view with 39 workers training program. Among
operations. (Brown & shortcomings in haz- training program accent- telephone interview to from 39 different employ- positive are the ways for
Nguyen-Scott, 1992) ardous waste site control ing worker participation, determine 1) how suc- ers. Three priority prob- focussing on prime tar-
efforts. worker/instructor cessful in following up lems identified by gets for change and that
co-learning, and worker problems originally iden- trainees as a group were the trainees interact and
empowerment. Focus on tified, 2) what obstacles 1) inadequate supply of learn from one another
4 modules (of 20 total) met to implementing air purifying respirators and become the change
on workers' rights and changes, and 3) did and self-contained agents in the process.
responsibilities, personal training help in correcting breathing equipment, Follow-up interviews
protective equipment, problems. Added ques- 2) no adequate emer- serve as reinforcement
decontamination, and tions probed for resource gency plans, and tool. Some limitations
emergency response materials used and 3) inaccessible informa- were that the contact
training. Risk chart from for discussions with tion on hazardous chemi- person tends to be a
worker and instructor management/co-workers cals at the worksite. 40% supervisor who might
inputs used to define on health/safety issues of trainees indicated that give a biased view of the
problems on these sub- raised in courses. the most critical prob- worksite situation (since
jects. Via small group lems were corrected changed in that each
meetings, decisions through their efforts group member is now a
made on problems to be (prompting management, contact person); plan not
addressed, remedial sharing course materials feasible for those who
actions needed, and how with co-workers, holding have not yet begun to
to effect expected health and safety meet- work or whose jobs
progress in 3 months. ings). 32% of trainees require moves from one
Contact persons selected indicated some improve- site to another. A concern
for follow-up progress ment; 28% indicated no about the evaluation
reports. improvement. itself was the self-report
method, i.e., ex-trainees
may respond in ways
Appendix A-II ■ 105
Conduct of a pilot To enhance worker Training content based Worker knowledge of None elaborated beyond Post-test results at end Decreases in test scores
OS&H training effort knowledge of hazardous on interviews with 51 exposure agents in their that noted in the needs of training session at 2-week follow-up sug-
in a 100-worker foundry. materials found at their workers showing gaps in workplaces was tested analysis which was the showed trainee knowl- gest need for more rein-
(Caparaz, Rice, workplaces, recognition identifying chemical and just before and at the basis for the training edge scores to be higher forcement of knowledge
Graumlich, Radike, of symptoms, safe han- physical agent hazards end of the training ses- content. and item difficulty scores gain. Question remains
& Morawetz, 1990) dling practices, and spill and means for reducing sion, and then at a to be lower. The 2-week as to whether knowledge
control measures and to exposure risk. This pro- 2-week follow-up. Also follow-up tests showed gain will translate into
generally improve their duced a hazard commu- workers gave feedback some drop in these preventive actions.
understanding of MSDSs, nication manual for train- on receptiveness to train- knowledge scores
Also to appreciate noise, ing that reviewed sec- ing approach. though they were still
vibration, and physical tions of the MSDSs and higher than the pre-test
hazards at work. an add-on unit on physi- measures. Trainees
cal hazards. 16 workers stated that training was
served as pilot group for too short and too fast. No
training; small groups changes in content were
(3–4 workers) with simi- noted.
lar exposure risks were
used in one 2.5 hour
session. Group discus-
sion and exercises were
used to foster active
278 hazardous waste To promote more worker- Trainees enrolled in 3-day Approximately, 3–8 Emphasizes how critical Perceived management Authors acknowledge lim-
site workers, both initiated actions aimed at or 5-day worker-centered, months after course, management support is support enhanced itations of self-reported
English and Hispanic identifying and solving training-for-action telephone interviews held to realizing gains from attempted actions on results. Authors note that
speaking, in blue collar, health and safety prob- courses. At end of with trainees to deter- training. "Even the best problems (86% support differences in the workers
technical-professional, lems found at their indi- course, each trainee mine progress on Action training program will vs. 67% nonsupport), perceptions of what
and managerial jobs. vidual waste sites. developed Action Plan to Plan. Specific information have only limited suc- and problems corrected defines a problem, defini-
(Cole & Brown, 1996) identify 1–3 health/safety sought on whether cess if management is (73% support vs. 56% tions of success, and
problems at their worksite attempts made to apathetic or resistant to nonsupport). Effect of over-reporting of success
with specific steps they address problems, were changes in the worksite management support on may be biased toward
and employer could take any corrected, and (pg. 741)". Recognizes trainee participation was more positive findings.
at correction. 5 types of whether trainee partici- training problems for greatest for union and
problems noted. pated in remedy. non-English speakers technical trainees (30%
that go beyond communi- difference between sup-
cation issues and work- port vs. non-support).
places that lack support- Odds of Spanish speak-
ive structures for effect- ers correcting problems
ing worker-initiated were half those of
actions. English speakers.
Appendix A-II ■ 107
108 ■ Appendix A-II
50 underground coal To acquire skill in don- A first evaluation found Compare donning times None elaborated. Compared with the older Training evaluations
miners in one training ning the self-contained the existing 14-step pro- for the new method vs. procedure, the new "3+3" were carried out in miner
evaluation; 283 persons self-rescuer emergency cedure for donning the the old procedures, and method reduced overall training rooms above
engaged in coal mining breathing apparatus equipment could not be sequential errors in per- donning time by 50% ground that do not reflect
work (e.g., miners, tech- (SCSR) to ensure its performed proficiently forming critical tasks at and critical task time by the underground condi-
nical-maintenance, most rapid and flawless for use in emergencies completion of training 27%. Donning actions tions of darkness,
supervision) in a second. use in cases of mine despite years of hands-on session. with the new method muddy/wet floors, and
(Cole, Mallett, Haley, fire, explosion, or gas training and annual were also smoother than often dirty and battered
Berger, Lacefield, inundation. refresher demonstra- with the old, with fewer SCSRs. Report notes
Wasielewski, Lineberry, tions. Observations here interruptions of subtasks. that one company which
& Wala, 1988) yielded a revised "3+3" trained its miners in the
step plan built on 2 con- new procedure both
cepts to overcome above and below ground
position/sequence prob- found more errors
lems and slowed occured underground,
response. Modelling of slowing performance
new procedure and time. Authors suggest
repeated opportunities need to train to high
for each person to mastery levels above
observe peers were used ground to resolve these
for training with the new difficulties.
19 workers drawn from To effect worker compli- Site visits and plant map- Paid observers recorded From the beginning of As averaged for the 3 The results support the
3 plants manufacturing ance with 11 work prac- ping indicated two opera- worker compliance with training through the end plants, worker actions conclusion that the train-
fiberglass reinforced tices and 20 housekeep- tional areas (spraying instructed acts at random of post-training, the complying with the pre- ing and motivational pro-
products (Univ. Kansas, ing actions aimed at and roll-out) where times before, during and trainer gave social scribed work practices cedures altered the
1982). (See also study reducing worker expo- styrene concentrations after the training. Over approval whenever increased from 74% at behaviors in ways that
below by Hopkins (1984) sure to styrene, a hard- were greatest and where the same periods, air workers were observed baseline, to 93% at the had the desired effect of
which is a follow-up ening agent used in plas- targeted behavioral samples of styrene to be following the proce- end of training, to 96% reducing styrene expo-
effort). tics processing, which is changes could have the concentrations were col- dures as instructed; or during post-training. sure. The methods used
a known neurotoxin (and most effect in reducing lected as were urine corrected them if they Conformance with were quite elaborate,
a suspect carcinogen). exposure. Training samples for mandelic weren't. Monetary incen- housekeeping behaviors which may make volun-
included viewing video- acid assays to establish tives were offered work- increased from 34% at tary adoption by other
tapes of recommended worker exposure dose. ers for cooperating in the baseline, to 83% at end employers doubtful. Use
actions, on-the-job prac- Data collection for 3 effort and for passing of training, to 92% during of a respirator was the
tice of the prescribed plants included baseline tests certifying their com- post-training. Pre/post air least compliant behavior.
behaviors, and tests to and pre/post training petencies in the proce- concentrations of styrene See study below by
show competency and intervals using a stag- dures at the end of showed reductions rang- Hopkins, 1984 which
feedback on results of gered schedule. The training. ing from 33% to 80% examines the durability
such tests, and praise for overall period of data col- for the 3 plants; for of the changes observed
good performance. Each lection spanned 71 bioassays, the reductions in this evaluation.
plant had 9 training weeks. ranged from 26% to
meetings spread over a 55%.
4- to 5-week period,
each lasting no longer
than 30 minutes.
Appendix A-II ■ 109
110 ■ Appendix A-II
6 workers from 2 plants To assess the durability Earlier training, 2 years Using same observers as In the intervening Of work practices and Increased wear of respi-
who took part in an earlier of work practices and before, effectively altered in the earlier effort, fre- 2 years, management housekeeping measures rators noted reflecting
training program (Univ. housekeeping proce- behaviors to conform quency of acts conform- had done little to main- showing 90% confor- added demands by a
Kansas, 1982) for control- dures established with 11 work practices ing to the 11 work prac- tain the behavioral mance in post-training for supervisor but worker
ling styrene exposures in through an earlier and 20 housekeeping tices and 20 housekeep- changes resulting from the 6 workers, 2/3rds still resistance still apparent.
fiberglass plastic manu- training/motivational pro- measures. No new or ing procedures were the original training effort. occurring at this level 2
facturing. (Hopkins, 1984) gram for reducing expo- added training given 6 recorded for the 6 One notable exception years later. Practices that
sures to styrene, a toxic workers who were part of workers and compared was more insistence on worsened from previously
agent used in manufac- the original training with their baseline and use of respirators for cer- high compliance were
turing reinforced plastic group. post-training data from tain tasks because of the those requiring frequent
products. the original study. In one presence of a new attention and extra
of two plants, compar- supervisor. An add-on efforts. Feedback and
isons made for breathing feature at the end of this incentives at end of the
zone measures of 2-year follow-up was to follow-up trial strength-
styrene to note any reintroduce the feedback ened adherence to some
changes 2 years since and incentives used orig- weakened practices.
the last measurements. inally for maintenance. Reduced styrene levels
were maintained.
89 workers from 14 hos- 1) To gain heightened Curriculum and training Post-training question- None elaborated. More than 84% of the Evaluation measures are
pitals whose jobs include awareness of hazards of manual developed naires used to gauge util- trainees believed the self-report and predomi-
sterilization tasks with EtO and needs for and through a needs assess- ity of training, plus a course improved their nantly qualitative.
ethylene oxide (EtO), a ways for minimizing ment based on EtO liter- comparison of its quality hazard recognition and
toxic agent regulated by exposures; 2) identify ature and current training vs. 25 other types of their ability to find solu-
an OSHA standard. barriers to appropriate programs, site visits to OS&H programs funded tions. 70% indicated that
(LaMontagne, Kelsey, controls and explore sterilizing facilities, inter- by a State accident the training changed the
Ryan, & Christiani, 1992) ways to overcome them; views with workers, and department in terms of way that they will do their
3) cultivate worker partic- consultations with the technical course con- jobs. The program was
ipation in health/safety OS&H experts. Plan tent, instructional tech- ranked 5th highest
issues with the idea of included one 3- 4-hour niques, and transfer of among the 26 assessed
having other positive session and a 1- 2-hour training. Also, between for merit. Positive
effects. follow-up, 4–6 weeks first and second training changes were reported
later. Interactive tech- session, trainees asked in the follow-up session
niques, small group dis- whether they had taken at most sites, notably
cussions used through- actions aimed at correct- in expenditures for engi-
out to reinforce learner- ing or improving OS&H neering control and
centered approach. practices in their work personal protective
Problem scenarios used situations. equipment.
to spark discussion and
creative problem-solving.
Demonstrations in steril-
izing facilities to accent
learning points.
Appendix A-II ■ 111
112 ■ Appendix A-II
35 foremen in a lead To promote awareness of Group meetings held Collect/analyze bimonthly As foremen observed Overall results showed a No observations were
alkly production plant lead (Pb) toxicity and monthly of 8–9 blood samples and reduction in their own 40% drop in urine/Pb lev- made to determine the
with significant value of specific work foremen focussed on monthly urine samples blood/Pb and urine/Pb els, a 24% drop in extent of compliance with
blood/lead and urine/lead practices/personal industrial hygiene of before and during the levels, they shared infor- blood/Pb levels. Those work practices. Authors
levels. (Maples, Jacoby, hygiene measures (e.g., organic/inorganic Pb and course of training for a mation with people having the higher believed that working
Johnson, Ter Haar, & wash hands/face before its toxicity; and on the 1-year period. The reporting to them. urine/Pb (>100µq/L) and with employees on small
Buckingham, 1982) eating, wear clean uni- importance of specific blood/Pb and urine/Pb blood/Pb (>50µq/dL) lev- group basis allows for
forms daily, proper use of work practices/personal values were discussed els showed the greatest more tailoring of training
respirators) to reduce hygiene, respirator fit with the groups of work- reductions. to meet job situation.
exposure/intake of testing plus training in ers during the monthly Study was a pilot effort; it
inorganic/organic Pb. effective use of such meetings and compared was expanded to include
equipment to limit with one another. all employees having
exposure. high blood-urine
Pb levels.
Workers engaged in haz- 1) To meet the training Small groups engaged 1) Ratings of course None elaborated. Value ratings of 40- and Weakness of evaluation
ardous waste site opera- requirements for haz- in problem-solving exer- value, quality of training 24-hour courses similar is self-report nature of
tions or as emergency ardous waste site work- cises wherein trainees materials, 2) pre-post (81%–88% worthwhile; data. Also the response
responders to toxic ers (40-hour course), work/apply information knowledge tests, attitude 90+% rated materials rate to the follow-on sur-
chemical releases. industrial emergency noted in lectures. Report- questionnaire on good or better). Results vey was only 14%, which
(Luskin, J., Somers, C., responders (24-hour back sessions used to health/safety items for for 8-hour class lower raises questions about
Wooding, J., & course) as contained in exchange ideas, discuss emergency responders, (59% rated worthwhile; the representativeness
C. Levenstein, 1992) CFR 1910.120, and the issues, and share per- and 3) follow-up survey 80% good for materials). of the results. Authors
8-hour course for sonal experiences. Mock of 1000 trainees on Pre/post knowledge gain point out difficulties
refresher purposes. incident planning and effects of training at their = 35.5%. Attitude in a learner-centered
2) Adopt a learner-cen- role-playing in accident worksites, areas of major responses showed 15% approach. Tensions
tered program stressing simulation used to pro- impact, and ways to to 40% shifts toward arise in trying to cover
empowerment in meeting mote learning and equip- improve course. more preventive actions. topic requirments in a
the above requirements. ment familiarity. Follow-on survey results: given time, differing
50%–60% more willing to needs of the trainee
raise safety/health issues group, and instructors
with employers; 60+% having to learn new roles
changed work habits; as facilitators.
47% believed improved
safety programs had pre-
vented accidents.
Appendix A-II ■ 113
114 ■ Appendix A-II
Union developed training To enable trainees to 4–5 day learner-centered Telephone survey 12 To enhance follow-through Over 70% of union and Report provides details
program for workers at become active partici- classes accented worker months after course of actions based on course manager trainees noted on session content,
hazardous waste sites or pants in improving the input, small group discus- 481 union and 50 man- learning, it was recom- use of course materials. instructional approach,
who respond to emer- safety and health condi- sion, and problem solving ager trainees from differ- mended that each class Over 70% of union and categories of changes or
gency spills along with tions of their workplaces. exercises. Classes ent sites. Data sought include 3–4 members manager trainees taught improvements, and differ-
management level per- Stress placed on provid- involved hands-on use on 1) use of course from a given site, one coworkers. Over 90% of entials in union/manager
sons who have supervi- ing trainees with tools, of personal protective materials, 2) secondary being a member of the union and manager responses to the evalua-
sory reponsibilities for problem-solving skills, equipment, drum plug- training of co-workers, site health and safety trainees sought and tive measures. On the
such operations. ways to access and use ging/patching techniques, 3) attempts/successes in committee. attained changes in their latter, major difference is
(McQuiston, Coleman, information resources in full dress spill simulation changing program prac- site programs/equipment. in improvements area
Wallerstein, Marcus, dealing with waste site conducted. Trainees tices and equipment, Over half of trainees where the union sees
Morawetz, & Ortlieb, hazard control concerns, develop risk chart/action 4) improvements in spill noted improved handling more needs for health
1994) and emergency response. plan for follow-through handling techniques at of spills since training; effects training.
improvements at their site, and 5) perceptions more than 80% felt better
worksites. of overall course prepared to do so.
4,802 public employees To increase employee's To assess job-specific Pre/post training ques- See comments column. Post training improve- Authors emphasize that
with job titles of motor awareness/knowledge of hazards and employee tionnaires used to assess ment on the right-to-know right-to-know training will
vehicle mechanics, con- chemical hazards at health/safety concerns in changes in worker knowl- scale ranged from 17% to raise worker expecta-
struction laborers, electri- work, enable them to different jobs, plan devel- edge of right-to-know 37%; for the industrial- tions on workplace
cians, traffic mainte- understand/use material oped by joint university, regulations, worker hygiene-control scale, changes that improve
nance, plant tenders, safety data sheets union, city OS&H office rights/employer responsi- the gain ranged from 4% safety and health. Failure
custodians, carpenters, (MSDSs), promote staff through site visits bilities, and MSDS- to 27%. As the training of management to
plumbers, print shop employee collaboration and interviews with specific understandings. stressed the need for respond will create
workers. (Miichaels, in solving workplace workers. Amounts of A right-to-know and follow-up actions by worker cynicism and hos-
Zoloth, Bernstein, Kass, health/safety problems, chemicals in use noted. industrial hygiene/control workers to correct work- tility. Best training
& Schrier, 1992) and provide means for Training course, modified scales constructed from place OS&H shortcom- requires tailoring to the
discussing issues and for for specific job titles, cov- responses to these ings, a number of these workplaces of concern.
sharing information ered the HAZCOM stan- items. changes were also noted Packaged training pro-
across city agencies and dard: toxic chemicals, and attributed to the grams believed less
shops. routes of entry, symp- training exercise. These effective. Program quality
toms and health effects, included changes in suffered when individual
control measures, and 1) worksite conditions trainers were perceived
how to read MSDSs. (e.g., improved ventilation as being unfamiliar with
One 6-hour and one systems, added supplies worksites, and when
4-hour session was of protective equipment), workers perceived
attended by 15–30 work- 2) policies (e.g., no management as being
ers with similar job titles, acceptance of materials unresponsive to job
along with foremen and w/o MSDS, posting of safety/health needs
supervisors. Participatory radiation dose mea- raised in program
exercises used through- sures), and 3) better discussions.
out to allow workers coordination among
maximal input in identify- departments and offices
ing hazards of greatest doing OS&H work.
concern to them, and in
working through
Appendix A-II ■ 115
solutions/obstacles to
116 ■ Appendix A-II
Workers in 14 coke oven To increase worker Educational program Education program Union-directed program Post-program interviews Data on changes in
plants subject to cancer understanding of the consisted of 4 modules offered at 7 plants, using in concert with a univer- with participants work practices based on
risks from coke oven OSHA coke oven stan- covering union/legislative 7 others as a control. sity. Family members indicated significant self reports, not direct
emissions. (Parkinson, dard and knowledge of events/actions resulting Baseline data from work- encouraged to attend gains in knowledge of observations.
Bromet, Dew, Dunn, cancer risk from such in the coke oven stan- ers attending each edu- programs. Refreshments coke oven standard and
Barkman, & Wright, work and to foster dard; types of cancer cation program were were served and, in addi- adherence to safe work
1989). changes in work prac- linked to coke oven work; obtained via ques- tion, small gifts were practices when com-
tices aimed at minimizing information on work prac- tionnnaire at the begin- given to attendees (union pared with non-partici-
exposure to coke oven tices (use of respirators, ning of each educational emblems, pens, pocket pants from the same
emissions. personal hygiene behav- program and by follow-up flashlights). plants and workers in the
iors) and other control telephone interviews control plants. For those
measures for reducng 1 month and 6 months attending repeated offer-
exposure; and the status later. Data collected on ings of the program,
of such control actions at job health concerns, these results were even
the plants under study. knowledge of require- more evident, especially
The education program ments of coke oven with regard to respirator
was given 4× during a standard, recognition of use. Surprisingly, knowl-
2-year period at 7 coke job cancer risks, and edge of the coke oven
oven plants. personal work practices standard was low despite
that relate to them. over 8 years of delibera-
Comparisons made tion before final enact-
among workers attending ment. Non-participants
the program vs. non-par- felt too busy to attend.
ticipants vs. others in the
control plants.
50 workers from 7 small To increase worker A 1-hour health educa- Program was designed in Authors note that during Mean PbB levels for Study did not include
factories where work knowledge of Pb tion program undertaken 3 phases, which took the 1-year period of the Phases 1, 2, and 3 observations of any
processes involved sig- toxicology/health risks in each of 7 factories place over 1 year. Phase study no industrial showed a decreasing behavior change to
nificant use of and occu- and means for reducing where an occupational 1 included worksite hygiene improvements or time trend, which was ascertain the basis for
pational exposure to lead exposure through proper physician explained inspections to gauge engineering changes statistically significant. the apparent drop in
(Pb). (Porru, Donato, work practices and aspects of Pb absorption, plant hygiene, blood were made in the plants (The overall decrease PbB levels. Workers
Apostoli, Coniglio, Duca, improved personal health risks, and means samples drawn to deter- involved. Hence, any was from 38.2 to 32.3 reported changes in one
& Alessio, 1993) hygiene. In addition, for preventing Pb related mine PbB levels in changes in PbB levels µg/dl). Questionnaire or more behaviors, main-
needs for reducing smok- disorders. The latter exposed workers, ques- would have presumably scores showed a similar ly increased use of
ing and alcohol con- noted workplace safe- tionnaires given workers reflected the effect of the significant time trend and protective devices and
sumption which increase guards (safe work to assess their baseline education program. overall gain of 25% for decreased use of alcohol
Pb absorption, stressed. practices/personal pro- knowledge of Pb poison- the same period. Added and smoking. Authors
tective equipment use), ing and prevention. The analyses indicated over infer that these changes
personal hygiene as well 1-hour education session 80% of workers showed could have been effected
as lifestyle factors of was part of this phase. reduction in PbB levels by specific knowledge
consequence to Pb Phases 2 and 3, carried and 74% improved gained in the Pb health
toxicity (alcohol, tobacco out 4 and 12 months questionnaire scores. education program.
intake). Booklets also later, rechecked plant
issued workers to illus- conditions, retested
trate these topics. worker PbB levels,
and repeated the
Appendix A-II ■ 117
118 ■ Appendix A-II
Workers in 5 manufactur- To furnish information to Plan implemented by Worker reactions Indirect post-training Interview data found half Evaluation based on sub-
ing plants subject to workers on hazardous joint management-labor collected via question- changes were improve- of employees to rate pro- jective reports. Only
requirments of the Hazard materials to which they committee that included naire on usefulness of ments in plant gram as helpful in han- objective indicator was
Communication rule. may be exposed, the train-the-trainer courses, information, work prac- health/safety control dling hazard situations injuries/illnesses, which
(Robins, Hugentobler, hazards involved, meth- preparation of 21 mod- tices, and use of control measures such as and near significant showed no change. This
Kaminski, & Klitzman, ods for detecting expo- ules specific to industry, measures; also from increased availability of increases in safe work may be too soon to see
1990) sure, and means for use of sessions with interviews and feedback personal protective practices. Training deliv- any tangible benefits
protection. workers using videos, from union and manage- equipment, quicker ery factors having most from the effects being
flip-charts for discussion. ment representatives to response to house- positive effects were reported.
Plant practices varied in the joint committee. Data keeping problems, and 1) use of small groups,
training time per employee collected at three time substitution of safer 2) brief training sessions,
(2.8 to 19 hours), group points; at end of training, chemicals for more haz- 3) held before or at start
size (18 to 30), and time and at 1 year and ardous ones. of shift, 4) allow more
of session (before, begin- 2 years post training. training hours. No differ-
ning, during, end of Company records of ence found in number of
workshift). injuries and illnesses injuries/illnesses after
also reviewed over the training.
2-year time period.
327 workers engaged in To foster safe work prac- Training programs at four Mail-out questionnaires Not elaborated. 70% of trainees surveyed Major limitations to this
handling hazardous tices and other control institutions covered infor- plus interviews were judged training to be work are the self-reported
materials where they measures in waste site mation on worker rights used to assess program helpful in hazard recogni- nature of the results and
work and at treatment, operations such as to and responsibilities, haz- results. Items dealt with tion, knowing where to the fact that the response
storage, and disposal- reduce the risk of expo- ard awareness, identifi- helpfulness of training, get more information, or rate was quite low (27%).
type waste site facilities. sure to toxic materials, cation and control, respi- perceptions of job haz- what to do about hazard
(University of Michigan, and to other job health ratory protection, person- ardousness, changes in situations they may face.
1991) and safety hazards. al protective equipment, trainees' work practices, More than 70% reported
instrumentation for moni- discussions about health changes in their work
toring, safe handling of concerns, and actions practices since training,
toxic materials, and taken to address such 90% had discussions
emergency response concerns. with co-workers on what
planning. Teaching meth- they learned in training,
ods varied among the 4 and 80% brought up
programs, some stressed health/safety issues with
small group discussions their supervisors. Over
and/or exercises and lec- 50% desired added train-
tures, and others ing on effects of toxic
stressed simulations, materials and legal
case studies and rights.
resource sharing. Also
training time varied
from 8 to 40 hours of
Appendix A-II ■ 119
120 ■ Appendix A-II
80 Canadian manufactur- To make workers knowl- Five training options Interviews with employer Plants using the Knowledge results best Direct training of workers
ing plants, employing edgable of a Workplace utilized in 80 plants, four /employee representa- train-the-trainer option for plants trained with in safety matters from
from 15 to 1200 workers, Hazardous Materials offered by Canadian tives; knowledge tests to (1 & 3) had more orga- options 2 and 3. MSDSs outside sources may be
yielding a total population Information System Safety Association sample of workers hav- nized OS&H activities practices better for plants best for companies
of 10,560. (Saari, Bedard, (WHMIS) that required (ASFETM), namely: ing different contacts with and were better prepared using the #1 and #3 whose safety activities
Dufort, Hryniewiecki & 1) labelling of chemical #1 = ASFETM-trained chemical materials for implementing the options; all plants scored are marginal; the train-
Theriault, 1994) containers, 2) use/avail- trainers who trained (painter, welder, store- WHMIS than those opt- low in labelling practices. the-trainer approaches
ability of material safety workers (20 plants). room clerk, machine ing for other approaches. The combined option may work in places
data sheets, and 3) train- #2 = ASFETM-trained operator); and worksite Those using the direct (#3) was superior overall. where safety programs
ing workers to implement employees directly tour with checklist to training option (#2) Factors for success were and related activities are
relevant procedures. (23 plants). observe quality of exhibited little ongoing number of safety pro- better organized.
#3 = Combination of 1 & labelling, MSDS prac- safety program grams, time spent on
2 (12 plants). tices, use of personal activity. safety, effective use of
#4 = ASFETM-trained protective equipment. A PPE, and good house-
some plant workers second visit to ascertain keeping.
(11 plants). safety climate factors via
The 5th option used a observations and
different, shorter form of employee questionnaire.
training focussed on
materials used at plant
sites (14 plants).
155 mine technical per- To acquire skill in don- Training content used Miner subjects Not applicable. Active trainee involvment Authors note that the
sonnel whose tasks ning self-contained, self- "3+3" donning method divided/assigned to each hypothesized as being evaluation indicated only
include regular mine rescuer (SCSR) and the that blocked 2 basic of the 4 instruction the best for instruction a pre-practice measure
visitations and 86 active mode of instruction that action sequences, one modes. Following the and the hands-on treat- of performance since
underground miners. best facilitates the for isolating the lungs, prescribed session of ment. Mode 4 did show each trainee would be
(Vaught, Brinch, & process. the second for preparing instruction, trainee given more perfect sequences expected to improve with
Kellner, 1988) for escape. 4 modes of a test donning trial. than the other methods repeated trials. As over-
instruction used: 1) com- Proficiency measures and the fastest time for learning is believed key
puter-based training + included number and critical tasks. Trainees to proficiency in SCSR
video demonstration, nature of performance made most errors in fail- donning, time-resource
2) lecture + video errors, time to complete ure to activate oxygen, constraints may compli-
demonstration, certain critical acts (e.g., donning the goggles, and cate individual hands-on
3) step-by-step live isolate the lungs), and adjusting straps. The instruction as the method
demonstration by the entire donning hands-on method had of choice for refresher
instructor + video of procedure. the fewest errors for classes. Suggestions for
real-time simulation, these actions. Computer- resolution include use of
4) video demonstration based and lecture modes the other modes for
+ hands-on trial with showed the poorest refreshers or use of sub-
instructor. scores on the above stitute SCSR devices for
measures. practice outside of usual
refresher class time.
Appendix A-II ■ 121
122 ■ Appendix A-II
Unspecified numbers of To increase knowledge Needs assessment took Evaluations reported Authors emphasize that Workers having training Evaluation data are sub-
farm workers in New of health effects of pesti- account of site visits to included biological moni- training activity alone were found to have ject to other factors that
Jersey (and also cides, symptoms of farms to document expo- toring measures of expo- cannot resolve problems higher cholinesterase can influence the out-
Nicaragua) whose tasks poisoning, routes of sure hazards and work sure (cholinesterase) and of pesticide exposure. levels indicative of lesser comes noted. Extra-
subject them to pesticide entry, ways to minimize practices. Focal- and increase in level of That the education pro- exposure to pesticides. Training Factors column
exposures. (Weinger & exposure, emergencies small-group discussions worker activism to gram was part of an Reflecting greater worker indicates the need to
Lyons, 1992) and first aid procedures, used to consider content effect changes in expanded effort using the activism, there was consider education as
worker rights, and issues, best modes for response to apparent media to increase public greater worker willing- partly responsible.
problem-solving for conducting training needs for safety/health awareness, prompting ness to testify about
overcoming obstacles to (adopted Spanish improvements. formal sanitation surveys unsanitary working con-
gaining needed because of typical in the fields, and meeting ditions, to file worker
health/safety improve- Hispanic makeup of with state/federal agen- complaints for alleged
ments. audience), and cies to establish need for violations, and to request
attitudes as obstacles to new regulations for legal agency inspections;
learning. Training plan action. these resulted in
stressed a learner-cen- citations/fines in numer-
tered approach for ous cases.
meeting information,
attitude/emotion, behav-
ioral skills, and problem-
solving objectives of
training. Techniques of
role-playing, demonstra-
tions, and case studies
used to dramatize issues
and promote worker
Telephone line staff from To reduce lineman An educational campaign Three telephone districts, The report notes that the Pre- vs. post-campaign Statistical analyses found
6 districts in Australia exposure to sunlight "Cover yourself against the intervention groups, telephone linemen cam- comparisons for the weather conditions (tem-
whose outdoor work especially during the skin cancer" was used to were subject to the cam- paign took place in the intervention groups perature, cloud cover)
involves exposure to 11 A.M.–3 P.M. summer promote worker actions paign activities; three context of a large com- showed little difference in during pre/post observa-
solar UV radiation, a risk hours through wearing for maximizing protection others (controls) were munity based "SunSmart" wearing of hats (less tions to have no effects
factor for skin cancer. hats and shirts, and against solar/UV haz- given only normal occu- effort by an anticancer than a 2% difference in on the reported results.
(Borland, Hill, Gibbs, application of maximum ards. Planned weekly pational health-safety council. The authors sug- type/frequency of head Checks on biases in
Cappiello, 1990) protection sunscreen to poster displays plus a care. A checklist was gest that the worker covering); a greater dif- observation, and repeated
exposed skin. video segment of a used by senior staff to effort, being more ference in wearing shirts observations on the
young man dying of observe sun protective focussed, may have pro- (especially short-sleeved, same linemen proved
melanoma to alert actions taken by linemen vided added impetus for which rose 65% at the unfounded or adjusted
people to avoid exces- during 11 A.M.–3 P.M. effecting the prescribed expense of no upper for in the reported analy-
sive sun exposures were duty hours. The checklist behavior changes. body attire), and tenden- ses. Effort shows the
distributed at depot rated type of hat/shirt cies to work more in par- merit of a marketing
stations with folders for coverings and extent of tial shade. Combining all approach especially in
each worker containing shade available/used to measures into a single reaching large numbers
information on the cam- derive an overall protec- protection index, the of a target audience.
paign. Buttons urging tion score. These data intervention group had
protective measures and were collected for inter- an overall 6% higher pro-
anticancer brochures vention and control tection factor than the
were also included. groups 2 weeks before control group.
Nurse staff also added the campaign (late Nov)
inputs on sun protective and during the last 3
needs. weeks in late Feb/early
Appendix III ■ 123
124 ■ Appendix III
7368 medical personnel To ensure knowledge of 1-week training courses Effectiveness judged by Inspection for licensing Overall percentage of These results offer a
(physicians, dentists, and safe use of ionizing radi- were given, the contents number of persons pass- different sources/types of medical personnel pass- nationwide picture of an
technicians) and 1084 ation sources and equip- differing for medical and ing the final course radiation equipment ing the test was 87.9%. intervention effort where
nonmedical (power plant) ment used in hospitals, nonmedical personnel examinations for a 6-year found in medical facili- The passing rate for standards imposing con-
workers from different clinics, laboratories, and and professional or tech- period of offerings for the ties, industry, and nonmedical persons was trols thru licensing of
regions of Taiwan requir- industry and of means nician level persons. medical personnel and a nonmedical establish- 80.5%. Radiation dose sources and users of
ing licensing for use of for radiation monitoring Material was presented 4-year period for the ments was also under- beginning in 1970 and radiation equipment plus
equipment having and protection. Evidence via lectures, movies, and nonmedical group; also taken during the time of continuing through 1979 training requirements
sources of or generating of passing final examina- on-site demonstrations. by tracking the nation- the training as part of showed a decreasing played a role in reducing
ionizing radiation. tions in the training Instructors were senior wide trend in per capita regulations issued by the trend coinciding with the exposure levels. The
(Cheng, Yang, and Wu, courses was needed for faculty members of uni- exposure dose obtained Atomic Energy Council of introduction of the train- exact contribution of the
1982) issuing an operating versities, research insti- from the film badges Taiwan. ing and licensing actions training or its quality in
license. tutions, government worn by medical and noted. The per capita producing this result
agencies. Class size was nonmedical personnel for drop in dose from 1970 cannot be determined.
limited to 40 persons. the time period 1960 to to 1979 averaged 80%
1979. across the different per-
sonnel groups.
94 active full-time city To increase firefighter The intervention effort Questionnaires mailed at Fire department adminis- Post-education ques- Authors note that after
firefighters showing evi- knowledge of noise haz- included 1) a 1-month the start and end of the trators supportive of the tionnaire results found the study the fire depart-
dence of high frequency ards to hearing and how education program using 1-month education pro- intervention, but they did significant knowledge ment provided ear pro-
hearing loss suggesting it can be prevented hand-outs, videotapes, gram to assess knowl- not direct any firefighter gains (average 14%; key tectors to all personnel
needs for hearing con- through use of ear pro- lectures, and interviews edge of noise hazards to use ear protectors nor items showed more than and issued a policy
servation measures. tective devices. The with afflicted firefighters and hearing loss risks, did they issue a policy on 25% increase), and posi- requiring their use on
(Ewigman, Kivlahan, need for this training on noise hazards, hear- attitudes toward wearing use of such protection tive attitude shift toward runs. 6 months after
Hosokawa, & Horman, was based on 1) a ing loss disability, and ear protective devices during the trial use use of ear protectors intervention, shift com-
1990) survey of sources/levels aspects of prevention, and indications of use in period. (15%–20% shift noted for manders reported most
of firefighter noise expo- 2) issuance of 3 types of emergency runs. At the key items). At end of firefighters regularly
sure (e.g., engines, ear protective devices end of the 2-month trial 2-month trial, 85% noted using ear devices.
horns/sirens, pumps) (roll-up foam plugs, pre- period with ear protec- use of ear protectors as Practical limits on use
which found 78% of molded plugs, and ear tors, interviews held to compared with only 20% also recognized, e.g.,
the measurements to muffs) for use during learn of problems and use before. interferes with communi-
range between 89 and emergency runs for a actual use over that time. cations at fire scene,
110 dbA, and 2) 20% of 2-month trial. time to shape foam plugs
firefighter audiograms poses problems as does
showing threshold losses wearing certain muffs
of 40 to 60 dB in hearing under fire helmets.
3000-, 4000-, and
6000-Hz test frequencies
in one or both ears and
14% with still greater
Appendix III ■ 125
126 ■ Appendix A III
Ten 8-person teams of To effect teamwork capa- 3-day training began with Team members noted None elaborated. 10 teams indicated sig- Evaluation lacks a more
nuclear power plant con- bilities in detecting and discussions of case inci- the extent to which the nificant improvements in objective scheme for rat-
trol room operators and correctly evaluating dents in other plants, a training improved com- different communication ing the effectiveness of
adjunct staff having unusual, potentially dan- fictional situation in their munications and informa- activities (e.g., problem- the training, especially in
needs to respond to gerous events through own plant and inspec- tion exchange in han- solving as a team, infor- coping with untoward
unforeseen, dangerous strategies emphasizing tions of their plant to dling unusual events by mation exchange with events. Results are
events. (Janssens, the continuous and spon- detect deviations for ratings on a 10-item superiors and others in encouraging in showing
Grotenhuis, Miichiels, & taneous exchanges of transmittal to others for scale. Scale covered skill maintenance, and improved communica-
Verhaegen, 1989) information among the action. Intent was to in solving problems as a from one shift group to tions, but skills in actually
team members. promote teamwork and team, transfer of mes- another). No significant managing a crisis
exchange of ideas. A sages between shifts, improvement noted for situation seem to be
simulated plant distur- feedback on distur- skills in operating compo- unaffected.
bance was programmed, bances, quality of infor- nents that cannot be rou-
and the team went about mation exchange with tinely serviced, adequacy
a problem-solving superiors, etc. Only post- of control room layout,
exercise. Different team- training evaluations con- and skills in actually
members paired off to ducted some years after managing disturbances.
learn one another's job, the instruction.
thus opening added
means for communication.
1716 workers in a com- To determine the effects Workers in 8 plants com- Main measure was to Results of repeat audio- Ear protector use in 2 The authors suspect that
plex of 8 plants, each of education in hearing prised 4 treatment compare the increase in grams not given workers. plants serving as controls differences in time
with similar noise levels conservation (through groups: 1) education, percentage of workers remained at 5% across between successive
(averaging 90 dBA), posters plus use of a 2) repeat audiometry, observed to be wearing the whole 22-month audiograms was respon-
plant processes, work- videotape depicting the 3) education + repeat ear protectors before and period of data collection. sible for one plant show-
force size, and percent- need to wear ear protec- audiometry, and 4) con- after the various treat- In comparison, use of ing a greater ear protec-
age of ear protector use. tion in excessive noise), trol. Education was a ment conditions. just posters starting at tion effect than did the
(Karmy & Martin, 1980) repeat audiometry, and poster campaign with 6 11 months caused a 15% other. Also, giving work-
education + audiometry poster designs advocat- increase in ear protec- ers knowledge of their
on ear protector use. ing use of hearing pro- tion, which then declined; audiograms would have
tection started midway in adding the videotape at increased its effect. Still
a 22-month study period, the 13 month point audiometric testing
followed by a videotape caused an upsurge in proved to have the great-
showing on hearing con- use rate by 25%. est effect, which seemed
servation at 13 months. Audiometry by itself more sustained than the
Audiometry started at increased ear protection educational approach.
3 months and repeated by 40% in one plant and The effect of the latter
7 to 12 months later on 20% in a second. Repeat treatment appeared less
same workers. audiometry + education durable.
attained a maximum 30%
increase in protector use.
Appendix A III ■ 127
128 ■ Appendix A-III
Labor force size of 120 To educate and train Through safety films, Analyzed record data of Besides education and Record data for moder- Authors note one heat
doing heavy industrial workers to recognize booklets, medical alerts, exposure time, the num- training efforts, transport- ate level work during the stress incident due to air
maintenance work in a heat stress hazards and safety meetings, and ber of heat stress inci- able cool rooms were hotter summer months conditioner failure in a
gas diffusion plant with adopt measures to plant industrial hygiene dents, type of work per- located near work areas (WBGT 30˚C–38˚C) for crane cab and was thus
exposures to high wet reduce risk of heat stress bulletins, employees formed, and size of for workers to take the 6-year period not a training associated
bulb globe temperatures, incidents. Also to train taught to recognize first workforce over a 6-year breaks of more than 3–5 1974–1980 yielded problem. Authors empha-
i.e., 34.4˚C WBGT in supervisors in maintain- signs of heat exhaustion period which were the minutes and air condi- 3 heat stress incidents size success of program
summer; 26.6˚C WBGT ing close surveillance of and made aware of pre- peak years for the heat tioners were installed in for 700,000 hours of in limiting heat stress
at other times. (Millican, workers in hot areas ventive measures. stress control program at crane cabs to control work. The nonsummer cases was the result of
Baker & Cook, 1981) and in exercising control Emphasis on self-pacing the plant site. temperature. Large months, (WGBT administrative controls
actions (e.g., mandatory of work tasks, taking refrigeration units also 23˚C–30˚C) for the (training, self-pacing,
rest breaks) as warranted. breaks as needed in spe- were used from time to same 6-year period supervisor surveillance)
cial cool rooms, increas- time to pump cool air into found no heat stress plus the physical control
ing water intake, and work enclosures. Dry ice cases for 1.7 million measures put in place
avoiding heavy high fat cooling vests were made hours of work. Time stud- (cooling rooms). Study
meals before hot work available to workers but ies showed workers lacked reference data to
duties. were not used. adopted a 50-50 to gauge true program
75-25 work regimen in effectiveness.
pacing themselves per
Unspecified number of To motivate greater use Treatment group NCO leaders made Discussions held with Compared with pre-treat- Although authors stress
enlisted personnel of ear plugs or donning subjected to psychologi- unannounced visits and NCO leaders to elabo- ment measures, the LP gains from use of either
engaged in aviation earmuffs in high noise cal techque of positive unobtrusive observations rate on the techniques to group showed a 33% LD or LP overcorrective
maintenance work where areas among exposed practice overcorrection of the frequency of ear be used and their roles increase in ear protector application, the losses in
noise levels dictated personnel. (i.e., if caught w/o ear protector usage among as observers. Enlisted use during the applica- the post-treatment phase
needs for hearing protec- protectors, would stop their personnel during a men in orientation period tions phase; the LD suggest the technique
tion. (Sadler & and practice inserting ear 1-week period before the told of procedures and group a 19% increase. does not have lasting
Montgomery, 1982) plugs or donning ear technique was applied, entered into a verbal The control group effect. Since the partici-
muffs 5 times) to for 2 weeks during the contract to adhere to the change was 3%. For the pants were told before
increase ear protector application process, and overcorrection technique. post-treatment phase, the post-treatment period
use. The treatment was two weeks after the treat- Each of these orienta- the LP group dropped that they were no longer
applied by non-commis- ment ended. During the tions took an hour. 15% in use level; the LD required to continue the
sioned officers in either a latter post-treatment group lost 13%. The con- technique, this could
leader directed (LD) or period, participants rated trol group had a gain of have been interpreted as
leader participative (LP) the merits of the tech- 8% in the post-treatment permission to forgo wear-
manner. A second group nique for increasing ear level. The LP group rated ing protectors.
(control) had daily protector use. the technique as most
safety briefings to rein- helpful and better than
force need for hearing others for increasing ear
protection. protector use.
Appendix A-III ■ 129
130 ■ Appendix A-III
3 groups of workers, To increase knowledge of 3 group education A pre/post questionnaire Other than the monitor- Pre/post questionnaire Authors believe that
varying in size from 28 to noise hazards to hearing, sessions held at 1 site was used to determine ing to note actual use of data for the 2 interven- interventions were strung
58, drawn from 3 work- and need for hearing with audio-visual aids to the knowledge and atti- ear protectors after the tion groups showed out over too long a
sites having noise levels conservation through use elaborate on what noise tude of the workers intervention, no other increased awareness of period without adequate
between 85–92 dBA. of hearing protectors. is, hearing function, toward noise and the factor was noted. noise problems, knowl- reminder/reinforcing
(Yarrall, 1986) noise effects on hearing, wearing of ear protec- edge of noise damage to material (posters, print
use/types of hearing pro- tors, and a behavior sur- hearing, and use of hear- material), which diluted
tectors. At 2nd site, each vey was conducted at ing protectors at work. the effect. Authors recog-
worker's hearing tested; the 3 worksites to The group with hearing nized, too, the need for
the results were given by observe the number tests + counselling more management sup-
a nurse who counselled wearing ear protectors showed the greatest port to create greater
the person on hearing before and just after the shifts (17%–20%) for impact.
conservation in noise. intervention and for up to these measures as well
Workers at the 3rd site 9 months later. as greater numbers
served as control group observed to be wearing
with no instruction. protectors during work-
Interventions spread over site inspections.
a period of 6 months to However, the greatest
cover the workers/sites. level of actual ear protec-
tor use was only 40%.
80–82 workers in each of To promote greater Standard lecture on Observe earplug use Audiograms of workers Treatment groups receiv- Widespread use of ear
two departments of awareness of noise haz- hearing conservation during weekly tours of who wore ear protectors ing TTS feedback plugs with strong support
metal fabrication plant ard to hearing among given workers in both both departments for and those who didn't showed ear protector use by management estab-
exposed to noise levels workers at risk and departments. Add-on 1 month before and dur- posted in production halls to increase from 30–50% lished norms in depart-
87–99 dBA. (Zohar, increased motivation to hearing tests given to ing 5 months after the to further stress benefit of at baseline to 85–90% at ment for maintaining
Cohen & Azar, 1980) wear protection. those in one department training treatment phase. use. Management's end of the 5-month the durability of such
along with interpretations earlier efforts to promote follow-on period. Lecture- practices.New entry
of temporary threshold use through posters and only group use seldom workers wore plugs with-
shifts (TTS) when wear- lectures were ineffective; exceeded 10% for the out need for TTS feed-
ing and not wearing ear disciplinary actions also same period. back treatment.
protection during work failed.
180 weavers in one To promote greater Typical lecture on hear- Compare earplug use for Add-on feature in Plant A For Plant A, earplug use Management involve-
textile plant (A) exposed awareness of noise haz- ing conservation with 2 months before with that was for supervisors to increased from 35% to ment in this intervention
to 106 dBA noise levels; ards to hearing and to emphasis on wearing ear following the issuance issue token to workers 90% just 1 week after and the token issuance
70 weavers in a second motivate greater use of protectors at the work- of token rewards for peri- wearing earplugs, which token issuance began aided in the behavioral
textile mill with 109 dBA ear protectors in noise. place. ods ranging from were redeemable for and remained unchanged change. Such wide-
levels. (Zohar & 3 to 5 months. gifts. In Plant B, the for 5 months after the spread use established
Fussfield, 1981) token value depended on tokens stopped. Similar norms for ear protector
how many in the group findings with Plant B. use; this prompted new
were using the plugs. entry workers to follow
The tokens were given same practices even
during a 2-month period without the token
and then discontinued. rewards.
Appendix A-III ■ 131
132 ■ Appendx A-IV
6 health-care staff To learn and apply Each caregiver given Observer checklist data Other than the feedback The feedback period was Feedback in this applica-
serving persons with sequence of steps (e.g., written instructions in defined components of given individually to the marked by improvement tion was individual and
multiple physical prepare patient or performing steps and safe transfer actions for caregivers as to their in safe performance for private as opposed to
handicaps/ambulatory surface for transfer, verbal feedback from baseline, feedback, and compliance with safe those 10 components other studies where it
problems in an infirmary maintain proper body on-the-job checks by post feedback periods of transfer actions as part that scored lowest during was a group effort,
unit showing excessive position/posture, lift/place trained observers using data collection. In addi- of this on-the-job evalua- baseline (occurred in posted for public viewing.
numbers of injuries while and secure patient on checklists for rating tion, the caregivers were tion, no other factors less than 75% of the Authors suggest that this
transferring clients. new surface) in reducing safe/unsafe components given a questionnaire mentioned. observations) with others argues for the generality
(Alavosius & stress of patient transfer of patient transfers. asking their opinion of remaining at a high level. of the procedure. No
Sulzer-Azaroff, 1985; tasks. Steps based on Observers trained to the procedures used in After feedback, 4 of effort was made to note
1986) the manual lifting litera- ensure accuracy in use. the intervention. these components fell any changes in the injury
ture and consulting with Observer checklist data back below the 75% rate. In view of the small
physical therapists. used in weekly verbal observed level. sample size, no changes
feedback to caregivers in Responses to the ques- in this measure were
efforts to have them tionnaire were positive; expected.
learn/comply with proper all agreed that the feed-
lifts. Feed-back subse- back improved the safety
quently withdrawn to of their transfers.
assess retention 1 week
to 7 months afterwards.
30 food service workers To teach workers the Workers divided into The assessment The workers were told The worker group receiv- Factors the author notes
whose tasks included fre- straight back/bent knee 2 groups, one (experi- included 1) scoring that the researcher's ing the body mechanics as thwarting transfer
quent, fast-paced lifting, method of lifting and mental) receiving a worker's body mechanics presence in the work instruction scored higher included the layout-
lowering, and transfer of recognition of 4 high-risk 1-hour body mechanics as applied to a novel environment was to do a on the novel lifting and obstacles in the work-
trays, other objects of workstyle factors course emphasizing the task of lifting/lowering job analyses when in fact lowering tasks than did place that made the
varying weight. (i.e., horizontal displace- high-risk work-style fac- trays weighing 5 to 30 lb he was scoring their the control group in workers assume
(Carlton, 1987) ment, spinal torque, tors and the necessity performed 2 weeks after body mechanics in lifting, demonsttrating better risk awkward positions in
pace/object control, of straight-back, knee the 1-hour course, and lowering, and transfer. control actions. On the handling loads; the
forward/rearward bent position in lifting. 2) similar scoring for lift- [See Comments column other hand, no differ- pace of work that pre-
stability). Videotapes of the ing, lowering, and trans- for mention of factors in ences were observed cluded optimal time for
workers style of fer acts as observed in work environment between the two groups follow-through of acts
lifting/lowering a 20-lb their actual work enviro- believed of consequence in scores obtained for prescribed for risk reduc-
box assessed by instruc- ment 1 week after the to one set of findings.] their on-the-job behav- tion. Needs noted for
tor, and kinesiologic above evaluation. The iors. Thus, although the analyzing the work area
models used to demon- scoring used a 17 point workers showed knowl- to establish most practi-
strate least stressful checklist that noted con- edge gain from the cal techniques, effective
techniques. The 2nd trol of the various risk instruction in a novel training time, and prac-
group (control) received factors and use of test, it was not trans- tice to overcome habit
no such instruction. straight-back and bent- ferred to the worksite. patterns that are
knee posture. inherently stressful.
Appendx A-IV ■ 133
134 ■ Appendix A-IV
26-33 warehouse To learn 5 specific lifting 1-day supervisor Lifting posture of workers Supervisors were sup- Training improved 2 of 5 Some practices harder to
workers engaged in principles (i.e., keep load sessions + a 4-hour video-taped before and portive of training but lifting practices (jerking of adopt because work sta-
lifting/moving boxes from close, torso erect, lift session with workers 35–51 days after training instructed not to react to loads, and inadequate tion layout factors and
shelves to pallets. smoothly, good grip, using the VISUCOM to determine compliance lifting postures during grips). package size posed con-
(Chaffin, Gallay, Wooley, don't lift/twist) for mini- low-back prevention with the safe lifting intervention. straints. Question of
& Kuciemba, 1986) mizing stress in lifting program to emphasize practices. whether modified behav-
tasks. the 5 practices for mini- iors could be maintained
mizing lifting stress. or others effected by
added reinforcement and
18 workers who per- To learn 6 principles of Workers divided in Checklist of 8 dia- None noted. G-I and G-II showed sig- That workers showed
formed hand insertion joint protection 3 groups (G-I, G-II and grammed stress-produc- nificant pre/post training benefits from
tasks in electronic (e.g., avoid joint stresses G-III). G-I and II given ing hand/wrist positions reductions in frequency the brief training
assembly work posing a in positions of deformity 30- to 45-minute informa- was used to sample of at-risk positions (29% sessions is remarkable.
risk of chronic trauma and prolonged holding tion session on CTD risk worker hand use patterns and 34%, respectively). Nevertheless, limits on
disorders (CTDs). of joints in one position factors plus handouts at the end of each G-III (control) showed no the amount of training
(Dortch III & Trombly, as used by persons showing less stressful 15-second interval of a change. Although show- time and a 1-time
1990) with rheumatoid arthritis) hand/wrist positions in 15-minute work period. ing the benefits of train- 15-minute evaluation
to reduce stresses in manual work. G-I left to These observations were ing, G-I/G-II differences period do not offer con-
current jobs. read/practice concepts made before and 1 week were insignificant, indi- vincing evidence for
on their own. G-II had after the training session cating that the added durable changes.
added 1-hour session for ended. discussion time and
discussing these ideas practice did not improve
and practice the posi- performance.
tions on a simulated job
task. G-III received no
such information.
94 nurses, aides, To effect use of patient Didactic and practical 55 workers in one center Intervention program Based on observer rat- Results based on only a
and orderlies in transfer practices that on-the-job instruction served as intervention took account of several ings, post-training 1-month follow-up that
2 medical/surgical units offer options for reducing used to explain/demon- group; 25 others in 2nd suggestions for maximiz- improvement in prepara- the authors admit is too
at 2 medical centers the incidence of exces- strate 1) specific transfer center were controls. ing participation, namely, tion of transfer, position soon to draw conclu-
engaged in patient sive lifting tasks and flex- techniques, 2) proper Personal histories taken paid worker time for for transfer, and actual sions. Suggest a larger
transfer tasks posing ibility exercises as a fur- body mechanics for lifts, on both groups for involvement, double transfer ranged from sample size plus a
lifting-back injury risk. ther safeguard against 3) one-on-one assis- baseline data on job staffing during didactic 15% to 25%, which was longer follow-up period
(Feldstein, Vollmer, & mild back discomfort tance, 4) use of equip- service/back injury prob- sessions to avoid work statistically significant. for evaluation. Even with
Valanis, 1990; Feldstein, from manual handling ment aids, 5) environ- lems. Monthly back accumulation, and pro- The control group the paid work time and
Valanis, Vollmer, Stevens, efforts. mental problem-solving, pain/fatigue question- gram plans that limited showed no such change. extra nurse coverage,
& Overton, 1993) and 6) muscle stretching naire data were collected interference with usual The intervention group participation in study was
and strengthening rou- and ratings made of workflow. scores on back pain and only 59%.
tines. Didactic sessions appropriateness of trans- fatigue dropped after
were 2 hours with fer actions before and training but not signifi-
handouts for reference. after the training inter- cantly. The control group
Each session followed vention. Muscle flexibility showed no change.
by 8 hours on-the-job and proprioception mea- Those reporting back
instruction where trainees sures also obtained as pain showed less
given feedback on their possible moderators of flexibility; proprioception
transfer techniques. the results. scores were indifferent.
Appendx A-IV ■ 135
136 ■ Appendx A-IV
70 hospital nurse respon- To promote changes in Training program fol- Mail questionnaire Authors suggested that Between 73% and 77% Mixed results require
dents drawn from a pop- nursing practices aimed lowed Scandinavian survey approximately limited use of techniques of respondents indicated explanation as to factors
ulation of 750 who com- at reducing the risk of Back School principles. 1 year after course. may be because their post-course changes in that might be undermin-
pleted a manual handling musculoskeletal injury Elements were: Items asked on whether nursing tasks (primarilly work practices, improved ing the impact of the
training program. from manual handling of Principles of correct work practices had out-patient) did not war- use of equipment, and instruction. Aside from
(Foster, 1996) patients. lifting, body mechanics, changed, increased rant them. At the same greater awareness of author's thoughts (see
fitness, ergonomic awareness of duties time, more than half of legal duties regarding Extra-Training Factors
design, unacceptable regarding 1992 UK regu- the respondents believed issues of manual han- column), conditions
lifting techniques, lations on manual han- that limited time and staff dling. Other items on needed for positive trans-
demonstration, and dling operations, and use precluded their compli- handling techniques fer may not be present.
practice of acceptable of patient lifting tech- ance. In view of the few revealed, however, that For example, are super-
manual handling tech- niques as prescribed with occasions that they do no more than 50% had visors supportive and
niques with and without and without mechanized arise, is the press of time actually used any of the insistent on safe lifting
the use of mechanical devices. that significant? instructed procedures. procedures being used?
assist equipment. Those that did, used
them fewer than 5 times
the previous week.
50 nurses aides and 10 To increase back muscle 20 minute workout pro- Training group (n=28) None noted. Training group as com- Authors note that every
nurses in a geriatric hos- strength and endurance grams for a group of 28 matched with a control pared with controls: hour spent by physical
pital. Focus of study was through an exercise pro- aides/nurses were devel- group of aides/nurses 1) increased back therapist reduced work
on low back problems, gram for purposes of oped during work hours. (n=32) that received no muscle strength by 20%; absences by 1.3 days,
primarilly in aide group, preventing back pain They included special exercise training. Data no change for control cost/benefit greater than
and its reputed linkage complaints or actual exercises for increasing for both groups to group, 2) logged fewer 10. Weaknesses in study
with patient lifting, patient working days lost as a the dynamic endurance, include: 1) before/after complaint days of back also mentioned. One was
movement tasks. result of work-related isometric strength, and measures of isometric pain (53.9 vs. 94.3) and that psychosocial factors
(Gundewall, Liljeqvist, & back problems. functional coordination of back muscle strength, lesser pain scores, and (training group getting
Hansson, 1993) the back and trunk mus- 2) number of complaints 3) had only one lost-day more attention) could not
cles. Individual instruc- of low back pain and its case for low back prob- be ruled out as affecting
tion given by physical intensity, and 3) number lems (lasted 28 days); results. Second, since
therapists 5 times during of days absent for low control group had 17, 4 physical therapists doing
total study period of 13 back problems. lasting more than 14 the testing were not blind
months. days. to the participants in
each group, they could
have biased the out-
Appendx A-IV ■ 137
138 ■ Appendx A-IV
439 firefighters in a city To employ flexibility and Firefighters in 2 districts The study design com- Letter from Fire Chief'’s Pre/post battery data Authors suggest possible
department showing stretching exercises for received flexibility pared pre/post data on a office used to establish found the exercise pro- "Hawthorne" motivational
excessive days lost/costs the lower back, ham- training; those in 2 others battery of flexibility tests the 30-minute exercise gram to increase the influence in the improved
from line of duty injuries, strings, and shoulder served as a control. for firefighters in the period in the district sta- flexibility of the firefight- flexibility scores of the
mostly musculoskeletal muscles as a means of Handouts of 12 stretch- training and control tions receiving training. ers with sit/reach, shoul- training group relative to
in nature. (Hilyer, Brown, reducing musculoskeletal ing exercises with districts plus analyzed der flexion/extension, the control group whose
Sirles & Peoples, 1990) sprains and strain injury instructions issued each injury rate/cost data for and knee flexion scores post-test battery data
among firefighters. firefighter. Each fire the two groups in a showing significant showed decreased flexi-
station scheduled 2-year period after the gains. Injury rate for the bility. Report does not
30 minutes per day for intervention. The training group was 19.1 state whether the exer-
exercise supervised by flexibility battery included per 100 compared with cise program was intro-
exercise leaders previ- tests of sit-reach, 23.9 per 100 for the con- duced later in the control
ously trained by exercise trunk rotation, knee trol group. Lost time dol- districts, considering the
physiologist in charge of flexion/extension, shoul- lar costs for the control apparent positive results.
overall program. The der flexion/ extension. group was 3× greater
intervention period was 6 than that for the training
months. group.
6 janitors engaged in To give workers an Training comprised 3 Trunk flexion was mea- There was no feedback Time workers spent in It was not possible to
extensive mopping tasks understanding of simple sessions. The first lasted sured using a portable in this study nor mention normal upright position determine which tasks
with frequent forward ergonomic principles 45 minutes and dealt battery-powered unit of any other extra-training increased from 42% pre- were being performed
bending with increased focussed on biomechan- with anatomy, muscle placed on the back of features. training to 67% immedi- with improved ergonomic
stress on the trunk. ics of the spine and to physiology, and biome- each of the 6 workers. ately after training, and techniques that resulted
(Hultman, Nordin, & practice reducing undue chanics of the spine. The unit recorded angle to 72% 2–3 months later. in less forward bending
Ortengren, 1984) flexion and loading on The second and third of trunk bending, amount Workers reduced time in stress on the trunk.
the lumbar spine through sessions, each lasting of time spent in specific moderate, deep forward Speculation was it was
adopting improved work 30 minutes, included angular position, and fre- flexion positions by from placing mop buck-
techniques. slides of workers per- quency of changes from nearly 40% in both ets on chairs or on carts
forming tasks in ways one position to another. post-training sessions. so as to relieve bending;
that put stress on the low These measurements, The number of deep also bending knees in
back (through frequent, along with worker ratings flexions also dropped mopping rather than the
deep forward bending of of perceived workload significantly. Ratings of back. Absence of finding
the trunk in mopping (Borg Scale) and ques- perceived workloads ratings of lower per-
work). Techniques to tions on proper work were in the mid-range, ceived loads on the back
relieve this loading were techniques involving the reflecting moderate to with changes to less
shown, and the workers, spine, were taken 3 heavy industrial work and stressful movements
while engaged in wet- times, once before and showed no change from believed to result from
mopping work, practiced twice after the training. pre- to post-training. the short period of the
them under supervision The latter were at 1–4 Workers correctly actual testing (1 hour)
of physiotherapists in days and 2–3 months answered all questions and lack of scale sensi-
charge of the training. post-training. about proper work tivity to the exertions
procedures regarding involved.
ergonomics at 2–3 month
Appendx A-IV ■ 139
140 ■ Appendx A-IV
1000 employees in To enhance awareness Physical therapist and Compare costs for back Coincident with the back Based on annual expen- Without more specifics, it
select departments of of back injury problems, safety engineer with line injury cases/prevention injury prevention training, ditures, costs of the back is difficult to ascribe ben-
an Air/Space company of both on- and off-the- employees developed training before and after the company's safety problems plus training efits to training program
showing disproportionate job risk factors in their training materials based the two training sessions department also took costs post training were per se. Lacking is infor-
costs and frequency of occurrence, and of ways on worksite analyses in terms of total expendi- steps to motivate 67.5% less than pre- mation on specific work
the firm's back injury to reduce the incidence targeting high problem tures, cost per claim, increased supervsior training. The cost per practices, ergonomic
problems. (Lepore,Olson, of back injury through areas. Separate training percent of lost time involvement in the inves- claim also dropped after measures that were
& Tomer, 1984; also ergonomic work prac- programs for specific cases, and frequency of tigation and to report the training by 76%. The developed and presented
reported in Tomer, Olson, tices and lifestyle departments were new cases. actual worker injury inci- % of back injury cases during training, how well
& Lepore, 1984) changes. framed and reviewed dents or near misses. losing time after training were they implemented,
with management and was 19% as compared and causal tie with the
supervisors who were with 63% before training. outcome measures. It is
instructed in back injury The actual frequency of also unclear whether the
prevention practices. cases showed a slight reductions in injury
Ergonomic and environ- increase that probably cases/costs were in the
mental ideas generated reflected the supervisor's original problem
were shared with man- new efforts to report departments or for the
agement at that time. injury mishaps. company as a whole.
Groups of 20–25 workers
attended 1-hour classes
in their work areas.
Content covered anatomy,
posture, physical fitness,
and work and nonwork
risk factors. 7 months
later, the workers
attended a 2nd 1-hour
class with same instruc-
tor. Classes here ranged
from 35–50; two had 150
in attendance.
6600 workers in a To inform plant supervi- Groups of 50 supervisors Comparisons of OSHA Overall program was Implementation of pro- Training seen as influen-
telecommunications plant sors and engineers of & engineers given lec- reportable injury rates for directed by a task force gram coincided with a tial to the outcome of the
involved in product risk factors underlying ture, slide presentations, repetitive motion disor- composed of members of reduction in CTD cases. intervention, but the
assembly operations chronic trauma disorders and lab demonstrations ders for periods before the plant management, Before, OSHA reportable results, as presented, do
where excess chronic (CTDs) and how best to to highlight CTD and after the implemen- medical, industrial injury rate was 2.2 cases not tie a particular pro-
trauma disorders are control them through etiology/control mea- tation of a task-force hygiene, and human per 200,000 work hours gram element to an out-
apparent. (McKenzie, engineering (i.e., sures plus in-plant obser- directed program. factors groups. and 1001 lost days; after come. Work provides an
Storment, Van Hook,& job/tool/work station vations of select problem establishment, there example of supervisor-
Armstrong, 1985) redesign), training, and operations. This was one were 0.53 cases per professional level staff
medical management element in a total pro- 200,000 work hours and training in support of a
approaches. gram; others were engi- 129 lost workdays. programmatic-type effort.
neering (job/tool/work Improved tool
station redsign), medical design/work layouts were
records review, and man- noted as were earlier
agement of cases. actions to prevent
debilitating cases.
Appendix A-IV ■ 141
142 ■ Appendix A-IV
33 newly hired and 60 To instruct workers in New and experienced Separate comparisons None elaborated For new workers, mean Study shows that it is not
experienced assembly adjusting heights of workers divided into a made between the number of days of sick enough to introduce
line workers engaged in work-benches, layout, training and control trained vs. control groups leave absence for upper ergonomically designed
repetitive tasks (cycles of and use of new tools group. Training consisted of new and experienced extremity problems was workstations for relieving
5–6 minutes repeated in order to reduce of 5–6 weeks of learning workers on measures of more than 50% lower in problems, but it is impor-
60–80 times per day) biomechanical loading working techniques that number of sick leave the trained group than tant to ensure worker
involving use of upper on the arm/neck- would keep musculo- days as reported over the control group and use of such equipment to
extemities. (Parenmark, shoulder area, on the skeletal loads on the a 48-week period was statistically signifi- maximize the benefit.
Engvall, & Malmkvist, occasion of installing upper extremities below post-training. cant. Trained experi- Question of whether the
1988) new ergonomically 10% of the maximum enced workers also positive results for the
designed workstations voluntary contraction showed fewer sick leave trained groups reflect
and equipment. level. Workers' level of days than did the con- greater interest in them
effort monitored with trols, but the difference (e.g., Hawthorne effect).
EMG and adjusted until was insignificant. The sick absence rate for
the the load fell below all diagnosed problems
the 10% level. Control among experienced
group had usual foremen workers in the trained
instruction in job tasks. and control groups was
the same; this suggests
that the Hawthorne effect
was not a dominant one.
110 workers in a grocery To have supervisors and Supervisors oriented in Compare lost-time cases Recommendations made Before/after 6-month Evaluation data lack
distribution center report- workers learn concepts back injury prevention in and costs for back to management dealing comparisons showed a specificity tying worker
ing excess back injury of work simplification and job tasks followed by injuries 6 months before with operational changes 39.4% reduction in actions, as effected by
cases (Schwartz, 1989) energy conservation in on-the-job instruction of and after the program and tool redesign to lost-time injury cases. the training, to the
materials handling tasks workers in ways to was established. relieve back stress after apparent decrease in
to reduce back injuries in reduce back stress in the intervention. back injury reports.
their job operations. their work. Small group Intervention stresses
sessions held, special need for management
ones for those returning involvment.
to work after a back
2 nurses from 2 wards To make nurses aware of Instruction focussed on 3 Pre- and post-training Patients in the two wards Intra-abdominal pres- Authors indicate that only
requiring frequent patient patient handling move- tasks identified as posing measurements were differed in their willing- sures for nurse trainees 3 weeks of training and
transfer-movement tasks. ments that cause peak most severe stress in made of intra-abdominal ness to cooperate in the in one ward went down lack of supervised prac-
(Scholey, 1983) stress on the back and patient handling. Nurse pressures while trainees transfers or turning tasks; after training, reflecting a tice may underly incon-
ways to alleviate it trainees task behaviors (working in pairs) per- this was a factor in the positive effect, but went sistency in results. Also
through various actions in pre-training contrasted formed the 3 targeted nurses ability to apply up for nurses in the sec- that patient conditions
(e.g., have patient move with other demonstrated tasks on select patients the instruction. ond ward—a negative and level of their cooper-
to edge of chair or bed to techniques posing less in each of the 2 wards. result. 3 of the 4 nurses ation can complicate
facilitate move). back stress. A radio pill showed some reduction proper lifting techniques.
was swallowed to in pressures after
monitor intra-abdominal training.
pressures in showing
the differences in
truncal stress. Training
conducted over a 3-week
period where nurse
trainees were told to
Appendix A-IV ■ 143
32 orderlies in four units To demonstrate applica- 12 hours of classroom Observational grid devel- Physical constraints Majority of orderlies who Authors stress the
of a geriatric hospital tion of training given and workplace courses oped to have indepen- noted as precluding use were observed 12–18 inappropriateness of
(St. Vincent, Tellier, & orderlies in lifting princi- covering theory and dent raters score differ- of learned practices, months after training had biomechanical principles
Lortie, 1989) ples for patient transfer practice in proper ent elements in the task especially those dealing 10 years experience. as applied to patient lift-
tasks. lifting/handling. 6 major and method of handling with horizontal handling Grid showed that adher- ing setting; see the bed
principles taught (e.g., a patient as performed movements. ence to taught principles as a problem location for
back straight, knees by orderlies. Major oper- in ward units varied from handling; do not see the
bent, feet apart, ations observed included 11-33%. Actual move- value of laboratory stud-
pointed in direction of taking up and putting ments deviated as much ies of lifting boxes as
movement, etc.). down patients plus 3 as 89% from recom- being related to patient
other in-place operations. mended postures. lifting tasks. Question
emphasis on use of legs
in lifting (at least in this
application) as opposed
to distributing loads
across different limbs.
8 nurses whose ward To determine which of 4 methods compared Intra-abdominal pres- None elaborated. Shoulder lift for moving Authors suggest that
routines involved 4 lifting methods is were: shoulder lift, ortho- sures (IAP) measured patients produced signifi- training to reduce lifting
frequent lifting, transfer least stressful and its dox lift, through-arm lift, (via a radio pill) in rating cantly lower IAPs, with problems in patient hos-
of patients. (Stubbs, trainability/use in a ward under arm drag. 8 nurses back loads for the 4 lift- remaining 3 methods pital settings is ineffec-
Buckle, Hudson, & setting. performed these lifts ing methods along with showing little difference. tive. A broader ergonom-
Rivers, 1983) under supervision of comfort scores. IAP pres- Shoulder and orthodox ic approach should be
trainer. Susequently, two sures also measured techniques also had stressed.
nurses had one-on-one for 2 nurses who per- higher comfort ratings.
instruction with trainer in formed 6 of the 8 patient As measured 15 weeks
applying the lifts to 8 dif- handling tasks per after training, the
ferent patient-handling instruction. 2 nurses IAP scores
tasks in 4 sessions. showed little difference
from those taken early in
training. In fact some had
shown increase in jobsite
106 coal miners and 27 To determine if current Miners and experts Miners and experts each None elaborated. Miners, and experts' The report includes a
others deemed "experts" training in handling attended 1-week courses rated the risks presented ratings were similar for similar approach for
in coal mining tasks by heavy, awkward loads is emphasizing safe ways by 13 heavy, awkward 3 actions rated highest using risk ratings for
reason of long-term work correcting miner to handle heavy, awk- load situations at pre- in risk. For 10 others, the miners vs. experts as a
and instructional experi- misperceptions of risks ward loads. Few details training, at the end of the miners' post-course means of assessing the
ence. (Symes, Graveling, connected with these given about the nature of 1-week course, and in a ratings showed shifts effect of training for other
& Campbell, 1992) activities, and if not, the instruction. Indication follow-on session 10 to increased riskiness manual materials han-
where course changes that discussion is on weeks later. In addition, akin to or greater than dling tasks. However, no
are needed to cover mechanical factors of tests designed to mea- expert ratings. However, data were supplied to
shortcomings. transport, i.e., use of sure locus of control of follow-on ratings demonstrate its use in
slings and lifts. Training one's action (internal vs. revealed some reversals. this case.
focussed on risk of mus- external) and tendencies Shifts to more internal
culoskeletal disorders toward absentminded- control of actions corre-
and other hazards in ness (cognitive failures) lated with upward shifts
handling heavy, awkward were administered. in riskiness and a
loads in coal mining. decrease in mishaps and
error tendencies.
Appendix A-IV ■ 145
146 ■ Appendix A-IV
199 student nurses To increase skill levels of 106 student nurses in 2 Skill training assessed See Comments column The three types of raters Results tempered by the
receiving instruction in nurses undertaking groups received 40 hours via student performance regarding potential extra- each gave significantly following points:
patient handling tech- patient transfer tasks of theory and practical in two patient transfers training concerns. higher skill marks for the 1) performance based on
niques for reducing risk through special teaching in ergonomics that were uniform in students receiving the an examination and may
of back injury problems. ergonomic instruction in patient handling over a terms of bed features, ergonomics instruction not reflect patient-
(Troup & Rauhala, 1987) addressing factors such 5-semester period. lay-out, handling aids, than for those having the handling practices as
as the size/shape of Instruction included self- etc. Course instructor, an traditional training. adopted by nurses under
patient, their level of evaluation by students of independent expert, and more routine conditions;
dependency, availability videotapes of their students rated each 2) because senior nurses
of assist devices, and patient handling skills, student in 1) preparation in charge of wards may
strengths of the nurse practice in teaching the for the lift, i.e., selection lack similar instruction,
doing the transfer. skills they had learned, of technique, choice of the skills taught may not
and keeping a diary of handgrip, posture at be reinforced or properly
their patient-handling outset, 2) timing, loading supervised. Argues for
activities. 93 other of back and smoothness beginning the training
nurses, in 2 groups, of lift in the actual move, programs with the more
received traditional train- and 3) completion of senior staff.
ing in patient handling, transfer, lowering patient,
with less emphasis on and relaxation.
ergonomic factors.
700 health care workers, Via a union-supported Main features were Pre and post tests were Assistance was given Union trainer scores on Feedback to workshops
particularly those train-the-trainer program, 1) a train-the-trainer used to assess "trainers the worker-trainers knowledge of basic infor- indicated that hearing
engaged in non-direct to 1) enhance worker approach, 2) aimed at to be" knowledge of sub- when they went back to mation on HIV/AIDS information from union
hospital inpatient knowledge of occupa- non-professionals not ject matter and merits of their workplaces by transmission and preven- trainers and co-workers
services (e.g., house- tional risks from expo- typically covered in the program. Post-train- supplying videos and tion increased from 80% had greater credibility
keepers, dietary workers, sures to blood/body HIV/AIDS instruction, ing competency was also HIV/AIDS materials. pre- to 92% post-instruc- than from the infection
laundry workers, nurse's fluids at the worksite, and 3) an education for tested in those workers However, efforts by tion. The overall quality control officer. Still,
aides) whose workplace 2) develop strategies action method built on attending workshops of worker-trainers to train of the program, its mate- gains in knowledge and
risks include exposures to reduce the risks, trainee experiences and the “trainers.” Reports of others in their depart- rials, and method of positive reactions to
to HIV and other infec- 3) discuss feelings about concerns, and discus- the trainers summarized ments met resistance by instruction was graded programs do not ensure
tious agents. (Askari & caring for HIV/AIDS sions of problem-solving their experiences. superviors who believed excellent. From work- follow through in terms
Mehring, 1992) patients, and 4) hold ideas and how they can them unqualified. shops held by these of behaviors and new
workshops for covering be effected through trainers, attendees, post- work practices that
the above on return to employee action. The test competency scores can reduce the risk.
one's worksite. 2-day sessions employed were 90%. Trainer Evaluation methods
case studies, small group reports of the workshops need strengthening.
exercises, role-playing, indicated that they had
audio-visuals and other difficulty getting people
means to promote away from work and
worker involvement, and needed more time to
plans for follow-on work- cover topics. The trainers
shops that they would believed they were
hold. Subsequently, ill-equipped to handle
these 100 worker-train- prejudices about people
ers used similar tech- with AIDS/HIV that also
niques to lead AIDS/HIV surfaced.
workshops with 600
health care workers.
Appendix A-V ■ 147
148 ■ Appendix A-V
144 nurses (101 RNs, To compare the effective- Instructional material for An identical 10-item None elaborated. Both modes showed sig- The question remains of
43 LPNs) at two ness of a self-managed, programmed learning forced-choice quiz was nificantly better post-test how much of this training
university-affiliated programmed unit of developed as series of given during the pre- and scores, but those for the effect is translated into
VA medical centers instruction versus a lec- frames arranged in post-test to measure programmed learning control actions. How
engaged in tasks ture mode in educating heirarchial order on knowledge gain from group were higher than durable is the knowledge
involving exposure to nurses on principles of topics of the infection each type of learning those in the lecture gain from either form of
blood/body fluids. infection control regard- process, routes of trans- mode. Time taken to group, regardless of edu- instruction?
(Goldrick, 1989) ing hepatitis B and HIV mission, risk factors, and cover material and pref- cational level or experi-
exposure risks. types of precautions and erence for instruction ence. The programmed
applications. Similar also noted. Years of learners also took half as
information given in lec- experience and educa- much time to complete
ture. Nurses grouped into tion assessed with the material and showed
the two learning modes regard to influence on a preference for this
for making comparisons. the results. method of inservice train-
ing. Years of nursing
experience varied
inversely with the per-
ceived complexity of the
programmed material.
3100 employees in a To stop recapping of Infection control depart- Hospital maintained a None noted. Pre and post differences Authors provide little
university hospital who needles and their ment furnished informa- surveillance system for in needle-stick injuries detail as to the nature of
were subject to three improper disposal as a tion to all nursing person- tracking needle-stick just after the education the education program
intervention efforts for means of reducing the nel and new hospital injuries by employee effort showed a rise in used. They do note that
reducing needle-stick incidence of needle-stick workers on risks of groups and had the cases (51 per 1000 more direct monitoring of
injuries as part of an injuries; also to enhance needle-stick injuries and system in place before, vs. 67 per 1000 employ- workers recapping prac-
infection control program. the reporting of all such bloodborne infections during, and after the ees) believed due to tices may be a means for
Education was one such injuries for follow-up lab- and on ways to decrease education intervention. increased reporting. The reinforcing the instruc-
effort (Linnemann, oratory testing for hepati- the risk. Among other Such injuries also noted injury rate (50 per 1000) tion. Mention is made of
Cannon, DeRonde, & tis and HIV. behavioral actions, after placing sharps decreased when sharps providing direct feedback
Lanphear,1991) avoiding recapping was disposal units in patient containers were installed to managers in areas
stressed. Needs for rooms, and after intro- and remained at that where injuries have
reporting such events ducing universal precau- level for the universal occurred to encourage
also stressed in light of tions practices. Those precautions. Nurses their particpation in the
health risks. Educational reporting injuries also were most afflicted prevention process.
effort later augmented completed question- group; their needle-sticks
by placing sharps con- naires as to the circum- from recapping did not
tainers in each patient stances (i.e., while drop below 15% despite
room and instituting uni- recapping, needle in three intervention efforts.
versal precautions that trash, linen, etc).
reinforced the dangers of
needle-stick injuries and
Appendix A-V ■ 149
150 ■ Appendix A-V
964 employees of a To enhance employee Practices of various Evaluation used a pre and Total program of body 1) Scores on the ques- Authors note that involv-
medical center including knowledge of infection departments revised post training approach substance isolation tionnaire indicated ing key personnel early
clinical staff, laboratory control and adoption of to conform with new, and included 3 mea- had support of medical statistically significant in the decison-making
technicians, and house- more stringent barrier explicit recommenda- sures: 1) written test just staff leadership and increases in knowledge. and training process was
keepers taking part in practices (i.e., use of tions. Preliminary discus- before and after the hospital administration. Staff responses also critical in gaining accep-
a program aimed at gloves/masks/gowns) and sions held to resolve training to ascertain Importance seen in that showed over 90% knew tance of the total pro-
generic infection control compliance with upgraded potential difficulties. infection control knowl- compliance with the new of prescribed glove use gram. Mention made of
(Lynch, Cummings, containment/disposal 50 training sessions run, edge, attitudes and self- procedures was made for infection control role of head nurse as
Roberts, Herriott, Yates, measures as part of a each a 45-minute slide reports of work practices; part of an employee's before the training, but instrumental to the suc-
& Stamm, 1990) program aimed at body and discussion offering. 2) direct observation of performance review in less than 75% admitted cess of the program.
substance isolation. Attendance varied compliance with recom- some departments and conformance. 2) Proper
among the various staff mendations for glove later adopted by others. glove use, judged by
groups; at end of train- use; and 3) monitoring Barrier practices required direct observations for
ing, about 75% of clinical the colonization and added supplies (glove 2 months before and 3
staff attended and 51% infection of hospitalized boxes, disposal contain- months post training,
of workers in other patients with marker ers), which were found overall improve-
categories. organisms. obtained. ment of 20%; for some
groups the gain was
50%. 3) Markers for
nosocomial colonization
and infection in clinical
specimens showed a
sharply declining rate for
3 post-training years.
759 California health To increase health care Train-the-trainer 20-item written test at the None elaborated. Trainers scores on the Study concept was
care providers given providers knowledge approach used adult end of the 2-day program post-test found 88% excellent in terms of
teaching instructions and about HIV infection, allay education concepts for the trainers to assess achieving a rating of 90% learning approaches and
learning about AIDS; unwarranted fears about (stress self-direction, their knowledge of adult or higher. For those train-the-trainer means
they in turn taught AIDS, provide innovative experiential reference, education and HIV attending the HIV educa- for delivering the instruc-
18,879 other health ways to instruct others in task-centered tech- infection. Those in the tion sessions of the train- tion to a needy audience
care workers on the understanding and con- niques) in a 2-day pro- follow-on HIV education ers, 73% achieved 90% in a short time period.
same topic. (McCarthy, trolling this disease, and gram covering 8 topics programs took a written or higher scores on one The evaluation plan
Schietinger, & Fitzhugh, to enable health care (e.g., attitudinal factors in post-test containing 14 version of the true/false seems the major limita-
1988) persons to become AIDS teaching/learning, HIV true/false questions on post-test; and 92% tion to the study, i.e., no
education resource infection, transmission HIV transmission, pre- scored above 90% on a pre-test or control group
persons in their own and control, adult vention, and screening. revised version. to compare with post-test
communities. learning principles). In addition, qualitative Qualitative review indi- scores for knowledge
27 sessions of 30–35 reviews offered by a cated needs for using gain or other indicators
participants were held. minority AIDS task force case studies involving to show the effect.
Attendees later gave 1–3 on course relevancy. A minority members to
hours of AIDS education research agency polled make material more
to health care workers in trainers on adequacy of relevant to user groups.
their communities. preparation. Trainers felt capable as
AIDS instructors; main
problem was gaining
release time for workers
to attend classes.
Appendix A-V ■ 151
152 ■ Appendix A-V
208 nurses in a 135-bed To have nurses forgo Three methods 9 wards randomly None elaborated. Post policy comparisons Authors suggest that
hospital on the occasion recapping of needles and compared to selected/divided into found 85% of nurses educational efforts that
of introducing new sharps therein reduce the inform/encourage 3 groups, each subjected from Method #3 wards to ensure appreciation of
boxes and a policy to dis- incidence of needle-stick nurses to adopt a new to one of the three meth- report no recapping, fol- concepts prepare the
continue needle recap- injury and risk of needle disposal policy. ods. Before new disposal lowed by 66% from way for associated
ping. (Seto, Ching, Chu, blood-borne disease Method #1: policy com- policy introduced, each Method #2 wards, and behavior change.
& Fielding, 1990) transmission. municated via charge nurse asked about their 27% from Method #1 Presumably, Method #3
nurses of wards; Method needle recapping prac- wards. This order corre- provided for that experi-
#2: charge nurse tices, the merit of using lated with 57%, 47%, ence, which is referred to
announcement plus sharps boxes for dispos- and 26% of the needles as more active in nature.
posters and pamphlets al, recapping risk, and found in the sharps Short follow-up period
given each nurse in safest needle disposal boxes that were found (5 weeks) and a single
ward; Method #3: same practice. 5 weeks uncapped for nurses in time point for evaluation
as Method #2 but also after policy announce- Methods #3, #2, and #1 raises question about the
half-hour in-service talks ment, this inquiry was wards, respectively. Self- durability of the findings.
on pamphlet by infection repeated. 1 day before reported behavior
control officer. repeat inquiry, sharps changes were greatest
boxes used in a 24-hour for those nurses scoring
period collected highest on the concept
unannounced in questions after the policy
wards, and number of announcement.
needles counted.
1,247 health care To educate providers in 90-minute sessions Questionnaire used None elaborated. Post-session data Results suggested
providers (mostly nurses ways to protect them- held at 36 sites in before session, immme- showed knowledge gains needs for further educa-
but lab technicians and selves from getting Massachussetts. diately after session, and in 7 of 15 modes of tion of health care
hospital support staff AIDS in the course of Lecture/discussion 1 month later to obtain transmission and 7 of 11 providers as a group and
also included) whose their jobs, to feel com- format addressed data on trainees knowl- means of infection con- different instruction for
jobs could include admin- fortable in caring for epidemiology of AIDS, edge of AIDS transmis- trol; sizeable percent- those at different levels.
istering to AIDs cases. AIDS patients, and to modes of transmission sion and means for con- ages still held mistaken Educational offering was
(Wertz, Sorenson, discharge the highest and prevention, general trol and on attitudes and beliefs about contacting able to shift attitudes in
Liebling, Kessler, & quality services. infection control proce- competency in treating AIDS. Post-session atti- positive direction, but this
Heeren, 1987) dures, and psychosocial AIDS patients. tude shifts were toward approach was not able to
concerns. Added feature more comfort and ability eliminate all differences
was either a physician to handle AIDS cases. between the subgroups
talk on latest AIDS Sub-analyses found of providers.
research or an those who established
AIDS-infected patient regulations for care
describing illness. of patients and
to have more accurate
knowledge and assur-
ance in handling AIDS
cases; the inpatient
providers, the least.
1-month follow-up
revealed no change.
Appendix A-V ■ 153
154 ■ Appendix A-V
277 physicians in two To promote compliance Slide/lecture sessions Physicians completed Barrier devices were Barrier use during fluid Results impressive but
hospitals whose job with policies on use of (up to 1 hour in length) forms describing each stocked in a central exposure incidents based on physician
routines include expo- universal precautions as held on etiology of HIV incident of potential or location in each ward increased from 54% self-reports, not on direct
sure to patient blood prescribed by CDC and and hepatitis B, transmis- actual contact with a and restocked daily. before implementation to observations. Data iden-
and body fluids. mandated by OSHA. sion modes, and risk of patient's body fluids. Use Each patient room 73% afterwards. Rates of tify procedures where
(Wong, Stotka, Chinchilli, infection. Barrier devices, of protective devices supplied with a box of direct exposure contacts exposure/contacts are
Williams, Stuart, & waste disposal, use of (gloves, gowns, masks) examination gloves and decreased by 52%; and problematic and need
Markowitz, 1991) cleaning agents, and noted and whether they puncture-proof box for use of barriers was found study to reduce risk.
reporting of needle-stick had averted direct con- sharps disposal. Signs to avert direct contact Authors indicate that
injuries explained. Added tact with the fluid. Forms on universal precaution events at a rate 50% gloves were main
education through grand filled out daily, and policies mounted at the greater than before. The factor in efficacy of the
rounds, conferences. entries compared for 3–4 central nurses station. rate of needle-stick precautions, and
months before and after Follow-up memo in one injuries also dropped by increased access to
the training period. hospital on precautions. 62%. barrier devices were also
a key to success of the
1400 respondents to 73% not provided written 66% lacked training in 59% lacked training on Of those noting training, Most injuries in
survey of 2000 workers instructions on safe use how to inspect ladders. use of ladders. 50% indicated it took 25- 34-year old group
with reportable injuries of ladders. 78% trained place over 1 year ago. (25%).
from ladder mishaps. on-the-job.
(Winter, 1978)
803 respondents to On-the-job training noted Safety requirements cov- 26%–35% of respon- 71% indicated training Highest % of injured in
survey of 1230 workers by 62%–71% in learning ered for scaffold assem- dents indicated no train- received more than 25–34 year old group
with reportable injuries different safety require- bly, planking, inspection, ing in any of the topics 1 year ago; 71% from (24%); next was 20–24
from scaffold mishaps. ments; over 50% by just weight limits, guard rails; noted in the content other than the current year olds group (18%).
(Summer,) 1978 watching others no more than 71% noted column. employer.
training in any topic.
1364 respondents to Both on-the-job and 81% believed subject 30% indicated they 69% of those receiving 26% had less than 1
survey of 2300 workers classroom training coverage adequate but learned welding/cutting training noted the date year of work experi-
with injuries from noted, but not more coverage of different safety on their own of more than 1 year ence; 16% less than 6
welding/cutting opera- than 37% received topics ranged from 40% through job experience. ago. months. 25–34 year old
tions (July-November, either form of such to 83%. 11% never had any group had greatest % of
1978) training. safety training. injuries (32%).
1746 respondents On-the-job and class- For those receiving train- 39% learned power-saw 44% working with saw
to survey of 2300 room instruction were ing, coverage of various safety through their own less than 1 year; 19%
workers with reportable main forms of training, topics drew response job experience. 17% less than 1 month.
injuries from power saw but each noted for no rates varying from 32% never had any safety
use. more than 39% of the to 59%. training. 20–24 year old group
(September–November, worker respondents. and 25–34 year old
1978) group tied for highest %
Appendix B ■ 155
of injuries (25%).
*The shaded entries in the tables are meant to suggest major training deficits for sizeable percentages of the afflicted workers. See Pages 35–37
of the main text for a discussion of these findings.
156 ■ Appendix B
1251 respondents to Given information on Information stresses Most foot injuries in Fewer than 25% wear-
survey of 2005 workers safety shoes from where/when to wear 25–34 year old group ing safety shoes at
with reportable foot supervisor or safety (41%); coverage of (26%) followed by 20–24 time of accident
injuries at work officer (92%). features available, main- year old group (23%). though 72% aware of
(July–August, 1979) tenance, and advantages company policy on
ranged from 6% to 17%. wearing shoes in
specific areas and
jobs. 21% indicated
employer took no
follow-up actions after
injury; 28% did not
know of any.
1052 respondents to Main instruction on eye Subjects of where and 20% of respondents 25–34 yr group had Though over 70% of
survey of 2118 workers protection from supervi- when to wear drew a had no instruction in highest % of eye injuries workers indicated
with reportable eye sor or safety officer 72% response; followed use of protective eye- (32%). Next was 20–24 company policy on wear-
injuries at work (91%); co-workers (14%) by type to wear (39%). wear. year old group (25%). ing eye protection, more
(July-August, 1979) and classroom session Care and limitations than 20% noted enforce-
(14%) also noted. had a 16% response. ment came after injury.
Common response to
nonuse was impractical
or not required.
774 respondents to Instructions on face pro- Topics of when and Nearly 60% of respon- 25–34 year old group Company policy on
survey of 1323 workers tection came from super- where (39%) and type to dents indicated no had highest % of facial required face protec-
with reportable facial visor or safety officer wear (23%) drew most instruction in use of injury (32%); the 20–24 tion noted by 50% of
injuries (struck by (79%); classroom instruc- response. face shields or welding year old group was next respondents. When
object/contact with chem- tion noted at 33% and Fitting (14%), care helmet. (26%). asked why no face pro-
icals) received at work co-worker at 22%. (16%), and limitations tection worn at time of
(July–November, 1979) (17%) also noted. mishap, 56% indicated
833 respondents to What training was noted Responses to training in 61% indicated no 32% indicated training 38% had job duties for 74% did not know of
survey of 1285 workers was on-the-job (32%). various facets of lock-out training in lockout in lockout occurred over a year or less; 22% any company policy on
with reportable injuries procedures ranged from procedures. 1 year before injury; less than 1 month. lockout requirements.
from servicing jobs 87% (when to lockout) to
(August–November, 1980) 9% (clearing area). 45% upon hiring. 8% had
instruction after the
906 respondents to 48% noted information 44% noted information 51% of respondents 34% indicated training 25–34 year old group 50% of respondents
survey of 1900 workers on lifting gained from received on how to lift to indicated no information offered within past showed highest % of believed training insuffi-
with reportable back posters; 35% indicated avoid injury. given on proper lifting 6 months of accident injuries (33%); 20–24 cient to prevent injury.
injuries while engaged in on-the-job training. Other means for or moving procedures. occurrence; 55% within year old group was next 40% of workers indicat-
lifting tasks Response to lecture, reducing risk (use of the past year. (21%). ed that employer took
(November–December, demonstration, and film hoists/carts, rest breaks) no action and 42% knew
1980) were 21%–32%. showed no more than of no action to prevent
Supervisor or safety 13% response. recurrence. Training on
officer was source of how to lift was noted by
information for 81%; 6%. Equipment, job re-
co-worker for 16%. design alternatives drew
Appendix B ■ 157
less than a 5%
158 ■ Appendix B
Two surveys reported. Survey I: Survey I: Survey I: Survey II: Survey I: Survey I: Regarding
(Survey I) involved 67% indicated informa- Topics were when and 59% of respondents 27% of workers with 25–34 year old group training issues:
944 respondents from tion on hand protection where to use gloves, indicated no information less than 1 year of had highest % of injury workers believed
sample of 1865 workers given by supervisor; 31% specific type to wear, received on use of safe- experience had any (30%); 20–24 year old changes in work proce-
with reportable hand by co-worker, 21% by and merits of wearing, ty gloves or other safety training; 51% group next at 21%. dures (7%), lack of task
injuries for the period safety officer. but no response greater arm/hand protection. with more than 1 year Survey II: 25–34 year instructions (8%), and
(January–April, 1981; than 23%; 27% of work- 11% indicated instruc- experience lacked for old group had highest % unfamiliarity with tools
(Survey II) involved 861 ers did not know or tion was insufficient. safety training. of injuries (26%); (5%) contributed to
cases of hand/arm/finger believe information suf- 10% of those injured mishaps.
amputations from a sam- ficient to choose proper Survey II: engaged in work for the
ple of 1528 workers for hand protection. 59% indicated no safety first time; 14% noted In Survey II, 11% of
the period December training on task where they seldom do this injured indicated employ-
1980–May 1981. amputation occurred. work. ers conducted safety
training and reviewed
procedures as follow-up
to injury event.
Survey I & II:
Almost half of the work-
ers believed no action
was taken or knew of
1041 respondents to a On-the job training was 75% noted training in use 21% indicated training 25–34 year old group Among factors contribut-
survey of 2313 workers most common (80%), fol- of personal protective did not cover safety pro- showed highest % of ing to accidents re train-
with reportable injuries lowed by safety meetings equipment; training on cedures for job worker injuries (38%); 20–24 ing issues, workers noted
from oil/gas drilling work (50%), printed materials respirators received least was doing when injured. year old group next with incorrect instructions
(May–August, 1982) (31%), and class instruc- response (28%). 30%. (2%), recent change in
tion (24%). 51% of work- work routines (6%), and
ers noted training from unaware of hazards
previous supervisor and (15%).
28% from co-workers.
1086 respondents to a Loggers noted supervisor 51% of injured loggers 13% of loggers had less Regarding training:
survey of 1810 workers source of training (29%); indicated no safety than 6 months experi- loggers noted factors
in the logging industry followed by a relative training. ence; 22% no more than contributing to injury
with reportable injuries (16%) and co-worker 1 year in such work. such as wrong cutting
(April–June, 1982) (11%). method (6%), unaware
25–34 year old group of certain hazards
with highest % of injuries (14%), and
(38%). misjudgements (15%).
774 respondents to a 75% indicated that 25-34 year old group had Regarding training
survey of 1433 workers training on how and highest % of injuries issues in injury
with reportable injuries when to use fall protec- (31%). occurrence: 22% of
resulting from falls from tion not provided by workers noted lack of
elevations (December company. hazard awareness.
1981-June 1982) Others were: Need for
more/better safety train-
ing (10%), use of safer
work procedures (43%),
and better company
enforcement of such
actions (21%).
Appendix B ■ 159
160 ■ Appendix B
658 respondents to a 34% received training Information on 26% of workers noted 74% of the injured Regarding traininig fac-
survey of 1241 contruc- from present supervisor, health hazards (e.g., that they never received laborers had less than tors of consequence to
tion laborers with 28% from prior one, and asbestos) given to only any training for the work 1 year's experience. injury event or its avoid-
reportable injuries 21% from co-worker. On- 22%–23% of workers. done at the injury event. More than one half of ance: Workers noted
(October, 1983) the-job training noted for 33% indicated they the injured workers gaps in hazard recogni-
51% of laborers; 49% Vocational /technical never received safety had been at a particu- tion (14%), improper
indicated vocational/tech- courses covering topics instructions of any kind. lar jobsite for less job instruction (3%),
nical courses in school on such as use of protective 77%–78% indicated no than 6 months. 12% use of safer job proce-
job safety/health topics. equipment or recognition information given on suffered injury on the dures (21%), better
of unsafe/toxic conditions exposures to hazardous first day at the site. safety training (8%),
were noted by from 25% materials such as
to 69% of the workers. 25–34 year old group had and company enforce-
asbestos. the highest % of injuries ment of safe work
(36%); the 20–24 year old practices (11%).
group was next (32%).
424 respondents to a On-the-job training noted Safety training received 46% indicated no train- 21% of those injured Regarding training
survey of 770 workers by 32% of injured by injured workers cov- ing for the job being had been in warehous- factors of consequence
with reportable injuries workers; printed materials ered use of forklift trucks performed when ing work for no more to the injury or its
from warehousing type (22%), safety meetings (23%), other powered injured. 48% noted than 1 year, and 43% prevention: workers
jobs (September, 1984) (20%), and films (18%) equipment (13%), they never received of these workers had noted correcting job
also checked as modes manual lifting techniques safety training of any been with the employer instructions (2%),
for receiving safety train- (28%), and housekeeping kind. for no more than 1 enhanced use of safe
ing. 30% also noted a (29%). Written safe job year at time of injury. work practices (19%),
labor-management com- procedures for the work better enforcement of
mittee on safety issues. done when injured rules (8%), greater use
was noted by 4% of of lifting/handling
respondents. equipment (5%). 41%
of worker noted that no
employer actions were
taken after the injury
Appendix B ■ 161
162 ■ Appendix B
381 respondents to a sur- 50% indicated company Training topics covered 59% indicated that they Bulk of injured workers 94% of workers believed
vey of 582 workers with as source of training; safe operation of trucks have not had training in (82%) had 5 years or safety training could
reportable injuries in long- other sources were union and forklifts (24%), cargo the past 3 years. more service in job cate- have avoided accidents.
shoring work. (October (44%), gang foremen handling (20%), gory where event
1985; April 1986) (16%), superintendent crane/winch use (10%), occurred; 75% with 10 Workers rated enforce-
(9%). and union-management years or more in long- ment of safety rules
responsibilities (17%). shoring work. Age group as usually-62%;
35–44 years had highest sometimes–21%;
% of injured (29%); hardly ever–8% and
45–54 year old group not at all–9%.
next (27%). Regarding training
factors for accident pre-
vention: workers noted
need for co-worker
receiving better training
(10%), personally using
safer work procedures
(9%), and better house-
keeping (5%).
199 respondents to a Supervisor, employer, or Main topic was 67% did not receive 25–34 year old group Regarding training fac-
survey of 395 workers safety officer noted as where/when to wear any kind of information had highest % of injuries tors of consequence to
with chemical burn source of hazard infor- protective equipment on wearing protective (37%); next was the injury occurrence or
injuries experienced on mation (28%); the next (28%). Fewer workers equipment. 61% indi- 20–24 year old group prevention: Workers
the job (May–August, sources were product noted training on topics cated no written or with 28%. noted lack of hazard
1985) label (9%) and co-worker of types of protective printed instructions awareness (17%),
(5%). Written instructions equipment (5%), or their from employer on safe wearing wrong type of
on use of chemical- limits or advantages work practices in han- equipment (12%), no
resistant equipment (7%). dling chemicals in use. job instructions (3%),
noted by 7% of afflicted. needs for using safer
procedures (34%),
better safety training
(15%), and improved
company enforcement
of safe work procedures
Note: This survey was
before enactment of the
Hazard Communication
Standard requiring
employers to transmit
information to workers
through labels, material
safety data sheets, and
special training.
Appendix B ■ 163
164 ■ Appendix B
256 respondents to a Supervisor, employer, or 19% of afflicted did not 55% of afflicted workers 35% of injured workers Regarding training:
survey of 474 workers safety supervisor, was know if company had indicated no information had no more than workers believed
with reportable heat burn information source on policy on wearing pro- provided on wearing 1 year service with injuries could have
injuries (from contacts use of burn protective tective equipment. 17% protective equipment. employer; 19% had been averted through
with hot objects/materials) equipment for 82% of indicated equipment six months or less. use of safer work pro-
on the job (May–August, afflicted; co-worker (18%) being used was not 25–34 year old group cedures (25%), better
1985) and printed instructions designed to protect had greatest % of injuries hazard warnings (7%),
on protective gear (17%) against heat burns. (37%), next was 35–44 and effective company
also noted as sources. year old group with 24% enforcing safe work
followed by the 20–24 practices (10%).
year old group with 16%.