Usersguide 1 Intro
Usersguide 1 Intro
Usersguide 1 Intro
TopoToolbox provides a set of Matlab functions that support the analysis of relief and flow pathways
in digital elevation models. The major aim of TopoToolbox is to offer helpful analytical GIS utilities in
a non-GIS environment in order to support the simultaneous application of GIS-specific and other
quantitative methods.
TopoToolbox is written in the Matlab language and requires the Image Processing Toolbox for
various functions.
TopoToolbox 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 1
TopoToolbox 2: limitations.................................................................................................................. 2
About the User Guide .......................................................................................................................... 2
Load a DEM into Matlab ...................................................................................................................... 2
View the DEM ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Topographic attributes ........................................................................................................................ 6
Export an instance of GRIDobj to the disk........................................................................................... 6
Fill sinks ............................................................................................................................................... 6
FLOWobj and flow related functions................................................................................................... 6
Methods associated with FLOWobj..................................................................................................... 7
STREAMobj - a class for stream networks ......................................................................................... 10
Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 13
History ............................................................................................................................................... 13
TopoToolbox 2
TopoToolbox version 2 is a major update to the Toolbox. The main difference to previous versions
information (properties) on spatial referencing, information that was previously stored using
coordinate matrices that required large memory space.
a new representation of flow direction. TopoToolbox 1 used the sparse flow direction matrix
to store flow direction and compute flow related variables. The new representation allows
for much faster function evaluation that usually requires much less overhead memory.
various GUIs mainly for geomorphological and geomorphometric applications which are
intended to make various analyses easier and faster.
higher computational efficiency by coding various functions as C-MEX files. Note that these
functions should be compiled on your system. However, TopoToolbox runs without
compilation, yet, less fast.
TopoToolbox 2: limitations
Flow related algorithms in TopoToolbox 2 recently only support the single flow direction (D8)
representation. If you are a user of TopoToolbox 1, you may see this as a major limitation. Our advice
is to keep both the last version (1.6) and version 2 on the search path. It will be shown in the next
userguide how to use the multiple flow direction algorithm in version 2.
Note that, throughout the use of TopoToolbox, it is assumed that the DEM has a projected
coordinate system (e.g. UTM WGS84) and that elevation and horizontal coordinates are in meter
DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif');
DEM is now an instance of the class GRIDobj. DEM contains various properties that contain the
gridded data and information on the spatial referencing of the grid.
Z: [643x1197 single]
cellsize: 30
refmat: [3x2 double]
size: [643 1197]
name: 'srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11'
zunit: []
xyunit: []
georef: [1x1 struct]
The data is stored in the property .Z. You can access it using linear indexing, subscripts or logical
indexing as you are used to do with standard Matlab matrices and arrays. E.g. the upper-left 5x5 pixel
in the grid can be accessed by following command.
ans =
945 952 960 966 969
944 951 956 959 957
936 943 948 949 948
929 935 939 941 940
921 926 929 934 930
GRIDobj is associated with various methods. Some of these methods overwrite existing builtin
functions (e.g. plus, minus, isnan) or functions that ship with previous versions of TopoToolbox
(e.g. gradient8, curvature, fillsinks). Here is an overview of the methods (functions)
associated with GRIDobj
methods GRIDobj
View the DEM
Matlab provides numerous ways to display gridded data (images). Among these are imagesc, surf,
pcolor, imshow, etc. TopoToolbox overwrites only imagesc and surf
Note that the axes contain the x and y coordinates and that the axes are set to image (axis image).
Another useful function is imageschs which displays an instance of GRIDobj and overlays it with the
DEM. Here we display the slope (see function gradient8) overlayn with the hillshade calculated
from DEM. For visualization purposes the color range is restricted to slopes less than 1 m/m.
If none of the available visualization functions are what you are looking for, you can simply convert
your DEM to the standard representation using GRIDobj2mat. The function returns two coordinate
vectors and a matrix with values. Here we crop our DEM to a smaller extent beforehand.
Note: See the help of the function crop on other ways to clip your data to a desired extent.
Topographic attributes
Topographic attributes are derivatives obtained from a DEM such as slope, exposition or curvature.
We assume that you are familiar with the meaning of these attributes and you will notice must of the
functions by their function name such as
gradient8 -> as opposed to the Matlab builtin gradient function, gradient8 calculates the
gradient in 8 possible directions for each cell.
curvature -> the second derivative of a DEM.
roughness -> allows you calculate various roughness indices related to intercell,
topographic variability such as ruggedness etc.
aspect -> slope exposition
and many more
Note that writing geotiffs is possible without having the mapping toolbox available, however,
TopoToolbox will then write an image with a tfw-file (worldfile). See help GRIDobj2geotiff for
Fill sinks
Often DEMs feature erroneous topographic depressions that should be filled prior to flow path
computation. You can fill sinks using the function fillsinks. Note that in some situations it is more
appropriate to not fill sinks but to carve the DEM which will be shown below (see section on
DEMf = fillsinks(DEM);
Here is a fast way to calculate flow accumulation based on the previously sink filled DEM. The flow
accumulation grid is dilated a little bit, so that flow paths are more easily appreciated in the figure.
FD = FLOWobj(DEMf);
A = flowacc(FD);
When creating an instance of FLOWobj, you can set numerous options that are summarized in the
help of FLOWobj. Please see the usersguide_3_FLOWobj for additional information.
methods FLOWobj
Now, let's calculate the drainage basins of the DEM. This can be done using the function
drainagebasins. You may want to shuffle the colors so that the drainage basins can be more
easily distinguished in a plot (shufflelabel). As a small exercise, let's denote the area of each
basin in the map.
DB = drainagebasins(FD);
DB = shufflelabel(DB);
Easy until here. Now let's get the area and display it together with the drainage basins map. Display
only numbers for drainage basins larger than 10 km^2.
hold on
for run = 1:nrDB;
if STATS(run).Area*DB.cellsize^2 > 10e6;
[x,y] = ind2coord(DB,...
num2str(round(STATS(run).Area * DB.cellsize^2/1e6)),...
'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
hold off
title('drainage basins (numbers refer to drainage basin area in km^2)')
It may also be interesting to know the distance from each drainage basin outlet in upstream direction
along the flow network.
D = flowdistance(FD);
You can use the output of flowdistance to calculate the area function which is the distribution of flow
distances to the outlet of a specific basin. Let's take the largest basin in our study site.
[~,IX] = max([STATS.Area]);
hist(D.Z(DB.Z == IX),1000);
xlabel('distance to outlet [m]');
ylabel('# cells');
STREAMobj - a class for stream networks
While FLOWobj stores the information on the entire flow network on hillslopes and in channels,
STREAMobj is a class that is used to analyze the channelized part of the flow network only. The
storage strategy is very similar to the one of the class FLOWobj.
Again, various methods (functions) are associated with STREAMobj that allow for manipulating,
plotting and retrieving information on the stream network geometry and patterns.
There are various ways to extract the channelized flow network from DEMs. In this example we
simply use an area threshold.
STREAMobj stores various properties some of which you might use to directly access if you want to
customize your code or build your own functions. Please check the help of STREAMobj.
S = klargestconncomps(S,1);
and let's plot flow distance along the stream network versus elevation.
If you have a license of Matlab's Mapping Toolbox you can export the stream network to a shapefile
to be read by other GIS software. First, you need to create a mapstruct, a structure array used by the
mapping toolbox to store vector data. Then use shapewrite to write the mapstruct to a shapefile.
MS = STREAMobj2mapstruct(S);
Schwanghart, W., Kuhn, N.J. (2010): TopoToolbox: a set of Matlab functions for topographic analysis.
Environmental Modelling & Software, 25, 770-781. [DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2009.12.002]
This user guide was updated last: June 19, 2013.