The Russian Revolution

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Socialism in

Europe and
the Russian
• The Age of Social Change
• The Russian Revolution
• The February Revolution in Petrograd
• What changed after October ?
• The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the
1.1 The Age of Social Change
• The French Revolution opened up the possibility if
creating a dramatic change in the way in which society
was structured.
• In many parts of the world including Europe and Asia,
new ideas about individual rights and who controlled
social power began to be discussed.
• Not everyone in Europe, however , wanted a complete
transformation of society. Responses varied from those
who accepted that some change was necessary but
wanted a gradual shift , to those wanting a radical
restructuring of society.
Liberals , Radicals and

Conservative Radicals
1.3 The Coming of Socialism to
Robert Owen (1771 – 1858) sought to
build a cooperative community called
New Harmony in Indiana (USA)

Louis Blanc (1813 – 1882) wanted the

Government to encourage cooperatives and
replace capitalist enterprises.

Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895)

added other ideas . Marx argued that industrial society was
capitalist. Workers had to construct a radically socialist
society to free themselves from capitalist exploitation.

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1.4 Support for Socialism
2.0 The Russian Revolution

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2.1 The Russian Empire in 1914

Tsar Nicholas II

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2.2 Economy & Society
2.3 Socialism in Russia

2.4 A Turbulent Time : The 1905
• Russia was an autocracy. The Tsar was not subject
to parliament.
• The Liberals together with the Social Democrats
and Socialist Revolutionaries worked with the
peasants & workers during the revolution of 1905
to demand a Constitution.
• They were supported by nationalists (in Poland for Bloody Sunday
instance) and in Muslim dominated areas by
jadidists who wanted modernised Islam to lead their


Tsar Nicholas II’s opening

speech before the state
Duma in the Winter Palace.
2.5 The First World War and the
Russian Empire

Russian soldiers
during the First World
3.0 February Revolution in
3.1 After February
3.2 The Revolution of October 1917

Leon Trotskii

4.0 What Changed after October
4.1 The Civil War
4.2 Making a Socialist Society
4.3 Stalinism and

Joseph Stalin
5.0 The Global Influence of the
Russian Revolution and the USSR
• Existing social parties in Europe did not wholly approve of the
way the Bolsheviks took power and kept it.
• However the possibilities of a workers’ state fired people’s
imagination across the world.
• In many countries , communist parties were formed, e.g.
Communist Party of Great Britain.
• Many non Russians from outside USSR participated in the
Conference of the Peoples of the East (1920) and the Bolshevik –
founded Comintern.
• By 1950s it was acknowledged within the country that the style of
Government in the USSR was not in keeping with the ideals of the
Russian Revolution.
• Its industries and agriculture had developed and the poor were being
fed. But it had denied the essential freedoms to its citizens and
carried out its developmental projects through repressive policies.
• By the end of the 20th century , though the socialist ideals enjoyed
respect among people but in each country the ideas of socialism
were rethought in a variety of different ways.
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