R Wilman 17325509 Edpr3000 Assessment 2
R Wilman 17325509 Edpr3000 Assessment 2
R Wilman 17325509 Edpr3000 Assessment 2
A) Prove it. Draw one or many 3-D models of your proof. Show line/s of symmetry.
B) Pick 1, draw its 2-D net. Label its features.
Name: __________________________________
Shape family: ________________________
How many:
Faces ___________
Edges ___________
Vertices ___________
<End of test>
Linked to the Australian Curriculum content descriptor “Connect three-dimensional objects with
their nets and other two-dimensional representation (ACMMG111)” and the elaboration
“identifying the shape and relative position of each face of a solid to determine the net of the
solid, including that of prisms and pyramids” in year 5 (ACARA, n. d.). This inquiry question asks
students to construct through drawing a type of pyramid (ACMMG140 – Yr 6). The prompt, ‘If it
is a pyramid, it must have a square base.’ is a true or false statement that asks students to first
think of the shape, the category of a ‘pyramid’, decide if that is the only type and give reasons
why that would be; displaying van Hiele’s theory of geometric thoughts; levels 0 to 3 (Van de
Walle, Karp & Bay-Williams, 2016, pp. 513 - 516). The question begins revealing levels 0 to 1,
as students are required to draw proof of their understandings and through visualizing it,
drawing it, analyzing what makes it a pyramid and labelling the properties; providing
opportunities for students to show their thinking level (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 - 516).
The next part of the question reveals thinking processes of level 1 to 2 and focuses on
elaborating further on the properties of the 3-D shape’s attributes by drawing a 2-D net of the
shape, analyse it and reveal the properties through prompting and then asking for further
information for students who can extend their answers (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 -
516). The last section asks students to think and provide a similar non-example of a pyramid as
a way to visually prompt an explanation of why it is not a pyramid. This questions can reveal
level 2 to 3 where students are able to informally make deductions about what makes a pyramid
and perhaps is supported by an argument in the explanation provided (Van de Walle et al.,
2016, pp. 513 - 516).
From the inquiry question, the correct answers are as follows; A) ‘No, because I have seen a
triangular pyramid before’, students may draw this and indicate the 2 lines of symmetry crossing
in the picture. Therefore, an answer that would show level 0 to 1 analysis of shapes in a
category, does not give any further reasoning, the drawing will be complete, although the lines
of symmetry may be wrong (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 - 516). An answer that shows
level 2, deductive reasoning may elaborate and add shape property information such as “… and
it has a triangle for a base. That must mean they do not have to be squares’, however only
enough to make an informal deduction (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 - 516). The drawing
will be complete, neat and symmetry is correctly included. An exceptional answer linked to level
3 will include further description of properties known about the classification of pyramids such as
‘No, because a pyramid is a polyhedron, it always has base that has three or more straight
sides’ and includes many well-drawn and accurate examples that vary in bases including
rectangles and pentagons (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 - 516).
Part B, identifies any gaps in learning or misconceptions towards recognizing shapes and their
names, including picking up if they know the difference between faces, edges and vertices and
offers students room to further show their knowledge surrounding the shape they choose (Reys
et al., 2016, p. 377). For this reason it will be difficult to identify the correct answer other than
checking if they are correct in drawing the net (level 0 to 1) and the level of understanding of
shape properties they show in their elaborations (levels 2 to 3) (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp.
513 - 516). Part C, ‘draw a similar non-example of a pyramid and explain why’, could have
numerous answers. Students could draw a rectangular prism and note that it is a no-example
because it looks different (level 0-1) or elaborate that the properties do not match because cone
is curved but it has a similar apex (level 2) (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 513 - 516). However,
an exceptional answer will identify the similar non-example confidently as a cone due to the
relationship between cones and pyramids, as a cone has a circular base with 1 edge and a
pyramid has a polygonal base with 3 or more, therefore separating the two types (Reys et al.,
2016, p. 378). In doing so, this questions outcomes are based on the key understandings in
First Steps in Mathematics: Space, linking to describing properties in KU1, drawing 2 types of
diagrams to show order between faces, edges and vertices in the net (KU2) and incorporates a
top view 2-D representation linked to KU3 (Department of Education WA, n. d.).
The likely misconceptions students might display are linked to their knowledge of what defines a
pyramid such as the properties and the terms linked to that description such as faces, edges
and vertices being mixed up of partially correct (Reys et al., 2016, pp. 377- 378). Students may
also show misconceptions about the lines of symmetry as simply a ‘chop’ in half, instead of
thinking about the mirror image (Reys et al., 2016, p. 385). Difficulties students might encounter
include; being unfamiliar with inquiry questions and difficulties in starting the task; visual
learners and thinkers may struggle at first, therefore a visual has been included with links to a
historical location, the Pyramids of Giza; isometric paper may provide a challenge to less
dexterous students; writing ability may hinder knowledge behind answers. However by providing
many spaces to draw understandings, students will succeed or may need to verbalise answers
to be scribed.
Multiple choice
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) A, B
This question links to the year 5 Australian Curriculum “Estimate, measure and compare angles
using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor (ACMMG112)” (ACARA, n. d.) as it asks
students to compare and approximately compare triangle angles to determine the largest angle
(Reys et al., 2016, p.411). Students will analyse angle properties before ordering them based on
the angles’ properties, shape and space (Booker et al., 2014, pp. 448-503). The correct answer
for this question is ‘(4) A, B’ as both represent the same degree in angle and is larger than ‘C’.
The misconceptions this questions reveals, links into students understanding of how an angle is
measured (by the amount of turn required for one arm to coincide with the other) and identifies if
they confuse the length of ‘arms’ (B) or the size of the angles visual representation of the
distance between ‘arms’ (C) with this concept. Linking the elaboration “recognising that angles
have arms and a vertex, and that size is the amount of turn required for one arm to coincide with
the other” (ACARA, n. d.).
Question 2: Which description best describes the grid reference location of ‘My Place’ and the
route to ‘Rest House’:
1) From (C,6), walk NE following the trail until you reach the rest house at (J,4).
2) From (C,6), walk SE following the trail until you reach the rest house at (J,4).
3) From (C,7), walk NE following the trail until you reach the rest house at (J,3).
4) From (C,7), walk SE following the trail until you reach the rest house at (J,3).
This question links to the year 5 Australian Curriculum, “Use a grid reference system to describe
locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional language (ACMMG113)” by “locating
objects and describing routes from one object to another” found in the elaboration (ACARA, n.
d.). This question asks students to reveal thinking processes behind reading and visualising the
route in conjunction with knowing the names of the directions and the grid reference system
(Booker et al., 2014, pp. 448-503). The correct answer is (4) as is using the correct starting
reference, directional language and final destination reference (Reys et al., 2016, p. 390). The
misconceptions this question reveals, link into student understanding of how to correctly
reference (horizontal letter, vertical number) and any difficulties surrounding reading the
locations (2 and 4). Answers 1 and 2 indicates if a student can identify the correct directional
language using North, South, East, West and the in between variations.
This question links to the year 5 Australian Curriculum, “Describe translations, reflections and
rotations of two-dimensional shapes. Identify line and rotational symmetries (ACMMG114)” and
the elaboration “identifying the effects of transformations by manually flipping, sliding and
turning two-dimensional shapes” (ACARA, n. d.). It asks students to name in order the
transformation of an arrow over three Cartesian coordinate systems, which links in with year 6
content code (ACMMG143) (Booker et al., 2014, pp. 448-503; ACARA, n. d.). The correct
answer is (2) Rotation, translation and reflection as this reflects the terms identified in Reys et al
(2016, p. 392). The misconceptions this question reveals, link into student understanding of
visual and conceptual representations of reflection, rotation and translation while determining if
any concepts are crossed over (1, 3 and 4) and incorporates students being able to interpret a
Cartesian coordinate system using all four quadrants (Reys et al., 2016, p. 390).
Question 4: These diagrams show a net for a square-based pyramid. Which is not a net for a
square-based pyramid? You may choose more than one.
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
This question links to the year 5 Australian Curriculum, “Connect three-dimensional objects with
their nets and other two-dimensional representations (ACMMG111)” and the elaboration
“identifying the shape and relative position of each face of a solid to determine the net of the
solid, including that of prisms and pyramids” (ACARA, n. d.). This question asks students to
visualize a square-based pyramid and abstractly connect the sides, faces and vertices to
complete the three dimensional shape and select the incorrect one based on the relationships of
2-D and 3-D objects (Reys et al., 2016, p. 376). The correct answer is (A, B) as both overlap
with one face of the triangle and forms an incomplete square-based pyramid. This question
addresses student’s visual and spatial abilities in reconstructing a 3-D shape and identifies if
students ignore the base definition of ‘square’ and leave option ‘A’ out of the incorrect answers
(Booker et al., 2014, pp. 448-503).
Part 2: Essay on Knowledge for Teaching
Probability and statistics are used to understand chance and to collect, organize, describe and
analyze numerical data (Reys et al., 2016, pp. 431-433). This essay identifies the knowledge for
teaching probability and statistics and gives researched reasons towards its importance, best
practice, stages of development, the key ideas, typical experiences and resources. Continuing
to show knowledge about the importance of language and difficulties students present and
develop. In doing so, highlighting the conceptual understanding of probability and statistics and
how it intertwines from early to late primary school (Van de Walle et al., 2016, pp. 550-605).
Understanding statistics and probability is crucial in the modern world, where print and the
online media are full of statistical information. As news reports display economic and social
statistics; weather reports; medical, and financial data, it is becoming increasingly more
important that students can participate in this aspect of life (Reys et al., 2016, p. 432).
Therefore, statistics and probability are important concepts in students’ daily lives providing a
meaningful context for problem solving, critical thinking and communication, developing number
sense and applying mathematics (Reys et al., 2016, p. 431). This is especially important, when
people believe they have ‘greater chance’ at winning the lotto merely because statistics say ‘the
odds are in their favor’. Instead, a complete understanding of statistics and probability should
enable informed judgements towards whether statistics are meaningful and used appropriately.
Ultimately, according to Reys et al, the study of probability is intertwined with the study of data
representation and interpretation (2016, p. 450) and becomes synonymous according to the
Australian Curriculum, with statistics; initially developing in parallel (ACARA 2012, p. 4). As the
curriculum progressively builds interrelationships, it becomes increasingly important that
probability should not be taught separately through formal definitions (Reys et al, 2016, p. 450).
Instead, presented in various real-world experiences and hands on activities that demonstrate
important concepts (Reys et al, 2016, p. 450). Specifically, in early year levels, where the
handling of probability should be informal, links to everyday chance and data vocabulary
requires modeling to describe events; such as ‘more’ and ‘less likely’ (Reys et al, 2016, p. 450).
While modeling the correct language is true for all aspects of vocabulary development, in this
early stage, it is crucial in the foundation of concepts and processes to come; increasing in
complexity (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 551). Once established, probabilities of future events
(impossible 0 to certain 1), chance experiments (frequency) and notions or randomness less
likely to develop in conceptual understanding (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 583).
Figure 1: One method for introducing graphs (Reys et al, 2016, p. 436)
Stages of Development
According to the Australian Curriculum, statistics and probability develop in parallel of each
other and then become intertwined as chance and data concepts co-exist in real-world
applications (ACARA, n.d.). Therefore, in the emergent years, students need to develop an
awareness of probability language in discussions using ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might
happen’ in year 1 before ‘likely’ and ‘not likely’ in year 2 (ACARA, n.d., b; Department of
Education, WA, n.d.). In parallel, students also start out collecting simple data, organising and
graphing it through the use of concrete materials and drawings (ACARA, n.d., b). This
knowledge builds and progresses students towards framing questions with one variable by the
end of year 2, whilst creating displays of data and most importantly; interpreting them (ACARA,
n.d., b).
As students get older, chance and data concepts begin to co-exist in the Australian Curriculum
(ACARA, n.d., b.). Students are learning the concepts behind the probability of an event
occurring through starting theoretical probability and data sampling in experiments in years 3 to
4 (Department of Education, WA, n.d). All of which, relates to the quantifying stage where the
process of the PCAI Cycle is introduced (Green & Graham, 1994). Connecting the idea of
likeliness to the frequency of an event and as a result, trusting information gained from repeated
trials (ACARA, n.d., b.). Essentially, probability and statistics have progressively through this
stage, connected.
In the final years of primary, students in years 5 to 6 build knowledge on strong theoretical and
experimental probabilities, through listing outcomes of chance experiments with equally likely
outcomes and representing those outcomes using fractions, percentages and ratios;
demonstrating a range from 0 to 1 (ACARA, n.d., b.). This is of course intertwined with students
first posing questions, collecting categorical or numerical data while analysing and displaying it
in increasingly more complex graphs, plots and tables (ACARA, n.d., b.). It is at this point that
students compare frequencies in experiments and are introduced to larger trials; including, side-
by-side column graphs for two categorical variables that demonstrates the end of the measuring
stage (Department of Education, WA, n.d.). As students progress through all the stages, they
must develop an increasingly accurate ability to critically evaluate and take steps to make
reasonable judgements and decisions in everyday life, as well as developing skills needed to
critically evaluate statistical information and develop awareness about data interpretation
(Department of Education, WA, n.d.).
Key Ideas
Within statistics and probability there are key ideas or concepts that students must know in
order to successfully become informed citizens. Within probability, students must develop the
language of probability ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and perceive the continuum that which all events can
occur and assign it a number (from 1 to 0) (Reys et al, 2016, p. 450). Linking in later, with the
concept that numerical values can be assigned along this continuum such as fractions,
percentages and ratios (ACARA, n.d., b.). With this in mind students must also develop a sense
of ‘sample space’ fundamental to determining probabilities of specific events (Reys et al, 2016,
p. 450). However importantly, this also links with the concept of randomness, underpinning all
learning in probability (Reys et al, 2016, p. 453).
Another concept students develop is chance is not influenced by any factors other than itself,
including learning conditions of true randomness; never inherently biased, other than fair and
unfair interference (Reys et al, 2016, p. 453). Likewise, learning ‘independence of events’
ensures students do not think chance has memory (Reys et al, 2016, p. 454). For example, if 2
events are independent of one another, one cannot affect the other (Reys et al, 2016, p. 454).
Once these concepts are learned, students can use them experientially to look at the knowledge
of what has happened before and combine it with the theoretical; knowing flipping a coin results
in a 50/50 chance, and then applying that theoretical probability to an experiment (1000 flips) to
prove that understanding in the PCAI cycle (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 553).
Similarly, the PCAI cycle, develops conceptual understandings about statistics (Van de Walle et
al., 2016, p. 553). This process builds the concepts they attain leading students to develop a
sense of ‘data shape’ whereby the spread reveals characteristics of which the students can
describe and make inferences from (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 552). In doing so, students
learn the difference between actual facts and the inferences that go beyond demonstrating
higher level thinking skills (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 562). In analysing data, concepts
students need relate to measures of center; mean, median and mode (Reys et al, 2016, p. 443).
Individually, students need to know the mean is determining the average numerical value of the
data, median is finding the middle value of a data set and mode is the value that occurs most
frequently in a collection of data (Reys et al, 2016, pp. 444-445). In calculating or finding these,
students need to know the process (calculation) and what the values convey in analysing
statistics (Reys et al, 2016, p. 443). Finally, older students develop the concept of ‘variability’ to
describe how much the data are spread out and develops a sense of range in data, including
notions of outliers to assist in stating facts and making inferences (Reys et al, 2016, p. 447).
Typical Experiences/Resources
Typically, students will experience chance language in everyday conversations and use these
terms in conjunction with spinner activities in early development of the probability continuum
concept (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 587). Students also work with identifying variables in
events that are impossible such as in weather, which cannot possibly be dry and wet and
extends to students learning through real-life situations that chance does not have memory;
such as gender not being influenced by previous births (ACARA, n.d.). Typically, data
experiences and resources vary throughout the years range from concrete to pictorial, and
symbolic (figure 2). However, students in middle and upper primary will conduct chance
experiments using for example, using mystery bags with 2 colours to display gender (ACARA,
n.d.). Leading up to this, students experience learning and using the PCAI cycle when they plan
and conduct chance experiments (repeated trials), identifying and describing possible outcomes
and recognising variations of coin toss results (ACARA, n.d.). Including, analyzing the data
experiencing the range, frequency and finding the mean, median and mode by physically
arranging the data of student heights in class and using it as a tool to concretely demonstrate
the concepts (Brown, 2018). Alternatively, in lower primary, students experience opportunities
for creating picture graphs of present and absent students, sort and graph food groups with
objects, later in the middle years compare estimates with results using bar graphs and measure
heights and in upper primary present class data using box plots.
Figure 2: Graph/display complexity (Reys et al, 2016, p. 442).
Most importantly, student experiences are integrated into different areas of the curriculum (Reys
et al, 2016, p. 423). For example, year 1 students reading folktales in English can develop
charts listing events which are possible and impossible (Reys et al, 2016, p. 423). Year two’s
might use graphs in literacy to keep track of reading books (Reys et al, 2016, p. 423). In year 3,
when making healthy choices posters, students can survey ‘which is the most popular breakfast
cereal among Year 3 students in our class?’ (ACARA, n.d.). Later, students can graph data from
physical fitness pre-tests and compare it with post-test results using a line graphs to show the
continuum (Reys et al, 2016, p. 423). Year six’s might typically conduct science experiments
involving rolling cars down ramps of various heights to practice calculating the mean distance
for the number of trials at each height (Reys et al, 2016, p. 423). Lastly, lessons in geography
link into graphs and charts frequently used to display factual information about populations or
geographic areas and enable students to practice making inferences (Reys et al, 2016, p. 423).
Importance of Language
Modelling vocabulary terms to students ensures that students interpret and make corrects
inferences (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 584). Within the language of chance, words woven into
discussions such as impossible, possible, likely, unlikely and certain importantly lead to students
developing the big idea that the chance a future event will occur is within a continuum of 0 to 1
(Reys et al, 2016, p. 450). This provides multiple avenues to describe the likelihood including
when saying something has a ‘fifty, fifty chance’, students must invariably equate that phrase
along the continuum to also mean ‘equally likely’ or the fraction ‘½’ and a ‘50 percent chance’
(Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 583). The language of statistics and probability is definite yet open
to multiple expressions and is importantly relative to concept attainment and reducing what Van
de Walle and associates calls ‘Gamblers fallacy’ (2016, p. 603).
Students show common difficulties and form similar misconceptions about various aspects of
probability and statistics (Reys et al, 2016, p. 455). In probability these are called ‘commutativity
confusion’ in likelihood, ‘gamblers fallacy’, perceiving chance to have memory, ‘law of small
numbers’ in small data sets and ‘possibility counting’ using possibility assumptions (Van de
Walle et al., 2016, p. 603). Similarly, student predictions are often biased preferentially with
favourite colours or numbers, believing for example; the most difficult and luckiest throw is 6 on
a die (Reys et al, 2016, p. 455). This belief links to ‘possibility counting’ as students assume all
outcomes are equally likely; even if a spinner has more red than blue; frequency challenges
students thinking (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 603). The more opportunities teachers provide
to explore a variety of probability concepts through visually structured hands-on activities (figure
2), the more they will be able to move from preferential thinking and assumptions in chance and
make predictions that follow the big idea of a continuum of probability; 0-1 (Van de Walle et al.,
2016, p. 583).
Figure 2: Probability continuum using spinners (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 587)
Difficulties and misconceptions in statistics and data handling are evident when students draw
graphs of real objects before abstract blocks or bars (Brown, 2018, p.1). The size of objects
being hand drawn will vary leading students to incorrectly perceive a visual graph, distorting the
shape of data and causing misinterpretation and incorrect inferences; such as dogs being draw
larger than cats resulting in thinking the majority is dogs, similar to figure 3 (Brown, 2018, p.1).
Through the use of post-it notes, Brown suggest students will overcome this difficulty due to
boundaries similar to later years graphs (Brown, 2018, p.1). Other related difficulties are as
follows, changes of scale squares (1 equals 2); marking the lines of vertical scales in the square
then top of square; incorrectly using line graphs; swapping the order in coordinates from
correctly ‘across’ axis then ‘up’; and reading frequency data, especially in two-way tables
(Department of Education WA, n. d.). Resulting in needing to model and use multiple types of
data and representations in both hands on, written and electronic forms, ensuring these
difficulties do not occur. (Department of Education WA, n. d.).
Understanding statistics and probability is indeed crucial in the modern world. Highlighting the
knowledge for teaching probability and statistics through providing researched reasons towards
its importance, best practice, stages of development, the key ideas, typical experiences and
resources shows deeper understanding of the concepts involved. Through outlining knowledge
about the importance of language and difficulties students shows, it enables teachers to
improve professionally. In doing so, shows the conceptual interrelated understanding of
probability and statistics through primary years (Van de Walle et al., 2016, p. 550).
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (n. d. a). Australian
Curriculum: Mathematics. Retrieved from https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. (n. d. b). Mathematics
Sequence of Content F-6. Retrieved from https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/
Department of Education WA. (n. d.). First steps in mathematics. Retrieved from
Green, D. & Graham, A. (Eds.) (1994). Data handling. Leamington Spa, Warwickshire:
Scholastic Publications.
Reys, R.E., Lindquist, M.M., Lambdin, D.V., Smith, M.L., Rogers, A., Cooke, A., Bennett, S.
(2016). Helping children learn mathematics (2nd Australian ed.). Milton, Qld: John Wiley
& Sons Australia.
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2016). Elementary and Middle School
Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, Global Edition: Pearson. Retrieved from
Welsh Assembly Government. (n.d.). How to Teach Data Handling Across the Curriculum.
Retrieved from http://www.mathematicshed.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/how-to-