Introduction:: Page - 1
Introduction:: Page - 1
Introduction:: Page - 1
Human Resource Management is Definite as a system of activities and strategic that focus on
successfully managing employees at all levels an organization to achieve organization goals.
Employees are the human resource of an organization and its most valuable asset to be
successful organization. Organization must take employee productivity a major goal. The level of
productivity can vary depending on the skill levels the employees demonstrate in their job and
the satisfaction levels of the employees with the organization and their jobs to develop a high
performance and effective work force, the organization should use human
resource management input in the following organizational areas :-
History of HRM:
Modern HRM cannot be traced back to the experiments conducted by Frederick W. Taylor , Who
is considered as the father of scientific management who envisaged and pioneered in improving
efficiencies in business organization later works by Elton Mayo formed the basis for modern
human resource management as we know today. Human resource management is a way of
management that links people related activities to the strategy of a business organization.
Human resource management are by far the most important resources for any organization.
Needless to say that making the best possible used to the resource is critical to the fate of
organization and hence one of the most important priority for the managements of the
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Importance of HRM:
The importance of human resource management has increased those days because
management can achieve the organizational objects only with the co-operation of the people
working in the organization. Without the efficient use of human resource management can
never accomplish organization objectives .Therefore, creating and maintaining a motivated
workforce is the central responsibility of management everywhere.
HRM roles Include:
> Apply quality and productivity principles to improve HRM function.
> Make policies clear, consistent and complimentary or synergistic.
> Facilitate implementation of quality and productivity interventions.
> Attention to such functions as staffing, training, appraisal and compensation to ensure fit
with organizations goals: if goals change, function need to change.
Nature of people:
Characteristics of Human Resource:
Multiplicity of rules assumed by individuals. A person plays many different rules in the
society. Those rules are conflicting in nature. There is no average person. Two persons are not
the same. This is called individual differences. People are heterogeneous. People are
dignified. Treat them with respect and dignity. People appreciate as time goes on. People gain
more knowledge and experience.
Human being should be considering as a whole person. Human is a total person influenced by
internal and external factors. His working life is affected by social and family life.
People can be motivated. Motivation is the willingness to extent more affords to achieve
arrangement go on.
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HRM in a global village:
The global village is a term that reflects state of business in our world. Rise of multinational and
transactional corporation place new requirement on human resources managers. For instance,
human resource must ensure that the opportunities of employees in term of knowledge, skills
and cultural adaptability are available to handle the global assignments.
In order for human resource to meet their goal, they must train individuals to need the
challenges for global village. First of all, there must be means for those works to gain a working
knowledge of the language of country in which they will work.
Definition of HRM:
Management is getting things done through other people. Management is nothing but
hanging people at work.
HRM is a field of management involves planning, organizing, directing and controlling the
function of procuring, developing, maintaining and motivating a labour force. It is a process of
acquiring, training, appraising, developing and compensating employees and attending to their
labour relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.
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Does HRM really Matter?
The landmark HCI study conducted in 1999 in 750 north American and European companies
indicated that quality HRM service improve both the financial well being of an organization and
assured share-holders. The companies studied by Watson Wyatt indicated that over a five year
period quality HRM proved that 64% total return to share-holders as compared to 24% return
for companies with weaker HR practice, in other words organization that spend the money to
have quality HR program perform better than those who do not.
Functions of HRM:
There are four functions responsible for working in HRM-
>Training and Development
These function come to the organization consecutively.
Staffing Function: There are mainly three steps or process of Human Resource
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Planning: The steps taken in estimated the size and makeup our future workforce.
Recruitment: Recruitment is the steps to staff an organization with the best classified
There are three important steps of recruitment and these are :
Job Analysis.
Job Description.
Job Specification.
Job Analysis: Job analysis is the process of determining what knowledge, skills
and abilities an employee needs to successfully do the job.
Job Description: Job description uses the data from job analysis and inform
about job’s duties, technology, conditions.
Job Specification: Job specification state the qualifications needed to perform a
Source of Recruitment: Mainly two Sources.
Recruitment Sources
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Selection process is the series of step that starts with initial screening and ends with a
decision to hire the person.
Steps of Selection Process
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On the job training: On the job training is a process of instructing while working on it,
which will improve their performance. Example: The Expertise employee of a company
coaches the new employee, and helps him to cope up with the job.
Off the job training: it is a process that is for education which will improve their
performance. Example: video, lecture, seminar, etc. It can help an employee to learn
more about the particular job.
Vestibule training: This is training in a mock-up facsimile of the actual work area.
Ɵ Development
The process of developing and educating selected personnel in the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes needed to manage in future positions.
Employees can acquire the knowledge ,skills ,attitudes and understanding
necessary to become successful managers through two types of programs:
On the Job Development
Formal Management Development
The Motivation Function:
So HRM should ensure the following activities to motivate the employees.
>Defining the requirements of the job.
>Matching the requirements with the applicants.
>Training employee.
>Setting job design.
>Setting performance standards.
>Establishing effective compensation and benefits programs.
>Decision making and
>Understanding the Implication of motivational theories.
Translating HRM Functions into Practice
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A compensation system as one objective that is to create a system of rewards that is acceptable
for both employer and employee. Because without the satisfaction of both sides no organization
can achieve their objectives.
Compensations are direct and indirect.
a) Direct Compensation:-A direct compensation is an employee’s base pay and performance
base pay, Example: salary, wages
b) Indirect Compensation:-Indirect compensation includes an employee’s federally required
and state mandated protection programs, Example: private protection programs, paid leave.
Benefits are the forms of indirect compensation that have financial in nature.
Formers of indirect compensation that are programs supplied by employers for employees use.
Principles of HRM:
> Treat people with respect and dignity.
> Treat people as adults.
> Deal with people as complete individuals.
> Treat all employees with justice.
> Provide people with opportunities for growth and development.
> Make people feel that they are important.
> Rewards should be earned, not given.
> Do not underestimate the potentials of people.
> Supply people with all relevant information.
Philosophy of HRM:
Labour is viewed with as a technical function of production. They are treated as commodity and
they can be bought and sold. They are hired and fired at will. It is consistent with theory X.
Labour is viewed a human factor with a lot of positive potentials, So they must be treated with
respect dignity. This is consistent with theory y or McGregor.
Managers should be trained in human resource management concept super resource and
leaders of their employees. This is true in small organizations that they do not have the complex
organizational structure to have a designated department. Most large organization have a define
hr department that consists generalists and specialist in human resource function that
collaborate with managers to ensure that they are employed appropriately.
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