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1. With reference to pneumatic differential transmitters;

a) Sketch and describe such a transmitter;

b) State the duties that they may perform;

2. With reference to keyless propellers

a) Make a sketch showing how a propeller is mounted using the Pilgrim


b) Explain the advantages of the Pilgrim method.

3. a) Sketch and describe a low pressure evaporator utilizing low grade heat to
produce the distillate.

b) State, with reasons the prohibitions placed on the use of the evaporator with
regard to the location of the vessel


a) Describe the type of pump that would be installed in a hydraulic system for
deck machinery;

b) i) Explain the possible causes of contamination in a hydraulic system.

ii) Describe the likely results of contamination

iii) Explain how contamination is monitored

5. With reference to air conditioning units

a) With the aid of a sketch, explain the operation of a unit which includes means
of dehumidifying, Humidifying and refrigerated cooling.

b) i) Describe the conditions that could lead to legionella growth.

ii) List the precautions necessary in the maintenance of air conditioning systems
to reduce the Risk of legionnaire’s disease being contracted.

6. a) Sketch and describe a four ram hydraulic steering gear system;

b) Explain the operations that are necessary to enable a four ram system to

operate on two rams only.

7. a) Sketch and describe the purpose of an expansion valve as fitted in a
refrigeration system;

b) With regards a high pressure cut-out in a refrigeration system, state four

operational circumstances that may cause a high pressure cut-out to operate.

8. a) i) Describe with the aid of a sketch, an aerobic sewage treatment plant

ii) State the effect, if any, of change of temperature and regularity of flow
on the system.

b) Explain the significance of Biological Oxygen Demand

9. Explain how Green House Gas emissions from ships are intended to be reduced
by the IMO?

10. a) Draw line diagram of a feed water system for an auxiliary boiler, labeling all
the principal items and showing the direction of flow.

b) Explain how feed supply to the boiler is regulated? Explain rising water level
characteristics of level control.

c)State what preventive and corrective measures may be taken if oil contamination

of the feed water takes place?

11. The vessel on which you are serving as Second Engineer develops an oil leak
from the stern tube aft oil seal whilst on voyage. Write a letter to the owners of
the vessel regarding the incident, describing the temporary emergency measures
taken to stop the oil leak in order to allow the vessel to enter Indian territorial
waters for cargo discharge and dry docking without contravening MARPOL
1973/78. Also information about the cause of the oil leak and the action to be
taken in dry dock to rectify it may be mentioned.

12. With reference to Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers (LNG), explain the inspection
you will carry out on the following equipments:

a) LNG vaporizer

b) Regassification plant

c)Cargo pumps

d) Emergency discharge pumps.

13. a) Explain why centrifugal pumps cannot handle air or vapours due to the
effect of priming yet turbo-blowers operating on the same principles can.
b) If a vessel is fully laden, how may it be ascertained that the fire pump priming
arrangements would operate satisfactorily in the ballast condition

c) Explain a method of priming suitable for a centrifugal pump.

14. a) Cast iron is most widely used metal after steel in Marine Engineering. Most
cast irons consist of graphite in steel like matrix . Discuss the variation of properties
that may arise with reference to pearlitic grey cast iron and spherical grey cast iron.

b) Describe briefly the treatment necessary to produce these two types of Iron:

15. State the properties required of lub Oil for use in:

a) Refrigerating compressors;

b) High Speed Diesel engines’

c) Hydraulic steering gear;

d) Oil lubricating stern tube;

e) Gear case

16. Define the metallurgical composition, mechanical properties and the reason for
selection a specified marine engineering application of the following metals:

a) Nodular cast iron

b) High tensile steel

c) Titanium

17. a) Describe, with the aid of sketches where necessary, a rotary vane type steering
gear showing how the weight of the rudder and stock are carried and the arrangement
that allows for wear down.

b) State how the vanes described in (a) are secured and the method of sealing the

c) Explain why the stator pressure chambers are usually duplicated.

d) State how, if necessary the steering gear is locked for rudder maintenance.

e) State what considerations determine the number of vanes.

18. With reference to main air compressor.

a) Describe the method of control used when a compressor is running continuously

b) Describe the principle of operation of automatic drains fitted to air compressor;

c) Describe the effect of leaking suction and delivery values in an air compressor.

19. Describe the possible faults which may be found during a dry-dock inspection of
the following:

a) Stern frame

b) Sea chest

c) Bilge keel

d) Anodes

e) Rudders

20 .With reference to oil/water separators:-

a) Describes with the aid of a sketch, the working of such a separator

b) Explain the consequence if the interface detector position is incorrect

c) Enumerate the various possibilities by which oil/water interface can be described.

21. a) State the advantages of using steam turbine propulsion power for vessels
carrying L.N.G. cargo

b) With regard to the use of L.N.G. cargo as boiler fuel explain.

i) The safety precautions relating to the gas pipeline supplying the boiler and

burning the gas in the boiler;

ii) The means of getting rid of excess gases during loading or discharge.

22. Sketch a high-lift safety-valve lid and seat detailing their special features.

Describe how such a valve is overhauled and any clearances that should be measured
and noted.

23. a) Sketch a four-ram steering gear arrangement capable of 100% redundancy.

b) Describe the operation of the arrangement sketched in (a)

24 a) Sketch and describe a cargo space inert gas system producing washed gas from

either a main boiler or from an independent gas generator module.

b) Why is the inert gas producing system you have described not suitable for a

machinery space fixed fire fighting system.

c) What percentage by volume of the following products of combustion would you

expect with good combustion in the system that you have described:- oxygen,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, un-burnt hydrocarbons, oxide of

25. With reference to the carriage and pumping of liquefied gas cargo:

a) Sketch a suitable pumping system labeling the component parts,

b) State;

i) Why submerged hydraulically driven pumps are not used?

ii) How overheating of pump drive shaft bearings is avoided?

c) State how the risk of fire and explosion in cargo tanks is obviated both in the loaded
and discharged conditions.

26. With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears:

a) Explain in terms of control parlance the function of the “Hunting gear”

b) Explain the consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored.

c) State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being
motored by the operating unit.

27. a) Briefly explain the term metal fatigue and further explain how fatigue failure


b) State the difference between high stress/low cycle and low stress/high cycle

fatigue giving an example of each.

c) State how defects in the metal can influence the expected safe life of a component.

d) State how fuel injection timing and cylinder power balance can influence the

possibility of fatigue cracks developing in the bedplate.

28. You have been appointed as Second Engineer of an older vessel which is in
dry- dock and recently been purchased by your shipping company. Describe, in detail
about your inspection, to ensure that the equipments on board ship related to safety
equipment survey are satisfactorily complied with.

29. a) Sketch and describe TWO methods employ manometric means for measuring
tank contents.

b) State what corrections are made to the readings obtained by the methods
described in (a) in order to gauge the mass contents?

c) Explain how bunkering requirements may be estimated when no records of main

engine fuel consumption are available on board.

30. a) With reference to fatigue of engineering components explain the influence of

stress level and cyclical frequency on expected operating life.

b) Explain the influence of material defects on the safe operating life of an

engineering component.

c) State the factors which influence the possibility of fatigue cracking of a bedplate
transverse girder and explain how the risk of such cracking can be minimized.

31. a) Sketch a simple cross section through a single stage centrifugal pump with a
fully shrouded single entry impeller, name the components of the pump and
indicate the direction of fluid flow.

b) Describe:-

i) The function of the impeller and how suction is created by it.

ii) The function of the volute casing

iii) State the material of each component of the pump.

c) State the suction lift that may be expected.

d) State why some centrifugal pumps have:-

i) A double volute casing ii) A diffuser ring.

32. Describe how the following conditions can be avoided in auxiliary boilers:

a) Furnace distortion;

b) Uptake fires;

c) Difficulty in maintain normal water level.

33. A rating has been seriously injured by a “blow back” from the oil fired auxiliary
boiler. As Second engineer, make a full report to Head office explaining the
circumstances of the incident and the precautionary measures now taken to reduce
the possibility of a similar occurrence in the future.

34. Give reasons as to why each of the following features is considered desirable in air

a) Smooth air passages with minimum obstruction at valves,

b) Minimum clearance volume

c) Multitubular heat exchangers;

d) Generous size of suction filter

35. Sketch, and describe, a valve suitable for reducing air pressure and maintaining
the reduced pressure within close limits. Describe the processes through which air
from the starting air receivers should be treated before it is used in a pneumatic
control system.

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