s2 Syllabus18
s2 Syllabus18
s2 Syllabus18
Course Description: Introduces the Spanish language; emphasizes all skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in an
integrated way. Includes how to greet and take leave of someone, to ask and respond to basic questions, to speak and read within a range
of carefully selected topics and to develop an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.
Curriculum Overview
The following academic concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Unit 1- Theme - All About Me: In this unit, students will: describe themselves and others; express preferences;
compare themselves to others. Students will identify cultural similarities and differences
Unit 2- Theme - Daily Life: Students talk about their daily routine, comparing it to the cultural
practices and customs of Spanish-speaking cultures.
Unit 3 - Theme: Healthy Living- In this unit, students will employ the tools necessary to maintain a
healthy body such as exercises, appropriate foods, and the regular interaction with the
healthcare system.
Unit 4 -Theme: Youth: The students examine past life events that occurred with family and friends
during their childhood. Students relate, compare and contrast their cultural differences with
those of the target culture.
Unit 5 - Theme: Travel and Places: In this unit, students will explore cultural and linguistic
differences in traveling to Spanish speaking countries.
Avancemos 2 textbook
Title-Textbook: Avancemos 2
Full Price
Replacement Cost: Full Price
Online book and/or resources http://my.hrw.com/
Avancemos 1 textbook. http://www.classzone.com/
Avancemos 2 (Will be assigned during class, it is specific to the student)
Online student access code (school specific)
GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important
assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate
students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies,
and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s
opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent
the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and
parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.
This is Mr. Narvaez and your daughter/son is enrolled in my Spanish II class this semester. I am looking
forward to a sensational year. It is my aim to provide all students with an educational challenging, fun and
rewarding experience in my classroom.
Spanish is a great and interesting language. It is fun to learn and to speak. In the beginning, it might seem a
little challenging to your son/daughter, but with determination and perseverance as your son/daughter gets
comfortable with the language he/she will realize that it is not as difficult to learn.
Spanish is a very demanding course. Therefore, it is very important for students to be present and on time to
class. We are on a block schedule; this semester contains five units. Each unit ranges from two weeks to four
weeks. Each student will need a notebook that should be brought to class every day.
I believe all students can learn giving the opportunity. My job as an educator is to provide the highest quality
possible educational experience to all students. One way of accomplishing this is by fostering a cooperative
relationship between parents and teacher. In other words, working together parents and teacher, we can
achieve student’s success. Please note that students are responsible for their class content even if they have an
excused absence.
Mr. Narvaez
Information Parent/Guardian
Day Time Phone Number
Email Address