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Abstract. It has been developed instruments of Causalitic Thinking Approach (CTA) in Physics learning to increase
Problem Solving Ability (PSA) of pre-service teachers (low and high groups). Causalitic means causality and analitic.
Implementation of the CTA at kinematics and Newton’s law about movement increased the PSA of students (significance
5%) and the increases were not different between the low and high groups. PSA includes abilities of understanding
(IPSA-1), selecting (IPSA-2), differentiating (IPSA-3), determining (IPSA-4), applying (IPSA-5), and identifying (IPSA-
6). The differences between pre-test (initial PSA) and post-test (final PSA), and between PSA-gain of low and high
groups were tested using Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. Pairs of tcounted and ttable (tcount, ttable) at IPSA-1 to IPSA-6 for low
group were (2,-), (0,5), (0,2), (0,0), (0,3), (0,0) at kinematics and (0,5), (0,5), (0,2), (0,5), (0,2), (0,0) at Newton’s law.
While, for high group, the pairs were (0,5), (0,5), (0,3), (0,3), (0,3), (0,0) at kinematics and (0,2), (0,5), (0,2), (0,3), (0,5),
(0,2) at Newton’s law. Finally, pairs of tcounted and ttable (tcounted, ttable) for the PSA gain differences were (0,3), (4,0), (5,2),
(13.5,5), (5,2), (5,2) at kinematics and (3,2), (12,5), (10.5,5), (2,0), (8.5,5), (10.5,) at Newton’s law. The value of ttable is
related to the number of effective data pairs (for 6, 7, 8, and 9 pairs, the ttable respectively are 0, 2, 3, and 5). This first of
three year research used mixed method of embedded experimental two-phase design and involved 49 students (39
females). The CTA facilitated students to develop ability of causality and analytic thinking. To solve phenomenon,
students determined all causes and deductively predicted all of possible effects, and finally identified conditions of each
causes which resulted in each effects. This paper will focus at three focus discussions, i.e. instruments of CTA, PSA
increases, and responds of students to the instruments.
Strategies to increase quality of Physics learning has been developed by some researchers. The strategies, such as
using conflict-cognitive learning [1], implementing meta-conceptual, awareness, monitoring, and conceptual
evaluation [2], applying Interactive Engagement (IE) [3], and using theorem-in-action [4]. Other strategies are
demonstrating three accelerated movements [5], using Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL)-studio format
[6], applying power point presentation and experimental demonstration [7], developing causal reasoning [8], also
developing Physics Lecturing Program (PLP) designed to increase the ability of analyzing and creating [9], and
implementing Student Work Sheet (SWS) based causality and analytical thinking [10].
In Physics lecturing, we found that Students have difficulties in learning Physics conceptually. This fact nothing
other than the Students were unusual do it when studied Physics at senior high school. The difficulties included in
understanding idea, selecting and/or predicting all possible effects, differentiating and selecting the causes,
determining concept, principle, theory, and/or laws of Physics, as well as identifying the causes why an effect
occurred. All of the difficulties are elements of Problem Solving Ability (PSA) (ibid). Refering to the title above,
The 6th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (The 6th ICTAP)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1801, 030001-1–030001-9; doi: 10.1063/1.4973087
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1469-3/$30.00
this paper focused to answer two questions: 1) What are the instruments of CTA in Physics learning; and 2) How the
PSA increased as result from the CTA implementation.
Relating to the question above, we focus this literature review on two topics. Those are Causalitic Thinking
Approach (CTA) and Problem Solving Ability (PSA).
Problem Solving Ability (PSA)
In this paper, terminology of Problem Solving Ability (PSA) is derived from many opinions, such as Marzano
and Kendall [15] and Marzano and Brown [18]. Marzano & Brown [18] mentioned that in a problem solving,
students are necessary to use their knowledge in generating and stanching their opinion. While, Marzano &
Kendall15) recommended seven questions which are needed to encourage problem solving. The questions were about
objective, obstacle, the way to handle obstacle, determining best solution, the real event, the congeniality of the
result and solution, and/or the best way to change thought.
Marquardt [19] proposed two approaches in problem solving. The first is analytic approach which agreed only
one solution of a phenomenon. This approach recommends us to develop strategy based on analytical process. The
second is integrative approach which followed many solutions in one phenomenon. This approach recommends us
to develop a multi-effect phenomenon, that is one or more elements of causes in the phenomenon are variable. By
implementing this phenomenon, the leaner is facilitated to identify all cause conditions and determine all effects
which have possibility to occur.
Based on the two paragraphs above Problem Solving Ability (PSA) is defined in two abilities. The former,
ability to use knowledge in selecting and/or predicting all possible effects when solve a phenomenon. The later,
ability in identifying how the causes can result in each effects.
In relation with Causalitic Thinking (CT), the PSA is defined in six indicators. The indicators include
understanding, selecting, differentiating, determining, applying, and identifying [10]. The first four indicators
respectively show ability to understand an idea of a problem, select and/or predict all effects, differentiate and select
causes as the factors of each effects, and ability to determine concept, principle, theory, and/or law of Physics useful
in identifying of all causes. The two others respectively show ability to apply the concept, principle, theory, and/or
law of Physics in identifying causes and ability to identify conditions of causes that result in each effect.
Relation between Causalitic Thinking and Problem Solving Ability: When analyze a phenomenon into its causes
and its effects it needs an understanding of idea and objective of the phenomenon, as well as consideration and
ability in analysis its difference. The needs of understanding, consideration, and ability are included in analytical
thinking. As the result, ability of analytical thinking has a significant role to the ability of causality thinking. This
fact agrees with Paul & Elder [11], Amer [16], Zschunke [20], Cohen [21], and Hamilton [22].
The first three of the six PSA indicators and interpretation of problem solving are derived from indicators of
analytical thinking included in statements of Amer [16], Zschunke [20], Cohen [21], Parselle [23] and Hamilton [22].
The fourth and fifth indicators support ability of students when they identify causes.
Based on descriptions above it is clear that ability of causality and analytical thinking supports the PSA.
Causality thinking directly supports ability of student in selecting and/or predicting all possible effects in a
phenomenon. While, analytical thinking supports students when they identify how causes can result in a determined
effect. Thus, Causality and Analytical Thinking (CAT) support the PSA.
This first (of the three years) research used mixed method of embedded experimental design with two phase
approachs, qualitative was the main approach with quantitative was embedded in it. The process of this research
consisted four main activities, i.e. analysis subject matter, design instruments, expert and empirical validations, and
the last activity was making analysis and interpretation of the developed instruments [24] (Figure 1).
Analysis and
interpretation with
Validation output: Draft of 10
Analysis of Development of
“Causalitic” Thinking (Expert & PT, 20 SWS, Student
Subject Book of Fundamental
Instruments Empirical)
Physics I with CTA,
Causalitic Learning
Model (HCLM)
Figure 1 shows part year I design of one group pre-test–post-test [25] which is modified from Creswell & Clark
[24]. This design has quantitative data which is embedded in the qualitative data. Qualitative data was gathered in
analysing subject, developing instruments, and in expert validating, also in analysing and interpreting output of this
research. While, quantitative data was gathered from pre-test and post-test. The pre and post-tests were conducted in
process of empirically instrument validation. On the other hand, the qualitative data was used to analyse information
resulted from filling attitude scale, observation, and of interviews. These data were especially about instrument of
Causalitic Thinking (CT) and its quality and its restrictiveness. While, quantitative data was used to analyse the
increase of Problem Solving Ability (PSA). Finally, information about quality and restrictiveness of the CT
instruments also about the PSA increase were used to make recommendations to develop better instruments of
Physics learning with approach of Causalitic Thinking.
Subject of this research was Students of Physics Educational Program joining in class of Fundamental Physics I,
in one University in Mataram of year 2015/2016. The subject consisted of 49 students, 39 females and 10 males. In
the phase of empirical validation (intervention and its discussion), the students were devided into 10 groups based
on results of grouping test, nine groups comprised five members and one another comprised four members. For
analysis data of research, the subjects were devided into three groups (approximately homogeneous). Group one
consisted students of rank 1 to 9, group two of rank 10 to 40, and the last, group three of rank 41 to 49. We
announced the first grouping but for the second, we did not announce it. Next, we named the first and the third
groups respectively as the high and low groups. The high and low groups were needed to analyze increase of PSA
while all students were needed to qualitatively validate instruments of the CT approach. To analyze the increase and
its difference between the two groups of students it used non parametric statistic (test of location for two dependent
groups), the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test [26].
As objectives of this paper, results of the first year research that will be discussed are consisted of three focuses,
those are instruments of Causalitic Thinking Approach (CTA) in Physics learning, the increase of Problem Solving
Ability (PSA), and student responses to the instruments. The results will be separately presented.
Characteristics of PT and SWS
TABLE 1. Problem Solving Ability (Psa) (%) from Pre-Test (Pe) & Post-Test (Po) of Low Group
TABLE 2. Problem Solving Ability (Psa) (%) from Pre-Test (Pe) & Post-Test (Po) of High Group
TABLE 3. Normal Gain of Psa for Low Group (Lo) And High Group (Hi)
TABLE 4. List of Tcounted (Tc), Number of Effective Data Pairs (N), And Ttable (Tt) Resulted from Wilcoxon
Signed Rank Test of Each Psa Indicators At Kinematics
Indicators of Problem Solving Ability (IPSA)
tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt
Low group 2 5 - 0 9 5 0 7 2 0 6 0 0 8 3 0 6 0
High group 0 9 5 0 9 5 0 8 3 0 8 3 0 8 3 0 6 0
N-gain diff. 0 8 3 4 6 0 5 7 2 13.5 9 5 5 7 2 5 7 2
Note: N-gain = normalized gain and diff = difference.
TABLE 5. List Of Tcounted (Tc), Number of Effective Data Pairs (N), and Ttable (Tt) Resulted from Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Test of Each Psa Indicators At Newton’s Law
Indicators of Problem Solving Ability (IPSA)
tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt tc n tt
Low group 0 9 5 0 9 5 0 7 2 0 9 5 0 7 2 0 6 0
High group 0 7 2 0 9 5 0 7 2 0 8 3 0 9 5 0 7 2
N-gain diff. 3 7 2 12 9 5 10.5 9 5 2 6 0 8.5 9 5 10.5 9 5
the 49 students, there are only thirteen persons who filled the opened questions. The students are labeled as S1, S2,
S3, S6, S8, S10, S21, S22, S23, S30, S34, S35, and S37.
Effectiveness of Instruments TP
Students gave good responses (agreed up to very agreed to positive statements and not agreed up to very not
agreed to the negative ones) about the use of Pre-face Tasks (PT) in Physics learning. Based on content of
statements, it means students agreed up to very agreed that: the PT is useful to give students an initial conception,
the PT facilitates students to understand concept, the problems in the PT are solvable, students solve the PT one or
more days before face to face learning, learning Physics has to start from concepts before implement them into
quantification problems. Regarding with negative statements in the PT, students not agreed up to very not agreed
with the statements. This fact means that the students were consistent when they responded the PT.
The positive responses to Pre-face Tasks (PT) that students gave indicates that implementation of it is effective
to facilitate students to learn Physics conceptually. However, it needs some betterment. Actions of the perfecting
include: reorder structure from concept having easier explanation and easier examples, it is considerable there is a
hand out so it facilitate students to solve every problem in the PT, fewer questions in it, and give more time (more
than one day) to do it.
Implementation Restrictiveness of CTA instruments
Some restrictiveness of the CTA when we implemented it was that: needs longer time so lecturer had less time to
discuss student work, and type of its problems remains difficult for students. Regarding with preparation of
instruments and its strategy of implementation, the restrictiveness includes some phenomena were described with
long description and there was no hand out accompanying the pre-face tasks.
The restrictiveness, in general, did not foster the development of causalitic thinking ability of students in learning
process. This fact is caused the process to select and/or deductively predict all possible effects needs initial
knowledge regarding with related concept. Then, students may have initial knowledge provided that when they did
pre-face tasks there was hand out about the concept so the students could use it as reference.
It has developed a number of instruments of Physics learning with CTA which is significantly effective to
increase PSA of students at sub subjects of kinematics, Newton’s law about movement. All of the instruments that
have been developed include pre-face tasks, student work sheet special for the CTA, some multi-effect phenomena,
and set of problems for testing PSA of students.
The PSA includes ability to understand problem, select causes and effects, differentiate which causes in
phenomenon as variables of determined effect, determine which concepts, principles, theories, and/or laws of
Physics, apply the concepts, principles, theories, and/or laws of Physics for identifying causes, and the sixth is
ability to identify conditions of all causes so they result in determined effect when students solve problem or
phenomenon. Furthermore, to increase effectiveness of the instruments it needs some actions of perfecting including
perfecting its design and strategy for implementing
We gratefully acknowledge the staff leader of ministry of research, technology, and High Education of Indonesia
who has supported financially, research institution, and all staff leader in Mataram University who have permitted us
to do our research project so finally this research could be conducted. We also acknowledge our family who has
fully supported us in finishing this research and writing this paper. In addition, we appreciate all of help given by
our colleague, especially all of Physics education lecturer and all first year Physics education Students of year
2015/2016 so we could do this project fluently.
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