Writing Your Resume Theresa M. Garcia SDSU MEP Director Fall 2005 Compilation of Resume Presentations Previously Given by Industry Representatives: HR and Engineers MESA Engineering Program

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Writing Your Resume

Theresa M. Garcia
SDSU MEP Director
Fall 2005
Compilation of Resume Presentations previously
given by industry representatives: HR and engineers
MESA Engineering Program
Your resume is a snapshot of youand
your qualifications.
It is your opportunity to sell yourself for
further job consideration.
It is THE first impression a potential
employer gets of you
..First impressions last
..First impressions are hard to change
Components of Your Resume
Personal Information

Experience and/or Skills
Personal Information
Indicate your name, address (both home and
email)and phone numberwhere you may be
..Only put your email if you use it on a regular basis
..Use a professional sounding email address
..Not pimpdaddy@yahoo.com
..Not hotmama@hotmail.com

..\Sample Resume.doc
Rectangle: Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
What type of position are you seeking?
..Entry-level vs. Internship; must be on resume
..Full-time vs. Part-time; optional on resumeState the type of position you desi
re in one or two sentences.
(civil engineering, mechanical engineering, laboratory
technician, etc.)
For example if you are seeking an engineer internship, you
might state, Seeking an electrical engineering internship that
will enable me to utilize my acquired knowledge while furtheringmy development o
Text Box: Education
Rectangle: Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
List the name and location of the universities,junior colleges, and
high schoolyou have attended, listing the most recent or current
Indicate your degree, major, date of graduation, or anticipated
date of graduation, and GPA, if over 3.0.
..Hint: if your major GPA is higher use it insteadIf you have an advanced degree
, list it first.
If you have limited work experience in your field, list some of the
significant courses taken.
Experience and/or Skills
Rectangle: Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
List work and internship experience
related to the position desired.
If you do not have experience related to
the position desired, list related volunteer
work and other work or internship
List the most recent employer first, and
indicate the nameof the employer, the
cityand statein which they are located,
dates of employment, position,
responsibilities and accomplishments.
If your work experience is unrelated to the
position desired, be sure to indicate the
responsibilities that demonstrated skills
that apply to all jobs. (dependability, cooperation,
customer service, initiative, teamwork, etc.)
Resume.docList special skills related to the position
desired that you want to highlight:
computer operating systems, languages,
specialized software, etc.
If you have a variety you may need to
sub-bullet them:
If your skills are unrelated to the specific
position desired, be sure to indicate those
skills that demonstrate general expertise
that apply to all jobs. (time-management,
communication; both oral and written, languages other
than english, organizational, etc.)
If you were involved in extra curricular activities or received
honors in college or high school, list a few of the most
significant ones.
..If you put it down be ready to provide comment
..List names of student organizations and other programs you re
involved in. i.eIEEE, MESA Engineering Program or Maximizing
Science Potential programs.

List any scholarships or other honors received.

Indicate that references will be provided upon request.
Develop a list of references of professional people who have
observed your work, school work, or leadership in clubs or
associations, who would be willing to talk with potential
employers about you.(employers, professors, club sponsors, etc.)
..Get their permission first

Your list of references should be complete and ready to go

when you submit your resume to a company.
Your separate reference list should indicate the reference s
name, position, and phone number.
Resume Do s
Keep the length of your resume to one (preferred) or two (if absolutely
necessary) pages. Brief and informative.
Make sure your resume is accurate.
If you list it be ready to comment on it.
Provide a good, clear copy of your resume to a potential employer.
Provide a personalized cover letter, when mailing in unsolicitedor
solicited resume.
Have a copy of your transcripts ready to submit.
Resume DoResume Do s (cont.)s (cont.)
Check your resume carefully for any spelling or grammatical
errors -Ask a friend to proofread your resume.
Always be prepared to answer any questions referring to your
Make sure your list of references is current, especially the phone
Work toward AEP for inclusion in portfolio and better
MESAdvantageReport card -..\..\FORMS\Academic Excellence
Plan -Inclusive Version.docUse resources like software templates, friends, teach
counselors, student organizations, websites:
Resume Don t
Don t exaggerate accomplishments, but don t downplay them
Do not Xerox your cover letter and write in new company
name use a computer so that it looks like an original copy.
Do not hand write position desired use a computer so that
your resume looks like an original copy.
Do not submit transcripts or references with resume until
Resume Don t (cont.)
Do not include information that might result in discrimination
i.e., age, race, martial status, religion, etc. However if you are
a member of a minority student association, etc., you should
still list your membership.
Do not include a photograph.
Do not include salary requirements unless specifically requestedin advertisement
. If requested, put the most recent salary you
were receiving for each job you had.
The End
Now you are ready for an interview!

Your objective goes here
Dates Name of School City, State
.. Degree/Diploma information
.. Graduation Date and honors achieved at graduation.

Relevant Courses
and/or Skills

.. MS-Office, PC, MAC

.. Fluent in English and Spanish

.. Computer Programming with C++

.. Differential Equations

Dates Company Name City, State
Position Title
.. Duties
.. Responsibilites
.. Achievements

Dates Company Name City, State

Position Title
.. Duties
.. Responsibilites
.. Achievements

Dates Company Name City, State

Position Title
.. Volunteer work
.. General skills, dependability, teamwork, etc.

Extra-curricular activities
Club memberships
Community involvement
Academic honors achieved
Scholarships earned
Excellent References available upon request
Susie Engineer
123 Paradise Ct.
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 123.4567 (Home) (619) 765.4321 (Cell)

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an entry level electrical engineering position emphasizing

electronic/electrical systems

EDUCATION: San Diego State University

B.S. Electrical Engineering, expected December 2004

COURSEWORK: Classes in progress: Modem design, and Analog Integrated Circuit Des

Completed classes: Circuit Analysis I/II, Computational and Statistical

Methods for Electrical Engineers, Fundamentals of Engineering Electronics,
Electric & Magnetic Fields, Signals and Systems, Analysis and Design of
Electronic Circuits, Electronic Materials & Devices, Digital Signal
Processing, Communication Systems

SKILLS: Working knowledge of Windows 3.1/95/98/NT/2000/XP

Mentor Graphics, OrCad, Spice, MultiSim, Xilinx, Matlab, Visual C/C++
EXPERIENCE: June-Sept 2004 Summer Internship at North Island Navair under the Se
rvice Life
Extension Program (SLEP) Team
Help construct an Excel database that listed the information of all the
wires on the C2 plane.
o The database had information that I had to research such as the
material properties, connector size, pin layout, tools needed to
extract and insert the tool to the connector case.

Verified the main hyperlink database that gave all team members for the
project an easy assess to the location and appearance to a designated
reference designator.
o Compared and redlined errors on the hyperlink and on the master
copies for the technical documents for the project.
Quality Control Investigator: redline and correct the tech schematics/
manuals to insure the plane obeys the Standard regulations for current
carrying wire.

ACTIVITIES: President, Associated Engineering Student Council (AESC) 2003-2004

Vice President, Associated Engineering Student Council (AESC) 2002-2003
Vice-President, Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (IEEE),
External Relations, SDSU Chapter 2001-2002
Head Electrical Engineer, Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Team 2001-2002
Student Representative to Dean's Budget Review Committee 2002-2004

REFERENCES: Excellent references available upon request

Text Box: Theresa M. Garcia
123 Home Avenue, #4
San Diego, CA 92182
(619) 555-1234

Susie Engineer
123 Paradise Ct.
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 123.4567 (Home) (619) 765.4321 (Cell)


Theresa M. Garcia
Director, MESA Engineering Program
College of Engineering, SDSU
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-1303
(619) 594-5679

Dr David Johnson
Dean of Engineering
College of Engineering, Harvard
5000 Washington Drive
Cambridge, MA 05052-1326
(000) 123-4567

Dr. Bruce White

Chairperson, Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering, UCSD
3500 Cove Drive
La Jolla, CA 92132-1420
(000) 123-8910


Brian McKenzie
Customer Service Manager
Washington Mutual Bank
2330 Di Foss Street
San Diego, CA 92104
(000) 234-5679

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