International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology
International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology
International Journal of Current Research in Biosciences and Plant Biology
Review Article
*Corresponding author.
Abstract Keywords
Haemostasis is very important because it arrests bleeding (clot formation) when blood
vessels are damaged which if the bleeding is not arrested (sudden and severe loss of
blood) can lead to shock and death. Haemostasis is the instinctive response Aging
for the body to stop bleeding and loss of blood. During haemostasis three steps Coagualtion factors
occur in a rapid sequence. Vascular spasm is the first response as the blood vessels
constricts to allow less blood to be lost. In the second step, platelet plug formation, Haemostasis
platelet stick together to form a temporary seal to cover the break in the vessel wall.
Platelet plug
The third and last step is called coagulation or blood clotting. Coagulation reinforces
the platelets plug with fibrin threads that act as a molecular glue.With advancing Vascular spasm
age, many individuals who are otherwise normal show laboratory evidence of
heightened coagulation enzyme activity.
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Int. J. Curr. Res. Biosci. Plant Biol. 2015, 2(10): 68-77
three steps occur in a rapid sequence. Vascular spasm is plug formation is activated by glycoprotein
the first response as the blood vessels constricts to allow called the Von Willebrand factor which are
less blood to be lost. In the second step, platelet plug found in the blood plasma. When platelets in the
formation, platelet stick together to form a temporary blood are activated they then become very
seal to cover the break in the vessel wall. The third and sticky so allowing them to stick to other
last step is called coagulation or blood clotting. platelets and adhere to the injured area (Lassila,
Coagulation reinforces the platelets plug with fibrin 2012; Springer, 2011).
threads that act as a molecular glue (Marieb and
Haelin, 2010). Platelets are large factors in the (3) Blood coagulation- Clots form upon the
haemostatic process. They allow for the creation of the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, and its
Platelet plug that forms almost directly after a blood addition to the platelet plug (secondary
vessel has been ruptured. Within seconds of a blood hemostasis). Coagulation which is the third and
vessel s epithelial wall being disrupted, platelets begin final step in its rapid response reinforces the
to adhere to the sub-endothelium surface. It takes platelet plug. Coagulation uses fibrin threads
approximately sixty seconds until the first fibrin strands that act as a glue for the sticky platelets. As the
begin to intersperse among the wound. After severe fibrin mesh begins to form the blood is also
minutes the platelet plug is completely formed (Boon, transformed from a liquid to a gel like substance
1993). Haemostasis is maintained in the body via three through involvement of clotting factors and pro-
mechanisms. coagulates.
(1) Vascular spasm is the blood vessels first Haemostatic factors and aging
response to injury. The damaged vessels will
constrict (vasoconstriction) which reduces the With advancing age, many individuals who are
amount of blood flow through the area and limit otherwise normal show laboratory evidence of
the amount of blood loss. This response is heightened coagulation enzyme activity.
triggered by factor such as a direct injury to
vascular smooth muscle, chemicals released by The lecture of D-Maris on haemostasis and aging held
endothelial cells and platelet, and reflexes on (March 19, 2008) says, physiological aging is
initiated by local pain receptors. The spasm associated with increased plasma levels of many protein
response becomes more effective as the amount of blood coagulation with fibrinolysis impairment. This
of damage is increased. may be of great concern in view of the known
association between vascular and thromboembolic
(2) Platelet plug formation, when the vessel wall is diseases and aging. Prothrombotic clotting factor; the
damaged, the endothelial structures, including plasma concentration of several clotting factors namely
basement membrane, collagen and microfibrils fibrinogen factor vii, factor viii, Von Willebrand factor
are exposed. Surface bound Von Willebrand (VWF) factor ix, factor xii increase with progressing age
factor binds to glycoprotein 1b on circulating. in healthy individuals (Maris et al., 2008). A study by
Platelets resulting in an initial monolayer of Meade et al. (1977) in a population study of subjects
adhering platelets. Being the second step in the aged 53-64years had shown significantly higher level of
sequence they stick together (aggregation) to fibrinogen (300mg/dl) than those found in younger
form a plug that temporarily seals the break in subjects aged 20 (250mg/dl).As 10mg/dl for each decade
the vessel wall. As platelets adhere to the collagen can be expected in healthy subjects. Fibrinogen
fibers of a wound they become spiked and much moreover is a molecule that plays a role in acute phase
stickier. They then release chemical messenger inflammation and fibrinogen level increases in reference
such as adenosine disphophate (ADP). These to interleukin in 6 and both are strongly connected with
chemicals are released to cause more platelets to aging (Balleisen et al., 1985). Factor vii plasma levels
stick to the area and release their contents and progressively increase with age from a mean of 95
enhance vascular spasm. Platelets alone are units/dl in subjects of 20 years old to over 110 units/dl in
responsible for stopping the bleeding 0f subjects over 50 years old. Thrombotic disorders have
unnoticed wears and tears of our skin on a shown to be more frequent in subjects with higher
daily basis (Clemetson, 2012) platelet plasma levels of factor vii (Ershler, 1983) acting as a
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cofactor in the activation of factor X promoted by factor The main function of platelets is to contribute to
IXa, progressingly increase with age reaching a mean of haemostasis. The process of stopping bleeding at the site
over 200 units/dl in the healthy subjects over sixty of of interrupted endothelium. They gather at the site and
age, the level of factor ix and factor X activation peptide physically plug the hole. First platelets stick to
also increase with advancing age (Bauer et al., 1990). substances outside the interrupted endothelium adhesion.
The mean physiological inhibitors of blood coagulation Second they change shape, turn on receptors and secrete
are natural anticoagulants produced by the liver and chemical messengers activation. Third, the stick to each
circulating in the plasma, anti thrombin iii heparin co- other aggregation formation of this platelet plug
factor ii. The protein C, protein S system and tissue (primary haemostasis) is followed by activation of the
factor pathway inhibitors (T.F.P.I). The increase coagulation cascade with resultant fibrin deposition
activation of the related coagulation is not the tissue linking (secondary haemostasis). These process may
factors pathway, which increase with increase in age, the overlap the spectrum is from a predominantly platelet
behavior pattern of TFPI is gender dependent, in women plug, or white clot to a predominantly fibrin clot, or
statistically significant increase in plasma concentration red clot or the more typical mixture, the final result is
of TFPI with age have been observed paralleling the rise the clot. Low platelet concentration is thrombocytopenia
in factor Vii. No significant age-related change in TFPI and is due to either decreased production or increased
has been found in men (Ariensm et al., 1995). destruction.
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the inactive thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and also greatly dependent on specific surface receptors of
malonyldialdehyde. The aggregation of platelets join platelets and also by activated endothelium. The
together into lose reversible aggregates, but after the necessity for calcium in many of these reactions is
release reaction of the platelet granule larger, firmer frequently used to control their activity in vitro.
aggregates form changes in the platelet membrane
configuration now occur flip-flop rearrangement of the The contact activation system
surface brings the negativity charged phosphatidyl-
serine and inositol on the outer leaflet, thus generating The contact activation system (Colman and Schmaier,
platelet factor 3 (procoagulant) activity. At the same 1997) comprises factor xii (Hageman factor), high
time specific receptors for various coagulation factors molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) (fitzgeral factor)
are exposed on the platelet surface and help coordinate and prekallikrein/Kallikrein (Fletcher factor). Important
the assembly of the enzymatic complexes of the activities of these factors are to activate the fibrinolytic
coagulation system. Local generation of thrombin will system, to activate the complement system and to generate
then further activate platelets. vaso active peptides in particular, bradykinin is released
from Hmwk by prekallikrein or Fxiia also function as
Platelets are not activated if in contact with healthy chemoattratants for neutrophils. The contact activation
endothelial cells. Platelets have at least three roles in system also has some inhibitory effect on thrombin
haemostasis. activation of platelets and prevents cell binding to
endothelium. Recent evidence implicates the contact
1. Adhension and aggregation forming the primary system in thrombosis via activation by polyphosphate
haemostatic plug. released from platelets (Multer et al., 2009).
2. Release of platelet activating and procoagulant
molecules. When bound to a negatively charged surface in vitro, factor
3. Provision of a procoagulant surface for the xii and prekallikrein are able to reciprocally activate one
reactions of the coagulation system. another by limited proteolysis, but the initiating event is not
clear. It may be that a conformational change in factor xii
Blood coagulation on binding results in limited autoactivation that triggers the
process. HMWK acts as a (zinc-dependent) cofactor by
The central event in the coagulation pathway (Mann, facilitating the attachment of prekallikrein and factor xi,
1999) is the production of thrombin which acts upon with which it circulates in a complex to the negatively
fibrinogen to produce fibrin and thus the fibrin clot. This charged surface. It has been shown in invitro studies that
clot is further strengthened by the cross linking action of platelet or endothelial cells can provide the necessary
factor Xiii, which itself is activated by thrombin. The negatively charged surface for this mechanisms and also
two commonly used coagulation test, the activated process specific receptors for factor xi. The contact system
partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and the prothrombin can activate fibrinolysis by a number of mechanisms
time (PT), have been used historically to define two plasminogen cleavage, urokinase plasminogen activator
pathway of coagulation activation, the intrinsic and (UPA) activation and tissue plasminogen activator (EPA)
extrinsic pathway, respectively. However, this bears release most importantly from the laboratory point of view,
only a limited relationship to the way coagulation is the contact activation system results in the generation of
activated in vivo for example, deficiencies of factor xii factor xiia, which is able to activate factor xi, thus initiating
or of factor viii both produce marked prolongation of the the coagulation cascade of the intrinsic pathway.
APTT, but only deficiency of the latter is associated
with a haemorrhagic tendency. Moreover, there is Tissue factor
considerable evidence that activation of factor IX
(intrinsic pathway) by factor VIIa (extrinsic pathway) is Tf is the cofactor for the extrinsic pathways and the
crucial to establishing coagulation after an initial physiological initiator of coagulation. It is a
stimulus has been provided by factor viia tissue factor transmembrane protein and constitutively present in many
(Tf) activation of factor x (Mann, 1999) (Table 1). tissues outside the vasculature and on the surface of
stimulated inflammatory cells such as monocytes and
Investigation of the coagulation system centers on the under some conditions, endothelial cells factor viia binds
coagulation factors, but the activity of these proteins is to Tf in the presence of calcium ions and then becomes
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enzymatically active. Some amounts of factor viia are its amino terminus that are y-carboxylated by a vitamin
present in the circulation but bound to Tf. The factor K-dependent mechanism. This results in a novel amino
viia-Tf complex can activate both factor X and therefore acid, y-carboxyglutamic acid, which by binding calcium is
two routes to thrombin production are stimulated factor essential in promoting a conformational change in the
xa subsequently binds to Tfpl and then to factor vlla to protein and binding of the factor to negatively charged
form an inactive quaternary (xa-Tf-vlla-Tfpl) complex. phospholipid. Because this binding is crucial for
This mechanism therefore functions to short off the coordinating the interaction of the viral factor, the proteins
extrinsic pathway after an initial stimulus to coagulation produced in the absence of vitamin K (PIVKA) that are not
has been provided. y-caroxylated are essentially functionless. The vitamin k-
dependent factors are proenzymes or zymogens which
Cofactors require cleavage, sometimes with release of a small peptide
(activation peptide) to become functional.
Factors VIII and V are the two most labile of the
coagulation factors and they are rapidly lost from stored Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
blood or heated plasma. They share considerable
structural homology and are cofactors for the serine Fibrinogen is a large dimeric protein consisting of three
proteases fix and fx, respectively, the both require polypeptides, it has a high molecular weight of 340,000
proteolytic activation by factor lla or xa to function plasma glycoprotein. Fibrin is formed from fibrinogen
factor VIII circulates in combination with vwf, which is by thrombin cleavage releasing the A and B peptides from
present in the form of large milltimers of a basic 200 fibrinogen, this result in fibrin monomers that then
KDa monomer. One function of vwf is to stabilize factor associate and precipitate forming a polymer that is the
VIII and protect it from degradation. In the absence of visible clot (Lord, 2007).
vwf, the survival of factor VIII in the circulation is
extremely short. VWF may also serve to deliver factor Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
VIII to platelets adherent to a site of vascular injury once
factor VIII has been cleaved and activated by throbin, it Prothrombin has a molecular weight of 72,000, it is a
no longer binds to vwf. plasma protein. It is press in normal concentrations of
blood 130mg/dl. The prothrombinase complex catalyzes
The vitamin K-dependent factors the conversion of prothrombin (factor II) and inactive
zymogen to thrombin (factor IIa) an active serine
The vitamin k-dependent factors group includes protease. The activation of thrombin is a critical reaction
coagulation factor II, VII, IX and X. however, it is in the coagulation cascade, which functions to regulate
important to remember that the anticoagulant protein s, c haemostasis in the body. Prothrombin is converted to
and z are also vitamin k-dependent. Each of these proteins thrombin in the presence of thromboplastin and calcium
contains a number of glutamic acid residues at ion during blood clotting.
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Fig. 1: Haemostasis and the balance between the Functions of clotting factors
coagulation factors, platelets and fibrinolytic system.
Haemostasis is the body s mechanism to stop blood loss
(Fig. 1). It is made up of several mechanisms with the
coagulation phase involving the clotting factors and the
Platelet system Vascular system Coagulation
formation of a blood clot. The series of clotting factor
whereby one clotting factor activates the next is known
Injured blood vessels Tissue thromboplastin as the coagulation cascade. The clotting factors eventually
convert fibrinogen to fibrin which then forms a mesh
Collagen Intrinsic network at the site of injury. This traps blood
Clotting Extrinsic cells and other components to form a firm blood clot and
thereby completely stop blood loss. Therefore the
Platelet Thrombin functions of clotting factors are to trigger the formation
of a blood clot and stabilize it for as long as necessary.
Clotting factors are therefore known as procoagulants.
Platelet Vaso constriction
List of clotting factors
Fibrin Platelet plug
Factor I
Fibrinolytic enzyme in the elderly Name: fibrinogen
Source: liver
During aging, fibrinolytic activity in plasma increase Pathwy: Both extrinsic and intrinsic
markedly (Manucci and Maris, 1995) in the elderly. There Activator: Thrombin
is secondary hyper fibrinolysis which results to an Actions: when fibrinogen is converted into fibrin by
increased D-dimer and plasmin antiplasmin complex. thrombin, it forms long strands that compose the mesh
network for clot formation.
Plasma antigenic markers of fibrinolysis V, Z,
plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) fibrin fragment Factor II
d-dimer and plasmin antiplasmin complex (PAP) for the
prediction of arterial thrombosis in healthy elderly Name: prothrombin
persons over the age 65. They found out that there was Source: liver
increasing quartile of D-dimer and PAP levels but not of Pathway: Both extrinsic and intrinsic
PA1-1, there was no independent risk of myocardial Activator: prothrombin activator
infarction or coronary death, but not of angina Actions: prothrombin is converted into thrombin which
(Cushman et al., 1999). then activates fibrinogen into fibrin.
Pathway: Both extrinsic and intrinsic. Actions: Works with platelet phospholipids to convert
Action: works with many clotting factors for activation prothrombin into thrombin. This reaction is made faster
of the other clotting factors. by activated factor V.
Factor V Factor XI
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clotting activate invivo such as prothrombin fragment neuraminidase did not affect the aggregation of platelets
1+2 fibrinopeptide A, thrombin antithrombin III by agonists in vitro, nor their sites of sequestration but
complex and D-dimer are positively related with age. shortened their life span. And there was an exponential
correlation between the shortening of the mean platelet
Natural anticoagulants including antithrombin III life span and the amount of sialic acid removed (Kotze
heparin cofactor II, protein C, protein S and tissue factor et al., 1993).
pathway inhibitor can modulate the reactions of blood
coagulation system. The occurrence of menopause is Also merlo-pich and his colleagues assayed NADH-
accompanied by a significant increase in antithrombin coenzyme Q reductase in platelet mitochondrial
III plasma level, the mean antithrombin III level in older membranes obtained from 17 pools of two venous blood
women exceeds the level in male counterparts samples from female young (19-30 years) individuals
(Sapripanti and Carpi, 1999). and 18 pools from aged ones (66-107 years). The research
showed that the enzyme activities were not significantly
In healthy elderly subjects, heparin cofactor II plasma changed in the two group, but a decrease of sensitivity to
concentration is lower than in younger subjects the spedific inhibitor, rotenme, occurred in a substantial
independently of gender. In women, statistically number of aged individuals (Merlo-Pich et al., 1996).
significant increases in the plasma concentration of the Therefore the effect of aging is shorten the mean platelet
tissue factor inhibitor have been observed protein C life span which in turn affects the mean platelet count
level rise with age in both sexes as well as free protein S (Kotze et al., 1993).
level. In healthy elderly individuals, an increase in
natural anticoagulants can balance the age-ratetad Metabolism of vitamin K
increase to clotting mechanism are antibodies that
neutralize specific clotting proteins, thereby interfering Vitamin K is required for the biological activity of several
with their normal function. coagulation factors. It plays a vital role in blood
coagulation especially in vitamin K dependent factor X.
Thromboembolism in the elderly vitamin K is continuously being synthesized in the
intestinal tract by bacterial flora. The metabolic role of
The aging process is associated with increased and vitamin K is act as a cofactor in the carboxylation of
fibrinolysis parameter resulting in an overall glutamyl to gamma-carboxyglutamyl residues.
prothrombic state (Van-Gorp and Branddies, 1998).
Besides the hepatic tissues, in which the clotting factors
In the elderly, unregulated clotting will result in the are produced, gamma-carboxyglutamyl containing
conversion of the blood vessels and thrombosis (Kalfalis proteins are also abundantly available in bone tissue.
et al., 1997). This probably explains the development of Evidence from observational studies and first intervention
thromboembolic disease. Additional factor such as rails indicate that vitamin K intakes much higher than
major surgery or malignant disease multiply the risk of current recommendations improve biochemical markers
thromboebolism in this population. of bone formation as well as bone density. Activated
partial thromboplastin time (APTT) is moderately
Platelet function during aging increased in the presence of a vitamin K deficiency.
In recent study of platelet life span during aging, Kotze Clinical significance of prothrombin time
and his colleagues isolated platelet from blood of baboons
and treated them with neuraminidase to remove platelet The prothrombin time test is used for controlling
membrane sialic acid, a process which artificially anticoagulant therapy and ideal prothrombin time range
ages the platelets. The platelet were then labeled with IIIIn for this therapy is 20-25 seconds. Decreased
and their mean life span in vivo distribution and sites of prothrombin time is associated with increased level of
removal of sialic acid on the attachment of factor VII. The first is prolonged as a result of liver
immunoglobulin to platelet were investigated and related disease since the physiology of blood coagulation
to the sequestration of t he platelets by the spleen, liver closely linked to liver function, synthesis of some
and bone marrow. The research showed that the coagulation factors occur in the liver. The conversion of
removal of sialic acid by
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decreased in disseminated intravascular coagulation normal show laboratory evidence of heightened
(DIC). In normal aging, prothrombin time is increased in coagulation enzyme activity. The aging process is
both men and women and in a study by Hamilton et al. associated with increased and fibrinolysis parameter
(1974) in 61 subjects. The prothrombin time increased in resulting in an overall prothrombic state. In the
both sexes. elderly, unregulated clotting will result in the
conversion of the blood vessels and thrombosis
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