High Court of Gujarat Sola, Ahmedabad - 380 060.: WWW - Gujarathighcourt.nic - in S://hc-Ojas - Guj.nic - in
High Court of Gujarat Sola, Ahmedabad - 380 060.: WWW - Gujarathighcourt.nic - in S://hc-Ojas - Guj.nic - in
High Court of Gujarat Sola, Ahmedabad - 380 060.: WWW - Gujarathighcourt.nic - in S://hc-Ojas - Guj.nic - in
Note :
➢ The Candidates belonging to SC Category can apply against Unreserved Category and
the criteria meant for the Unreserved Category will be applicable to them. However, they
will be entitled for relaxation in Fees only.
➢ The High Court reserves its rights to adjust/alter the number of vacancies notified.
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(b) Computer :
A Candidate must possess besides the prescribed qualifications
(i) CCC / CCC+ level Certificate, or;
(ii) Should have Degree/Diploma from any recognized University/
Educational Institution with computer as one of the Subjects,
(iii) Should have passed SSC or HSC examination from recognized
School Board with Computer as one of the Subjects, or Courses
prescribed by the Government.
(c) Age Limit :
(i) A Candidate applying to the said posts, shall not be less than 18
years and not more than 35 years of age, as on the last date of
submitting On-line Application i.e. on 31/05/2018.
(iii) In any case, the Upper Age Limit for any Candidate under any
Category/ Class, shall NOT exceed 45 Years, while availing
the above mentioned Age Relaxations, as on 31/05/2018 i.e Last
Date of submitting the 'Online Application'.
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(b) Carefully Read and Follow the Instructions/Help given thereat. Select
the Mode of Payment i.e. Online Payment or Cash-Challan (Offline)
(Challan will be generated On-line at SBI e-Pay Website).
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(g) Requisite Examination Fees, can be paid through either Mode i.e.
Online (from 16/05/2018 to 31/05/2018) or Offline (Cash-Challan)
(till the Challan Expiry Date) and the same shall be considered as
(h) Fees paid by any other mode, will NOT be accepted.
(i) Fees once paid, shall NOT be Refunded OR shall NOT be Adjusted in
any subsequent Recruitment Process, under any circumstances.
(ii) Preliminary Test will of 100 Marks, each Question carrying 1 Mark. For every
wrong/multiple answer, there shall be Negative Marking of 0.33 Marks.
Duration of the Preliminary Test shall be 02 (Two) Hours.
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(a) Benefit(s) of Relaxation in Upper Age Limit / Examination Fees /
Reservation shall be granted to the Candidates belonging to Reserved
Categories i.e. SC/ST/SEBC/PH (only Orthopedically disabled) / Ex-
Servicemen, provided that requisite Certificate in respect thereof,
issued by the Competent Authority, is provided by the Candidate as and
when called for. The final decision, as to the suitability of a Candidate,
for the Post, shall rest with the High Court.
Note :- Candidates belonging to SC Category, shall only be entitled for relaxation
in Examination Fees.
(b) The Candidate who has successfully submitted CONFIRMED
Online Application & paid the requisite Examination fees, shall
only be eligible for appearing at the Stenography/Skill Test and/or
Viva-voce Test, subject to their qualifying therefor.
(c) The decision of the High Court as to the eligibility or otherwise of a
candidate for admission to the Stenography/Skill Test and/or Viva-voce
Test shall be final. No candidate, to whom Call Letter has NOT been
issued by the Recruiting Authority, shall be allowed to appear for the
Stenography/Skill and/or Viva-voce Test.
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(d) The Candidate shall have to appear at their own expenses, to-and-fro,
for the Stenography/Skill Test and/or Viva-voce, if called for, at the
place and time that may be decided by the High Court.
(e) Candidate shall be required to download his/her Call-letter from the
Websites https://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in, during the Preceding Week, by
using Advertisement No., his/her Confirmation No. and Date of
Birth, for appearing at the respective Examination/Viva-voce and the
same may be communicated at the relevant time, through Press-
Note/Brief Advertisement and/or vide ‘SMS’ on the Mobile Number
registered in the ‘On-line Application’, of the candidate concerned.
(f) The list of eligible candidates will be placed on High Court website
as well as on HC-OJAS portal of NIC, at the relevant time.
(g) At every stage of examination, Candidate shall produce, Identity proof
i.e. Election Card / PAN Card / valid Driving License / valid Passport /
Adhaar Card , etc. in original & a copy thereof, along with the ‘Call
Letter-cum-Admission Slip’.
(h) Entry in the Compound of the Examination Centre with
Mobile/Cell Phone, Tablets, Laptop, Electronic Gadgets etc. is
strictly prohibited. No arrangement for safe keeping, will be
arranged, which may kindly be noted.
A Candidate who is found indulging in unfair practices, viz. copying
or misconduct during the course of examination, using electronic
gadgets or Mobile Phones etc., tampering with Question Paper /
Examination Material, influencing any Official concerned with the
Examination Process, will be debarred from the present Recruitment
Process as also from future Recruitment Processes to be conducted by
the High Court for any number of years or permanently, as may be
decided by the High Court.
(i) Result of all Examination/Test will be made available on the High
Court websites and/or by any other mode that may be decided by the
High Court.
(j) ONLY after conclusion of the Recruitment Process, Results (Marks) of
each stage of Examination shall be available to each Candidate, by
providing a link to a webpage on the HC-OJAS website –
https://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in, with individual password (One-Time
Password-OTP) via, SMS on his/her registered mobile number.
(k) Mere success in the Examination shall not confer any right to
appointment and no Candidate shall be appointed to the post unless
the High Court is satisfied, after such inquiries as may be considered
necessary that the Candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment
to the post.
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(l) The High Court reserves the right to adopt appropriate method of
short-listing the Candidates at any stage.
(m) The selected Candidate will not be appointed unless the Medical
Authority specified by the High Court, certifies him/her to be fit to
discharge the duties ascribed to the post.
(n) Candidate is required to produce the following original testimonials /
documents as well as one set of self-attested copies thereof
alongwith recent passport size colour photograph, as and when
called for, by the High Court :
(i) Print-out of the duly filled-in (Confirmed) ‘On-line Application’
alongwith e-Receipt/Challan.
(ii) School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate issued under Birth
& Death Registration Act.
(iii) Educational qualifications i.e. Mark-sheets and Certificates of SSC,
HSC, Final Year of Graduation, Post Graduation, as per
requirement / applicable.
(iv) Certification showing the respective requisite Speed in English
Stenography, if any.
(v) Certificate indicating to be possessing the requisite Certificate with
respect to Computer in terms of para 2(b) above.
(vi) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of the State of
Gujarat, in case, the Candidate has applied under Reserved Category
(SC/ST/SEBC) and if belongs to SEBC Category, valid Non-
Creamy Layer Certificate.
(vii) In case of Differently Abled (PH) Candidate, (a) a Certificate from
a Competent Authority to the effect that he/she has a locomotor
disability of not less than 40% and (b) a Certificate from the
Standing Medical Board at Ahmedabad, to the effect that he/she
would be able to perform the duties of the post in question.
(viii)Certificate of Discharge from Service in case of Ex-Servicemen.
(ix) ‘No Objection Certificate (NOC)’, in case, if employed in
State/Central Government.
(x) Certificates from Two Respectable Persons being Professionals/
Dignitaries like Doctor, Engineer, M.L.A., M.Ps., certifying of
his/her good moral character (original).
(xi) Government Gazette, showing change in name/surname etc, if any.
(xii) In case any Criminal Case(s) / Complaint(s) have been filed
against the Candidate concerned, authenticated / attested copies of
the relevant documents, viz. FIR / Charge-sheets, Judgment etc.
(xiii)Original Identity Proof as prescribed at 8(g).
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Any Application, even under the R.T.I. Act, seeking any information, will
NOT be entertained till the completion of the entire Recruitment Process.
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