Drainage Standard Specifications

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Drainage Structures, Storm Sewers,

Division 7 Sanitary Sewers, Water Mains, and Conduits

7-01  Drains
7-01.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing drain pipe and underdrain pipe in accordance with the
Plans, these Specifications and Standard Plans, at the locations staked.
7-01.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Gravel Backfill for Drains 9-03.12(4)
Concrete Drain Pipe 9-05.1(1)
Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Aluminum Coated (Aluminized)
  Corrugated Iron or Steel Drain Pipe 9-05.1(2)
Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Drain Pipe 9-05.1(3)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Drain Pipe, Couplings and Fittings 9-05.1(5)
Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Drain Pipe, Couplings and Fittings
  (up to 10 inch) 9-05.1(6)
Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Drain Pipe, Couplings and Fittings
  (12 through 60 inch) 9-05.1(7)
Perforated Concrete Underdrain Pipe 9-05.2(2)
Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Aluminum Coated (Aluminized)
  Corrugated Iron or Steel Underdrain Pipe 9-05.2(4)
Perforated Corrugated Aluminum Alloy Underdrain Pipe 9-05.2(5)
Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Underdrain Pipe,
8-inch diameter maximum 9-05.2(6)
Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Underdrain Pipe
  (up to 10 inch) 9-05.2(7)
Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Underdrain Pipe
(12 through 60 inch) 9-05.2(8)
Drain pipes may be concrete, zinc coated (galvanized) corrugated iron, aluminum coated
(aluminized) corrugated iron, zinc coated (galvanized) steel, aluminum coated (aluminized)
steel, corrugated aluminum alloy, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or corrugated polyethylene (PE)
at the option of the Contractor unless the Plans specify the type to be used.
Underdrain pipe, other than AASHTO M36 Type III Class IV, shall be perforated. They
may be concrete, bituminized fiber, zinc coated (galvanized) corrugated iron, aluminum coated
(aluminized) corrugated iron, zinc coated (galvanized) steel, aluminum coated (aluminized)
steel, corrugated aluminum alloy, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or corrugated polyethylene (PE)
at the option of the Contractor unless the Plans specify the type to be used.
It is not necessary that all drain or underdrain pipes on any one project be of the same kind
of material; however, all contiguous pipe shall be of the same kind.
7-01.3  Construction Requirements
A trench of the dimensions shown in the Plans or as specified by the Engineer shall be
excavated to the grade and line given by the Engineer.
7-01.3(1)  Drain Pipe
Drain pipe shall be laid in conformity with the line and grades as shown in the Plans.
The drain pipe shall be laid with soiltight joints unless otherwise specified. Concrete drain
pipe shall be laid with the bell or larger end upstream. PVC drain pipe shall be jointed with a
bell and spigot joint using a flexible elastomeric seal as described in Section 9-04.8. The bell
shall be laid upstream. PE drain pipe shall be jointed with snap-on, screw-on, bell and spigot,
or wraparound coupling bands as recommended by the manufacturer of the tubing.
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7-01 Drains

7-01.3(2)  Underdrain Pipe

When underdrain pipe is being installed as a means of intercepting ground or surface
water, the trench shall be fine-graded in the existing soil 3 inches below the grade of the pipe
as shown in the Plans. Gravel backfill shall be used under the pipe. Gravel backfill shall be
placed to the depth shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer. All backfill shall
be placed in 12-inch maximum layers and be thoroughly compacted with three passes of a
vibratory compactor for each layer. The Contractor shall use care in placing the gravel backfill
material to prevent its contamination.
Class 2 perforations shall be used unless otherwise specified. When Class 1 perforations
are specified the perforated pipe shall be laid with the perforations down. Upon final
acceptance of the Work, all drain pipes shall be open, clean, and free draining. Perforated
pipe does not require a watertight joint. PVC underdrain pipe shall be jointed using either
the flexible elastomeric seal as described in Section 9-04.8 or solvent cement as described
in Section 9-04.9, at the option of the Contractor unless otherwise specified in the Plans.
The bell shall be laid upstream. PE drainage tubing underdrain pipe shall be jointed with
snap-on, screw-on, bell and spigot, or wraparound coupling bands, as recommended by the
manufacturer of the tubing.
7-01.4 Measurement
The length of drain or underdrain pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed
installation measured along the invert. Pipe placed in excess of the length designated by the
Engineer will not be measured or paid for.
Excavation of the trench will be measured as Structure excavation Class B or Structure
excavation Class B including haul by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09.
Gravel backfill for drains will be measured by the volume placed within the neatline limits
of Structure excavation Class B.
7-01.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Drain Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Underdrain Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Gravel Backfill for Drain”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.

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Culverts 7-02

7-02  Culverts
7-02.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing culverts of the various types and classes in accordance
with the Plans, these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, at the locations staked.
Culverts may be used for transverse drains under the Roadway or as conduits for water
pipe or other utilities passing under the Roadway.
7-02.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Portland Cement 9-01
Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete 9-03.1
Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
Butyl Rubber Sealant 9-04.11
External Sealing Band 9-04.12
Plain Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(1)
Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe 9-05.3(2)
Beveled Concrete End Sections 9-05.3(3)
Steel Culvert Pipe and Pipe Arch 9-05.4
Steel Nestable Pipe and Pipe Arch 9-05.4(8)
Steel End Sections 9-05.4(9)
Aluminum Culvert Pipe 9-05.5
Aluminum End Sections 9-05.5(6)
Solid Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(1)
Profile Wall PVC Culvert Pipe 9-05.12(2)
Corrugated Polyethylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.19
Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.21
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe 9-05.23
Polypropylene Culvert Pipe 9-05.24
Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.2
Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bar 9-07.3
Wire Mesh 9-07.7
Deformed Wire 9-07.8
Cold Drawn Wire 9-07.9
Grout 9-20.3(2)
Mortar 9-20.4
Concrete Curing Materials and Admixtures 9-23
Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this section in regard to a kind of culvert pipe,
pipe arch, or end sections, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (galvanized) or
aluminum coated (aluminized) corrugated iron or steel, and aluminum is corrugated aluminum
alloy as specified in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5.
Thermoplastic culvert pipe includes solid wall PVC culvert pipe, profile wall PVC culvert
pipe, corrugated polyethylene culvert pipe, and polypropylene culvert pipe.
It is not necessary that all culvert pipe on any one project be of the same kind of material.
However, all contiguous pipe shall be of the same size, material, thickness, class, and
treatment and shall be that required for the maximum height of cover.
Measurement for payment of the Bid items associated with the drainage installation will
be based on the diameter of the culvert pipe described by the Bid item in the Proposal.
When schedule A, B, C, or D culvert pipe is specified in the Plans, the Contractor shall
provide the specified schedule and diameter but has the option of furnishing any of the
acceptable materials shown in the Culvert Pipe Schedules Table.
The use of tongue and groove concrete pipe shall only be allowed under side road
connections. All tongue and groove pipe shall be joined with cement mortar.

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7-02 Culverts

Culvert Pipe Schedules

Schedule Diameter Aluminum Thermoplastic
(Fill Height) in inches Concrete Steel 2⅔″ × ½″ 2⅔″ × ½″ PE1, PVC2, or PP3
12, 18, 24 Plain or CI. IV .064″ (16 Ga.) .060″ (16 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
30, 36 Class III .064″ (16 Ga.) .075″ (14 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
2′ - 15′
42, 48 Class III .064″ (16 Ga.) .105″ (12 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
12, 18, 24 Class V .064″ (16 Ga.) .060″ (16 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
30, 36 Class V .064″ (16 Ga.) .075″ (14 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
15′ - 25′
42, 48 Class V .064″ (16 Ga.) .105″ (12 Ga.) PE, PVC, or PP
12, 18, 24 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .060″ (16 Ga.) None
30, 36 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .075″ (14 Ga.) None
25′ - 40′
42, 48 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .105″ (12 Ga.) None
12, 18 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .060″ (16 Ga.) None
D 24 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .075″ (14 Ga.) None
40′ - 60′ 30, 36 None .064″ (16 Ga.) .105″ (12 Ga.) None
42, 48 None .079″ (14 Ga.) .135″ (10 Ga.) None
1Corrugated polyethylene pipe.
2Polyvinylchloride pipe. Solid wall or profile wall for diameters through 27 inches Profile wall for diameters larger than 27 inches.
3Polypropylene pipe, 12 inch to 30 inch diameters approved for Schedule A and Schedule B, and 36 inch to 60 inch diameters

approved for Schedule A only.

7-02.3  Construction Requirements

Culverts shall be constructed in accordance with Section 7-08.3.
7-02.3(1)  Placing Culvert Pipe – General
A dike or plug of impervious material shall be placed near the intake end of the culvert
to prevent piping. The dike shall be 2 feet long and adequately surround the pipe to form an
impervious barrier. When suitable impervious materials are not available at the site, suitable
backfill shall be obtained as provided in Section 2-09.3(1)E.
The ends of the pipe or pipe arch shall be rigidly supported to prevent movement before
and during the construction of end walls or headers.
Culverts shall not be left extending beyond the staked limits unless approved
by the Engineer.
All thermoplastic pipe shall be beveled to match the embankment or ditch slope but shall
not be beveled flatter than 4:1. The minimum length of each section of pipe that is to be
beveled shall be at least six times the diameter of the pipe when measured from the toe of the
bevel to the joint.
7-02.3(2)  Installation of Metal End Sections
Metal end sections shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Standard
Plans, the Plans, and applicable portions of these Specifications.
When flared metal end sections are installed on concrete pipe, Design B end sections will
be used on the inlet end only. Design C end sections will be used on the outlet ends only
according to the following schedule:

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Culverts 7-02

Concrete Pipe Nominal End Section Nominal

Dia. in inches Dia. in inches
12 15
18 24
24 30
30 36
36 42
42 48
48 60
54 66
60 72
66 78
72 84

7-02.3(3)  Headwalls
If headwalls are specified in the Plans, they shall be constructed as soon as the embankment
has been completed to a sufficient height over the Structure to allow the required Work.
Headwalls shall be constructed in accordance with applicable portions of Section 6-02.
7-02.3(4)  Removing and Relaying Culverts
Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing culverts shall
be removed and relaid in accordance with these Specifications. Any culvert damaged by the
Contractor’s operations shall be replaced by the Contractor at no expense to the Contracting
Agency. In the case of concrete pipe, all joints of the pipe before being relaid shall be cleaned
so as to be free from all adhering material, including old mortar placed as a collar or seal in the
original construction.
All culvert sections removed and not relaid shall become the property of the Contractor.
7-02.3(5)  Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe
When shown in the Plans, safety bars for culvert pipe shall be constructed in accordance
with the Standard Plans and shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.18.
7-02.3(6)  Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structures, Box Culverts and Split
Box Culverts
The Contractor shall design, fabricate, and erect precast reinforced concrete three sided
structures (PRCTSS), precast reinforced concrete box culverts (PRCBC), and precast
reinforced concrete split box culverts (PRCSBC) in accordance with these specifications and
the details shown in the Plans, including associated footings, slab bases, wingwalls, cutoff
walls, and headwalls.
When the Plans include a complete set of design details for a Structure (defining panel
shapes and dimensions, concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint,
and connection details), the design and load rating preparation and calculation submittal
requirements of Sections 7-02.3(6)A1 and 7-02.3(6)A2 do not apply for the components
shown in the Plans, but all other requirements of this section remain in effect. The Contractor
may propose alternate concrete culvert designs, accommodating the same rise, span, and
length as shown in the Plans, to replace the Structure details shown in the Plans. If an alternate
concrete culvert design is proposed, all of the requirements of this section, including design
and load rating preparation and calculation submittal, apply.

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7-02 Culverts

7-02.3(6)A General
Except as otherwise noted by these specifications, the precast Structures (PRCTSS,
PRCBC and PRCSBC) shall conform to all requirements of Section 6-02.3(28).
Tolerances for PRCTSS shall be as follows:
1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimension shall not vary more than 1 percent or
2 inches, whichever is less, from the Plan dimensions. The haunch dimensions shall
not vary more than ¾ inch from the Plan dimensions.
2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than that
shown in the Plans by more than 5 percent or ½ inch, whichever is greater. A thickness
more than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection if proper joining
is not affected.
3. Length of Opposite Surfaces – Variations in lengths of two opposite surfaces of the
three-sided section shall not be more than ¾ inch unless beveled sections are being
used to accommodate a curve in the alignment.
4. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(24)C.
Tolerances for PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be as follows:
1. Internal Dimensions – The internal dimensions shall not vary more than 1 percent from
the Plan dimensions. If haunches are used, the haunch dimensions shall not vary more
than ¼ inch from the Plan dimensions.
2. Slab and Wall Thickness – The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than that shown
in the Plans by more than 5 percent or 3/16 inch, whichever is greater. A thickness more
than that required in the Plans will not be a cause for rejection.
3. Length of Opposite Box Segments – Variations in lengths of two opposite surfaces
of the box segments shall not be more than ⅛ inch per foot of internal span, with
a maximum of ⅝ inch for all sizes through 7 feet internal span, and a maximum of
¾ inch for internal spans greater than 7 feet, except where beveled sections are being
used to accommodate a curve in the alignment.
4. Length of Box Segments – The underrun in length of a segment shall not be more than
⅛ inch per foot of length with a maximum of ½ inch in any box segment.
5. Length of Legs and Slabs – The variation in length of the legs shall not be more
than ⅛ inch per foot of the rise of the leg per leg with a maximum of ⅝ inches. The
differential length between opposing legs of the same segment shall not be more than
½ inch. Length of independent top slab spans shall not vary by more than ⅛ inch per
foot of span of the top slab, with a maximum of ⅝ inches.
6. Reinforcing steel placement shall meet the tolerances specified in Section 6-02.3(24)C.
7-02.3(6)A1  Design Criteria
The precast Structures shall be designed for a minimum service life of 75-years in
accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03, WSDOT Bridge Design
Manual LRFD M 23-50, and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, latest edition and
current interims in effect on the Bid advertising date, including an HL-93 vehicular live load.
Live load for the Extreme Event-I Limit State shall be applied in accordance with WSDOT
Bridge Design Manual LRFD M 23-50 Section 3.5.
Precast Structures with an overall span length greater than 20-feet (measured along the
centerline of Roadway from inside face to inside face of hydraulic opening) shall be designed
for seismic loads in accordance with FHWA-NHI-10-034, Technical Manual for Design and
Construction of Road Tunnels – Civil Elements, Chapter 13. The AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Design Specifications Section 12.6.1 exemption from seismic loading does not apply. The
design shall evaluate the seismic effects of transient racking deformations.

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Culverts 7-02

Wingwalls, cutoff walls, and headwalls associated with the precast Structures shall
be designed in accordance with the WSDOT Geotechnical Design Manual M 46-03 and
Chapter 11 of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, latest edition and current
interims in effect on the Bid advertising date, including seismic loads.
The Contractor shall use the geotechnical report prepared for this project and available
through the source(s) specified in the Special Provisions under Section 1-02.4(2).
Whenever the minimum finished backfill or surfacing depth above the top of the Structure
is less than 1’-0” (except when the top of the Structure is directly exposed to vehicular traffic),
either all steel reinforcing bars in the span unit shall be epoxy-coated with 2" minimum
concrete cover from the face of concrete to the face of the top mat of steel reinforcing bars,
or the minimum concrete cover shall be 2½". Whenever the top of the Structure is directly
exposed to vehicular traffic, all steel reinforcing bars in the span unit shall be epoxy-coated
and the minimum concrete cover dimension from face of concrete to the face of the top mat
of steel reinforcing bars shall be 2½". Concrete cover from the face of any concrete surface to
the face of any steel reinforcement shall be 1-inch minimum end clearance at all joints, and
2-inches minimum at all other locations.
7-02.3(6)A2 Submittals
The Contractor shall submit shop drawings of the precast Structures. Fabrication shop
drawings replicating complete design details when shown in the Plans shall be Type 2 Working
Drawings. Submittals completing the design based on the schematic geometric requirements
shown in the Plans, or proposing a Contractor designed alternative concrete culvert Structure
shall be Type 2E Working Drawings with supporting design calculations.
In addition to items 1 through 6 under shop drawing content requirements in
Section 6-02.3(28)A, the following shop drawing details shall be submitted:
1. Footing and slab base details for PRCTSS.
2. Wingwall, headwall, and cutoff wall details.
3. Erection and backfill procedure.
4. Complete, site specific, itemized bar list for all steel reinforcement.
If water is expected to be present in the excavation, or is found to be present once
excavation begins, the Contractor shall submit a Type 2 Working Drawing consisting of a
dewatering plan.
For precast Structures with a span length greater than 20-feet (as defined in
Section 7-02.3(6)A1), except when the depth of fill above the top of culvert exceeds the
Structure span length, a Type 2E Working Drawing shall be submitted consisting of a load
rating report prepared in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation and
Bridge Design Manual LRFD Chapter 13. Soil pressures used shall include effects from the
backfill material and compaction methods, and shall be in accordance with the Geotechnical
Design Manual M 46-03 and the geotechnical report prepared for the project.
7-02.3(6)A3 Casting
Concrete shall conform to Section 6-02.3(28)B, with a 28-day compressive strength as
specified in the Plans or the Working Drawings submittal.
7-02.3(6)A4  Excavation and Bedding Preparation
All excavated material shall be disposed of in accordance with Section 2-09.3(1)D.
If water is present within the excavation, the Contractor shall dewater the excavated
area in accordance with the dewatering plan Working Drawing submittal before placing the
bedding material.
The upper layer of bedding course shall be a 6-inch minimum thickness layer of culvert
bedding material, defined as granular material either conforming to Section 9-03.12(3) or to
AASHTO Grading No. 57 as specified in Section 9-03.1(4)C. The plan limits of the culvert
bedding material shall extend 1-foot beyond the plan limits of the culvert or the Structure

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7-02 Culverts

footing as applicable. The culvert bedding material shall be compacted in accordance with the
Section 2-09.3(1)E requirements for gravel backfill for drains. After compaction, the culvert
bedding material shall be screeded transversely to the specified line and grade. Voids in the
screeded culvert bedding material shall be filled and then rescreeded prior to erecting the
precast Structure.
7-02.3(6)A5  Wingwalls and Retaining Walls
Wingwalls and retaining walls (including cutoff walls and headwalls) shall be constructed
in accordance with the Contractor’s design and Working Drawing submittal or when the Plans
include a complete set of design details for a wall (defining panel shapes and dimensions,
concrete strength requirements, and steel reinforcing bar, joint, and connection details), the
details shown in the Plans.
Precast concrete construction shall conform to Sections 6-02.3(28) and 6-11.3(3).
Culvert bedding material shall be furnished, placed, and compacted in accordance with
Section 7-02.3(6)A4.
7-02.3(6)B  Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structures (PRCTSS)
7-02.3(6)B1  Design Criteria
In addition to the design criteria specified in Section 7-02.3(6)A1, the following
shall apply.
PRCTSS shall be precast rigid frames with monolithic upper corners internally reinforced
for moment and shear resistance, except as otherwise noted. Connecting separate and
individually precast concrete panels together to form the specified three sided frame geometry
is acceptable provided the Structure system provides moment and shear resistance from the
lateral load from backfill placed full width and full height at one side only of the PRCTSS.
7-02.3(6)B2 Finishing
The Contractor shall mark the following information, using waterproof paint, on the inside
of a vertical leg of each precast section of the Structure:
1. PRCTSS span and rise dimensions, minimum and maximum design earth cover
dimensions, and vehicular live load for design (HL-93).
2. WSDOT Contract Number and date of fabrication.
3. Name or trademark of the fabricator.
7-02.3(6)B3 Erection
PRCTSS shall be erected and backfilled in accordance with the erection sequence specified
in the processed Working Drawings, and the construction equipment restrictions specified in
Section 6-02.3(25)O.
Adjacent precast sections shall be connected by welding the weld-tie anchors in accordance
with Section 6-03.3(25). Welding ground shall be attached directly to the steel plates being
welded when welding the weld-ties. The weld-tie anchor spacing shall not exceed 6’-0”. After
connecting the weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the exposed metal surfaces with
one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. Keyways shall be filled with grout
conforming to Section 9-20.3(2).
7-02.3(6)C  Precast Reinf. Conc. Box Culverts (PRCBC) and Precast Reinf. Conc. Split
Box Culverts (PRCSBC)
7-02.3(6)C1 Casting
PRCSBC shall consist of lid elements and “U” shaped base elements. The vertical legs of
the “U” shaped base elements shall be full height matching the rise of the culvert, except as
otherwise specified for culvert spans greater than 20-feet. For PRCSBC spans greater than
20-feet (as defined in Section 7-02.3(6)A1), the lid elements may include vertical legs of a
maximum length of 4-feet.

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All vertical and horizontal joints of PRCBC and PRCSBC elements shall be tongue and
groove type joints, except PRCBC and PRCSBC of 20-foot span or less may have keyway
joints connected by weld-tie anchors in accordance with Section 6-02.3(25)O. The weld-tie
anchor spacing shall not exceed 6’-0”. There shall be at least two galvanized steel tie plates
across each top unit tongue and groove joint and each tongue and groove joint between
upper and lower units, unless otherwise shown in the Plans or required by the seismic design
completed in accordance with Section 7-02.3(6)A1.
7-02.3(6)C2 Finishing
The following information shall be legibly and permanently marked on one inside face
of each PRCBC element, or one inside face of each PRCSBC “U” shaped base element by
indentation, waterproof paint, or other means acceptable to the Engineer:
1. Box section span and rise dimensions, minimum and maximum design earth cover
dimensions, and vehicular live load for design (HL-93).
2. WSDOT Contract Number and date of fabrication.
3. Name or trademark of the fabricator.
7-02.3(6)C3 Erection
PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be erected and backfilled in accordance with the erection
sequence specified in the Working Drawing submittal, and the construction equipment
restrictions specified in Section 6-02.3(25)O.
The Contractor shall install a continuous strip of butyl rubber sealant within all tongue and
groove joints prior to connecting the precast elements together. The butyl rubber sealant shall
have a minimum cross section of ½-inch by 1½-inch, unless otherwise shown in the Plans.
After connecting the joints with weld-tie anchors, the Contractor shall paint the exposed
metal surfaces with one coat of field primer conforming to Section 9-08.1(2)F. Keyways shall
be filled with grout conforming to Section 9-20.3(2).
The Contractor shall wrap all exterior joints along the top and sides of the PRCBC and
PRCSBC with a 12-inch wide strip of external sealing band centered about the joint and
adhesively bonded to the concrete surface.
Backfill beside the PRCBC and PRCSBC shall be brought up in sequential layers,
compacted concurrently. The difference in backfill height on opposing sides of the Structure
shall not exceed 2-feet.
7-02.4 Measurement
The length of culvert pipe or pipe arch will be the number of linear feet of completed
installation measured along the invert. Pipe placed in excess of the length designated by the
Engineer will not be measured or paid for.
Beveled end sections will be considered as part of the culvert pipe and shall be measured
as culverts.
Flared steel and aluminum end sections will be measured by the number of integral units
of the dimension specified including toe plate extensions if called for in the Plans.
The pipe connector section of end section Design A shall be fabricated as a part of the
integral unit of the end section but will be measured as linear feet of pipe or pipe arch of the
treatment, thickness and dimensions of pipe to which it is attached. If there is no Bid item
for pipe of the proper dimensions for the end sections, the pipe connector sections will be
considered as part of the integral unit and will not be measured as pipe.
Pipe connector sections of end section Design B will be considered part of the integral unit
and measurement will be by number of integral units of the type and dimension specified.
The length of safety bars for culvert pipe will be the number of linear feet of each safety
bar installed.
Tapered end section with safety bars will be measured by the unit per each.
Culvert bedding material will be measured by the cubic yard of material placed.

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7-02 Culverts

7-02.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Schedule ____ Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Conc. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear feet.
“Cl. ____ Reinf. Conc. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain St. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain St. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Plain Nestable St. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ Nestable St. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Al. Culv. Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Plain Al. Culv. Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Relaying (type of Pipe and Size)”, per linear foot.
“Solid Wall PVC Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Profile Wall PVC Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Corrugated Polyethylene Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene Culv. Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Culvert Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
Where culvert pipes are to be removed but are not to be relaid, all costs in connection
with the removal shall be included in the unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Structure
Excavation Class B” or “Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”.
“Flared End Section ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Flared End Section ____ In. Span”, per each.
“Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Tapered End Sect. with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Three Sided Structure No.___”, lump sum.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Box Culvert No.___”, lump sum.
“Precast Reinf. Conc. Split Box Culvert No.___”, lump sum.
“Culvert Bedding Material”, per cubic yard.

Page 7-10 2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, and Underpass 7-03

7-03  Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, and Underpass

7-03.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing structural plate pipe, pipe arches, arches, and
underpasses of the various types and designs in accordance with the Plans, these
Specifications, and the Standard Plans, at the locations and in conformity with the lines
and grades staked.
Structural plate pipes shall be full circle of the type, gage or thickness, and
diameter specified.
Structural plate pipe arches shall be a multi-centered shape made up of four circular arcs
tangent to each other at their junctions and symmetrical about the vertical axis and of the type,
gage or thickness, and span specified.
Structural plate arches shall be a single-centered circular arc shape, placed on a reinforced
concrete foundation, and of the design, type, gage or thickness, and span as provided for in
the Plans.
Structural plate underpasses shall be a multi-centered shape made up of a variable number
of circular arcs tangent to each other at their junctions and symmetrical about the vertical axis
and of the design, type, gage or thickness, and span specified.
7-03.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Concrete Class 3000 6-02
Corrugated Steel 9-05.6(8)
Corrugated Aluminum 9-05.6(8)
Reinforcing Steel 9-07
Alternate installations shown in the Proposal may be constructed provided there is
no increase in the total cost of the installation or detriment to the Contracting Agency.
Measurement for payment of the Bid items associated with the drainage installation will be
based on the size of the installation described by the Bid item in the Proposal.
If the Contractor elects to use an alternate installation, Type 2 Working Drawings
consisting of plans for the alternate shall be submitted.
7-03.3  Construction Requirements
7-03.3(1)  Foundations, General
Structural plate pipes, pipe arches, underpasses, and bases for arches shall be placed
on stable foundations prepared to the widths, depth, and grade given by the Engineer. Soft
spots encountered in the base shall be excavated to a depth designated by the Engineer and
be backfilled with gravel or other suitable material and thoroughly compacted.
Rock, in either ledge or boulder formation, hard pan, or cemented gravel occurring in
the base material shall be excavated below grade and backfilled with suitable material so
there will be a minimum 8-inch cushion under the pipes, pipe arches, or underpasses.
When aluminum pipe or pipe arch is in contact with cement concrete, two coats of paint
shall be applied in accordance with Section 7-08.3(2)D.
7-03.3(1)A  Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, and Underpass
The base for structural plate pipes, pipe arches and underpasses shall be shaped to conform
to their bottom and shall form firm and uniform bearing throughout their length. Where pipes,
pipe arches, or underpasses are to be installed in new embankment, the embankment shall be
constructed to the ⅓ point of structural plate pipes (measured from the invert of the pipe), to
the height of maximum horizontal dimension of structural plate pipe arches and as provided
for in the Standard Plans or, in the case of a special design, in the Plans for structural plate
underpasses, after which the trench shall be excavated and installation made.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-11

7-03 Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, and Underpass

7-03.3(1)B  Structural Plate Arch

The base for structural plate arches shall be as shown in the Plans.
7-03.3(2) Assembling
Structural plate pipes, pipe arches, arches, and underpasses shall be assembled in place
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, which shall accompany the shipment of
materials and show the position of each plate and the order of assembly.
Bolts and bolted connections shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 167 for
steel and AASHTO M 219 for aluminum.
7-03.3(3)  Backfilling
After the structural plate pipe, pipe arch, arch, or underpass has been placed in position
it shall be backfilled in accordance with Section 7-08.3(3).
7-03.3(4)  Invert Treatment
Earth, or other material as specified, shall be placed and compacted in the invert of
structural plate pipes, pipe arches, or underpasses in conformance with the Plans, Special
Provisions, or the Standard Plans.
7-03.3(5)  Headwalls
If headwalls are specified in the Plans, they shall be constructed as soon as the embankment
has been completed to a sufficient height over the Structure to allow the required Work.
Headwalls shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 6-02.
When aluminum pipe or pipe arch is in contact with cement concrete, two coats of paint
shall be applied in accordance with Section 7-08.3(2)D.
7-03.3(6)  Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe
When shown in the Plans, safety bars for culvert pipe shall be constructed in accordance
with the Standard Plans and shall meet the requirements of Section 9-05.18.
7-03.4 Measurement
The length of structural plate pipes, pipe arches, arches, and underpasses will be the
number of linear feet of completed installation measured along the invert. Pipe placed in
excess of the length designated by the Engineer will not be measured or paid for.
Concrete will be measured by the cubic yard as specified in Section 6-02.
Steel reinforcing bars will be measured by the pound as specified in Section 6-02.
Structure excavation Class B and Structure excavation Class B including haul will be
measured by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09.4.
Gravel backfill for foundation Class A or Class B will be measured by the cubic yard as
specified in Section 2-09.4.
Shoring or extra excavation will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4.
The length of safety bars for culvert pipe will be the number of linear feet of each safety
bar installed.
Tapered end Section with safety bars will be measured by the unit per each.

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Structural Plate Pipe, Pipe Arch, Arch, and Underpass 7-03

7-03.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“St. Str. Plate Pipe ____ Gage ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Str. Plate Pipe Arch ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
“St. Str. Plate Arch ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
“Design ____ St. Underpass ____ Gage ____ Ft. Span”, per linear foot.
All costs involved in obtaining, hauling, placing, and finishing earth to be placed in the
invert of the underpass shall be included in the unit Contract price for “Design ____ St.
Underpass ____ Gage ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”.
“Al. Str. Plate Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Al. Str. Plate Pipe Arch ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Al. Str. Plate Arch ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
“Design ____ Al. Underpass ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”, per linear foot.
All costs involved in obtaining, hauling, placing, and finishing earth to be placed in the
invert of the underpass shall be included in the unit Contract price for “Design ____ Al.
Underpass ____ In. Th. ____ Ft. ____ In. Span”.
“Conc. Class ____”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Conc. Class ____” shall be paid as specified in
Section 6-02.
“St. Reinf. Bar”, per pound.
The unit Contract price per pound for “St. Reinf. Bar” shall be paid as specified in
Section 6-02.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Foundation Class ____”, per cubic yard.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
“Safety Bars for Culvert Pipe Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Tapered End Section with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Tapered End Section with Type ____ Safety Bars ____ In. Span”, per each.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-13

7-04 Storm Sewers

7-04  Storm Sewers

7-04.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing storm sewer lines in accordance with the Plans,
these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, as staked.
7-04.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Plain Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.7(1)
Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.7(2)
Steel Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.9
Steel Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.10
Aluminum Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.11
Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.12(1)
Profile Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.12(2)
Aluminum Spiral Rib Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.17
Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.20
Steel Rib Reinforced Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.22
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe 9-05.23
Polypropylene Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.24
Where steel or aluminum are referred to in this section in regard to a kind of storm
sewer pipe, it shall be understood that steel is zinc coated (galvanized) or aluminum coated
(aluminized) corrugated iron or steel and aluminum is corrugated aluminum alloy as specified
in Sections 9-05.4 and 9-05.5.
Thermoplastic storm sewer pipe includes solid wall PVC storm sewer pipe, profile wall
PVC storm sewer pipe, corrugated polyethylene storm sewer pipe, and polypropylene storm
sewer pipe.
Measurement for payment of the Bid items associated with the storm sewer installation
will be based on the diameter of the storm sewer pipe described by the Bid item in the Plans.
It is not necessary that all storm sewer pipe on any one project be of the same kind of
material. However, all contiguous pipe shall be of the same size, material, thickness, class,
and treatment and shall be that required for the maximum height of cover.
When schedule A or B storm sewer pipe is specified in the Plans, the Contractor shall
provide the specified schedule and diameter but has the option of furnishing any of the
acceptable materials shown in the Storm Sewer Pipe Schedules Table.
7-04.3  Construction Requirements
Storm sewers shall be constructed in accordance with Section 7-08.3.
7-04.3(1)  Cleaning and Testing
7-04.3(1)A General
The requirements of Section 7-17.3(2)A shall apply to storm sewers.
7-04.3(1)B  Exfiltration Test – Storm Sewers
Prior to making exfiltration leakage tests, the Contractor may fill the pipe with clear water
to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls.
Leakage shall be no more than 1 gallon per hour per inch of diameter per 100 feet of
storm sewer pipe, with a minimum test pressure of 6 feet of water column above the crown
at the upper end of the pipe or above the active ground water table, whichever is higher as
determined by the Engineer. The length of pipe tested shall be limited so that the pressure
on the invert of the lower end of the Section tested shall not exceed 16 feet of water column.
For each increase in pressure of 2 feet above a basic 6 feet measured above the crown at the
lower end of the test section, the allowable leakage shall be increased by 10 percent.

Page 7-14 2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

Storm Sewer Pipe Schedules
2⅔″ × ½″ Corr. Spiral Rib
Steel3 •  Tr. 5 •  Tr. 5
Storm Sewers

Schedules PE2 2⅔″ × ½″ •  Plain With •  Plain With

(Fill Ht.) Dia. (In.) Concrete PVC1 PP4 or Spiral Rib Gasketed Seams Gasketed Seams
12 Plain or Cl. IV SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
18 Plain or Cl. IV SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
24 Plain or Cl. IV SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
30 Class III PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
2′ − 15′
36 Class III PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
42 Class III PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.)

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

48 Class III PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.)
12 Class V SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
18 Class V SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
24 Class V SW or PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.) 0.060″ (16 Ga.)
30 Class V PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.)
15′ − 25′
36 Class V PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.075″ (14 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.)
42 Class V PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.)
48 Class V PW Allowed 0.064″ (16 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.) 0.105″ (12 Ga.)
1PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe, SW = Solid Wall PVC, PW = Profile Wall PVC
2PE = Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe
3Steel pipe options for either 2⅔″ × ½″ corrugations or spiral rib include: Tr. 5 galvanized, Tr. 2 galvanized with gasketed seams, Tr. 5 aluminized, or plain aluminized with gasketed seams.
4PP = Polypropylene Pipe, 12 inch to 30 inch approved for Schedule A and Schedule B and 36 inch to 60 inch diameters approved for Schedule A only.

Page 7-15
7-04 Storm Sewers

7-04.3(1)C  Infiltration Test – Storm Sewers

Whenever the ground water table is above the crown of the higher end of the pipe
section at the time of testing, an infiltration test may be performed in lieu of the exfiltration
test upon written permission of the Engineer. The maximum allowable limit for infiltration
shall be 0.8 gallon per hour per inch of diameter per 100 feet of length with no allowance
for external hydrostatic head.
7-04.3(1)D  Other Test Allowances – Storm Sewers
Other allowances for infiltration and exfiltration tests shall be in accordance with
Section 7-17.3(2)D.
7-04.3(1)E  Low Pressure Air Test for Storm Sewers Constructed of Air
Permeable Materials
When air permeable pipe is subjected to a low-pressure air test, all of the provisions of
Section 7-17.3(2)E shall apply, except that the time in seconds for the pressure drop shall
be equal to or greater than the required time as shown in the table below:
Time in Seconds for Pressure Drop
Pipe Dia. Pipe Length (ft)
(in) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
4 5 9 14 18 22 27 31 36 40 45
6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 85
8 18 36 54 71 89 107 114 114 114 114
10 28 56 84 111 139 142 142 142 143 159
12 40 80 120 160 170 170 170 183 206 228
15 63 125 188 213 213 214 250 286 320 360
18 90 180 255 255 257 310 360 410 460 520
21 123 245 298 298 350 420 490 560 630 700
24 160 320 340 370 460 550 640 730 830 920
27 203 390 390 460 580 700 810 930 1040 1160
30 250 430 430 570 720 860 1000 1140 1290 1430

All time values listed in the table are in seconds. If a section to be tested includes more
than one pipe size, the total time required can be found by adding the time values for each size
of pipe and its corresponding length. Interpolate between valves for pipe lengths not shown.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
7-04.3(1)F  Low Pressure Air Test for Storm Sewers Constructed of Non Air Permeable
When non air permeable pipe is subjected to a low-pressure air test, all of the provisions
of Section 7-17.3(2)E shall apply, except that the time in seconds for the pressure drop shall
be equal to or greater than four times the time shown in the table listed in Section 7-04.3(1)E.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
Reaches of thermoplastic pipe containing no joints shall be exempt from testing

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Storm Sewers 7-04

7-04.4 Measurement
The length of storm sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation
measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees, and fittings.
The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of manhole
or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type Structures.
The length of testing storm sewer pipe in conformance with Section 7-17.3(2)A will be
the number of linear feet of completed installation actually tested.
7-04.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Plain Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Class ____ Reinf. Conc. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ St. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Tr. ____ Al. Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Th. ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Solid Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Profile Wall PVC Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Corrugated Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Schedule ____ Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“St. Rib Reinf Polyethylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam”, per linear foot.
“High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Storm Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for storm sewer pipe of the kind and size specified
shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation, including adjustment of inverts
to manholes.
“Testing Storm Sewer Pipe”, per linear foot.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-17

7-05 Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells

7-05  Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells

7-05.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing manholes, inlets, drywells, and catch basins and
connecting to existing Structures of the types and sizes designated in accordance with
the Plans, these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, in conformity with the lines and
grades staked.
7-05.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Concrete 6-02
Crushed Surfacing Base Course 9-03.9(3)
Gravel Backfill for Drywells 9-03.12(5)
Rubber Gaskets 9-04.4
Flexible Plastic Gaskets 9-04.5
Metal Castings 9-05.15
Grate Inlets and Drop Inlets 9-05.16
Reinforcing Steel 9-07
Concrete Blocks 9-12.1
Concrete Brick 9-12.2
Precast Concrete Manhole 9-05.50(2)
Precast Concrete Catch Basins 9-05.50(3)
Precast Concrete Inlets 9-05.50(4)
Precast Concrete Drywells 9-05.50(5)
Underground Drainage Geotextile, Moderate Survivability 9-33.1
Mortar 9-20.4
7-05.3  Construction Requirements
The excavation for all manholes, inlets, and catch basins shall be sufficient to leave 1 foot
in the clear between their outer surfaces and the earth bank.
The excavation for drywells shall be in accordance with the Standard Plans. The drywell
and gravel backfill for drywell shall be completely encased in moderate survivability
underground drainage geotextile in accordance with the Standard Plans and in conformance
with Section 2-12.3. During construction of the drywell, all necessary precautions shall be
taken to prevent debris and eroded material from entering the drywell.
The cover or grating of a manhole, catch basin, or inlet shall not be grouted to final grade
until the final elevation of the pavement, gutter, ditch, or sidewalk in which it is to be placed
has been established, and until permission thereafter is given by the Engineer to grout the
cover or grating in place. Covers shall be seated properly to prevent rocking. Leveling and
adjustment devices that do not modify the structural integrity of the metal frame, grate or
cover, and do not void the originating foundry’s compliance to these specifications and
warranty are allowed. Approved leveling devices are listed in the Qualified Products List.
Leveling and adjusting devices that interfere with the backfilling, backfill density, grouting
and asphalt density will not be allowed. The hardware for leveling and adjusting devices shall
be completely removed when specified by the Engineer.
The channels in manholes shall conform accurately to the sewer grade.
Ladder rungs shall be grouted in the precast concrete walls. Rungs shall be uniformly
spaced at 12 inches and be vertically aligned.
In the event any pipe enters the manhole through the precast concrete units, the Contractor
shall make the necessary cut through the manhole wall and steel mesh. The steel shall be cut
flush with the face of the concrete and shall be cut in such a manner that it will not loosen the
reinforcement in the manhole wall.
The ends of all pipes shall be trimmed flush with the inside walls.

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Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells 7-05

Rubber gaskets or flexible plastic gaskets may be used in tongue and groove joints
of precast units. Joints between precast manhole units used for sanitary sewers shall be
rubber gasketed. All other joints and all openings cut through the walls shall be grouted
and watertight. Mortar shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-20.4(3).
If gaskets are used, handling of the precast units after the gasket has been affixed shall be
done carefully to avoid disturbing or damaging the gasket or contaminating it with foreign
material. Care shall be exercised to attain proper alignment before the joints are entirely
forced home. During insertion of the tongue or spigot, the units shall be partially supported
to minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain concentricity until the
gasket is properly positioned.
Rigid pipes connecting to sanitary sewer manholes shall be provided with a flexible
joint at a distance from the face of the manhole of not more than 1½ times the nominal pipe
diameter or 18 inches, whichever is greater.
Flexible pipes connecting to sanitary sewer manholes shall be provided with an entry
coupling or gasket approved by the Engineer. No pipe joint in flexible pipe shall be placed
within 10 feet of the manhole.
Backfilling around the Work will not be allowed until the concrete or mortar has
thoroughly set.
Catch basins, manholes, and inlets shall be watertight.
Catch basin, grate inlet, and drop inlet connections to a sewer shall be so placed that the
connecting pipe may be easily rodded over its entire length. After the connections are made,
the Contractor shall rod all inlet and outlet pipes. All connections that cannot be successfully
rodded shall be removed and new connections made.
Backfilling of manholes, inlets, catch basins, and drywells shall be done in accordance
with the provisions of Section 2-09.
Manholes, catch basins, inlets, and drywells shall be constructed on a compacted or
undisturbed level foundation. If the Contractor elects to use a separate cast-in-place base,
the concrete shall be Class 4000. Upon final acceptance of the Work, all manholes, catch
basins, inlets, drywells, and other drainage Structures shall conform to the requirements of
the Standard Plans except as approved by the Engineer.
Any shoring or extra excavation required shall meet the requirements of Section 2-09.3.
7-05.3(1)  Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade
Where shown in the Plans or where directed by the Engineer, the existing manholes,
catch basins, or inlets shall be adjusted to the grade as staked or otherwise designated by
the Engineer.
The existing cast iron ring and cover on manholes and the catch basin and inlet frame
and grate shall first be removed and thoroughly cleaned for reinstalling at the new elevation.
From that point, the existing Structure shall be raised or lowered to the required elevation.
The materials and method of construction shall conform to the requirements specified above,
and the finished Structure shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Plans except as
approved by the Engineer.
7-05.3(2)  Abandon Existing Manholes
Where it is required that an existing manhole be abandoned, the Structure shall be
broken down to a depth of at least 4 feet below the revised surface elevation, all connections
plugged, and the manhole filled with sand and compacted to 90 percent density as specified
in Section 2-03.3(14)C. Debris resulting from breaking the upper part of the manhole may
be mixed with the sand subject to the approval of the Engineer. The ring and cover shall be
salvaged and all other surplus material disposed of.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-19

7-05 Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells

7-05.3(3)  Connections to Existing Manholes

The Contractor shall verify invert elevations prior to construction. The crown elevation
of laterals shall be the same as the crown elevation of the incoming pipe unless specified.
The existing base shall be reshaped to provide a channel equivalent to that specified for a
new manhole.
The Contractor shall excavate completely around the manhole to prevent unbalanced
loading. The manhole shall be kept in operation at all times and the necessary precautions shall
be taken to prevent debris or other material from entering the sewer, including a tight pipeline
bypass through the existing channel if required. Water used for flushing and testing shall not
be allowed to enter the sewer.
All damage to the manhole resulting from the Contractor’s operation shall be repaired at
no expense to the Contracting Agency.
7-05.3(4)  Drop Manhole Connection
Drop manhole connections shall be constructed in accordance with the Plans. One length
of ductile iron pipe shall be provided outside the manhole.
7-05.4 Measurement
Manholes will be measured per each. In addition to the measurement per each, manholes
in excess of 10 feet in height will be measured per linear foot for each additional foot of height
over 10 feet. Measurement of manhole heights for payment purposes will be the distance from
the flow line of the outlet pipe to the top of the manhole ring measured to the nearest foot.
Catch basins and inlets, will be measured per each.
Adjustment of manholes, catch basins, and inlets will be per each.
Structure excavation Class B and Structure excavation Class B including haul will be
measured by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09.
Abandon existing manholes will be measured per each.
Connections to existing drainage Structures will be measured per each.
Shoring or extra excavation will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4.
Drop manhole connections will be measured per each.
Precast concrete drywell will be measured per each.
7-05.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Manhole ____ In. Diam. Type ____”, per each.
“Manhole Additional Height ____ In. Diam. Type ____”, per linear foot.
“Catch Basin Type ____”, per each.
“Catch Basin Type 2 ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
“Grate Inlet Type ____”, per each.
“Drop Inlet Type ____”, per each.
“Concrete Inlet”, per each
All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding manholes,
inlets and catch basins shall be included in the unit Contract price for the item installed.
“Precast Concrete Drywell”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Precast Concrete Drywell” shall be full pay for
furnishing and installing the drywell, including all Structure excavation, gravel backfill for
drywell, crushed surfacing base course, and drainage geotextile.
“Combination Inlet”, per each.

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Manholes, Inlets, Catch Basins, and Drywells 7-05

All costs associated with furnishing and installing gravel backfill for bedding manholes,
inlets, and catch basins shall be in the unit Contract price for the item installed.
“Adjust Manhole”, per each.
“Adjust Catch Basin”, per each.
“Adjust Inlet, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Adjust Manhole”, “Adjust Catch Basin”, or “Adjust
Inlet” shall be full pay for all costs necessary to make the adjustment including restoration of
adjacent areas in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
Structure excavation for concrete inlets is considered incidental to the cost of the inlets and
shall be included in the unit Contract price for the concrete inlet.
“Abandon Existing Manhole”, per each.
“Connection to Drainage Structure”, per each.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
“Drop Manhole Connection”, per each.
The price paid per drop connection is in addition to the price paid for manholes and for the
specified sewer pipe that is replaced with ductile iron pipe.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-21

7-06 Vacant

7-06 Vacant

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Cleaning Existing Drainage Structures 7-07

7-07  Cleaning Existing Drainage Structures

7-07.1 Description
This Work consists of cleaning, removing, and disposing of all debris and obstructions
from existing culvert pipes, storm sewer pipes, drains, inlet Structures, manholes, box culverts,
grates, trash racks, or other drainage features within the limits of the project.
7-07.2 Vacant
7-07.3  Construction Requirements
All pipes and drainage Structures that require cleaning are identified in the Plans.
They shall be cleaned by flushing, rodding, or whatever means are necessary to provide
unobstructed drainage. All catch basin sumps, manholes, inlet and outlet Structures, and
debris racks shall also be freed of all dirt, rock, and debris. Existing drainage facilities shall
be cleaned as a first order of Work to enhance natural drainage off and through the project.
They shall be kept clean throughout the life of the project and be clean upon final acceptance
of the Work.
Material to be removed shall be disposed of in the following manner:
1. Structures specifically noted in the Contract that are suspected to contain contaminated
sediment shall be disposed of at a licensed disposal facility.
2. While performing the Work, if drainage water and/or soil appear oily, exhibit an unusual
color or odor, or if staining or corrosion is observed, the Contractor shall stop work and
immediately notify the Engineer. Additional work necessary in handling materials shall
be in accordance with Section 1-04.4.
3. If sediment and water from structures does not meet the conditions described in 1 or 2
above, material may be placed in an upland area with no possibility of surface runoff to
waters of the State, including wetlands.
While performing the Work, the Contractor shall implement all necessary best management
practices and measures to meet the conditions of Section 1-07.5.
7-07.4 Vacant
7-07.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Cleaning Existing Drainage Structure”, lump sum.
The lump sum Contract price for “Cleaning Existing Drainage Structure” shall be full pay
for performing all Work as specified. In the event the Contract does not include a Bid item
for cleaning existing drainage Structure, such Work, if required, shall be performed by the
Contractor in accordance with Section 1-04.4.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-23

7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements

7-08  General Pipe Installation Requirements

7-08.1 Description
This Work includes installing culverts, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers. The Contractor
shall also follow Section 7-02, 7-04, or 7-17 as it applies to the specific kind of Work.
7-08.2 Materials
Gravel Backfill for Foundations 9-03.12(1)
Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
7-08.3  Construction Requirements
7-08.3(1)  Excavation and Preparation of Trench
7-08.3(1)A  Trenches
The length of trench excavation in advance of pipe laying shall be kept to a minimum.
Excavations shall either be closed up at the end of the day or protected per Section 1-07.23(1).
The trench width shall be as specified in Section 2-09.4 and shall be excavated to the depth
and grade as staked by the Engineer.
Trenches must be of sufficient width in the pipe zone to permit proper installation and
bedding of the pipe and to provide the required compaction of backfill. Above the top of the
pipe zone, the Contractor may excavate to any width.
All ledgerock, boulders, and stones shall be removed to provide a minimum of 6 inches
clearance under all portions of the pipe.
Placement of bedding material shall precede the installation of all pipe. This shall include
necessary leveling of the native trench bottom or the top of the foundation material as well as
placement and compaction of required bedding material to a uniform grade so that the entire
length of pipe will be supported on a uniformly dense unyielding foundation.
When, after excavating to the foundation level, the material remaining in the trench
bottom is determined to be unsuitable by the Engineer, excavation shall be continued to such
additional depth and width as required by the Engineer. Unsuitable foundation materials shall
be disposed of at an approved site. The trench foundation shall be backfilled to the bottom of
the pipe zone with gravel backfill for foundations, gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding, or
other suitable material, and compacted to form a uniformly dense, unyielding foundation.
All material excavated from trenches and piled adjacent to the trench shall be maintained
so that the toe of the slope is at least 2 feet from the edge of the trench. It shall be piled to
cause a minimum of inconvenience to public travel, and provision shall be made for merging
traffic where necessary. Free access shall be provided to all fire hydrants, water valves, and
meters; and clearance shall be left to enable free flow of storm water in gutters, conduits, or
natural watercourses.
If any part of the excavated material meets the Specifications of Section 9-03.12(3), the
Engineer may require that such material, in the quantity required, be selectively removed,
stockpiled separately, and used as pipe bedding instead of quantities of gravel backfill for
pipe zone bedding. If material so stockpiled becomes contaminated, the Contractor shall
furnish suitable material in an amount equal to that lost by contamination at no expense to
the Contracting Agency. All costs involved in storing, protecting, re-handling, and placing
the material shall be included in other items of Work on the project.
Excavation for manholes and other Structures connected to the pipelines shall be sufficient
to provide a minimum of 12 inches between their surfaces and the sides of the excavation.
The Contractor shall furnish, install, and operate all necessary equipment to keep
excavations above the foundation level free from water during construction, and shall dewater
and dispose of the water so as not to cause injury to public or private property or nuisance
to the public. Sufficient pumping equipment in good working condition shall be available at
all times for all emergencies, including power outage, and shall have available at all times
competent workers for the operation of the pumping equipment.

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General Pipe Installation Requirements 7-08

Where pipe is to be placed in a new embankment, the embankment shall be constructed

as shown in the Plans or as designated by the Engineer for a distance each side of the pipe
location of not less than five times the diameter and to a minimum height equal to ½ of the
outside diameter of the pipe. The embankment material shall be compacted to 95 percent
of maximum density and the moisture content at the time of compaction shall be between
optimum and 3 percentage points below optimum as determined by the Compaction Control
Tests specified in Section 2-03.3(14)D. The trench shall then be excavated to a width as
specified in Section 2-09.4, and the pipe installed in accordance with the Standard Plans.
7-08.3(1)B  Shoring
The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to shore
trenches to protect the Work, existing property, utilities, pavement, etc., and to provide safe
working conditions in the trench. The Contractor may elect to use any combination of shoring
and overbreak, tunneling, boring, sliding trench shield, or other method of accomplishing the
Work consistent with applicable local, State, or Federal safety codes.
If workers enter any trench or other excavation 4 feet or more in depth that does not meet
the open pit requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)B, it shall be shored. The Contractor alone shall
be responsible for worker safety, and the Contracting Agency assumes no responsibility.
Upon completing the Work, the Contractor shall remove all shoring unless the Plans or the
Engineer direct otherwise.
Shoring to be removed, or moveable trench shields or boxes, shall be located at least
2½ pipe diameters away from metal or thermoplastic pipe if the bottom of the shoring, shield,
or box extends below the top of the pipe, unless a satisfactory means of reconsolidating the
bedding or side support material disturbed by shoring removal can be demonstrated.
Damages resulting from improper shoring or failure to shore shall be the sole responsibility
of the Contractor.
7-08.3(1)C  Bedding the Pipe
Pipe zone bedding material shall provide uniform support along the entire pipe barrel,
without load concentration at joint collars or bells. All adjustment to line and grade shall be
made by scraping away or filling in with bedding material under the body of the pipe and
not by blocking or wedging. Bedding disturbed by pipe movement, or by removal of shoring
movement of a trench shield or box, shall be reconsolidated prior to backfill.
Pipe zone bedding shall be as specified in the Standard Plans and shall be placed in loose
layers and compacted to 90 percent maximum density. Bedding shall be placed, spread, and
compacted before the pipe is installed so that the pipe is uniformly supported along the barrel.
Lifts of not more than 6 inches in thickness shall be placed and compacted along the sides of
the pipe to the height shown in the Standard Plans. Material shall be worked carefully under
the pipe haunches and then compacted.
If the Engineer determines that the material existing in the bottom of the trench is
satisfactory for bedding the pipe, the bedding material specified in the Standard Plans is not
required, provided the existing material is loosened, regraded, and compacted to form a dense,
unyielding base.
7-08.3(2)  Laying Pipe
7-08.3(2)A  Survey Line and Grade
Survey line and grade control hubs will be placed in a manner consistent with accepted
The Contractor shall transfer line and grade into the trench where they shall be carried by
means of a laser beam or taut grade line supported on firmly set batter boards at intervals of
not more than 30 feet. Not less than three batter boards shall be in use at one time. Grades
shall be constantly checked and in the event the batter boards do not line up, the Work shall
be immediately stopped, the Engineer notified, and the cause remedied before proceeding
with the Work. Any other procedure shall have the written approval of the Engineer.

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7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements

7-08.3(2)B  Pipe Laying – General

After an accurate grade line has been established, the pipe shall be laid in conformity with
the established line and grade in the properly dewatered trench. Mud, silt, gravel, and other
foreign material shall be kept out of the pipe and off the jointing surfaces.
All pipe laid in the trench to the specified line and grade shall be kept in longitudinal
compression until the backfill has been compacted to the crown of the pipe. All pipe shall
be laid to conform to the prescribed line and grade shown in the Plans, within the limits
that follow.
Pipe shall be laid to a true line and grade at the invert of the pipe and the Contractor shall
exercise care in matching pipe joints for concentricity and compatibility. In no case shall two
pipes be joined together with ends having the maximum manufacturer’s tolerance. The invert
line may vary from the true line and grade within the limits stated to develop uniformity,
concentricity, and uniform compression of jointing material provided such variance does not
result in a reverse sloping invert. The limit of the variance at the invert shall not exceed plus
or minus 0.03 feet at the time of backfill. Checking of the invert elevation of the pipe may
be made by calculations from measurements on the top of the pipe.
The pipe, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, shall be laid up grade from point
of connection on the existing pipe or from a designated starting point. The pipe shall be
installed with the bell end forward or upgrade. When pipe laying is not in progress, the
forward end of the pipe shall be kept tightly closed with an approved temporary plug.
Where pipe joints must be deflected within the manufacturer’s recommended limits
to accommodate required horizontal or vertical curvature, it shall first be joined in straight
alignment and then deflected as required.
Where pipe joints must be deflected to an amount greater than the manufacturer’s
recommended limits to accommodate required horizontal or vertical curvature, the curves
shall be achieved with a series of tangents and shop fabricated bends, subject to the approval
of the Engineer.
Upon final acceptance of the Work, all pipe and appurtenances shall be open, clean, and
free draining.
7-08.3(2)C  Pipe Laying – Concrete
For concrete pipe with elliptical reinforcement, the markings indicating the minor axis
of the reinforcement shall be placed in a vertical plane (top or bottom) when the pipe is laid.
7-08.3(2)D  Pipe Laying – Steel or Aluminum
Pipe with riveted or resistance spot welded seams shall be laid in the trench with the
outside laps of circumferential joints upgrade and with longitudinal laps positioned other
than in the invert, and firmly joined together with approved bands.
Aluminum pipe or pipe arch used in cement concrete shall be painted with two coats of
paint. The paint shall cover all the surfaces in contact with the cement concrete and extend
one inch beyond the point of contact. The aluminum pipe to be painted shall be cleaned with
solvent to remove contaminants. After cleaning, the pipe shall be painted with two coats of
paint conforming to Federal Specification TT-P-645 (primer, paint, zinc chromate, alkyd
vehicle). Aluminized steel pipe will not require painting when placed in Controlled Density
Fill (CDF) or when in contact concrete head walls.
All costs of cleaning and painting the aluminum surfaces as specified shall be included in
the unit Contract price per linear foot for the aluminum pipe or pipe arch.
7-08.3(2)E  Rubber Gasketed Joints
In laying pipe with rubber gaskets, the pipe shall be handled carefully to avoid knocking
the gasket out of position or contaminating it with foreign material. Any gasket so disturbed
shall be removed, cleaned, relubricated if required, and replaced before joining the sections.

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General Pipe Installation Requirements 7-08

The pipe shall be properly aligned before joints are forced home. Sufficient pressure shall
be applied in making the joint to ensure that the joint is home, as defined in the standard
installation instructions provided by the pipe manufacturer. The Contractor may use any
method acceptable to the Engineer for pulling the pipe together, except that driving or
ramming by hand or machinery will not be permitted. Any pipe damaged during joining and
joint tightening shall be removed and replaced at no expense to the Contracting Agency.
Care shall be taken to properly align the pipe before joints are entirely forced home. During
insertion of the tongue or spigot, the pipe shall be partially supported by hand, sling or crane
to minimize unequal lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain concentricity until the
gasket is properly positioned. Since most gasketed joints tend to creep apart when the end of
the pipe is deflected and straightened, such movement shall be held to a minimum once the
joint is home.
Sufficient restraint shall be applied to the line to ensure that joints once home are held so
by compacting backfill material under and alongside the pipe or by other acceptable means.
At the end of the work day, the last pipe shall be blocked in such a manner as may be required
to prevent creep.
7-08.3(2)F  Plugs and Connections
Plugs for pipe branches, stubs, or other open ends which are not to be immediately
connected shall be made of an approved material and shall be secured in a place with a joint
comparable to the main line joint, or stoppers may be of an integrally cast breakout design.
7-08.3(2)G  Jointing of Dissimilar Pipe
Dissimilar pipe shall be jointed by use of a factory-fabricated adapter coupling or a pipe
collar as detailed in the Standard Plans.
7-08.3(2)H  Sewer Line Connections
Storm and sanitary sewer line connections to trunks, mains, laterals, or side sewers shall be
left uncovered until after the Engineer has inspected and approved the Work. After approval
of the connection, the trench shall be backfilled as specified.
7-08.3(2)I  Side Sewer Connections
Where a storm or sanitary side sewer is larger than the trunk, main, or lateral to which
it is to be connected, the connection shall be made only at a standard manhole unless
otherwise provided in the Plans or in the Special Provisions, or unless otherwise authorized
by the Engineer.
7-08.3(3)  Backfilling
Placement of pipe zone backfill shall be performed in accordance with these requirements
and the Standard Plans. Trenches shall be backfilled as soon after the pipe laying as possible.
Pipe zone backfill material shall be clean earth or sand, free from clay, frozen lumps, roots,
or moisture in excess of that permitting required compaction. Rocks or lumps larger than
3 inches maximum shall not be used for pipe zone backfill.
Pipe zone backfill shall be placed in loose layers and compacted to 90 percent maximum
density. Backfill shall be brought up simultaneously on each side of the pipe to the top of
the pipe zone. The pipe shall then be covered to the top of the pipe zone and the materials
compacted in a manner to avoid damaging or disturbing the completed pipe.
Backfill above the pipe zone shall be accomplished in such a manner that the pipe will
not be shifted out of position nor damaged by impact or overloading. If pipe is being placed
in a new embankment, backfill above the pipe zone shall be placed in accordance with
Section 2-03.3(14)C. If pipe is being placed under existing paved areas, or Roadways, backfill
above the pipe zone shall be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick and
compacted to 95 percent maximum density. If pipe is being placed in non-traffic areas, backfill
above the pipe zone shall be placed in horizontal layers no more than 6 inches thick and shall
be compacted to 85 percent maximum density. All compaction shall be in accordance with the

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-27

7-08 General Pipe Installation Requirements

Compaction Control Test of Section 2-03.3(14)D. Material excavated from the trench shall be
used for backfill above the pipe zone, except that organic material, frozen lumps, wood, rocks,
or pavement chunks larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension shall not be used. Materials
determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for backfill at the time of excavation shall be
removed and replaced with imported backfill material.
Backfilling of trenches in the vicinity of catch basins, manholes, or other appurtenances
will not be permitted until the cement in the masonry has become thoroughly hardened.
When it is required that a blanket of select material or bank run gravel is to be placed on
top of the native backfill, the backfill shall be placed to the elevations shown in the Plans, or to
the elevations specified by the Engineer. Compaction of the native material shall be as required
by the Contracting Agency and shall be performed prior to placing the select material. Surface
material shall be loosened to whatever depth is required to prevent bridging of the top layer,
but shall in no case be less than 18 inches.
The Contractor shall not operate tractors or other heavy equipment over the top of the pipe
until the backfill has reached a height of 2 feet above the top of the pipe.
7-08.3(4)  Plugging Existing Pipe
Where shown in the Plans or where designated by the Engineer, existing pipes shall be
plugged on the inlet end for a distance of 2 diameters with commercial concrete. Care shall be
used in placing the concrete in the pipe to see that the opening of the pipe is completely filled
and thoroughly plugged.
7-08.4 Measurement
Gravel backfill for foundations, or gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding when used for
foundations, shall be measured by the cubic yard, including haul, as specified in Section 2-09.
Plugging pipes will be measured per each, for each plug installed, for pipe diameters up to
and including 36 inches. The concrete for plugging pipes in excess of 36 inches in diameter
will be measured by the cubic yard. Computations for corrugated metal pipes will be based
on the nominal diameter.
Excavation of the trench will be measured as Structure excavation Class B or Structure
excavation Class B including haul, by the cubic yard as specified in Section 2-09. When
excavation below grade is necessary, excavation will be measured to the limits ordered by
the Engineer.
Embankment construction before pipe placement under the applicable provisions of
Section 7-08.3(1)A will be measured in accordance with Section 2-03.
Shoring or extra excavation class B will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4.
7-08.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Gravel Backfill for Foundations Class ____”, per cubic yard.
“Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding”, per cubic yard.
All costs associated with furnishing and installing bedding and backfill material within the
pipe zone in the installation of culvert, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer pipes shall be included
in the unit Contract price for the type and size of pipe installed.
“Plugging Existing Pipe”, per each.
“Commercial Concrete”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B”, per cubic yard.
“Structure Excavation Class B Incl. Haul”, per cubic yard.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B”, per square foot.
All costs in jointing dissimilar pipe with a coupling or concrete collar shall be included in
the unit Contract price per foot for the size and type of pipe being jointed.

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Water Mains 7-09

7-09  Water Mains

7-09.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing water mains 16 inches in diameter and smaller in
accordance with the Plans, these Standard Specifications, the Special Provisions and the
Standard Plans, at the location shown on the Plans.
7-09.1(1)  Definitions
7-09.1(1)A  Trench Widths
Trench width is from trench wall to trench wall, outside of shoring.
7-09.1(1)B  Unsuitable Material
Material removed because it is unsatisfactory for foundations is defined as unsuitable
foundation material.
Material removed in trenching which is unsuitable for replacement in the backfill is defined
as unsuitable backfill material.
7-09.1(1)C  Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding
Gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding is the method or material used to transmit load from
the pipe into the foundation or into the sidewall support.
7-09.1(1)D  Pipe Zone Backfill
Pipe zone backfill includes material placed above the gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding
up to the depths shown on the Standard Plans.
7-09.1(1)E  Trench Backfill
Trench backfill includes materials placed above the pipe zone backfill. Trench backfill
within the Roadway prism shall extend up to the underside of the pavement or surfacing
materials. Trench backfill outside the Roadway prism shall extend up to original ground
or finished grade.
7-09.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Pipe for main line: 9-30.1
Ductile Iron Pipe 9-30.1(1)
Steel Pipe (6 inches and over) 9-30.1(4)A
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe (4 inches and over) 9-30.1(5)A
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe (under 4 inches) 9-30.1(5)B
Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe (4 inches and over) 9-30.1(6)
Fittings for Main Lines: 9-30.2
Ductile Iron Pipe 9-30.2(1)
Steel Pipe (6 inches and over) 9-30.2(4)A
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (4 inches and over) 9-30.2(5)A
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (under 4 inches) 9-30.2(5)B
Restrained Joints 9-30.2(6)
Bolted, Sleeve-Type Couplings for Plain End Pipe 9-30.2(7)
Restrained Flexible Couplings 9-30.2(8)
Grooved and Shouldered Joints 9-30.2(9)
Polyethylene (PE) Pipe (4 inches and over) 9-30.2(10)
Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type Expansion Joints 9-30.2(11)

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-29

7-09 Water Mains

Concrete Blocking 6-02.3(2)B
Detectable Marking Tape 9-15.18
Blow Off Assemblies 9-30.1, 9-30.2,
9-30.3, 9-30.6
Polyethylene Encasement 9-30.1(2)
Steel Pipe (4 inches and under) 9-30.1(4)B
Fittings for Steel Pipe (4 inches and under) 9-30.2(4)B
Foundation Material 9-03.17, 9-03.18
Gravel Backfill for Pipe Zone Bedding 9-03.12(3)
Pipe Zone Backfill 9-03.19
Trench Backfill 9-03.15 or 9-03.19
It is not intended that materials listed herein are to be necessarily considered equal
or generally interchangeable for all applications. Those suitable for the project shall be
specified in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans.
The pipe manufacturer shall test all pipe and fittings as required by these Standard
Specifications and the standards referenced. The Contractor shall submit Type 1 Working
Drawings consisting of all test results from the pipe manufacturer including a written
certification that material to be delivered is represented by the samples tested and that such
delivered materials meet or exceed the specified requirements. No pipe shall be delivered until
test results and certifications are in the hands of the Engineer.
The Engineer shall have free access to all testing and records pertaining to material
to be delivered to the job site. The Engineer may elect to be present at any or all material
testing operations.
The basis of acceptance shall be a certificate of compliance as described in Section 1-06.3,
accompanied by two copies of pressure test results of the pipe or fittings involved.
7-09.3  Construction Requirements
7-09.3(1) General
Trench excavation required for the installation of water mains and appurtenances shall
be unclassified. Material excavated from trenches and piled adjacent to the trench or in a
Roadway or public thoroughfare shall be piled and maintained so that the toe of the slope of
the spoil material is at least 2 feet from the edge of the trench. It shall be piled in a manner
to prevent surface water from flowing into the excavation and in a manner that will cause a
minimum of inconvenience to public travel. Free access shall be provided to all fire hydrants,
water valves, and meters; and clearance shall be left to enable the free flow of storm water in
gutters, conduits, and natural watercourses.
7-09.3(2)  Ungraded Streets
On ungraded streets, when grading is not called for in the Contract, the depth of trench
excavation shall be as shown on the Plans and as staked.
Where the Plans show the pipe is to be laid above the existing ground surface, an
embankment fill shall be made and compacted to conform with the section shown on the
Plans, and the water main trench shall be excavated therein. That portion of the embankment
below the bottom of the pipe shall be compacted with rollers or mechanical compactors under
controlled moisture conditions as required under Method B of Section 2-03.3(14)C.
7-09.3(3)  Clearing and Grubbing in Ungraded Streets
On ungraded streets, where clearing and grubbing is not called for in the Contract, the
area to be excavated or filled shall be cleared and grubbed by the Contractor. This Work shall
consist of the removal and disposal of logs, stumps, roots, brush, and other refuse within
5 feet of the centerline of the pipe. Such material shall be disposed of in accordance with the
Special Provisions.

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Water Mains 7-09

7-09.3(4)  Removal of Existing Street Improvements

Removal of existing street improvements and pavement from driveways and sidewalks
shall be performed as specified in Section 2-02. Stockpiling of waste materials along the
trench shall not be allowed.
7-09.3(5)  Grade and Alignment
The location of blow off assemblies and combination air release/air vacuum valves are
shown on the Plans.
The Contractor shall verify the locations and establish the depth of the existing water mains
at the points where connections are to be made prior to trenching for the pipelines. The profile
shall be adjusted so no new high spots or low spots are created between the connection points
to the existing water mains.
The depth of trenching for water mains shall be such as to give a minimum cover of
36 inches over the top of the pipe unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions. Deeper
excavation may be required due to localized breaks in grade, or to install the new main under
existing culverts or other utilities where necessary. Where the profile of the pipeline and
the ground surface is shown on the Plans, the pipeline shall be laid to the elevation shown
regardless of depth. The excavation shall be to such depth that the minimum cover over valve
operating nuts shall be 1 foot.
7-09.3(6)  Existing Utilities
Existing utilities of record, except services, are shown on the Plans. These are shown for
convenience only, and the Engineer assumes no responsibility for improper locations or failure
to show utility locations on the Plans.
When utility services occupy the same space as the new water main, the Contractor shall
complete necessary excavation to fully expose such services. The Contractor shall protect said
services, and work around them during excavating and pipe laying operations. Any damages
to services resulting from the Contractor’s operation shall be reported to the appropriate utility.
Such damage shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense.
7-09.3(7)  Trench Excavation
The Contractor shall perform excavation of every description and in whatever materials
encountered to the depth indicated on the Plans or specified in the Special Provisions.
Excavations shall be made by open cut unless otherwise provided for. Trenches shall be
excavated to true and smooth bottom grades and in accordance with the lines given by the
Engineer or shown on the Plans. The trench bottom shall provide uniform bearing and support
for each length of pipe.
Bell holes shall be excavated to the extent necessary to permit accurate Work in making
and inspecting the joints. The banks of the trenches shall be kept as nearly vertical as soil
conditions will permit, and where required to control trench width or to protect adjacent
Structures, the trench shall be sheeted and braced. Trench widths to 1 foot above the top of
the pipe shall not exceed 30 inches maximum or 1½ times the outside diameter of the pipe
plus 18 inches whichever is greater. Standard excavating equipment shall be adjusted so as to
excavate the narrowest trench possible.
The length of trench excavation in advance of pipe laying shall be kept to a minimum.
Excavations shall be either closed up at the end of the day or protected per Section 1-07.23(1).
The Contractor shall exercise sound engineering and construction practices in excavating
the trench and maintaining the trench so that no damage will occur to any foundation,
Structure, pole line, pipe line, or other facility because of slough or slopes, or from any
other cause. If, as a result of the excavation, there is disturbance of the ground, which may
endanger other property, the Contractor shall immediately take remedial action at no additional
expense to the Contracting Agency. No act, representation, or instruction of the Engineer
shall in any way relieve the Contractor from liability for damages or costs that result from
trench excavation.

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Care shall be taken not to excavate below the depth specified. Excavation below that depth
shall be backfilled with foundation material and compacted as specified herein.
If workers have to enter any trench or other excavation 4 feet or more in depth that does not
meet the open pit requirements of Section 2-09.3(3)B, it shall be shored. The Contractor alone
shall be responsible for worker safety, and the Contracting Agency assumes no responsibility.
Upon completing the Work, the Contractor shall remove all shoring unless the Plans or the
Engineer direct otherwise.
7-09.3(7)A  Dewatering of Trench
Where water is encountered in the trench, it shall be removed during pipe-laying operations
and the trench so maintained until the ends of the pipe are sealed and provisions are made to
prevent floating of the pipe. Trench water or other deleterious materials shall not be allowed
to enter the pipe at any time.
7-09.3(7)B  Rock Excavation
Rock excavation shall cover the removal and disposal of rock that requires systematic
drilling and blasting for its removal, and also boulders exceeding ½ cubic yard. Ledge rock,
boulders, or stones shall be removed to provide a minimum clearance of 4 inches under
the pipe.
Hardpan, hard clay, glacial till, sandstone, siltstone, shale, or other sedimentary rocks,
which are soft, weathered, or extensively fissured will not be classified as rock excavation.
Rock is defined as one that has a modulus of elasticity of more than 200,000 psi or unconfined
compressive strength at field moisture content of more than 2,000 psi.
Materials removed shall be replaced with gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding, pipe zone
backfill or trench backfill as designated by the Engineer.
7-09.3(7)C  Extra Trench Excavation
Changes in grades of the water main from those shown on the Plans, or as provided in the
Special Provisions, may be necessary because of unexpected utilities, or for other reasons.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is necessary to adjust, correct, relocate, or in any way
change the line and grade, such changes shall be made by the Contractor under the terms of
these Standard Specifications.
When pipeline grade is lowered in excess of 1 foot below the grade indicated on the Plans,
the Contractor shall make such extra excavation as necessary.
When the pipeline horizontal alignment is changed by more than 1 foot from the line
indicated on the Plans, after the trench has been excavated, the Contractor shall excavate the
trench at the changed location and backfill and compact the previous trench.
Additional excavation so required will be classified as extra trench excavation.
7-09.3(8)  Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Materials
Whenever in excavating the trench for water mains, the bottom of the trench exposes peat,
soft clay, quicksand, or other unsuitable foundation material, such material shall be removed to
the depth directed by the Engineer and backfilled with foundation material. When determined
by the Engineer that silty soils or fine sandy soils are encountered, Class C foundation material
shall be required. Silty soils or fine sandy soils usually flow in the presence of a stream of
water. When determined by the Engineer that clay, peat, or other soft materials are encountered
that become saturated with water, but do not break down into fine particles and flow, Class A
or Class B foundation material shall be required.
Material removed from the trench that is unsuitable for trench backfill shall be removed
and hauled to a waste site. If material is not available within the limits of the project for
backfilling the trench, the Contractor shall furnish trench backfill meeting the requirements
of Section 9-03.12(3) or 9-03.19 as required.
Unsuitable material shall be loaded directly into trucks and hauled to a waste site obtained
by the Contractor. Stockpiling of unsuitable material at the project site shall not be allowed.

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7-09.3(9)  Bedding the Pipe

Gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding shall be select granular material free from wood
waste, organic material, and other extraneous or objectionable materials and shall have a
maximum dimension of 1½ inches. Gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding shall be placed to the
depths shown in the Standard Plans. Gravel backfill for pipe zone bedding shall be rammed
and tamped around the pipe to 95 percent of maximum density by approved hand-held tools,
so as to provide firm and uniform support for the full length of the pipe, valves, and fittings.
Care shall be taken to prevent any damage to the pipe or its protective coating.
7-09.3(10)  Backfilling Trenches
Prior to backfilling, form lumber and debris shall be removed from the trench. Sheeting
used by the Contractor shall be removed just ahead of the backfilling.
Backfill up to 12 inches over the top of the pipe shall be evenly and carefully placed.
Materials capable of damaging the pipe or its coating shall be removed from the backfill
material. The remainder of the material shall be placed by dumping into the trench by any
method at the option of the Contractor, and shall be compacted as specified hereinafter.
A minimum 3 inch sand cushion shall be placed between the water main and existing
pipelines or other conduits when encountered during construction.
7-09.3(11)  Compaction of Backfill
Backfill shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density as specified in
Section 2-03.3(14)D.
At locations where paved streets, Roadway Shoulders, driveways, or sidewalks will be
constructed or reconstructed over the trench, the backfill shall be spread in layers and be
compacted by mechanical tampers. In such cases, the backfill material shall be placed in
successive layers not exceeding 6 inches in loose thickness, and each layer shall be compacted
with mechanical tampers to the density specified herein. Mechanical tampers shall be of the
impact type as approved by the Engineer.
7-09.3(12)  General Pipe Installation
Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed Specifications
and instructions, and to the standards of the AWWA for installing the type of pipe used.
The Contractor shall provide tools and equipment, including any special tools required for
installing each particular type of pipe used.
Short lengths of pipe supplied by the manufacturer shall be used whenever possible to
provide the proper spacing of valves, tees, or special fittings.
7-09.3(13)  Handling of Pipe
Pipe shall be handled in a manner that will prevent damage to the pipe, pipe lining, or
coating. Pipe and fittings shall be loaded and unloaded using hoists and slings in a manner
to avoid shock or damage, and under no circumstances shall they be dropped, skidded, or
rolled against other pipe. If any part of the coating or lining is damaged, repair thereof shall
be made by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency and in a
manner satisfactory to the Engineer. Damaged pipe shall be rejected, and the Contractor shall
immediately place damaged pipe apart from the undamaged and shall remove the damaged
pipe from the site within 24 hours.
Threaded pipe ends shall be protected by couplings or other means until laid.
Pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects.
Dirt or other foreign material shall be prevented from entering the pipe or pipe joint during
handling or laying operations, and any pipe or fitting that has been installed with dirt or
foreign material in it shall be removed, cleaned, and re-laid. At times when pipe laying is not
in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or by other means
approved by the Engineer to ensure cleanliness inside the pipe.

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7-09.3(14)  Cutting Pipe

Whenever it becomes necessary to cut a length of pipe, the cut shall be made by abrasive
saw or by a special pipe cutter. Pipe ends shall be square with the longitudinal axis of the pipe
and shall be reamed and otherwise smoothed so that good connections can be made. Threads
shall be cleanly cut. Oxyacetylene torch cutting of ductile iron pipe shall not be allowed.
7-09.3(15)  Laying of Pipe on Curves
7-09.3(15)A  Ductile Iron Pipe
Long radius curves, either horizontal or vertical, may be laid with standard pipe lengths by
deflecting the joints. If the pipe is shown curved on the Plans and no special fittings are shown,
the Contractor can assume that the curves can be made by deflecting the joints with standard
lengths of pipe. If shorter lengths are required, the Plans will indicate maximum lengths that
can be used. The amount of deflection at each pipe joint when pipe is laid on a horizontal or
vertical curve shall not exceed the manufacturer’s printed recommended deflections.
Where field conditions require deflection or curves not anticipated by the Plans, the
Engineer will determine the methods to be used. No additional payment will be made for
laying pipe on curves as shown on the Plans, or for field changes involving standard lengths
of pipe deflected at the joints. When special fittings not shown on the Plans are required to
meet field conditions, additional payment will be made for special fittings as provided in
Section 1-09.6.
When rubber gasketed pipe is laid on a curve, the pipe shall be jointed in a straight
alignment and then deflected to the curved alignment. Trenches shall be made wider on curves
for this purpose.
7-09.3(15)B  Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe (4 inches and Over)
PVC pipe may be bent to allow for slight changes in direction. The minimum bending
radius shall be as follows:
Size Minimum Bending Radius
4 inch 125 feet
6 inch 175 feet
8 inch 225 feet
10 inch 275 feet
12 inch 325 feet
14 inch 400 feet

Axial deflection at the pipe joints shall not be allowed.

For 16-inch diameter pipe, changes in direction may be accomplished by axial deflection of
the pipe joint. The maximum axial deflection allowed at each joint is 1 degree. For changes in
direction greater than 1 degree per pipe joint, fittings shall be used.
7-09.3(16)  Cleaning and Assembling Joint
The pipe ends, couplings, fittings, and appurtenances shall be cleaned to remove oil, grit,
or other foreign matter from the joint. Care shall be taken to keep the joint from contacting
the ground.
Pipe not furnished with a depth mark shall be marked before assembly to ensure visual
observation of the Work.
7-09.3(17)  Laying Ductile Iron Pipe With Polyethylene Encasement
Where shown on the Plans, the Contractor shall lay ductile iron pipe with a polyethylene
encasement. Pipe and polyethylene encasement shall be installed in accordance with
AWWA C105.

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7-09.3(18)  Coupled Pipe 4 inches in Diameter and Larger

Joints for steel pipe shall be bell and spigot or welded as specified in the
Special Provisions.
Component parts of couplings, rings, and bells shall receive a protective coating in the
same manner as specified for the steel pipe. Bolts and nuts, exposed edges, and flanges shall,
after installation, be covered with coal-tar protective coating conforming to AWWA C203 or
other coating approved by the Engineer.
Steel pipe 4 inches and larger for aboveground service shall be coupled with flanges,
compression type or grooved type couplings.
Pipe for outdoor service above ground shall be protected with a coal-tar protective coating
conforming to AWWA C203 or other coating approved by the Engineer.
7-09.3(19) Connections
7-09.3(19)A  Connections to Existing Mains
Connections to the existing water main shall not be made without first making the
necessary scheduling arrangements with the Engineer in advance. Work shall not be started
until all the materials, equipment, and labor necessary to properly complete the Work are
assembled on the site.
Existing water mains shall be cut by the Contractor unless otherwise specified in the
Special Provisions. The Contractor shall remove the portions of pipe to provide for the
installation of the required fittings at the points of connection. Damage caused by the
Contractor’s operations to existing joints in piping to remain in-service shall be repaired
by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall
determine the exact length of the existing water main that must be removed. The pipe ends
shall be beveled to prevent damage to the transition coupling gasket during installation of
the coupling. The exterior of the existing pipe end shall be cleaned to a sound, smooth finish
before installation of the coupling.
Transition couplings shall be installed by the Contractor and shall be provided with a
plastic film wrap. The plastic film wrap shall be wrapped loosely around the pipe, fittings, and
couplings, and secured with 2-inch-wide polyethylene adhesive tape. Pipelines in which the
couplings are installed shall be wrapped a minimum of 3 feet on each side of the coupling.
Joints or seams in the plastic film wrap shall be made using the 2-inch-wide polyethylene
adhesive tape. The plastic film wrap need not be watertight, but no part of the pipe or coupling
shall be exposed to the backfill. Care shall be exercised during backfilling to prevent the
plastic film wrap from being punctured or otherwise damaged. Plastic film wrap and its
installation shall conform to AWWA C105 except as modified herein.
Once Work is started on a connection, it shall proceed continuously without interruption
and as rapidly as possible until completed. No shutoff of mains will be permitted overnight,
over weekends, or on holidays.
If the connection to the existing system involves turning off the water, the Contractor shall
be responsible for notifying the residents affected by the shutoff. The Engineer will advise
which property owners are to be notified.
The Contractor may be required to perform the connection during times other than normal
working hours. The Contractor shall not operate any valves on the existing system without
specific permission of the Engineer.
The types of connections are varied and suggested piping arrangements have been shown
on the Plans. For the installation of these connections, the surfaced portion of the Roadway
shall not be penetrated unless the connecting point is directly under it. For connection by any
other method, the Contractor shall furnish a detailed sketch for approval not less than 2 weeks
prior to the expected construction.

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7-09.3(19)B  Maintaining Service

Where existing services are to be transferred from old to new mains, the Contractor shall
plan and coordinate its Work with that of the Utility so that service will be resumed with the
least possible inconvenience to customers.
To supply customers with water during the construction of a water main project where any
section of the pipe has passed satisfactory hydrostatic and bacteriological tests, the Utility
reserves the right to tap corporation stops into the section of new pipe and install service
connections at such locations as the Utility may elect. The installation of any such service
connections by the Utility shall not be construed by the Contractor as an acceptance by the
Contracting Agency of any part of the Work required under the Contract.
7-09.3(20)  Detectable Marking Tape
Detectable marking tape shall be installed over nonmetallic water lines including services
lines. The tape shall be placed approximately 1 foot above the top of the line and shall extend
its full length. Detectable marking tape shall meet the requirements of Section 9-15.18.
7-09.3(21)  Concrete Thrust Blocking
Concrete thrust blocking, as detailed on the Plans, shall be placed at bends, tees, dead
ends, and crosses. Blocking shall be commercial concrete meeting the requirement of
Section 6-02.3(2)B poured in place.
Concrete blocking shall bear against solid undisturbed earth at the sides and bottom of
the trench excavation and shall be shaped so as not to obstruct access to the joints of the pipe
or fittings.
7-09.3(22)  Blowoff Assemblies
Blowoff Assemblies shall be constructed at the locations shown on the Plans and in
accordance with the Standard Plans.
7-09.3(23)  Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Water main appurtenances and service connections to the meter setter shall be tested in
sections of convenient length under a hydrostatic pressure equal to 150 psi in excess of that
under which they will operate or in no case shall the test pressure be less than 225 psi. Pumps,
gauges, plugs, saddles, corporation stops, miscellaneous hose and piping, and measuring
equipment necessary for performing the test shall be furnished and operated by the Contractor.
Sections to be tested shall normally be limited to 1,500 feet. The Engineer may require that
the first section of pipe, not less than 1,000 feet in length, installed by each of the Contractor’s
crews, be tested in order to qualify the crew and the materials. Pipe laying shall not be
continued more than an additional 1,000 feet until the first section has been tested successfully.
The pipeline shall be backfilled sufficiently to prevent movement of the pipe under
pressure. Thrust blocks shall be in place and time allowed for the concrete to cure before
testing. Where permanent blocking is not required, the Contractor shall furnish and install
temporary blocking and remove it after testing.
The mains shall be filled with water and allowed to stand under pressure a sufficient
length of time to allow the escape of air and allow the lining of the pipe to absorb water. The
Contracting Agency will furnish the water necessary to fill the pipelines for testing purposes
at a time of day when sufficient quantities of water are available for normal system operation.
The test shall be accomplished by pumping the main up to the required pressure, stopping
the pump for 15 minutes, and then pumping the main up to the test pressure again. During the
test, the section being tested shall be observed to detect any visible leakage.
A clean container shall be used for holding water for pumping up pressure on the
main being tested. This makeup water shall be sterilized by the addition of chlorine to a
concentration of 50 mg/l.

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The quantity of water required to restore the pressure shall be accurately determined by
pumping through a positive displacement water meter. The meter shall be approved by the
Engineer. Acceptability of the test will be determined as follows:
The quantity of water lost from the main shall not exceed the number of gallons per hour
as determined by the formula:
L  = allowable leakage, gallons/hour
D = nominal diameter of the pipe in inches
P  = test pressure during the leakage test (psi)
S   = gross length of pipe tested, feet
There shall not be an appreciable or abrupt loss in pressure during the 15-minute
test period.
Pressure gauges used in the test shall be accompanied with certifications of accuracy
from a testing Laboratory approved by the Engineer.
Any visible leakage detected shall be corrected by the Contractor regardless of the
allowable leakage specified above. Should the tested section fail to meet the pressure test
successfully as specified, the Contractor shall, at no additional expense to the Contracting
Agency, locate and repair the defects and then retest the pipeline.
Tests shall be made with the hydrant auxiliary gate valves open and pressure against the
hydrant valve. Each valve shall be tested by closing each in turn and relieving the pressure
beyond. This test of the valve will be acceptable if there is no immediate loss of pressure on
the gauge when the pressure comes against the valve being checked. The Contractor shall
verify that the pressure differential across the valve does not exceed the rated working pressure
of the valve.
Prior to calling out the Engineer to witness the pressure test, the Contractor shall have all
equipment set up completely ready for operation and shall have successfully performed the
test to ensure that the pipe is in satisfactory condition.
Defective materials or workmanship, discovered as a result of hydrostatic field test, shall be
replaced by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Contracting Agency. Whenever it is
necessary to replace defective material or correct the workmanship, the hydrostatic test shall
be re-run at the Contractor’s expense until a satisfactory test is obtained.
7-09.3(23)A  Testing Extensions From Existing Mains
When an existing water main is extended with new pipe to a new valve and the distance
from the existing pipe to the new valve is 18 feet or less, the section of new pipe installed
between the new valve and the end of the existing main shall be made with pretested,
prechlorinated pipe, and no hydrostatic test will be required. When the required hydrostatic
tests are conducted in the new main section beyond the installed new valve in the closed
position, the normal pressure of the existing main may be present against the other side of
the new valve.
Where the distance between the end of an existing water main pipe extension to the
new valve is more than 18 feet, the connection of the new pipe to existing pipe shall not be
made until after hydrostatic tests have been made to the required pressure in both directions
against the new valve. This shall be accomplished by a temporary cap or plug installed on
the end of the new pipe, beyond the new valve, as close as possible to the existing pipe for
testing purposes.
The short length of pipe between the temporary cap or plug end with the new valve in the
closed position, with no hydrostatic pressure active on the opposite side of the valve, shall
be subjected to the required test pressure. The same test shall be made against the other side

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of the new valve when that section of pipe is tested with no hydrostatic pressure active in the
short section of pipe toward the existing main. The final connection to the existing main shall
be made with pretested prechlorinated pipe.
7-09.3(23)B  Testing Section With Hydrants Installed
When hydrants are included with the section of main pipe to be tested, the testing shall be
conducted in three separate tests as follows:
Test No. 1 – Water main gate valves and hydrant auxiliary gate valves closed, with the
hydrant operating stem valves and hose ports wide open.
Test No. 2 – Water main gate valves and the hydrant operating the stem valves tightly
closed but the hydrant auxiliary gate valves and hose ports wide open.
Test No. 3 – Each hydrant shall be tested to the pressure indicated in Section 7-09.3(23)
with the hydrant auxiliary gate valve and hose ports closed and the hydrant operating stem
valve wide open.
7-09.3(23)C  Testing Hydrants Installed on Existing Mains
For hydrants installed and connected to an existing main, the hydrant connection including
hydrant tee, connection pipe, and auxiliary gate valves, shall be installed with pretested
Before the hydrant connection is made to the existing main, the hydrant installation shall be
subjected to the hydrostatic Test No. 3 as specified in Section 7-09.3(23)B. Hydrants installed
and connected to an existing main shall have a satisfactory bacteriological sample obtained
following the hydrostatic test.
7-09.3(24)  Disinfection of Water Mains
Before being placed into service, new water mains and repaired portions of, or extensions
to, existing mains shall be chlorinated and a satisfactory bacteriological report obtained. In
the event two unsatisfactory bacteriological reports are obtained on a section of pipe, the
Contractor shall revise his method of disinfection and the form of applied chlorine.
7-09.3(24)A Flushing
Sections of pipe to be disinfected shall first be flushed to remove any solids or
contaminated material that may have become lodged in the pipe. If a hydrant is not installed at
the end of the main, then a tap shall be provided large enough to develop a flow velocity of at
least 2.5 fps in the water main.
Taps required by the Contractor for temporary or permanent release of air, chlorination
or flushing purposes shall be provided by the Contractor as part of the construction of water
Where dry calcium hypochlorite is used for disinfection of the pipe, flushing shall be done
after disinfection.
The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of treated water flushed from mains and
shall neutralize the wastewater for protection of aquatic life in the receiving water before
disposal into any natural drainage channel, i.e., receiving water, waters of the State, including
wetlands. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposing of disinfecting solution to the
satisfaction of the Contracting Agency and local authorities. At a minimum, chlorinated
water shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 parts per million (ppm) or less, and pH
adjustment to within 6.5 – 8.5 standard units before discharging to surface waters of the State
or to a storm sewer system that drains to surface waters of the State.
If approved by the Engineer and by the local authority responsible for the sanitary sewer
system, disposal of treated water from mains may be made to an available sanitary sewer,
provided the rate of disposal will not overload the sewer.

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7-09.3(24)B  Requirement of Chlorine

Before being placed into service, new mains and repaired portions of, or extensions to,
existing mains shall be chlorinated so that a chlorine residual of not less than 25 mg/l remains
in the water after standing 24 hours in the pipe. The initial chlorine content of the water shall
be not less than 50 mg/l.
7-09.3(24)C  Form of Applied Chlorine
Chlorine shall be applied by one of the methods which follow, to give a dosage of not less
than 50 mg/l of available chlorine.
7-09.3(24)D  Dry Calcium Hypochlorite
As each length of pipe is laid, sufficient high-test calcium hypochlorite (65 to 70 percent
chlorine) shall be placed inside the pipe to yield a dosage of not less than 50 mg/l available
chlorine, calculated on the volume of the water that the pipe and appurtenances will contain.
The number of grams of 70 percent test calcium hypochlorite required for a 20-foot length
of pipe equals
0.238 × d2, in which “d” is the diameter in inches.
7-09.3(24)E  Liquid Chlorine
A chlorine gas-water mixture shall be applied by means of a solution-feed chlorinating
device, or the dry gas may be fed directly through proper devices for regulating the rate of
flow and providing effective diffusion of the gas into the water within the pipe being treated.
Chlorinating devices for feeding solutions of the chlorine gas, or the gas itself, must provide
means for preventing the backflow of water into the chlorine.
7-09.3(24)F  Chlorine-Bearing Compounds in Water
A mixture of water and high-test calcium hypochlorite (65 to 70 percent Cl) may be
substituted for the chlorine gas-water mixture. The dry powder shall first be mixed as a paste
and then thinned to a 1 percent chlorine solution by adding water to give a total quantity of
7.5 gallons of water per pound of dry powder. This solution shall be injected in one end of the
section of main to be disinfected while filling the main with water.
7-09.3(24)G  Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium hypochlorite, commercial grade (12.5 percent Cl) or in the form of liquid
household bleach (5 to 6 percent Cl), may be substituted for the chlorine gas-water mixture.
This liquid chlorine compound may be used full strength or diluted with water and injected
into the main in correct proportion to the fill water so that dosage applied to the water will be
at least 50 mg/l.
7-09.3(24)H  Point of Application
The point of application of the chlorinating agent shall be at the beginning of the pipeline
extension or any valved section of it, and through a corporation stop inserted in the horizontal
axis of the pipe. The water injector for delivering the chlorine-bearing water into the pipe
should be supplied from a tap on the pressure side of the gate valve controlling the flow
into the pipeline extension. Alternate points of applications may be used when approved by
the Engineer.
7-09.3(24)I  Rate of Application
Water from the existing distribution system, or other source of supply, shall be controlled
to flow very slowly into the newly-laid pipeline during application of the chlorine. The rate
of chlorine gas-water mixture or dry gas feed shall be in such proportion to the rate of water
entering the newly-laid pipe that the dosage applied to the water will be at least 50 mg/l.

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7-09.3(24)J  Preventing Reverse Flow

No connections shall be made between the existing distribution system and pipelines not
disinfected that are constructed under this Contract without a State Department of Health
approved backflow preventer installed in the connecting line.
7-09.3(24)K  Retention Period
Treated water shall be retained in the pipe at least 24 hours. After this period, the chlorine
residual at pipe extremities and at other representative points shall be at least 25 mg/l.
7-09.3(24)L  Chlorinating Valves, Hydrants, and Appurtenances
In the process of chlorinating newly laid pipe, valves, hydrants, and other appurtenances
shall be operated while the pipeline is filled with the chlorinating agent and under normal
operating pressure.
7-09.3(24)M  Chlorinating Connections to Existing Water Mains and Water
Service Connections
The chlorinating procedure to be followed shall be as specified in AWWA Standard C651.
All closure fittings shall be swabbed with a very strong chlorine solution at least as strong
as liquid household bleach (5 to 6 percent Cl).
7-09.3(24)N  Final Flushing and Testing
Following chlorination, treated water shall be flushed from the newly-laid pipe until the
replacement water throughout its length shows, upon test, the absence of chlorine. In the
event chlorine is normally used in the source of supply, then the tests shall show a residual
not in excess of that carried in the water supply system.
A sample tap shall be located ahead of the flushing hose for convenience and for
sanitary sampling.
Before placing the lines into service, a satisfactory report shall be received from the local
or State Health Department on samples collected from representative points in the new system.
Samples will be collected and bacteriological tests obtained by the Engineer.
At a minimum, chlorinated water shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 parts
per million (ppm) or less, and pH adjustment to within 6.5 to 8.5 standard units, if necessary,
before discharging to surface waters of the State or to a storm sewer system that drains to
surface waters of the State.
7-09.3(24)O  Repetition of Flushing and Testing
Should the initial treatment result in an unsatisfactory bacteriological test, the original
chlorination procedure shall be repeated by the Contractor until satisfactory results are
obtained. Failure to get a satisfactory test shall be considered as failure of the Contractor to
keep the pipe clean during construction, or to properly chlorinate the main.
7-09.4 Measurement
Measurement for payment of pipe for water mains will be by the linear foot of pipe laid
and tested and shall be measured along the pipe through fittings, valves, and couplings.
Measurement for payment of blowoff assembly will be per each.
When listed as a pay item, rock excavation will be measured in its original position by
volume in cubic yards. The quantity measured for payment will include only the material
excavated from within the limits hereinafter defined. Any additional excavation outside of
these limits will be considered as having been made for the Contractor’s benefit, and all costs
in connection with such excavation shall be included in the unit Contract prices for the various
items of Work.
The horizontal limits for measuring rock excavation will be the sides of the trench, except
no payment will be made for material removed outside of vertical planes extended beyond
the maximum trench widths, as specified in Section 7-09.3(7). Vertical distances shall be

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Water Mains 7-09

measured from the upper surface of the rock to an elevation 6 inches below the underside
of the pipe barrel, or to the lower surface of the rock, whichever is less. Boulders exceeding
1 cubic yard in volume shall be paid for according to their measured volume.
Removal of the extra trench excavation as defined in Section 7-09.3(7)C will be measured
by the cubic yard. The depth shall be the actual depth removed for the changed line or
grade in accordance with Section 7-09.3(5) or as ordered by the Engineer in accordance
with Section 1-04.4. The width shall be the actual width removed for the changed line or
grade, but in no case shall the measured width exceed the allowable widths specified in
Section 7-09.3(7).
Removal and replacement of unsuitable material will be measured by the cubic yard.
The depth shall be the actual depth removed below the depth specified in Section 7-09.3(5).
The width shall be the actual width removed, but in no case shall the measured width exceed
the allowable widths specified in Section 7-09.3(7).
Measurement of bank run gravel for trench backfill will be by the cubic yard measured in
trucks at the point of delivery.
Shoring or extra trench excavation will be measured as specified in Section 2-09.4 for
shoring or extra excavation Class B.
7-09.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“_________Pipe for Water Main_____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for each size and kind of “__________ Pipe for
Water Main _____ In. Diam.” shall be full pay for all Work to complete the installation of the
water main, including but not limited to, trench excavation, bedding, laying and jointing pipe
and fittings, backfilling, concrete thrust blocking, testing, disinfecting the pipeline, flushing,
dechlorination of water used for flushing, and cleanup.
Payment for restoration will be made under the applicable items shown in the Proposal.
If no pay items for restoration are included in the Proposal, restoration shall be considered
incidental to the Work of constructing the water main, and all costs thereof shall be included
in the unit Contract price Bid for “______ Pipe for Water Main ____ In. Diam.”
“Rock Excavation”, per cubic yard.
If no pay item is listed, rock excavation shall be considered incidental to the Work
to construct the water main and all costs shall be included in other items of Work specified
in Section 7-09.5.
“Extra Trench Excavation”, per cubic yard.
“Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material”, per cubic yard.
“Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill”, per cubic yard.
No separate payment will be made for clearing and grubbing, removal of existing street
improvements, furnishing and installing sand cushion, protection of existing utilities and
services, trench excavation and backfill, bedding the pipe, and compacting the backfill. These
items shall all be considered as incidental to the Work of constructing the water main, and all
costs thereof shall be included in the payment as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Shoring or Extra Excavation Trench”, per square foot.
“Blowoff Assembly”, per each.
The unit Contract price Bid per each for “Blowoff Assembly” shall be full pay for all Work
to install the blowoff assembly, including but not limited to excavating, backfilling, laying and
jointing pipe, tapping the main, corporation stop, pipe and fittings, gate valve, meter box, and
cover and cleanup.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-41

7-10 Vacant

7-10 Vacant

Page 7-42 2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

Vacant 7-11

7-11 Vacant

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-43

7-12 Valves for Water Mains

7-12  Valves for Water Mains

7-12.1 Description
Valves for water mains shall be suitable for ordinary waterworks service, intended to be
installed in a normal position on buried pipelines for water distribution systems.
Valves shall open counterclockwise and shall be equipped with a 2-inch-square AWWA
standard operating nut. Unless otherwise specified, all valves shall be the nonrising stem type.
7-12.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Gate Valves (3 to 16 inches) 9-30.3(1)
Butterfly Valves 9-30.3(3)
Valve Boxes 9-30.3(4)
Valve Marker Posts 9-30.3(5)
Combination Air Release/Air Vacuum Valves 9-30.3(7)
End Connections 9-30.5(1)
Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly 9-30.3(8)
The valves shall be standard pattern of a manufacturer whose products are approved by
the Engineer and shall have the name or mark of the manufacturer, year valve casting was
made, size and working pressure plainly cast in raised letters on the valve body.
The valve bodies shall be cast iron, ductile iron, or other approved material mounted
with approved noncorrosive metals. All wearing surfaces shall be bronze or other approved
noncorrosive material, and there shall be no moving bearing or contact surfaces of iron in
contact with iron. Contact surfaces shall be machined and finished in the best workmanlike
manner, and all wearing surfaces shall be easily renewable.
7-12.3  Construction Requirements
All valves shall be inspected upon delivery in the field to ensure proper working order
before installation. They shall be set and jointed to the pipe in the manner as set forth in
the AWWA Standards for the type of connecting ends furnished. The valves shall also be
carefully inspected for injury to the outer protective coatings. At all places where the coating
has been ruptured or scraped off, the damaged area shall be cleaned to expose the iron base
installation, and the cleaned area shall then be recoated with two or more field coats of
approved protective coating.
Upon delivery at the work site, all valves shall be opened to prevent the collection of
water in the valve. Valves shall have the interiors cleaned of all foreign matter and shall be
inspected both in open and closed position prior to installation. Valves and valve boxes shall
be set plumb and valve boxes shall be placed over the valve or valve operator in a manner that
the valve box does not transmit shock or stress to the valve. The lower casting of the unit is
installed first, in a manner as to be supported by a minimum backfill or by a Styrofoam collar
not less than 2 inches in thickness. The casting shall not rest directly upon the body of the
valve or upon the water main. Backfill shall be carefully tamped around the valve box to a
distance of 3 feet on all sides or to the undisturbed face of the trench if it is closer. The cast
iron valve box cover shall be set flush with the Roadbed or finished paved surface.
The combination air release/air vacuum valves shall be installed as shown in the Plans.
All piping shall be sloped to permit escape of any entrapped air. Backfilling and compaction
shall be as specified in Section 7-09.
After installation, all valves shall be subjected to field testing and disinfected as outlined
in Section 7-09. Should any defects in design, materials, or workmanship appear during
these tests, the Contractor shall correct such defects with the least possible delay and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

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Valves for Water Mains 7-12

7-12.3(1)  Installation of Valve Marker Post

Where required, a valve marker post shall be furnished and installed with each valve.
Valve marker posts shall be placed at the edge of the Right of Way opposite the valve and be
set with 18 inches of the post exposed above grade. The exposed portion of the valve marker
posts shall be painted with two coats of concrete paint in a color selected by the Engineer, and
then the size of the valve and the distance in feet and inches to the valve shall be stenciled with
black paint on the face of the post, using a stencil which will produce letters 2 inches high.
7-12.4 Measurement
Measurement of valves shall be per each for each type and size actually installed.
7-12.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Gate Valve ____ In.”, per each.
“Butterfly Valve ____ In.”, per each.
“Comb. Air Release/Air Vacuum Valve Assembly ____ In.”, per each.
“Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly ____ In.”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for the valve specified shall be full pay for all Work to
furnish and install the valve complete in place on the water main, including trenching, jointing,
blocking of valve, painting, disinfecting, hydrostatic testing, valve box, and marker post.

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7-13 Vacant

7-13 Vacant

Page 7-46 2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

Hydrants 7-14

7-14  Hydrants
7-14.1 Description
This Section covers the installation of dry barrel fire hydrants intended for ordinary water
works service.
7-14.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Hydrants 9-30.5
End Connections 9-30.5(1)
Hydrant Dimensions 9-30.5(2)
Hydrant Extensions 9-30.5(3)
Hydrant Restraint 9-30.5(4)
Traffic Flange 9-30.5(5)
Guard Posts 9-30.5(6)
7-14.3  Construction Requirements
7-14.3(1)  Setting Hydrants
Where shown in the Plans, hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the Standard
Plans. In addition, a minimum 3-foot radius unobstructed working area shall be provided
around all hydrants. The sidewalk flange shall be set 2 inches above finished grade.
All hydrants shall be set on concrete blocks as shown in the Standard Plans. The hydrant
barrel drain shall waste into a pit of porous gravel material situated at the base of the hydrant
as shown in the Standard Plans.
All hydrants shall be inspected upon delivery in the field to ensure proper working order.
After installation, fire hydrants, auxiliary gate valves, and other appurtenances thereto shall
be subjected to a hydrostatic test and disinfection procedures as specified in Section 7-09.
After all installation and testing is complete, the exposed portion of the hydrant shall be
painted with one field coat. The type and color of paint will be designated by the Engineer.
Any hydrant not in service shall be identified by covering with a burlap or plastic bag
properly secured.
7-14.3(2)  Hydrant Connections
Hydrant laterals shall consist of one continuous section of 6-inch ductile iron pipe from
the main to the hydrant and shall include an auxiliary gate valve set vertically and placed in
accordance with the Standard Plans.
7-14.3(2)A  Hydrant Restraints
The thrust created in the hydrant lateral shall be restrained as shown in the Standard Plans.
If applicable, shackle rods, after installation, shall be cleaned and painted with two coats of
asphalt varnish, or with such other bituminous coating as may be approved by the Engineer.
7-14.3(2)B  Auxiliary Gate Valves and Valve Boxes
Auxiliary gate valves and valve boxes shall be installed in accordance with
Section 7-12 except that the end connections shall be provided with lugs for shackling, or the
bells shall provide sufficient clearance between the body of the valve and the hub to permit
the installation of shackles.
7-14.3(2)C  Hydrant Guard Posts
Hydrant guard posts shall be constructed at the locations shown in the Plans. The exposed
portion of each guard post shall be painted with one coating of the type and color designated
by the Engineer.

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7-14 Hydrants

7-14.3(3)  Resetting Existing Hydrants

Where existing hydrants are shown in the Plans for adjustments to conform to a new street
alignment or grade or both, the hydrant shall be relocated without disturbing the location of
the hydrant lateral tee at the main.
The method for thrust restraint for the hydrant lateral shall be determined by the conditions
found in the field and shall be constructed as ordered by the Engineer at no additional cost to
the Contracting Agency.
This Work shall conform to Section 7-14.3(1).
7-14.3(4)  Moving Existing Hydrants
Existing hydrants shall be moved where shown in the Plans. When the existing hydrant
lateral tee does not accommodate a new hydrant location, a new hydrant lateral tee shall be
installed in the main. The existing hydrant lateral tee shall be removed from the main (if said
main is to remain active), and a new section of pipe inserted into the water main in place of
the existing hydrant lateral tee. Where the existing main to which the existing hydrant lateral
tee is connected, and is to be abandoned or temporarily activated after the existing hydrant
is moved, the open end of the hydrant lateral pipeline shall be plugged (and temporary
thrust restrain provided if temporarily reactivated). All Work shall meet the requirements
of Section 7-14.3(1).
7-14.3(5)  Reconnecting Existing Hydrants
Existing hydrants shall be reconnected where shown in the Plans. The location and
elevation of the existing hydrant shall remain unchanged, but the existing hydrant connection
is changed to connect with a new hydrant tee provided in a new main.
Where existing hydrants were not shackled to the old main, the new connection shall be
shackled with steel rods as shown in the Standard Plans, or by such other shackling method
as approved by the Engineer.
Hydrant reconnections shall meet the requirements of Sections 7-14.3(1) and 7-14.3(2).
7-14.3(6)  Hydrant Extensions
The Contractor shall furnish and install hydrant extensions where required. The hydrant
extensions, operating stems for the hydrant main valves, and sidewalk flanges shall conform to
AWWA C502. After installation, the extended fire hydrant shall be subjected to a hydrostatic
pressure test and disinfection procedure as specified in Section 7-09.
7-14.4 Measurement
Measurement of hydrant assembly, resetting existing hydrants, moving existing hydrants,
and reconnecting existing hydrants will be made per each. Measurement of hydrant extension
will be made per linear foot.
7-14.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Hydrant Assembly”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Hydrant Assembly” shall be full pay for all Work
to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies, including all costs for auxiliary gate valve,
shackles, tie rods, concrete blocks, gravel, and painting required for the complete installation
of the hydrant assembly as specified, except the pipe connecting the hydrant to the main and
the hydrant lateral tee will be paid for as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Resetting Existing Hydrant”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Resetting Existing Hydrant” shall be full pay for all
Work to reset the existing hydrant, including shackling, painting, and reconnecting to the main.
New pipe required from the main to the hydrant will be paid as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Moving Existing Hydrant”, per each.

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Hydrants 7-14

The unit Contract price per each for “Moving Existing Hydrant” shall be full pay for all
Work to move the existing hydrant, including new hydrant lateral tee, shackling, painting, and
reconnecting to the main. New pipe for hydrant connections will be paid for as specified in
Section 7-09.5.
“Reconnecting Existing Hydrant”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Reconnecting Existing Hydrant” shall be full pay
for all Work to reconnect the existing hydrant, excepting however, that new pipe used for the
connection will be paid as specified in Section 7-09.5.
“Hydrant Extension”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Hydrant Extension” shall be full pay for all
Work to extend the hydrant vertically.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-49

7-15 Service Connections

7-15  Service Connections

7-15.1 Description
This Work consists of installing 2 inch and smaller service connections from the main
to and including the meter setter for the premises served. Service connections larger than
2 inches shall be installed as detailed on the Plans or as described in the Special Provisions.
7-15.2 Materials
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections:
Saddles 9-30.6(1)
Corporation Stops 9-30.6(2)
Service Pipe 9-30.6(3)
Service Fittings 9-30.6(4)
Meter Setters 9-30.6(5)
Bronze Nipples and Fittings 9-30.6(6)
Meter Boxes 9-30.6(7)
7-15.3  Construction Requirements
All service connections to water mains, except to ductile iron pipe Class 52 or stronger,
shall be made using saddles as specified and be of the size and type suitable for use with
the pipe being installed. Ductile iron pipe Class 52 or stronger may be direct tapped for
corporation stops in accordance with the recommendations of DIPRA; unless direct taps are
prohibited by the Special Provisions. Service pipelines shall be installed perpendicular to the
main, unless shown otherwise in the Plans.
The depth of trenching for service connection piping shall provide a minimum of 3 feet
of cover over the top of the pipe. Particular care shall be exercised to ensure that the main
is not damaged by the Work undertaken to install the service. Excavating and backfilling
for service connections shall be as specified in Section 7-09, except that the service pipeline
shall be installed under pavement, curbs, and sidewalks by boring methods approved by the
governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Roadway.
Service pipes shall be cut using a tool or tools specifically designed to leave a smooth,
even, and square end on the piping material to be cut. Cut ends shall be reamed to the full
inside diameter of the pipe. Pipe ends to be connected using couplings which seal to the
outside surface of the pipe shall be cleaned to a sound, smooth finish before the couplings
are installed. The meter box shall be adjusted to the finished grade after the surface has been
acceptably restored.
Where shown in the Plans, existing service connections shall be reconnected to the
new mains. The location of existing service connections shall be verified in the field by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall notify affected customers of the service interruption at least
24 hours prior to service interruption.
Pipe materials used to extend or replace existing service connections beyond the
meter box shall be copper or polyethylene pipe. Insulating couplings shall be used at any
connection between galvanized steel or iron pipe and copper pipe. All fittings, appurtenances,
and other miscellaneous materials on the sections of existing pipe that have been removed
shall become the property of the Contractor.
7-15.3(1)  Flushing and Disinfection
All service pipe and appurtenances shall be prechlorinated prior to installation.
After installation, the service connection shall be flushed prior to connecting the meter.
7-15.4 Measurement
Service connections will be measured per each for each size of service connection installed.

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Service Connections 7-15

7-15.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when it is included in the Proposal:
“Service Connection ____ In. Diam.”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for “Service Connection ____ In. Diam.” shall be full pay
for all Work to install the service connection, including but not limited to, excavating, tapping
the main, laying and jointing the pipe and fittings and appurtenances, backfilling, testing,
flushing, and disinfection of the service connection.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-51

7-16 Vacant

7-16 Vacant

Page 7-52 2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10

Sanitary Sewers 7-17

7-17  Sanitary Sewers

7-17.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing sanitary sewer lines in accordance with the Plans,
these Specifications, and the Standard Plans, as staked.
7-17.2 Materials
Pipe used for sanitary sewers may be:
Rigid Thermoplastic
Concrete ABS Composite
Vitrified Clay PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Ductile Iron Polypropylene
All sanitary sewer pipe shall have flexible gasketed joints unless otherwise specified.
It is not intended that materials listed are to be considered equal or generally
interchangeable for all applications. The Engineer shall determine from the materials
listed those suitable for the project, and shall so specify in the Specifications or the Plans.
Materials shall meet the requirements of the following sections.
Plain Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.7(1)
Reinforced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe 9-05.7(2)
Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 9-05.8
Solid Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe 9-05.12(1)
Profile Wall PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe 9-05.12(2)
Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe 9-05.13
ABS Composite Sewer Pipe 9-05.14
Polypropylene Sewer Pipe 9-05.24
All pipe shall be clearly marked with type, class, and thickness. Lettering shall be legible
and permanent under normal conditions of handling and storage.
7-17.3  Construction Requirements
Sanitary sewers shall be constructed in accordance with Section 7-08.3.
7-17.3(1)  Protection of Existing Sewerage Facilities
All existing live sewers including septic tanks and drain fields shall be kept in service
at all times. Provision shall be made for disposal of sewage flow if any existing sewers are
damaged. Damage to existing sewers shall be repaired by the Contractor, at no expense to the
Contracting Agency, to a condition equal to or better than their condition prior to the damage.
Water accumulating during construction shall be removed from the new sewers but shall
not be permitted to enter the existing system. The Contractor shall be responsible for flushing
out and cleaning any existing sewers into which gravel, rocks, or other debris has entered
as a result of their operations, and shall repair lift stations or other facilities damaged by the
Contractor’s operations.
The physical connection to an existing manhole or sewer shall not be made until authorized
by the Engineer. Such authorization will not be given until all upstream lines have been
completely cleaned, all debris removed, and where applicable, a pipe temporarily placed in the
existing channel and sealed.
7-17.3(2)  Cleaning and Testing
7-17.3(2)A General
Sewers and appurtenances, where required in the Plans, shall be cleaned and tested after
backfilling by either the exfiltration or low pressure air method at the option of the Contractor,
except where the ground water table is such that the Engineer may require the infiltration test.
All Work involved in cleaning and testing sewer lines between manholes or rodding inlets
as required shall be completed within 15 working days after backfilling of sewer lines and

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-53

7-17 Sanitary Sewers

Structures. Any further delay will require the written consent of the Engineer. The Contractor
shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to make the test, clean the
lines, and perform all incidental Work. The Contractor shall perform the tests under the
direction and in the presence of the Engineer. Precautions shall be taken to prevent joints
from drawing during tests, and any damage resulting from these tests shall be repaired by the
Contractor at no expense to the Contracting Agency. The manner and time of testing shall be
subject to approval by the Engineer.
All wyes, tees, and stubs shall be plugged with flexible jointed caps, or acceptable
alternate, securely fastened to withstand the internal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall
be readily removable, and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making a flexible
jointed lateral connection or extension.
Testing side sanitary sewers shall be for their entire length from the public sewer in the
street to the connection with the building’s plumbing. Their testing shall be as required by the
local sanitary agency but in no case shall it be less thorough than that of filling the pipe with
water before backfilling and visually inspecting the exterior for leakage. The decision of the
Engineer as to acceptance of the side sanitary sewer shall be final.
If any sewer installation fails to meet the requirements of the test method used, the
Contractor shall determine, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, the source or sources
of leakage and shall repair or replace all defective materials or workmanship at no expense to
the Contracting Agency. The complete pipe installation shall meet the requirements of the test
method used before being considered acceptable.
7-17.3(2)B  Exfiltration Test
Prior to making exfiltration leakage tests, the Contractor may fill the pipe with clear water
to permit normal absorption into the pipe walls provided, however, that after so filling the
pipe, the Contractor shall complete the leakage test within 24 hours after filling. When under
test, the allowable leakage shall be limited according to the provisions that follow. Specified
allowances assume pre-wetted pipe.
Leakage shall be no more than 0.28 gph per inch diameter per 100 feet of sewer, with a
hydrostatic head of 6 feet above the crown at the upper end of the test section, or above the
natural ground water table at the time of test, whichever is higher. The length of pipe tested
shall be limited so that the pressure at the lower end of the Section tested does not exceed
16 feet of head above the invert, and in no case shall be greater than 700 feet or the distance
between manholes when greater than 700 feet.
Where the test head is other than 6 feet, the maximum leakage shall not exceed the amount
determined from the following equation:
Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour)  = 0.28 × (√H/√6) × D × (L/100)
D = diameter (in.)
L = length of pipe (ft.)
H = test head (ft.)
When the test is to be made one joint at a time, the leakage per joint shall not exceed the
computed allowable leakage per length of pipe.
7-17.3(2)C  Infiltration Test
Where the natural ground water head over the pipe is 2 feet or less above the crown of pipe
at the upper end of the test section, the infiltration test leakage shall not exceed 0.16 gallons
per hour per inch of diameter per 100 feet of pipe length. The length of pipe tested shall not
exceed 700 feet or the distance between manholes when greater than 700 feet.
Where the natural ground water head is greater than 2 feet, the maximum leakage shall not
exceed the amount determined from the following equation:

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Sanitary Sewers 7-17

Maximum leakage (in gallons per hour) = 0.16 × (√H/√2) × D × (L/100)

D = diameter (in.)
L = length of pipe (ft.)
H = natural ground water head (ft.)
When a suitable head of ground water exists above the crown of the pipe and when the
pipe is large enough to work inside, acceptance may be based on the repair of visible leakage
by means satisfactory to the Engineer.
7-17.3(2)D  Other Test Allowances
For either the infiltration or exfiltration test, all lateral or side sewer branches included in
the test section shall be taken into account in computing allowable leakage. An allowance of
0.2 gallons per hour per foot of head above invert shall be made for each manhole included
in a test section.
Upon final acceptance of the Work all sewers, side sewers and fittings shall be open,
clean, and free draining.
7-17.3(2)E  Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers Constructed of Air
Permeable Materials
Air permeable materials include concrete and vitrified clay. Low pressure air testing may
be used for air permeable pipes 30 inches in diameter and smaller.
The test equipment to be used shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be inspected
and approved by the Engineer prior to use. The Engineer may at any time require a calibration
test of gauges or other instrumentation that is incorporated into the test equipment. Calibration
tests shall be certified by an independent testing Laboratory.
Plugs used to close the pipe for the air test must be securely braced to prevent the
unintentional release of a plug, which can become a high velocity projectile. Gauges,
air piping manifold, and valves shall be located at the top of the ground. No one shall be
permitted to enter a manhole or catch basin where a plugged pipe is under pressure. Air testing
apparatus shall be equipped with a pressure release device, such as a rupture disk or a pressure
relief valve, designed to activate when the pressure in the pipe exceeds 2 psig above the
required test pressure.
If the pipe to be tested is submerged by groundwater, the backpressure on the pipe created
by the groundwater submergence must be determined. All gauge pressures described in the test
shall be increased by that amount.
The first section of pipe installed by each crew shall be tested in order to qualify the crew
and material. A successful test for the section shall be a prerequisite to further installation
by that crew. Following the initial test, pipes shall be tested from manhole to manhole, catch
basin to catch basin, or such shorter lengths as determined by the Contractor.
Air shall be slowly supplied to the plugged pipe section until the internal air pressure
reaches 4 psig. Wait at least 2 minutes to allow for pressure and temperature stabilization to
occur within the pipe.
When the pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, the air pressure test shall begin. The test shall
consist of measuring the time in seconds for the pressure in the pipe to drop from 3.5 psig to
2.5 psig. The pipe shall be considered acceptable if the time in seconds for the pressure drop
is equal to or greater than the required time as calculated below:

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-55

7-17 Sanitary Sewers

K = 0.0111d2L
C = 0.0003918dL
If CT <1, then time = KT
If  1 <CT <1.75, then time = KT/CT
If CT > 1.75, then time = KT/1.75
d = Pipe diameter (inches)
L = Pipe length (feet)
K = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter
C = value for each length of pipe of a specific diameter
KT = sum of all K values
CT = sum of all C values
This method was developed based on an allowable air loss rate of 0.003 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) per square foot of internal pipe surface, with the total air loss rate not less than
2 cfm nor greater than 3.5 cfm. At the Contractor’s option, the pipe may be tested without
pre‑wetting; however, the allowable air loss rate assumes pre-wetted pipe.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
7-17.3(2)F  Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers Constructed of Non Air
Permeable Materials
Non air permeable materials include ductile iron, ABS composite, polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), and polyethylene (PE). When non air permeable pipe is subjected to a low-pressure
air test, all of the provisions of Section 7-17.3(2)E shall apply, except that the time in seconds
for the pressure drop shall be equal to or greater than four times the required time calculated
in Section 7-17.3(2)E.
Pipe over 30 inches in diameter shall be tested one joint at a time in accordance with
ASTM C1103.
Reaches of thermoplastic pipe containing no joints shall be exempt from testing
7-17.3(2)G  Deflection Test for Thermoplastic Pipe
Sanitary sewers constructed of thermoplastic pipe shall be tested for deflection not less
than 30 days after the trench backfill and compaction has been completed. The test shall be
conducted by pulling a properly sized “go-nogo” mandrel through the completed pipeline.
Testing shall be conducted on a manhole-to-manhole basis and shall be done after the line
has been completely flushed out with water.
The mandrel shall be a rigid, nonadjustable mandrel having an effective length of not less
than its normal diameter and an odd-number of legs (9 legs minimum). Minimum diameter at
any point along the full length of the mandrel shall be 95 percent of the base inside diameter
of the pipe being tested.
Base inside diameter is derived by subtracting a statistical tolerance package from the
average inside diameter. The tolerance package is defined as the square root of the sum of
squared manufacturing tolerances. The tolerance package for controlled outside diameter
pipe consists of (1) outside diameter tolerance specified in applicable ASTM Standard,
(2) 12 percent of one wall thickness specified in applicable ASTM Standard, and (3) out
of roundness tolerance listed in appendix of applicable ASTM Standard. The items in the
tolerance package for controlled inside diameter pipe consists of (1) inside diameter tolerance
listed in appendix of applicable ASTM Standard and (2) out of roundness tolerance listed in
appendix of applicable ASTM Standard. When out of roundness tolerance is not listed, use
3 percent of average inside diameter.

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Sanitary Sewers 7-17

The average inside diameter for pipe with controlled outside diameter shall be equal to the
average outside diameter as specified in applicable ASTM Standard minus 2 minimum wall
thicknesses as specified in applicable ASTM Standard and minus 2 times excess wall tolerance
of 6 percent. The average inside diameter for pipes with controlled inside diameter shall be the
average inside diameter as specified in applicable ASTM Standard.
The Contractor shall be required, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, to locate and
uncover any sections failing to pass the test and, if not damaged, reinstall the pipe. The use of
a vibratory re-rounding device or any process other than removal or reinstallation shall not be
acceptable. The Contractor shall retest the section after replacement of the pipe.
Pipe large enough to work inside of may be accepted on the basis of direct measurement.
7-17.3(2)H  Television Inspection
The Engineer may require any or all sanitary sewer lines be inspected by the use of a
television camera before final acceptance. The costs incurred in making the initial inspection
shall be borne by the owner of the sanitary sewer.
The Contractor shall bear all costs incurred in correcting any deficiencies found during
television inspection including the cost of any additional television inspection that may be
required by the Engineer to verify the correction of said deficiency.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred in any television inspection
performed solely for the benefit of the Contractor.
7-17.4 Measurement
The length of sewer pipe will be the number of linear feet of completed installation
measured along the invert and will include the length through elbows, tees and fittings.
The number of linear feet will be measured from the center of manhole to center of manhole
or to the inside face of catch basins and similar type Structures.
The length of testing sewer pipe in conformance with Section 7-17.3(2) will be the number
of linear feet of completed installation actually tested.
7-17.5 Payment
Payment will be made for each of the following Bid items that are included in the Proposal:
“Plain Conc. or V.C. Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Cl. ____ Reinf. Conc. Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“PVC Sanitary Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Ductile Iron Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“ABS Composite Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
“Polypropylene Sewer Pipe ____ In. Diam.”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the kind and size specified shall be
full pay for furnishing, hauling, and assembling in place the completed installation including
all wyes, tees, special fittings, joint materials, bedding and backfill material, and adjustment
of inverts to manholes for the completion of the installation to the required lines and grades.
“Testing Sewer Pipe”, per linear foot.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for “Testing Sewer Pipe” shall be full pay
for all labor, material and equipment required to conduct the leakage tests required in
Section 7-17.3(2).
“Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Material”, per cubic yard.
The unit Contract price per cubic yard for “Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable
Material” shall be full pay for all Work to remove unsuitable material and replace and compact
suitable material as specified in Section 7-08.3(1)A.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-57

7-18 Side Sewers

7-18  Side Sewers

7-18.1 Description
This Work shall consist of constructing side sewers in accordance with the Plans, these
Specifications, and the Standard Plans, at locations staked, on both the right of way and
private property between the main sanitary sewer line and the stubout from a residence or
other building.
7-18.2 Materials
Materials shall be the same as required for sanitary sewers in Section 7-17.
7-18.3  Construction Requirements
7-18.3(1) General
The construction requirements for sanitary sewers in Section 7-17 shall apply to the
construction of side sewers.
Side sewers shall not be backfilled prior to inspection.
Side sewers shall be constructed with a maximum joint deflection not to exceed the
manufacturer’s printed recommendations and in no case shall exceed 2 inches per foot in
any joint. Larger changes in direction shall be made by use of standard ⅛ bends.
7-18.3(2) Fittings
Side sewers shall be connected to the tee, wye, or riser provided in the public sewer,
where such is available, utilizing approved fittings or adapters. Where no tee, wye, or riser is
provided or available, connection shall be made by machine made tap and approved saddle.
7-18.3(3) Testing
All side sewers shall be tested after backfilling.
All side sewers constructed in conjunction with the main sewer shall, for purposes of
testing as specified in Section 7-17, have a 6-inch tee fitting pipe placed at the point where the
side sewer crosses the street or other public Right of Way margin. The tee opening shall be
positioned perpendicular to the side sewer slope, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
When side sewers are not tested simultaneously with the testing of the main sewer, the
Contractor, at no expense to the Contracting Agency, shall furnish and place an additional tee
in the first pipe out of the main sewer tee or wye branch, so that an inflatable rubber ball can
be inserted for sealing off the side sewer and thus permit separate tests.
7-18.3(4)  Extending Side Sewers Into Private Property
Side sewers shall not be constructed on private property prior to completion and acceptance
of the main line and side sewer on public Right of Way or easement unless approved in writing
by the Engineer.
7-18.3(5)  End Pipe Marker
The location of side sewers at the property line shall be marked by the Contractor with a
2 by 4-inch wooden stake 4 feet long buried in the ground a depth of 3 feet. The low end shall
have a 2 by 4-inch cleat nailed to it to prevent withdrawal of the stake. The exposed end shall
be painted traffic white and the depth to the side sewer or tee shall be indicated in black paint
on the 2 by 4. In addition, a length of 12-gage galvanized wire shall be provided to extend
from the plugged end of the side sewer or tee. The upper end shall emerge at the 4-foot stake,
but shall not be fastened to it.
7-18.4 Measurement
Measurement shall be as specified in Section 7-17.4.

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Side Sewers 7-18

7-18.5 Payment
Payment shall be made for each of the Bid items shown in Section 7-17.5 that are included
in the Proposal.
The unit Contract price per linear foot for sewer pipe of the various kind and size specified
shall be full pay for all Work required for the completion of the installation including fittings
and end pipe marker.

2018 Standard Specifications  M 41-10 Page 7-59

7-19 Sewer Cleanouts

7-19  Sewer Cleanouts

7-19.1 Description
This Work consists of constructing sanitary sewer cleanouts in accordance with the Plans,
these Specifications, and the Standard Plans as staked.
7-19.2 Materials
All materials incorporated into the total cleanout Structure shall meet the requirements of
the various applicable sections of these Specifications.
7-19.3  Construction Requirements
A cleanout shall be provided for each total change of 90 degrees of grade or alignment and
in no case shall the spacing of cleanouts exceed 100 feet. No cleanout will be required at the
connection of the side sewer to a riser on the public sewer. A suitably located cleanout in the
house piping or plumbing may be considered as a cleanout for the side sewer. Cleanouts shall
consist of a wye branch in the side sewer.
All cleanouts located in public rights of way shall be extended to grade.
The extension of cleanouts to grade on private property will be optional with the property
owner. When extended to grade, cleanouts shall be full side sewer diameter and shall be
extended to a point not less than 6 inches nor more than 12 inches below the finished ground
surface and shall be plugged with a removable stopper which will prevent passage of dirt or
water. When specified, the Contractor shall install an approved casting to provide ready access
to the cleanout stopper. A ⅛ bend shall be used to deflect the side sewer upward as a cleanout
where the terminal end of the side sewer lies upstream from the last point of connection.
7-19.4 Measurement
Sewer cleanouts will be measured per each.
7-19.5 Payment
Payment will be made for the following Bid item when listed in the Proposal:
“Sewer Cleanout”, per each.
The unit Contract price per each for cleanouts shall be full pay for furnishing and placing
the wye, pipe, pipe bends, pipe plug, castings, and collar as specified herein and as shown on
the Standard Plans.

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