ME2112 - (Part 1) - Shear Stress in Beams-L1 PDF

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ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 1 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 2

Chapter 3 Shear Stresses in Laterally Loaded

Symmetrical Beams
• Dealt with calculation of shear force and bending moment when
different types of beams are subjected to various kinds of loads.
• Discuss shear stresses associated with the shear force V or Fxy . Rotating chair with box beam

Beams are important members

used in building construction

Box beams used in the

main strut of the trailer

Railroad ties act as beams that support very large Beams resist forces acting transverse to their
transverse shear loadings. As a result, if they are axes, such as roof and floor loadings of buildings
made of wood, they will tend to split at their ends, and bridges. Circular cross-section beams
Box-beams and circular cross-
where the shear loads are the largest. used in FSAE car frame
section beams

ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 3 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 4

Learning Objectives: Contents:

To study the distribution of the shear stresses, a comparison of the • Shear Stress in Beams
magnitudes of the shear and bending stresses, and the beams • Shear Stress Distribution in Beams of
under combined loading. Rectangular Cross Section
• Shear Stress in Beams of Circular Cross
• Shear Stress Distribution in Flanged Beams
or I-Beams
• Comparison of Shear and Bending Stresses
• Beams under Combined Loading

or  xy 
FxyQ References:
• Ugural, A. C., Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley & Sons,
Some common formulas for stress analysis
Inc, 2008.
and design of beam structures.
Shear flow in a wide-flange
• Hibbeler, R. C., Mechanics of Materials, 8th SI Edition,
beam. Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2011.
ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 5 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 6

Shear Stress in a Straight Beams • Effects of Shear Stresses:

Boards slide relative Acting as a single beam
to each other
Transverse shear stress always has its associated longitudinal
shear stress acting along longitudinal planes of the beam.

Shear stresses acting between

• A beam supports both • Warping of cross section: boards and preventing their
shear and moment relative sliding
• Shear force induces shear Note:
stress in beam cross section 1. Warping” violates the assumptions of
Fxy “plane section remains plane” in
• This stress creates corresponding flexure and torsion formulae.
longitudinal shear stress as shown
2. However, we can ignore the cross-
 yx section warping due to small shear
stress compared with normal stress.
This is true for most common case of
x  xy  xy   yx slender beam, i.e. one that has a small
z Fxy depth compared with its length.

ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 7 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 8

P Consider an elemental length x of a beam where the shear force

C is constant but there is a variation in the bending moment. e.g. a
h simply-supported beam with a central point load.
A L/2 L/2 B
P/2 P/2
C h
A a a B
B V  Fxy P P
Ugural’s sign convention
P P
M xz
 xx Compressive stress on top P x
Tensile stress on bottom
A q( x )  P  x  1 2 P  x  a  1
x Fxy gives  xy M xz M xz  M xz  Fxy ( x )  P  x  0 2 P  x  a  0
M xz
M xz ( x )  P  x 1 2 P  x  a 1
Bending moment induces normal bending stresses in the direction
of the beam axis. Shear force induces shear stresses. x x x
ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 9 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 10

When deriving the formula for shear stress, we will consider the general case
2P of loading for beams such as following cases.
A a a B
P P A simply supported beam with a
Fxy vertical plane of symmetry that supports
y concentrated, distributed loads and
M xz Fxy M xz  M xz P x bending moments.
x Fxy N.A. M xz M xz  M xz
M xz

Compressive x x x
Normal stress
distribution N.A.

Tensile A cantilever beam with a vertical plane of

V  Fxy symmetry that supports concentrated and
z distributed loads.
Ugural’s sign convention

ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 11 ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 12

Consider the portion of the beam element above a vertical distance b

y from the centroid of the cross-section; i.e. we have made an x A*  xx 2  xx1
imaginary horizontal cut at y and chosen the upper element which Fxy
M xz  xx 2
has a surface exposed by the cut. We follow the Ugural’s sign Fyx y
Fyx  xx1
convention for the free-body diagram. y y M xz  M xz M xz
Plane 2 M xz  M xz
b dA
Fxy N.A.
x A* Plane 1 Profile view
 xx 2 V  Fxy x
Fyx  xx1 Force acting on differential element dA equals to  xx1 dA (plane 1)
M xz y y Ugural’s sign convention

N.A.  xx1 Force acting on area A* is  *  xx1dA and towards right.

 xx 2 A

z M xz  M xz Fyx y
N.A. Similarly, force acting on area (plane 2) towards left side is Fyx   *  xx 2dA
M xz
M xz  M xz
x Profile view
Force equilibrium in the axial direction A*
 xx1dA  Fyx    xx 2dA  0

x x
ME2112 (Part 1) Chap 3 - 13

M xz y
Using  xx   , we obtain
Iz 
 xx1dA  Fyx    xx 2dA  0

( M xz  M xz ) y M y

dA  Fyx   *  xz dA  0
A Iz
( M xz  M xz ) y M y
 Fyx    * dA   * xz dA
A Iz A Iz b
M xz x A*
 Fyx  
Iz  * ydA
 xx 2
M xz
Dividing by x and letting x  0 Fyx  xx1
and taking the limit, we get y y M xz  M xz
Plane 2
dA N.A.
dFyx 1 dM xz
I z dx 
A *
ydA Plane 1
Q   * ydA  A y (first moment of area about the z-axis)

A : area of the cross-section isolated by the horizontal cut; i.e. above the
location of the shear stress being determined (i.e. above y)
y : vertical distance between the centroidal axis and the CG of isolated section A*

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