Spardha Mehta - Report On Bulk Active Structures
Spardha Mehta - Report On Bulk Active Structures
Spardha Mehta - Report On Bulk Active Structures
3. Cantilever beams
Cantilever beams overhang their supports.
The cantilever section of the beam cannot
support the same loads as the back span
which is the section of beam between the
supports. A typical allowance for the
amount of cantilever in a beam is 30% of
the back span therefore a 45m beam could
have a cantilever section 15m long.
2. Steel beams
It is constructed from steels and used in
several applications.
4. Fixed beam
A beam which is fixed at both ends it is
called a fixed beam. Fixed beams are not
allowed the vertical movement or rotation
of the beam. In this beam, no bending 3. Timber beams
moment will produce. Fixed beams are only
This type of beam is constructed from
under the shear force and are generally used
timber and used in the past, but its
in the trusses and like other structure. Both
application is significantly declined now.
ends of the beam rigidly fixed with
2. T-section beam
This type of beam is mostly constructed
monolithically with reinforced concrete
slab. Sometimes, Isolated T-beam are
constructed to increase the compression BASED ON GEOMETRY
strength of concrete. 1. Straight beam
Beam with straight profile and majority of
Added to that, inverted T-beam can also be beams in structures are straight beams.
constructed according to the requirements
of loading imposed.
2. Curved beam
Beam with curved profile, such as in the
case of circular buildings.
3. L-section beam
This type of beam is constructed
monolithically with reinforced concrete
slab at the perimeter of the structure, as
illustrated in Fig. 10.
A planar structural element, such as
concrete slab, can span horizontally and
transfer its load horizontally to its supports
by bending. A one-way slab acts as a wide,
flat beam spanning between two supports.
A two-way slab, supported along four sides, 2. One-way joist slab (ribbed slab)
is more versatile since it provides more It consists of a floor slab, usually 50 to
paths, along which stresses may travel to 100mm thick, supported by reinforced
the supporting elements. concrete ribs (or joists). The ribs are usually
LOAD TRANSFER MECHANISM IN SLABS tapered and are uniformly spaced at
The forces transfer from slab to beams distances that do not exceed 750mm. The
occur either in one way or in two ways. The ribs are supported on girders that rest on
total system completely counts on the columns.
geometrical dimensions of the slab. A one-way joist concrete slab is suitable for
spans of 6-9m and live loads of 4-6KN/m2.
Slabs may be supported by columns only, Because of the deep ribs, the concrete and
in this case two-way action will prevail. If steel quantities are relatively low, but
the ratio long side / short side < 2 it is expensive formwork is needed.
considered as 2-way slab, and if longer side
to shorter side greater than 2 then it is
considered as 1-way slab.
4. Flat plates
6. Two-way slabs on beams
Flat plates can be constructed as one-way or
The construct of this type of slab is similar
two-way slabs and it is directly supported
to that of one-way slab on beams, but it may
by columns or walls. It is easy to construct
need more formworks since two-way slabs
and requires simple formworks. Flat plates
are supported on all sides. Slabs on beams
are most suitable for spans of 6 to 8m, and
are suitable for spans between 6
live loads between 3 and 5KN/m2. Added
and 9m, and live loads of 3-6KN/m2. The
to that, the range of spans for prestressed
beams increase the stiffness of the slabs,
flat plates is between 8-12m, and it can also
producing relatively low deflection.
be constructed as post-tensioned slabs. The
Additional formwork for the beams is
advantages of adopting flat plates include
low-cost formwork, exposed flat ceilings,
and faster construction. Flat plates have low
shear capacity and relatively low stiffness,
which may cause noticeable deflection.
2. Circular column
They are specially designed columns,
which are mostly used in piling and
elevation of the buildings.
3. L-shape column
Commonly, L-shaped column is utilized
in the corners of the boundary wall and has
similar characteristics of a rectangular or
square column.