SCS Chapter03

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Student Case Study, Chapter 3, Upper Limb

Case Study 3-1

A 52-year-old woman was riding her bicycle along a gravel path. Suddenly she lost her balance
and fell on her outstretched upper limb. She said, she heard a distinct cracking noise and felt
sudden pain in her shoulder region. Her husband, a physician, observed a deformity of her
clavicle at the junction of its lateral and intermediate thirds and realized that she had broken her
clavicle. He also noted that her shoulder and arm were slumped inferomedially and that the
medial fragment of the fractured clavicle was elevated. He made a sling for her limb with his T-


1. Where does the clavicle commonly fracture?

2. Are clavicular fractures more common in adults than in children?

3. Why did the woman’s shoulder slump inferomedially?

4. Why didn’t the woman dislocate her AC joint instead of fracturing her clavicle?

5. Why did her clavicle fracture rather than her wrist?

Case Study 3-2

A 35-year-old baseball pitcher told his catcher and coach that he felt a gradual onset of shoulder
pain. He continued to pitch but had to stop because of pain and weakness, especially during
abduction and lateral rotation of his arm. When examined by the team physician, supraspinatus
tenderness was detected near the greater tubercle of his humerus. An MRI revealed a tear in the
pitcher’s rotator cuff.


1. Describe the rotator cuff of the shoulder.

2. What usually causes rotator cuff strain?

3. What part of the rotator cuff usually tears?

4. Do these injuries occur only in baseball pitchers?

5. What shoulder movement is weak and causes pain?

Case Study 3-3

Several weeks after surgical dissection of a 44-year-old woman’s right axilla for the removal of
lymph nodes for staging and treatment of breast cancer, her husband noticed that her right
scapula protruded abnormally when she pushed against the wall during her stretching exercises.
She also had difficulty raising her right arm above her head when combing her hair. During her
return visit with her surgeon, she was told that a nerve was accidentally injured during the
diagnostic surgical procedure and that this produced her scapular abnormality and inability to
raise her arm normally.


1. What nerve was probably injured?

2. Why did this injury cause “winging of her scapula” and difficulty raising her arm above her

3. What other nerves are vulnerable to injury during removal of axillary lymph nodes?

4. What abnormalities of arm movement would likely be present as a result of these nerve

5. Would any areas have cutaneous anesthesia?

Case Study 3-4

During a pickup game of football on artificial turf, a 38-year-old ball carrier was slammed to the
ground by a linebacker. He landed hard on his right shoulder and indicated that he felt moderate
pain that became worse when he attempted to raise his arm. An orthopedist noted slight superior
displacement of the acromial end of his clavicle. Inferior pressure on the clavicle revealed
tenderness and some mobility of the clavicle where it articulates with the acromion. Abduction
of the arm beyond 90° caused severe pain and abnormal movement of the acromion and clavicle
at the AC joint.


1. What part of the AC joint hit the hard artificial turf?

2. Based on your anatomical knowledge of the AC joint, what injury do you think resulted from
the fall on his shoulder?

3. Would the joint capsule be injured?

4. What structures are vulnerable in this type of injury? What clinical findings are indicative of
the type of injury sustained?

5. If the player had fumbled the ball and landed on his open hand, what bone do you think
might have been fractured?

Case Study 3-5

A 32-year-old woman learning to play tennis practiced daily for approximately 2 weeks. She
reported to her coach that she was experiencing pain over the lateral region of her elbow that
radiated down her forearm. Familiar with this complaint by beginners, he asked her to hold the
tennis racket and extend her hand at the wrist. She felt no pain until he resisted extension of her
hand. When he asked her to pinpoint the area of most pain, she placed her finger over her lateral
epicondyle. When he put pressure on the epicondyle, she pulled her elbow away because of the
severe pain. The coach compressed the common extensor tendon, and she again experienced
intense pain.


1. What elbow injury has this woman sustained?

2. What are the mechanisms of this injury?

3. Does this injury occur only in tennis players?

4. Where is the discrete point of local tenderness in these injuries?

5. Why did the woman experience radiation of pain along the posterolateral aspect of her
6. What additional findings might radiographs reveal in chronic cases?

Case Study 3-6

A 65-year-old man consulted his physician about a dull ache in his right shoulder that often
awakened him during the night, especially when he had been sleeping with his right arm raised
above his shoulder. He said that the severe pain sometimes runs down his right arm and that a
friend told him the pain might be a symptom of heart disease. During the physical examination,
the physician noted that he kept his shoulder in the adducted position. As she pressed his
shoulder firmly just lateral to his acromion, she noted extreme tenderness. She asked him to raise
his upper limb slowly. When his limb reached approximately 50° of abduction, he said he felt
extreme pain (see Figure 3.1<csfig3-1.jpg>). The pain persisted until his limb was well above his
shoulder (approximately 130° of abduction). As his limb approached his head, he said the pain

1. Using your knowledge of the rotator cuff of the glenohumeral joint, what inflammatory
condition do you think would cause this arc of painful abduction?

2. Inflammation of what synovial sac would exacerbate the pain?

3. Why was pressure on the shoulder lateral to the acromion so painful?

4. Explain the anatomical basis of the painful arc syndrome.

Case Study 3-7

During the difficult birth of a baby, the physician pulled on the baby’s head while the shoulder
was still in the birth canal. This procedure caused a traction injury of the superior roots (anterior
rami) of the brachial plexus.


1. Which roots of the brachial plexus were probably injured?

2. What is the name of the palsy that results from this injury?

3. What is the usual clinical appearance of the upper limb when this injury of the brachial
plexus occurs?

4. How does this nerve injury usually occur in young adults?

5. What muscles are partially or completely paralyzed by excessive traction on the upper part of
the brachial plexus?
Case Study 3-8

A 28-year-old gymnast with a history of biceps tendinitis and rotator cuff injury experienced
vague pain in the anterior region of his glenohumeral joint. He said that he had the sensation of
popping during his parallel bar routine. During the preliminary examination, the coach noted
tenderness over the intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove), flexion and supination weakness of
the forearm, and an abnormal bulge in the anterior part of the gymnast’s arm. During a
radiographic examination, a fracture of the scapula was observed.


1. What muscle was most likely injured?

2. What specific injury of the muscle does the popping sensation and tenderness over the
bicipital groove suggest?

3. Weakness of what forearm movements supports your preliminary diagnosis?

4. What probably caused the abnormal bulge in the anterior part of the gymnast’s arm?

5. What scapular fracture could be associated with this arm injury?

6. In what other sports do you think biceps tendinitis might occur?

7. Discuss the mechanism of this injury.

Case Study 3-9

A professional golfer consulted a physician about an aching pain in his elbow and along the
anterior surface of his forearm. The physician detected extreme tenderness in the region of the
medial epicondyle and some pain when the forearm flexor–pronator group of muscles was
compressed. The golfer said that the pain usually subsided after he finished his game but that it
has gradually become more severe and constant. Radiographs of the elbow were normal.


1. What elbow injury do you think the golfer has sustained?

2. Using your anatomical knowledge of the elbow and the flexor–pronator group of forearm
muscles, what do you think is the mechanism of injury in this case?

3. What is the most likely cause of the golfer’s pain?

4. What other condition might cause this type of elbow pain?

5. Are golfers the only athletes likely to sustain this type of injury?

Case Study 3-10

A 52-year-old carpenter visited his physician concerning severe “pins and needles” sensations in
his right hand, which also involved the palmar surface of his thumb and lateral two and a half
fingers. He told the physician that the pain was becoming progressively worse and often
awakened him during the night. He said that he has been experiencing difficulty using hand tools
and buttoning his shirt. During the physical examination, the physician did not detect objective
impairment of sensation in the hand, but she noted slight weakness of the thenar muscles. She
told the man that he has a nerve entrapment syndrome.


1. Using your anatomical knowledge of the wrist, what nerve was compressed?
2. What is the name of the entrapment syndrome described by the person?

3. What conditions can cause this type of nerve entrapment?

4. What movements would aggravate the symptoms?

5. If this condition is not treated, what further signs would you expect to develop in a few

Case Study 3-11

A 25-year-old woman lost control while skiing and severely fractured her right tibia at the boot
line. Because it was a comminuted fracture, a metal plate was surgically placed in her leg to
stabilize the fracture. She was told she would be on crutches for approximately 3 months. After
using the crutches frequently for approximately 6 weeks, she experienced pain and paresthesia in
the posterior aspect of her right forearm and on the dorsum of her hand. When she reported this
to her physician, he told her these symptoms were the result of prolonged and faulty use of her


1. Compression of what nerve probably produced the pain and paresthesia in her right forearm
and hand?

2. Why did the physician say that the neurological symptoms were the result of prolonged and
faulty use of her crutches?

3. How could this nerve compression be eliminated?

4. If the cause of the nerve compression is not eliminated, what do you think the result will be?

Case Study 3-12

A 32-year-old man purchased an older home that was badly in need of renovations and painting.
As he was painting the ceiling in a large room, he felt pain and tingling in his right shoulder and
in the proximal part of his right arm. During the physical examination, the physician examined
the radial pulse at his right wrist and observed that it decreased when he raised the man’s limb
above the shoulder. After the limb had been elevated for several minutes, the person said that he
felt tingling and some pain around his shoulder. The physician noted cyanosis, edema of his
hand, and distension of the superficial limb veins.


1. Compression of what structures in the axilla could produce the signs and symptoms

2. What bony structure could compress these axillary structures?

3. What is the name of this type of compression syndrome?

Case Study 3-13

As a first year medical student who has just completed the first semester of medical school,
including gross anatomy, you have taken advantage of an opportunity to “shadow” a primary
care physician in a clinic. While observing the physician performing a physical examination, you
notice that, on each side of the person, he places his thumb in the person’s cubital fossa while the
elbow is flexed and then strikes his thumb with a reflex hammer. Following this, he strikes the
radial border of each of the person’s slightly pronated forearms about 2 cm proximal to the wrist.
Finally, with the person’s elbow flexed to about 90°, he strikes the posterior aspect of the distal
arm just above the elbow.


1. Based on your knowledge of anatomy, what are the specific structures that the physician is
attempting to stimulate with his reflex hammer?

2. What tests are being performed in this part of the exam?

3. Explain the anatomical basis of the tests.

4. For each reflex tested, list the specific structures that must be intact in order to evoke a
normal response.

5. What would constitute an abnormal response (negative finding)?

Case Study 3-14

A 57-year-old man was repairing the deck attached to his cottage. After several hours, he said
that he was tired but refused to stop working. Shortly thereafter, he fell off the porch, breaking
three ribs and both wrists. The left wrist had a hairline fracture; however, the fracture of the right
wrist was a typical displaced Colles fracture. An undisplaced fracture of the ulnar styloid process
also occurred. The radial fracture was reduced, and the man’s wrist was immobilized in a below
elbow cast for 4 weeks. The fracture was well united in 6 weeks.


1. What wrist deformity is present in a typical Colles fracture? Explain why it happens.
2. Why is a Colles fracture more common in older persons?

3. What joint is often subluxated in malunion of the radial fragments?

4. Movements of what other joint may be affected?

Case Study 3-15

During a difficult breech delivery of a large baby, strong lateral flexion of the infant’s trunk and
neck was performed to deliver the head. Complete loss of sensation and complete paralysis of the
right limb was evident from the time of birth. In addition, the infant’s right eyelid drooped.


1. What birth injury probably caused this severe injury to the child’s upper limb?

2. Do you think this type of brachial injury is amenable to surgery (e.g., suturing of nerves)?

3. What caused his right eyelid to droop?

4. Of what syndrome is this eyelid defect a part?

Case Study 3-16

A 20-year-old man complained that he was unable to raise his right upper limb. He held it limply
at his side with his forearm and hand pronated. He told his physician that he had been thrown
from his motorcycle approximately 2 weeks previously and that he had hit his shoulder against a
tree. He also recalled that his neck felt sore shortly after the accident.
Physical Examination: On examination, the physician found that the patient was unable to flex,
abduct, or laterally rotate his arm. In addition, he lost flexion of the elbow joint. A lack of
sensation was detected on the lateral surface of his arm and forearm. The physician requested
radiographs of the cervical and pectoral girdle regions.

Radiology Report: No fractures are seen in the cervical region, pectoral girdle, and proximal part
of the humerus.

Diagnosis: Injury of nerves derived from the brachial plexus.


1. Using your anatomical knowledge of the nerve supply to the upper limb, discuss the probable
cause of this person’s loss of motor and sensory functions.

2. What muscles were probably paralyzed?

3. Is the patient likely to recover full use of his paralyzed limb?

Case Study 3-17

A sheet metal worker sustained a deep cut across the palmar aspect of his middle finger at work
but was reluctant to report it or let anyone know about his wound. His foreman was the company
safety officer and took great pride in advancing the company sign indicating the number of days
elapsed without an accident. Although the cut was not washed out, the profuse bleeding
convinced the worker that the wound had been “self-cleansing.” For the following week, he
applied dressings that could fit inside work gloves to hide the wound. Initially, the wound
appeared to be healing satisfactorily, but on the 3rd day following the accident, the finger
became inflamed, tightly swollen, and very tender to touch or motion. Over the next several
days, the pain and swelling in the finger became less severe, only to be replaced by a somewhat
less tender and less noticeable swelling in the central palm, and a more marked, general swelling
of the dorsum of the hand. Just as the worker thought the problem was subsiding, the pain in the
central palm worsened. Soon thereafter, the swelling spread to his anterior forearm and he
developed a fever. At his wife’s insistence, he consulted a physician.

Physical Examination: The middle finger is swollen and slightly painful. The dorsum of the hand
is markedly swollen but not painful to the touch. The ulnar side of the palm and anterior forearm
both are swollen and tender. The patient reports that the swelling and pain in the forearm has
been increasing. The axillary lymph nodes are enlarged and tender on the side of the injury. The
patient has a temperature of 101°F and his pulse rate is 84 bpm.

Laboratory Report: Staphylococcus infection.

Diagnosis: Suppurative tenosynovitis (pus-producing infection of a tendon sheath) with

secondary infection of the ulnar bursa and anterior compartment of the forearm.

Treatment: A regimen of intravenous antibiotics was prescribed. Surgical incisions were made
(1) along the palmar surface of the middle finger into the synovial sheath, (2) across the palm at
or proximal to the distal palmar crease, and (3) along the distal 5 cm of the medial border of the
ulnar to evacuate pus. After cleaning the infected tissue spaces, drainage tubes utilizing
continuous vacuum pressure were inserted. The tubes were gradually withdrawn as drainage
decreased and wound closure occurred.


1. Trace the route of infection from the site of injury from the third finger to the palm.

2. How might the pathway change if the injury had been to the index finger?

3. Knowing that fascial compartments typically end at the joints, explain how the infection
spread from the palm into the forearm.
4. Along what other pathway(s) would the infection spread had the injury been to the thumb or
little finger (fifth digit)? Compared to the present case, would the spread of infection to the
anterior forearm be impaired or facilitated (i.e., are infections conveyed from the thumb or
little finger likely to spread to the anterior forearm more quickly than an infection conveyed
from the middle finger)?

5. What is the cause of the swelling on the dorsum of the hand? Why were there no incisions
made or drainage tubes inserted into the dorsum of the hand?

Case Study 3-18

A 12-year-old boy fell off his skateboard, hitting his right elbow on the sidewalk. Because he
was suffering considerable elbow pain and numbness on the side of his hand, his mother took
him to her pediatrician. The boy told the physician, “I fell on my funny bone and right away my
little finger began to tingle.”

Physical Examination: The pediatrician noted that the boy showed no response to pinpricks to his
right little finger and the medial border of his palm. He was unable to grip a piece of paper
placed between his fingers. Suspecting a fracture of the elbow and peripheral nerve damage, the
pediatrician arranged to have the boy’s elbow radiographed.

Radiology Report: Considerable displacement of the epiphysis of the medial epicondyle of the
humerus and probably nerve stretching and compression are evident.


1. What nerve was probably injured?

2. Explain the numbness of the boy’s fifth finger and his inability to hold a piece of paper
between his fingers.

3. What other deficits are likely?

4. Drawing on your knowledge of degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves, make an

attempt to forecast the probable degree of recovery of the boy’s motor and sensory functions.

Case Study 3-19

A young man was hit hard by a hockey stick in the midhumeral region of his left arm. He
presented with signs of tenderness, swelling, deformity, and abnormal movements of his left
upper limb.

Physical Examination: The examination revealed an inability to extend the wrist (wrist-drop) and
digits and loss of sensation on a small area of the skin on the dorsum of the hand proximal to the
first two digits. Extension of the IP joints was weak. Measurement of the limb indicated some
shortening. Radiographs of his arm were ordered.

Radiology Report: A fracture of the shaft of the humerus is evident just distal to its midpoint.
The proximal fragment of bone is abducted, and the distal fragment is displaced proximally.


1. Using your anatomical knowledge, determine which peripheral nerve was damaged and
which artery may have been torn.

2. Would elbow flexion be weakened?

3. Explain the observed effects of this peripheral nerve injury.

4. Why are the fragments of humerus displaced in the manner described?

Case Study 3-20

While playing touch football, you fell on your open hand with your wrist hyperextended and
abducted (laterally deviated). You told your friends that you had just sprained your wrist and did
not pay much attention to the injury for approximately 2 weeks. You later sought medical advice
because the wrist pain was still present and getting worse.

Physical Examination: When the orthopedist deeply palpated your anatomical snuff box,
localized tenderness was evident. You experienced most of the pain on the lateral side of your
wrist, particularly when he or she asked you to extend it as far as you could. Suspecting a
fracture, he or she ordered radiographs of your wrist.

Radiology Report: A small, undisplaced hairline fracture of the largest and most lateral carpal
bone in the floor of the anatomical snuff box is visible.


1. Which carpal bones lie in the floor of the anatomical snuff box?

2. The distal end of which forearm bone is also associated with the floor of this depression?

3. What bone is usually fractured when tenderness in the anatomical snuff box is evident
following forced hyperextension of the wrist?

4. Why is a fracture of this bone difficult to detect?

5. If the fracture is not detected and rigidly immobilized, what serious condition may develop
and why?

Case Study 3-21

A depressed 15-year-old girl who had slashed her wrists with a razor blade was rushed to the
emergency department of a hospital. The moderate bleeding from her left wrist was soon stopped
with slight pressure. The small spurts of blood coming from the lateral side of her right wrist
were more difficult to stop.

Physical Examination: Examination of the girl’s left hand and wrist revealed that her hand
movements were normal and that no loss of sensation had occurred. The following observations
were made about her right wrist and hand: two superficial tendons and a large nerve were cut.
She could adduct her thumb but was unable to oppose it. She had lost some fine control of
movements of her second and third digits, and she experienced anesthesia over the lateral half of
her palm and digits.


1. Why was the suicide attempt not fatal?

2. Which tendon(s) is/are most likely to have been severed?

3. What large nerve was undoubtedly cut?

4. In view of your answer to the previous question, what tendon is certain to have been severed?

5. What superficial artery appears to have been lacerated?

6. List all of the specific structures affected and the losses of hand/digit function likely to result.
7. Would flexion of her wrist be affected?


Case Study 3-1

1. The common site of a clavicular fracture is the junction of its lateral and intermediate thirds,
its weakest part.

2. The relatively strong clavicles of adults are less frequently fractured than those of children.
One in 20 upper limb fractures involves the clavicle, and most of these injuries occur in
children and adults involved in contact sports.

3. Her shoulder slumped inferiorly when her clavicle fractured because the free distal (lateral)
fragment was no longer able to support the weight of the upper limb. Overriding of the
fractured ends of the clavicle had the effect of foreshortening the clavicle, allowing the limb
to be pulled medially by the tonus of the pectoralis major (and latissimus dorsi) muscle(s).

4. The coracoclavicular ligaments binding the coracoid process of the scapula to the lateral
clavicle maintain the integrity of the AC joint and are much stronger than the clavicle;
consequently, a direct force to the shoulder (e.g., a fall on it) is less likely to dislocate the AC
joint and fracture the clavicle instead.

5. The clavicle usually fractures in a middle-aged adult because the force of the fall is
transmitted through the forearm and arm bones to the pectoral girdle. In elderly women, a fall
from a bicycle would likely fracture the distal end of the radius (Colles fracture) because
their bones may be markedly weakened by osteoporosis.
Case Study 3-2

1. The rotator cuff is the musculotendinous cuff surrounding the glenohumeral joint, formed by
the tendons of the SITS muscles blending with and reinforcing the glenohumeral joint
capsule. This gives the joint stability through the synergistic tonic contraction of the muscles
pulling the head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity of the scapula.

2. Indirect force to the abducted arm (e.g., during a skiing fall) and frequent microtrauma of the
glenohumeral joint during throwing (e.g., a baseball) injures the rotator cuff and may tear it.

3. The part that tears initially and most often is the relatively avascular contribution made to the
cuff by the tendon of the supraspinatus, as it emerges inferior to the acromion to attach to the
greater tuberosity of the humerus.

4. Rotator cuff injuries can occur in anyone who throws something or falls with the arm
abducted. The injury is common in people older than 45 years of age who strain themselves
on weekends or holidays performing nonroutine activities such as skiing, body surfing, and
weight lifting.

5. The mechanism of rotator cuff injury is indirect force to the abducted arm and repetitive
microtrauma to the glenohumeral joint. When the rotator cuff is torn, abduction of the arm is
difficult to initiate and pain is severe during 70–120° of arm abduction.

Case Study 3-3

1. The long thoracic nerve to the serratus anterior was injured. During surgical axillary
dissection, it is normally identified and maintained against the thoracic wall while the lymph
nodes are excised. However, the nerve may be accidentally damaged during removal of
2. Injury to the long thoracic nerve causes paralysis of the serratus anterior, the muscle
responsible for protracting the scapula and keeping its medial border in firm apposition with
the thoracic wall most of the time. The powerful serratus anterior also assists the trapezius in
rotating the scapula superiorly when raising the arm over the head. In raising the arm above
the head (abducting 120°), approximately 80° of the movement occurs at the shoulder joint,
while 40° occurs as a result of upward rotation of the scapula. This explains why the person
had difficulty combing her hair.

3. The thoracodorsal, pectoral, and intercostobrachial nerves are also vulnerable during
operations on the inferior part of the axilla.

4. The thoracodorsal nerve runs inferolaterally along the posterior wall of the axilla and enters
the latissimus dorsi at the level of the second and third ribs. A person with paralysis of the
latissimus dorsi would have difficulty adducting the arm and rotating it medially. The
pectoral nerves supply the pectoralis major and minor. Paralysis of the pectoralis major
would seriously affect adduction and weaken medial rotation of the arm.

5. The intercostobrachial nerves, the lateral cutaneous branches of the second intercostal nerve,
sometimes have to be sacrificed in radical axillary dissections because these nerves pass
close to the axillary lymph nodes to reach the arm. Injury to these nerves causes anesthesia of
the skin of the axilla and the posteromedial aspect of the arm.

Case Study 3-4

1. The acromion of the scapula likely struck the hard artificial turf first. The acromion forms the
bony tip of the shoulder. The anteromedial aspect of the acromion articulates with the
acromial end of the clavicle.

2. In view of the relatively small displacement of the articulating bones, it is likely that the
injury was a sprain or subluxation of the AC joint.
3. The joint capsule would be stretched and the superior part of it would probably be torn where
the clavicle was displaced superiorly.

4. If pain and widening of the AC joint were the main findings, an AC dislocation would most
likely have occurred. In this case, the AC ligament would be completely torn (i.e., disrupted).
If these findings were accompanied by considerable instability of the acromial end of the
clavicle with a “high-riding clavicle,” it is likely that the coracoclavicular ligaments were
also torn; this is an AC sprain. More severe injuries also occur, involving increasingly serious
injury of the deltoid and trapezius.

5. If the player had landed on his open hand, he might have fractured his clavicle. The
mechanism of injury is that the traumatic force is transmitted through the forearm and arm to
the pectoral girdle. In this case, the force is transmitted to the clavicle and does not usually
injure the AC joint.

Case Study 3-5

1. The symptoms clearly indicate lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), the most common painful
condition in the elbow region.

2. This elbow injury usually results from repetitive microtrauma of the common extensor origin
of the forearm extensor muscles. Lateral epicondylitis represents approximately 70% of all
sports injuries in persons 40–50 years of age.

3. Lateral epicondylitis also occurs in baseball, swimming, gymnastics, fencing, and golf sports
that involve heavy use of the forearm extensors. Lateral epicondylitis can also result from
direct trauma to the lateral epicondyle (e.g., a slash with a hockey stick on an unpadded
4. The discrete point of local tenderness in lateral elbow injuries is immediately distal to the
inflamed lateral epicondyle.

5. As the inflammation of the common extensor tendon develops, pain is referred distally along
the extensor tendon.

6. In chronic cases, radiographs may reveal dystrophic calcification in the area of degeneration
of the extensor muscle origin.

Case Study 3-6

1. Calcification in the musculotendinous rotator cuff, particularly in its supraspinatus part, is

usually the cause of the painful arc syndrome. In acute calcific supraspinatus tendinitis,
calcium deposited in the supraspinatus tendon causes excruciating throbbing pain that is not
relieved by rest.

2. Inflammation of the subacromial bursa, resulting from irritation by calcification in the rotator
cuff, aggravates the shoulder pain.

3. Pressure on the shoulder lateral to the acromion caused pain because it is close to the greater
tubercle of the humerus, where calcium deposits often develop in the supraspinatus tendon.

4. The painful arc syndrome can be explained by the fact that at 50–60° of abduction, the
inflamed area of the supraspinatus tendon comes into contact with the undersurface of the
acromion. Because of this, the syndrome is also referred to as the subacromial impingement
syndrome. This condition is exacerbated by the development of inferiorly directed
osteophytes on the lateral border of the acromion (referred to as an “acromial beak”), further
impinging on the supraspinatus tendon.
Case Study 3-7

1. The anterior rami of C5 and C6 nerves, which join to form the superior trunk of the brachial
plexus, are torn or severely stretched by pulling the baby’s head when the shoulder is not

2. The clinical condition is called Erb palsy or Erb-Duchenne palsy.

3. The paralyzed upper limb hangs limply by the side (adducted) and medially rotated; the
elbow joint is extended, and the forearm is pronated. Consequently, the palmar surface of the
hand, instead of facing medially, faces posteriorly (“waiter’s tip” position) when the limb
rests at the side in the adducted position.

4. An upper brachial plexus injury in young adults usually occurs when they fall on the
shoulder in such a fashion that the shoulder is forcefully depressed and the head and neck are
forcefully flexed to the other side of the body. These injuries commonly result from a
motorcycle crash. An upper brachial plexus injury may occur during a football game when
one tackler is pulling on a ball carrier’s arm and another is pulling on the person’s facemask.

5. The muscles partially or completely paralyzed by tearing of C5 and C6 roots of the brachial
plexus are those whose sole or major innervation is from C5 and/or C6 (e.g., supraspinatus,
deltoid, biceps, and supinator). Atrophy of the deltoid results in the shoulder losing its
rounded contour and appearing to droop.

Case Study 3-8

1. The long head of the man’s biceps brachii was likely injured.

2. The popping sensation and tenderness over the intertubercular sulcus suggest that the tendon
of the long head of the biceps was ruptured.
3. Weakness of flexion and supination of the forearm support the view that the biceps is injured
because it participates in both of these upper limb movements.

4. Undoubtedly the bulge was formed by the tonically contracted “fallen” belly of the ruptured
long head of the biceps.

5. An avulsion fracture of the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, the proximal attachment of
the long head of the biceps, may occur, allowing the biceps tendon to dislocate from the
intertubercular groove.

6. Biceps tendinitis, the second most common cause of a painful shoulder, occurs in a wide
range of throwing, swimming, and racquet sports. Rupture of the biceps tendon may also
result from sudden forceful contraction against resistance (e.g., during a checked swing in
baseball, a fast-pitched softball, or an arm tackle on a quarterback’s passing arm).

7. This injury results from repetitive microtrauma of the biceps tendon and its synovial sheath
as it slides to and fro in the bicipital groove of the humerus during flexion and supination of
the forearm. The constant use of the muscle may cause fraying and eventual rupture of the

Case Study 3-9

1. The symptoms and signs suggest that the golfer has an elbow injury called medial
epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow).

2. The mechanism of injury resulting in medial epicondylitis is usually medial tension overload
of the elbow from repeated microtrauma of the flexor–pronator group of forearm muscles at
the common flexor attachment, the medial epicondyle.
3. The probable cause of pain in medial epicondylitis is inflammation of the medial epicondyle
and common flexor tendon of the flexor–pronator group of the forearm muscles.

4. A sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow could also cause pain in the medial part
of the elbow. This ligament passes from the medial epicondyle to the coronoid process and
olecranon of the ulna.

5. Despite its common name (golfer’s elbow), medial epicondylitis occurs primarily in tennis
players using the twist serve. It also results from the acceleration phase in throwing sports.

Case Study 3-10

1. The median nerve was compressed at the wrist as it passed beneath the flexor retinaculum
(AKA, transverse carpal ligament).

2. This fairly common condition is carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. This syndrome can be caused by a variety of conditions: edema of acute and chronic trauma,
synovial cyst in the carpal tunnel, osteophytes (bony outgrowths of carpals), lipoma,
tenosynovitis (inflammation of a tendon and its synovial sheath), and excessive exercise.

4. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (e.g., sensory changes over the lateral side of the
hand, including the lateral two and a half fingers) are aggravated by movements of the wrist.

5. If untreated, median nerve compression might produce objective findings of sensory loss
(e.g., elicited by pinpricks) and weakness and atrophy of hand muscles (see Figure
Case Study 3-11

1. Undoubtedly, the pain and paresthesia in her forearm and hand resulted from compression of
her radial nerve in the axilla because all the symptoms relate to the distribution of this nerve.

2. Prolonged and faulty use of the axillary type of crutches places most of the body’s weight on
the axilla rather than on the hands. This produces intermittent compression of the radial nerve
as it leaves the axilla.

3. The person should be instructed on how to use the axillary type of crutches, that is, bearing
the weight through the hands rather than the axilla. However, it would be better to provide
the persons with elbow-length crutches.

4. If radial nerve compression (“crutch palsy”) is not eliminated, paralysis of the finger and
wrist extensors may occur. This nerve injury is completely reversible, provided the cause is

Case Study 3-12

1. Compression of the axillary artery and vein and the cords of the brachial plexus could
produce the symptoms described by the person:

Compression of the axillary nerve—paresthesia over the shoulder and proximal arm and
weakness of arm abduction

Compression of the axillary artery—weakening of the radial pulse

Compression of the axillary vein—edema of the hand and distension of superficial limb veins

2. The axillary structures could become impinged or compressed between the coracoid process
of the scapula and the pectoralis minor tendon during prolonged hyperabduction of the arm
(see Figure 3.3<csfig3-3.jpg>).
3. This type of compression syndrome is called hyperabduction syndrome of the arm. The signs
and symptoms depend on which cord(s) of the brachial plexus is compressed.

Case Study 3-13

1. The physician is attempting to produce a sudden stretch of the tendons of the biceps brachii,
brachioradialis, and triceps brachii.

2. The physician is testing the person’s myotatic or deep tendon reflexes in the upper limb.
Similar tests will also be performed in the lower limb.

3. The sudden stretch of the tendon stimulates primary sensory endings (the stretch receptors of
muscle spindles) in the fleshy part of the muscle, causing nerve impulses to be conducted to
the sensory spinal (posterior root) ganglion of the spinal nerve serving the muscle. The
central process of the afferent neuron synapses on and stimulates an efferent (motor) neuron
within the associated segment of the spinal cord. The efferent neuron, in turn, sends a
stimulating impulse to the muscle, evoking a short contraction. These particular reflexes are
all simple, two-neuron (monosynaptic) reflexes.

4. For each reflex, the afferent neuron, efferent neuron, and the spinal cord segment in which
they synapse must be intact. In the biceps reflex, producing visible or palpable flexion of the
elbow, the musculocutaneous nerve conveys both the afferent and efferent fibers and tests the
C5 and C6 spinal cord segments. In the brachioradialis reflex, producing pronation of the
forearm and slight flexion of the elbow, the radial nerve conveys both fibers and also tests
the C5 and C6 spinal cord segments. In the triceps reflex, the radial nerve conveys both
fibers, and the C6 though C8 spinal cord segments are tested.
5. Abnormal responses to myotatic reflexes include the absence of a response, a bilateral
response, a sluggish or diminished response, a brisk hyperactive response, and intermittent or
transient clonus (contractions and relaxations in rapid succession).
The physician explains to you that, as a general rule, hyperactive myotatic reflexes suggest
upper motor neuron (CNS) lesions (as produced by stroke), while weak or absent myotatic
reflexes suggest lower motor neuron (PNS) lesions (as might be produced by trauma, a
herniated disc, or diabetes).

Case Study 3-14

1. The typical clinical abnormality of the wrist in a Colles fracture is a dinner (silver) fork
deformity resulting from the posterior displacement and tilt of the distal radial fragment. The
hand is typically laterally deviated because of displacement of the distal part of the radius.
The styloid processes of the ulna and radius are at the same level, instead of the radial styloid
being more distal than the ulnar styloid process, as is normal.

2. Colles fracture is more common in people older than 50 years of age, especially women,
because their bones are often weakened by postmenopausal osteoporosis.

3. The distal radioulnar joint may be subluxated when a Colles fracture is not well united.

4. Movements of the wrist and radioulnar joints may be limited.

Case Study 3-15

1. The lateral flexion of the baby’s back and neck severely injured the entire brachial plexus
and probably tore one or more of its trunks.
2. This severe type of injury involving the entire brachial plexus is not amenable to surgery
because it is likely that some of the anterior rami were completely avulsed from the spinal

3. Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) was caused by injury of sympathetic fibers in the first
thoracic nerve root.

4. Drooping of the eyelid is part of Horner syndrome; other characteristics are a constricted
pupil (meiosis) and absence of sweating of the face (anhydrosis).

Case Study 3-16

1. When the young man was thrown from his motorcycle and hit a tree, his right shoulder was
pulled violently away from his head. This pulled on the superior trunk of his brachial plexus,
stretching or tearing the anterior primary rami of C5 and C6 spinal nerves. As a result, the
nerves arising from these rami and the superior trunk were affected and the muscles supplied
by them were paralyzed.

2. The muscles involved would be the deltoid, biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis,
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and supinator. The person’s arm was medially
rotated because the infraspinatus and teres minor (lateral rotators of the shoulder) were
paralyzed. His forearm was pronated because the supinator and biceps were paralyzed.
Flexion of his elbow was weak because of paralysis of the brachialis and biceps brachii. The
inability of the person to flex his humerus resulted from paralysis of the deltoid and
coracobrachialis and probably the clavicular head of the pectoralis major. Loss of abduction
of the humerus resulted from paralysis of the supraspinatus and deltoid.

3. The paralysis of his limb muscles would be permanent if the nerve rootlets forming the C5
and C6 rami were pulled from the spinal cord. As these rootlets cannot be sutured into the
spinal cord, the axons of the nerves would not regenerate and the muscles supplied by them
would soon undergo atrophy (wasting). Movements of the shoulder and elbow will be greatly
affected; for example, the person will always have difficulty lifting a glass to his mouth with
his right arm. The loss of sensation in his arm resulted from damage to sensory fibers of C5
and C6 that are conveyed in the upper lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (from the axillary
nerve), the lower lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (from the radial nerve), and the lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerve (from the musculocutaneous nerve).

Case Study 3-17

1. The cut in the patient’s finger allowed staphylococci to enter the fibrous digital sheath which,
following enough healing to re-establish a closed compartment, became turgid with infection.
The infection eventually ruptured the synovial membrane at the entrance to the sheath (just
proximal to the head of the third metacarpal), spreading into the midpalmar space of the

2. Had the injury and infection involved the index finger, the infection would have spread to the
thenar space rather than the midpalmar space, causing swelling on the radial side of the palm.

3. Most fascial compartments end at the joints. The carpal tunnel is an exceptional case,
however, providing continuity between the palmar spaces and the anterior compartment of
the forearm.

4. The synovial tendon sheaths of the thumb and little finger are continuations of the radial and
ulnar bursae, respectively. They are tendon sheaths that begin proximal to the flexor
retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament). These continuous pathways would have allowed an
infection to spread more directly and quickly to the anterior compartment of the forearm.

5. The noticeable swelling beneath the loose skin on the dorsum of the hand is due to edema
(excess lymph) as the lymphatic system attempted (unsuccessfully) to fight and remove the
infection. The swelling and tenderness of the ipsilateral axillary nodes also indicate
lymphatic involvement. It is important to remember that the site of greatest swelling does not
always correlate with the site of injury nor the site of pus collection; the lymph accumulated
here because of the loose nature of the tissue. Although surgical removal of the infection
(pus) was required, surgical incisions are not generally effective or necessary in treating

Case Study 3-18

1. Undoubtedly, the ulnar nerve was injured by the displaced epiphysis of the medial
epicondyle. The medial epicondyle does not completely fuse with the side of the diaphysis
until 16 years of age in males (14 years in females). Although an epiphysial separation is
sometimes called an “epiphysial fracture,” or a fracture–dislocation, it is best to refer to this
injury as a separation of the epiphysis of the medial epicondyle. Had this accident occurred in
a person older than 16 years of age, a fracture of the medial epicondyle might have occurred.
Because the epiphysial plate is weaker than the surrounding bone in children, a direct blow
that causes a fracture in older adolescents and adults is likely to cause an epiphysial plate
injury in children.

2. Because the ulnar nerve passes posterior to the medial epicondyle, and between the medial
epicondyle and the olecranon, it is vulnerable to injuries at the elbow. This injury causes
paralysis of muscles and some loss of sensation in the area of skin supplied by the ulnar
nerve. Appreciation of light touch is usually lost over the medial one and a half digits, and
response to pinpricks is lost over the fifth digit and the medial border of the palm. Knowing
that the interosseous muscles are supplied by the ulnar nerve, the pediatrician tested them for
weakness by placing a piece of paper between the boy’s fully extended digits and asking him
to grip it as tightly as possible when he pulled on it (see Figure 3.4<csfig3-4.jpg>). Inability
to adduct the digits is a classic sign of paralysis of the palmar interosseous muscles and ulnar
nerve injury.
3. Loss of other muscle movements would likely have occurred including:

a) Inability to abduct the digits (paralysis of dorsal interossei)

b) Loss of adduction of the thumb (paralysis of adductor pollicis)
c) Weakness of flexion of the fourth and fifth digits at the MP joints (paralysis of medial
two lumbricals)
d) Impaired flexion and adduction of the wrist (paralysis of the FCU)
e) Poor grasp in the fourth and fifth digits (paralysis of palmar interossei)
f) Inability to flex the distal interphalangeal (IP) joints of the fourth and fifth digits
(paralysis of lumbricals, interossei, and part of FDP)
g) Because the ulnar nerve supplies all but five of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, injury of
this nerve at the elbow has its primary effect in the hand.

4. Because the ulnar nerve was crushed and not severed, it does not require suturing because
new axons can grow into the part of the nerve distal to the injury within the original
endoneurial sheaths and neurilemmal sheaths and reinnervate the paralyzed muscles. Hence,
after a crushed nerve injury, as in this case, restoration of function should occur in a few
months’ time with appropriate physiotherapy.

Case Study 3-19

1. The inability of the young man to extend his hand at the wrist (wrist-drop) indicates injury to
the radial nerve. Because the fracture is in the middle of the humerus, it is likely that the
radial nerve was damaged where it passes diagonally across the humerus in the radial groove.
The nerve is particularly susceptible to injury in this location because of its close relationship
to the humerus.

2. Elbow flexion would be painful and weakened when the forearm is in the position midway
between pronation and supination. Recall that the radial nerve innervates the brachioradialis,
a flexor of the elbow in this position.

3. The radial nerve supplies no muscles in the hand, but it supplies muscles whose tendons pass
into the hand; hence, the person is unable to extend his MP joints. Because the lumbricals
(supplied by the median and ulnar nerves) and interossei (supplied by the ulnar nerve) are
intact, the person is able to flex his MP joints and extend his IP joints. However, he would
not have normal power of extension of his digits. The area of sensory loss is often minimal
following radial nerve injury because its area of exclusive supply is small. The degree of
sensory loss varies from person to person, depending on the extent to which the territory is
overlapped by adjacent nerves. Sometimes no loss of sensation is detectable.

4. The shortening of the patient’s arm occurred because the broken fragments of bone were
pulled apart. Contraction of the deltoid abducts the proximal part of the humerus. The
proximal contraction of the triceps, biceps, and coracobrachialis pulls the distal fragment
superiorly. Although the deep artery of the arm accompanies the radial nerve through the
radial groove and may be severed by bone fragments, the muscles and structures supplied by
this artery (e.g., the humerus) are not likely to experience ischemia because the radial
recurrent artery anastomoses with the deep artery of the arm. This communication should
provide sufficient blood for the structures supplied by the damaged artery.

Case Study 3-20

1. The lateral bones of the carpus (scaphoid and trapezium) lie in the floor of the anatomical

2. This depression at the base of the thumb is limited proximally by the radial styloid process
and distally by the base of the first metacarpal.

3. Fracture of the scaphoid is the most common carpal injury and usually results from a fall on
the hand, forcing the wrist into hyperextension.

4. No other fracture in adults is more frequently overlooked at the time of injury because they
are often hairline fractures that are usually not displaced. Subsequent bone resorption at the
fracture site makes the break more radiolucent and more apparent after 10–14 days.

5. Because of the scaphoid’s position and its relatively small size, it is a difficult bone to
immobilize. Continued movement of the wrist often results in nonunion of the fragments of
bone. Usually displacement and tearing of ligaments occurs that may interfere with the blood
supply to one of the fragments. Ischemic necrosis (death) of the proximal half of the scaphoid
may result. Usually two nutrient arteries supply the bone, one to the proximal half and one to
the distal half. Occasionally both vessels supply the distal half; the separated proximal half
receives no blood. The resulting ischemia may cause a delay or lack of union of the

Case Study 3-21

1. The patient did not cut her wrist deeply on the left side; the slight bleeding was probably
from severed superficial veins. The more superficial tendons protected the more deeply
placed arteries.

2. On the right side, she certainly cut the tendon of her palmaris longus. She probably also cut
the tendon of her FCR and quite possibly at some of the FDS tendons.

3. In view of the clinical findings, it is obvious that her median nerve was severed or severely

4. At the wrist, the median nerve lies deep to and lateral to the tendon of the palmaris longus.

5. The slight spurting of blood in her right wrist suggests that she probably cut the superficial
palmar branch of her radial artery. This branch arises from the radial artery just proximal to
the wrist.

6. Cutting the median nerve at her wrist resulted in paralysis of her thenar muscles and first two
lumbricals. Paralysis of the thenar muscles explains her inability to oppose her thumb.
Because the posterior interosseous nerve (branch of radial) was unaffected, she could abduct
her thumb with her APL, but some impairment of this movement would result because of
paralysis of the APB, supplied by the recurrent branch of the median nerve. The girl could
extend her thumb normally using her EPL and EPB muscles. Because the nerve supply to her
adductor pollicis by the deep branch of the ulnar was intact, she could also adduct her thumb.
Because of paralysis of her first two lumbricals and the loss of sensation over the thumb and
adjacent two and a half digits and the radial two thirds of her palm, fine control of
movements of her second and third digits was lacking. Thus, cutting the median nerve
produced a serious disability of the hand. In a few weeks, atrophy of the thenar muscles will
7. Cutting the tendons of the palmaris longus and FCR would weaken flexion of her wrist. In
addition, if she attempted to flex her wrist, her hand would be pulled to the ulnar side by the
FCU, which is unaffected because it is supplied by the ulnar nerve.

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