Analysis of Strength and Fatigue Property

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Article · January 2017


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2 authors:

Magdalena Mazur Robert Ulewicz

Czestochowa University of Technology Czestochowa University of Technology


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Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017) e-ISSN: 2466-4847



Magdalena Mazur1*, Robert Ulewicz 1

Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland


The article presents the preliminary tests results of three high-strength Received 23. February 2017.
steels, which are used in structural elements of semi-trailer's construction. Accepted 16. Mart 2017.
Paper presents an analysis of tensile and fatigue test results of high-strength Available 30. Mart 2017.
steels like Hardox 400, Hardox 450 and Strenx 700MC. The fatigue tests are
in the range from 104 to 107 number of cycles of applied load with
a frequency of 40 Hz. The Wöhler curve shows the results of the fatigue KEYWORDS
fatigue crack,
properties of these steels, which are used in the construction of vehicles.
Wöhler curve,
Fatigue fractures were subjected to fractographic analysis in order to high-strength steels,
determine the mechanism of fatigue crack propagation. Fractographic high cycle fatigue tests,
analysis confirmed no effect of inclusions on the test results. tensile test,
semi-trailer's components

1. INTRODUCTION work are backed up by specialist simulation

programs, and the obtained outcomes of the fatigue
The subject-matter of this research was testing of high-strength steels could be used to
selected in response to demands for the fatigue verify the accuracy of the adopted mathematical
characteristics of fine-grained steels, expressed by models. In the design of structures, an important
constructors looking for new applications of that element is the issue of resistance to the appearing
group of steels [1,2]. Based on authors' own variable dynamic loads, which are characterized by
research and data from the manufacturer, the very rapid changes. Those elements are the
material characteristics of the steels Hardox (400 guidelines for designers to create structures of new
and 450) and Strenx 700MC are were presented. materials. The impact study of the structure
Nowadays, those steels are more and more used in material is intended to state the material quality
design of modern semi-trailers constructions. High after the heat treatment and the tendency of the
mechanical properties and durability of this type of material to suffer the brittle fracture state under
steel are their advantage. The combination of the influence of load at different working
these features enables the construction of lighter temperatures [3].
semi-trailer's components, which would result in a
semi-vehicle with a lower net weight. 2. MATERIAL FOR RESEARCH
The construction departments of the semi-
trailers vehicles manufacturers are working on The producer of the Hardox and Strenx steels,
application of the new materials in the semi-trailers the SSAB Oxelösund plant, specializes in
construction's elements. The adopted objectives of production of the high-strength steels, which are
the research being conducted include: reducing the obtained as the result of application of the special
kerb (curb) weight of a semi-trailer, reducing the rapid cooling technique. In accordance with the
use of fuel by a transport set, increasing the carried data of the producer, the Hardox steels are
load weight, and extending the safe operating supplied after hardening in water and tempering
period of a vehicle. Research and development within the following scope of temperatures: 200 –

CONTACT: Magdalena Mazur, e-mail:
M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)

Table 1. Chemical composition and mechanical properties of researched materials

Mechanical properties
Chemical composition (max %) Re Rm A5
Material (MPa) (MPa) (%)
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo B
1226 1257 12,5
Hardox 400 0.13 0.30 0.95 0.012 0.002 0.25 0.06 0.04 0.002
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo B
1425 1560 13,5
Hardox 450 0.20 0.39 0.80 0.005 0.005 0.45 0.05 0.01 0.001
Strenx C Si Mn P S Al Nb V Ti
796 850 15,5
700MC 0.08 0.10 1.67 0.018 0.0037 0.015 0.06 0.014 0.015

700 °C [4]. The Strenx 700MC steel for cold shaping

is a hot-rolled steel formed in a thermal-
mechanical process, in which the processes of
Hardox 450
heating, rolling and cooling are under careful
supervision. The chemical composition of that steel,
Hardox 400
containing little carbon and manganese, is
precisely complemented by alloying enhancers
Strenx 700MC
such as niobium, titanium or vanadium [5].
This article presents results of tests on
considered steels. The chemical composition and
mechanical properties, as declared by the Fig. 1. The characteristics of F = ΔL static tensile tests for
manufacturer, were presented in Tab. 1. materials research
Characteristics of chemical composition Fatigue tests were performed on a machine
declared by the manufacturer are consistent with Rotoflex, realizing load in bending in rotational
analytical studies. Mechanical properties obtained mode. During the load cycle the stress ratio was
in this research confirm the parameters of steel R = -1, with loading frequency 40 Hz and
that are declared by the manufacturer in the temperature 20 ºC ± 3 ºC. During the test, the
Safety Data Sheet. working parts of the specimens were cooled by
fans. Results of the reference material were
3. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH obtained from tests performed in identical
conditions [6].
Static tensile test has been conducted to The tests results formed a curve, Fig. 2, which
determine the basic strength properties (yield clearly shows that the stress amplitude σa
strength Re, tensile strength Rm, elongation A5 and decreases with increase of cycles number N
contraction Z) of the analyzed materials. These beyond the conventional fatigue limit Nc = 107
tests were performed in the fatigue laboratory of cycles. Based on obtained results, the fatigue limits
the University of Žilina. Research was performed for Hardox 400 reached the level of 490 MPa,
on a Zwick Z050 tensile testing machine at ambient stress amplitude decreased about σa = 233 MPa.
temperature T = 20  3 C, with operation load The fatigue limit of the other tested material
(Hardox 450) clearly reached the level σc = 460
range F = 0  20 kN and tensile strain rate
MPa of load cycles N = 107, Fig. 3. The results are
ɛm = 10-3∙s-1. Circular specimens, which were used
close to each other; the difference is due to the
in the tests, were made parallel to the direction of
higher strength and toughness properties of steel
rolling. The shape and dimensions of the samples
Hardox 450. In order to develop the full fatigue
were determined according to the requirements of
curve, further studies are needed to confirm
the standard EN 10002-1.
obtained results. As determined from
The shapes of obtained curves of high-strength
experimental results, the Whöller curve shows a
materials are typical of strengthened materials,
decrease in the stress values at the sample
Fig. 1. Due to structure, as well as the mechanical
destruction, with increasing number of cycles to
properties of the researched materials in delivery
the level of fatigue limit for steel Strenx 700MC
state, they do not display the clear tensile yield.
(440 MPa), Fig. 4.

M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)

800 are transcrystalline fatigue fracture of very fine

750 particle morphology, Fig. 7.
St re ss am plit ude σ a [MPa]






1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8

N um be r of cycle s, N

Fig. 2. Hardox 400 – fatigue test results

St re ss am plit ude σ a [MPa]

Fig. 5. Surface fatigue crack initiation for Strenx
700MC steel; a = 495 MPa, N = 3.1105



1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8
Num ber of cy cles N

Fig. 3. Hardox 450 – fatigue test results

St re ss amplit ude , σ a [MPa]





1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8

N um be r of cycle s, N

Fig. 4. Strenx 700MC – fatigue test results

In order to learn about nature of the bending
process of the tested materials, the fractographic
tests for fatigue fractures have been performed.
Test results for both materials Hardox 400 and
Strenx 700MC confirm the occurrence only of the
surface fatigue crack initiation (Fig. 5). Only two
samples of steel Hardox 450 showed fatigue crack
initiation point below the surface of the sample. In b)
these cases, the fatigue fractures showed Fig. 6. Fatigue fracture Hardox 450 steel in the macro
characteristic formations known in the literature scale; subsurface fatigue crack initiation with structure
by the term "fish eyes” [7], Fig. 6. On the fatigue "fish-eye"; a) a = 451 MPa, N = 1.3107; b)
fracture surface of Strenx 700MC specimen there a = 438 MPa, N = 1.25106

M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)


b) b)
Fig. 7. Fatigue fracture surface, area of stable crack
propagation for Strenx 700MC; a) a = 524 MPa,
N = 1.5105; b) a detailed view of Fig. 7 a.
The transcrystalline fatigue fractures of
tempering martensite are characteristic for both
analyzed Hardox steels. In the area of stable
fatigue crack, the propagation was proceeding
according to transcrystalline propagation
mechanisms, which was confirmed by the
presence of striations. Areas of rupture for all the
three tested materials are characterized by ductile
fatigue fracture with dimple morphology (Fig. 8).
Characteristics of the ductile fracture of the
fatigue area are strongly related to the material's
structure. Results of fractographic tests proved
absence of factors that would have an impact on c)
decreased strength of materials and inclusions Fig. 8. Transcrystalline ductile fracture with dimple
present were not a direct cause of the initiated morphology in steel; a) Strenx 700MC, b) Hardox 400, c)
fatigue crack. Hardox 450.

M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)

4. SUMMARY developing new, "lighter" than predecessors, self-

dumping semi-trailers. The possibilities of reducing
Strength testing of the high-strength steels the kerb weight of a semi-trailer were based by the
confirmed their high properties declared by the constructors upon changes in the shape of
producer. The new semi-trailers from the Master constructions, and also upon the application of
series, manufactured by the WIELTON S.A. new materials. The possibilities for application of
Company, represent the new directions in the researched materials in the constructions of
development of the company. One of the principal vehicle semi-trailers, produced by the WIELTON
elements of the development in question is S.A. Company, were presented in Fig. 9.



Fig. 9. Examples of application possibilities of the Strenx 700MC steel in constructions of the elements of semi-trailers
chassis made by WIELTON S.A.: a) frame stringers, b) tractor plate, c) frame crossbars

The Strenx 700MC steel may be applied for Impact test are used to determine the
making many elements of the self-dumping semi- toughness of the material, its brittleness threshold
trailers chassis, and the basic requirement in the and degradation of the material.
case of this material is, first of all, good weldability.
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