Analysis of Strength and Fatigue Property
Analysis of Strength and Fatigue Property
Analysis of Strength and Fatigue Property
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CONTACT: Magdalena Mazur, e-mail:
M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)
M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)
1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8
N um be r of cycle s, N
Fig. 5. Surface fatigue crack initiation for Strenx
700MC steel; a = 495 MPa, N = 3.1105
1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8
Num ber of cy cles N
St re ss amplit ude , σ a [MPa]
1E+4 1E+5 1E+6 1E+7 1E+8
N um be r of cycle s, N
M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)
b) b)
Fig. 7. Fatigue fracture surface, area of stable crack
propagation for Strenx 700MC; a) a = 524 MPa,
N = 1.5105; b) a detailed view of Fig. 7 a.
The transcrystalline fatigue fractures of
tempering martensite are characteristic for both
analyzed Hardox steels. In the area of stable
fatigue crack, the propagation was proceeding
according to transcrystalline propagation
mechanisms, which was confirmed by the
presence of striations. Areas of rupture for all the
three tested materials are characterized by ductile
fatigue fracture with dimple morphology (Fig. 8).
Characteristics of the ductile fracture of the
fatigue area are strongly related to the material's
structure. Results of fractographic tests proved
absence of factors that would have an impact on c)
decreased strength of materials and inclusions Fig. 8. Transcrystalline ductile fracture with dimple
present were not a direct cause of the initiated morphology in steel; a) Strenx 700MC, b) Hardox 400, c)
fatigue crack. Hardox 450.
M.Mazur and R.Ulewicz / Applied Engineering Letters Vol. 2, No. 1, 32-37 (2017)
Fig. 9. Examples of application possibilities of the Strenx 700MC steel in constructions of the elements of semi-trailers
chassis made by WIELTON S.A.: a) frame stringers, b) tractor plate, c) frame crossbars
The Strenx 700MC steel may be applied for Impact test are used to determine the
making many elements of the self-dumping semi- toughness of the material, its brittleness threshold
trailers chassis, and the basic requirement in the and degradation of the material.
case of this material is, first of all, good weldability.
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