Mechanical Properties Analysis of Medium Carbon Steel Heated at 850°C by Quenching in Naoh Solution

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Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3, No.

2, 2021 | 141 - 146

Journal of Technomaterial Physics

Mechanical Properties Analysis of Medium Carbon

Steel Heated at 850°C by Quenching in NaOH Solution
Stefen Sitorus1 and Perdinan Sinuhaji2*
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan 20155, Indonesia

Abstract. The aim of this study is to analyze the mechanical properties of carbon steel
medium by quenching in NaOH solution. Heating medium of the carbon steel in a heating
furnace is 850°C. The cooling process in NaOH solution was varied in concentration of
NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%), and the sample was allowed to reach room temperature
(27°C). The original medium carbon steel hardness value is 9.4 HRC and the tensile
strength value is 656.85 MPa, while for materials with heat treatment processes and cooling
processes with different concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%) resulted in
hardness values of 57 HRC, 58.3 HRC, 58.5 HRC, 60 HRC, 57.5 HRC and tensile strength
values of 728.50 MPa, 835.99 MPa, 987.26 MPa, 1035 MPa, and 855 MPa for different
concentrations of NaOH (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% , 25 %). Analysis of XRD crystalline
structure on medium carbon steel with intermediate carbon steel from the three highest
peaks of each test sample was found that its orthorhombic crystal structure in which lattice
parameters a, b, and c.

Keyword: medium carbon steel, quenching, mechanical properties, crystal structure.

Received 19 August 2021 | Revised [23 August 2021] | Accepted [27 August 2021]

1 Introduction

The need for metal materials in the manufacture of tools and means of life is increasing. Starting
from the simplest equipment to the most complex equipment, such as household furniture,
bridges, buildings, vehicles, and aircraft construction. In increasing the hardness of these
materials can be done with a heat treatment process. Heat treatment is a process that heats a
metal in a solid state to a certain temperature and then cools it to give the metal more perfect
physical or mechanical properties. By means of heat treatment, it is also possible to change the
size and shape of the metal grains [1-3]. Hardness can be defined as resistance to penetration or
the ability of a material to withstand scratching, indentation or penetration. The hardness value
is related to the tensile or yield strength of the metal because during the assessment, the metal
undergoes plastic deformation so that a certain percentage of strain occurs. Hardness is also
related to the wear resistance of the metal [4-6]. After paying attention to the results and

*Corresponding author at: Jalan Bioteknologi no.1 Medan, 20155, Indonesia

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Copyright © 2021 Published by Talenta Publisher, ISSN: 2656-0747 e-ISSN: 2656-0755

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Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3, No. 2, 2021 | 141 - 146 142
conclusions of the studies above, the authors are interested in conducting research about
mechanical properties analysis of 850°C heated medium carbon steel with quenching in NaOH

2 Methods

The tools used and the materials used in this study are as follows: Tensile testing machine:
strength testing machine (STM), Hardness testing machine: Rockwell Hardness Optical
microscope Furnace heating capacity 1200°C, Lathe and XRD, with ingredients NaOH solution:
concentration 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and Medium carbon steel: 1045. Provide 12 pieces of
test material with details: 6 pieces for hardness testing, 6 pieces for tensile testing, while for
testing the microstructure taken from hardness testing materials.

3 Result and Discussion

Testing of the mechanical properties of several test materials has been carried out by varying the
concentration of NaOH for medium carbon steel. The results of the tests that have been carried
out are hardness (hardness), tensile strength (tensile strength), observation of microstructure and
observation of crystal structure with various concentrations of NaOH as a cooling medium for
medium carbon steel [7-10]. The data obtained from the test results are obtained by calculations
and the results are listed in the following table:

Table 1. Test results for medium carbon steel tensile strength with , ,

Quencing on Solution Maximum Load Tensile Strength

NaOH (%) (N) (MPa)
1 0 33,000 656.85
2 5 36,600 728.50
3 10 42,000 835.99
4 15 49,600 978.26
5 20 52,000 1035.03
6 25 43,000 855.89

The hardness value of the test material from the measurement results can be seen in table 1,
where the hardness value can be seen on the hardness tester which directly measures the
hardness of the test material based on the measured depth. The test results data below are tested
once for each test material. Below we can see the relationship between NaOH concentration and
hardness of medium carbon steel, as shown in the graph.
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 3, No. 2, 2021 | 141 - 146 145
NaOH where from the three highest peaks it is found that the crystal structure is orthrocombic
where the lattice parameters , , and and density is
. In medium carbon steel with 20% NaOH where from the three highest peaks it
is found that the crystal structure is orthrocombic where the lattice parameters ,
, and and density is . In medium Carbon Steel with
25% NaOH where from the three highest peaks it is found that the crystal structure is
orthrocombic where the lattice parameters , , and and
density is [12-20].

4 Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion of the effect of NaOH concentration as a cooling
medium on the tensile strength of medium carbon steel, it can be concluded as a heat treatment
process (heat treatment) and sudden cooling (quenching) on medium carbon steel into 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25% NaOH solution to produce a hardness of 57 HRC; 58.3 HRC; 58.5 HRC; 60
HRC and 57.5 HRC for different concentrations of medium carbon steel. The hardness and
tensile strength of medium carbon steel reached a maximum value of 60 HRC and 1035.28 Mpa
when heated and cooled into NaOH solution with a concentration of 20%. From the results of
XRD analysis on medium carbon steel with heat treatment of 850°C with the results of the test
sample without treatment (original) and with the addition of NaOH concentration 5%, 10%,
15%, 20%, 25%. In the original where the highest three were found that the crystal structure
was othorcombic. Ferrite and pearlite structures are seen in medium carbon steels without heat
treatment processes (heat treatment) and pearlite and martensitic structures seen in medium
carbon steel with heat treatment processes (heat treatment) and the cooling process suddenly
(quenching). The visible pearlite and martensite structures show the hardness and tensile
strength of medium carbon steel increasing or decreasing.


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