The Effect of Nugget Sizes On Mechanical Propertie

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The Effect of Nugget Sizes on Mechanical Properties in Resistance Spot

Welding of S235JR(Cu) Steel Sheets Used in Railway Vehicles

Article in Acta Physica Polonica Series a · July 2016

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.60


5 486

4 authors, including:

Nuri Akkaş Erman Ferik

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Sakarya University


Erdinc Ilhan
Sakarya University


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Vol. 130 (2016) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 1

Special issue of the 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2015)

The Effect of Nugget Sizes on Mechanical Properties

in Resistance Spot Welding of S235JR(Cu) Steel Sheets
Used in Railway Vehicles
N. Akkaşa,∗ , E. Ferikb , E. İlhana and S. Aslanlarb
Sakarya University, Faculty of Technical Education, Sakarya, Turkey
Sakarya University, Faculty of Technology, Sakarya, Turkey
This paper presents an experimental study on the resistance spot welding of S235JR(Cu) steel sheets used
in side walls and roofs of rail vehicle bodies. A timer and current controlled resistance spot welding machine
having 120 kVA capacity and a pneumatic application mechanism with a single lever were used to prepare the
specimens. Welding duration was chosen to be 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 periods (1 period = 0.02 s) and also
welding currents were increased from 6 kA up to 14 kA in steps of 0.5 kA. The electrode force was kept constant
at 6 kN. The obtained welding joints were exposed to tensile peel and tensile shear tests and their nugget sizes were
measured by means of an optical microscope. The effect of nugget sizes on tensile peel strength and tensile-shear
strength was determined using weld lobe diagrams. Based on this data the optimum welding currents and times
were advised.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.60
PACS/topics: 81.20.Vj, 06.60.Vz

1. Introduction used in the petroleum, petrochemical, water conservancy,

electric power, food, brewing, shipbuilding, marine engi-
Resistance spot welding (RSW) is the common method neering and rail transportation were used in this study.
most widely used to join metal sheets, particularly in au- The purpose of this work was to investigate the effect
tomotive industry. Typically, there are about 2000–5000 of nugget sizes on tensile strength in RSW of S235JR(Cu)
spot welds in a modern vehicle [1]. RSW has excellent steel sheets. The macrostructure of the welded samples
techno-economic benefits such as low cost, high speed was evaluated. The samples were exposed to tensile-
and suitability for automation [2]. shear and tensile-peel tests in order to determine the
Weld nugget size is the most important parameter de- joint strengths. The effect of nugget sizes on tensile-
termining the mechanical behaviour of the RSW joint. shear strength and tensile-peel strength was determined
Quality and strength of the spot welds are defined by by using weld lobe diagrams and based on this data the
shape and size of weld nuggets [3]. Besides, the tensile- optimum welding currents and times were advised.
shear and tensile-peel strength of the joint in RSW is
an important index of welding quality [4]. In most 2. Experimental studies
cases, good spot-welding practice requires three param-
eters that have to be controlled, namely, current, time, During the RSW experiments such parameters as the
and electrode force [5]. electrode form, type of welded material, cooling water
Therefore, measurements of nugget size were used to flow rate and electrode force were kept constant and only
correlate welding input parameters and mechanical prop- the welding current and the welding time were varied. All
erties of the weld. series were exposed to tensile shear and tensile peel tests
Various industry standards recommend the optimum in order to determine the joint strengths.
or minimum size of the spot weld for a given sheet metal
thickness. For example, the American Welding Society 2.1. Materials
(AWS), Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE), and The studied materials were S235JR(Cu) steel sheets
the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) [6] having thicknesses of 2 mm, which are used in construct-
together recommend a weld nugget width given by ing side walls and roofs of rail vehicle bodies. The chem-
d1 = 4s0.5 , (1) ical composition and the mechanical properties of the
for steels, where d1 and s are the weld nugget width and sheets are shown in Tables I and II, respectively.
thickness of the workpiece (in mm), respectively.
S235JR(Cu) grade steel sheets which are known as TABLE I
non-alloy steels for structural purposes and are widely Chemical composition of steel sheets used in experi-
ments [wt.%].
C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Al Cu Fe
0.0902 0.164 0.513 0.0149 0.0063 0.0183 0.0481 0.0068 0.0349 0.273 98.7
∗ corresponding author; e-mail:

The Effect of Nugget Sizes on Mechanical Properties in Resistance Spot Welding of S235JR(Cu). . . 61

TABLE II 2.4. Tensile strength and nugget size

Mechanical properties of the sheet steel.
All series were exposed to tensile-shear and tensile-
Yield strength [MPa] 320 peel tests in a testing machine in laboratory conditions.
Tensile strength [MPa] 435 The tensile speed had remained constant during the tests.
Total elongation [%] 52 The values given as the tensile-shear and tensile-peel
strength are the maximum values taken from the scale
of the machine.
2.2. Welding equipment
A timer and current controlled RSW machine, having
120 kVA capacity, and a pneumatic application mecha-
nism with a single lever were used in the experiments.
The electrode force was continuously measured and con-
trolled during the experiments. And also welding cur-
rent values were continuously calculated and controlled
by means of a current transformer, placed on the lever
of the welding machine, and an ampere-meter. Welding
time, holding time and clamping time were adjusted au-
tomatically by electronic devices of the machine. Weld- Fig. 3. Weld nugget geometry.
ing was carried out by using water cooled conical Cu-Cr
electrodes, having a contact surface of constant diame- Nugget widths d1 and nugget heights d2 were mea-
ter (7 mm). sured using an optical microscope and nugget size ratios
d2 /d1 were calculated. Weld nugget geometry is shown
2.3. Welding process in Fig. 3. The effect of nugget size on tensile-shear and
Tensile-shear and tensile-peel specimens were prepared tensile-peel strength was investigated by gathering ob-
in accordance with EN ISO 14273 [7] and EN ISO tained results in diagrams.
14270 [8] standards, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1
and 2. After that, welded parts were put together with 3. Results

The effect of nugget width, nugget height and nugget

size ratio on tensile-shear and tensile-peel strength were
determined and discussed. Such parameters as nugget
width or nugget height are not enough to explain the
effect of welding nugget size on tensile-shear and tensile-
peel strengths of the joints. Therefore, nugget size ratio
is also used for this purpose [10, 11].
At application of low welding current, small weld
nugget widths and similarly lower tensile-shear and
tensile-peel strength values were obtained, compared to
Fig. 1. Tensile-shear specimens.
those of base-metal, due to application of low amount of
heat to the welding zone [12–15].

Fig. 2. Tensile-peel specimens.

overlapping of 30 mm and welded in accordance with
EN ISO 14373 [9] standard. For joining, the welding
time of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 periods were applied,
while other welding parameters, such as applied electrode
Fig. 4. Spurt out failure observed in weld nuggets.
force (6 kN), clamping and holding times of electrode
(25 periods) were kept constant. The welding current At application of long welding time and high welding
was increased from 6 kA to 14 kA in 0.5 kA increments. current, weld nugget spurts out between the two sheets,
62 N. Akkaş et al.

resulting in the decrease of the width. At the same time, shown in Fig. 4. This may be the reason for the de-
an over-coloured, retained structure with deep electrode creasing trend of tensile-shear and tensile-peel strength.
marks and deformations is formed in the weld zone, as shown in Figs. 5a and 6a [12–15].

Fig. 5. The effect of nugget width (a), height (b) and size ratio (c) on tensile-shear load.

Fig. 6. The effect of nugget width (a), height (b) and size ratio (c) on tensile-peel load.
As a result of nugget width increment, the tensile-shear 7 mm, as shown in Fig. 5a. In addition, the maximum
strength rises up to widths of 6–7 mm and then tensile- tensile-shear strength was obtained at nugget height of
shear strength starts to decrease at nugget width above 1.5–2 mm, as shown in Fig. 5b. Similarly, the maximum
The Effect of Nugget Sizes on Mechanical Properties in Resistance Spot Welding of S235JR(Cu). . . 63

tensile-peel strength was obtained at nugget height of In the joining of S235JR(Cu) steel sheets, maximum
1.5–2 mm, as shown in Fig. 6b. When the nugget size tensile-peel strength is obtained at 9 kA welding current
ratio diagrams were investigated with respect to tensile- applied during 20 periods. This value is approximately
shear and tensile-peel strengths, it was seen that the max- a quarter of the one obtained in tensile-shear strength,
imum strength value was obtained at nugget size ratio of which shows the sensitivity of S235JR(Cu) sheets welded
0.24–0.26, as shown in Figs. 5c and 6c. by RSW to tensile-peel forces.


[1] F. Khodabakhshi, M. Kazeminezhad, A.H. Kokabi,

Mater. Charact. 69, 71 (2012).
[2] S. Aslanlar, A. Ogur, U. Ozsarac, E. Ilhan, Mater.
Design 29, 1427 (2008).
[3] H. Moshayedi, I. Sattari-Far, J. Mater. Proc. Tech-
nol. 212, 347 (2012).
[4] M. Zhou, H. Zhang, S.J. Hu, Weld. J. 4, 72 (2003).
[5] A.M. Al-Mukhtar, Q. Doos, Adv. Mater. Sci. Eng.
2013, 1 (2013).
[6] American Welding Society, Recommended practices
for test methods and evaluation the resistance spot
welding behavior of automotive sheet steels, AWS D8.9
Fig. 7. Weld lobe curve. (1997).
[7] Turkish Standards Institution, Specimen dimensions
The weldability lobe diagram was specified for tensile- and procedure for shear testing resistance spot, seam
shear and peel tests to determine the upper and lower and embossed projection welds, TS EN ISO 14273
limits of welding current and time for RSW. The brittle (2002).
and expulsion limits are shown. The width of the ac- [8] Turkish Standards Institution, Specimen dimensions
ceptable welds can be changed according to the sheet and procedure for mechanized peel testing resistance
thickness, material type, heat treatment, and surface spot, seam and embossed projection welds, TS EN
condition. Figure 7 shows the specific lobe curve for ISO 14270 (2002).
S235JR(Cu) steel with nominal thickness of 2 mm. It can [9] Turkish Standards Institution, Resistance welding —
be seen in Fig. 7 that welding current of 7.5 kA gives the Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low
carbon steels, TS EN ISO 14373 (2008).
widest range of acceptable welding time.
[10] S. Anık, B. Gulbahar, 2nd National Welding Sympo-
sium, Proceedings, Istanbul 1989, p. 94.
4. Conclusions [11] M. Vural, Ph.D. Thesis, ITU, Istanbul, Turkey 1992.
[12] N. Akkaş, E. İlhan, S. Aslanlar, F. Varol, Mater.
As a result of the work performed at electrode force of Testing 56, 879 (2014).
6 kN, the following conclusions and suggestions can be
made. [13] N. Akkas, E. İlhan, Acta Phys. Pol. A 125, 497
In the joining of S235JR(Cu) steel sheets, maximum
tensile-shear strength is obtained at welding current of [14] N. Akkas, F. Varol, E. Ferik, E. İlhan, U. Ozsarac,
S. Aslanlar, Acta Phys. Pol. A 125, 500 (2014).
8 kA applied during 30 periods. The 30% sheet thickness
limit is exceeded at this condition. Additionally deep [15] S. Aslanlar, A. Ogur, U. Ozsarac, E. Ilhan, Z. Demir,
Mater. Design 28, 2 (2007).
electrode indentations, excessive deformations, colour
changes in welding zone and over-melting due to excessive
heat input may occur. When the high surface quality is
preferred to strength, 7 kA welding current for 25 periods
of welding time or 7.5 kA welding current for 20 periods
of welding time are enough.

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