Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Highlights
Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Highlights
Situation Report: Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Highlights
This report is produced by ISCG in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers 2 November until 9 November, 2017. The next report will
be issued on 19 November.
615,500 new arrivals are reported as of 5 November,
according to IOM Needs and Population Monitoring.
Since the last situation report on 9 November, there
have been 4,000 new arrivals.
Situation Overview
Violence in Rakhine State which began on 25 August 2017 has driven an estimated 615,500 Rohingya across
the border into Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The speed and scale of the influx has resulted in a critical
humanitarian emergency. The people who have arrived in Bangladesh since 25 August came with very few
possessions. They have used the majority of their savings on transportation and constructing a shelter, often out
of no more than bamboo and thin plastic. They are now reliant on humanitarian assistance for food, and other
life-saving needs. Basic services that were available prior to the influx are under severe strain due to the
massive increase in people in the area. In some of the sites that have spontaneously emerged, water and
sanitation facilities are limited or of poor quality, with extremely high density raising the risks of an outbreak of
disease. The Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar is highly vulnerable, having fled conflict and experienced
severe trauma, and now living in extremely difficult conditions.
Population movements within Cox’s Bazar remain highly fluid, with increasing concentration in Ukhia, where the
Government has allocated 3,000 acres for a new camp. People have begun arriving at the new, proposed site
before infrastructure and services can be established. Crucially there is limited access to the site and no roads
through this site; this is preventing the development of infrastructure including water and sanitation facilities.
Situation Report – Rohingya Refugee Crisis |2
Host Community
Cox's Bazar Sadar 12,485 1,683 14,168
Ramu 1,600 830 2,430
Teknaf 34,437 34,075 68,512
Ukhia 8,125 9,543 17,668
TOTAL Rohingya 212,518 615,501 828,019
Methodology for
Population Tracking
1Kutupalong-Balukhali expansion settlement includes the estimated population residing in the existing Kutupalong and
Balukhali makeshift settlements, and their surrounding expansion zones.
Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) hosted by IOM
Situation Report – Rohingya Refugee Crisis |3
Humanitarian Response
Sector Coordinator Kaisa-Leena Juvonen
Education Co-Lead Maheen Chowdhury
During the reporting period, 53 classrooms were built in camps ensuring access to
an additional 4,004 girls and boys this week.
During the reporting period, 785 new girls and boys were enrolled in existing learning
spaces in Kutupalong MS (50), Leda (471) and Shamlapur (264).
252 teachers were trained and 14 new teachers were recruited in the reporting
period. Since 25th of August, 399 teachers have been recruited and trained.
A partner outside of the HRP is providing after-school life-skill development for 2,500
new arrivals in Nayapara and Kutupalong Registered Camps.
Community consultations have continued to support community led designing of temporary learning centers.
During the reported week, Education sector partners nominated and voted for representation in the Strategic
Advisory Group (SAG). The current structure consists of two Education Sector Lead Agencies; one UN agency
and two national NGOs. Due to the limited presence of international NGOs actors in education sector,
nominations for additional two SAG members will be open next year.
Global Education Cluster Coordinators from Save the Children and UNICEF supported strategic discussions
through their mission to Cox’s Bazar.
281,820 individuals have received High Energy Biscuits (HEB) since the 25 th of August.
A market assessment took place by WFP-VAM and a final assessment will be presented shortly.
Three additional sites were added to the distribution that will start on 12 November. This brings the total
distribution sites to 15.
The FSS and WFP VAM HHs assessment has been launched with the final report expected in early December.
o There is need for space for one to one MHPSS consultations that ensure confidentiality in the spontaneous
o There is need for more skilled/trained personnel to deliver MHPSS services.
During the reporting period, the following health interventions took place:
o OPD consultations, admissions and other health services: 48,279 (cumulative: 326,660)
o Women and girls reached with SRH services: 9,329 (cumulative: 104,818)
o People who have received MHPSS: 22,686 (cumulative: 174,923)
On 8 November 2017, WHO and health partners began mapping all health points in the camps and
settlements. Once the mapping exercise has been completed, WHO will work with IOM, UNHCR, the RRRC
and the Civil Surgeon’s office to review and rationalize the allocation of health care facilities.
The goal of the above is to have one PHC center and 3-4 health posts per zone, complemented by outreach
activities. One health focal point is required for each zone.
WHO has prepared a draft “minimum service delivery package” (MSDP) document that aims to guide health
partners on the essential services to be delivered by every health point, as well as minimum quality standards.
All health sector partners will be invited to review and comment on the draft MSDP document.
WHO began implementing the second round of an oral cholera vaccine (OCV) campaign on 4 November. The
campaign aimed to give 180,000 children between 1-5 years of age a second dose of cholera vaccine for
added protection. The campaign took place alongside a bOPV vaccination campaign targeting a further
210,000 children aged less than five years. At the end of the six-day campaign, both the targets had been
exceeded: 199,472 children were vaccinated with OCV and 236,696 children were vaccinated with bOPV.
An entry point vaccination post has been established at Sabrang, Shahporir dip and Teknaf since 1 November.
The purpose would be to continue vaccinating children 6m-<15 years with measles rubella and <5years with
bOPV. A total of 627 children received bOPV and 576 received MR vaccine at these entry points, as of 9
Starting on 11 November, children will be vaccinated against polio, measles, rubella and tetanus at 43
vaccination sites (34 in Ukhia and nine in Teknaf).
WHO is continuing to investigate and respond to the ongoing measles outbreak (cumulative total of 412
suspected cases including one related death reported through EWARS).
WHO is supporting vaccination outreach activities: teams will shortly begin visiting all households in camps and
settlements to vaccinate children who have not already been vaccinated.
A working group on acute watery diarrhea (AWD) chaired by the office of the Civil Surgeon is meeting weekly
to monitor the status of preparedness and response planning for potential AWD outbreaks. WHO and partners
are mapping the availability of supplies, diarrhea treatment centers (DTCs) and oral rehydration points.
Currently, there are enough supplies available to cover a worst-case scenario estimate of 37 000 cases during
the peak week. There are currently 100 cholera kits in the pipeline. Large health partners have reported the
need to setup additional large scale clinics but cite the lack of space as the main obstacle. Partners are still
needed to manage DTCs in Jamtoli, Shamlapur, Moynarghona, Charmarkul and some local host population
clinics. WHO will follow up with the RRRC and the army once the sites have been identified.
Health sector is preparing priority activities for cyclone preparedness and response.
The health, nutrition, WASH, shelter, MHPSS and food security sectors will begin working on an urgent inter-
sector plan to ensure, inter-alia, that nutrition/IYCF services are included in every health post; outreach
activities are intensified; referral services are strengthened; there are more specialized centers to treat children
with SAM with medical complications; the network of community health workers (CHWs) is trained and
expanded. WHO and UNICEF will ascertain training needs among humanitarian sectors and put together a
training programme. WHO has asked all agencies to send their training needs to WHO for consolidation.
Two partners are conducting an assessment on MHPSS needs in the new settlements. Results will be shared
MHPSS service delivery continues in all border areas as well as in the makeshift and registered camps.
The SRH working group partners continue to provide life-saving minimum initial service package of sexual and
reproductive health in crisis as part of the ongoing response.
The SRH working group continues to conduct capacity building operations such as Help Babies Breathe (HBB)
training (newborn resuscitation), menstrual regulation & post-abortion care (MR-PAC), and clinical
management of rape (CMR).
To focus on safe childbirth among the displaced populations, midwives have screened 81,314 new arrivals,
provided antenatal care to over 17,221 women, postnatal care to 1,495 women, conducted around 393 safe
deliveries, and referred 110 emergency obstetric cases to higher level facilities.
3,193 clean delivery kits were distributed to newly-arriving and visibly pregnant women.
The uneven distribution of health care facilities in the camps is another constraint. Kindly see point on mapping
activities above.
No systematic coordination of health sector partners in camps, with multiple agencies implementing ad
hoc/undocumented interventions, and gaps/overlaps in services resulting in inequitable service delivery.
The continued influx of new refugees builds up the unvaccinated cohort and thus adds to the risk of
transmission of measles, rubella and cholera.
There is a lack of safe blood supplies. The national blood bank is planning a blood drive campaign and
establishing a blood bank in Ukhia.
Psychiatric support is limited and not available in all spontaneous areas and there is lack of awareness of
referrals system among the field staff.
As movement of the beneficiaries are high it is difficult to continue MHPSS support for an optimum amount of
The SRH working group is still facing challenges with data submission from partners, resulting in
underreporting of progress achieved. We need to find a way together to streamline weekly data submission
Health focal points will begin working with IOM/UNHCR coordinators in each designated area.
Reinforced reporting by all partner of services and data, as stressed by the MoHFW, is essential to improve
disease surveillance and equitable distribution of services.
There is need to reinforce linkages between nutrition, wash and health sectors, including its subsectors. Wash
and Health sector continue to share data on contamination and diarrheal diseases, and other WASH related
diseases to identify hotspots.
A scale up plan is currently under design with the opening between November and December 2017 of 4 more
SC, 19 new OTPs, 10 BSFP and 10 TSFP and the extension of the outreach activities.
Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) hosted by IOM
Situation Report – Rohingya Refugee Crisis |7
An agreement has been reached on Blanket supplementary feeding program to be now reported under Nutrition
sector. Data verification is ongoing.
Nutrition sector is lobbying across sectors for prioritization of the most vulnerable (children under 5 and
pregnant and lactating women) and deliver a joint package of interventions covering 5 key sectors as a basis
(Nutrition, Food Security, WASH, Health and Shelter).
Needs: 70,395+
The total estimated people in need of protection interventions and activities include ppl reached with
917,500 estimated number of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh which includes: GBV sub-sector
33,000 registered refugees, 274,500 estimated unregistered refugees, prior to 2017, assistance
611,000 estimated arrivals since 25 August 2017. The protection sector is also
counting 300,000 host community and planning for 270,000 people as contingency.
With continuing new arrivals, comprehensive, protection-sensitive reception systems
need further development to ensure proper reception of all refugees (including those
Families with a
with vulnerabilities and specific needs). There is a lack of capacity of protection total of 594, 144
agencies and service providers to address protection risks and needs in host refugees counted
communities, villages and informal settlements. Targeted assistance to all persons through the
with specific needs requires scale up, including Psychosocial First Aid (PFA), RRRC-UNHCR
Psychosocial Support (PSS) and counseling services with a focus on the high
number of female single-head of households and separated children and specialized
family counting
service providers to manage complex cases including working with child survivors of exercise
sexual violence
Basic infrastructure, including drinking water points, lighting, signposting, and WASH
facilities are still not available to many of the refugees, or facilities need improvement
leading to protection needs, particularly for women and girls. Mainstreaming of GBV
risk mitigation and survivor support across humanitarian sectors needs to be
The over-crowdedness of the camps exacerbate many risks and limit humanitarian
actors’ ability to provide comprehensive protection services, including delivery points
for GBV response and prevention programing. The lack of space for communal
structures limits actors to offer child friendly spaces or safe spaces for women and
girls in locations that can be easily accessed or forces them to resort to limited mobile
Long distribution pathways and a lack of signposting lead to heightened risks for
women, children, elderly, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable refugees and increases the problem of
children being used by families to collect items.
A comprehensive cross-sectoral mapping of available services is an urgent need to ensure that services are
available and accessible to refugees in an equitable manner in the different locations, and to avoid duplication of
efforts. Information provision and dissemination (relating to all services and sectors) needs further improvement,
as do referral systems, including specialized systems to connect survivors to appropriate multi-sectoral GBV
prevention and response services in a timely and safe manner.
Also, community structures are to be fully mapped and strengthened, including issues of representation and
participation of women, to ensure that the communities can actively participate in decisions affecting them and
can contribute to their own protection and well-being.
Unaccompanied and separated children continue to face many risks, including the risk of being exposed to early
marriage and child labor. The identification of unaccompanied and separated children, as well as other children
at risk, needs to scale up to refer them to and provide them with appropriate support. Capacities for family
tracing and the system for reunification must be strengthened.
Border monitoring continued for the identification of new arrivals both through field missions and regular liaison
with contact persons at the main entry points. Efforts have continued to ensure that new arrivals are provided
with immediate basic assistance, including identification and protection interventions for the most vulnerable
Over the last week several groups of refugees arrived after dangerous journeys on makeshift rafts from logs,
bamboos and plastic jerrycans on the shores of the river Naf.
The joint RRRC-UNHCR family counting exercise continued and now covers 137,207 families and 594,144
individuals, out of which 54% are children and 3% elderly. The results show the high proportion of vulnerabilities
and specific needs among the refugee population and are an important step towards harmonizing the provision
of assistance.
After training of staff from different organizations, large scale community consultations with refugee women,
men, children, youth, older persons and persons with disabilities were first held with in Nayapara, followed by
sessions in Kerontoli/Chakmakul.
The sessions served to identify main protection and assistance concerns in terms of their priorities; the
community’s coping mechanisms and their role in finding and suggesting solutions; and understanding the
group’s information needs and gaps.
Issues identified for follow-up were broadly around ensuring adequate access to the most basic services such
as water, latrines, shelter/lights, chronic medication, education and information. Exploitation by landowners and
missing/detained family members (in Myanmar) were also reported.
Several information desks have been set up and more are being planned to better inform refugees of existing
services. The work on operationalizing referral pathways continued.
Over 70,395 people including 69,674 women and 721 girls were reached with GBV services, including GBV
case management, psychosocially support, dignity kits distribution, community outreach and awareness raising
Of a cumulative total of 2018 GBV incidents reported to date, 221 incidents were disclosed to GBV response
service providers in the reporting week. These incidents include, but are not limited to, sexual forms of violence.
Of these 75 percent of survivors reporting and incident of GBV this week received emergency medical referral
and support.
Approximately 4577 accessed peer support and recreation, case management, and GBV emergency referral
services in safe spaces for women and girls.
A total of 4352 men, women, boys, and girls received GBV service information through outreach and awareness
raising sessions.
A total of 9472 dignity kits were distributed to refugee women and girls in registered refugee camps. The Child
Protection (CP) actors are running 41 adolescent clubs that reached 5,884 adolescent boys and girls during the
reporting week.
CP actors were able to identify and register 2,462 unaccompanied and separated children
Activities to start family tracing and reunification for children and families in the camps are underway. Until
today, only a limited number of children could be reunited with their parents, separated either in the camps or on
their journey to Bangladesh.
providing support to survivors. The recruitment of qualified female staff remains a challenge and the turnover of
already recruited staff is also high due to the ongoing recruitment processes in all agencies.
The prolonged registration process and FD7 is hindering the deployment of new actors as well as the expansion
of the existing partners into providing much needed protection services, including child protection.
Gender- and age-segregated data and reporting needs improvement to better inform targeted protection
Law enforcement and community representation mechanisms must be strengthened in informal settlements and
block leaders should be trained in protection
Important steps were made towards coordinating protection assessments: through a new “assessment registry”
provided by Information Management, PWG members committed to regularly report about planned or ongoing
assessments which will be categorized and made available on the HR platform. This will allow not only to better
coordinate assessments, but also to better inform protection work.
The Cash Working Group was invited to present in the Protection Working Group on plans and strategies to
introduce cash and to start discussions on protection mainstreaming with regard to cash.
Needs: 170,000+
HH received
Shelter Upgrades and improved living conditions are the primary objectives of the
second phase of the response emergency shelter
Protection, health and other assessments are revealing that clothes for newborn and assistance since
small children are required (including hats and socks) urgently with the onset of 25 August
Needs include kitchen sets, efficient cooking stoves and fuel.
Targeted distributions are required to meet the needs of EVIs who did not receive
assistance in the initial blanket distributions.
Total Estimated Households reached to date with blankets and floor mats is over
117,000 HHs
Some sector partners are supplementing tarp and rope distributions with bamboo to
complete the emergency shelter kit or providing cash. 4,950 households have
received the emergency shelter kit.
New arrivals moving into expansion areas are provided with the full emergency
shelter kit.
The National Sector Associate and Co-Coordinate both joined the coordination team this week.
Market Assessment is ongoing and a multi-agency Shelter/NFI assessment is under development.
An estimated 700,000 people need Site Management assistance.
There is tremendous pressure on the existing settlements since the influx. There is a
need to quickly establish additional hubs and centers for the Kutupalong and Balukhali
expansions. Existing hubs (such as Balukhali MS) are now stretched in terms of
Infrastructure improvement and expansions are greatly required as people and
settlements are moving further and further away from the highway. The setting up of
new facilities will have to rely on foot-only access to bring in necessary equipment and
material. Set up of new hubs/nodes will need to take place in the extension areas with
collaborations from all service providers as well as community engagements.
There is a continued need for areas/zone/block boundaries as well as for naming
conventions to be standardized and agreed upon by all key stakeholders. It is important that zone and block
systems are harmonized in a manner that reflect the situations on the ground in order to form the basis for
address system.
New arrivals continue to come in through Teknaf where the host communities are no longer willing to take on
any more families and they are being referred for onward travel to Balukhali without reliant or consistent
transport support and adequate system to follow up.
The sector is reaching approximately 344,000 with basic mapping of leaders and community engagement
across 11 zones and 5 sites.
Additional orientation for local NGO partner was carried out on Saturday 3rd November, with a more extensive
training planned for the following week following request of another partner for a more comprehensive 2-day site
management training.
RRRC has now designated officials for camps in Ukhia, though the same information has not been provided for
SOPs for new arrivals to Balukhali areas have been established and coordination in the field is on-going as new
influx arrive.
The IOM NPM Round 7 data collection process has started and is expected to be completed by 20th November.
The IOM NPM Flow Monitoring team established network of key informants and setup standby mobile teams at
strategic points along the border to strengthen the timely reporting of new arrivals crossing the border points.
Key informant network is also being setup in strategic locations in new zones to better monitor the new arrivals
arriving at the sites.
Technical working group on site improvement is being planned for next Tuesday (14th November), in
collaboration with the shelter sector.
Total estimated people reached with immediate WASH assistance: 579,857 individuals
The WASH sector through REACH have completed mapping of all WASH facilities with GPS points and
produced fact sheets which are shared with the sector partners and are available on the website, to provide
information on functionality of WASH services.
Collectively the sector has reported cumulatively installing over the crisis period 4821 tube wells with hand-
pumps out of which 3375 are currently functional (70%). There are concerns about the quality of the
infrastructures (with a majority being too shallow), their appropriate siting, contamination, and their adequate
distribution given the continued population movements.
For sanitation, 26,163 temporary emergency latrines have been built out of which 17,136 are functional
(65.6%). There are concerns regarding the quality, durability and the geographic distribution of the
infrastructure. The partners are working on 2-3 pilot project for faecal sludge management.
Based on the urgent need, the WASH sector has finalized guidelines for decommissioning and desludging
including disposal/treatment for the sludge in order to improve the situation on the ground. Partners will begin
the desludging and decommissioning large number of non-functional latrines. The WASH coordination unit will
advocate with the Government for allocation of land for sludge treatment.
75,262 hygiene kits/NFIs have been distributed in the major spontaneous sites, makeshift settlements, and
refugee camps as well as in some nearby host communities. The sector partners have been asked to scale up
the hygiene promotion component of the response.
To boost up and harmonize the awareness activities partners identified the core indicators and communication
channels in coordination with other sectors.
WHO has mobilized 6 teams to carryout water quality testing of all the water points and at household (HH) level
and shared the results with the sector. The analysis of the results of the initial 630 samples indicated that the e-
coli contamination level in the household is around 69% and 11% at the source, total contamination 80%.
WASH sector is working on a strategy to improve water quality at source and at HH level.
The WASH Sector has also engaged in different inter-sectoral assessment/survey as well as contributed to a
strategic framework for a multisector approach.
To address the WASH related issues the WASH sector also complimented with the key indicators for the
UNDP sponsored ‘Rapid Environmental Impact assessment’.
During this reporting period WASH sector partners are conducting a series of Hydrogeological and Geophysical
investigation which will lead to identify the potential water aquifer to reduce the scarcity of ground water.
In line with the ongoing response pre-existing host community WASH intervention is also continued by the
WASH AWD preparedness and response plan has been finalized. A joint inter-sectoral task force has been set
up to finalize and integrate WASH with health/nutrition AWD plans. Mapping of supplies has been completed
and sector partners have been requested to procure additional supplies to fill the gaps.
To further decentralize coordination and improve decision making at site level, the WASH site focal points
agencies are meeting on a weekly basis to identify the gaps and map out infrastructure constructed by non-
traditional actors (private donors) and guide new partners.
The WASH sector coordination unit is actively participating in Military Coordination Cell meetings in order to
strengthen coordination with the Military.
REACH has completed the first round of infrastructure mapping with functionality status (WASH fact sheets) for
all the sites. Data collection for the second round of periodical infrastructure monitoring/mapping is completed
and the second round of maps should be out this week for all sites.
The humanitarian response in Cox’s Bazar is coordinated by an Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) which was
established after the previous significant influx of people in October 2016 to try and ensure better operational
coordination amongst agencies.
Eleven sectors are currently operating in CXB: Education (UNICEF/SCI), Food Security (WFP), Protection with
GBV and Child Protection Sub-Sectors (UNHCR, UNFPA and UNICEF), Nutrition (UNICEF), Health (WHO), WASH
(ACF/UNICEF), Logistics and Emergency Telecommunications (WFP), Shelter & NFI (IOM), Site Management
(IOM), and Multi-Sector ( for the registered refugee response in Nayapara and Kutupalong Registered Refugee
Camps, in place since the early 1990s, under UNHCR) along with two working groups – Communication with
Communities and Information Management.
The Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) operates under the strategic guidance provided by a Policy Group,
which includes UN, INGOs and donors at Dhaka level.
The Sectors liaise with relevant Government counterparts: Ministries, Departments or other authorities, and ensure
clear linkages with the national level clusters. Sectors are underpinned by the principles of the cluster approach,
allowing for a more effective coordination, the establishment of sector standards, needs assessments and analysis,
technical issues, and monitoring needs and gaps in the provision of humanitarian assistance.
Better coordination with the large number of Bangladeshi civil society organizations who are providing multiple,
small scale, but often uncoordinated distributions including clothing and food is required.
Individuals and private companies in Cox’s Bazar who would like to provide support to the Rohingya population
should contact the local authorities to ensure that this process is appropriately coordinated. The District
Administration has established a control room to support this – those individuals wishing to provide assistance
should call them on +88 0161 5700 900.
The Department of Public Health Engineering DPHE and the District Civil Surgeon have established mechanisms
in Cox’s Bazar to improve coordination with implementing agencies on WASH and health respectively. The Ministry
of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) district level RRRC will also be engaging in coordination with
humanitarian actors on the Kutupalong site establishment.
The government has not requested support from Foreign Medical Teams at this stage.
Logistics: The Logistics Sector Hub in Ukhia has now 16 operational MSUs. Three of these MSU’s is outside of
the Hub and has been erected as additional support to the Government. 20 x 20” containers are on the way to the
Logistics Sector Hub as a part of cyclone preparedness contingency plan as well as also to expand available cargo
space for Logistics Sector partners. The Logistics Sector is currently facilitating access to storage for five
organizations: UNICEF, WFP, Save the Children and Christian Aid and Solidarities. Total storage usage is currently
at 48% of available capacity. The Logistics Sector, with the support of Handicap International-Atlas Logistique, will
be providing space for a kitting area inside the Logistics Sector Hub. The cargo will be in the custody of the
Logistics Sector once it is kitted. Atlas Logistique/ HI is planning to open additional hub (1 MSUs) in Unchiprang,
and offer additional service of transport to all partners on a free to user basis. The Logistics sector has thus far
completed two trainings which was open to all humanitarian organizations. One tackled mobile storage and
maintenance with 16 participants from 10 partners. The second, on Warehouse standards, pest control and
warehouse management was conducted in the WFP compound in Cox’s Bazar with a practical component in the
Logistics Sector Hub on 8 November. Transportation provided by Atlas Logistiques will be operational within 15
days and more details will be provided at the 13 November Logistics Sector meeting
Kindly note, only five organizations sent their pipeline so far; all organizations are invited to share with the Logistics
Sector their pipeline templates as soon as possible.
Gender Needs: To provide a context overview for gender integration into humanitarian response, the GiHA
Working Group is currently working on a gender profile of the Rohingya community. The Profile will be a useful and
an active resource with an analysis the gender needs and constraints faced by the Rohingya. Excerpts from the
draft Gender Profile indicate that women and girls are generally expected to stay in the home and be close to their
family, whereas men and boys are more present in the public sphere. This will potentially limit women and girls
engagement in livelihood activities outside home. This will, for instance, need to be considered in cash for work
interventions. Although child marriage and polygamy is infrequent among Rohingya in Myanmar, it has been
increasing in recent years due to the scarcity of men and to economic difficulties which means girls are forced into
adult roles sooner. Considering the difficult economic circumstances in the refugee camps, parents could
potentially push their daughters to get married earlier than they would have otherwise, because they cannot afford
to provide for them. This indicates a protection issue to be noted by Child Protection actors.
Emergency Telecommunications (ETS) continues engaging with the Communicating with Communities (CwC)
Working Group. The ETS Services for Communities (S4C) advisor conducted initial assessments of community
needs and means in terms of communications. Several household interviews were conducted with the affected
Rohingya population – both refugees who arrived in Cox’s Bazar prior to the eruption of the recent crisis and the
newcomers (arrived after the 25 August 2017). Further assessments and engagement with the CwC Working
Group are planned from 11 to 21 October.
A telecommunications specialist from World Food Programme (WFP) Fast Information Technology and
Telecommunications Emergency and Support Team (FITTEST) conducted the assessment and mapped the radio
coverage for security telecommunications in Cox’s Bazar and the surrounding operational areas – Kutupalong,
Leda, Nayapara, Teknaf and Ukiya. The ETS recommendations were given to United Nations Department for
Safety and Security (UNDSS) to increase radio coverage by installing additional radio repeaters in order to
increase the security of humanitarians operating in the area. The new ETS Coordinator, Michael Dirksen, arrived in
Cox’s Bazar on Thursday, 9 November.
Communicating with Communities: CWC Working Group completed (on 6 November) the cross-sector cyclone
preparedness messaging, which will be used in the early warning and post-cyclone period. Messages involve all
aspects of pre-preparedness from clean water and shelter protection to keeping belongings safe and dealing with
feelings of panic and fear. The messages have been included in the Cyclone Preparedness plan, and a SOP for
message dissemination will be developed.
As part of its October monitoring report list of priorities, CWC indicated information dissemination for border arrivals
is a priority. CWC WG has completed a position paper of information for arrivals across the border which has been
incorporated into the draft Influx Task Force discussion paper.
IOM Needs and Population Monitoring: The NPM team will be reviewing the assessment questions and
indicators together with sector leads and information managers at the next IMWG, in preparation for launching the
next round of NPM by the start of November. The sector will be working to align tools used in site management /
community-based protection activities, as well as training materials, to ensure harmonized response. Contingency
planning discussions are ongoing with CwC WG and Logistics sectors.
Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) hosted by IOM
Situation Report – Rohingya Refugee Crisis | 14
ISCG NGO Coordination Cell: NGOs have begun receiving FD7 clearance, following engagement both in Dhaka
and Cox’s Bazar with NGO’s and sector leads. New NGOs should ensure that they coordinate their activities with
existing partners though the sectors. For further information, and assistance with clearances, please contact the
NGO Support Cell in the Inter-Sector Coordination Group – or
There is a weekly humanitarian forum every Sunday in Cox’s Bazar at 16:00 in the IOM Conference Room. The
humanitarian community is welcome to attend.
*Kindly note that the funding graphics use FTS reported figures, except for Education Sector, which is self-reported.