PZ Gruppe
PZ Gruppe
PZ Gruppe
Playsheet (09.02.08)
Roll 1D6 movement for each formation (may be modified for air superiority)
Engaged Disengaged (X Country/Road)
Leg/Horse D6-1 D6+2/4 Engaged may assault if 1 hex movement.
Motorised D6+3 D6+8/12
May put three units of one division (or Russian Corps) plus one higher level unit in a hex, otherwise
maximum of two units or if overridden by scenario. 2MP cost per hex.
Exploitation movement by mech/cav units which do not engage in combat and are to rear of a
successful attack involving at least one mech unit. Max one unit road movement per hex. Difficult
terrain costs +1MP or may be impassable. Minor rivers/canals may be crossed in engaged mode, major
rivers require bridge or engineer unit.
Must engage all enemy in hex, attacker allocates combat order and units. Support, logistic and artillery
units may not initiate assault combat. Modify SP as follows:
Support/HQ units adjacent and artillery in range may add base SPs to friendly combat unit and take
losses. Rockets and Field guns: 1 hex Heavy guns: 2 hex
Each side add score from 1D6 per engagement then compare scores.
Base removed if strength < 0 or attacked with strength of 0. Winner may advance into hex and loser
retreats. May retreat through friends but if physically unable to retreat, they are eliminated.
Supply routes traced back through friendly territory directly or via a chain of trucks/horses to a supply
head or road controlled at the start of the turn. Trucks have no combat value and automatically retreat
from combat, losing 1SP. They may not function at 0 SP.
Reorganisation. Stationary units out of enemy ZOC (including in fortifications) and in supply may
recover 1SP per turn up to starting value by rolling over current strength.
Infantry Foot or horse mounted infantry. May dig in and use fortifications.
Armour Tanks, SPGs etc
Support Engineers, AT, Flak, infantry guns, SPAT etc. May dig in and use fortifications.
Artillery Ranged tube or rocket weapons. Heavy artillery more useful against fortifications.
Logistic Trucks, carts. Used to extend range of supply sources.
Units logistic status is assessed at the end of each day, but control of roads is assessed at the start of
each day, so units can outrun their supply lines quite easily. Their inherent logistic reach is a normal
disengaged move back to a supply source, however dedicated logistic units can act as a bridge between
the supply source and the units, and may even form a chain. Make logistic ‘reach’ rolls separately from
normal move rolls, but supply units can be attacked from the air when moving.
A force is also rated for its logistic endurance, which basically determines how long a unit can exist on
low supply before becoming isolated.
poor - become isolated at once
average – become low supply on day one, then two isolated on day two.
good – no effect day one, low supply day two, isolated day three.
When resupplied, units go from isolated to low supply, then low supply to normal.
Some supply sources may only provide ‘low supply’, so if units cannot reach them they go unsupplied.
Some supply sources may be rated for capacity or endurance, this will vary with scenrio.
Air Power
Tactical air strikes have a notional SP of 5 but only add one Average Dice SP to a combat. They lose
SP from adverse combat results (subtracted from subsequent attacks), and losses may be repaired by
reorganisation. They are destroyed if cumulative losses exceed 5.
More commonly air power is abstracted into overall air superiority. This translates into possible losses
from air attack when units move as well as movement restrictions. If a formation rolls a 1 for its
movement, it may be subject to losses, and overall movement distances may be degraded.
Escarpments - linear obstacles & difficult terrain if attacked from the far side. Any motorised unit takes
an entire day to cross from one side to the other.
Rating Forces
Basic brigade, 1 per western battalion, 1 per 30 tanks, 1 per 30 artillery
Possibly 1 per 45 tanks, 1 per 30 guns?
+/- 1 for troop quality
+/- 1 for qualitative advantage/disadvantage
Tanks are not especially highly rated, however remember they are doubled fighting in the open, which
makes them pretty tough in good tank country.