Good Governance

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Joint Secretary to the Government of
Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh.


 Good governance as a concept

 Principles
 Main policy aspects
 Practical implementation
 Good governance - imperative for
sustainable growth and welfare for the
The collapse of traditional
Public Management
 Traditional public management: shortcomings in changing

 Monopoly power; rent seeking behaviour; inefficient

public sector programmes

 Social problems were not addressed satisfactorily

 The mission was not satisfactory service


A) New economic and political consencus: 1st -

growth and personal welfare, 2nd –social
welfare through government redistribution and
social programmes.

B) Efficient private and inefficient public sector

leads to great pressure for changes

The emergence of New Public Management

concept-mixture of market approach practices

The GG as concept and policy
 Main goals of the GG –increase efficiency in all government activities
(value for taxpayers money)

 GG model: squeezing the size of government, privatazing government

enterprizes; transfering the supply of public goods to private
companies; introducing competition where it is possible;learning from
the management of mature large companies strategic
management,changeHRM, performance appraisal)

 GG became dominant in government management

 Positive outputs: government institutions really became more efficient

!The companies got more space for market adjustment (deregulation).

 Incresing of public services have been delivered by private

companies;Citizens matter more!Government management became
more professional

The GG as concept and policy

Negative outputs: public institutions became more

commercilized ! Many people suffered from cutting social
programes;The SDS kept their rents; PPP create some
corruption practices ;NGO-s were not real partners;
General impression- market driven changes contributed
for more efficiency, but created dissatisfaction for many
social groups.

The gap between governments and citizens did not bridge !

People were not satisfied from management of their
government agencies.

The change of concept :
Re-inventing government
 In searching the more adequate profile: governments
reject the bureuacracy,but also the market ,as a main
driving force for public sector management

 D.Osburn, T.Gaebler: Re-inventing government(1992) –

the book which challenged and changed the understanding
of modern government

 Re-thinking the old questions: what government should do,

how and for whom ?

 Good government requires good governance. It is a

managerial approach, aimed to reach efficiency,
sustainable growth and better satisfaction of citizens needs
Good governance combines short and medium term

A) More cares and investments for solving the current

needs of societies (job, education, health)

B) coping with common society challenges (lack of

resources, ageing population, pollution, climate changes,
quality of life, intensive migration and so on)

Good governance adjust the changing need: technological

advance, openess of markets, global competition, higher
citizens expectations for better life

Re-inventing government:
new roles
 Catalytic government: steeringv(policy and regulation)
rather than rowing (service delivery) ;

 Community-owned government: empowering for serving ;

 Competitive government: injecting competition into

service delivery ;

 Mission-driven government: transformimg from rule-

driven attitude ;

 result-oriented government: meeting the needs of the

people, not the intermediary group

Decentralized government: from hierarchy
to participation and teamwork ;
Market-oriented governance - combination
of all new roles

Government vs market: government as a

driving force for changes, including new
opportunities for people participation in
social life and competitive atmosphere

From concept to policy:
Principles of good governance

 Rule of law
 Openess and transperancy
 Efficiency: results should reflect mission and goals
 Efectiveness: inputs/outputs
 Citizens as a clients of government
 Accountability (how we used taxpayers money)
 Predictability and reliability
 Partnership with concerned parties
 Coherency in all government actions
 Principles are drawn from good practices (evidence
based )
 Principles are guiding rules

Good governance :
main policy aspects
 Strategic Management: mission, vision, strategy, action
plans,innovations and changes

 Government organizational structure (clear roles of all institutions)

 Bulding up capacity to manage according to the principles policy
 Improvement of regulatory policies for pro people
 Better administrative services for citizens
 Public-Private Partnership
 Human resource management
 E-government
 Innovations,identification and dissemination of good practices

From concept to practice

 How principles of good governance can become practice in

short and medium term government actions:
A) set up legal rules nd compulsory enforcement for all
government actions
B) launch innovations ,decribe good practices and
disseminate among others (decentralized approach)
 International dimensions: learn best practices from
advanced countries
 Key factors for success:
A) Require strong political will
B) Professional,not manipulated, administration
C) Feedback from people
E) Active role of stakeholders : pressure of civil society
Good governance-tool for growth & welfare

 Good governance- now it is a dominant policy and practice

in developed democratic countries
 Good governance role : though education, better
regulation policy, to contribute for sustainable economic
growth and social welfare of citizens
 Good governance : it is not fashion, it is an efective tool to
manage services and to serve citizens in best way
 Good governance in a global context: it is a concept, policy
and practice
 The role of government-to create harmomious society

Good governance as a whole
Dealing with strengthening trust, accountability,
transparency and participatory process in
government so that it can serve citizens more
effectively, efficiently and responsively.

Evolutions and Changes
 The old public management –bureacratic
style, ineffective management

 The new public management:
market-driven approach, effective management, but
social disappointments

 Good governance:
Aimed to reach sustainable growth and public sector
efficiency , as well as citizens satisfaction and social

 The new, rational social ideas and concepts have led to innovative
changes in government policies ;
 Global impact: when new practices testified its efficiency, they became
guidelines for changes in other countries ;
 The Good Governance as a policy options is based on the concept for
re-inventing government,real policy changes and number of good
practices in most developed countries
 From the begining of 21 century we have intensive dissemination of
good governance principles and practices all over the world
 Today, there is almost full concensus among social stakeholders:
modern public management requires implementation of good
governance principles
 Good governance is a policy approach aimed to increase public sector
efficiency and citizens satisfaction from having responsible and
commited government.
 Good governance in global context: require learning and sharing
knowledge and practices among scientists, policymakers, NGO-s from
many other countries.

Thank you for your attention


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