Unit Title Lesson: Lesson Title
Unit Title Lesson: Lesson Title
Unit Title Lesson: Lesson Title
Lesson: 2 of 10
Lesson Title:
Connecting with the Issue: Making Learning Personal
Lesson Background:
Students have learned what Photovoice is and how it can be a powerful tool for people to have
their voices heard about important issues in their communities. Students will explore their
personal connection to the research question in this lesson.
Note: The words “female” and “girl” will be omitted from the research questions given to
students, but the words are inserted here to remind the teacher of original RQ being investigated
in this curricular intervention.
1. How does using Photovoice help the teacher learn about [female] students’ interests in
STEAM as it relates to environmental science?
2. How will connecting curriculum to [female] students’ interest influence middle school
students [girls] to have a curiosity in environmental STEAM disciplines?
Lesson Objectives:
1. Students should be able to recognize they each have similar and different perspectives
about they should learn and do at school.
2. Students will publicly speak about their ideas related to the issue.
3. Students will listen to the ideas of others.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn how to listen to others and gain the perspectives of others even if they disagree.
2. Students will gain knowledge about themselves and how they relate to the issue of what
they should learn in classes at school.
3. Students begin to recognize their voice matters in the issue and become more comfortable
sharing their ideas so they become empowered ask for what they want to learn and obtain
new skills.
Key Words:
Photovoice, Participatory Action Research, Perspective, Student Voice, Empowerment
Post-It Notes
Student Voice Video Example:
Tupac 17 year old Interview (start at 18:50)
Photovoice Unit Google Slides numbers 18-21
Setting: Classroom
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and
quantitatively, as well as in words and orally.
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of
formal English when indicated or appropriate.
Conventions of Standard English:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking.
Cue up Tupac Shakur video at 18:50 to watch his viewpoints on education.
Write “Quote” on flip-chart paper and hang where students can see it.
Part I (Day 1)
A. Understanding the Issue: Reflecting on Student Voice and Choice
1. This activity is a (TH)Ink, Pair, Share. Have students do a quick write response to the
prompts below in their field journal. The prompts should be projected on the whiteboard
from the Photovoice Unit slides, slide number 18.
o How important is it to choose what you learn? Why?
o Should you have a say in what topics you’re learning in your classes?
Lessons Adapted from YPAR
To help you have choices in what you learn in school - or this class, Environmental
Literacy, explore your personal connection to this issue below:
2. Write your name and responses to these questions on a notecard. Repeat this instruction.
3. Do not tell the students they are sharing until after you collect their cards. They will
become nervous and not be able to think if they know they will be in the spotlight ahead
of time.
4. While students write down their connection to the issue, walk around the room and
answer questions. Also, read the students post-it note responses on the “Quote” poster.
Lessons Adapted from YPAR
Part II (Day 2)
D. Two Minute Presentations
1. Students will present their connection to the issue.
2. Have students set up their journals with a notetaking graphic and display the whiteboard.
See slide number 23.
3. Set up the Two-Minute timer (slide # 24).
4. Shuffle the cards to determine the presenter. Give the student their prepared notecard to
share their connection to the issue.
5. Instruct the students to take notes during the student share to see where they share ideas,
differ or gain new perspectives.
E. Reflection (Closure)
Slide #25
1. Have students review the ideas their classmates shared and discuss the following?
a) How many of you shared the same ideas with your classmates?
b) How many of you found new ideas you did not think of before?
c) Whose ideas resonated with you and state why?
d) Whose ideas did you disagree with and state why?
Students may not understand how important their contributions are to this Photovoice unit of
Students may not believe their voice will be heard and modifications to instruction will be made
to address their interests in STEAM and environmental science.
Check for understanding during sharing of “Personal Connection to the Issue”
Adjust lessons according to specific IEP/504 plans.
Monitor student progress and troubleshoot with those who are struggling with understanding
If students are terrified to present, they may record their presentation in Screencastify and share
with me to display in class. The recording must be done at home, at lunch or break, if students
Lessons Adapted from YPAR
opt out of a live presentation in class. Check-in with students to let them know of this
Give more time to complete responses for those who need it.