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ENGLISH 7: Philippine Literature

Name: ____________________________________________Date:_____________ III. 2 GENDER OF NOUN

Grade Level and Section: __________________________Score: _____________
Directions: Read silently each of the sentences below. Identify the boldfaced and
underlined words to which gender of noun they belong. Write your answer/s on the
space provided. Choose your answers on the box below.
General Directions: Fill out necessary information above in all CAPITAL 16. The king has arrived from a long vacation in Paris.______________________
LETTERS ONLY and follow all the directions presented in this worksheet 17. Her brother is a top performing students in San Antonio School._____________
below. Begin in number 6. 18. The lady wearing a pink dress is my sister.______________________________
19. The dogs were trapped.______________________________
TEST I. LISTENING SKILLS: This part is reserved for prelim/periodical 20. The empress will be announcing her marriage soon.__________________
Proper Feminine Masculine Neuter

Directions: Study each of the boldfaced and italicized words in the sentences Directions: Examine each of the enclosed verbs in each sentence. Rewrite each
below. Choose the letter of the correct answer on the box and write your answers sentence using Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense and Simple Future
before the number. AVOID ERASURE/S. Tense if needed and also write your sentences on the space provided.

a. jealous b. triumph c. courageous III-3. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE

d. be sorry/change ways e. declaration f. acquire something 21. We (study) English Literature. _______________________________________.
22. Liza (go) to school regularly.________________________________________
____6. The old king was full envy toward his younger brother, Prince Bantugan.
23. Juliana (eat) macaroni salad._________________________________________
____7. Prince Bantugan was so handsome, good and brave.
24. Her friends (read) books in the library.__________________________________
____8. Soon Prince Bantugan returned victorious from the battle.
25. Carlo and Jose ( play) basketball._____________________________________
____9. The king made proclamation that all of his people must come to look at the
26. She ( bring) an umbrella.___________________________________________.
prince so that he would know who was that man came from.
27. They ( read) a Bible._______________________________________________
____10. His brother was full of repentance.
28. Donna ( recites) a poem.____________________________________________
29. Liza and Leta ( sing) their favorite song.________________________________
30. Today, they ( celebrate) the Nutrition month.____________________________
Directions: Read silently each of the sentences below. Identify the underlined and 31. It (is) hot yesterday._______________________________________________
boldfaced words/phrases if it is a Colloquialism or Slang. Write your answer/s on 32. He ( attended) the program._________________________________________
the space provided. AVOID ERASURES. 33. Liza ( speak) about you._____________________________________________
34. I ( visit) my sick friend yesterday.______________________________________
11. Her telly was originally bought in London.____________________________ 35. They ( enjoy) the party last night.______________________________________
12. The quiz yesterday was a piece of cake!________________________ 36. She ( write) a letter yesterday.________________________________________
13. We wanna thank you for everything you have done for us.________________ 37. Many of them ( participate) the sportsfest.______________________________
14. We need your oral presentation ASAP.________________________________ 38. The kite ( fly) away.________________________________________________
15. I am gonna leave my friends for good in Australia._______________________ 39. She ( is) absent yesterday.__________________________________________
40. None of them ( pass) the exam.______________________________________

Worksheets in Philippine Literature pg. 1 of 3

ENGLISH 7: Philippine Literature
41.Tom (attend) the conference next month.____________________________. Directions: Read silently and carefully a short Philippine epic below. Encircle the
42.They (shop) all afternoon.____________________________________________ letter of the correct answer/s. AVOID ERASURE/S.
43.They (study) until 5 o'clock.__________________________________________
44. She (play) tennis until she gets tired.__________________________________
45. I (cook) dinner when he arrives tonight.________________________________ The Story of Bantugan
46. Bruno Mars ( sing) his fans tonight._____________________________
47. I ( return) very soon._________________________________________ The Kingdom of Bumbaran were ruled by the old king. But the old king was full envy
48. Dirck ( wait) at the library.______________________________________ toward his younger brother, Prince Bantugan. Prince Bantugan was so handsome, good and
49. They ( visit) their friends in Britain soon.___________________________ brave. Every time someone praised him. The old king looked angry with him. One day
50. They ( are) present yesterday.___________________________________ enemies attacked the kingdom of Bumbaran and Prince Bantugan led his men to defend the
TEST IV-WRITING SKILLS kingdom, the evil king plotted against the good prince. Soon Prince Bantugan returned
Directions: Study each of the sentences below and Identify its Use. Copy correctly and victorious from the battle. He knew that his brother hated him, so he decided to left the
completely the sentences below. Choose your answers on the box below and write kingdom of Bumbaran. In his journey he heard about the beautiful land of the Kingdom-
clearly your answers on the space provided. Between-Two-Seas. It was ruled by a good king and the beautiful princess Datimbang, his
sister. He decided to go to that kingdom. But when he stood outside the gates. He suddenly
51. There was a couple in Barangay Masagana who wanted a daughter. felt very weak. Prince Bantugan fell to the ground and died. The king and the princess of the
_________________________________________/__________________________ kingdom were shocked when they saw the stranger lying. Princess Datimbang fallen in love to
52. They thought it was their daughter, Maria. the stranger. No one knew who the stranger.
53. They rob houses and kill everyone who gets in their way. The king made proclamation that all of his people must come to look at the prince so
__________________________________________/_________________________ that he would know who was that man came from. But no one knew who's that man. The two
54. Maria was very beautiful but very shy that she wouldn't go out from their house. parrot talking each other about Prince Bantugan. The parrot of Prince Bantugan said, I lost my
_________________________________________/__________________________ master, he left Bumbaran never to return. Another parrot said. He is dead. But you can see
55. Who wanted a daughter? his body in the palace where he is lying in royal state. The parrot flew to the palace. He saw
___________________________________/________________________________ his master's body, and said, he was so good to his people. He defended them in war. He
56. Every time someone praised him. cured the people when they were sick. When the king heard what the parrot said. He brought
__________________________________/_________________________________ the body of Prince Bantugan into the kingdom of Bumbaran. Everyone quiered for the good
57. It was ruled by a good king and the beautiful princess Datimbang. Prince Bantugan. His brother was full of repentance. Blaming himself for the death of his
brother. Prince Madali his brother loved him so much. He got the soul of Prince Bantugan
58. Prince Bantugan fell to the ground and died.
from the angel of death.When he reached the palace of Bumbaran then he transferred the
soul of Prince Bantugan to his body. The body stirred Prince Bantugan alive as if just
59. Who fell in love to the stranger?
awakened from a deep sleep. They celebrated the return of their Prince. Later Prince
60. Please bring the body of Prince Bantugan into the kingdom of Bumbaran. Bantugan married Princess Datimbang
Retrieved from: http://sci-marinduque.blogspot.com/2012/07/summary-of-good-prince-
Exclamatory sentence Interrogative sentence bantugan.html
61. What is the title of the epic?
Imperative sentence Declarative sentence Compound sentence
a. The Story of Bantugan b. The Story of Vantugan c. The Story of Mantugan

Worksheets in Philippine Literature pg. 2 of 3

ENGLISH 7: Philippine Literature
62. In the story, he was so handsome, good and brave. VI. 3 Directions: Read silently the statement/s below and identify to what kind of
figures of speech/metaphorical language is used/emphasized.Write your answers on
a. Prince Bantugan b. Prince Alfred c. Prince Alladin
the space provided and choose your answer/s on the box below. ( 2pts each).
63. What is the name of the kingdom where Prince Bantugan lived? 76. Errors like straws upon the surface flow.________________________
77. The camel is the ship of the desert._______________________________
a. Kingdom of Bumbaran b. Kingdom of Saudi c. Kingdom of Boomerang
78. Little Sampaguita with the wandering eye, did a tiny air drop you where you
64. What is the name of kingdom where Princess Datimbang whom was eventually lie?_____________________________
married to Prince Bantugan? 79. That time is past, and all its aching joys are now no more, and all its dizzy
a. Kingdom by the sea b. Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas c. Kingdom of the 80. I know both heaven and earth were
Poor mine.__________________________________________.

65. Who got the soul of Prince Bantugan from the angel of death.When he reached Simile Metaphor Apostrophe Oxymoron Hyperbole Paradox
the palace of Bumbaran then he transferred the soul of Prince Bantugan to his body?

a. Prince Madali b. Prince Malakas c. Prince Philip TEST VII-VIEWING SKILLS

TEST VI-LITERATURE APPRECIATION SKILLS Directions: Read very carefully each of the statement/s and identify to what genre of
viewing is being described. Write very clearly your answers on the space provided
VI. 1 Directions: Complete the table by identifying and checking (/) to what Period of and choose your answers on the box below.
Early Philippine Literature they belong. AVOID ERASURES. (2pts. each)
81. This genre aims to make you learn different information.___________________
Literature/s PERIOD OF EARLY PHILIPPINE LITERATURE 82.This genre tells you about the things that happened
Pre- Spanish Propaganda Revolutionary Puritan today._____________________
colonial Period Period Period Period
83. This genre has dances, songs and games.______________________
66. Noli Me Tangere 84.. This genre is best viewed at night, nearing Halloween and All Saints’
67. El Filibusterismo Day.__________________________
68. Comedia at
85. This genre is about television shows intended for children/kids._______________
69. Pasyon
Animated Children Comedy Drama
70. Dandansoy Educational
71.Salubong and News Horror Variety Show Fantasy
72. The Legend of
Lake Buhi
73. El Debate Learning a language through Philippine literature is discovering the roots and branches of our
74. Docrina Cristiana past and that uniquely shows our individualities. Sir Pera, BIndt, BSEd-English, LPT
75. Urbana at Feliza

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