Maintenance Prevention On Coal Fired Power Plant Boiler

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The key takeaways are that maintenance prevention aims to minimize breakdown time and keep machine efficiency, availability, and reliability high by anticipating failures and planning maintenance. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is used as a systematic approach to analyze, define, budget, and assess risks in boiler operations.

The purpose of maintenance prevention is to maintain the reliability and availability of boiler engines performance by providing predictions of potential damage and failures and creating operating standards to maintain engine reliability and performance.

Some common failure modes of boiler systems discussed in the text include failures in boiler operation components, leakage failures in water tubes, and selective oxidation of boiler materials under different exposure conditions.

Volume 3, Issue 8, August – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Maintenance Prevention on Coal Fired Power Plant

Guntur Pratama Putra, Miswanti, Erry Rimawan
Master of Industrial Engineering Program, Mercu Buana University
Jln. Menteng Raya No 29, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, 10340, Indonesia

Abstract:- Today the need for electrical energy is The failure mode and effect analysis is used to identify
inseparable from human life, almost all human life needs and analyzed: (1) all failure mode of different parts of the
to use electricity. Starting from household needs, boiler system machine, (2) effects of this failure mode on
workplace needs, almost entirely using electricity the boiler system and (3) how to circumvent the failure
because electricity is energy that is easily transformed and/or moderate the effect of the failed boiler system.
into other energy. Electricity can be used for FMEA is a step by step tactic to identifying all possible
applications that require small to large energy. failure throughout the processes. “Effect Analysis” denotes
Therefore, the reliability and availability of electricity to studying the consequences of those failures (Rakesh, Jos,
will be maintained to ensure that no activity is & Mathew, 2013).
constrained due to the absence of electricity. With
maintenance prevention, we can minimalize breakdown FMEA provides a methodology for documenting
time, keep the machine efficiency, machine availability, phenomena occurring phenomenon based on the root of the
and machine reliability with implementing maintenance problem to assist in the ongoing improvement process. This
prevention the breakdown of the machine can anticipate is a systematic approach to analysis, definition, budgeting,
and we can plan to doing maintenance. and risk assessment in boiler engine operations. In this case,
we use FMEA in analyzing the main causes of failure of the
Keywords:- PowerPlant, Boiler, Thermal Power, gas oil boiler system.
Maintenance Prevention.
FMEA discipline was developed not from manufacture
I. INTRODUCTION process but from the United States Military. Military
Procedure MIL-P-1629, titled Procedures for Performing a
Electricity is a useful form of human life and an Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis, dated
important factor in supporting the development of the area. November 9, 1949. FMEA is a Formal Design Methodology
As more and more people, the economic growth and in the 1960s by the aerospace industry, with obvious
development of the industrial sector led to the need for reliability and safety requirements(Sharma & Srivastava,
greater electricity. This is happening in major cities and in 2016).
rural areas so that electricity supply is optimally and freely
available. Electricity demand is increasing year by year and Preventive maintenance is a means of maintaining the
the lack of development of new power plants in Indonesia reliability and availability of boiler engines performance.
leads to an energy crisis. Provides everything that will happen to the machine and
predicts damage from anomalies that occur. Predict damage
Today the government is entrusting the private sector and create operating standards to maintain engine reliability
to participate in running electricity, especially for remote and performance.
areas. Thermal energy is indispensable for investors as it has
a relatively quick point compared to other electrical energy II. LITERATURE REVIEW
management methods. The thermal power commonly used
in Indonesia is heating the water so that it becomes a high- Maintenance is normally perceived to have a poorer
pressure steam that will make the turbine generator blades rate of return than any other major budget item. Yet, most
produce electricity that we can use. companies can reduce maintenance costs by at least one-
third, and improve the level of productivity, by giving
In operation, the machine used to heat water is called maintenance the management priority it requires (Ahuja
Boiler.In a simple a boiler may be defined as a closed vessel & Khamba, 2008).
in which steam is produced from water by combustion of
fuel(Kumar, Kumar, & Sharma, 2014). Steam boilers are Maintenance prevention teams work to improve
closed vessels that contain water and will be heated so that equipment performance through improved equipment
certain pressures and temperatures can rotate the steam design. The maintenance function works with the
turbine. Because the heating process can be used to rotate engineering department during the early stages of equipment
the turbine requires a considerable time from 2-3 hours to a design. This allows the team to design and install equipment
capacity below 100MW, so the failures in the Boiler that is easy to maintain and operate (Swanson, 2001).
operation are maintained so that the reliability of the electric
power system remains optimistic.

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Volume 3, Issue 8, August – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The goal of maintenance prevention (MP) is to reduce Boiler design will affect reboot speed when failure
maintenance costs and deterioration losses in new occurs. Good boiler designs will have several levels of
equipment by considering past maintenance data and the reinforcement so that when the source fails, other sources
latest technology when designing for higher reliability, will help to reboot the system quickly. Hopefully with this
maintainability, operability, flexibility, safety, and other system the reliability of the system will always be
requirements (Kirby, 2013). maintained and the amount of electrical disturbance will be
avoided (Zeng et al., 2014).
Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is an
engineering technique used to eliminate potential failures, The concept of maintenance is wide ranging. It covers
problems and errors in the system and determine their malfunction correction, preventive and continuous
effects on the operation of the product. It could be a design, maintenance, inspections and monitoring. Neglected
manufacturing process and services of products before it maintenance routines may cause harm to people, to the
reaches to the customers. The analysis of the evolution may process equipment and to the environment. Shutdown
take two courses of action (Kumar et al., 2014). periods district heat producing power plants are usually
scheduled for the summer season when the steam demand
FMEA is to develop, evaluate and enhance the design seasonally drops at its lowest, but in pulp and paper industry
development and testing methodologies to achieve the sector the demand is to operate as long as possible between
elimination of failures and thus obtain world-class the shutdowns (Sevtsenko, 2011) .
competitive products. The main advantages of using FMEA
methods are: Reduction of Costs, with a critical impact on Good air conditioners of electric motor unit units and
warranty returns; Reduction of the Time needed from the instruments are recommended. It is also a designer job to
project phase to the market launch and Improvement of the design a heat-resistant system, since the boiler system will
Quality and Reliability of the products, while increasing the have a high temperature. When the machine has a
safety of their operation (Sharma & Srivastava, 2016). temperature specification close to the operating temperature
then the equipment should be supplemented with additional
Maintenance is normally perceived to have a poorer cooling which will help distribute heat from the system to
rate of return than any other major budget item. Yet, most the coolant. it is expected that the cooling performance of
companies can reduce maintenance costs by at least one- the engine will be more robust and reliability will be
third, and improve the level of productivity, by giving maintained (Apriliasari & Ichsan, 2013) .
maintenance the management priority it requires (Ahuja
& Khamba, 2008). The tube boiler has a high damage point if it is not
treated properly, since the boiler temperature change needs
The failure mechanism of tube boiler is identified due to be arranged in such a way that the expansion and decay of
to the short-term overheating as result of the localized flue the boiler tube material can also be adjusted. With drastic
gas flow following massive clinker formations in primary changes in constant and repeated temperatures will cause
super heater region of the boiler (Pratama & Hardi, cracks in the boiler tube (Epelbaum, Hanson, & Seitz,
2018). 2010).

Cracks in the boiler are due to the buildup of crusted The oxidation prevailing in the boiler tube will also
ash but are not immediately cleaned so there will be a make the tube boiler become fragile and easily cracked. so
dramatic temperature difference between the furnace and the treatment uses chemicals that make the water quality
one side that has a crust stockpile, thus causing cracking enter the oxygen-free boiler, the silica that can settle on the
(Hare, Rasul, & Moazzem, 2010). wall of the boiler, the iron will interfere with the instrument
and improve the conductivity in the boiler feed water (Meier
Maintenance is normally perceived to have a poorer et al., 2010).
rate of return than any other major budget item. Yet, most The internal corrosion of boiler pressure parts (water
companies can reduce maintenance costs by at least one- tube) mainly has four forms: steam corrosion, oxygen
third, and improve the level of productivity, by giving corrosion, corrosion and corrosion under the scale. Case one
maintenance the management priority it requires. That is steam corrosion. Steam surface metal at higher than 400
priority must span all levels of an organization’s degree Celsius iron contact with steam to form Fe3O4 film,
management structure to develop an understanding at each this is the steam corrosion. Case two is oxygen corrosion.
level of the significance maintenance can have upon the The boiler feed water and oxygen in the process of
success or failure of organization objectives (Ahuja & electrochemical corrosion of the cathode polarization so we
Khamba, 2008). must eliminate the oxygen from the system with chemical
treatment, electrochemical etching speed, the higher the
Criticality analysis is a tool used to evaluate how temperature, the corrosion is block. Preventive measures:
equipment failures impact organizational performance in feed water deaerator, control water content; control the coal
order to systematically rank plant assets for the purpose of economizer tubes of water speed of not less than 0.3m/s, to
work prioritization, material classification, PM / PdM prevent air bubbles trapped in the pipe wall. Case three is
development and reliability improvement initiatives (Afefy, alkali corrosion. When the temperature is high, accelerated
2010). electrochemical corrosion, the higher the temperature, the

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Volume 3, Issue 8, August – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
greater the more strongly alkaline, corrosion (Luo & commissioning, and replacement parts and components
Zhang, 2013). planning(Swanson, 2001).

Most of the power plants are designed by the energetic TPM uses the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
performance criteria based on the first law of and Maintenance prevention serves to see the entire boiler
thermodynamics only. The real useful energy loss cannot be condition. Currently the company is doing a reduction for
justified by the first law of thermodynamics, because it does higher efficiency (Kholil, Maulidina, & Rimawan, 2016).
not differentiate between the quality and quantity of energy
(Anjali & Kalivarathan, 2015). To determine the precautionary care parameters must
first be aware of root problems that exist in the machine,
The air preheater are more important of boiler such as instruments that have critical functions but also
auxiliary. The air preheater improves performance of the fragile in operation.
plant due to more heat transfer to incoming cold air for
combustion. Cleaning of plugging or fouling reduce power Boilers are the main heat transfer units in a power
consumption, unit heat rate and coal consumption. Overall plant, though there are other heat transfer units associated
performance and profit of power plant hence increase with power plants, but unwanted deposits like slagging and
(Sheikh & Agarwal, 2017). fouling occurred mainly in boilers(Hare et al., 2010).

One of the most powerful methods available for Advantages of pressure in the system and drastically
measuring the reliability of products or process is FMEA. changing pressure will cause system instability and the risk
Probably the greatest criticism of the FMEA has been its of damage to the components of the boiler, especially on the
limited use in improving designs (Ambekar, Edlabadkar, tool and the water wall (Tomašková, 1929). so much more
& Shrouty, 2013). pressure settings are required to be accommodated by the
safety valve that will soon be opened when there is a greater
III. METHODS pressure as the sudden release to the load causes the steam
flow to the turbine to be drastically reduced by the
To implement the Maintenance Prevention (MP) we government. Better in termination of load should be
must build the solid team for planning and be executing the followed by operator maneuver so more pressure will be
action.MP should be performed for capital projects, redesign avoided.
or modification of current assets, equipment installation and

Fig 1:- Maintenance Prevention flow diagram (Swanson, 2001).

From Fig. 1 we can see the maintenance prevention maintenance be reduced. Optimize equipment efficiency and
design is part of all system in business, in relation to reduce disability levels.
business planning in the future and after implementing
So in implementing preventive maintenance, there will
preventive maintenance is expected to cost production and
be assessments related to what has been implemented. The
PDCA system will be useful to accommodate it.

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Volume 3, Issue 8, August – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Maintenance prevention performance will always be IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
maintained and continue to evolve to maintain its business
quality (reliability, availability, and efficiency of boiler Coal boilers have critical component components that
engines). should always be maintained and maintained, and should be
replaced periodically to maintain their reliability. To support
Annual shutdown inspections include all the most
it, good planning and backed by compact teams will help
urgent areas at that time such as: boiler water wall, boiler
boost the boiler engine.
tube, instrument, nozzle, etc. Special attention should be
paid for especially equipment for the areas that are expected All maintenance personnel have the ability to analyze
to be problematic. In case worn parts were found during damage from the boiler machine, thus predicting the
inspections, repairing actions are planned beforehand for the components that need to be replaced. The creation of a work
next year’s shutdown or in planned shutdown in every plan and action plan for improvement is also needed to
month. In case, the wear has already gone too far and facilitate the work system. So if the field is not confused
malfunction is expected to appear in the near future, about what to do, and be systematically working to shorten
correcting actions must be performed within the prevailing the working hours.
time and resources. In this case the main focus is to keep the
Maintenance prevention models are created during the
boiler running until the next possible shutdown (Sevtsenko,
design process to know the system's critical point points and
2011).But it is better if there is a possibility of damage in the
facilitate future maintenance. Preventive care is also
same place still exists. Maintenance personnel have
regularly reviewed to obtain optimum results to follow with
provided spare parts to take care of when the damages
how the current engine behavior.
happen again.

No. Planed Action Equipment Risk of Operation

If there is a blockage in the coal nozzle will
cause the operation, check that the nozzle
1 Clean and Nozzle Check Coal Nozzle
diameter is still in accordance with the
standard or needs to be replaced.
The water walls and water tubes in the
boilers have a critical point in their
Check Water Wall, and operations so they must always be
2 Boiler furnace, boiler
Water tube area maintained. Cleaned from all crusts outside
and also always checked silica locally
inside to maintain system reliability.
The boiler feed water source has a special
Check quality of Feed specification that must always be met to
3 Water. Iron, silica, Water Treatment maintain the quality of the boiler so that
conductivity, pH damage to the operation of the tubes and
boilers overlap will be minimized.
The instrument in the boiler should always
be in good condition to minimize damage.
Check Instrument And
4 Instrument Check and re-calibrate shall always be
Calibration if Needed
performed to ensure the accuracy of the
Table 1:- Planning on maintenance coal boiler

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