4 Omnibus Handouts
4 Omnibus Handouts
4 Omnibus Handouts
*if preferred project not listed- at least fifty percent (50%) of its total production is for export or it
BOOK I is an existing producer which will export part of production;
- the sale abroad of export products bought by it from one or more export producers;
Who can qualify for incentives under EO 226? - in rendering technical, professional or other services or in exporting television and motion pictures
Persons or entities that engage in the priority and musical recordings made or produced in the Philippines directly or through a registered trader.
areas of investment under the Investment
Priorities Plan may avail of the incentives (3) The applicant is capable of operating on a sound and efficient basis; and
provided under the Code upon registration with
the Board of Investments. (4) To install an adequate accounting system or to establish a separate corporation for each preferred
project undertaken
The following incentives are available to a BOI-registered enterprise:
a. Income Tax Holiday (ITH) a. 5-years additional deduction for labor expense,
equivalent of fifty percent (50%) of the wages of
o New projects with a pioneer status for six(6) years; additional skilled and unskilled workers in the direct
o New projects with a non-pioneer status for (4) years; labor force. This incentive shall be granted only if the
o Expansion projects for three (3) years, limited to incremental enterprise meets a prescribed capital to labor ratio and
sales revenue/volume as a general rule; shall not be availed simultaneously with ITH.
o New or expansion projects in less developed areas ("LDAs") 3 for
six (6) years, regardless of status; and, b. Registered enterprises locating in LDAs or in areas
o Modernization projects for three (3) years, limited to incremental deficient in infrastructure, public utilities and other
sales revenue/volume, as a general rule. facilities may deduct from taxable income an amount
equivalent to the expenses incurred in the development
b. A registered enterprise with a bonded manufacturing warehouse shall of necessary and major infrastructure works. This
be exempt from customs duties and national internal revenue taxes on its privilege is not granted to mining and forestry-related
importation of required supplies/spare parts for consigned equipment or projects.
those imported with incentives.
c. Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, duty, impost and fees
4. Non-fiscal Incentives
for exports of non-traditional export products.
a. Employment of foreign nationals in supervisory,
d. For agricultural producers, exemption from the payment of all taxes
technical or advisory positions for five (5) years form
and duties on their importation of breeding stocks and genetic materials.
date of registration. The position of president, general
manager and treasurer of foreign-owned registered
enterprises or their equivalent shall however not be
subject to the foregoing limitations.