Pengaruh Zat Aditif
Pengaruh Zat Aditif
Pengaruh Zat Aditif
KUMBÁR VOJTĚCH, VOTAVA JIŘÍ. 2014. Excessive Additive Effect On Engine Oil Viscosity. Acta
Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 62(5): 1015–1020.
The main goal of this paper is excessive additive (for oil filling) effect on engine oil dynamic viscosity.
Research is focused to commercially distribute automotive engine oil with viscosity class 15W–
40 designed for vans. There were prepared blends of new and used engine oil without and with oil
additive in specific ratio according manufacturer’s recommendations. Dynamic viscosity of blends
with additive was compared with pure new and pure used engine oil. The temperature dependence
dynamic viscosity of samples was evaluated by using rotary viscometer with standard spindle.
Concern was that the oil additive can moves engine oil of several viscosity grades up. It is able to lead
to failure in the engine. Mathematical models were used for fitting experimental values of dynamic
viscosity. Exponential fit function was selected, which was very accurate because the coefficient
of determination R2 achieved high values (0.98–0.99). These models are able to predict viscosity
behaviour blends of engine oil and additive.
1016 Vojtěch Kumbár, Jiří Votava
engines. Its properties are 15W-40 viscosity class, by selection of spindle and its rotation velocity.
A3/B3 ACEA Standard, SH/CF API Standard, Relevant evaluation of the results is conditioned by
and 501.01/505.00 VW Standard. The used engine detailed knowledge of tested material. It is necessary
oil was taken from Renault Kangoo, 1.4i (55 kW), to classify the material in a correct way (Kumbár
manufactured in 1999, with oil raid 15,100 km. Oil and Dostál, 2014).
additive was Oil Treatment (produced in the USA), The sample oil was measured in temperature
which is characterized by sentence: “fights friction range −5 °C to +95 °C using standard spindle of R3
to help protect against engine wear by providing type, which is the most suitable spindle for this kind
a thicker cushion between moving engine parts”. of test specification. The spindle speed (revolutions
The recommended oil-additive ratio is 1:10. per minute) was selected to 30 rpm.
Measuring of temperature dependence
of dynamic viscosity of given engine oil and blends
was performed using rotational viscometer
Anton Paar DV–3P. This experimental device Temperature dependence dynamic viscosity
measures the torque of rotating spindle placed into of new engine oil, used engine oil, new engine
the sample. The viscometer detects the resistance oil with additive, used engine oil with additive,
against rotation of cylinder or disc surrounded and pure additive was evaluated in temperature
by measured fluid. The rotating cylinder or disc range −5 °C to +95 °C. The comparison of dynamic
is connected with electric motor sha via viscosity values of all samples engine oil and pure
defined springs. The sha is rotating by set speed additive is shown in the Tab. I.
(expressed in rotations per minute). The angle The temperature dependence dynamic viscosity
of swing is electronically monitored and offers of samples without additive was measured
the precise information on sha (spindle) position. and fitted, as it can be seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
The measured data are used for calculation The temperature dependence dynamic viscosity
of dynamic viscosity expressed in mPa·s. In case of samples with additive was measured, as it can
of fluids with constant viscosity is the resistance be seen in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. The temperature
against movement increased with spindle size. dependence dynamic viscosity of pure additive is
The range of measuring and rheological properties shown in the Fig. 5.
determination can be customized according It can be seen that additive has excessive
to specific measuring and experimental conditions effect on the engine oil viscosity. We can say that
the additive moves blends of several viscosity grades At 40 °C it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C
up. The decrease dynamic viscosity is around 60– it is from 43 to about 80 mPa·s. If we pour additive
70 times for all samples in temperature range −5 °C to used engine oil the dynamic viscosity at 0 °C
to +95 °C. It is expect but if we pour oil additive increase from 1,347 to about 3,000 mPa·s. At 40 °C
to engine oil filling in recommended ratio 1:10 it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C it is
the viscosity increased too much. from 43 to about 80 mPa·s.
If we pour additive to new engine oil the dynamic
viscosity at 0 °C increase from 1,729 to 3,000 mPa·s.
1018 Vojtěch Kumbár, Jiří Votava
the coefficient of determination R2 achieved high to used engine oil the dynamic viscosity at 0 °C
values (0.98–0.99). The decrease dynamic viscosity is increase from 1,347 to about 3,000 mPa·s. At 40 °C
around 60–70 times for all samples in temperature it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C it is
range −5 °C to +95 °C. It is expect but if we pour oil from 43 to about 80 mPa·s. The main conclusion
additive to engine oil filling in recommended ratio of this article is not matter if we pour the additive
1:10 the viscosity increased too much. If we pour to new or used engine oil, but important is that
additive to new engine oil the dynamic viscosity the additive is able to moves engine oil of several
at 0 °C increase from 1,729 to 3,000 mPa·s. At 40 °C viscosity grades up. It may not be in accordance with
it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C it is manufacturer’s recommendations and it can lead
from 43 to about 80 mPa·s. If we pour additive to failure in the engine.
This paper deals with excessive additive (for oil filling) effect on engine oil dynamic viscosity. The role
of engine oil in the engine operation is of multipurpose character. None of the oil characteristics
or physical properties can be preferred and/or increased to the exclusion of other. The dynamic
viscosity is one of critical physical behaviour of automobile engine oil. Research is focused
to commercially distribute automotive engine oil with viscosity class 15W–40 designed for vans.
There were prepared blends of new and used engine oil without and with oil additive in specific
ratio according manufacturer’s recommendations. Dynamic viscosity of blends with additive was
compared with pure new and pure used engine oil. The temperature dependence dynamic viscosity
of samples was evaluated by using rotary viscometer with standard spindle. It was found significant
temperature dependence viscosity of all samples. This dependence was modelling using exponential
fit function, which was very accurate because the coefficient of determination R2 achieved high values
(0.98–0.99). The decrease dynamic viscosity is around 60–70 times for all samples in temperature
range −5 °C to +95 °C. It is expect but if we pour oil additive to engine oil filling in recommended ratio
1:10 the viscosity increased too much. If we pour additive to new engine oil the dynamic viscosity
at 0 °C increase from 1,729 to 3,000 mPa·s. At 40 °C it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C it
is from 43 to about 80 mPa·s. If we pour additive to used engine oil the dynamic viscosity at 0 °C
increase from 1,347 to about 3,000 mPa·s. At 40 °C it is from 116 to over 200 mPa·s and at 95 °C it is
from 43 to about 80 mPa·s. The main conclusion of this article is not matter if we pour the additive
to new or used engine oil, but important is that the additive is able to moves engine oil of several
viscosity grades up. It may not be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and it can
lead to failure in the engine.
The research has been supported by the project TP 4/2014 “Analysis of degradation processes
of modern materials used in agricultural technology“, financed by IGA AF MENDELU.
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Contact information
Vojtěch Kumbár:
Jiří Votava: