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ISSUE 20 – 1ST MARCH 2020

Editorial articles will be a new multi-part narrative campaign
by YouTube famous Proxy Table Gaming.

Recently I have been experimenting with different

Hello, hello! Another 9th Scroll has arrived! I know
Highborn Elves lists in preparation for this years’ ETC
that we are all eagerly awaiting the release of the
in Luxembourg. If you want one thing to take away
long-awaited Infernal Dwarves Legendary Army
from my mistakes is that you should always take a
Book (LAB). While I would not like to put a date on
BSB, even with a discipline 10 general! I will be
the release, it is coming soon. Because I feel for all
travelling to Scotland for this years’ Scottish
the nerd rage out there, I have managed to get a full
Championships in March and testing one of my
battle report of the new Infernal Dwarves to keep
experimental lists out up there. As I have said
you going until the final release. Not only this but
before, travelling overseas for a tournament is one
here is the new icon for the Infernal Dwarves,
of the best experiences 9th Age can offer, and I can
donated by WOW-Studio! Hopefully these will keep
thoroughly recommend it!
you going until the book is ready!
In other hobby news, I really enjoyed this entry to
the painting league by Hillbilly Carl.

If that wasn’t enough spoilers, we are also going to

be showing off some of the designs for the new
Dread Elves book in this issue of the 9th Scroll. While
these are still in the concept phase, the LAB team
feels that they are far enough along with the
process that they are happy to share them with the
community! Exciting! Also, as a member of the
Dread Elves LAB team myself, I can share that we are
working very hard to get this book out as soon as
possible and we have already reached phase 3 in the
I hope we can continue to deliver great content for
process (see recent news article for a breakdown of
the 9th Scroll and as always, please give feedback
the LAB process).
both positive and negative on the feedback thread
The Executive Board is also putting the final people on the forum. This can be found in the General
in place to begin work on the Vermin Swarm LAB Discussion. Enjoy!
which will be the next book after the Dread Elves!

In this issue of the scroll we are also featuring two!

Yes TWO, multi part articles. The first is an army
showcase and tactica for the Makhar Khans. This
will really get into detail with how to build the army
and how it plays on the table. The second set of


3 – Infernal Dwarves Initial Playtest Report

A battle report using the playtesting version of the new Infernal Dwarves (ID)
Legendary Army Book.

23 – Dread Elves LAB Sneak Peek

An exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Dread Elves Legendary Army Book

29 - Community Engagement Competition #2

We asked the community to design some units that currently have models
available, but do not yet have rules in the 9th Age.

34 - Art Contest III Results: From the Makhar Steppe

Results from the latest 9th Age Art Contest, supported by Admiralty Miniatures.

37 - Makhar Khans Tacticia: Part 1

In this two-part Series, Tyranno gives some insights into his experience with the
Makhar Khans Auxiliary book.

51 - Aenor Miniatures Review

The 9 Scroll team review some of Aenor Miniatures new range of Orcs, Goblins
and fantasy characters.

54 – Seizing the Veil - Campaign Introduction

We introduce a new multi-part campaign.

55 - Gnashrooms: A Step by Step Guide

Infanmouse gives the 9th Scroll some insights into his recent Gnashrooms project.

60 - Chaffing: The Society for Putting Things in Front of

Other Things
DanT is back with another instalment of tactics for those wishing to improve their

66 - 9th Age Inspired 3D Printing

Marcos24 gives us his insights into 3D printing his own miniatures.

69 - Fires of the Inferno: How to Paint Flames

A short tutorial about how to do a simple flame effect in only 6 steps.

Infernal Dwarves Initial Playtest Report
Article by Baron, Mirmi and Villon

A sneak peek into the playtesting version of the new Infernal Dwarves (ID) Legendary Army Book. Baron and
Villon put the book through its paces and showcase some of the new units and special rules. Note that the ID
book is in the final stages of internal playtesting and rules tweaking, so the finished product could be slightly
different than showcased here.
Baron (Infernal Dwarves)
My battle plan was simple; two strong blocks of Overlord - General, Shield, Gauntlets of Mazhab,
hardened Citadel Guards armed to the teeth and Lugar Dice, Death Cheater, Kadim Shieldbearer
protected by Kadim Incarnates and a Kadim Titan.
Prophet - Master Alchemy, Nezibkesh, Minaret of
Because of the Goblin King heroes in the orc army, I
Doom, Inferno Grimoire
decided for this game my Overlord would select the
combination of an Infernal Weapon enchanted Vizier – Battle Standard Bearer
with Shield Breaker. 28 Citadel Guard - Spear, FCG, Rending Banner
To flesh out the characters I chose a Prophet of 26 Citadel Guard – Flintlock Axes
Ashuruk, who was a wizard master of Alchemy,
mounted in the new and powerful Minaret of 5 Vassal Cavalry
Doom. Vassal Slingshot
To support the Kadims I also fielded a Lammasu. As Infernal Artillery, Volcano Cannon, Dazing Gas
my opponent was fielding two Great Green idols, I
chose Flaming Swords from Pyromancy and The Gunnery Team, Volcano Cannon
Wheel Turns from Witchcraft. These spells would Lammasu
help me against the high resistance value of these
Kadim Titan
models should they get into combat with any of my
units. 5 Kadim Incarnates
Will this plan be enough to defeat and enslave those
nasty orcs?

We spent the best part of the day lugging the gas cannisters for the dwarven artillery. One of the
other slaves, a halfling, clumsily dropped one of them with a bang. The ammunition instantly went
off and a cloud of magical mist enveloped him. When it dissipated, the halfling and those caught in
the cloud were all out cold. I knew the nerve agents would render them useless for some weeks. A
potential loss in profitability would mean more work for the rest of us. The orcs would be on the
receiving end of these terrible weapons…

Once we had finished with the cannisters, what was left of the slaves were chained in the supply
train. From my elevated position behind the ranks of the dwarves, I got a good view of what unfolded

- Diary of a Slave: The Truthful Account of Pablo de Santa Regina

Mirmi (Orcs and Goblins)

Forest Goblin King – Huntsmen Spider, Shield,
I decided to face the Dwarf raiders with everything I Heavy Armour, Light Lance, Alchemists alloy, Potion
had in the green horde. My strategy was to outplay of Strength, Dragon Staff
the dwarfs by opening the flanks thanks to the Goblin Chief – Battle Standard Bearer
greater mobility of my Warborn Orcs and Goblins.
On the right flank I deployed two Orc Boar Chariots Cave Goblin Chief - Crown of the Cavern King
and a mighty Idol. On the left flank three goblin wolf Common Goblin Witch Doctor – Wizard Adept,
chariots and a large unit of cave goblins with a Mad Pyromancy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Obsidian Rock
Git surprise.
30 Cave Goblins – Shields, Musician, Standard, 2
In the centre I deployed my other infantry units with Mad Gits
the Thaumaturgy Wizard Master and second Idol to
support them. Behind the green horde I put the Git 31 Cave Goblins – Shields, Musician, Standard, 2
Launchers, ready to throw Goblin after Goblin onto Mad Gits, Banner of the Relentless Company
the heads of the nasty Infernal Dwarves. 20 Common Orcs – Musician
Orc Shaman - General, War Cry!, Common 8 Common Goblin Raiders – Shields
Orc Shaman, Wizard Master, Thamaturgy, Crown of
Autocracy, Binding Scroll 2x1 Orc Boar Chariots

Forest Goblin King – Huntsmen Spider, Shield, 3 Goblin Wolf Chariots

Heavy Armour, Dusk Forged, Basalt Infusion, Hero’s 2x1 Git Launcher
Heart, Troll Ale Flask
2x1 Great Green Idol

Deployment: Frontline clash
Secondary Objective: Hold the ground

TURN 1: Orcs and Goblins

As Baron won the roll to choose side, I decided to

take the initiative and deploys the whole army to
ensure the first turn.
I took advantage of a blind spot between the two
Citadel Guard blocks and placed my Goblin
King with the spider there. This put him out of both
units line of sight and ready to charge the Volcano
Cannon next turn. The other Goblin King moved to
the flank ready to charge the Hobgoblin Slingshot in
the next turn. If this aggressive move paid off, it
would neutralise a large amount of the shooting
potential of the Infernal Dwarves.

The main bulk of the orc army positioned itself to
claim the centre while the left flank advanced to
threaten a charge against the Kadims.

In the magic phase I cast the Wrath of God into

the middle of the dwarf lines and also managed to
get -1 Resilience to the Kadim Titan using Smite
the Unbeliever.

TURN 1: Infernal Dwarves

The spiders were a nuisance, but I had that covered The Volcano Cannon killed 4 orcs in the unit and
thanks to the new MINARET OF DOOM! I followed gave me a Veil Token thanks to the Dazing Gas
my initial plan. I advanced with the general and ammunition! However the hero of the game was
the Citadel Guard with spears to claim the centre the Vassal Slingshot who managed to score a hit
against the goblin chariot unit killing one of the
but away from the threat of the idol and the orcs.
chariots! My opponent suddenly realized that the
The right flank advanced cautiously keeping barely unit was outside the Inspiring Presence range of
outside of the charge range of the idol and the boar the general and he failed the discipline test causing
chariots. the chariot unit to flee.
During the magic phase I managed to cast Word of During the flee movement things turned even
Iron on my Citadel Guard but the rest was a total better when the fleeing unit crossed one of
failure, my Silver Spike against the Goblin King was the Cave Goblin units with the Mad Gitz. They
dispelled and I couldn’t make a single wound with promptly fled as well and left the board. This meant
Quicksilver lash. However not everything was lost as that the whole left flank was gone due to a small
Ashuruk had a surprise ready for me! mistake from Mirmi who has positioned his chariots
too far away from his general.
In the shooting phase, my Citadel Guard armed with
Flintlock Axes shooting from the Minaret failed to
even wound the Goblin King who was saving on a 1+
with a Duskforged-enchanted shield.

The Dwarven Priest atop his dreadful minaret was
conjuring down fire and molten metal atop of the
advancing orcs. As the dwarves pushed the dreadful
tower across the field, gunners were shooting from the
parapet and gun loops. While I could not see the effect
of the barrage, the whole display was one of noise and
fiery light. The smell of sulfur was ever present, even
from where we were chained behind the lines.

It seemed counter-productive to me that the dwarves

would be reigning death down upon those they wish to
enslave. But a show of strength and power is essential.
Back then I had no illusionary ideas of escape and it is
a true miracle that I am reporting this tale.

The power of the Dwarves of the East is great and my

scarred back still feels the crack of their whips.

- Diary of a Slave: The Truthful Account of

Pablo de Santa Regina

TURN 2: Orcs and Goblins
With the left flank gone, the orcs were
desperate and trying to overcome the
situation and trusted the Great Green
Idol to turn things around! I decided
to charge it on its own into the Citadel
Guard unit with the general that was
claiming the centre of the board.
On the left flank, the Goblin
King charged and killed the Vassal
Slingshot but the damage had already
been done. While on the right flank,
the second idol and boar chariots
tried to charge to the Kadims but they
both failed the roll and stumbled
forwards. Luck was not with me this
turn… In all my years, I never saw anything like that gigantic
I spent the magic phase trying to Troll-shaped effigy. It towered over the battlefield and
wound the Titan, but with a low Flux the Warborn seemed to give it some kind of reverence,
Card and some bad rolls, it proved following it into battle like any captain of men!
invulnerable. However, in the shooting phase, my
catapults managed to take 3 hit points from the It crashed into the Dwarven line with a mighty roar!
Lammasu and another from the Minaret. However, the spears of the dwarves struck first and the
During the melee phase, the brave Orc Idol perished hedgehog-like phalanx didn’t give an inch to the Green
when the Dwarf Overlord and Citadel Guard
Idol. Stepping up under the cover of the spears, the
decided they weren’t going to let him stomp all over
them and killed the idol in a single round of combat! Overlord smote it a mighty blow. They took it’s legs out
The whole unit then reformed to face the from underneath. Too many sharp objects. Its power
annoying Goblin King who was still trying to finish seemed to wane as they cut at its underbelly.
off the Volcano Cannon (which was down to 2 hit
points but holding its ground). Finally, it collapsed backward with a thud and was still.

- Diary of a Slave: The Truthful Account of

Pablo de Santa Regina

In the melee phase the Kadims resisted the fury of
TURN 2: Infernal Dwarves
the idol and the combat ended a draw. While the
I charged the overlord out of the Citadel Guard into Infernal Overlord challenged the Goblin King to
the King on Spider. This would allow the Citadel single combat and slew him without breaking a
Guard to claim the objective at the end of the turn. sweat. This was not an even fight.
On the right flank, the Titan declared a charge
against one of the boar chariots. It failed
the terror test and fled. He then redirected, and
together with the Kadim Incarnates, charged the
remaining Orc Idol with the Lammasu supporting
from the back. However, we all know
how stubborn Titans can be and he failed the charge
roll which left only the Incarnates fighting against
the Idol. This was going to be a tough combat.
During the remaining moves, I reformed with
the Citadel Guard to look again at the orcs and the
centre of the board, the Minaret and its unit
advanced also to the centre ready to unleash the
fury of their Flintlock Axes.
In the magic phase I tried to cast Flaming Swords on
the Kadim Incarnates with Lammasu. Mirmi wisely
dispelled the spell which would have changed the
combat dramatically and likely the situation on the
entire right flank. Now my Incarnates were facing a
hard time against the powerful Orc Idol and his
impressive resilience 8I

TURN 3: Ors and Goblins
Things weren’t looking good, I charged with the
remaining boar chariot to help out with the combat
between the Incarnates and my Idol while the one
that fled from terror regrouped. In the centre I
couldn’t challenge both units of Citadel Guards with
my orcs so I went on the defensive and moved
backwards to avoid the charge from the Dwarfs.
The Overlord was alone and unprotected after
having killed the Goblin King so in the magic phase I
risked casting Trial of Faith on him with 5 dice.
Things didn’t go well for me as I rolled a triple 5 and
my general died as a result of the Miscast roll. Even
worse, I didn’t manage to put a single wound to
the Overlord!
During the shooting phase I managed to put
another wound to the Minaret with a Git Launcher
but the second one missed and didn’t wound the
In combat, the Idol and the Boar Chariot won the
combat but the Incarnates passed the test and were
not unstable.

In the center, after the death of their Troll-shaped
construction, the Orcs appeared to lose their
TURN 3: Infernal Dwarves
confidence. Where before the greenskins were
The combat in the right flank was not looking good clamouring for battle, they were now somewhat subdued.
for me, I couldn’t wound the Idol and I didn’t
manage to kill the chariot. To make things worse, The dwarves went about their business in the way of
the Titan had no space to charge so I moved him practiced professionals, slowly advancing to ensure
towards the centre with the wounded Lammasu. that none of the orcs escaped. At this point it seemed
The centre was mine with the two Citadel likely that there would be less rooms in the slave pens
Guard blocks. They weren’t going anywhere, and
this night. At this point I distinctly remember
the orcs has chosen not to pressure for the
objective. wondering what an orc smelled like – let me tell you, it’s
not pleasant.
During the magic phase I tried to cast Flaming
Swords again to help the Incarnates but again I On the other side of the battle, the fire daemons that the
failed. Without this spell, the combat would be an
dwarves had somehow conjured to aid them were being
upward hill battle, relying on 6s to wound the Idol.
This round, they lost again but passed the discipline slowly destroyed by a Giant. This wouldn’t affect the
tests thanks to the Lammasu being around. The next end goal of the Dwarves. Likely, a good deal in the eyes
turn the Titan could charge and lend its weight to of the Overlord.
the fight.
- Diary of a Slave: The Truthful Account of
Pablo de Santa Regina

Some of Excelsius Painter, Baron’s
Infernal Dwarves.

TURN 4 Orcs and Goblins
The remaining unit of Cave Goblins activated the
Banner of the Relentless Company and moved full
steam ahead to face the Lammasu and the Titan.
In the centre both the BSB and Goblin Wizard
decided that things were unfavourable did the best
thing a Goblin can do and run away
towards impassable terrain to find a hiding spot!
The remaining Goblin King charged the Minaret
from the rear, avoiding it’s weapon mechanism.

In the magic phase I cast Smite the unbeliever on

the Titan to reduce its resilience. This would prove
decisive in the shooting phase when I released the
Mad Gits towards the titan and took off 4 of its hit
points! Furthermore, both Git Launchers hit the
Lammasu and left a messy patch of bloody beef in
its place.
In the melee combat between the Idol and
Boar Chariot went badly and left only two Kadim
Incarnates on the table. In true Goblin style,
the Goblin King dramatically failed against the
Citadel Guard and died.

TURN 4: Infernal Dwarves
Since the Titan had no other targets, I decided to risk
the charge through a Mad Git against the chariot What you got for the big stuff, Kelppa.
and Idol. If I made it, it would save the Kadims. He says to me.
Unfortunately, the 2D6 hits from the Mad Git was
enough to finish him off! I say, just give these shrooms to the
mad gits. The big stuff is as good as
In the magic phase I tried to cast a Silver Spike on dead!
his fleeing BSB but I failed and he survived, he was
now almost out of reach. And what happened? The big stuff
ended in a pile of mush. You want
In the melee phase the Idol finally managed to kill some of these shrooms as well?
the remaining Incarnates and both the Green
monstrosity and the chariot turned to face the Special price. Just for you.
centre. However, it was too late now for him to
claim it and make any difference. - Kleppa’s sales pitch.

TURN 5: Orcs and Goblins TURN 5: Infernal Dwarves

There was nothing I could do against the two Victory was mine! I charged in to kill the remaining
big Citadel Guard blocks so I decided to opt for a orcs and we finished the game. Many of the Orcs
tactical retreat to minimize losses. This involved had been captured and were now preparing for a
pushing some orcs in front of the Citadel Guard to life of enslavement and endless torture and the
allow the rest to escape. We had fought well bottomless Mines of Ashuruk!
however we had been defeated! Better to try and Final Result: Infernal Dwarves 16 – 4 Orcs and
avoid enslavement for the remaining Orcs! Goblins

The Goblins were smart. They had fled at the first sight of trouble. Orcs always need to prove
themselves. They made one final charge in an attempt to escape the clutches of the Dwarves. It
was futile. That band of Warborn crumpled under the weight of iron and were the first to be

The rest fled. But it was too late. Surrounded, the orcs made a lot of noise as the dwarves set to
chaining them together. The lashes of the masters came out and we watched as the greenskins were
led off towards the mines in the mountains. As a slave you hang on to the small joys in your life.
I was happy that I wouldn’t be spending the night cramped together in my pen with an Orc.
Moreover, that I wasn’t going to be paired with one, carrying the volatile ammunition. I can’t
imagine an Orc being less clumsy than a Halfling and those infernal cannisters of gas were a
death sentence to anyone who wasn’t careful.

From my understanding of the Dwarven speech, it was clear that the overlord was pleased with
the haul of slaves, but the prophet was somewhat disgruntled at the work from the daemons.

- Diary of a Slave: The Truthful Account of Pablo de Santa Regina

Playtesting Report weapons infused with magic or fire and powerful

fire daemons that are in league with the Dwarves.
Q: What was it like to play with the new Infernal
Every Infernal Dwarf general will know that there is
nothing like the enslavement and torture of any
I really enjoyed it! I think the new army book has living creature that's more than 5 feet tall and
many more possibilities to build lists around doesn't have a funny beard and wear a hat. This is
different play styles. The new artefacts and rules also reflected in the rules. Lastly the flammable
make this army unique and different. synergies work much better than in the previous
Q: How did you feel the new army plays? Have its army book where it was ultimately down to
Strengths and weaknesses changed? a wizard and Icon of the Inferno. Burning things
down to the ground is still the way to go, but there
I wouldn't think their ASAW have dramatically are many ways of doing this.
changed but the rules are more aligned with them.
You can build powerful grinding blocks now and feel Q: After your initial thoughts on the game, how did
true eliteness in the army. This is epitomised by the game play out and were your expectations of
both the Overlord and the Immortals. the matchup/lists correct?

Q: Was the new book fun to play with? I was a little bit lucky with the left flank when
the goblins fled but on the right flank my Kadims
This was a somewhat special list where I tried a few should have done more. Ultimately it the scenario
new things but during the last months play testing, was won by the solid blocks of dwarves and with the
I've been trying different play styles and I've had a hold the centre objective, I was expecting this to
lot of fun. happen, based on the lists.
Q: Does the army fit the new background? I will leave you with some more pictures of
I think it does, I think the army combines the key Excelsius Painter, Baron’s Infernal Dwarves.
aspects of the Infernal Dwarves; mighty shooting

Dread Elves LAB Sneak Peek
Article by the DE LAB Team

The 9th Scroll brings you an exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Dread Elves Legendary Army Book (LAB).
Disclaimer – These rules are at the earliest stage of design and can change during the final stages of the design

Dearest Kyrrela,

Before this letter arrives, the news of our failure – my failure – will
reach our shores. The lands of our ancestors remain beyond our reach,
and the creatures who squat in our inheritance remain unbroken. In
our arrogance, we have underestimated them – I have underestimated
them. Treacherous elves, foul dwarves, uncivilised men and worse rose
to resist us, the fury of a continent unleashed against our legions.
Fifteen years we endured, but alas the task given to me by the Senate
was beyond my ability to deliver. I entreat you to ensure the oracle of
Sied Emba gets a succulent offering of figs. The lying hag promised the
portents were auspicious, even had the gall to tell me that such glory
awaited me I wouldn’t even need to return to Dathen to claim it. As I
order the survivors to sail west, only my honour remains. I promise,
my nightingale, I will make you proud. Please kiss Maev and Kara for
me and tell them their father died for their future. Eternally yours,

- Alleged final letter of Calamandran the Black found amidst a

shipwreck on a skerry of the coast of Equitaine - now in the
Imperial Repository in Aschau.

We are going to showcase two characters that are

currently being developed for the LAB. These
characters illustrate a theme of powerful individuals
at the height of their power in their respective
career paths.

In the "Manslayer" you have something of a

classical Greek hero, such as Achilles, Ajax or Hector
but far enough removed to give it a true Daeb feel.
Well versed in combat and tutored by the best
teachers in every discipline their noble status
requires, yet arrogant and overly confident.

The below unit entry is where the current design is

at for this character. We also have the pleasure to
show off a model 3D printed by Marcos24 based
upon the concept art we shared last month.

"Lo and behold Calamandran the Black: tamer of peoples, thread cutter, manslayer, song writer,
prince of the Dark Host!"

Opening line of The Black Prince by Liam Quiverpike

Legacy of the Black Prince

If you ask in any town or village of Sonnstahl, Calamandran the Black is
undoubtedly the most notorious elf in history. The Black Prince is an
antagonist of legend, and a villain in more songs, stories and plays than one
could count. When the common folk think of an elven prince it is his image
they have before their eyes. Yet curiously, of the few dread elves
interrogated by the Inquisition, none seem to know anything about him, as
if he never existed, even though they are familiar with the great war of the
3rd century. Whether they speak the truth matters little, but it brings doubt
to the veracity of many artefacts and accounts from the early days of the
Empire which are proudly displayed by the Imperial family as symbols of
Sonnstahl’s glorious past.

We had been grinding the elven rear guard since dawn. It was clear it was only a matter
of time before they broke and we could hack apart the ships on the beaches below. It
was the sixth hour past noon when the line began to buckle under the keen edges of
our axes. Suddenly, the elves parted like wet soil struck by a shovel and I ordered the
throng to plant their feet in anticipation of some foul play from the oathbreakers.

Through the divide I saw a warrior in an elaborate panoply of black, red and gold
nonchalantly dismount his chariot. The surreal calm this individual exuded was
underscored by the loving care with which he unharnessed the chariot’s two snapping
beasts. For three centuries now I have served the Hold and faced all manner of
monsters and madmen in its service, but I had never seen such a sight. Curse be upon
all elfkind and their enchanting ways!

A spray of arterial blood brought me back to my senses as the warrior hit our line,
passing through our ranks like a shadow made of serrated steel. There was nothing
but red ruin in his wake. Of the fourteen greybeards of clan Kengaz who accompanied
me, only corpses remained moments later. A gaping hole that could fit a royal
warthrone appeared in our formation. At its centre, the elf stood with his twin blades
resting at his side and a smirk of utmost contempt which awakened the ire of every
true dwarf who saw it. I would have rushed at the pompous butcher had my runes not
started to glow.

Glancing towards the line of elven spears, I locked eyes with their witch. Her gaze
burned with malice and disgust. Every ounce of my craft was put to the test as I
attempted to defend our victory against this magic and trickery. The rune of revocation
I struck once, twice, thrice, four times! Yet the sorceress continued chanting and
weaving her slender limbs as if handling some invisible clay, furrow on her brow
growing ever deeper. For a moment of hubris, I believed I had her beaten. But she
released an undulating scream towards the high havens and a chill went down my

I sensed something moved beyond the Veil, something ancient and terrible with a will
bent on our doom. With an iridescent flash my runes exploded, overwhelmed by
arcane power. The shadow of a titanic bird could be seen above the witch for a terrible
moment. Where once her words and gestures were those of a simple spellcaster, now
they spread death as if trying to match the savagery of the crimson whirlwind amidst
our ranks. Tendrils of purple smoke lanced towards the mouths and nostrils of my
comrades, rotting their bodies from within. Strange carvings appeared on their flesh,
wracking them with maddening pain, and invisible hands deflected blows that should
have smote the warrior determined to send us all to our ancestors. Seeing the
pandemonium unfold, the elves let out a loud cheer and charged. Then the bloodshed
began in earnest.

Report by venerable runic smith Gavan on the disastrous loss of life at the final battle
of Avran’s Bay.

With our "Warlock" concept we have yet another We hope these sneak peaks offer an exciting look
character reaching for power, yet with power comes into the direction that the DE LAB is headed.
risk. Outcast yet sought after, the Warlock's reality Powerful characters full of ambition willing to attain
is a strange dichotomy. They prefer isolation yet find power and spread fear for the glory of Elven rule.
it hard to resist the status of followers and minions
to do their bidding.

As the silhouettes of the departing ships dwindled against the setting sun, Morag surveyed
the smouldering remains of what was once the greatest war camp of the Daeb. What now
seemed a lifetime ago the beach below had welcomed a thousand ships launched by the
Republic to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Rightfully theirs. Or was it? The stench of
blood and death brought her back from her melancholic reverie. Her time was running
out and there was one more thing she wanted to do before her hour came. Gritting her
teeth and pushing down the pain, she limped her way towards the ruin of the palisades
and a macabre mound of flesh, metal and linen. Atop the repugnant mass of avaricious
midgets, the fine features of an elven prince glistened like a jewel. Though agony blurred
her vision, the cawing of crows pushed here onwards. With what little strength she had
left, she tenderly placed the prince’s head on her lap and used the tatters of her cloak to
wipe away the blood from his face and the tears from her own. “You fought well little
one,” she murmured. “Mother would have been proud.” Hugging him as fiercely as her
aching body could, she opened her mind to the void beyond the Veil. A deal had been
struck and now the price would be paid. Last she felt was a crow landing on her shoulder,
and then she was no more.

The final page of the forbidden novel, Doom of the Nightingales - Author unknown.

Community Engagement Competition #2
Article by Henrypmiller

We asked the community to design some units that currently have models available, but do not yet have rules in
the 9th Age. We show off our favourite designs.

Panther Lancers - HE

The first entry is from

Mad ‘At and depicts the
Basilean Sisterhood
Panther Lancers from
Mantic Games.

These could be an idea for

a Highborn Elves special
choice. I really like this
idea as a medium cavalry
which is fast and has a lot
of hitting power!

Kangolin – OK

The next entry we chose was from forum regular, JimMorr and his Kang Amdi. The model that inspired this
creation was the Yeti from Atlantis Miniatures.

This is a really interesting idea. A true elemental of the mountains that embodies the blizzard and the harsh
winter environment. The Kangolin can manifest itself as a gigantic Yeti and crush interlopers on its terrain. It
could be used in the Chained Beasts category for the Ogre Khans.

Blizzard Form: The Kangolin gains Touch of Frost – see
Yetis Special rules.

In addition, during the remaining moves phase, the

Kangolin may perform a flying march move of up to
18”. During this move, declare one enemy unit that the
Kangolin passes over. This unit suffers -1 Agility,
Advance, Offensive and Defensive skill. The effects last
until the end of the end of the next players turn.

Border Veterans – VS

A community engagement couldn’t be complete Down to their lack of connection with the central
without an entry from Eldan! His entry depicts the authorities, these Border Veterans are somewhat
Plague Brotherhood from Lubart Miniatures. dysfunctional with the regular military going so far
as electing their own leaders. Being forgotten on the
frontiers of the empire does have its advantages.
These troops are expert fortification builders! These
These so-called “Border Legion Veterans” are the grumpy, long whiskered old-timers could be an
rat at arms who are tasked with manning (or interesting special option in a Vermin Swarm army!
ratting?) the border posts of the Vermin’s Under-
Karkadon Silverback Minotaur Mount - BH

This entry by Marcema is probably the most striking of entries! Inspired by Zealot miniatures Minotaur Raider
on Tusk Beast, this would be a truly frightening sight on the tabletop! This could be used as a mount for a
Minotaur character in a Best Herds army and also count towards the Terrors of the Wild.!/Minotaur-Raider-on-Tusk-

Art Contest III Results:
From the Makhar Steppe

Last issue we shared with you the latest 9th Age Art Contest, supported by Admiralty Miniatures. Below are the

The first prize has been made by ‘a20t43c’ with his The first prize for this competition won a set of
artwork featuring Orcs and Goblins being slaves from Admiralty Miniatures, ready to be
vanquished by Makhar riders outside one of their whisked off to the Steppe by their Makhar
burial mounds on the grassy steppe. Colourful and overlords.
rich in detail!

Thanks to everyone who
participated and to those that
voted. Below we have some other
entries that are due an honourable
mention. Stay tuned for a very
special contest! We can reveal that
it will involve photographing two
armies facing off against each
other in an as beautiful display as
possible. To be announced within
the coming weeks: Make ready, for
your chance at eternal glory!

Article by Karak Norn Clansman

Makhar Khans Tacticia: Part 1
Article by Tyranno

In this two-part Series, Tyranno gives some insights into his experience with the Makhar Khans Auxiliary book.
Not only tactical advice, Tyranno also suggests some ways you can convert and build your army. This article is
also useful for those unfamiliar with the Makhar Khans and their army book.

For years I have loved the Mongol Empire of the same company. The detail as you can see is
Chinggis Khan (Genghis Khan is the more exquisite. I highly recommend them from a price
Westernised version of the name - HPM); a vast standpoint as well, averaging about 50 British Pence
horde on the move trampling so called “cultured” per model. You can be assured a very cheap base to
people under hoof as it went. While the Makhar build almost any Central-European-to-East-Asian
Khans are inspired more by the Magyar of Hungary nomad army with them!
and the steppe nomads of Europe, I was so inspired
Plenty of cutting and hacking is required to get the
by Chinggs Khans’s Mongols that I wanted to stay
different companies’ models to fit, but eventually
true to the Mongolian theme.
they sat fast. Two flaps at the back of the Warlord
The meat of this article will be covering each unit Games Samurai saddle were cut off and glued onto
from the army, how I built it, how I prefer to equip the front of the horse to form fasteners for the
it (if relevant), and how I use it. Finally, I will give a barding later. I skipped adding the symbol at the
broader overview of the army and how I front of the Samurai helmet and pinned a topknot
constructed lists and what overall strategies you can on the back of the head. Arms as I said were taken
use with this army. My hope is to give some from the Ashigaru, not the Samurai box.
inspiration and advice to prospective Makhar Khans
For the barding I used Games Workshop Chaos
players who wish to master the cavalry horde! As it
Warrior cloaks (I just had them to hand, but any
is quite an in-depth subject, we will split this into
slightly rough cloth will suffice). These
two parts.
were glued to the front,
Makhar Lancers followed by lots of green-
stuff to blend it to the
Building: The backbone of a Makhar army are its’
armour. I then
Makhar Lancers. To begin with I needed horses. I
finished them off
opted for Games Workshop’s Marauder Horsemen
with some spikes
as they were easily available and gave me some
jutting from
bulky mounts. This ended up working in my favour
the back of
later on, as they looked even bigger when combined
with historical-sized riders.
It turns out that Mongolian heavy & plate armour, for a
and Samurai armour look very similar at a glance. slight
Despite being made from different materials, and fantasy
some small details being different, these could aesthetic, and
easily be dealt with via a different paint-scheme for to make the
the former and some slight converting for the latter. models look
Do keep in mind that my painting won't be finished more aggressive.
on all the models, as I have had a lot of models to Putty was applied
work with in a relatively short space of time. at various stages
to make the parts
For riders I chose the plastic Mounted Samurai kit blend seamlessly.
from Warlord Games. I also needed arms to hold
lances, so I picked up an Ashigaru Spearmen kit from
Equipment: This is my favourite build: 16 Makhar extra rank gives them plenty of punch.
Lancers, Lamellar Barding, Makhar Lance, Full
They are very customisable as well, with a wide
Command, Vanguard, Banner of Speed.
variety of weapons and upgrades available. This
It hits very hard and is very fast. It is also the most versatility is part of the reason that I say that this is
expensive combination, so think about that if the best unit in the book. Vanguard can also be
you want to go all-in or not. Moreover, the purchased, and I
speed banner is the only banner I find feel this changes how
necessary on these guys. With cavalry, they play, even from a
getting the charge is essential and you need unit with otherwise
all the help you can get with ensuring identical equipment.
While I would place a Lancer unit
Playing: As I said before, these with the above equipment
are the backbone of the army. generally in a more central
Lancers are an odd cavalry unit position, to give them a wider range of
that focuses on weight of targets to choose from, I would place
numbers over pure quality. This a vanguard unit far away on a flank. This
is very different from most gives them the ability to swing around the
cavalry units which are normally battlefield very quickly, encircling an opposing
fielded in numbers of five to ten. army that has potentially deployed in a slightly
Lancers can happily go up to more “enclosed” style rather than a wide one.
fifteen plus. Their abilities
This unit does come with its fair share of
they are quite cheap, which
problems though, namely in the physical size
helps make this playstyle
of it. It can get a bit unwieldy at times, and to
viable. With only one point of
its detriment works best on a battlefield that
armour less than an Equitaine
mimics the rolling open steppes of Central Asia.
Knight, and no aegis, they are not
The sheer volume of models causes lots of
exactly defenceless. And strength six
them to clip terrain left and right, so you
on the charge, backed up by fight in
might end up losing more models to a low
hanging branch than an enemies’ blade. In fact,
during one battle I deliberately chose the table side I used was a specific one with no lamellar armour
with the most terrain, in order to deprive my plates visible, just a single flat piece. I also used the
opponent of hiding spots. Sure it made my unarmoured horse heads from the marauder
own deployment uncomfortable, but there was cavalry box and didn’t add any barding to make the
nowhere for my opponent to run. unit feel more like light cavalry.

Horse Archers Equipment: Horse Archers don’t actually have any

normal options, but they can take command and
Building: Another iconic unit. Most of this
banner enchantments. Here is a list of the more
construction was done in the same way as the
suitable ones: Banner of Speed, Aether Icon,
Lancers. Where this model differs is how I didn’t
Wasteland Torch.
attach any spikes onto the saddle (to give a more
swift appearance) and the riders position and Playing: This is a unit is a bit of an odd one. Firstly,
equipment. the positives. Horse Archers are fast and can put

I used the Warlord Games Ashigaru Bowmen arms, down ranged pressure very quickly. On the
and then trimmed the iconic Japanese downside, they are VERY frail. I cannot overstate
Yumi longbow off, replacing it with the Games how frail this unit is. Res3 with only a 5+ armour
Workshop Ungor bow (and by replace, I mean pin). save is not going to protect them from anything.
The more brutal style, compact shape and grisly
trinkets fitted the Mongol look much better. The Secondly, Horse Archers need to get close to do
quivers were also sourced from the Ungor box. proper damage. This frailty and need to get close
are a bit mis-matched, and force the Horse Archers
The torso was twisted around to fit the firing pose to take risks by getting into a dangerous unit’s face.
better, and the head twisted to look down the arm
holding the weapon. Various Horse Archers have Thankfully the Horse Archers speed and
different poses simply by twisting the torso in manoeuvrability can help here. Their vanguard and
slightly different directions. 16” march rate ensures that they can get into
position on a units flank to shoot it safely. But only
Another difference is where I tried to reference against units that cannot shoot back, otherwise
the Horse Archers lower armour, compared to the the Horse Archers will start haemorrhaging models.
Lancer’s more defensive gear. I didn’t give
the Horse Archers any shoulder pads, and the torso
Even with their “opponents are always at long A slight difference is that I changed the way the
range” rule. Granted though, this rule is very good, bow was held. But that was an artistic choice
to help make the two units more visually
and I do encourage players to keep
distinct from one another on the
the Horse Archers in short range at any opportunity
battlefield. I also added the
you get.
shoulder pads this time.
Basically, the Horse Archers are best suited to
Equipment: The
counter Medium/Heavy Infantry, lone models
following equipment
and Cavalry. High model count units are not a great
combination on the
target, as the Horse Archers lack enough shots to do
Makhar Lancers leads
significant damage to the unit’s performance.
to what I call the
The Horse Archer’s bows may be only strength
“Heavy Cavalry
three, but they will hit on twos if you use them
correctly, and plentiful successful shots means you
can throw more dice to wound and slip more Recurve Bow, Lamellar
damage through. Barding, Vanguard, Paired
Makhar Lancer “Heavy Cavalry Archers”
Weapons (These are
This isn’t actually a unit. But rather a collection of free).
upgrades that totally change how this unit functions
I also recommend the
and what role it serves in the army, so it is best to
same banners as
have its own section.
the Horse Archers, but
Building: This was pretty much a hybrid of the only if you really want to.
Makhar Lancers and Horse Archers. I built These sorts of units are
the horse the same way as I did the Makhar best kept as cheap as
Lancer horse, and then the rider I used the same possible.
plated torso as the Makhar Lancers, but posed it
Playing: Heavy Cavalry Archers play a lot like
with the same bow as the Horse Archers.
the Horse Archers; you ride them into people’s
faces and start shooting. The general plan is to put

them on a flank and use vanguard to get them Heavy Cavalry Archers cost a little more, so by
around the flanks of your opponent’s units. Your and large they should win. But they win so
opponent is then forced to either turn to face them convincingly that they will still have the numbers to
or ignore them. The difference here is that carry on like the tussle with their contemporaries
Heavy Cavalry Archers are much tougher than never happened.
their Horse Archer counterparts. In fact, these
Not to mention, they are quite scrappy. Should a
“Heavy Cavalry Archers have the highest armour
unit like Dark Raiders decide that they have had
save of any ranged cavalry unit in the game! This,
enough of being humiliated by Steppe bow-fire and
combined with their superior numbers and recurve
try to fight in close quarters, they will be in for a
bows, allows them to win one on one against any shock. A unit of eight Heavy Cavalry Archers puts
other ranged cavalry units. Sure the out twelve offensive skill five strength four attacks,
followed up by four more strength four attacks. Not
bad for an archer unit, and they are still well
protected to boot.

This combat prowess does not just work against

other light cavalry, but it can be used to flush out
foot archers as well. Devastating Charge (Hard
Target) and a 3+ armour save lets them charge
down archer bunkers without the fear of a Stand
and Shoot reaction and then their combat prowess
can start cutting them apart. My suggestion is to get
the Heavy Cavalry Archers to shoot a few of the
opponent’s models off first, and then charge;
softening the stand & shoot by reducing the
numbers first, and making the archer unit more
likely to break.

For a bit of a “too long didn’t read” summery, the

entire idea of why you should consider these
instead of just going with Horse Archers is that they
are a cavalry archer unit that can stomach damage.
They are chaff that is fast, durable and can deal
damage at range. And did I also mention that they
are scoring?

They do come with their drawbacks. As Makhar

Lancer units, they are subject to the 0-4 restriction,
which they are forced to share with a unit that
frankly is so good it’s a minimum one unit. Meaning
at best you can only bring three of these to battle.

Their other issue is that they lack the flexibility of

their lighter counterparts. Unlike Horse Archers,
they lack Parting Shot, Feigned Flight and Light
Troops; two staples of a ranged cavalry unit and one
being an important part of the Makhar identity.
Don’t let that deter you from using them though, for
everything they lack in comparison to
the Horse Archers, they make up somewhere else.
It is up to you to decide which is more important.

Turul superior movement to threaten a flank, granting all
sorts of opportunities, getting a flank charge and
Building: By the description given in the Makhar
receiving less damage than it should and possibly
Khans book, the Turul is physically an animal that
killing a unit way above its weight class or making it
resembles a Griffon. This means we are rather spoilt
stand still for several turns, forcing an opponent to
for choice. I chose the Games Workshop
reconsider a units facing and tricking them into
Empire General on Griffon as I love the sheer
making a mistake, or combo charging into a flank
overwhelming size of this model.
while another unit attacks the front.
The only complex part of this conversion was
Now, will all these opportunities come up often?
removing the barding from the front of the Griffon.
Not really, generally you bring the Turul because it
I then sculpted a leather cloth over the hole where
is an excellent chaff monster. But the ability to
the barding was and covered up the hole where the
switch things around with it might make his extra
saddle went. Simple.
cost worth it. As for his strange Ambush ability, I
have never made use of it. If you have the points
Playing: To anyone familiar with the Warriors of the
spare to pick it up, you might as well, but the most
Dark Gods Chimera, this is an almost identical unit.
it will do is make your opponent deploy a little funny
The only difference is the permanent flight and the
near impassable terrain. Generally you want the
unique ambush rule.
Turul to be ready to do its job at a moment’s notice,
Instead of going over the obvious I will skip to the and a failed Ambush roll can leave you down
big question; do these two differences make playing one chaff piece when you really need it.
the Turul any different from the Chimera? The
answer is a hesitant yes.

If you can find some small unit or a unit you want to

hold up, the Turul can lend a hand here.
Units fleeing behind other units can easily be seen
and charged, making the Turul great as a predator
able to pick off wounded prey. It also can use its

Makhar Flayers model unit look a bit weird. So instead I went back
to history for ideas. Taking inspiration from the
Building: I experimented with a few different
Hunnic tactic of horsemen that burned everything, I
designs for these, but eventually landed on the
went for flaming torches (I also played Age of
concept of “Elite Horse Archers” as an idea. Most of
Empires – HPM). Since Pyromancy is strength 4 AP0,
this is what you have seen before.
and so are the Skinning Lashes, this shouldn’t be too
Marauder Horse,Samurai legs and torso, but here I
much of a stretch to imagine them chucking the
went down a different route.
torches to burn the ground under a unit they pass
Firstly, to make the horse look a little more by.
streamlined, I used horse-tails in topknots. These I
From the background, I took inspiration from the
happily had to hand, as they were all spares from my
idea that these are more elite warriors compared to
Reaver horses I used for the Warrior Knights.
the regular Horse Archers. I took the opportunity to
Secondly I trimmed the spikes off of the metal plates
go for a more elaborate rider than usual. I sculpted
on the horse, to again make it look lighter and
flowing tunics with fur edging them and used the
Ashigaru heads instead of more armoured ones.
For the Flayers signature Skinning Lashes, I did
Equipment: I have two recommended builds for the
something quite different. I wasn’t happy with
whips, as they are very frail and would break when
being transported, no matter what company made 5 Flayers, Recurve Bows, Shields.
them. Not to mention I find whips in a multiple-
These guys are very simple and rather cheap. They out of Raining Death. So, you are paying for a more
are more durable than Horse Archers, faster and elite unit that overall cuts into the number of
can potentially insta-kill heavy-cavalry. I take these mounted archers you can use in your army.
if I want to pay out for improved horse archers.
Also you don’t have to use Flayers with Recurve
10 Flayers, Skinning Lash, Shields. bows at all. The really interesting option is the
Skinning Lashes. Now this makes the unit seemingly
This unit are very reasonably priced and is built to
identical to the Warriors of the Dark Gods Flayers,
slash at less-armoured targets. I found 5 skinning
but there are some crucial differences. Firstly the
lashes on their own rarely do much damage, but 10
Makhar versions have a longer vanguard distance,
is a big step up and people will either severely under
which means they can zoom deep into the enemy
or overestimate what this unit can do. Either way,
deployment zone turn one and begin doing damage
it’s in your favour.
with the lashes. Secondly their environment is
Playing: If you thought the Horse Archers were fast, different. With Warriors, the army lacks ranged
you haven’t seen anything yet. This unit can move pressure overall, but Makhar have it in spades. A full
an eye-watering thirty-two inches by the end of its Raining Death category, a Pyro master mage plus
first turn! To add even more insanity, this gives their units of Flayers with Skinning Lashes is a
bows a working short range of forty-four inches on considerable amount of ranged damage (Keep that
the first turn, and for long range that goes up to in mind, Lashes do not count towards Raining
fifty-six! Death).

The elephant in the room is, “why should I

use Horse Archers when this unit is better?” The
units are very similar, with the Flayers seemingly
looking more efficient as a cavalry archer unit due
to no light lances or strength four mounts artificially
inflating their cost. But there is one big difference.
The Beast Taker rule makes Flayers much more
extreme counter to heavy cavalry, mounted
characters and the nastier monsters in the game.
But you pay for it, Flayers cost more, which comes

Their last option that could be of note is throwing
weapons. But the problem here is that the offensive
profile of a throwing weapon is identical to that of
the Skinning Lashes, and those grant an automatic
hit each, while the throwing weapons are two shots
that hit on 5+. The only benefit the throwing
weapons has is seven inches more range; but quite
frankly at that distance if you can make it that close
to an enemy with Flayers, you can get close enough
for the lashes to find their mark as well. A hard pass

Steppe Mammoth

Building: When I saw this unit there was only one

model that could represent this. The colossal
Mumakil from the Games Workshop Lord of the
Rings range. I had long desired one but lacked
anything suitable to use it for. Until now!

The lack of hair on the model didn’t bother me, as

there have been types of hairless Mammoth
discovered before. So I set about building the
majority of the model as the instructions dictated.
In fact, it was only once I had finished the animal and
howdah, did I start making any changes.

As you would expect, I desired to keep my humans

all looking cohesive, so I swapped the original crew
for Mongolians. Some with bows, some with lances,
that should keep a nice visual balance. I also wanted
to represent its Rally Around the Flag ability. Adding
more banners to this already enormous creature is A mammoth with no upgrades is already a pretty
asking for transportation troubles; so I stuck with solid combat unit. It can also can be upgraded with
something smaller and more reasonable; a pair of either a banner or a catapult. The latter is not
drums from the Lord of the Rings Troll kit. something I an overly keen on, as it must replace
some of the crew. Then the mammoth is a combat
Playing: I know this thing has a 0-1 restriction, but it unit trying to shoot which is a poor investment.
really should be just 1. This thing is that good, that I Thankfully the weapon does have quick to fire, so
would suggest every list contain it. the mammoth can not only pivot, but walk around
It has stats very similar to a Gortach; sixes almost with no penalties to the catapult. But the really
across the board. What is interesting though is the interesting upgrade is the banner.
crew, 6 Makhar with Lances means it has 10 This purchase gives the Mammoth “Rally Around
strength 6 attacks on the charge, plus D3 strength 6 the Flag”, meaning it gains the re-rolling discipline
impact hits. This Monster has the mathematical and break tests effect of a Battle Standard Bearer,
equivalent of a unit with around fourteen strength without the extra combat resolution bonus.
six attacks, not taking into account potential stomps However, the mammoth never counts as the armies
against infantry. That situation just makes the battle standard, meaning you can buy a second on a
damage output absurd! It also has the Makhar character and your opponent gains no additional
Battle Fury special rule, giving it a very good charge victory points for killing the mammoth.
range that might take people by surprise.

Taking into account that the Mammoth is the Warrior Knights
largest height possible, this gives it an eighteen inch
Building: Here is where I abandoned my
range for rally around the flag. Combine this with
usual horse models in exchange for something with
the sheer size of the Mammoth’s base and you have
more armour. I always liked the Games Workshop
a bubble that stretches forty inches left-to-right and
High Elf Ellyrian Reaver horses, but never found a
forty-two inches front to back from the mammoth’s
use for them. Their barding is quite elaborate for
light cavalry, so I chose them for this conversion.
With these two pieces of information, the question The front-heavy design of the armour looks very
is, do you need a battle standard bearer? And to much like something inspired by steppe nomads. I

that I would say, probably not. The Steppe was aiming for something like the Byzantine
Mammoth has the largest rally around the Cataphract style with these models, as true knights
flag range in the game, is very tough, has a lot of HP, were not to be found anywhere near Central Asia.
is very fast, is no slouch in combat, and removes one
Once I cleaned off as much of the High Elf
of the battle standards weaker effects in exchange
iconography as possible and replaced the horse-
for no drawback to its death.
tails with rougher ones from some chaos horses, I
In general I like to play a bit passively with the built the same body as I did for my Makhar Lancers,
Mammoth, keeping it held back and waiting for a with the only difference being the larger topknots.
good opportunity to send it in with another unit.
I wanted to equip them with great weapons. I used
Charging the Mammoth into a corner of an ongoing
a paperclip, slipped it between the Samurai open
combat is very satisfying and effective. Moreover,
hands and then pinned a Games Workshop Black
keeping it alive as long as possible means that it
Guard Halberd on top. From there I used putty to
keeps discipline problems in check for longer. This is
put linen around the handle of the axe. It was a bit
not an overall high discipline army, so you will
fiddly, but not impossible. For shields, I used those
encounter problems. Not to mention it is very good
from the Games Workshop Dwarf Ironbreaker set.
in the late game as by then, the opponents’ units
should be more worn down and more susceptible to Equipment: The only advice I can give is not to really
breaking under the sheer weight of the mammoth’s bother with magical banners, unless there are
combat power.

points spare. The selling point of Knights is them
being cheap small units, not big expensive targets.

Playing: While the Makhar Warrior Knights are very

similar to the Warriors of the Dark Gods version,
there are some key differences. Namely they lack
favours and their unit size maximum is capped at
seven. In other words, don’t try to build big units of
them, because you can’t. Nevertheless, they are
quite happy being used in small units. The army

already has an abundance of large units, so a

small one helps ease deployment, and the
biggest difference is the number of scoring units
in Makhar verses Warriors.

While Warriors have plentiful scoring units to

choose from, Makhar have only got Lancers and
Knights. This makes Knights role as a scoring dart
much more valuable than it might be in a
Warriors army.

Extremely high armour is also in short supply.

They can also function as a combat unit in a
pinch, lances or great weapons are not bad
choices to help them out if you have a desire to
use them in a fight (I do recommend going
straight for the lances instead of the great
weapons, as that extra point of armour is really

This is the final unit I will be reviewing this

month. In the next edition of the 9th Scroll, I
will share my experiences and conversions for
the characters in the Makhar Khans book as
well as the magic items options. I will also
discuss the remaining units such as the Makhar
Chariots and Tamyir Vassals

Aenor Miniatures Review
Article by Henrypmiller

The 9th Scroll team were lucky enough to get some of Aenor Miniatures new range of Orcs, Goblins and fantasy
characters to review.

Aenor Miniatures are a company which I had not,

until this point, had any experience with. However,
I have backed their most recent Ogres and Orcs
Kickstarter for a pig-wielding ogre (yes you did read
correctly). If you missed out on the Kickstarter,
these models will be available on their web shop
once the Kickstarter has finished. Basically, I had
never seen any of their miniatures up close. We
received a mixture of miniatures. Some of their
fantasy heroes, mostly in resin, a number of
orc/goblin models also in resin and two goblins with
spears in metal. My first impressions when
unpacking the models was the crisp detail and clean
resin that the models are cast with. There was very
little flash to trim off and no mould lines.

The character of the Aenor Miniatures goblin

models is very different to that of other
manufacturers. At one end of the spectrum, Games
Workshop or Shieldwolf greenskins are
characterised with comedic exaggerated features:
Goblins with big ears and noses, orcs with wide the spectrum are orcs, goblins and Uruks from Lord
mouths, large teeth and tiny eyes. The other end of of the Rings who are more human-like in
proportions. The models from Aenor are
somewhere between. They exhibit more natural
and realistic proportions compared to the Lord of
the Rings, while maintaining an element of the
comedic fantasy trope that is classic in a Games
Workshop greenskin.

This character is certainly a best of both worlds. The

models are fantasy without being too over the top.
Their weapons and equipment are similarly
somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. They
have elements of something that could be crafted
by a weaponsmith or armourer while also looking a
little unfinished or cobbled together.

(Palinux - These were cool minis to paint. I did

them both in around 1 hour with contrast paints.
There are lots of funny details with the special
clothing and the balls hanging free. The details were
easy to paint, and the cast is a great quality.)

Above you can see some of their other Orc and towards a D+D market, rather than a 9th Age one.
Goblin sculpts and compare their size. Nevertheless, they could be used in several factions
as unique and distinctive characters. My personal
Aenor is a French Company and you can get these
favourite was the witch you can see hiding at the
goblin models via their web shop.
back in the image below. This miniature is not particularly elaborate but has a simplistic elegance
and a subtle character that you don’t always find
The price is 9 EUR for two so a large unit will cost with those from major companies.
upwards of 100 EUR without unit fillers. This is likely
be a little towards the expensive side for a large unit From the image below, you can also appreciate the
of goblins. Nevertheless, I feel that these goblins are scale of their miniatures. All of them that I got to
some of the best out there, and worth the price tag. look at were true 28mm scale. The barbarians a little
If you are a D+D player these goblins would make larger than a “regular human,” and stand a little
perfect miniatures for any campaign. taller than a Chaos Warrior. On the other hand, their
female wizards are a little shorter than the male
Something else worth checking out on their web ones. This element of realism is also a nice change
shop is their plethora of highly detailed character from the heroic scale we are accustomed to and
models in both resin and metal. These models are gives the sculpts an individual charm.
probably aimed primarily

One of these characters in particular perked
myinterest as I have a Warriors of the Dark Gods
army and I am always on the lookout for new
barbarian models. This axe-wielding fighter was
described as “stacked” by an acquaintance of mine
and can be customized with additional head

My initial idea was to use the horned helmet and

make a Barbarian Chieftain, but after a little thought
I decided to use it as an upgrade to my sorcerer. The
cloak would really add to the image along with the
pouches and bags around his waist. Using the non-
helmeted head and a few parts from the bits box,
you can see the end result.

Seizing the Veil - Campaign Introduction
Article by Proxy Table Gaming

Journal of Drakor, Morning Before Landfall

Yesterday we watched the Trolls disperse from the beach some hours after we first spotted
them; leaving what little remained of the washed-up bodies they had feasted upon as aimlessly
as they had devoured them.

The faces that had been alongside mine had watched in grim silence; all of them disciplined
Elves. They knew as well as I what it meant for the beasts to have departed. We could
make landfall.

The remains of Thelinir’s ship are partially submerged beneath the shallow
waters not far from where we have dropped anchor. Not one of us has any
hope of finding him or his crew alive. The scorched wood & blood-
splattered cargo that floats around our vessel leaves I can only
hope that this envious sibling is not about to fall into the same
pitfalls as the brother he follows and that my fate will also
not parallel that seemingly dealt to my mentor Suthlaeldus as
a result. little hope that anything had been spared a fate other
than a swift death by the blade or a slow drowning demise beneath the
water. Or worse.

High Prince Nalinir has shared few words on the journey to this accursed
place. When I informed him that we were clear to disembark, his manner
remained icy and his words remain with me, chilling my mind as I
write this now.

‘My brother is no more. I will better him.’

Journal of Drakor, Morning After Landfall

It has taken some hours for us to cautiously approach the shore since it was vacated.
I have made use of that time and it has not proven encouraging. It seemed
difficult to concentrate within my usual trances. I have been plagued by unseen
disturbances that felt almost as though they were pushing against me. The veil
here is thin, perilously thin. I cannot write in words the feeling that courses through
my veins and I almost didn’t believe my comrades when they told me they could
not sense anything themselves - yet I feel empowered by it.

There is something here, of that I am certain. Nalinir won’t be disappointed to learn

that his brother was right in his endeavour but still I have my doubts whether any
of us, even as blessed a race as ours, are strong-willed enough to harness it. I
feel changed in some way. I still dread what we will find once we explore this
land – and yet if all those around me decided better of it and wished to sail
home, I would not… I could not… allow them to do so.

Gnashrooms: A Step by Step Guide.
Article by Infamouse

Infanmouse gives the 9th Scroll some insights into his recent Gnashrooms project. This tutorial will explain how
he manufactured his “Gnashrooms” as an alternative to Gnashers in his Orcs and Goblins army.

Step 1: Cut a length of wire as and twist it until you The legs should be much longer than you want them
have the height that you want your Gnashroom to be. The longer the leg pins, the more you can stick
stalk to be into a shape something like this: in the cork and keep the figure stable while

Step 2: Bulk out the figure using fimo polymer clay
(it takes a bit of conditioning, but once it's ready it's
an awesome sculpting medium) or other sculpting
resin (HPM – I recommend white miliput for this). Do
each layer of clay or resin in steps to allow the
material to dry to avoid making mistakes.

Continue to add bulk to the torso until you reach the

desired size and a rough cylinder shape is achieved.
While the resin is dry, score lines with a tool to get
fungal texture.

Step 3: Add bulk to legs and feet. Use a sculpting

tool to add vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines to
create wrinkles on the legs.

Step 4: Attach a roll of putty to top of the stalk and

use a tool to blend and smooth the edges into the
trunk of the Gnashroom.

Continue to blend the material until you have a

brow shape. Add texture as on the legs.

Step 5: Add the teeth to the general area that you Step 6: Roll a small almond shaped piece of putty
want the mouth to be. teeth are just a cone of putty that fits in the recess underneath the brow. Attach
rolled out in the fingers. this almond shaped piece in place under the brow
and blend in the edges until the eye and wrinkle
under it are shaped. Repeat this for both eyes.

Add a triangle of material to make up the bottom

underbite jaw area. Again, use sculpting tool to
blend the edges of the jaw into the torso of the
model. Make a lip and chin by adding pressure to
the material in the middle of the triangle so that the
lip sticks out, curves in underneath and the chin is
prominent. Finally add texture to the triangle so it
fits the rest of the model.

Step 7: Roll a ball of putty into a rough mushroom
cap shape with your fingers and place it on the head
of the Gnashroom.

The final stage is to base your Gnashroom. Drill

holes in your base and use the wire in the feet to
pin the model in place.

You can be very creative with the shapes and sizes
of your Gnashrooms. Below you can see a number
of different variations on the original design.

Chaffing: The Society for Putting Things in
Front of Other Things
Article by DanT
DanT is back with another instalment of tactics for those wishing to improve their game.

These are some thoughts on ‘chaffing.’ A topic that

gets talked about a lot on the forum and in 9th Age
discussions, but possibly without being fully
explained. This will be far from a complete
investigation of the topic, but it will cover a few
different aspects including some basics and some
more advanced topics. Hopefully those players of
different skill levels will learn something from

Note: my focus here will be on "chaffing" in the

sense of putting your units in front of enemy units.
I will talk a little about what are good units for
chaffing and how important they are. However I
won't discuss the many other possible battlefield
roles of chaff units: that is a (much bigger) topic for
another day.


What is chaffing? Putting a unit in front of an enemy

unit (typically expecting that it is sacrificing itself) to
block and occupy the enemy unit for a turn.
or shooting damage potential and are typically
Why do it? Fundamentally, 9th Age is mostly a game not scoring. Ideally they are light troops or flyers.
about picking fights. Chaffing is one tool for getting These are units that players put into their lists
the fights you want and stopping your opponent specifically because they are good at chaffing, and
from getting the ones that they want. Simply put, cheap enough that their glorious sacrifice is not a
chaffing stops the enemy unit from charging (and big loss. However, *any* unit can chaff the enemy if
therefore killing) whatever it wants. it is in the right place at the right time.
It also allows the rest of your army to do something IMPLEMENTATION
else, such as charge into the rest of the opposing
army, shoot the blocked (or another) unit, or set up Simple right? Just put your sacrificial unit in front of
a charge (or many charges) into the blocked unit. the enemy unit. No problem.

How does it work? Most units cannot charge However, there are of course subtleties to chaffing.
through a unit that is in front of them (the main The key thing to check when chaffing is that your
exception is flyers). If you put a unit in front of opponent's unit cannot charge past your chaff (e.g.
another, they can't choose to charge a different by wheeling at the start of its charge move). The
unit. They must either charge the chaffing unit or distance from each front corner of the enemy unit
not charge. to the chaff unit needs to be less than the width of
the enemy unit (this is actually a slight
What units can chaff? Stereotypically, chaff units simplification, but hopefully the reader can see the
are fast cheap units. Often they have little combat point here).

Another key point is overrun and pursuit. Units that
charge and wipe out their opponent, or break them,
get to make to make an overrun move after combat
(typically straight forward) either trying to cut down
the fleeing enemy, or just heedlessly ploughing
onwards after an easy victory.

Since charging units typically align to the thing they

are charging, this means that the angle that the
front of the chaffing unit is at determines what the
overrun/pursuit path of the charging unit will be,
and therefore where it can finish at the end of the
enemy turn.
The maximum pursuit/overrun distance is usually
12", so this makes a sort of 'corridor' on the table,
running from the front of the chaffing unit, to 12"
directly behind them. This is usually not a good
place to put your other units when chaffing, as it
allows the enemy to kill the chaff and then
potentially get into a fight with another unit as well.

Bear in mind that the width of the enemy unit

(taking into account the different ways that the
enemy unit could maximise to your unit) defines the
potential width of the corridor.

Be aware of terror tests. If your unit fails its panic

test and runs, then your opponent's unit will be able
to charge whatever unit you were trying to protect.
Try to get your general and Battle Standard Bearer
in range if chaffing a terror causing enemy, or use
chaff that is immune to terror tests (such as fearless

If the enemy unit has characters in, and you want to

stop them from charging out of their unit, then you
need to pay attention to where they are in their unit
and check for whether you have stopped them
charging your other units separately to the unit they
are in.

Finally, when positioning chaff, pay attention to

Related to the above, pay attention to which side of which *other* enemy units can see them. It is no
the chaffing unit the enemy will charge against. good to chaff one enemy unit carefully, if a different
Particularly if a narrow unit is chaffing a wide unit, it enemy unit from another angle can charge
can be quite deceptive, and of course it makes a big your chaff and possibly get a favourable overrun
difference to the overrun path. path.

SIMPLE EXAMPLE that are quite good at getting where the player
needs them to be.
You and your opponent both have a unit of knights
armed with lances and a similar charge range. They To some extent, any cheap unit or single model can
stand looking at each other on the battlefield in a behave as chaff, particularly if it has reasonable
stalemate, because long range charges are unlikely, movement or lateral mobility.
and whoever fails a charge first probably then gets
Many shooting units with light troops work well,
because they can shoot enemy units, then dive in
But, you have a chaff unit, so you push this unit up and chaff something if needed, and potentially even
to block ("chaff") the enemy knights, and use this get an extra shot from a stand and shoot charge
as cover to push your knight block forwards. reaction in the process.

Now, whether or not the enemy knights charge Personally, I mostly lean towards units that have
the chaff, it is likely that they will themselves get other uses, and one of my favourites are chariots.
charged by your knights on the next turn. Chariots threaten long range and multiple charges,
Ultimately, a small unit has been sacrificed to allow but when an enemy gets up close and personal, they
a bigger enemy unit to be trapped and beaten. are quite good at diving into the way. With the
tougher chariots, they sometimes even survive to
later rally and thus conserve their points. Of course,
the trouble with chariots is their low march rates, so
they can't chaff the enemy from a long distance

Some characters also make good chaff, especially

cheap ones that can take fast moving mounts.



It is about to be your opponent’s last turn. They

have trapped your unit with all your characters in
and are about to deliver the killing blow. You have
no other units left. What do you do?
One option is to run out the cheapest character and
use it to chaff the enemy unit. Now you give away
150pts rather than 1000.

Your big unit beats your opponent's big unit, but not
in one round, and the enemy has a counter charge
ready. What do you do?
You could charge your big block into theirs,
and chaff the counter charge to buy the time you
need to win the important fight.

You are playing an aggressive combat army against

an enemy with several strong zoning units but
As I said earlier, any unit can chaff if it is in the right no chaff. What do you do?
place at the right time, but traditional chaff are units A strategy could be to use chaff to block their whole
light cavalry (cavalry with light troops and line and use this to put your whole army over the
often vanguard), small flying units (Eagles, Harpies halfway line on turn one. Then turn two you put
etc) and cheap fast moving models like Warhounds your army into the enemy main units or support
or Wolves. All of these are relatively cheap units units (depending on the matchups).

You are playing with many small units and want to moving far, so you should get a second turn with all
multi charge a key enemy unit, but said unit has a your firepower at short range.
good charge range and none of your units can
Your opponent may try to target your chaffing units
survive the charge. What do you do?
before they sacrifice themselves. This can be
You can chaff it and advance with all your other
mitigated by keeping your chaff units behind your
units being sure to be outside of the overrun path.
other units. However, beware: you may need to
Particularly for wide enemy units, even if leave gaps for the chaff to fit through, and
your chaff can't get close to them, you can push the chaff units need to move far enough that they
your chaff towards them such that they need to can get to a useful chaffing position from behind
wheel quite sharply to charge around the chaff. This your other units.
creates "shadows" that you can safely advance units
When chaffing a unit that you want to charge in your
into (as usual you will need to be aware of the
next turn, also consider your options if your
overrun corridor if the chaffing unit itself is
opponent doesn't charge or kill the chaffing unit.
Ideally you want to have the chaffing unit facing in
Chaffing can also be used to set up favourable a direction such that they can declare a charge
shooting situations, particularly at short against another enemy unit, and thus get out of the
range. Chaff the enemy unit and put your firepower way of the unit(s) you had setup to charge the
in short range. You get a turn of shooting, then if the enemy unit that you chaffed.
opponent charges and kills the chaff they won't be

Finally, you can also do increasingly more advanced an extra medium combat unit, mage, shooting unit
things by carefully putting your units in front of the or something else.
enemy. Furion did an advanced tactica or two after
Dedicated chaff units with no other roles can be a
the ETC this year, including one where he used
little intrinsically boring, as they typically can
reavers to prevent an enemy multi charge, and
contribute little to the game other than with their
simultaneously prevent one of the units from being
sacrifice. Some of them don't even reliably beat
able to maximise if it charged (it is worth looking at
many war machines in combat. Moreover, in a tight
his thread on the forum if you get chance).
game where one or both players are trying to avoid
DO I NEED TO TAKE CHAFF? engaging, chaff can be easy VPs for your opponent
to score.
For beginners and improving players, (particularly if
one is playing against better players), taking 1- ALTERNATIVES TO CHAFFING
2 chaff units and trying to use them correctly is a
Many of the problems/situations where chaff can
good way to stop a game being a walkover. It also
be useful can be solved in other ways, and improved
gives the player a chance to develop and learn more
play can even prevent the need to use chaff units.
skills, and using chaff is one of the best ways to
After all, it is impossible to chaff flyers (at least in
learn what the weaknesses of chaff are and how
the conventional way, one could still for example
they can be counter played and circumvented.
use a unit to block their line of sight). It is possible
Some lists/playstyles play in a particular way that to play against flyers with a battleline in such a way
requires dedicated chaff, or an abundance of cheap that they never get any good openings, and many of
units that can be used as chaff. There are downsides the same ideas can be used against any unit. I will
though. Most obviously, chaff costs points. Not only mention a few of these now.
does it normally need to die to achieve its role, thus
giving up its points, but by the time you have
included 2-3 chaff units, the list could have included

When a particular enemy (deathstar) unit is a safety, such that their failed charge move will leave
problem, consider trying to bait it into a long charge them in a position to be flanked. In this situation,
early on and fleeing, particularly if as a result of the often the opponent cannot afford to declare the
failed charge you will be able to advance your other charge, so you don't even need to flee ultimately.
units outside of the problematic unit's arc.
If you are one of the stronger players in your local
Remember there are only six turns, so every turn
group, you might find it valuable to play some
that the enemy unit doesn't kill anything is a big
games without chaff, in order to develop these
chunk out of its capabilitiesEqually, at mid and
other skills, which are still useful skills even when
shorter ranges, clever double flees and/or bouncing
you put the chaff back into your lists.
units through each other can also be used to force a
failed charge. The extra advantage of this is that if In my own lists I rarely include dedicated chaff.
you are close enough, the options available to the Instead, I subscribe to a "nothing is chaff, everything
enemy unit if they don't charge will be quite is chaff" philosophy. I have even chaffed with
reduced. ~900pt models in the past. As players improve, they
will see that not every list needs dedicated chaff,
I also think that coherent use of a battle line,
and chaff doesn't suit every player equally. I urge
ensuring that the units are mutually supporting, and
players to experiment with using more or
not just lined up opposite enemy units, can often
fewer chaff units, and try to find what suits them
make it hard for the opponent to commit into fights
and the kinds of lists that they like.
(unless the fights are totally one-sided). As long as
there are reasonable odds of the charge holding, FINAL WORDS
then it can often be made too risky for the opponent
to engage. Typically, this probably requires an An understanding of the principles behind chaffing,
above average number of medium+ combat units in what it can achieve, the options available to each
the list. player, and the pitfalls, are all an important part of
any player's skills. So, what are you waiting for? Go
A player can even combine these last two ideas by forth and put things in front of other things!
giving the enemy a charge that you will flee to
9th Age Inspired 3D Printing
Article by Marcos24

Marcos24 gives us his insights into 3D printing his own miniatures.

HPM: Why you chose to do the 3D printning? made it difficult and unmotivating. Since my
greenstuff skills are horrible, I gave 3D design a shot.
For one, I’m very picky as to how I want my
miniatures. I want realistic proportions. That was HPM: How easy is it to do?
the minimum requirement. Secondly, I wanted
As an experienced artist it’s easy for me to visualise
them all to match in terms of style, size, and
how I want my design to look. Whether I'm creating
proportions. So it was almost impossible, to find a
something from my own imagination, copying a
company that offered all of that for every unit in my
picture, or looking at an existing model, I know what
army. Thirdly, I love the idea of custom models,
changes would suit it to my taste and in my opinion,
unique to one person and no one else. That just
make it just perfect.
adds so much more depth to an army and
sometimes it says a lot about the owner. It’s also The design part was difficult at first because I had no
nice to see something different and unfamiliar on experience with such programs as zbrush. After
the table. Finally, I'm not very good at manipulating following some tutorials and learning how to use
and using greenstuff or similar products. I've tried, different tools, I got the hang of it and it became
and have gotten better at it, but my lack of patience pretty easy. The more I do, the more detailed I get
with each model. I’ve been doing it for about 4
months. The only difficult part is fine tuning size and
proportions from how they look
on the screen to how they print.
Right now, I’m just learning how
to split models into different
parts. It sounds easy, but the
more different parts you can mix
and match, the more awkward it
gets. For example, the neck is
slightly longer because one head
is meant to be glued onto a torso
with a furry hood folded back on
a breast place or a simple shirt, so
the gap it leaves in one or the
other just doesn't look natural.
Or maybe some parts end up
looking really big compared to
one part but look fine with other
ones. An arm with a weapon was
designed with a certain body
position in mind, so when mixed
with a torso and head that fit a
very different position, it leaves a
very weird, awkward, unnatural
pose. Things like that really
bother me. I want everything to
make sense and look
aesthetically correct.

How the 9th age background effects What you Anything exciting we should know about?
print? YES! One of the prizes for a grand tournament, SoCal
Joust in Orange County, CA, will be a custom model
I’m mixing a historical setting and the 9th Age
designed by me. I will be working with the winner to
fantasy world to create my own take. I’ve actually
give him or her the model they'd like to own, down
printed my entire KoE list. Every horse has a very
to every detail that I’m capable of creating, and
specific chamfron which, from all the research I’ve
printing. I will
done, is unique to Medieval Spain. I’m also
designing "what you see is what you get" units to fit also be making unique game markers and
the Kingdom of Equitaine army book profiles. For accessories with the SoCal Joust theme that will be
example, my light cavalry will have throwing given to each player in goodie bag!
weapons (because I’ve always liked javelins on
cavalry), influenced by the medieval Spanish Jinete
of certain time periods.
Are you going to put your 3D prints up for sale?
Eventually, and I’m sorry to say I’m in no hurry.
Could there be a market for them when I’m done?
Well maybe not as big as one that exists right now,
but this didn't start as a way to make money, just
simply as a way for me to get the exact models I
wanted. If someone gets a hold of one of my models
from buying it or as a gift, I want it to be the best
thing I’m capable of creating. So I need time to make
some really great designs with cool options.
As a member of the art team, my artistic skills have
improved tremendously since I’ve starting
volunteering for the 9th Age. So for the models, i'd
like to start with much higher standards in mind and
not release anything until I meet those.
Fires of the Inferno: How to Paint Flames
Article by Henrypmiller

A short tutorial about how to do a simple flame effect in only 6 steps.

With the new infernal dwarves book coming soon,

It seems a good time to do a “How to Paint Fire”
tutorial for the Scroll. This was coincidentally at the
same time as I was painting this Dragon Pheonix for
my Highborn Elves Army. Here is how I did the fire

Step 1: Paint the area you wish to be “fire” in an

orange colour. I am using MSP Master Series Fireball

Step 2: Cover the area where you want the brightest

part of the fire to be in a bright white. This should
be about half of the area of the fire, towards the
edge. I am using Citadel White Scar.

Step 3: Use a mid tone yellow and paint

about a third to a quarter of the middle of
the flame. Admittedly here I did not leave
enough white on the outside and I think this
was a mistake in the overall effect. I used
MSP Master Series, Golden Yellow.

Step 4: mix the orange and yellow you used in step
1 and 3 in a 1:1 ratio and make a layer between the
two. This should create a reasonably nice blend
from the darker orange to the lighter yellow and
then the starker white on the edge. You can really
see here that I have not left enough white on the

Step 5: Drybrush the white area with a

bright yellow. I used Flash Gitz Yellow from
GW. Try and keep the white showing
through just a little.

Step 6: The final step is to drybrush, or pick

out the edges of the flame with a darker
orange colour. I used Burning Red from
MSP Master Series. In general this tone
should be a little darker than the initial
orange colour, but not much.

And here we have the finished product. As I said, I think

I should have left a little more white below the yellow,
but I think the effect works well for a simple but effective
flame effect! Below you can see a few more pictures of
the “Phoenix” and the fire effect.

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