Disp 40

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Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40

Fluoroplastic Dispersion

Product Information
Product Description with FDA 21 CFR 177.1550 and European Regulation (EU)
No. 10/2011. For details and information, please contact your
Teflon PTFE DISP 40 is a milky white aqueous PTFE

Chemours representative.
dispersion stabilized with a non-ionic surfactant. It is
designed to provide enhanced shear stability and can
be used in coating and additive applications. It imparts
properties unique to PTFE resin to porous structures, as well Conventional dip or flow techniques can be used for coating or
as to base materials when used as an additive. When properly impregnating high temperature fabrics, fibers, and other products
processed, the PTFE resin in Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 exhibits with Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40. A continuous PTFE resin coating on
the superior properties typical of the fluoroplastic resin: woven fabrics made of fiberglass, Nomex® aramid fiber, Kevlar®
retention of properties after service at 260 °C (500 °F) and aramid fiber, or other high temperature-resistant fibers can be
useful properties at –240 °C (–400 °F). made by dip coating. Multiple passes may be used to build the
desired thickness to produce a smooth, crack-free coating.
Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 aqueous dispersion provides:
Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 is formulated to provide good rewetting
• Higher shear stability for improved mixing and processing on each pass. Each coating layer is usually dried to remove water
• Inertness to nearly all chemicals and solvents in (typically at 120 °C [250 °F]), baked to remove the wetting agent
commercial use (typically at 270 °C [518 °F]), sometimes calendered, and finally
heated above the crystalline melting point of the resin particles
• Stability at high temperatures
(approximately 337 °C [639 °F]).
• Excellent dielectric properties
Products utilizing entrained PTFE resin particles only for their
• Lowest coefficient of friction of any solid material
lubricating or hydrophobic properties are dried and baked, but not
• Excellent weatherability heated above the crystalline melting point of the particles. For
• Non-stick characteristics example, rope-like products, such as shaft packings, can be made
from braided yarn in a variety of cross sections. The dispersion
Typical Applications wets internal surfaces and promotes penetration of the small
PTFE particles. The unmelted particles are sheared and retained
• Coated woven fiber-glass fabric used in architectural, high-
as an impregnant, even when compressed in service and exposed
performance industrial, food processing, and electronics
to steam or chemicals. Unmelted particles also can improve
flexibility and flex life in woven fabrics used in hot-gas filtration
• Impregnated packing made from braided fibers for severe applications.
chemical and thermal service
Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 can be used in coatings for metal surfaces
• Cast film for capacitor dielectrics or chemical barriers applied by spray, roll coating, or curtain coating techniques. Other
• Formulated surface coatings for metallic or other high- solid or liquid ingredients can be added to Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40
temperature substrates to provide specific processing or finished product behavior.
• Anti-drip additive for plastics
Safety Precautions
• Binder for battery anode or cathode matrixes
Before processing any fluoroplastics, read the Material Safety
Food Contact Compliance Data Sheet, available upon request from our Customer Service
Group at (844) 773-CHEM/2436 in the U.S. or (302) 773-1000
Properly processed products (sintered at high temperatures outside of the U.S. Also read the detailed information in the
common to the industry) made from Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 latest edition of the “Guide to the Safe Handling of Fluoropolymer
resin can qualify for use in contact with food in compliance Resins,” published by the Fluoropolymers Division of The
Society of the Plastics Industry (www.fluoropolymers.org) or by
PlasticsEurope (www.plasticseurope.org).
Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 Fluoroplastic Dispersion

Storage and Handling High-speed stirring, pumping, or any other violent agitation
must be avoided to minimize sheared particles, coagulation,
Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 must be properly stored to maximize
and foaming. Ideally, the dispersion should be conveyed by
the stability of the dispersion. The PTFE particles will
gravity from storage to processing stations.
settle on prolonged standing and/or prolonged heating—
temperatures above 40 °C (104 °F) should be avoided. The Storage and handling areas should be clean. Keep dispersion
dispersion must be protected from freezing, which will cause drums closed and clean to avoid both contamination and
irreversible settling. The optimum storage temperature range coagulation by drying at the liquid surface. High processing
is 7–24 °C (45–75 °F). If dispersions are to be stored for temperatures will cause even very small foreign particles to
extended periods, lower-temperature storage is desirable. become visible and/or make defects in finished products.
For optimal performance, Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 should be Good housekeeping and careful handling are essential.
gently mixed or rolled monthly and prior to use.
Ammonium hydroxide is used by Chemours to set the
pH to 9.5–11.0 at the time of shipment. High ambient Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 is packaged in 30-L (8-gal)
temperatures can deplete the ammonium hydroxide level and non-returnable drums and 1000-L (264-gal) recyclable
reduce pH. Declining pH eventually favors bacterial growth, containers. Contact the local Chemours sales office for
which causes odor and scum. The pH of opened containers package sizes available in your specific geographic area.
should be measured and maintained between 9.5 and 11.0.

Typical Property Data for Teflon™ PTFE DISP 40 Fluoroplastic Dispersion*

Property Test Method Unit Typical Value

Solids Content (% PTFE by weight) ASTM D4441 ISO 12086 % 60
Density of Dispersion (at 60% solids) ASTM D4441 ISO 12086 g/cm3 1.51
% Surfactant Based on PTFE Solids ASTM D4441 ISO 12086 % 6
Dispersion Particle Size, average diameter Chemours μm 0.230
pH of Dispersion ASTM E70 ISO 1148 10
Brookfield Viscosity (at 25 °C [77 °F]) ASTM D2196 ISO 2555 MPa·s 25
Teflon PTFE DISP 40 meets the requirements of ASTM D4441-15, Type II, Grade 6, Class A.

*Typical properties are not suitable for specification purposes.


Teflon™ is a registered trademark of Chemours for its brand of fluoroplastic resins, coatings, films, and dispersions. The Teflon™ brand name is licensed by Chemours in association with approved applications.
Without a trademark license, customers may not identify their product with the Teflon™ brand name, as Chemours does not sell such offerings with the Teflon™ trademark. Unlicensed customers may refer to
the Chemours product offering with only the Chemours name and product code number descriptor as Chemours sells its product offerings. There are no fair use rights or exhaustion of rights to use the Teflon™
trademark from buying from Chemours, a Chemours customer, or a distributor without a trademark license from Chemours.
If you are interested in applying for a trademark licensing agreement for the Teflon™ brand, please visit www.teflon.com/license

CAUTION: Do not use Chemours materials in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body or contact with bodily fluids or tissues, unless the material has been provided from
Chemours under a written contract that is consistent with Chemours policy regarding medical applications and expressly acknowledges the contemplated use. For further information, please contact
your Chemours representative. You may also visit www.teflon.com/industrial to download a copy of the “Chemours POLICY Regarding Medical Applications” and “Chemours CAUTION Regarding Medical
Applications.” For medical emergencies, spills, or other critical situations, call (866) 595-1473 within the United States. For those outside of the United States, call (302) 773-2000.
The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and based on technical data that Chemours believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their own
discretion and risk. The handling precaution information contained herein is given with the understanding that those using it will satisfy themselves that their particular conditions of use present
no health or safety hazards. Because conditions of product use are outside our control, Chemours makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use
of this information. As with any material, evaluation of any compound under end-use conditions prior to specification is essential. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate under or a
recommendation to infringe any patents.

For more information, visit teflon.com/industrial

For sales and technical support contacts, visit teflon.com/industrialglobalsupport
© 2015 The Chemours Company FC, LLC. Teflon™ and any associated logos are trademarks or copyrights of The Chemours Company FC, LLC. Chemours™ and the Chemours Logo are
trademarks of The Chemours Company.
Nomex® and Kevlar® are registered trademarks of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.
Replaces: K-26071
C-10151 (11/15)

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