The Psychiatric Collaborator As Critic, by Thomas Szasz

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The Therapeutic State by ThomasSzasz


The Psychiatric
Collaborator as "Critic"
C ritics of religious and political despo-
tisms do not defend the oppressive
titled "A Critic Takes On Psychiatric Dogma,
Loudly," a reporter for the NewYork Times
practices of the institutions they oppose. Reli- describes Satet as a psychiatrist at a
gious and political tyrants are brutally intoler- methadone clinic in Washington, who has
ant toward those who defy their doctrines, been "dubbed the most dangerous psychiatrist
and recognize such opponents as enemies. in America," and applauds her "relentless
Huss was burned at the stake. Galileo was questioning of psychiatric dogma."
silenced. The Nazis and communists killed, What dogma does Satel question?
imprisoned, persecuted, and defamed their "I reject," she writes, "the notion that
opponents. addicts . . . are not responsible for anything
In modern psychiatry, the opposite situa- they do .... [A]ddiction is fundamentally a
tion prevails: So-called psychiatric critics problem of behavior, over which addicts have
defend coercive psychiatric practices and are, voluntary control?’ If addiction is voluntary
in turn, celebrated as anti-dogmatists. behavior, what is Satel doing "treating" it
In the late 1960s, Ronald Laing postured as with methadone?
a radical critic of psychiatry. His close collab- Addressing Robert DowneyJr.’s run-ins
orator, psychiatrist David Cooper, coined the with drug police, Satel reiterates that addic-
term "antipsychiatry" to identify their work. tion is "a decision, not a disease" and adds:
Psychiatry and the media embraced them as "[Downey’s] situation shouldn’t be used to
dissident psychiatrists. However, Laing argue against the virtues of drug treatment."
"worked with" involuntary mental patients, Satel’s position regarding drug addiction and
"treated" schizophrenics with drugs (LSD), drug policy is self-contradictory, to put it
and never criticized psychiatry’s paradigmatic mildly.
procedures: civil commitmentand the insani- The principal dogmasof psychiatry are that
ty defense. certain unwantedbehaviors are diseases, that
Although Laing is often said to have repu- coercion is a treatment, and that excusing
diated the idea of mental illness, this view is guilty persons of their crimes and depriving
erroneous. them of liberty is a merciful and scientific
Today in Sally Satel, the media has discov- form of therapeutic justice. Satel supports
ered another radical critic of psychiatry who every one of these beliefs and the practices
loves psychiatric coercion. In an article, based on them. She states:

Thomas Szasz (tszasz@aoLcom), M.D., is professor ¯ NewYork State "should put a statute
of psychiatry emeritus at SUNYUpstate Medical Uni-
versity in Syracuse. He is the author of Pharmacracy: on the books that allows outpatient
Medicineand Politics in America,just publishedby commitment?’
Praeger. ¯ "The Colin Fergusons and John Hinck-

leys must be treated for a severe mental explains, "is to help patients attain autonomy,
illness and society needsto be kept safe to help them break out of the figurative
from them." straightjacket bindingthoughtand will."
¯ "Force is the best medicine.... [L]egal This is plainly wrong.Thepatients’ thought
sanctions--either imposed or threat- and will are not bound,as evidencedby their
ened--mayprovide the leverage needed refusal to take the drugs psychiatrists want
to keep them alive by keeping them in themto take. But not to worry: being drugged
treatment. Voluntary help is often not against your will by psychiatric doctors is a
enough." "right" you are incapable of exercising:
"Manypeople with untreated schizophrenia
Although manymembersof the media are become incapable of... exercising their
charmedby Satel’s self-contradictions, not rights as individuals. Beingrequired to take
everyoneis fooled. In his review of Satel’s medicationis hardly a violation of the civil
book, PC, M.D.:HowPolitical CorrectnessIs rights of a person whois too ill to exercise
Corrupting Medicine, Jacob Sullumwrites: free will in the first place. Thefreedomto be
"[In Satel’s view], while coercingthe schizo- psychoticis not freedom."
phrenic is justified becausehe can’t control Somecritic of psychiatric dogma.Satel’s
his behavior, coercingthe addict is justified fatuities about liberation by oppression are
becausehe can." standard psychiatric cant. Along time ago,
This, of course,is classic psychiatricdogma. ThomasG. Gutheil, professor of psychiatry at
Bydefinition, psychiatriccoercionis a "good," Harvard, asserted: "The physician seeks to
a valuethat trumpslogic, truth, andliberty. liberate the patient fromthe chainsof illness;
the judge from the chains of treatment. The
wayis paved for patients to rot with their
Critic or Collaborator? rights on."
Satel identifies herself as a conservative;is Comparethese psychiatrists’ doubletalk
a fellow at the AmericanEnterprise Institute, with the plain talk of Sir James Coxe, a
a prestigious conservative think tank; and nineteenth-century English MPtestifying
often publishes in the editorial pages of the before the House of Commons Select Com-
Wall Street Journal. Is she a conservative? mittee on the Operation of the LunacyLaws
Conservatives are supposed to meanwhat in 1877:"I think it is a very hard case for a
they say and say what they mean. Wedon’t manto be locked up in an asylum and kept
call just anypiece of metal a key, unless it is there; youmaycall it anythingyoulike, but it
usedto opena lock. Similarly, weoughtnot to is a prison."Clearly,there is no endto the pre-
call just any medicalintervention a treatment tentious nonsensethat psychiatrists dreamup
unless the phenomenon it intends to amelio- about disapprovedbehaviorsand their "treat-
rate is a disease--and,mostimportantfor tra- ment" by drugs and coercions.
ditional conservativesand libertarians, unless RegardingSatel’s enthusiasmfor the invol-
the person subjected to it consents. If we untarytreatmentof addicts, I submitthat such
regard other people’s bad habits as diseases "treatment"stands in the samerelation to the
and enact laws that prohibit and punish such voluntary treatment of diabetics as rape
behaviorsas treatments, wereplace discover- stands to sex betweenconsentingadults.
ing diseases with decreeing diseases--in As long as they accept that certain misbe-
short, we abandon limited government and haviors are diseases and that coercingmisbe-
democracy in favor of unlimited medical having persons is a treatment, conservatives
caprice and pharmacracy. delude themselves whenthey complainabout
Satel, concludesSullum, "ends up defend- the "nannystate." Nanniesdon’t treat diseases
ing authoritarian policies." She ends up and have no power to prohibit or prescribe
defending psychiatric correctness as well. drugs, muchless forcibly administer themto
"The point of imposing treatment," she innocent people. Doctors do. []

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