Ktu Students: Class: S5/S6 Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

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HS300 Principles of Management

Class: S5/S6
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Part A (Answer any 3 questions. 3X10 = 30 Marks) Marks

1. a) Define Management (3)

b) Explain the art & science perspectives of Management (3)
c) Describe any four elements of the external environment of a manufacturing
Firm with a suitable example (4)

2. a) Explain challenges faced by new generation firms (4)

b) Explain various features of the organizations of the new era (4)
c) Explain Competitive advantage (2)

3. a) Explain any four contributions of Henry Fayol (4)

b) Explain Mc. Gregor’s X and Y Theory (4)
c) Why Elton Mayo’s study is called Human relations Management (2)

4. a) Describe any two examples of CSR (4)

b) Distinguish between systems approach and contingency approach (3)
c) Draw 7S frame work (3)

Part B (Answer any 3 questions. 3X10 = 30 Marks)

5. a) List any four objectives of Planning (4)
b) Who does strategic planning and why? (3)

c) Differentiate between goal, plan and procedure

6. a) Explain the steps in Planning process

b) Who does Operational planning and why it is easier?
c) What are the advantages of MBO

7. a) Explain Departmentation (3)
b) Define Span of control (2)
c) Classify the factors effecting span of control (5)
8. a) What are the merits and demerits of Line organization (2 each) (4)
b) Decision Making is a difficult task. Why? (3)
c) Distinguish between programmed and non programmed decisions (3)

Part C (Answer any 4 questions. 4X10 = 40 Marks)

9. a) Explain Staffing function (3)
b) Describe why delegation of authority is required (3)
b) Explain characteristics of an entrepreneur (4)

10. a) Explain Organizational Culture (4)

b) How does it affect organizational effectiveness? (6)

11. a) Comment and compare Leaders Vs. Managers (4)

b) Explain Transactional & Transformational Leadership (6)
12. a) Differentiate between feedback and feed forward control. (6)
b) Write a short note on Global controlling (4)

13. Explain the dimensions of leadership with a diagram (10)

Prof. Baiju B.S, HOD, Dept. of Applied Science, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna
For more study materials>www.ktustudents.in

Prof. Baiju B.S, HOD, Dept. of Applied Science, MEA Engineering College, Perinthalmanna
For more study materials>www.ktustudents.in

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