Tech Kicks Off Season Against Alcorn State: 36 Questions: A Pathway To Meaningful Relationships
Tech Kicks Off Season Against Alcorn State: 36 Questions: A Pathway To Meaningful Relationships
Tech Kicks Off Season Against Alcorn State: 36 Questions: A Pathway To Meaningful Relationships
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closer to falling in love. The ques- which showed a positive correla- were already significantly close Two friends walk across the North Ave bridge. It is important to
tions are organized into three cat- tion between individuals who See LOVE, page 6 cultivate relationships with friends, not just significant others.
Institute Address technique
Jonathan Jeffrey
President Peterson updates the Tech cam-
pus community about rectifying ethics and Friday,
continuing other initiatives44 August 31, 2018
A couple days after breaking two split ways, but the victim’s ex driver and passenger hooked a left
up, the victim went to his ex’s called him afterwards, asking to onto an area roadway. The passen-
apartment to pick up some items be taken back. He rebuffed her ef- ger was not wearing a helmet and
he wanted. While at her apart- forts stating that he wanted to just a nearby officer initiated a traffic
ment, he assembled some furni- be friends. stop.
ture for her while she pleaded that A few days later, he again The officer found that the driv-
he renege his breakup. agreed to go out for food with his er’s license was suspended and that
As he went to leave the apart- ex as friends. During their meal, the scooter’s vehicle identification
ment, she became physical, knee- his ex made it clear again that she number (VIN) had been altered.
ing and scratching him before wanted to have a sexual relation- After searching the offenders, the
pulling out a knife, but not threat- ship with the victim. The victim officer recovered one orange vest
ening to stab him. said he was uncomfortable and (safety first), a helmet, a hat, a tool
After the encounter, the victim that he wanted to be friends, but kit, a “large metal file,” a red back-
was able to leave the apartment. the two returned to his apartment pack, a black backpack and crack
Later that day, his ex arrived at his and had sexual intercourse. pipe(s). If you’re going to be cri-
CASEY MILES, own apartment and began knock- After that day, the victim con- min’, at least be stylin’! JUWON DRAKE
JUWON DRAKE ing on his door. The victim felt tinued to receive harassing calls CONTRIBUTING WRITER
MANAGING EDITOR, threatened and called 911. APD and messages from his ex. He re- DO YOU EVEN LIFT?
CONTRIBUTING WRITER arrived on the scene and talked ported he felt unsafe to GTPD, On the morning of Aug. 17, an COMMUNICATIONS HEAD FIRED
with both parties, but the victim when his ex showed up at his lab area man called GTPD to notify The latest in a series of admin-
TAKE ME BACK made it clear he did not want to unannounced. them of a metal lift in the loading istrative firings and resignations
In the early night of Aug. 15, file any charges. GTPD referred him to the dock of a campus building that is Michael Warden, who will no
an officer was dispatched to the After that incident, the victim’s Victim’s Advocate and educated was found with one of its com- longer be serving as Vice President
Klaus Advanced Computing ex began harassing communica- him on their role and the role of ponents bent slightly askew, ren- of Institute Communications, ef-
building in reference to a student tion across a variety of platforms a Temporary Restraining Order. dering it inoperable, and bringing fective September 14th, President
who had reported harassment from phone to email to social me- The victim again reiterated that campus operations to a screeching G.P. “Bud” Peterson announced
from an ex-girlfriend. dia, begging to be taken back. he did not want to press charges, halt. on Aug. 14.
According to the victim, the A couple of weeks after their he simply wanted his ex to leave Facilities was notified and the The news comes amidst an
harassment began during the re- meeting at his apartment, the vic- him alone. lift was quickly mended. No inju- widespread administrative shuffle
lationship in the form of verbal tim agreed to meet his ex and go ries, fatalities, or related catastro- that began on July 19 with the
abuse by his ex. Due to this be- out as friends. They went out and COMFORTABLY DUMB phes therein reported. The officer termination of former Execu-
havior, the victim broke up with had no arguments during their On the evening of Aug. 23, noted that the damage did not ap- tive Vice President Steve Swant,
his ex in late July. time at a farmers market. The a pink motorized scooter with a pear to be criminal in nature. and the revelation of the ethics
abuses that led to his termina-
ach week , this sec tion of SCPC FALL MARKETING food due to flak they had received tion and previous resignations of
News will include coverage SCPC requested funds for all in the past. former Director of Parking and
of different aspects of bills of their fall marketing campaigns. Conversation then shifted as Transportation Services Lance
and resolutions that have passed
Due to the allocations for tier II to whether this was a good use of Lunsway, former Vice President of
and III organization advertising the Undergraduate Legislative Re- Campus Services Paul Strouts and
through Student Government. This being cut from this year’s budget, serve (ULR). Rep. Sieling raised former Director of Digital Net-
will include the Undergraduate SCPC returned with a bill so that the issue that they do not fund works Tom Stipes.
House of Representatives, Graduate they can begin the large-scale ad- retreats for other organizations, In Warden’s case, the Institute
Student Senate and the Executive vertising they do every semester. but other organizations do not received five official complaints
Branch of both government bodies. After some discussion among have access to ULR funds. Since against Warden which together
returning representatives regard- ULR is the only place UHR can led to his firing.
CASEY MILES ing when newer representatives take money from for events that The complaints alleged
MANAGING EDITOR should know to speak, the bill they run. that Warden had hired an un-
passed along fine. Rep. Knauf then raised the qualified employee, David
BILL SUMMARY Rep. Knauf noted that due fact that they usually do not fund Holston, for the position of
to SCPC’s reach on campus, the food as a means to not bleed costs. Senior Director of Creative Strat-
BILL AMOUNT GSS UHR rules about capping advertise- He then went on to say that as egy and Brand Management.
SCPC Fall Martketing $1,699 6-0-0 24-0-0 ments should not apply. The bill long as they were not excessive in Though an internal talent search
GLIOR Regatta
passed 24-0-0. their spending in this instance, it was performed, Warden had the
$933.60 6-0-0 17-2-5 should be fine. specific intent that Holston would
Sugar Bowl Regatta $799.90 6-0-0 17-2-5 FRESHGA RETREAT After some back and forth fill the position regardless of re-
The annual FreShGA to Rock about policy and what ULR is sults. Holston does not have a col-
Prateek Kuhad Concert $2,500 5-0-0 17-2-6 Eagle, GA was on the docket. truly for with even President Gil- lege degree.
FreShGA Retreat 2018 $1,800 N/A 20-0-2 Discussion began on the bill re- lon commenting that the account State records show that
garding the funding of food. is for “organizational purposes,” Holston’s and Warden’s salaries
Appointment of Cabinet - N/A 22-0-0 Rep .Leuhm brought a motion the bill was passed with a vote of were $116,738 and $236,340, re-
to strike any line items relating to 20-0-2. spectively, according to the AJC.
me during the summer: f*** work. me now: i literally have no technique
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
Jonathan Jeffrey
Jon Long: Gun Control is Dead Forever. 54086615E3AEE1CD- OPINIONS EDITOR
36D7BFB41F20D8C7961F5D39 Samira Bandaru EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jon Long
The Technique should do a voter registration cover like the Ithaca
Times. Maybe put some handy info about absentee voting for Casey Miles MANAGING EDITOR LIFE EDITOR
Polly Ouellette
out-of-state students too. Good idea
I’m getting high off this marker. I didn’t know you did drugs! ENTERTAINMENT
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the
we should have jesus as an assistant professor Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of
jonathan asked me to do sliver box so i’m doing it. ur welcome the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique
Josh Trebuchon
mr. jeffrey publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in SPORTS EDITOR
honestly the adidas change isn’t that bad. i’m not too big on tra- the summer. Harsha Sridhar
ditions though. i get the outrage, but... it’s not that big of a deal
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at PHOTO EDITOR
should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one Casey Gomez
body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- DESIGN EDITOR
Please cover hazing. It’s gone too far. mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. Lauren Douglas
Doot doot mr skeltal net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In Texas there is a sound technique called chopped and screwed ONLINE EDITOR
Chicken stand Copyright © 2018, Samira Bandaru, Editor-in-Chief, and the Zoie Konneker
808s and heartbreak was a trash album Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this pa-
Jon long can probably eat at least two waffle fries in one sitting per may be reproduced in any manner without written permission
Tristen Allen
PSA to all new and returning students: TAKE A SHOWER, from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publica-
PLEASE! I’ve had to switch seats multiple times and started us- tions. The ideas expressed herein are those of the individual au- HEAD COPY EDITOR
ing perfume so that I can avoid the wafts of various B.O. that thors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Elizabeth Sit
Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia
come my way in class. Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. First
Shoutout to all the pears copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
// NEWS technique • August 31, 2018• 3
We have art in order not to die of
the truth.
― Friedrich Nietzsche Friday,
August 31, 2018
more creative if you’re using artis- mented reality [wind] shield?”
tic principles and using some of Using both the disciplines of
the analytical processes of engi- creative design and mechanical
neering and technical processes,” engineering, Li and the Car HMI Student and Community Life Cluster: A Path Forward
Li said. Lab will answer that question in a Location: Clough 102
Li teaches his students to use way that is applicable to a simple Time: 11 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
This public forum will update the campus on implementation
design behaviors in his classes, family road trip.
Wayne Li which are skills that students Another of his current projects
plans and will answer questions on student and
community life.
across disciplines use to methodi- is toy design for children with dis-
LANE ELDER cally create something new. abilities, such as hearing or vision Fall Grad Student Kick-Off
Location: Tech Rec
CONTRIBUTING WRITER According to Li, “if students loss.
Time: 6 p.m.–8 p.m.
learn how to use these design Li laments the fact that Tech The Council for Grad Life will host a kick-off event exclusively
Tech students pride themselves behaviors, it makes them more students have to choose between for grad students.
on being diverse, and the profes- innovative, it makes them more design or engineering.
sors are no different. Wayne Li, a creative and it makes them entre- The inherent nature of an en-
professor in both the mechanical preneurial.” gineering degree just does not
engineering and industrial design As humans, he claims, we all allow much room for exploring 10th Annual Diversity Symposium
schools, has a toe dipped in many are naturally multi-faceted. He branching-out, top-of-the-T inter- Location: Global Learning Center and Hotel Conference Center
different sections of campus. described an ideal student as “T- ests. A national study performed Time: 7:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
Li was designated the James Shaped” – having one strength by Indiana University in 2015 This annual conference will explore the progress made towards
“Building Inclusive Communities,” the theme of this year’s event.
L. Oliver Professor title, which (like the base of the T) but also showed that engineering majors
is named after a Tech alumnus fascinated and inspired by a vari- spent the most time on average
committed to multidisciplinary ety of other disciplines (branching per week preparing for class com-
design. With degrees in Mechani- out like the top of the T). pared to students from nine other Health and Well-Being Cluster: A Path Forward - Together
cal Engineering and Design, and When he was asked about his disciplines. Location: Student Center Theater
industry experience in both fields, current research, Li paused. Apart “I’m a creative person. I’m ar- Time: 11 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
Li aims to combine those seem- from teaching classes in both de- tistic. I drew stuff when I was This public forum will update the campus on implementation
ingly different disciplines. His partments, he’s involved in many in middle school,” Li said. “But plans and will answer questions on health and well-being.
work at Tech serves as a perfect labs on campus, the Serve-Learn- when you get to engineering, they Student Alumni Association (SAA) Kickoff
example of how both can work to- Sustain department and as a fac- don’t talk about that much, if at Location: Tech Green and Tech Walk
gether in a dynamic society. ulty advisor to other students. all. You take your physics. You Time: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
At Tech, Li directs the Innova- He also directs the Car HMI take your calculus. And you took SAA will be giving away free food and other goodies to members
tive Design Collaborative, called Lab, a transportation design lab. all these engineering classes…” and hosting activities.
the “Design Bloc.” It is situated Researchers in the lab are work- To students interested in mul- GT Night at Whole World Improv Theatre
on the second floor of the library ing on a project that forms a spe- tidisciplinary programs, Li has a Location: Whole World Improv Theatre
and hosts multidisciplinary de- cific engineering challenge: how simple challenge: consider artistic Time: 8 p.m.–10 p.m.
sign classes. Currently, the Design to create an augmented reality endeavors you may have been a SCPC will hold a comedy night. Tickets for students are $8.
Bloc offers anywhere between windshield for a vehicle. In the part of before college.
twelve to seventeen such classes lab, Li and his colleagues have See LI, page 10
leaving their countries to achieve Despite being faced with these is. They want to hear the story of from and so many people and cul-
their dreams. As they embrace challenges, Tech’s international where I came from,” he said. tures we can learn from,” Kumar
these new adventures, they must students are determined to find The educational and extracur- said.
also learn to navigate an unfamil- the positive aspects of an unfamil- ricular structure of Tech can also There are indeed many differ-
iar environment. iar country and school. be helpful for new international ent cultures represented at Tech
“When I first got here, I missed “I was pleasantly surprised by students to get used to the culture. and many events celebrating these
the comfort and familiarity of the amount of freedom that peo- “I like how Tech has so many cultures take place on campus
where I grew up in,” said Aarti ple here have, which I had only clubs and extracurricular activi- throughout the year, many of
Thapar, fourth-year CS from heard about before coming here,” ties that any student can be in- which are open to all students.
Dubai, UAE. said Chiraag Bhawnani, fourth- volved in,” said Dimitar Pankov, The amount of participation
These challenges can take a year CHEM and BMED. fourth-year CS from Bulgaria in these cultural events from the
different form for each interna- Bhawnani was born in Nigeria who has found his own commu- Tech student body, regardless of
tional student. For some students, and went to school in India be- nity in the GT Salsa Club. a student’s own culture, is proof
obstacles arise in the form of food. fore coming to Tech. “I was also “I love how there are so many that Tech is, undoubtedly, a melt-
“The food here is very costly surprised by how social everyone majors and classes we can choose ing pot of its own.
compared to what I am used to,
especially for a grad student,” said
Kishore Selvaraj, first-year ECE
Thoughts from graduate student from Chennai,
international “I wish there was easier ac-
cess to food places later at night,”
students said Yuanda Zhu, third-year ECE
graduate student from Nanjing,
China, who is used to working
HENRY SUN late into the night.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER For others, challenges arise in
the form of an immediate culture
As Tech kicks off a new semes- shock.
ter, campus is filled with students “I missed the familiarity of
trying to get their bearings and interactions that I had back at
calculate whether they have time home,” said Aditi Kumar, fourth-
to grab lunch before their next year ME from New Delhi, India.
class. Among those students are “I had to be careful when interact-
the many new and returning in- ing with people at first because of
ternational students that Tech has different social norms.”
the privilege of welcoming each The existing diversity of
year. the student body at Tech can
The admissions office reports also contribute to new interna-
that nine percent of undergradu- tional students’ culture shock.
ate and 42 percent of graduate stu- “I was shocked when I found out
dents are international students. that my roommate was of another Photo by Kirsten Reynolds Student Publications
These students have all an- race. In China, we really only have The flags hanging in the Smithgall Student Services Building represent nationalities of for-
swered a call for adventure by one supermajority,” said Zhu. mer and current Tech students. There are currently over 3,000 international students at Tech.
// LIFE technique • August 31, 2018• 9
Step by step: Rick Clark gives an inside create a study schedule that focus-
es on specific topics to study each
day leading up to the test.
“Don’t lose sight that you still have
those hobbies. Don’t lose sight
that these things are still exciting
and realize that there’s more con-
nected to them that you think. A
theater designer needs a structural
engineering or civil engineering
background. You’ll find that you
can be creative even though you’re
at a tech school,” said Li.
Of course, there is always the
Design Bloc to take courses for
credit. Li also encouraged stu-
dents to research the industrial
design minor program as well.
“I love the vibe of campus,”
said Li when asked how he would
describe the gap between disci-
plines today.
“I see the engineers and design-
ers collaborating more and more.
It’s tough because the university is
a big place. Besides social events
or football games, you’re not re-
ally hanging out with people from
other schools. But I think the gap
between design and engineering is
always getting smaller.”
Collaboration is a concept that
is often lauded as a great way to
come up with good ideas. Com-
bining design and engineering Photo courtesy of Wayne Li
might just be a good way too. Wayne Li, pictured above, is the James L. Oliver Professor, a joint position in the Colleges of Design and Engineering. He advo-
cates for collaboration between both design and engineering students on campus and participates in interdisciplinary projects.
// LIFE technique • August 31, 2018• 11
Josh Trebuchon
12 August 31, 2018
TWIGS FROM PAGE 13 Jagger-esque vocals. While the is enjoyable to listen to. The duo’s The problem is that the mu- DEMETRI FROM PAGE 12
song is quite fun to listen to, it first full album, “Do Hollywood” sic is simply not as good as that
The difference between the two is little more than a pop song of is both musically and artistically on “Do Hollywood.” The Lemon over a series of poorly drawn fig-
is that where the Who’s album slightly above average quality. It is complex and genuinely fun for Twigs could have done much bet- ures and charts, allowing the
has flashes of brilliance, “Go to certainly never going to be com- the listener. ter by simply trying to do a little whip-smart standup to fully flex
School” has mostly mediocrity. pared to The Who’s “Pinball Wiz- “Go to School” is certainly no bit less. his complex comedic mind. Some
The most enjoyable song to ard” or “Go to the Mirror!” less ambitious; there is a profound The group indeed is capable of the special’s best moments
listen to on the album is prob- The most frustrating part artistic depth to the writing, and of so much more, and fans can come from the interplay between
ably “This is My Tree,” a Rolling about this album is that the lis- no one would argue with the only hope that they will somehow his poor quality art and his for-
Stones style track that combines tener is acutely aware that the courage the group shows in at- manage to find their way back to midable wit, though the bit was
elements of jazz and blues rock D’Addario brothers are perfectly tempting to revive the long-dead some of their past success in the short and the drawings were un-
and features rather amusing Mick capable of making music which concept of the rock opera. future. fortunately in short supply.
Martin has never been a po-
litical comic, and nothing has
changed despite comedy’s current
obsession with Donald Trump.
In recent times, joking about the
state and actions of the current
administration has become the
“tee ball” of the comedy world;
virtually every Netflix special re-
leased this year has touched on the
subject in one way or another.
In this massive cloud of criti-
cism, few comedians have been
able to contribute anything new
to the conversation on the ad-
ministration and its actions, mak-
ing much of the political comedy
scene dull and repetitive.
Rather than simply offering
the same stale diatribe that audi-
ences have suffered through over
and over again since 2016, Mar-
tin shows with “The Overthinker”
that he will always put the cere-
bral quality of his jokes over the
cheap laughs that easy political
content affords.
For better or worse, Martin’s
new special is exactly what audi-
ences would expect. His draw-
ing bits make a welcome return
from his 2007 special, “Person,”
his usual guitar-backed portions
are just as clever as they’ve always
been and his pun-heavy style has
aged wonderfully. Still, no mat-
ter how well his tried-and-true
Photo courtesy of 4AD formula works, it is hard to get
The narrative of the rock opera follows the human-style upbringing of a chimpanzee named Shane. Like most through the special without ask-
rock operas, ‘Go to School’ often switches rapidly between different tempos, keys musical arrangements. ing “Is that all?”
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • August 31, 2018• 15
Josh’s Prediction: Tech finishes the season 8-4 with losses to Clem-
son, Duke, Miami and Georgia. Paul Johnson’s team caps off the sea-
son with a 35-24 win over Nebraska in the Music City Bowl.
// SPORTS technique • August 31, 2018• 19
john factor harsha
There has been a lot of talk Ricky Jeune will seldom be
about completion rates for mentioned in the same sen-
TaQuon Marshall — after reg- tences as legendary Tech re-
istering a 37 percent rate in ceivers like Calvin Johnson
2017, there’s been pressure to and Demaryius Thomas, but
improve on that part of Mar- Jeune was an excellent con-
shall’s game. But realistically, tributor for the Tech offense,
Marshall is already a complete thanks to his large frame and
package for Johnson’s triple ability to sky for catches in the
option; Marshall averaged red zone. Brad Stewart is first
188 total yards per game last on the receiving depth chart,
season — better than Justin but look out for Jalen Camp,
Thomas’ final season at Tech a bigger (6’2”, 213 pounds) re-
when the Jackets went 9-4. ceiver who could provide the
Improved completion rate same scoring threat the Jack-
would be icing on the cake. ets expected from Jeune.
to the No. 4 lowest total yards new scheme is worth less than
allowed in the FBS. But he was the paper it occupies if players
working against G5 teams with cannot execute. The surprise
completely different person- retirement of safety A.J. Gray
nel. Woody’s 3-4 defense will robs the Jackets of the one
be tested rigorously against returning starter they were
the best the ACC has to offer, projected to have in their sec-
and as shown last season, it is ondary. The Jackets need to
really the defense that makes pressure the quarterback to
or breaks the Jackets. alleviate this new strain.
the key
hard-to-please Paul Johnson, unit to matter this year. Shawn
who called the freshman “as Davis was benched at mid-
good an athlete as we’ve ever season and replaced by rising
had at [quarterback].” While sophomore Brenton King, who
freshmen usually redshirt at was five for six kicks. King is
Tech, Graham has practiced at talented but lacks some expe-
both quarterback and receiv- rience in clutch situations. He
er, and if the offense needs a could have the chance to get
spark, he might be the one to that this season, particularly in
provide it. heated conference play.
Story by Harsha Sridhar and John Edwards