(S. Ueno) Biological Effects of Magnetic and Elect PDF
(S. Ueno) Biological Effects of Magnetic and Elect PDF
(S. Ueno) Biological Effects of Magnetic and Elect PDF
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Biological effects of magnetic fields are classified into three categories; the effects
of (1) time-varying magnetic fields, (2) DC or static magnetic fields, and (3) multiplication
of both static fields and other energy such as light and radiation. For each category, a different
strategic approach is required to shed light on the biomagnetic effects.
Time-varying magnetic fields produce eddy currents which stimulate excitable
tissues at low frequencies. Magnetic brain stimulation can be realized by this effect. The first
part of this paper focuses on magnetic nerve stimulation.
Biological effects of static magnetic fields have been poorly understood. Recognition
of the role of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials in the body may help
in unraveling the underlying mechanisms. The latter part of this paper focuses on the effects
of magnetic fields on the behavior of diamagnetic water and paramagnetic oxygen. The
embryonic development of frogs, blood coagulation, fibrinolytic processes and other bio-
chemical processes are also observed under strong magnetic fields up to 8 T
Biomagnetic phenomena in different intensities of magnetic fields and their frequen-
cies are shown in Fig. 1. Effects of magnetic fields on living systems and biological materials
have been observed mostly in the range of magnetic fields higher than the earth's magnetic
field. Recently, superconducting magnets are being used in MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging) systems, where human subjects are exposed to static magnetic fields of 1.5 T —2.0
T. More intense magnetic fields (4 T order) are used in advanced MRI systems. We observed
the phenomenon that surface of water is parted by static magnetic fields of up to 8 T Fibrin
Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, Ediled by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 I
S. L'eno and M. Iwasaka
Magnetic Stimulation
(^ of the Heart (T=1ms)
-i Parting ot Water
Magnetic Orientation
MRI Magnet
\ ^
'''"S ^^
^ \ Magnetic Stimulation
p ,y^ of,, the Brain (T=0.1mi
Blood Flow Change via
. Magnetic Stimulation
CD Ma#ietophosphene of Sensory Nerves
10 y' 2*
f Ca Release y"
Earth ^}-^ /
Consumer Electronics J
C 10 n Magnetic Storm _ y
(0 Urban Magnetic Fields Hyperthermia
D g (MPG) ^""""f^
Heart (MCG)
[ J _J Brain (MEG) Mobile Telephone
] Evoked Fields
SQUID > < ^ |
Sensitivitvy^'''<to.,.., I Brain Stem
10 J L
DC rr 1 10^ 10 10"
fibers, as diamagnetic living materials, are oriented parallel to a direction of static magnetic
field of 1 - 11 T.
The so called magnetophosphene is a visual sensation caused by low frequency
magnetic field exposure which was first reported by D'Arsonval (D'Arsonval. 1896).
Lovsund et al reported that the threshold of magnetophosphene is 10 mT at 20 Hz. and they
claimed that the magnetophosphene is a reasonable example of the study of potential
biological hazardous effects of envirmental magnetic field effects (Lovsund et al, 1980).
Magnetic stimulation of the human brain requires a 1 T order of pulsed magnetic fields for
100 - 200 ^isec. Magnetic stimulation of the heart requires more strongly pulsed magnetic
fields for 1 - 2 msec. In Fig. 1, the frequencies of the pulsed magnetic fields are converted
from pulse width.
There are many studies on the effects of extremely-low-frequency (ELF) magnetic
fields on biological systems from the cellular level to mammals (Adey, 1981. 1993,
Blackman et al, 1985, Liboff et al, 1988, Barnes, 1988, 1990, Tenforde. 1991.1992.
Kirshvink et al, 1992, Liburdy, 1992, Kato et al, 1993). The low levels of ELF electromag-
netic fields are produced by consumer electronics.
The study on biological effects of higher frequency magnetic and electromagnetic
fields has become important in connection with the rapid increase of mobile telephones
(Ghandi. 1992).
Using SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) techniques, magnetic
fields from the brain (Magnctoencephalogram, MEG), heart (Magnetocardiogram, MCG),
Magnetic Fields on Biological, Pliysical and Chemical Processes 3
and lung (Magnetopulmogram, MPG) can be measured. This chapter, however, does not
include these biomagnetic measurements.
a 5 mm resolution (Ueno, Matsuda, Fujiki, and Hori, 1989, Ueno, Matsuda, and Fujiki,
1989a). Since the concentrated eddy currents beneath the intersection of the figure - eight
coil flow in a direction parallel to the tangent of both circular coils, vectorial stimulation can
be achieved. The neural fibers can be excited easily when the fibers are stimulated by the
eddy currents that flow parallel to the nerve fibers.
Based upon this principle, we obtained functional maps related to the hand and foot
areas (Ueno, Matsuda, and Fujiki, 1989a, Ueno, Matsuda, and Fujiki, 1989b, Ueno, Matsuda.
and Hiwaki, 1990). We have observed that an optimal direction of stimulating currents for
neural excitation exists in each functional area in the cortex. We have also observed that the
functional maps of the cortex vary with the orientation of the stimulating current. To explain
the mechanism that is responsible for producing this anisotropic response to brain stimula-
tion, we developed a model of neural excitation elicited by magnetic stimulation (Ueno,
Matsuda, and Hiwaki, 1991).
The model explains our observation that the directions of the induced current vectors
reflect both the functional and the anatomical organization of neural fibers in the brain. We
need to emphasize that the point of excitation is not at a point under the intersection with
the coil. Instead it is a few ten mm away from the point of intersection; in the case in which
the coil diameter used is 50 mm, the distance between the coil and the nerve fiber is 10 mm.
This phenomenon was experimentally studied by Nilsson et al in magnetic stimula-
tion of a peripheral nerve (Nilsson et al, 1992). Magnetic stimulations of the human brain
and peripheral nerve were also studied by other groups (Amassian et al, 1989, 1992, Basser
et al, 1991, Maccabee et al, 1990, Olney, et al,1990, Esselle and Stuchly, 1992, Rothwell,
1994, Cohen et al, 1990, Reilly et al, 1989).
Magnetic stimulation of the spinal cord and heart were also studied (Ueno, Matsuda,
and Hiwaki, 1990, Ueno and Hiwaki, 1991, Bourland et al. 1990, 1992. Nyenhuis, 1994.
Hosono, 1992),
Water chamber
100 mm
We also found the Moses' effect with agarose gels. The agarose solution was allom'cd
to gel in the superconducting magnet. Fig. 3 shows that the surface of the agarose gel was
fortBed in the same manner as in the water experiment.
To measure changes in the water level in the magnetic fields, one of the edges of the
water chamber was positioned at the center of the magnet, and the water level wa.s observed
by a video camera. Magnetic fields in the center of the magnet were changed from 0 to 8 T,
and a decrease in the water level was observed. The changes in the lowest level of water was
-22 mm when magnetic fields were changed from 0 T to 8 T as shown in Fig.4. The decrease
in water level was proportionate to B^ at the center of the magnet. This result shows that the
energy used for the formation of water-walls in a steady state is proportionate to the inag.netic
energy of the water (Ueno and Iwasaka, 1994 b).
E -20 -
A Stress analysis was carried out to explain the mechanism of the Moses" effect. The
stress tensor of a diamagnetic fluid (in indicial notation) is given by
where n = (n,,nj,n|j) is a unit vector that is perpendicular to the water surface, p'" is the static
fluid pressure, i^,, is magnetic permeability, p is mass per unit volume, g is gravitational
constant, M is the magnetization of diamagnetic fluid and H is a magnetic field (Ueno and
Iwasaka, 1994 a).
On the other hand, the stress tensor that is outside of the diamagnetic fluid is uiven
T",jnj=--(p"+H0H2/2)ni. 3
Decreases in water levels calculated by equation (4) are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
The hydrodynamics of diamagnetic fluid in ~40() T ' ' m is comparable with that of
ferromagnetic fluid in weak magnetic fields. Remarkable effects of high gradient magnetic
fields are expected in blood circulation, cerebral spinal fluid system and other intra and extra
cellular solutions.
The magnetic force acting on water molecules is given by
F= i B ^
Mo dz 5
where x is the magnetic susceptibility of water molecules, B is the magnetic flux density.
and Mo is the magnetic permeability of the vacuum. Molecular susceptibility of water is
-12.97 X 10"'' [cgs] at 293 K. The magnetic forces acting on 100 ml of water is shown in Fig.
Magnetic Fields on Biological, Physical and Chemical Processes
£ -10^
Figure 5. Surface profile of diamagnetic water in -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300
magnetic fields of up to 8 T. Distance [mm]
6. Amaxiniiim magactic force of 0.288 [N], m'hich is about one third of the force of gravity,
is obtained wliere BxclB/dz = 400 T^/DI.
Magnetic levitations of diamagoetic materials such as water, etlianol and acetone i0
magnetic fields of more than 20 T produced by a vertical type of superconducting magnet
were reported by Beaugnoo et al (Beaugnon et al, 1991). Distortion in the surface of liquid
helium by magnetic fields of 6.5 T was also studied (Frost et a!).
Studying the role of diamagnetic fluids in gradient magnetic fields is important in
understanding the mechanism of biological effects of magnetic fields. The phenomena
observed in the present experiments will provide a new aspect to applied pliysics and
N a
I -2Q0 0 200
E 0,2 \
o \
> 0.1
-^ \
£ \
E 0.0 kL.^ i 1 J^J
-200 0 200
Distance [mm]
IFI '^-
-200 0 200
Distance [mm)
Superconducting magnet
1 1 \ 1 1 1 100 mm
1 1 2 I 3 I 4 I S I 6 I 7
o =c 1.05
c =
o >,
» - CO
ot 1.001
Figure 9. Effect of an 8 T magnetic field exposure for 60 .c
min on distribution of dissolved oxygen concentration. The o
data were averaged over 8 trials where the dissolved oxy-
0.95 3 4 5 6 7
gen concentration in section 1 and 7 fell in the range 14mg'l
to 16 mg/1. Section number
10 S. L'eno and M. Iwasaka
both edges of the chamber fell in the range of 14 mg/l— 16 mg/l after magnetic field exposures
of 60 min. The results show that the increase in dissolved oxygen concentration was 5 %.
Fig. 10 shows the effect of initial concentration on the redistribution of dissolved
oxygen concentration. When the initial concentration changed from 8 mg/i to 26 mg/l. the
change of dissolved oxygen was 0% to 13 %.
The magnetic force acting on a group of oxygen molecules is described as follows.
X n dB ,. .. . .
— B 3—, (in z-direction)
Ho dz
Gas flow
curtai,, \
G a s flow I 0 1 mm
assumed that the dynamic movement of paramagnetic molecules such as oxygen is con-
strained by a magnetic force.
Let us consider the condition in which 10 particles start together at an upper starting
line and go down with a velocity of mean free path. Each particle receives random
acceleration through the collision. When a magnetic force is applied to the particle flow, the
velocity component of the z axis is changed by the collision with oxygen particles. Fig. 13
(a) shows the trajectories of gas flow with 10 million collisions. When the region is exposed
to a gradient magnetic field of 225 T-/m, the gas flow is blocked, as shown in Fig. 13 (b).
We have designed an electromagnet with a pair of columnar magnetic poles in which
inner sidepieces were hollowed out. A candle was burned in the hollowed space between the
magnetic poles, and candle flames were exposed to magnetic fields. The flames were
Figure 14. A mouse in a space surrounded by
Magnetic Curtain magnetic curtains.
Magnetic Fields on Biological, Physical and Chemical Processes 13
quenched a few seconds after the onset of field exposures (Ueno, 1989). The interception of
oxygen by the magnetic curtain quenches the flames. In place of the candle, if a mouse or a
human subject is positioned inside the magnetic cartain, as shown in Fig. 14, we have to be
careful about the respiratory system being disturbed in this condition.
S 4.0 n=7
n = 10
experiment was carried out in gradient magnetic fields (gradient fields: B x dB/dz = 350 -
400 T' m). The mean level of FDPs released in a gradient magnetic field of up to 400 T' /
m was more than 190 % of the control samples. In this case, there are large gradients along
the horizontal line. Solutions containing water, plasmin and fibrin could diffuse to horizontal
directions to promote the reactions of fibrinolysis. The results show that fibrin gels and water
containing plasmin dilTused to less intense magnetic fields, and fibrin dissolved in specific
directions. It is possible to vectorially control the dissolution of a fibrin clot by magnetic
We also carried out an experiment in order to understand how the fibrin oriented in
a magnetic field dissolves (Ueno et al, 1993). FDPs in the dissolved holes in the fibrin
prepared in either the presence or the absence of an 8 T magnetic field were assayed. Fibrin
gels formed with a magnetic field were more soluble than those formed without a magnetic
field. It was observed that the shapes of holes in dissolved fibrin changed to ellipsoidal
patterns when fibrin plates were formed with a magnetic field at 8 T. The transversal axis of
the ellipse was parallel to the magnetic fields.
As a possible mechanism of these effects, changes in concentrations of diamagnetic
macromolecules in a solution in gradient magnetic fields were examined. We carried out an
experiment to measure changes in the concentration of macromolecules (Iwasaka et al, 1994
b). A solution of fibrinogen and thrombin in a plastic tube made of vinyl chloride, 10 mm in
diameter and 310 min long, was coagulated within 12 hours in magnetic fields up to 8 T (B
-dB/d2<400 f-'m). Coagulated fibrin was frozen at -20 °C, and divided into 1 5 fractions.
Each fraction of the frozen fibrin had the same volume. After incubation with 1ml of 3.3 M
urea for 12 hours at 37 °C, we measured levels of solubilized fibrin polymers as absorbance
at 280 nm. Fig. 16 shows a distribution of concentrat'ons of fibrin in gradient magnetic fields.
The vertical line shows the absorbance at 280 nm corresponding to the concentrations of
fibrin. The absorbance of dissolved solutions at 280 nm obtained from fibrin coagulated in
5-7 I were 20—50% higher than those in 1 T fields. The results suggested that fibrin polymers
in a solution drifted in a specific direction, and concentrations of the fibrin changed, with
the result that the level of solubilized fibrin polymers were inhomogeneous in a chamber. It
is well known that electrophoresis of macromolecules is observed in electric fields. 1 he
phenomenon observed here indicate that "magneto-phoresis" of fibrin polymers occured in
gradient magnetic fields of 400 T'/m.
o 15 0.5 I-
/ = ll(Xv-Xw)Vn„A(H=)-dt-2m 7
parting water by magnetic fields, magnetic orientation of diamagneic polymers, and redis-
tribution of dissolved oxygen by magnetic fields. It seems that biological cells arc robust
against magnetic fields.
on photochemical reactions were verified (Hata, 1976, Tanimoto et al. 1976, Shulten. 1976.
Nagakura and Molin, 1992).
Chemical reactions in the skin and eyes may have potential biomagnetic effects when
the tissues are irradiated by both laser and magnetic fields (Ueno and Harada, 1986). If a
process of enzymatic reactions involve a radical-pair, there is a possibility that magnetic
fields affect the singlet-triplet conversion rate of radical pairs. Some enzymatic reactions
which involve photochemical processes are the candidates for the magnetically-sensitive
enzymatic reactions.
The question of whether magnetic fields affect enzymatic activities or not is of
considerable interest in biochemistry. To clarify the effect of magnetic fields on enzymatic
reactions in living systems, it is important to study the enzymatic reactions that involve
radicals which are generated from non-photochemical processes. We examined the possible
effects of static magnetic fields on biochemical reactions catalyzed by xanthine oxidase and
by catalase.
Haberditzl reported that magnetic fields of up to 6 T enhanced the activity of catalase
4.9 ~ 52% (Harberditzl, 1967). Recently, it has been reported that magnetic fields of 0.10 -
0.15 T affected B,, ethanolamine ammonia lyase (Harkins and Grissom, 1994).
Xanthine oxidase, contained in the liver, lungs, intestine and other organs, catalyzes
the degradation of hypoxanthine to xanthine, and xanthine to uric acid, which is the terminal
waste of purine nucleotides in mammals. During the oxidation of xanthine, the enzyme
releases superoxide anion radicals as intermediates which reduce ferricytochrome c (Fe-'*).
Superoxide anion, as well as any type of free radical, is also paramagnetic. Reduced
cytochrome c (Fe^*) has an absorbance maximum at 550 nm which can be detected by a
spectrophotometer. Superoxide dismutase inhibits the reduction of cytochrome c by accel-
erating the dismutation of superoxide anions to hydrogen peroxide and oxygen, and the
catalase converts hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen.
We observed that magnetic fields of up to 1.0 T did not alter the reduction rate of
cytochrome c by superoxide anion which was produced by the reaction catalyzed by xanthine
oxidase (Ueno and Harada, 1986). It indicates that neither the electron transfer from xanthine
to molecular oxygen nor the transfer from superoxide anion to cytochrome c was affected
by the magnetic fields of this range.
Catalase, which is an important heme protein in the body used to decompose toxic
hydrogen peroxide, contains a ferric state (Fe^*) iron atom, therefore its magnetic property
shows paramagnetism. The activity of catalase can be inhibited by hydrogen cyanide,
potassium cyanide and others.
In the case of catalase, the influence of magnetic fields on the activity was determined
by the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. The rate of disappearance of hydrogen
peroxide was followed by observing the rate of decrease in absOrbance at 240 nm using a
spectrophotometer. Magnetic fields of up to 1.0 T did not alter the rate of decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by catalase (Ueno and Harada, 1986). These biochemical
reactions were also exposed to gradient magnetic fields of the same intensities as used in the
combustion experiments. However, no clear positive effects were observed.
Collaborators in this work include Dr. T. Matsuda, Dr. O. Hiwaki and Dr. M. Fujiki
on magnetic brain stimulation, Dr. H. Tsuda on the hematological experiment. Dr. M.
Nakamura on the enzymatic activity in magnetic fields, and Prof K. Shiokawa for the
embryogenetic experiment. The work was supported in part by grants from the Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture in Japan.
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T. S. Tenforde
Health Division
Pacific Noriiiwest Laboratory
Richland, Washincton
Considerable controversy has arisen during the past decade over the question of
whether public and occupational exposures to electromagnetic fields in the extremely-low-
frequency (ELF) range may be linked to adverse health effects, particularly an elevation in
the risk of cancer. Since the original publication by Wertheimer and Leeper (1979), which
reported an apparent association between childhood cancer risk and proximity of homes to
power distribution lines with a high-current configuration, there have been nearly 20
additional reports on this topic. The basic hypothesis resulting from the original study was
that the contribution of power-line fields to the ambient 50 60 Hz tleld level in the home
may be linked to cancer risk by some unknown mechanism(s). Although there were
numerous technical deficiencies in the methods used in the original Wertheimer and Leeper
study, more carefully designed and executed studies in recent years have added some support
to the original hypothesis. For example, in a meta-analysis of 13 published studies Washburn
e! al. (1994) found a statistically significant elevation in the risk of childhood leukemia and
nervous tissue tumors among subjects living in close proximity to electricity transmission
and distribution equipment. A similar association between residential exposures and elevated
cancer risk among adults has not been observed in several independent studies (National
Radiological Protection Board [NRPB], 1992).
In addition to the residential cancer studies, more than 50 publications have appeared
during the past decade on the subject of occupational exposure to ELF fields and cancer risk.
Although the results of these studies exhibit a number of inconsistencies, there does appear
to be an elevation in the risk of leukemia and nervous tissue tumors among electrical workers
(Theriault, 1990; NRPB, 1992). Limited evidence also suggests an elevated risk of breast
cancer among electrical workers (Matanoski et al., 1991; Demers a a!.. 1991; Tyncs ei al..
1992; Loomis , 1994).
A major problem in the interpretation of these epidemiological findings is the lack
of convincing evidence that the underlying cause of the elevated cancer risk is exposure to
Bioloiiiciil Effecfs of Xfaf^nt'tlc and lilcctionhii^iwlic Field.'.. F:dited by S. IJeno
Plenum Press. New York. 1996 2.1
24 T. S. Tcnforde
ELF fields from power lines or in the workplace, rather than exposure to some confounding
variable or set of variables that have not as yet been identified. In general, ELF field
exposures based on short-term measurements have not correlated strongly with cancer risk
among the exposed subjects, although a few exceptions have been reported. The issue of
confounding variables has also been closely examined in several studies, but even when
potential confounders such as chemical exposures have been identified, they have had little
impact on the cancer risk estimates based on living in homes close to power lines or working
in electrical occupations.
Another problematic issue is the fact that a biologically plausible mechanism has not
been identified through which ELF fields at low exposure levels could significantly influence
the development or progression of malignant tumors. As discussed below, the strength of
ELF fields encountered in occupational or public settings is far too low to directly affect
DNA or chroinatin structure. For that reason the emphasis in laboratory studies during the
past several years has been on determining whether 50/60 Hz field exposures can operate
through epigenetic mechanisms to promote the development of tumors from clones of cells
previously transformed either by spontaneous mutation or by exposure to carcinogenic
agents such as chemicals, ionizing radiation, or oncoviruses.
I'he results of several recent studies that address the issue of tumor promotion by
ELF fields are discussed in this article, along with other factors such as changes in gene
expression and endocrine regulation that could influence carcinogenic processes. One aspect
of these laboratory-based studies that merits attention is the fact that field levels required to
elicit reproducible biological responses are typically larger than, and frequently orders of
magnitude greater than, the weak 50.60 Eiz fields to which humans are commonly exposed
in the home or workplace. These exposure levels are generally in the range of 10 to 50 V/m
for the electric field component and 0.1 to 0.3 jiT for the magnetic field component, which
induce electric fields within the body on the order of 5 |.iV/m or less. It is a major challenge
for both laboratory research and biophysical modeling to elucidate plausible mechanisms by
which weak ELF fields could significantly affect biological processes when the signal levels
are comparable to, or less than, the intrinsic physical and biological noise present in living
systems. Several contemporary hypotheses on the physical and chemical mechanisms
through which weak ELF fields could perturb the functioning of living systems are described
and critically evaluated in this article.
ELF fields in tissue have a long wavelength (-1000 m at 60 Hz) and skin depth
(~150 m at 60 Hz), as a result of which these fields behave as though they are composed of
independent, quasistatic electric and magnetic field components (Tenforde, 1991). As a
consequence, the radiating properties of ELF fields can be neglected in their interactions
with tissue. Another important property of ELF fields is their extremely small energy. For
example, the energy of a 60-Hz photon is 2.5 x 10""' eV, which is 11 orders of magnitude
smaller than the Boltzmann thermal energy, kT (= 2.7 x 10'- eV at 310 K), and 14 orders of
magnitude less than the energy required to break a chemical bond. Substantial laboratory
evidence supports the physical expectation that ELF fields do not disrupt the chemical bonds
in DNA, proteins or other biological molecules. Direct genotoxic effects of ELF fields
leading to cell death, gene mutation, or neoplastic transformation would therefore not be
expected, and in fact, have not been observed.
A third important feature of ELF fields applied to living organisms through air is the
nonthermal nature of their interactions. The highest field in tissue that can be induced by an
ELF field applied through air is about 1 V/m, which leads to a specific energy absorption
Biological Interaction of Kxtrcmcly-Low-Frcquency Electromagnetic Fields 25
rate of 10"* W/kg. This rate of energy deposition is four orders of magnitude less than the
body's basal metabolic rate and produces a negligible rate of temperature rise (about 3 x 10'^
°Cs). The interactions of ELF fields applied to the body through air are therefore of a
nonthermal nature.
of 10 [xm and a membrane thickness of 5 nm. the field across the membrane is therefore
predicted to be 3000 times greater than that in the extracellular medium. A weak environ-
mental field that induces a voltage gradient of 5 nV/m in the extracellular fluid thus produces
a field of about 15 mV m across the cell inembrane.
therefore be on the order of I i^iV/m as contrasted to the value of about 0.1 V i n or higher
predicted for single cells. A similar conclusion has been reached by Pilla (1993) from an
electrical network model of cells that communicate electrically via Junctional coupling. The
electrical conductivity of gap junctions in cell membranes is, however, lower than that of
the extracellular medium. As a result, the electrical coupling and the gain in signal-to-noise
ratio for cell aggregates in tissue is probably less than that predicted from relatively simple
The most singly important issue in understanding the pathways by which weak HI^F
signals coidd influence membrane and cellular functions is the elucidation of mechanisms
by which these fields arc transduced within the cell membrane. One approach that has been
taken in addressing this question is to consider (he intricate biochemical pathways that have
evoKed as a mechanism by which a living cell communicates with its extracellular en\ iron-
ment. The binding of a single molecule of a mitogenic substance to a specific receptor w iihin
the membrane triggers a cascade of events that involve conformational shifts in membrane-
associated proteins. These events, in turn, lead to signal transduction and amplification \ la
the production of cytoplasmic second messengers and internal efTectors such as free C'a*^
and protein phosphorylascs (kinases) that regulate DNA transcription and protein biosyn-
thesis (.Alkon and Rasmussen, 1988; Luben, 1991). The end result of a single mitogen
binding event at the membrane surface is thus a cytoplasmic signal that is amplified lo a
level that can produce robust effects on macromolecnlar synthesis and cellular responses
involving significant changes in functional and proliferative states.
The interaction of FI.F fields with biological membranes could, in principle, lead to
alterations in each component of this elegant signaling process that occurs in living cells. A
useful working hypothesis is that the pericellular fields and currents induced by an applied
bLI- field initiate electrochemical events within the cell membrane that are important
elements of the primary signal transduction and amplification process (lenforde, I99.i).
These biochemically-mediated events then produce cytoplasmic second messenger re-
sponses that trigger changes in the biosynthesis of macromolecules and alterations in cellular
growth, differentiation, and functional properties. During the past decade, a grov\ing body
of experimental evidence has been acquired that supports this general picture of the sequence
of events leading to HLF signal transduction and amplification at the cellular level. It has
been demonstrated, for example, that pulsed electromagnetic fields (PKMK) with HLF
repetition trequeneies inhibit the production of cAMP by bone cells in response to the binding
of parathyroid hormone (PTH) to sinTace receptors (Luben ci al.. 1982). Further studies have
shown that the PEMF action leads to inability of the PTIi-receptor complex to activate the
alpha subunit of G protein, thereby interfering with the sequence of events that activates
adenylate cyclase at the cytoplasmic membrane interface (Cain ei <//.. 1987). Other studies
using human lymphocytes have shown that exposure to microwave fields with amplitude
modulation at ELF frequencies leads to the inhibition of non-cAMP-dependent histone
kinases (Byusc'/rt/., 1984).
The possible effects of FLF fields on the kinase-C signaling pathway are of particular
interest because this pathway is known to be activated by the binding of tumor promoters
such as phorbol esters. Activation of this pathway by the binding of a first messenger leads
to a cascade of events that produce activated kinase-C and free cytosolic Ca^* ions (Figure
1). Recent studies have demonstrated a sianificant 70"n elevation of kinase-C activity in
28 I. S. I enforde
Outer Surface
Figure 1. Phosphokinase C pathway leading to an elevated intracellular calciinn concentration and increased
kinase activity. The binding of a mitogen to the membrane receptor triggers a meinbrane-associatcd phospholi-
pasc C (PLC) hydrolysis of phosphotidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphatc (PIPT). thereby producing diacylglycerol
(DAG), which activates protein kinase C, and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP)), which mobilizes intracellular
Ca**. There is also evidence that the conversion by a kinase of IP, to IP4 may lead to an influx of free Ca**
and other ions through membrane channels. These ions, together with calmodulin (CAL). lead to further
activation of kinases.
human HL-60 cells exposed to a 50-Hz pulsed magnetic field (Monti ei al.. 1991). The field
effect was considerably dainped by adding EGTA, a Ca"^^ chelator, to the medium. This
observation is consistent with previous findings that kinase-C activation relies on the
mobilization of Ca** ions. Another relevant study is the recent finding that stimulation of
Ca** uptake into rat thymocytes by the plant lectin, Concanavalin A(Con-A), is significantly
augmented by exposure to a sinusoidal 60-Hz magnetic field (Liburdy, 1992). In lymphoid
ceils the binding of Con-A to surface receptors triggers cytoplasmic signaling events
involved in the kinase-C pathway, including the activation of kinase-C and an elevation of
the cytosolic Ca** concentration. Enhancement of the Con-A effect by a 60-Hz inagnetic
field was shown to be dependent upon the strength of the electric field induced in the
extracellular medium.
Several in vivo studies have been conducted to test the hypothesis that ELF fields
may act as tumor-promoting agents, possibly through the stimulation of proliferation in
transformed cell populations via activation of the kinase-C signaling pathway. These studies
have been conducted primarily with skin, mammary, liver, and brain tumor models in
rodents. In studies on skin tuinor promotion, three studies in mice have shown no promoting
Biological Interaction of Extremely-Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields 29
effect of chronic exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields with flux densities ranging
from 0.05 to 2 mT on the development of skin papillomas induced by topical application of
10 nanomole of the carcinogen, 7-12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) (McLean et al..
1991; Rannuger a/., 1993a; Rannugera/., 1994). In positive control groups of animals, skin
tumor development was observed when the DMBA-initiated mice were treated twice weekly
with topical application of the phorbol ester, 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA).
In one experiment the effect of an intermittently applied 50-Hz magnetic field (15 sec on/15
sec off) was tested for tumor-promoting activity in comparison with a continuously applied
field (Rannug et al.. 1994). A small increase in the number of skin tumors was observed in
the mice exposed to intermittent versus continuous fields, but neither group of animals
showed a statistically significant increase relative to control mice treated with DMBA alone.
Hence there was no indication of a tumor-promoting effect with either type of magnetic field
Another in vivo study of particular interest in the context of possible ELF field effects
on the kinase-C signaling pathway and tumor promotion is the recent finding by Stuchly et
al. (1992) that a 60-Hz, 2-mT magnetic field exerts a copromoting effect on mouse skin
carcinogenesis. In these experiments skin tumors were initiated by the topical application of
10 nanomole of DMBA, and were then promoted by the application of 4.9 nanomole of the
phorbol ester TPA, once per week for a total of 23 weeks. In the group of mice that received
DMBA and TPA plus exposure to the 60-Hz field for 6 h/d, 5 d/week throughout the tumor
promotion phase, both the percentage of mice with tumors and the number of tumors per
mouse increased more rapidly with time than in the group of mice that received DMB.A plus
TPA alone. For example, at week 18 the percentage of mice with tumors in these two groups
were, respectively, 25% and 8% and the mean number of tumors per mouse were 1.90 x 0.69
(SEM) and 0.65 0.46. By week 23 the differences between the mice exposed to the magnetic
field and the nonexposed group were no longer statistically significant. Other studies by the
same group of investigators had previously shown that a 60-Hz, 2-mT magnetic field acting
alone on DMBA-initiated skin cells does not have a tumor-promoting effect (McLean et al.,
1991). It would be of considerable interest to conduct further experiments in which com-
parative measurements are made of kinase-C activity in the affected skin cells throughout
the tumor promotion phase in the field-exposed and nonexposed groups of mice. Such
experiments would provide a test of the hypothesis that ELF fields may exert a copromoting
effect on tumor development through an influence on the kinase-C signaling pathway
activated by phorbol esters.
Three studies of mammary cancer development in rodents exposed to ELF magnetic
fields following tumor initiation with a chemical initiator have provided some evidence for
a tumor-promoting effect of the fields (Beniashvili et al., 1991; Loscher et al., 1993;
Mevissen et al., 1993). In the first of these studies, rats were injected intravenously with a
50 mg/kg dose of nitrosomethylurea (NMU), which produced mammary tumors in 54% of
the rats (Beniashvili et al., 1991). This percentage increased to 86% in a group of rats initiated
with NMU and exposed to a 50-Hz, 0.2-mT magnetic field for 3 h/d for 5 weeks. The latency
time to tumor development was also found to decrease significantly in the rats exposed to
both NMU and the magnetic field relative to rats that received only NMU. In a second study,
rats that were initiated by oral doses of DMBA (20 mg total dose) were exposed for 23 weeks
to a 30-mT, 50-Hz magnetic field (Mevissen et al., 1993). Although the overall tumor
incidence did not differ significantly between the field-exposed and control groups, there
was a statistically significant increase in the number of tumors per rat in the group exposed
to the 30-mT field. A third study was conducted with the same protocol as the second study
described above, except that a considerably smaller field level of 0.1 mT was used (Loscher
et al., 1993). In this experiment the overall mammary tumor incidence was observed to be
50% higher in the field-exposed rats relative to the control group of animals.
30 1. S. Tenforde
physical arguments can be raised against the ICR model (Tenforde, 1992), the most serious
of which is the collisional damping of resonant ion motion that is expected to occur in a
condensed phase (Halle, 1988).
Two other resonance models that have been proposed recently are the "quantum
beats" model of Lednev (1991), in which combined static and ELF fields affect vibrational
energy levels and transition probabilities of bound ions (e.g., Ca** ions bound to calmodulin),
and the model of Zhadin and Fesenko (1990) in which the rotational energy levels of bound
ions are pumped by combined static and ELF fields. Shuvalova el al. (1991) have presented
data on the effect of combined fields on the rate of calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation
of myosin that appear to support the predictions of the Lednev model. However, a study
using an optical technique to study Ca*^ binding to calmodulin and to metallochromic dyes
failed to find any effects of combined static and time-varying fields under the resonance
conditions predicted by Lednev's model (Bruckner-Lea et at., 1992). Adair has pointed out
that the Lednev model of resonant field effects is improbable because of the long lifetime
of the excited vibrational states (about 8 sec), during which de-excitation would occur as a
result of collisional damping (Adair, 1992). Similar arguments can be raised against the type
of resonant field effects envisioned in the Zhadin and Fesenko model. In addition, the rate
of transition of a bound ion to an excited state predicted by this model is so low that a
transition would occur only once in several months at typical environmental magnetic field
A large number of nonequilibrium models have been proposed in which field-induced
structural and functional perturbations result from membrane interactions that exploit the
existence of unstable or metastable states. Examples of such interactions arc dissipative
instabilities involving cooperative transitions of allosteric membrane proteins in the presence
of an applied field. Critical state instabilities in membrane physical properties near the phase
transition temperature can also be amplified by an applied electromagnetic field. A host of
other models involve coherent field interactions that lead to the excitation of oscillating
dipolar modes in membrane proteins or the production of nonlinear oscillations (solitons)
that facilitate vibrational energy transfer in macromolecular structures. A number of reviews
discussing the physical basis of these nonequilibrium models have been published (Adey,
1981; Taylor, 1981; Postow and Swicord, 1986; Tenforde and Kaune, 1987; Adey. 1990a).
The discovery of biogenic magnetite particles in the tissues of a large number of
organisms, including several mammalian species (Kirschvink et al., 1985; Kirschvink,
1989), has led to speculation that oscillatory magnetomechanical forces and torques on these
particles could provide a mechanism for the transduction of signals from ELF magnetic
fields. Of particular interest is the recent demonstration of magnetite crystals in various
anatomic locations within the human brain (Kirschvink, 1992a). Kirschvink el al. (1992b)
have proposed a model in which oscillatory magnetic forces on magnetite particles at ELF
frequencies are visualized as producing the opening and closing of pressure-sensitive ion
channels in membranes. The 60-Hz field level required to overcome the effects of Brownian
motion is predicted from this theoretical model to be on the order of 0.1 mT, which is within
the range of fields at locations close to the surfaces of several types of household appliances
and machine tools.
One difficulty with this model is the sparsity of magnetite crystals relative to the
number of cells in brain tissue. For example, human brain tissue is reported to contain a few
million magnetite crystals per gram, distributed in 5-10 x 10^ discrete clusters (Kirschvink,
1992a). The number of cells in brain tissue thus exceeds the number of magnetite crystals
by approximately a factor of 100. It is therefore difficult to envision how oscillating
magnetomechanical interactions of an ELF field with magnetite crystals could affect a
significant number of pressure-sensitive ion channels in the brain. However, the effects of
such interactions on neural signaling in localized brain regions could possibly result in a
32 T. S. Tcnforde
biological response, although there is no evidence at present to support this hypothesis. The
possibility also exists that some subpopulations of cells may have extremely high concen-
trations of magnetite that experience large forces and torques in a magnetic field of moderate
strength. Evidence for such cells was recently obtained in studies on magnetite in human
leukemic leukocytes (Kirschvink and Kobayashi-Kirschvink, 1993). Further studies are
clearly needed to reveal the biological role of magnetite and the possible mechanisms
through which this mineral could play a role in ELF signal transduction.
Evidence is growing for a central role of cell membranes in the reception, transduc-
tion and amplification of signals imposed by ELF fields. A major challenge for the future
will be the elucidation of specific molecular pathways through which these fields can
influence transmembrane signaling events and affect the functional and proliferative states
of cells and organized tissues. Of particular importance will be studies on possible mecha-
nisms through which ELF fields may play a role in the development of tumors. At the present
time there is little evidence for a promoting or copromoting effect of ELF magnetic fields
on tumor development, with the possible exception of mammary tumors in which endocrine
alterations resulting from field exposure may play an important role. Further research is
needed to gain an understanding of the ELF signal characteristics that are the most biologi-
cally effective, and to define the threshold field parameters above which predictable
biological responses occur. Recent laboratory studies have provided a number of clues on
the pathways through which ELF fields may operate at the cellular and subcellular levels.
However, a great deal of research lies ahead in order to fully characterize the molecular
substrates of ELF field interactions and the resultant cascade of electrical and biochemical
signals that lead to cellular and tissue responses, including possible carcinogenic effects.
The author thanks Judith M. Christensen for assistance in the preparation of this
manuscript. Research support is received from the U.S. Department cf Energy under
Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830 with the Pacific Northwest Laboratory. The Pacific
Northwest Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Battellc
Memorial Institute.
R.K. .'\daii-. Constraints on biological etTects of weak extremely-low-frcqucncy electromagnetic fields. Phys-
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Frank S. Barnes
University of Colorado
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Boulder, Colorado, 80309-0425
In this paper wc review some of the theory and experiments associated with the effects
of electric and magnetic fields at extremely low frequencies, ELF, on chemical reaction rates.
The paper proposes a simple model for chemical reactions and shows that the effects of weak
electric fields can change the probability that molecules of the reacting materials will
encounter each other as well as shift the barrier energy for the reaction. These etTects occur
primarily in the vicinity of membranes or at boundaries where there are large variations in
current density or the concentration of one of the chemical reactants.
The possible effects of weak electric and magnetic fields on biological systems has
attracted considerable public attention. This is particularly true after the publication of
epidemiological studies which show a correlation between the proximity to power lines and
an incidence of cancer.(l-4) If we are to develop a scientific base for deciding whether or
not there is any reason for these concerns we are going to have to develop a chain of scientific
logic which takes us from the generation of these fields through the coupling of the fields
into the body and their interactions with the biological materials. This logical chain is rather
long as it starts with either calculations or measurements of the fields generated by the power
distribution system and then their coupling into the body. This part of the problem has been
treated in a number of reviews with varying degrees of completeness. (5-8). However it is
to be noted that if you want to know what the values of the electric field are at a given cell
membrane at a given location in the body or at the surface of given organ or gland for a give
external electric or magnetic field we have only a very approximate estimate at this time
(1994). Having estimated the distribution of the fields in the body we then need to measure
or calculate their effect on the biological system. We can start at the level of the forces on
Biological Ejfects of Magnelic and Elevlromagnelic Fields, Edited by S. Ucno
Plenum Press, New York. 1996 37
38 Frank S. Barnes
ions, molecules, magnetite particles etc. and work our way up through the complexity chain
through induced current flows, changes in spin orientations, shifts in energy level, changes
in chemical reaction rates, transmembrane currents, cell growth rates, to changes in the
functioning of biological systems and health effects. These changes occur over a wide range
of times with different time constants being important for different kinds of effects. At the
short end of the spectrum we have atomic and molecular transitions which occur with time
constants as short as 10"'-' seconds and efTects on growth which show up generations later,
which may be days or years. An over all review of these electrically induced effects is given
in reference (9) and some of the direct magnetic field effects are covered in other chapters
in this volume. In this review we will concentrate on those effects of electrical fields which
can be associated with changes in chemical reactions rates. We will start with a brief
discussion of how changes in chemical reaction rates effect the production of a given
biological substance, followed by a discussion of how electrical fields may effect rate
Chemical reactions lie at the center of the way biological systems transmit, process
and store information. Chemical reactions are the key steps in the growth of cells, in putting
energy into a usable form for other biological process and in encoding genetic information.
These reactions can be classified in many different ways however, for the purposes of this
discussion we will consider only two types of chemical reactions. The first of these is a
process where two molecules or atoms in solution react to form a product. The second type
of chemical reaction requires the molecule to come in contact with a bound substance. In
order for either of these chemical reactions to occur the two molecules must come together
with enough energy to over come any barrier that may prevent the reaction from proceeding
to a lower energy state or utilize a catalyst. The energy added to an ion in solution by a low
level electric field is usually negligible compared to the thermal energy. For example, the
average drift velocity of a Na* ion in a field of 10^ V/m is estimated to be 5 x 10'' m/s with
a thermal velocity of 4 x 10- m/s then the kinetic energy added by the drift velocity is on the
order of only one part in lO'**, This is truly negligible.
On the other hand, if we look at the effects of the low level electric fields on the
transport of the ions, low level electric fields may have a significant role. Consider the case
of chemical reaction which takes place in a homogeneous fluid if the chemical reaction has
the form of (10,! I)
A + B->C
where (A) and (B) are the concentrations of the two chemical reactants and
where k|is the rate constant for A + B to C.
k, = k ( A ) " ( B r
where n and m are the order of the reaction with respect to the species A and B,
respectively. In order to find the values of n and m one can make the concentration of one
of the reactants small so that k, takes the form
k, = k ( A J " ( B r
k, = k ( B r
The Effects of ELF on Chemical Reaction Rates in Biological Systems 39
where we have made the concentration of {A^) large enough so that it is approximately
constant, and the changes in the reaction rate can be measured by varying B. Many reaction
the rate constants follow Arthenius equation k is given by
k = zpe-f^' «T
where z is the collision frequency for a single ion or molecule, p is the steric factor
which is less than one and reflects the fact that not all collisions occur with the right
orientation of the molecules to react. E' is the activation energy, R is the gas constant and T
is the absolute temperature. This collision frequency is related to the total collision density
Z which is the total number of collisions of the reactants per unit volume per unit time. For
a diffusion controlled reaction (11)
Z = a(8kT/7in) ''^N,2(A)"(B)'"
The activation energy can take a number of forms depending on the particular reaction
and the environment. In a diffusion controlled reaction where the activation energy is not
important the reaction rate may be approximated by
k, = 8RT/3ri (A)(B)
where r| is the viscosity of the fluid. This expression was derived by calculating the
current flow of one kind of atoms passed the other and the fraction of them which would
have overlapping radii. In this case it is interesting to note the cross section of the atoms has
dropped out of the expression except to the extent that it is included in the viscosity.
The number of particles available to collide with each other is modified if the current
flow is modified by adding a drift or hydraulic flow velocity to the thermal velocity. If we
look at the general problem from the point of view of the conservation of the number of
molecules of a given kind in a small volume then
oN/cT = - N / T + VJ/q
where 1/r is the rate at which the concentration of Ni is consumed, q is the charge on
N, and VJ is the gradient of the current flowing through the volume. For the cases of most
interest to us we will assume are atom is charged or is an ion. Suppose we have a uniform
current of ions flowing through a transparent membrane then the number of molecules per
unit area, n, passing through the membrane would be equal to the density of ions, N| times
the drift velocity ,v, or
nj = V| Nj = J|:q,
For a uniform low level electric field, E, the drift current density. J, is given by
J = I q , V, Ni=Iq,n;N,E
40 Frank S. Barnes
where q; is the charge on the ion and y.,' is the mobility of the charged molecule or
ion. If we look at a more general case the current density is given by the sum of the drift .
diffusion, and hydraulic currents so that
where D is the diffusion constant and VNj is the concentration gradient, VP is the
pressure gradient, R' is the hydraulic resistance . The third term is the hydraulic flow. This
leads to a complicated expression for N| when J is substituted into the equation for the
conservation of Nj as x may also be dependent on J. Note that to get the desired values of J
we need to sum over the component molecules or ions which are involved in the reaction.
In most descriptions of chemical reactions it is assumed that dominate current is due
to diffusion, however, in the case where electric fields are imposed on the system the drift
current needs to be taken into account. The hydraulic flow term also needs to be taken into
account when we are dealing with blood flow. If we have a homogeneous region where the
collison probability is indpendent of position then to first order T is independent of the current
density. The added drift velocity in the direction of the field leads to an increase in the
collision probability in one direction but this balanced by a reduction on the relative velocity
at ISO". Thus modifications of the chemical reaction rate at low fields may come about
through the gradient of the current density, VJ. If the current density has an AC component
then wc will get an AC component in VJ, f^N/5t and thus N,. The gradients in the current of
one of the reactants typically become most important in the vicinity of a barrier such as a
curved cell membrane where th efiective resistance to the current flow varies rapidly in space
as shown in Fig. 1. Thus, we would expect to see the effects of current gradients to be most
important when we are looking at current flow around or between cells.
I may also be dependent on E at high fields levels. In this case the fields may lead
to a linear increase in the disassociation rate with electric field at field magnitudes as low as
21 kV/cm (12). Additionally, there may be a modification of the number of bound water
molecules associated with each ion or their distribution in space. Thus the effective radius
and mobility are modified and in turn the energy barrier for the disassociation of a charged
molecule or a chemical reaction.
Next, consider the case of the transport of a chraged particle to the surface of a
membrane where it either undergoes a chemical reaction or is bound to the membrane
surface. In this case the rate of arrival of one of the component for our chemical reaction is
determined by the current density. If the total current through the membrane is given by the
Goldman equation (13) and there is a dominate ion in establishing the membrane voltage,V.
such as potasium the current, 1, takes the form
I = I„ (exp qV/k'T - 1)
where V is the potential across the membrane and I;, is a constant. For DC \oltrage
across the membrane we get an exponentially increasing current in one direction and I„ in
the other Normally I„ is small. For a low frequency AC field a power series expansion gives
a DC term which is proportional to the square of the applied AC voltage across the membrane
and compoennts at the fundamental and second harmonic. This form of response has also
been found by Seto and Hsleh (14) for enzyme Tactions which are catalytilized at a substrate
surface at low field strengths At higher field strengths these results show a saturation of the
reaciton rate which is a function of the basic diffusion controlled reaction rate and space
charge limitations at the interface. One would also expect limitations associated with transit
times at high frequencies.
The Effects of ELF on Chemical Reaction Rates in Biological Systems 41
Another approach to the general problem of the effect of electric fields on chemical
reaction rates is to estimate the fields required for the drift current to be equal to the diffusion
current and thus the electric field on current in the medium at a distance from the barrier. If
we set
E = D/y (VN„.Ni)
This means that fields of lOV/m which is known to show biological effects on cell
growth rates would correspond to doubling the chemical reaction rate due to diffusion with
a fractional gradient of .1.4 x 10""*.
Another approach to looking at the collision frequency is to look at the distance the
particle travels in a given time t and to make assumption that the number of collisions with
the desired particle A with B is proportional to this distance. The mean squared distance
covered by a particle undergoing a random walk is given by
where v is the drift velocity and (<x'^j> )' - is the average distance travel under the
influence of the electric field, E. At low field strengths v = |a' E. If wc assume the same values
for D,n' and E as above, the time for the drift distance do the electric field to equal the
diffusion distance is about 2 hours. This seems to under estimate the effectiveness of the
electric field, as shorter exposures on the order 20 minutes are known to show biological
effects. This situation would not occur when we have a homogenious solution and the
probability of collision is independent of the position.
If we now return to our fundamental equation for the reaciton rate, we can vary the
energy of the collisions by accelerating the particle through a potential barrier. This in turn
will change the reaction rate by providing part of the energy necessary to initate the reaction.
Figure 1. Current flow around an impervious membrane.
42 Frank S. Barnes
Variations of this problem have also been treated extensively in references (15-25) for low
levels of oscillating electric fields. These papers show that small fluctuations in the energy
barrier. qV, at a membrane or in the height of the barrier inhibiting the chemical reaction
lead to changes in the rate contant, k. Again a power series expansion gi\es a small change
in the average values of the rate constant, < k >, which is proportional to the square of the
potential variation.
In the forgoing examples we have assumed plane geometry and that the current
is carried by only one type of charged particle. This is unlikely to describe many of
the processes of interest which may involve two or more types of charged particles
and complex geometries. For example if we have a spherical cell with an impervious
membrane in a uniform electric field we would expect the current to flow around the
cell with a non uniform current density distribution near its surface as shown in Figure
In this geometry there are stagnation point with zero current flow at the top and
bottom and the maximum fiow occurs at the sides. This situation is further complicated
by the existence of the Deby Layer where the charges are held in a relatively fixed
position with respect to the membrane and surface and distance from the membrane where
the ions change from fixed layer to a flowing one varies with position. Additionally the
space charge layers may be large enough to change the energy of the ions so that reaction
rate is modified by adding or subtracting energy to the thermal energy of the ions. This
leads to an effective activation energy E' = E + q(l - a)^ where q is the charge and ()) is
the voltage across the bilayer, and a the transfer coefficient. The transfer coefficient takes
into account the fact that the site of the chemical reaction may lake place at various
distances into the space charge layer depending on the site of catalytic protein. This
problem has also been treated in reference (11). Other geometries involving a collection
of cells lead to more complicated current distributions as a large part of any externally
generated field will drive the current between cells and along channels such as blood
In addition to changes in the collision frequency the electric field may be significant
in modifying the orientation of large asymmetric molecules with dipole moments and this
in turn may effect the steric factor p in either direction. If the molecules are more favorably
aligned by the field to react, it will increase the probability of a favorable collision. Or the
Fields may orient the molecules in such a direction that the molecules are less likely to react.
The force on a dipole is given by
F = a ' VE
where VE is the electric field gradient and a ' is the dipole inomeni. This force tends
to align the molecule along the field lines. The degree to which this occurs is on the average
proportional to the ratio (x"E/k'T. This is likely to be most important in the large fields that
occur in the vicinity of a membrane, however, to the authors knowledge this effect has ni)l
been studied.
It is interesting to speculate on what the effects of chemical concentration modulation
at the driving frequency of an applied AC signal or its harmonics inay have on biological
systems. Both the ECG and EEG have strong periodic components which have biological
functions. It is reasonable to assume that externally generated chemical signals vvhich are
space and time coherent will be most Important at low levels when the frequency of the
external field corresponds to a natural frequency of the system. (26). It is also likely to be
important when the frequency corresponds to a frequency of a self oscillating chemical
reaction. ( I I )
The Effects of ELF on Chemical Reaction Rates in Biological Systems 43
For some simple geometries we have shown that chemical reaction rates are functions
of the current flow. The effects of low levels of electric and magnetic fields at low frequencies
are likely to effect chemical reaction rates by changing the encounter rate of the reacting
charged particles rather than their energies. At barriers where the current flow is exponen-
tially related to the applied potential we can expect similar effects on the chemical reaction
rates. This situation is likely to apply for catalytic reactions at a membrane surface, the
binding of charged ions or proteins to the membrane surface and to the transport of ions such
as Ca*"^ through a membrane. The next step in improving our understanding of the effects of
low level electric fields would appear to include the improving of our understanding of how
small periodic changes in chemical reaction rates effect biological systems. It is likely that
the most sensitive systems will be those that involve catalytic reactions and amplification.
The author wishes to express his appreciation to George Cole, and Jack Thicsen for
productive conversations. He also wishes to express his appreciation to Dean Astumian for
calling his attention to some of the early work in this field, and to the University of Colorado
and to Samsung for supporting his work in this area.
I.N. Wertheimer. E Leeper "Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer" .American Journal of
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2. D. Savitz, 11. Wachtel. F. Barnes, E. John and J. Tvrdik, "Case-Control Study of Childhood Cancer and
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3. S.J. London. D.C. Thomas, J.D. Bowman. E. Sobel, J.M. Peters. "Exposure to Residential Electric and
Magentic Fields and Risk of Childhood Leukeinia" American Journal ofEpidcmiology, Vol. 134.923-937,
4. M. Feychting. A. Ahlbom, "Magnetic Fields and Cancer in People Residing Near Swedish High Voltage
Power Lines" IMM Report 6/92, Karolinska Institute. Stockholm. Sweden
5. F.S. Barnes "Typical Electric and Magnetic Field Exposures at Power Line Frequencies and Their
Coupling to Biological Systems" Advances in Chemistry Series No. 250, Biological Effects of Environ-
mental Electromagnetic Fields. Martin Blank, Ed., Ainerican Chemical Society Books, Washington D.C.
to be published 1995
6. W. T. Kaunc and W. C. Forsythc, "Current Densities Measured in Human Models Exposed to 60 H/
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7. T.S. Tenforde and W.T. Kaune. "Interactionof Extremely Low^ Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
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8. F. X. Hart, K.Cvely, C D . Finch."Use of a Spreadsheet Program to Calculate the Electric FieldCunent
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quency Magnetic Fields" Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 14. No. 2, 161-172. 1993
9. F.S. Barnes " Interaction of DC and ELF Electric Fields with Biological Materials and Systeius" The CRC
Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Charles Polk and Elliot Postov\. Eds.. CRC
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10. Steven S. Zumdahl, Chemistry Second Edition page 546 D.C.Heath Co Lexington Mass. 1989
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24. R.D. .Astumian, J.C. Weaver and R.K, Adair, "Rectificuation and Signal .Averaging of Weak Electric Fields
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Interactions with Environmental Electromagnetic Fields
W. Ross Adey
Over the past 15 years, epidemiological studies have raised concerns about possible
health risks related to exposures to electromagnetic fields associated with electric power
transmission, distribution and use; and to various radio and microwave field exposures in
homes and schools, in the workplace, and in the environment.
From the beginning, it has been abundantly clear that energies of tissue components
of these fields are extremely weak; so weak in fact, that credibility of epidemiological reports
of these sensitivities requires fundamentally new concepts of the energetics of living matter.
Here, further laboratory studies will be paramount.
On the other hand, further epidemiological studies appear to hold little prospect of
major progress until a metric for tissue dose can be established. Laboratory studies seeking
this metric now focus on the physics of atomic processes that occur within the framework
of biomolecules.
Over the past decade, remarkable collaborative developments between the physical
and biological sciences have moved these apparently disparate disciplines toward a single
realm of science. Research on fundamental states of matter, in tenns of nonequillbrium slates
and nonlinear electrodynamics, has gone hand in hand with a new vista incorporating these
concepts at the frontiers of cell and molecular biology; and in consequence, there is now in
prospect a new definition of living matter in these physical terms.
Beyond the chemistry of molecules that form the exquisite fabric of living tissues,
we now discern a new frontier in biological organization, perhaps more difficult to compre-
hend. It is based on physical processes at the atomic level, rather than in chemical reactions
between biomolecules; and as we shall see, these physical processes may powerfully regulate
the products of biochemical reactions.
Biological EJfecls of Magnetic and Elearomagnelic Fields, Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 45
46 VV. Ross Adcv
It will be our purpose here to trace some of the major steps that have led to this broad
synthesis, which describes, at ever finer levels, an hierarchical sequence of events initiated
in biomolecular interactions with environmental EM fields. We will address contributions
of scientific research to some of the more pressing issues facing the electric power and
communication industries, now and in the future.
Rosldentiol Fields
Figure I. The range of ejectromagnetic field intensities contributed by man-made sources at power line
frequencies, (From Ek'ciric and Mugneiic Fiehis Mechanisms Research. 1994-199H Mulli-vear Program Plan.
US, fJcpartnient of Energy. I944|.
A Growing Scientific Consensus on tlie Cell and Molecular Biology Mediating 47
machines, refrigerators and air-conditioners. Electric shavers, hair dryers and electric blan-
kets all produce local fields orders of magnitude greater than domestic ambient levels.
Indeed, they may exceed environmental field levels produced by electric power transmission
and distribution systems, but it should be emphasized that exposure to the former may be
for short periods daily, and that they decay rapidly at short distance froin the devices, whereas
in housing near major power lines, exposure to the latter is likely to be for long daily epochs,
typically for many years.
therapeutic device
g 10* t
ELF efTecl
10 10 10
SAR |W/kg|
Figure 2. A comparison of absorbed energy from imposed fields at ELF frequencies and from radiofrequency
fields with ELF modulation, in studies where either bioeffects or therapeutic effects were observed. Studies
1-5 refer to therapeutic devices for muscle and joint pains (1 & 2), and to laboratorv' studies of brain calcium
binding and modulation of peripheral vascular mechanisms (3-5). These studies all involved ELF-modulated
radiofrequency fields. Studies 6-10 with ELF fields relate to therapy of wound healing (10) and regulation of
calcium binding in brain tissue (7-9) and in normal and leukemic lymphocytes. (From Terada et al., 1994).
48 W. Ross Adey
sensitivity remains incomplete, but as we shall see, theoretical and experimental evidence
now points to the role offree radicals, formed briefly for nanosecond periods in the course
of all chemical reactions. They offer one mechanism at the microscopic level that transcends
this thermal energy barrier in the first transductive step of tissue-field interaction. Free radical
sensitivity to magnetic fields may extend all the way down to zero field energy (Grundler et
al, 1992; McLauchlan. 1992).
Biomolecular systems exhibit high levels of cooperativity as the basis of responses
to athermal ELF fields, and to radiofrequency fields, amplitude-modulated at ELF frequen-
cies (see Adey, 1990, 1993 for reviews). In brief, this cooperativity appears dependent in
part on coherent states of populations of electric charges on strands of protein. There are
independent reports of biological effects of ELF magnetic fields which show specific
dependence on AC/DC magnetic field combinations.
Theoretical and experimental studies discuss low-frequency resonances for DC
tleld-amplitude and AC field-frequency combinations (LibofT, 1985, 1992), as well as
window phenomena for AC field-amplitude sensitivities. These pioneering studies have led
to a predictive ionic resonance model (Lednev, 1991), based on earlier atomic spectroscopy
theory. Further theoretical and experimental studies by Blanchard, Blackman et al. (1994a
and b) offer an ion paramelric resonance (IPR) model for parallel static and oscillating
magnetic fields, with claimed effects on neurite outgrowth as a function of quasiperiodic.
resonance-based predictions of the IPR model. Theoretical models of these phenomena share
a common problem of competing with thermal and electrical noise inherent in living cells
at normal temperatures. A possible problem for these proposed physical models may relate
to the nanosecond time scales of thermal collisions, which would tend to disrupt millisecond
coherence times essential for resonant interactions with an applied field at frequencies of
1-100 Hz.
Figure 3. Measures of Ca-*(Mir*) uptake ~~>sa.i
in human leukemic Jurkat T-cells chemically o "
activated with a mitogen, and then exposed — z
C 2
to a 3Hz 2mT magnetic field for 2 min.
Sensitivity to the field was determined by 3 c
the initial conditions of the cells. With low
uptake (20,000-30,000 counts.min), there
was a 5% decrease in uptake, but at high
counts, (above 50,000/min) cells were unre- a
sponsive to the field. Results are expressed u
as means and S.E.M.; pcs'min = photon
counts/sec'min. Statistical significance was -2
assessed by the paired t-test and ANOVA.
(From Walleczek. 1994).
Initial Ca** Influx Rat» [ p e t / m i n xlO ]
sharply reduced calcium uptake (Conti et al., 1985a & b; Walleczek. 1992). By contrast, 60
Hz stimulation under the same conditions />7crea.j(j(/calcium influx (Walleczek and Liburdy.
1990). In two other independent studies, both using 3 Hz pulsed magnetic fields, there was
a 55-60% reduction in thymidine uptake into DNA in mitogen-activated lymphocytes (Conti
et al., 1985a & b; Mooney et al., 1986). These observations emphasize the importance oj the
state of activity of cells at initiation of EM field exposure, since cells not already stimulated
with mitogens were unresponsive to the magnetic fields.
Figure 4. Functional diagram of cell membrane, showing sequence of'events associated with modulation of
atlcnvlatc cyclase (AC) activity via G proteins, modeled on hypothetical interactions of pulsed magnetic fields
(72 H/. S gauss peak) with the osteoblast (bone cell) receptor for the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor.
Osteoblasts exposed to pulsed magnetic fields for as little as 10 min exhibit a persistent desensitization of the
elfects of PTH on adenylate cyclase (Luben et al.. 1982). Studies using biochemical probes of G protein
coupling (Cain et al.. 19S7) indicate that the ability of bound honnone-receptor complex to activate G protein
<i//;/ii/-subunits is itnpaired by treatment of the bone cell with pulsed magnetic fields. This desensitization of
the PI H receptor results in increased synthesis of collagen (a first step in bone formation) by the bone cell,
and a decreased resorption of bone by bone-destroying osteoclasts (Cain and Luben, 19S7). Both effects would
favor increased hone formation in regions exposed therapeutically to pulsed magnetic fields (Rassett et al..
S 1,000
/ -^
S 750 /
>; 500
250 -
Figure 5. Adenylate cyclase activity in
bone cells, stimulated with parathyroid
hormone (PTH), with and without an im-
posed 72 Hz pulsed magnetic field widely
used in therapy of ununited hone fractures
(from Luben ei al.. 1982), 10
PTH, ng/ml
c. Cell growth and DNA synthesis involve the enzyme ornithine decarhoxylasc
(ODC) in key regulatory steps. ODC synthesizes polyamines (putrescine. spermidine,
spermine) from the amino acid ornithine. The snake-like polyamines have the highest electric
charge/mass ratio of any biomolecule. ODC activity is inodulated by ELF electric and
magnetic fields (Byusct al., 1987; Cainet al,, 1993), and by EI.F-tnodulated radiofrequency
fields (Byus et al.. 1988; Litovitz et al.. 1993).
In cell nuclei, polyamines are essential in DNA synthesis. Elevated levels of polyami-
nes inside cells also triggers transcription oftheproto-oncogenes c-myc and c-fos by c- ras.
Thus, polyamines may participate in a cascade of events leading to communication between
memhrane-hound and nuclear oncogene products fTabib and Bachrach, 1994),
Polyamines are also exported to cell surfaces (Byus et al., 1994: Tjandrawinata et
al., 1994), where they exercise a quite separate regulatory role (for review, see McBain and
Mayer, 1994). acting to either stimulate or inhibit the specific receptor (NMDA receptor) for
the amino acid L-glutamate, which contributes to excitatory synaptic transmission at sites
throughout the brain and spinal cord. Polyamine stimulatory or inhibitory actions depend on
the level of a cell's membrane potential, and on the specific polyamine molecule.
Thus, there emerges an experimental model, in which electromagnetic fields at
athermal levels are first sensed by cell surface receptors, amplified, signalled to the cell
interior, and then, through an enzyme cascade, determine production of chemical modulators,
some of which are returned to the cell surface as their prime site of action. Signals from this
cascade also initiate gene transcription in nuclear DNA (Phillips, 1993).
Stimuli, and through electrical fields far weaker than the huge electric barrier of the
membrane potential. Gap-junctions, specialized plaques of protein placed between neigh-
bouring cell membranes, provide electrical and chemical coupling between them (Loewcn-
stein. 1981).
They are perforated by numerous tiny tubes (conncxons) fomiing paths through
which molecules synthesized in one cell reach the cytoplasm of its neighbour. This metabolic
cooperation is essential in the regulation of normal growth (Pitts and Finbow. 1986).
By contrast, "cancer can be regarded as a rebellion in an orderly society of cells.
Cancer cells neglect their neighbours and grow autonomously over surrounding normal cells.
Since intercellular communication plays an important role in maintaining an orderly society,
it must be disturbed during the process of carcinogenesis" (Yamasaki, 1987. 1990). Disrup-
tion of gap-junction communication can lead to unregulated cell growth (for review, see
.Ade>", 1992). This may he reversed in cultures of cancer cells, if they make contact with
normal cells (Newmark. 1987). Specific viral oncogenes cause differential effects on
cell-to-cell communication, in ways that relate to suppression by normal cells of unregulated
cancer cell growth, when the two cell types are grown together (Bignami et al.. 1988).
Introduction of an activated H-ra.v-1 oncogene into epithelial cells significantly reduces
gap-junction communication, possibly from decreased cAMP-dependent phosphorylation
(See Inward signaling above) of the principal gap-junction protein.
Experimental evidence supports a role for EM fields in modulation of this gap-jimc-
tion communication. We shall consider it in the frame of currently accepted models of
carcinogenesis and tumour formation.
They do not act primarily on nuclear DNA, and many are known to act by binding
to receptors at cell membranes (Weinstein, 1988).
40 **
30 0 3 SHAM + TPA
80 **
60 g 2 3 SHAM + TPA.
^ 600 -- - Figure 7. Normal fibroblast cells and their daughter
FIELD + TPA niutants were grown together in culture. The parent
F","vj SHAM + TPA _ cells inhibited uncontrolled growth of the mutants.
400 -- This balance was disturbed if a chemical cancer
promoter (TPA) was added in nanomolar concentra-
a. lOQ
i I tions to the co-culture. Foci ("tumors in a dish")
reappear. Tjeir number, size and density were ap-
proximately doubled in the presence of a 60 Hz. 1
ll '
gauss magnetic field. (From Cain et al.. 19931.
sham- or field-exposed animals. Two additional groups were then treated weekly with the tumor
promoter TPA. The time to tumor appearance was shorter (hut not statistically so) in the group
exposed to magnetic fields and TPA. This study, which has limitations from small sample size,
also suggests reduced immune surveillance by natural killer (NK) cell activity, which would
otherwise prevent or retard growth of some tumor cells.
25 I -
16 40 60 80 100
Modulation Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8. The ELF modulation frequency determines the amount by which killing capacity of lymphocytes,
targeted against tumor cells (allogeneic cytotoxicity), is reduced when a inodulated radiofrcquency field (450
MHz, 1.5 mW cm"'') is introduced. The rnaximum reduction, over 20%. occurs with 60 Hz modulation. (From
Lyleetal., 1983).
Cultured human tonsil lymphocytes are also sensitive to ELF-modulated radiofrequency fields,
responding with a sharp but transient reduction in messenger protein kinase activity (Byus et al.. 1984).
Brain neuroendocrine sensitivities to ELF fields have centered around studies of the
pineal gland hormone melatonin. Melatonin is synthesized and secreted with a strong
circadian rhythm, reaching a nocturnal peak around 2.0 a.m. in man and animals (Reiter,
1986). The cycle is variably sensitive to the day/night ratio of light exposure in different
species. The question of its possible susceptibility to a changing electromagnetic environ-
ment has been the subject of intense study (Semm, 1983; Wilson et al., 1981, 1990). Some
results of these studies remain unclear within and between species. The most consistent
results from magnetic field exposures have been in the use of the Djungarian hamster (Yellon,
Acute exposures of long-day adult hamsters to a 60 Hz magnetic field (0.1 mT, 15
min) 2 h before lights off suppresses the night-time rise in melatonin in the pineal gland and
in the blood. Acute exposures of short-day animals produced similar results (Yellon, 1994).
By contrast, daily exposures of the same type for as long as 3 weeks had no effect.
Beyond diurnal activity rhythms, melatonin is key to a broad range of regulatory
mechanisms (Reiter, 1992), including the immune system, reducing incidence of certain
cancers in mice, and inhibiting growth of breast cancer cells (Hill and Blask, 1988). This
inhibitory action of melatonin on human breast cancer cell growth is reported to be blocked
by 60 Hz magnetic fields at a 1.2 uT threshold level (Liburdy et al., 1994). Moreover, patients
with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer have lower nocturnal plasma melatonin levels
(Tamarkin et al., 1982).
departure has not considered the challenging first step in this sequence: the first detection
ofFM fields, often orders of magnitude weaker than the averaged thermal energy AT in the
sensing biomolecular substrate.
Thermodynamic considerations of tissue thermal energy do not necessarily impose
a threshold limit on this primary interaction. Nonthermal states and nonlinear electrodynam-
ics in biological systems offer a number of possibilities (.Adey, 1981, 1993; Adey and
Lawrence, 1984; Grundler et al, 1992; Frohlich, 1988^; Kaiser, 1988; Walleczek. 1994). One
answer to this important question may be found in EM field interactions with free radicals.
Free radicals are atoms or molecules with one or more unpaired electrons, which
typically make free radicals highly chemically reactive (Walleczek, 1994). In chemical
reactions, bonds break and reform. Most chemical bonds between atoms involve paired
electrons with opposite spins, with one electron derived from each partner in the union. The
spinning electron generates a tiny magnetic field. Chemical bonding occurs between atoms
having opposite electron spins, and thus, magnetic fields of opposite polarity.
In a chemical reaction, the bond breaks and each partner reclaims its electron from
the bond, moving away to encounter a new partner. It is now an unattached, highly reactive
free radical. Reforming a bond requires a meeting between two radicals with opposite
electron spins, the union producing a singlet pair. The lifetime of free radicals is typically
short, in the range of microseconds to nanoseconds.
It is in this brief period that irnposed niagnetic fields may alter the rale and amount
of product of a chemical reaction. Since the effect is only on the kinetics of chemical
reactions, they are known as magnetokinetic effects (Sleiner and Ulrich, 1989). They occur
only in nonthermal states of biomolecular systems, defined as an insensitivity to random
thermal interactions during the brief period of their existence (Walleczek, 1994). They are a
consequence of a coherent quantum-mechanical step which accompanies free radical forma-
tion. McLauehlan (1992) has proposed a role for free radicals in mediating biomolecular
interaction with magnetic fields at 50 and 60 Hz electric power frequencies. In his model
(Fig. 9), very low static magnetic fields cause triplet pairs to break and become singlets. ,^t
higher levels around 8 mT, two-thirds of the radical pairs may not react as they would in a
weaker field, "an enormous effect of a small magnetic field on a chemical reaction, and the
effect begins at the lowest applied field stength....The all-important interaction has an energy
very much less than the thermal energy of the system, and is effective exclusively through
its influence on the kinetics; this is counter-intuitive to most scientists."
Although electron spin energies are conserved through thermal collisions, their short
lifetime in relation to thermal collision frequencies has raised unre.solved questions about
the proposed radical-radical interactions. In a synthesis emphasizing nonthermal interactions
of EM fields with cellular systems, Grundler et al. (1992) present models of the sequence of
EM field transductive coupling, based on magnetic field-dependent chemical reactions,
including cytochrome catalyzed enzymatic reactions that involve transient radical pairs and
production of free radicals, such as reactive oxygen and nitric oxide, leading to further highly
cooperative amplifications. They conclude that "imposed fields can be active even at
intensities near zero." In other words, a threshold might not exist in such a system. There is
growing experimental evidence supporting free radical models of magnetic field transduc-
tion in biological systems.
More than 20 enzymes are thought to incorporate radical chemistry in the conversion
ofsubstrates to products (Harkins and Grissom, 1994). As examples, i) static magnetic fields
in the range 0.1-0.15 T decreased the kinetics of the enzyme ethanolamine ammonia lyase
by 25 to 60%, consistent with magnetic field-induced changes in crossing rates between
singlet and triplet radical states; and ii) membrane-related P-450 cytochrome enzymes are
free radical-dependent and can be modulated by the putative P-450 inhibitor econazole.
A Growing Scientific Consensus on tiie Cell and Molecular Biology Mediating 57
\ * o c
\ « ff W
~ CJ s
X 01 S. (p / i
V in £ b
y '1o
CO r- :
Ov —
u. £ o
58 W. Ross Ade\
This agent completely inhibited (even reversed) increased calcium influx into human
T lymphocytes induced by a 60 Hz, 2 mT magnetic field (Walleczek et al.. 1994).
Nilric oxide (NO) Is a powerful free radical, synthesized in cells of many tissues, and
as a gaseous molecule, diffusing rapidly beyond the cell of origin. It is an important
physiological modulator in brain and spinal cord, and stimulates vascular tissue, mediating
penile erection. It has been implicated in the pathology of stress diseases, including coronary
artery disease, and in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases of the brain. NO is a modulator
of regularly recurring patterns of rhythmic slow electrical waves (EEG) in brain tissue.
Imposed magnetic fields (1 Hz, 0.1 iTiT|,,p) disrupt the regularity of these fitCJ wave bursts
through a NO-dependent mechanism (Bawin et al., 1994). Pulsed radiofrequency fields
increase NO and cyclic-GMP levels in the rat cerebellum (Miura et al., 1993).
minimum coherence time for this particular response was between 1 and 10 sec to reliably
elicit an enzymatic response.
It is clear that these studies are merely pointers to much needed information on an
exposure metric for health effects in man. Nevertheless, they emphasize the profound
complexity of tissue effects of nonionizing EM fields. Unlike ionizing radiation, where tissue
dose may be calculated relatively simply from the product of tissue radiation intensity and
duration of exposure, the nonionizing metric must take account of profound tissue effects
attributable to intermittency of exposure, and the frequently transient character of the ensuing
biological response.
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Charles Polk
This review consists of four parts. In Part One the experimental evidence for
biological effects due to low intensity, extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields
is reviewed briefly. Part Two is a summary of reasonably well known signal-to-noise
calculations showing that several of the observed cellular effects seem to result from
"signals" that are below thermal noise. However some limits on the applicability of
"standard" thermal noise theory to living systems are pointed out. Part Three describes
theoretical approaches which assume that only the electric field, or electric current, can
act at the cellular level and imply that time varying magnetic fields arc ctTcctivc only
through the electric fields which they induce according to Faraday's law. Part Four, in
contrast, describes theoretical models - and some limited experimental evidence in their
support - that postulate "direct" action of the applied alternating magnetic field in
synergism with the ubiquitous static field.
Although there is evidence for biological effects at the tissue and cellular lexel of
very low intensity electric fields, they seem to be influenced by the presence of a static
magnetic field. Furthermore, many of the results showing effects on cells or organ cultures
by apparently extremely low intensity electric fields were obtained by inducing such fields
with time varying magnetic fields. As will be shown below, it is not clear at the present time
whether the time varying magnetic field alone or the induced electric field is responsible for
reported observations. For the discussion in this paper a "low intensity" magnetic field will
be defined as one not much above geomagnetic strength, or weaker, i.e. below about 100 ^T
(= 1 Gauss). Depending upon the experimental arrangement used, the induced electric field
due to a 100 |iT ELF magnetic flux density (B) can be extremely small. Since the induced,
circumferentially directed electric field in a homogeneous circular cylinder of radius a, with
its transverse cross-section perpendicular to the B vector (varying sinusoidally in time at
frequency f) is given by
one obtains, for example, E^ax ^ 57 |iV/m when one applies a 100 jiT 60 Hz B-field to a
commonly used culture plate with 6 mm diameter wells. Several typical observations are
listed in Table 1. It only serves for illustration and is far from being a complete summary of
the existing experimental reports.
T';,=^4kTR8f (2)
^cyi=^kT (4)
Table I. Reports on in vitro biological effects of time varying magnetic fields that
could induce only very low intensity electric fields
Induced E in B in nT
Author and effect Vm(peak) (peak)
P. Semm, R.C. Bcason (1^)0): Recordings from ophthalmic < (2) 10'" 0.2
ner\e of Bobolink, 0.5 Hz +DC'. 1 sec exposure [assuming I ms
rise time, (i>B''6t) = (2) UHj.
Goodman-Henderson (1991): HL 60 Cells. Increased level of 10^ S
Kfs.\ tran.scripis, 60 Hz, 20 mm. exposure.
D.B. Lyieetal. (1991): T-Lymphocytes. Ca-Uptake, 13.6 Hz <(0.8) 1 0 ' 20
M.G. Yost, R.P. Liburdy (1992); Rat thymic Lymphocytes, (2.4) 1 0 ' 42
Inhibition of Ca-uptake, 16 Hz +DC. 60 min. exposure.
S. Mehla et al. (1993): Human Lymphocyte growth, 15 Hz. 60 <(l.5) lO-' 86
Hz, 0 DC. 24 hrs.
M. Kato et al. (1993): Melatonin level in rats. Rotating 50 Hz = 0) 10" = 1
R.P. Liburdy et al. (1993): Modulation of oncoslatic action of ^(4.5) 10" ^ 1.2
melatonin on breast cancer cells, 60 Hz B-field, 0 DC.
Biological Effects of Low Field Intensity ELF Magnetic Fields 65
r/' AT j ^ 1 ^2
^" = ^ °' '^ = ^ = ^ (5)
where a, and e, are, respectively, the conductivity and dielectric permittivity of the mem-
brane. The amplitude of the applied electric field EQ that is necessary to produce a transmem-
brane potential equal to VF;; is then calculated. Assuming a perfectly homogeneous
spherical cell of inside radius a, with a perfectly homogeneous cell membrane of thickness
A, one obtains for the radially directed electric field inside the cell membrane
£, = ( D - ^ ) c o s e
a^ Y-CT
b=a+ A (6)
where Y =CT2+j(»C2 is the generalized conductivity of the membrane (GJ = conductivity and
e, = £2r£o~ dielectric permittivity). The conductivities of the intercellular medium and of
the cytoplasm are assumed to be both equal to s. The colatitudinal angle q is measured
from an axis parallel to the applied electric field EO. When D « a and s » |Y| equ. (6)
reduces to
E. = -— En cos 0
' 2A " (7)
A common procedure is to compare the peak value of the transmembrane voltage, f, A, given
by equ.(7), i.e. for q = 0, with the noise voltage given by equ. (2) or (5) to find the
value of the applied electric field EO, min that is necessary to give a transmembrane
potential just equal to V „ or 7„. However it is more appropriate to either average the
voltage (ErD) over the surface of the sphere for comparison with F;„ or to compare
the noise current given by equ. (3) with the signal current obtained by integrating the signal
current density YE, over one hemisphere. In either case one must evaluate j ' and the result is
3a jie (8)
This result should also be obtained by equating the energy contained in the electric field
within the membrane to the thermal noise energy
]^t]\\E{Qfdv = ]^kT
E(Qf = El + El (9)
66 C. Polk
where E,, is the average value of the field components in the membrane at r = b and r = a*
shown in Table 2. However a slightly different result (smaller by 13%) is the consequence
of using the approximation Fj, « E^ and using not entirely precise approximations for C or
R in evaluating T"', and T„. This alternate expression for E(, n„,i is
a- 3Ttr. (10)
Using equ. (10) for values of a = 10 fiin, A = 6 nm and £., ^ 6, one obtains
while equating the peak value (for cos 0 = 1 ) of the transmembrane voltage with V„ given
by equ. (5) would give this value divided by A/3 or 1.3 V/m. Neglecting the non-uniform
distribution of the electric field along the cell surface and assuming long cells of length =
150 |.un and a = 25 |.mi. Weaver and Astumian (1990) obtain E„ „„„ * 8 (10'-) Vm. They also
point out that if the cell membrane somehow can decrease the bandwidth from that given by
equ. (5) (471 Hz when Oi = 10'' S/m and ^^2 = 6) to 10 Hz, the value of E,, „„„ would be
reduced by Mcv^Ti which would give (for the values of a, A and i:, selected above)
Furthermore, since the applied signal is coherent over time (t) while the thermal noise
is not, the signal-to-noisc ratio would improve by a factor \'//. However, using Weaver's
and Astumian's long cell with E,, „„„ = 0.08 V/m, a 20 minute exposure time (as in the
Goodman-Henderson experiments, 1991) would give EQ ^nn ~ 3 (lO"'') V/m which is still 30
times larger than the 10'^ V/m reported as effective in several experiments. Of course, if the
cell has a mechanism for frequency selection, 8/ might be as low as 1 H/. but that would
Table 2. lilcctrie fields inside and at the surface of thin spherical membrane for field
F,„ applied at r » a in a conducting medium
r = ;i E . r ^ H„ ^ c o s 0 - 0 ^ E|) — sin 0
a ^ 10 *
\^' = (4) 10 ' a t 60 Hz
A * 6 CTA
still give E„ = 10""* V/m for the long cell which is not typical of the lymphocytes used in
several experiments. (B cells, for example, are nearly spherical with a = 10 \im).
It has also been suggested by Litovitz et al. (1994) that spatial coherence of the
applied field, as compared with spatially incoherent noise, may contribute to an improve-
ment of the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N). It is postulated that each of a large number of
receptors {Lauffenburger and Linderman, 1993) on a single cell "sees'" a different noise
field while being subjected to a spatially coherent applied field. Each of the affected
receptors would then send the same small chemical "signal" to the cell interior where all
the component signals would be added to produce at total response above noise. However
equations (2), (3), (9) or (10) take this already into account, at least partially, since the
noise energy (1/2) kT was evaluated for the entire cell membrane. We considered the
membrane as a single system and evaluated a total resistance or capacitance to compute
P;,. From equ. (9) it is apparent that if different parts of the membrane were to be
considered as separate, relatively isolated systems of smaller volume than the entire
membrane, the S/N ratio would decrease! The EQ required to overcome thermal noise
would apparently vary inversely as the square root of the system volume. If patches of
the cell membrane of area 6A were to be better described as separate systems (all of
thickness A), one would obtain for each patch
F' ~F ^
OA (11)
if the applied field Eo gave the same transmembrane voltage over the entire cell; but in view
ofthecosO in equ. (7) any independent patch at the equator would require an infinitely large
E,). Considering the fact that the cell membrane is a very poor electrical conductor and is
also very inhomogeneous, it may not be unreasonable to model it as several RC combinations
connected in parallel, each with its own noise source of energy kT''2, and giving a corre-
spondingly lower S/N ratio. These considerations do not imply that the mechanism of
"summation by multiple receptors" to improve the total S/TM ratio is impossible, but do show
that the S/N ratio at each small receptor would be much worse than calculated for the entire
Since equ. (9) shows that the S/N improves if the volume of the system is increased,
it is also worthwhile to consider the outside of the cell surface, and in particular the thin
layer where counter-ion motion takes place under the influence of the component, EQ, of the
applied electric field that is tangential to the surface. For the spherical cell considered above,
values of the radial electric field E^ and the tangential electric field E,) are listed on Tabic 2.
Both inside the membrane and immediately adjacent to it on the outside (at r = b" or r = b*
in Table 2)
^ 3Ya ^ „
E,,,^ = El) cos 6
' 2CTA (13)
For typical values such as a = I S/m, |Y| * 10"' S/m, a = 10"'m. A *: 10 '^m, one obtains E^^,^,+
« E,|, therefore EQ can be used for E(9) in equ. (9). The result for the minimum tangential
electric field in a counter-ion layer of thickness d necessary to exceed thermal noise is
68 C. Polk
where Ci is the effective dielectric permittivity of the cell due to its counter-ion layer which
can be as high as lO'^nat ELF. Using this value and d = lO""* m. one obtains
which is of the same order of magnitude as the applied field required to generate a
transmembrane voltage larger than thermal noise. The appropriate value for d is not really
known and could be larger, but this would still not decrease unEo. mm ^'^O' much. All the
possibilities for improvement by frequency selectivity ( 6 / « l/RC) and integration over
time discussed above also apply here. Nevertheless, while the action of the tangential electric
field may be at least as important as the transmembrane potential in affecting, for example,
chemical receptors on the cell surface, or cell-to-cell communication (Polk, 1992), the S/N
ratio based on the assumption of a thermal noise limit is probably not much ditTerent in the
two cases.
Mathematical models may, or may not be good representations of physical reality. It
is important to realize that the cell membrane, as well as the cell interior and exterior
environment, is extremely inhomogeneous and therefore field expressions (7), (12) or (13)
are at best very crude approximations. Even more important is the assumption of a thermal
noise limit embodied in equs. (2) to (5). The (1/2) kT thermal energy per degree of freedom,
i.e. per variable necessary to describe the state of the system, requires that the "device"
I which may be a cell or cell membrane) does not have a steady input of power. Such an input
- which may be chemical in nature - could produce ordered ion motion that is not small in
comparison with the pre-existing random motion. Chemically initiated spatial and temporal
oscillations of calcium ion Hux, for example, have been observed (Berridge and (iaiionc.
19S,S; Jacob, 1990) and been modeled in terms of non-linear dynamics (Eichwald and Kaiser,
1993; Myer and Stryer, 1988). Applied oscillating fields could very well couple to such
oscillations. "As soon as one introduces an active device, such as a biased diode or a
transistor, the whole argument in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium collapses so that one
must examine the device in terms of internal mechanisms rather than as a black box" (Bell,
1985). This statement, written in relation to analysis of electronic devices, applies equally
to living cells. The thermal noise equations assume completely random motion of charges
and would not be valid if many or most charges are subject to organizing forces in some
preferred direction. l of this must be considered in the search for mechanisms that can be
responsible for biological etTects of electric and magnetic fields.
Table 3. Amplitudes required for ELF and pulsed electric field effects
V/m Inside
Tissue or Fluid
Electroporation Transient 10'^
Depends on E (Al) Permanent
Cell Rotation in Insulating Fluid 10''
Nerve/Muscle Stimulation initiation of firing 10'
alteration of firing rate 10
Subtle "Long Term" (t > 10 min) 1 0 ' to l O '
Effects (Bone soft tissue repair,
Ca-cfflux, transcription)
All of these mechanisms inust be based on interaction of electric fields E with charges
q (which will be mostly ions in the biological environment) or electric dipoles p. The
pertinent equations are
F = qE (15)
F = (p-V)E (16)
T = pxE (17)
for, respectively, the force and torque on electric dipoles. As shown by equ. (16). translatory
motion of dipoles (as in "dielectrophoresis" - see Pohl, 1978) requires a field gradient, while
a uniform field is sufficient to set an electric charge into motion. Within a fluid medium the
motion of charges and dipoles at velocity v will be opposed by viscous forces given by
Stokes' law for linear motion when the (spherical) particle (of radius a) is large in comparison
with any "granularity" in the fluid
F = 67:anv (18)
where r| is the fluid viscosity. Possible attachment of charged particles to structures (e.g.
protein or nucleotide molecules) giving electric forces will quickly lead to non-linear
differential equations for the resulting motion. In addition, conservation of charge will
Table 4. Proposed physical mechanisms for interaction of low intensity ELF electric fields
with living organisms
Mechanisms requiring induced electric fields, or applicable to both electric and magnetic fields:
1. Improvement of S "N ratio for time varying magnetic field by interconnection through "passi\ e"
gapjunctions (Polk. 1W2; Pilla el al., I9Q1).
2. Effect of non-linear gap junctions (Galley, 1993).
3. Response of non-linear and "chaotic" .systems to small inputs (Grundler el al., 1992; Ruelle.
1991; Frohlich. 19X6; Baeriswyl el al„ 1987).
4. Effects due to electric polarization forces (K. McLeod, 1993a).
5. Interaction with endogenous Ca oscillations (Grundler et al., 1992; Walleczek, 1993).
6. Stochastic resonance (Kaiser 1993: Kruglikov and Dertinger 1994),
70 C. Polk
always have to be satisfied, expressed by the relation between current density and volume
charge density p
ot (19)
where the total current density J is not only due to the applied electric field, but will in
general also be due to non-uniform charge concentrations brought about by chemical
processes and leading to a diffusion current density Jj given by
Jd = - q D V C (20)
where C is the ion concentration per unit volume and D is the diffusion constant given by
D = ukT (21)
IE dl = - ^— 1! B ds
and the electric fields of random orientation due to thermal noise or even larger biological
electric "noise" generated by nerve and muscle action. Since these noise fields are due
to relatively slow charge motion, they are effectively quasi-electrostatic fields E^ for
V X E. = 0 (23)
On the other hand for the electric fields induced according to Faraday's law the curl, or
circulation per unit area, is always non-zero
V X E= - —B
Since most protein molecules, and notably cell surface receptors, as well as DNA
and RNA molecules, are of spiral shapes, the latter electric fields (E) may be
particularly effective in influencing charges or dipoles located on such molecules.
Further consideration of the laws governing electric fields characterized by non-zero
curl in "chiral media" (Lakhtakia and Varadan, 1989) is likely to be useful. In any
case, the paths of currents in biological systems will be very different depending
upon whether the imposed ELF electric fields are due to a primary source that
generates an electric field or are induced by a time varying magnetic field (Polk,
1992; Stuchly, 1994).
72 C. Polk
5.. 2
B„, an/VfX(,e (25)
where ^\.„ is the permeability of free .space. For a radius, a, of 3 cm one obtains al 60 Hz
values of 10** or 10'- depending upon whether one assumes for the dielectric permittivity, e,
that of free space (u,)) or that of muscle tissue at ELF (e a lO^e,)). If biological experimentation
shows that effects are produced by very weak time varying magnetic fields, it is therefore
clearly important to consider all possible mechanisms for direct magnetic field-tissue
interaction and not to assume a priori that biological effects can only be due to the induced
electric fields. Mechanisms proposed thus far are listed on Table 5.
Table 5. Mechanisms proposed for "direct" effects of ELF magnetic field effects
"Cyclotron resonance" (l.iboff, 19X5; Smith et al.. 1987). Also discussed by Durncy et
al.. 1988 and Halle. 1988.
"Paramagnetic Resonance" ot'Ca-ions in Ca-binding proteins (l.ednev, 1991, 199."!i or
other ions (Blanchard and Blackman, 1994), .Mso discussed by Adair, 1992 and
Engstrom, 1995.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (Blackman et al., 1989; Polk, 1992).
Magnetic field effects of free radicals (McLauchlan, 1989; Steiner and Ulrieh, 1989)
Also discussed by Grundlerctal., 1992; Polk, 1992 and Walleczek, 1995.
Interaction with endogenous ferrimagnctic particles (Kirschvink, 1992). Also discussed
by Adair, 199.^ and Polk. 1994.
Biological Effects of Low Field Intensity ELF Magnetic Fields 73
Cyclotron Resonance
Several experiments involving ELF magnetic field exposure of cells (Yost and
Liburdy. 1992; Blackman et al., 1994), marine diatoms (Smith et al., 1987) and rodents
(Thomas et al., 1986) showed a distinct frequency dependence which depended upon the
amplitude of a DC magnetic field that was applied simultaneously and in parallel orientation
with the AC field. Although the attempt to repeat the diatom experiment in another laboratory
was not successful (Parkinson, 1992), there is still a need to explain the other results which
did appear to give a DC dependent "resonance". Liboff (1985) and McLeod and Liboff
(1987) proposed cyclotron resonance in transmembrane channels. Cyclotron resonance of a
freely moving charge is due to the Lorentz force F exerted on a charge q which moves at a
velocity v through a DC magnetic field B(,.
F = qvxBo (26)
If a sinusoidally alternating magnetic field B| is applied in parallel with B,,, the electric field
induced according to Faraday's law will cause the charge to gain energy (from the electric
field) as it moves in circular orbits ofincreasing radius, provided the frequency of B| is given
f, = -^^«
2JI m (27)
or an integral multiple thereof with m being the mass of the ion. If the charged particle is
located within a viscous medium, ion-ion and ion-neutral collisions will prevent progression
to larger orbits and, as shown by Durney et al. (1988), resonance effects will not occur unless
the effective collision frequency is smaller than the frequency of the applied field. Since ions
in living organisms are almost always located within a fluid, viscous medium that gives high
collision frequencies, the simple cyclotron mechanism does not provide a satisfactory
explanation of the observed phenomena. In addition, ions in living organisms are likely to
be hydrated so that m in equ. (27) will have to include the mass of the attached water
molecules. Equ. (27) will then give different values depending upon the size of the hydration
p = K,+(-irK.J„(nB,/B,) (28)
The constants K, and Ki are related by K, = and Ki = which depend upon the original
vibration amplitudes and Q^- = 271/^-. J„ is the n'th order Bessel function and n is an integral
74 C. Polk
Table 6. Ion resonance frequencies for Bo = 50 jiT and required B,, for f ( =60
f. B„
Charuc Mass B(, = 50 MT i\. = 60 H /
Ion Ratio X 10' Hz MT
f:,.w 5.15 41.0 73.2
4.7S 38.0 78.9
Mg^* 7.89 62.8 47.8
p.U ').2S 73.8 40.6
H* 95.79 762.3 3.94
fraction of the resonance frequency fc. Thus the J^ term would indicate a dependence oi'p
upon the ratio of AC to DC field amplitudes, either at the frequency / ( (when n = 1) or at
its subharmonics (n > 1). Expression (28) is the time average of the transition probability
evaluated over a complete period of the applied field; the instaneous value of p is given by
The principal objections raised by Adair (1992) to the validity of the theory are the
requirement that the vibrating ion not be hydrated if m in equ. (27) is to be known, and that
the residence time of the ion in the excited vibrational state must be at least as long as the
period of the applied oscillating field. Lednev suggested that the calcium ion within the
calmodulin complex may be sufficiently shielded from the aqueous environment to guarantee
adequate lifetime. Within the calmodulin complex the Ca-ion would also not be hydrated.
Lednev t\irthermore assumed that the change in Ca*^"^ transition probability would somehow
affect the ability of the ion to participate in biologically important chemical reactions.
Recently Blackman et al. (1994) subjected "PC-12" cells to combinations of AC/DC
magnetic fields and found that the number of cultured cells with neurite outgrowths
decreased (in comparison with unexposed cells) as a function of the .AC/DC amplitude.
However that behavior was restricted to narrow frequency bands determined by the ampli-
tude of the applied DC magnetic field, suggesting a "resonance" behavior. They also were
able to tit their data to a Bessel function as indicated by Fig. 3. However they assumed a
where the factor of (2) in the argument of the Bessel function accounts for a dependence on
the B| B|) ratio which differs substantially from that predicted by Ledncv's equ. (28) as
illustrated by Fig. 4. Blanchard and Blackman (1994) presented a modification of the original
Lednev theory which leads to equ. (30). It can be shown however (Polk and Wu, 1994;
Engstrom, 1994, 1995) that the factor of 2 is incompatible with the basic as.sumption of
Zeeman splitting. As indicated on Fig. 3 the data presented by Blackman et al. (1994) also
fit the J„(4B, B|,) function over the range of (BI/BQ) shown in their paper. Since the order n
of .1,, in equ. (28) must be a positive integer, the J(|(4B,,/B„) function likewise does not serve
to support the theory as expressed by equ. (28). However the .I„ result could conceivably be
a con.sequence of equ. (29) in the presence of collision damping or of several closely spaced
vibrational modes since the second term in that equation can be expressed as a series of
Bessel functions including J„(nB|/B„). Blackman et al. (1994) indicate by fairly elaborate
curve fitting to match their data with equ. (30) that the results support resonances or
"windows" corresponding to ions of vanadium, magnesium, manganese and hydrogen. In
view of the uncertainties involved, their conclusion appears to be premature. The authors
Biological Effects of Low Field Intensity ELF Magnetic Fields 75
Figure 3. Fit of neurite outgrowth data to J|(2s) and Jfi(4s) functions where s = (B, B,,). Based on experimental
data ( ) shown in Blacliinan et ai. (1994).
0.4- 1 i
0.1 ' / ^ / \\ \ \
\ \ .
\ V
0: \ 'V
\ :\
/ / V \ 7
">; r: \ \ /
/ * '
M 1 / '' ' V ('X
' \ '
'^ " '
' \ ^ '
-0.3 ^ " * \ )
> \ / . /
' \: ; / -
/ /
-0.5 \ :\ /
^ '\ /
-0.6 1
Figure 4. Functions -J|(s) and -J|(2s) appearing in equations (28) and (30): Lednev vs. Blanchard-Blackman
dependence on the s = (B,/B(,) ratio at the first (principal) resonance.
76 C. Polk
recognize that '"additional work is needed to test the agreement between experimental results
and theoretical predictions over an extended range of B^,;^." and that "exposure conditions
should also consider single ion resonances, beginning with hydrogen at n = 1, to establish
what ions in key biological test systems respond consistently with the IPR model". In this
context a quantum mechanics based analysis of the model, including numerical calculations,
by Engstrom (1994, 1995) may help to resolve many remaining questions concerning the
validity of the model. The results obtained by Blackman et al. nevertheless confirm the
importance of considering in ELF exposure experiments the relative orientations, as well as
magnitudes of DC and AC magnetic fields, the applied AC frequency and the charge to mass
ratio of either ions or charge groups that are biologically important in the particular system
under investigation.
T = n X Bo (31)
will tend to orient the spin axis along preferred directions. Transitions between discrete
orientations correspond to changes in energy
^^ = V (32,
Transfer from one discrete energy level to the next higher one requires irradiation by a signal
of the nuclear precession frequency f^ such that
AW = f„h (33)
where h is Planck's constant. From equs. (32) and (33) it follows that
In an earlier review (Polk, 1992) it was pointed out that NMR as a possible mechanism for
biological effects of low intensity alternating magnetic fields, in the presence of the earth's
static field, has both very attractive and very unattractive features. First, the characteristic
precession frequencies, f„, are below 1,000 Hz for many biologically important elements at
earth strength fields. Thus, with BQ = 50 |aT, f^ is equal to 827 Hz for ^Li, 653 Hz for -'Na.
and 99.3 Hz for "'K. Secondly, stability of the resonance lines (or "high Q" of the resonance
peaks), refieeted in the relatively long relaxation times, should make it possible to observe
resonance excitation by weak alternating magnetic fields of the appropriate frequencies.
l.Inattractivc features, which make NMR unlikely as an interaction mechanism are.
first, the small probability of spin alignment in a weak applied field. Thus the ratio R, of the
maximum energy of |.i in a field B,, to the thermal energy is
R = ^
kT (35)
Biological Effects of Low Field Intensity ELF Magnetic Fields 77
For the hydrogen nucleus, which is employed in medical diagnosis at fields of the order of
1 T, R = 3.3 (10-*^) while R = 3.8 (10'°) for 'Li at 100 ^T. Whether this difference by four
orders of magnitude makes biological effects of NMR at such levels of magnetic field
completely impossible is still debatable. Effects could only occur if the resonance phenome-
non would influence extremely critical processes - such as enzyme mediated reactions -
where the effect of a very minute change can be greatly amplified. It is also questionable
how a change in spin state could significantly influence chemical structure - although the
reverse is true, as indicated by the spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation phenomena (Ando
and Webb, 1983) that make NMR useful for medical diagnosis. The spin-spin relaxation
phenomenon, in particular, is an indication that changes in the spin state of one nucleus do
affect its surroundings. However strong interaction with the nuclear environment, such as
by '"'N nuclei which have an electric quadruple moment (Haken and Wolf, 1984), would lead
to significant line broadening (Paudler, 1971) and thereby to the loss of observable frequency
sensitivity at ELF.
NMR has been suggested as an explanation of relatively low field intensity effects,
notably changes in dielectrophoretic yield and dielectric permittivity, that were observed at
a few kHz (Aarholt et al., 1988). NMR has also been mentioned as a possible explanation
of field effects on the efflux of radio-active calcium ions (''^Ca"^*) from chick brain tissues
(Blackman et al., 1988). The NMR phenomenon is attractive in the latter context, because
the experiments showed sensitivity to steady and alternating magnetic fields which were
mutually perpendicular, as required for NMR excitation. However, it should be noted that
the effect would only occur with radioactive Ca, and not with the non-radioactive a
isotope, which accounts for 97 percent of all Ca occurring in nature. ''"Ca has zero nuclear
spin and therefore no magnetic moment. (Some other biologically important elements with
zero spin are ''C, "'O, '^'Fe, -''Mg and ^^S.) One way of differentiating between an NMR
effect and any type of whole ion-resonance involving Ca, would be to repeat experiments,
which require a radioactive isotope, with both ""^Ca and . These isotopes have the same
spin (-7/2) and practically the same |i (-1.3172 and -1.316 in nuclear magneton units) and
therefore the same NMR frequencies f„. However the ionic masses are sufficiently different
(43/45) to give a 4.5 percent change in the cyclotron resonance frequencv f^ given by equ.
Free radicals are important in many biological processes (Freifelder, 1982). For
example, free radicals are formed as intermediate products when light is incident upon the
visual pigment Rhodopsin. Chemical reactions that involve free radicals are strongly
influenced by static magnetic fields. This has been known for some time (Hoff et al.. 1977;
Blankenship et al., 1977; Werner et al., 1978). However, more recent work (Hamilton et al..
1988; McLauchlan, 1989) suggests that DC fields as low as 10 Gauss may affect such
chemical processes. By implication, as will be shown below, alternating fields of the same
order of magnitude, acting in concert with steady fields should also influence reaction yields.
Several observations in this area are based on Pauli's exclusion principle, which states
that the electronic states of an atom can only be occupied in such a way that no two electrons
have exactly the same set of quantum numbers. Thus if there are, for example, two valence
electrons in the same orbital, characterized by the same set of orbital quantum numbers, their
individual spin quantum numbers must be +1/2 and-1/2; i.e. their spins must be in opposite
directions. If two electrons in a chemical bond are paired in this manner and if this bond is
broken, for example, by incident light, resulting in two free radicals, subsequent recombi-
nation is only possible if the two electrons preserve this oppositely directed spin. Interaction
with the local magnetic field - due to nuclear magnetic moments or nearby other spinning
78 C. Polk
and orbiting electrons - can, depending upon details of the particular molecular structure,
either favor or destroy opposite spins. In the latter case, of now equally oriented spins,
recombination of the radicals becomes impossible. Conversely, the radical pair may have
been formed from excited atomic states with the unpaired electrons coming from different
atomic shells, In that case they may already have equal spin preventing chemical combination
of intermediate products.
As long as the electrons have opposite spin, the products have "singlet" character,
i.e. the total quantum number J. which characterizes the electron states, is equal to the orbital
quantum number L, since the spin quantum umber S = (1/2) - (1/2) = 0 and J = S + L.
However, as the products diffuse, some fraction will acquire "triplet" character (i.e. the
electron spins may become parallel; then S = + (1/2 + 1/2) = 1 and J can have 3 values, L
+ 1, L - 1 and L, in view of the quantum rules for combination of angular momenta. If the
products were initially in the triplet state, diffusion will have the opposite effect, i.e. partial
conversion from triplet to singlet character.
The singlet and triplet states have, in general, different energies, as indicated at B =
0 on Figure 5. Any magnetic field, including that of nearby magnetic nuclei, will cause triplet
states, T+i and T.,. which have electron spin in the direction of the field, to gain or lose
energy. Therefore the energy levels of these states will separate with increasing B, as
indicated on Figure 5. Interconversion between the singlet and triplet states can occur either
by external energy input, or between T„ and S through a distance dependent "electron
exchange interaction" at any level of B. However, at some critical level of B = B^
Interconversion between T, and S is also possible without external energy input. Hamilton
et al. (1988) have shown experimentally that this level is approximately 1 mT in their
pyrene-dimethylaniline system.
Since interconversion between singlet and triplet states in the direction of greater
singlet product will make possible chemical combination, application of the correct value
B,. will obviously affect the rate of chemical reaction. However it is possible that an ambient
tlux density (from external and internal sources) may have a value B|, which is either slightly
larger or stnaller than the required B,. In that case addition of an alternating field B.^cos wt
(with a period 2n/w longer than necessaiy for T., —> S) will periodically establish optimum
conditions for conversion. On the basis of theoretical and experimental results (Hamilton et
al., 1988) it is therefore at least possible that combination of DC and AC magnetic fields of
the order of 0.5 mT (=1/2 of the measured B,.) could affect chemical reactions in biological
systems that involve free radicals as intermediate products. However there appears to be no
experimental evidence that alternating fields of a few jiT would be effective. A more detailed
review of this topic has recently been prepared by Walleczek (1995).
Biological effects of high intensity ELF electric fields, such as muscle stimulation
and - at still higher intensities - cell damage by electroporation and heating, are reasonably
80 C. Polk
well (although not completely) understood. However power frequency effects of magneti-
cally induced electric fields of less than 10 "' V/m or alternating magnetic fields of 1 ess than
about 100 fiT cannot be explained very well at the present time. The biological processes
involved, notably signal transduction at the cell membrane and subsequent biochemical
processes involving "second messengers" are beginning to be identified (Adcy, 1990; Luben,
1993). These processes involve vast amplification of the incident "signal" with metabolically
supplied energy. The physical mechanisms of conversion from an electric or magnetic field
to biochemical process are however unknown at the present time. As a consequence we do
not know which aspect of the applied or environment field is important. Properties such as
polarization, duration and/or intermittency of the signal, frequency and harmonic content
may turn out to be as important as amplitude. The biological, chemical and mechanical
condition of the organism (e.g. stage in cell cycle, stimulation by a mitogen or cell density)
will also influence the effectiveness of the applied field. A key question, which is still only
resolved for a few experimentally observed effects, is whether specific biological results arc
caused directly by the magnetic field or by the electric field that is induced in tissue by a
time varying magnetic field. Particularly for fields larger than about 100 \iJ direct "magne-
tochemical" effects have been suggested and the presence of magnetite particles in some
tissues may also play a biological role. Experimental findings suggest that effects of induced
electric fields are particularly likely when their magnitudes at the tissue or cell level are
relatively "large", of the order of 10' V/m or larger, (McLeod et al., 1993b; Liburdy, 1992;
Lyle et al., 1988), and when multiple cells are connected by gap junctions. Induced electric
fields may also affect the motion of "counterions" on the cell surface and possibly the
structural fluctuations of nucleic acid molecules. While most proteins have a small net
electrostatic charge, nucleic acids are polyelectrolytes with large net charge and are sur-
rounded by counterions (McCammon and Harvey, 1987). However in view of the ineffi-
ciency of electric field induction by an ELF magnetic field, illustrated by equation (25). the
mechanisms for "direct" interaction of time varying magnetic fields with biological proc-
esses need serious consideration. This is particularly necessary when the applied ELF
magnetic fields that produce unambiguous biological effects are of such amplitude and
orientation (in relation to the culture medium or animal) as to produce very small induced
electric fields. Experimental results have suggested that the relative magnitude and direction
of a static magnetic field (such as that of the earth) can determine the biological effectiveness
of a simultaneously present alternating field in some biological systems under controlled
laboratory conditions.
Aarholt t. Jaberansari M, Jafari-.AsI A H. Marsh P N, Smith C W (1988): N.MR Contlition and Biological
Systems. In "Modern Bioelectritity" (Marino A A, ed.). New York and Basel; Marcel Dekker Inc.
-Adair R K (1992); Criticism of Lednev's inechanism for the influence of weak magnetic fields on biological
systems. BioL'k'ctromiignctics 1,3: 2-31-2.35.
.\dair R K (1993): Effects of ELF Magnetic Fields on Biological Magnetite. Biin-lcclromupiflics 14-1. 1-4.
.'Xdey W R (1990): Electromagnetic fields and the essence of living systems. In "Modern Radio Science 1990"
(Bach J. ed.), O.xford UK: O.xford University Press,
Ando 1. Webb G A (1983): "Theory of NMR Parameters." London, New York: Academic Press, pp. X3-l()5.
Baeriswyi D. Droz D. Malaspinas A, Martolini P(eds)( 1987); "Lecture Notes in Physics 284, Physics in Living
matter." Berlin Heidelberg, New York. London. Paris, Tokyo: Springer-Verlag.
Bell D A (1985): "Noise and the Solid State." New York: A Halsted Press Book, John Wiley and S<ms,
Bcrridge M J and Galione A (1988): Cytosolic calcium oscillators (1988); The FASEB .11 2: 3074-3082.
Biological Effects of Low Field Intensity ELF Magnetic Fields 81
Pohl H A (1978): "Dielectroplioresis." Cambridge, London. New York. Cambridge L'nivcrsity Press.
Polk C (1992): Dosimetry of Extremely-Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields. Bioeteclmma^neiia l.i, suppl. 1:
Polk C (1994): Effects of e.\lremely-low-frequency magnetic fields on biological magnetite. Bioclcclromag-
netics 15: 261-270.
Polk C, Wu S-H (1994): AC DC Magnetic Field Synergism: Comments on the Lednev and "IPR" Models.
Annual Review of Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from Generation.
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signal transduction in the lyinphocyte. FEES 296: 117-122.
Signal Transduction, Cell Growth and Proliferation
Robert P. Liburdy
This paper reviews some of the in vitro research conducted in our laboratory to
identify cellular responses to ELF fields. Studies we have conducted support an interaction
site involving ligand-receptor events such as antibody binding to its cell surface receptor
since we have observed changes in receptor-initiated calcium influx in cells exposed to
magnetic fields. These changes suggest that signal transduction (ST) which is initiated by
ligand-receptor binding plays a role in this interaction. Others have also reported that ELF
fields influence enzyme activation, gene expression, protein synthesis and cell proliferation,
all of which are triggered by earlier ST events at the cell membrane.
The concept of ELF fields altering early ST cell membrane events and thereby
influencing intracellular cell function via the ST cascade is a plausible biological framework
currently being investigated for understanding ELF effects on cells. For example, the
consequence of an increase due to ELF fields in mitogenesis, the final endpoint of the ST
cascade, is an overall increase in the probability of mutagenesis and, consequently, cancer
according to the Ames epigenetic model of carcinogenesis. Consistent with this epigenetic
mechanism and the ST pathway to carcinogenesis is recent evidence that ELF fields can alter
breast cancer cell proliferation and can act as a co-promoter in vitro.
In addition to investigating the biological nature of ELF field interactions, we have
conducted biophysical studies to determine whether the electric (E) or the magnetic (B) field,
or if combinations of static B and time-varying B fields represent the exposure metric for
the cell. This dosimetry question relates directly to understanding fundamental interaction
mechanisms and to the development of a rationale for ELF dose-threshold guidelines. An E
field-mediated interaction has interesting consequences for microdosimetry at the cellular
level and is mechanistically consistent with an interaction at the cell surface since the E field
does not penetrate the cell membrane. Recently studies from our laboratory and others have
Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields. Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 85
86 R. P. l.ihurdy
Signal Transduction
Interaction Model
suggested that an ELF B field by itself or in combination with a static B field may also elicit
cellular effects. Thus, in addition to E-field mediated effects, other interaction mechanisms
as yet not fully understood may operate at the cellular level. In addition to the question of
an exposure field inetric, the biological state of the target cell is important in ELF interac-
tions. Biological factors such as cell type, cell cycle, cell activation, age of donor animal,
passage number of cell line, presence of specific growth/mitogenic factors, temperature,
shape and cell density/packing during exposures have been shown to play a role in mediating
HLF interactions with cells.
concentration is a second messenger event; calcium ions bind to proteins such as calmodulin
and kinases which sustain the ST cascade within the cell that ultimately leads to DNA, RNA.
and protein synthesis, cell proliferation and clonal expansion of the T-cell.
In our laboratory calcium influx has been followed in two ways: using calcium-45
to follow influx and using FURA-2 to monitor in real-time changes in free intracellular
calcium in cells. Extracellular calcium enters the lymphocyte through a channel that is open
when Con-A binds to the T-cell receptor on the cell surface. The first event is Con-A receptor
binding to the extracellular domain of the TCR which activates a tyrosine kinase in the
cytoplasmic domain. This occurs instantaneously and it represents the first coupling event
in the ST cascade. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the G-protein complex leads to activation of
phospholipase C which cleaves phosphoinositol in the cell membrane to yield IP-, and
diacylglycerol (DAG). IP^ opens the calcium channel and also acts as an endogenous calcium
ionophore to release calcium from stores in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
DAG activates protein kinase C which among other things regulates hydrogen ion transport
and intracellular pH. Thus within seconds after receptor ligation there are near instantaneous
increases in intracellular calcium and intracellular pH. We have followed both of these
parameters in real-time in lymphocytes exposed to ELF fields. Next, early response ST genes
such as c-MYC are activated within sixty minutes and the cell ultimately progresses into
mitogenesis at times > 300 minutes. This time course is presented in Table 1.
Amplification is a key feature of ST that is relevant to ELF field interactions. The
ST cascade achieves enormous amplification and we have postulated that an ELF-mediated
modification of an early event at the cell membrane involving calcium ion influx could lead
to, and explain, significant changes in subsequent ST events such as gene expression and
cell ' Signal propagation involves at least two, and usually many steps that amplify
the effect of the initial binding event at the cell surface. For example, the binding of one
ligand molecule to its receptor at the cell surface leads to activation of multiple transducer
proteins or to the influx of a large number of calcium ions which will activate intracellular
enzyme molecules.
Evidence for 60 Hz magnetic fields increasing calcium-45 influx during signal
transduction in the lymphocyte has been reported from our laboratory."''^ Abrief60 minute
exposure of rat thymic lymphocytes to a 220 Gauss magnetic field (E.^duced - 1 0 mV/cm) at
37°C was performed in the presence or absence of Con A. Our magnetic field exposure
system and the special multi-ring annular ring petri dishes we designed are described below
in greater detail. Non-activated cells (no mitogen) were unresponsive to the magnetic field;
calcium-45 influx was not altered. When Con A was present, the magnetic field led to an
R. P. Liburdy
- v
a) U3
O - C o r ~A
m + C o n A
C o n A. + MF I
% Con-A Activation 100 30 220 275 75 Figure 2. Cells assessed for calcium up-
% MF Increase 100 275 80 40 350 take in the absence or presence of Con-A,
Exposure Conditions: 220G (rms), 1 mV/cm (max), and in the presence o f con-A and a mag-
15uA,,cm2(max), 370 c ,60 minutes netic field. Exposures at 1.0 mV/cm, 220
p < 0.03, n=3 (unpaired) Gauss, 16 uAlcm2, 20 ug/ml Con-A, 37 +
p < 0.01, n=5 (paired) 0.05"C, 60 minutes.
A. Exposure Geometry
Fluorescence Cuvette
Ohm's Law
V = IR,
E = VElectrode Spacing
B. Electric Field in Cuvette
Electric field is uniform
throughout center
of Cuvette
Barr~er embedded
In Agar
increase in calcium-45 influx of 50 - 200%. This variation depended on the level of calcium
influx achieved by Con A; weakly activated cells were associated with maximal response to
the field. This relationship is shown in Figure 2.
We have investigated the effect of ELF fields on calcium influx using a different
approach involving real time fluorescence spectroscopy. Real-time changes in intracellular
calcium ([Ca-*],) in cells exposed to 60 Hz fields was reported from our laboratory.' The
advantage of this approach is the ability to observe field effects as they occur in real time.
Thymic lymphocytes were loaded with the calcium sensitive dye FURA-2AM and the cells
exposed to a 60 Hz electric field (1.7 mV/cm) in a electrode cuvette similar to that shown
in Figure 3 while fluorescence was monitored; we have made some electrodes using stainless
steel and platinum foil and we have used some different electrode shapes. A cuvette of this
general design with an optical slit permits cells to be exposed to a uniform 60 Hz electric
field while simultaneous monitoring intracellular free calcium. Figure 4 shows that levels
of intracellular calcium in resting cells (no mitogen) were not apparently influenced by the
field and this is consistent with the calcium-45 influx data for resting cells, mentioned above.
When the mitogen Con-A was added to the cells during field exposure levels of intracellular
calcium began rising and diverged to reach higher values than that for unexposed, Con-A
treated cells. These studies suggest that the initial rise in calcium, the early phase due to
intracellular calcium release over approximatley 100s, was not altered by the field, and that
the steady-state levels of calcium influx were enhanced thereafter. These results are in general
agreement with the the calcium-45 influx studies discu.ssed above in which Con-A treated
cells displayed an increase in calcium-45 influx during field exposure at E,„ju,.„| = 1.0 inV cm.
The biological significance of these real-time fluorescence studies has some rele-
vance to the question of an interaction site. Our observation that the initial rise in intracellular
calcium during Con-A treatment was not influenced by the field indicates that release of
calcium from intracellular stores inside of the cell during ST was not disturbed by the field.
It is known that the initial rise in intracellular calcium during ST is due to release of calcium
from the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. Our finding that only the plateau
phase was increased during field exposure indicates that influx of calcium through a
ligand-mediated channel in the cell plasma membrane was influenced by the field. This
follows since the plateau phase is sustained by the influx of extracellular calcium across the
IPIotaau Pho8«l
plasma membrane through a specialized ligand-gated channel. Therefore our real-time study
suggests that the cell membrane and calcium influx was involved in the field interaction.
The above work from our laboratory leads to several important hypotheses about
ELF field coupling to cells: (1) the cell membrane is involved in cellular responses to ELF
fields, (2) ELF fields affect receptor-ligand ST events such as ion transport at the cell surface,
(3) ELF fields can profoundly potentiate suboptimally activated cells during ST.
The research discussed above suggests that calcium influx is enhanced during ST in
the presence of ELF fields. We postulated that such ELF field effects on calcium cycling can
play a significant role in triggering mid-stage ST events such as c-MYC niRNA induction
via the ST cascade.-''' This means that ELF field effects on early events such as calcium
signaling are propagated down the ST cascade to alter subsequent mid-stage events. Above
it was mentioned that increases in calcium influx are early events during ST and occur within
the first several minutes whereas the induction of mRNA occurs at least 60 minutes into the
ST cascade.
Within the ST framework gene activation is triggered after an initial event at the cell
surlace such the binding of a hormone or growth factor to its receptor. Since membrane
effects are observed experimentally in our studies of ion transport during signal transduction,
discussed above, we reasoned that ELF fields could subsequently activate genes through the
S r pathway. This is an epigenetic interaction mechanism that is consistent with a wide range
of laboratory evidence arguing against a direct effect of sinusoidal power-frequency ELF
fields on DNA.'^
Our approach to establish a linkage between ELF field effects on early and mid-stage
ST events was to measure both parameters simultaneously in the same cell preparation
exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields.
To do this we correlated alterations in calcium influx and in c-MYC mRNA induction
measured in the same exposed cell population.''^"' The hypothesis, mentioned abo\e. was
that increases in calcium influx induced by the ELF field would subsequently lead to
increases in cMYC mRNA transcription via the signal transduction cascade. This represents
an attractive and highly plausible biological framework for understanding how a magnetic
field effect at the cell surfiice, i.e. calcium ion influx can influence subsequent events such
as RN.A, DNA, and protein synthesis.
We followed c-MYC mRN.A in these studies because the oncogene MYC plays an
important role in ST. MYC belongs to a set of cellular messengers commonly referred to as
"immediate early response" genes since their expression is activated by a variety of
mitogenic stimuli, independent of tie novo protein synthesis, early during the G,, to (i,
transition of cells from a resting to a growing state.'" The protein products of immediate
response genes such as MYC are thought to facilitate progression of the cell through the cell
cycle and synthesize DNA in S phase. MYC polypeptides play roles in the transcriptional
and post-transcriptional control of other cellular genes and in DNA replication. Strong
evidence indicates that they mediate their function as site-specific DN.A-binding proteins;
cells keep MYC under very tight regulation.
In our experiments rat thymocytes were placed in a special glass annular ring cylinder
and exposed to an incident 220 Gauss 60 Hz magnetic field (E,„ji„,ed = 1.7 mV cm) for 60
minutes. 37C, as described.'"*'^ The cell sample was harvested and split into two aliquots
and simultaneously assessed for calcium influx and for cMYC mRN.A.
Figure 5 depicts the results from three independent experiments in which calcium
influx was measured in thymic lymphocytes in the absence of Con-A, in the presence of
Electromagnetic Fields and Cellular Systems 91
60H2. 22mT, 1.7mV/cn
Con-A, l / i f l / i
o 14000 60min, 37C
p < 0.0001*
0. 12000
Figure 5. Calcium influx and cMYC o
mRNA transcripts are elevated in the same X
population of mitogen-activated rat thymo-
cytes following 60 Hz magnetic field expo-
sures: calcium influx data. Results from
three independent experiments in which
samples were split for simultaneous assess- o 8000
ment of c a l c i u m influx and cMYC o
mRNA.'-' 1.7 mV cm. 220 Gauss, 27
uA/cnr, 1.0 ug.'ml Con-A. 37 0.05°C, 60 6000
minutes. Mean S.D.
Con-A (1 i-tg/ml), and in the presence of Con-A plus a magnetic field. Non-acthated
thymocytes (no Con-A) exhibited a baseline calcium influx of 10,400 386 cpm 10 cells.
A dose of Con-A at 1 ng/ml did not result in a significant increase in calcium influx. However,
when cells were exposed to a 22mT magnetic field in the presence of Con-A. an approximate
1.5 fold increase in calcium influx was observed. This is consistent with our previous
observations mentioned above of enhanced calcium influx for mitogcn-activatcd thymocytes
exposed to a 22 mT, 60 Hz magnetic It is important to note that mitogen-activated
calcium influx in lymphocytes is dependent on animal age, mitogen dose, and immune .status
of the animal.- In these studies each of the independent experiments employed thymocytes
pooled from three, age-matched animals, and this pooled population responded suboptimally
to a dose of 1 ng/ml of Con-A. This permitted detection of an increase in calcium influx of
Con-A treated cells due to the field. Cells maximally activated by Con-A are at their maximal
dynamic limit and further calcium influx in response to an applied magnetic field is not
Figure 6 shows Northern blot analyses that were repeated three times on the same
RNA sample from one experiment to demonstrate the precision and reproducibility of this
technique prior to optical density calibration and normalization to message for the house-
keeping gene glyceraldehyde-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which is not altered
during ST. Northerns were quantitated using a CCD-camera and the digitized images of
bands were integrated on a pixel-by-pixel basis so that [total band gray-scale intensity x
mm-'Jwas computed and this quantity was then linearized by conversion to [OD x mm-].
Panel A shows the images obtained for each Northern. Panel B represents the regions of
interest for the three bands in each Northern. Panel C shows the image after flat-fielding and
thresholding. Panel D shows surface plots of pixel intensity for the bands in panels C. We
compared the mean pixel intensity for these bands using a multivariate analysis of variance
statistical program that analyzed for differences across bands in these experiments. Mean
pixel intensity (arbitrary units S.D.) was -Con-A = 332 128; -^Con-A = 398 48: -^Con-A
plus 60 Hz magnetic fields = 864 181. A statistically significant difference was not detected
between -Con-A and -i-Con-A (p > 0.05). A statistically significant difference was detected
between +Con-A and -i-Con-A plus 60 Hz at the p = 0.0114 level. Thus, we were able to
obtain statistically significant results in the absence of O.D. calibration and normalization
to glyceraldehyde-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), discussed below. Normalization
92 R. p . I j b u r d y
Figure 6. CCD-caniera imaging of c-MYC niRNA Northerns: Comparison of three independent blots of the
same RNA sample from one experiment.'-* Panel A: flat-fielde-d images of c-IVIYC bands. Panel B: Regions of
interest for the bands. Panel C: Threshoided images of the Northern blots. Panel D: .surface plots of pixel
intensity for bands in each image.
is important since it corrects for any generalized, nonspecific changes in total mRNA in the
In order to determine whether the above effect is specific for the c-MYC niRNA
species or due to a general increase in mRNA abundance, we analyzed levels of RNA
encoding a "hoiiselceeping" protein GAPDH, on the same blot. RNA samples from the above
experiment, plus RNA samples from two additional, independent experiments were ana-
lyzed. For each Northern blot this standardization procedure involved normalizing the
quantitated band intensity (O.D. x .tiim') for c-MYC by the associated band intensity for
GAPDH. We observed that GAPDH mRNA does not vary across treatment groups corre-
sponding to -Con-A, +Con"A, and +Con-Aplus ELF field'^ This indicates that GAPDH is
not affected by the mitogen Con-A or the ELF field and this is not suiprising since GAPDH
is not activated during ST. For this reason we used it is an appropriate control for normalizing
changes in c~MYC mRNA.
Using GAPDH to normalize our c-MYC mRNA data we computed the relative ratios
of c-MYC mRNA abundance to GAPDPI abundance across the three experiments with the
c-MYC/GAPDH ratio for non-activated cells set to one. Figure 7 shows the ratio of c-MYC
mRNA/GAPDH mRNA for cells in the three independent experiments of Figure 5. Levels
of c-MYC mRNA expression in non-activated cells were not observed to be statistically
different than cells treated with the suboptimal dose of 1 pg/ml Con-A. In contrast, cells
treated with Con-A plus magnetic fields exhibited an approximate 3.0-fold increase in
Electromagnetic Fields and Cellular Systems 93
< c
C3 o
Figure 7. Calcium influx and cMYC mRNA
transcripts are elevated in the same population
of mitogen-activated rat thymocytes follow-
ing 60 Hz magnetic field exposures: c-MYC " "5
mRNA Data. Results from three independent H- N
C-MYC mRNA transcript levels that was statistically significant. These findings correlate
across treatment groups with that observed for calcium uptake shown in Figure 5. Suboptimal
mitogen treatment by itself did not lead to increases in cMYC mRNA, however the presence
of the magnetic field resulted in an approximate 4-fold increase in cMYC mRNA.
This data provides evidence that ELF effects on these two ST events are linked, and,
based on calcium's role in the ST cascade, this provided strong evidence for an interaction
mechanism in which ELF fields trigger calcium influx at the level of the cell membrane and
this leads to subsequent changes in events in ST pathway. This ST interaction model explains
how ELF field effects have the potential to alter subsequent cellular events in this cascade.
Other laboratories have investigated the effects of fields on cMYC mRNA prior to
our studies. Goodman and Shirley-Henderson reported that cMYC mRNA was enhanced by
magneticfields'**and by 60 Hz sinusoidal electric fields (0.3 x 10"'*V/m).''* Recently Phillips
and colleagues reported that a brief 1 Gauss magnetic field exposure of a T-lymphoblastoid
cell line, CEM-CM3, also increased mRNA transcripts."^" Their report was the first to employ
the nuclear run-off assay technique to assess alterations in specific gene transcription for
MYC, JUN, FOS and protein kinase C.
The final endpoint in the ST process is cell proliferation which results in mitogenesis.
Since cell proliferation is the ultimate endpoint for the signal transduction pathway, it is
important for studies to be conducted to evaluate the effect of electromagnetic fields on cell
proliferation and growth, particularly of cancer cell lines. This we have done for the case of
human breast cancer cells. This is an important question since ELF fields have been
postulated as a significant risk factor in human breast cancer epidemiology.-'-"'
Our studies were recently published and suggest that human breast cancer cell growth
in vitro can be altered by a 60 Hz magnetic field.^' In these studies, melatonin, a hormone
with natural oncostatic activity, was employed to suppress breast cancer cell growth and this
response was investigated during field exposures. This is analogous to the studies discussed
above in which a mitogen such a Con-A is used to trigger the ST cascade and cells are exposed
to 60 Hz fields. This concept is a critical feature in cellular studies since resting or quiescent
cells, as discussed above, do not show sensitivity to an imposed ELF electric or magnetic
94 R. P. IJburdy
field. In general cells appear to be most responsive to fields when they are engaged in signal
transduction mediated by cell membrane events such as receptor binding and calcium
We conducted experiments employing a well-characterized human breast cancer cell
line, MCF-7, and we tested whether the growth of MCF-7 cells is suppressed by melatonin
in the presence of a 2 or 12 mGauss 60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field ' \ Melatonin is a
hormone and natural growth inhibitor of estrogen positive breast cancer cells which is
normally released into the blood stream at night. Melatonin is of interest since (a) it displays
natural oncostatic action towards breast cancer cells,^'' (b) melatonin release into the blood
stream in animals has been reported to be depressed by 60 Hz magnetic fields,^'"'-^ and (c)
60 Hz magnetic field exposures are postulated to be a risk factor in human breast cancer,
mentioned above.
To expose celis to a uniform ELF magnetic fields we used two identical, double-
wound, four-coil, Merritt exposure systems one of which is also shown in Figure 8.^^ The
figure shows the four-coil Merritt design in which there are four double-wound coils wrapped
around a plastic frame. These coils generate a large and relatively uniform area for exposing
an array of eel! culture plates if Merritt's turns ratio of 26/11/11/26 is followed in mdnding
these four coils (17.0 Q, 6.57 mH). With the center axis of the coil system used as a reference
line and the center point on this axis designated the origin, the four coils had the following
spacing with respect to the origin: 16.7 cm, 4.23 cm, -4.23 cm, and -16.7 cm. Commercially
available standard speaker cable with two parallel wire tracks was used for the double-wrap
cable. Built into the circuit energizing Ihese coils was a switch used to reverse the direction
of the current in one of the wires in the speaker cable comprising the double-wound coils.
When corrent is applied in the anti-parallel configuration (passive) the magnetic fields from
the double-wound coils cancel, and when current is applied in the parallel configuration
(active) a magnetic field is established. This feature can be used to perfomi a control exposure
in one incubator to detennine if coil heating and coil vibration is a factor; relatively high
field exposures greater than approximately 1 Gauss may result in heating and vibration but
this is not the case for fields in the 12 -1 SmGauss range used in our studies. Each coil system
was driven by identical signal generators available from Dynascan Corp., Chicago, IE (B&K.
Precision Model 3020). Each of the four coils comprising the exposure system was shielded
by wrapping the wire bundles in two layers of heavy-duty aluminum foil, with a break of
several inches, to eliminate the electric field compouents generated by current running the
wire wrappings. The magnetic fleld generated by this coil orientation is perpendicular to the
96 R. P. Liburdv
1.5 - -
0 M melatonin A
v +
O 3
nn 1 1 I 1
Figure 9. Melatonin's action on MCF-"? cell
2 4 e
growth in a 2.0 mG 60 Hz magnetic field
plane of the cell culture plates. Culture plates are positioned on a perforated, Plexiglas
platform that corresponds to the middle plane of the coil. Field uniformity is conservaively
< 10% over the central area where cells are placed. Note that an external temperature probe
is fed through one of the ventilation holes of the chamber to monitor temperature continu-
ously during exposures.
no malatontn
— 10 M mdatonln
X in
1.0 -
however, can be encountered very near electronic devices commonly found in the kitchen.
A growth curve for MCF-7 cells in the presence or absence of melatonin in a 12 mG magnetic
field is shown in Figure 10. As can be seen an exponential growth curve for the MCF-7 cells
in absence of melatonin and 12 mG (solid line) was obtained that is superimposable with
that obtained for cells in the presence of melatonin and 12 mG field (dashed line). This data
reveals that the 12 mG magnetic field in the presence of melatonin at 10""M blocked
melatonin's growth inhibition. Compare this result at 12 mG with the approximately 25%
growth inhibition observed in the 2 mG field shown in Figure 9. These two experiments were
performed simultaneously with matched incubators and cells from the same passage.
The above experiments have been repeated a number of times for melatonin at 10'^M
to confirm these results for this physiological concentration of melatonin. Presented in Figure
11 is a summary graph for seven experiments, using cells from different passages, in which
2 mG and 12 mG exposures were performed simultaneously in matched incubators. We
observe that melatonin resulted in an approximate 15% growth inhibition in a 2 mG magnetic
field and that this was blocked by a 12 mG.
Our findings on MCF-7 cells suggest that (a) this in vitro effect is a cellular level
response to magnetic fields involving cell proliferation and growth, (b) it involves an
interaction that requires the presence of melatonin which is a natural oncostalic agent, and
(c) a dose threshold appears to exist between 2 and 12 mG. These findings represent some
laboratory evidence for a cellular level response to ELF magnetic fields that is dependent
on the presence of melatonin a naturally occurring hormone that has relevance to human
breast cancer.
Several models have been proposed to elucidate the link between ELF magnetic field
exposure, melatonin, and breast cancer incidence.-''''-' These models suggest that the most
important aspect of this link is a decrease in melatonin secretion in response to an in vivo
magnetic field exposure concomitant with enhancement in the production of prolactin and
estrogen; the latter events are thought to increase the growth of susceptible breast epithelial
cells.-*' Our laboratory results, in contrast, deal with in vitro exposure of breast cancer cells
and, therefore, relate to cellular events that occur distal to an in vivo effect on the pineal
gland which regulates melatonin's secretion into the blood stream. Keeping in mind the
caveat that our results relate to an in vitro cellular effect, our findings suggest the possibility
of an interaction between ELF magnetic fields; breast cancer cells, and melatonin may exist
at the at the cellular level. This means that in addition to an ELF magnetic field effect on
melatonin release into the blood stream, there might exist an ELF field effect on melatonin's
function at the level of the target cell, e.g. human breast cancer tissue and its proliferation.
This needs to be tested in animal model systems to be verified.
Support was provided in part from the Office of Health and Environmental Research,
and the Office of Energy Management, Utilities System Division, of the Department of
Energy, under contract DE-AC03-76SF00098. Support was also provided to RPL by the
N.l.H. through N.C.I, project CA53711.
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Magnetic fields were produced by an electromagnet designed and set up by Hitachi
Metal Indust. Co. (Tokyo, Japan). The apparatus had two vertically arranged coils, each of
which was attached with a pole piece of round polar face of small (50 mm) or large (100
mm) diameter. The distance between the two polar faces was changeable. A thyristor rectifier
(RCX-100H2, Sansha Electric MFG. Co., Tokyo, Japan), normally used for xenon lamp
ballast, was chosen as a suitable power source of the electromagnet and produced coil
currents of 17 to 100 A (Figure 1 A). In approximate proportion to a current, the magnetic
flux density of 0.3 to 1.7 T was produced with the large polar face, as measured with a digital
gaussmeter(501,Nihondenjisokki, Tokyo, Japan), when the distance between the two polar
faces was 20 mm. At maximum, about 2 T was produced with the small polar face under the
same conditions. The magnetic flux density regulated at 1.5 T at the center of the large polar
face was found to be distributed homogeneously within 45 mm from the center (Figure 1B).
A similar distribution of a magnetic flux density of 1.8 T was observed within 18 mm from
the center of the small polar face. Therefore, culture dishes were placed within these distances
for testing the effects of magnetic fields on cell functions. The electromagnet was fitted with
a water cooling system, so the temperature on the surface of the polar face did not exceed
Time-varying magnetic fields were produced by automatic switching of the power
source with an electronic device, which enabled us to change the magnetic fiux density
from 0.07 to 1.7 7 and 1.54 T, respectively, in about 1 s and in the reverse direction in
3 s when the pole pieces with the small and large faces were used. For simplicity, we
took the durations of the switching on and off times, i.e., "on-time" and "off-time", to
be equal. These durations were chosen to be 3 s or longer, since it took less than 3 s for
the eddy current to return to zero after the switching off. as judged from the results in
Figure 2. Because of this sufficiently long interval, the eddy current occurring on switching
off in a preceding cycle of changes in the magnetic flux density did not overlap the
25 50 75 100
Current (A)
diameter (mm)
B 100
f 50
0 0--1
0 5 T 10 0 5 T 10
Duration (sec) Duration (sec) >
Figure 2. Changes in the magnetic flux density and the density of the eddy current. A and C, Magnetic flux
densities with the small and large polar faces, respectively. B and D. dB dl and mean values of the eddy current
corresponding to A and C. [Yamaguchi ct al., 1992]
current induced by switching on in the following cycle. Panels A and C of Figure 2 show
examples of the quasi-rectangular forms of changes in the magnetic flux density with
"on-time" and "off-time" periods of 5 s, when the pole pieces of the small (50 mm
diameter) and large faces (100 mm diameter) respectively, were used. The inagnetic flux
density changed from 0.07 to a maximum of 1.77 T in A and to that of 1.54 T in C.
Panels B and D show the spike-like changes in dB/dt and mean values of the eddy current
densities corresponding to the changes in the magnetic fields in panels A and C. The
eddy currents induced by switching on were greater than those induced by switching off
The cycles of changes in the magnetic flux density were estimated to be 6.5 and 8.4 s
from the results in panels B and D. Since the density is proportional to the horizontal
distance / from the center of the culture surface and a change in the magnetic flux density
d5/d/, the density of the eddy current / was calculated by the following equation:
;=y(/-/2)d5/d/, (1)
where y is the conductivity (1.59+0.82 S/m) of the culture medium. The mean value
of the current density in a culture dish was obtainable by the equation.
where 9„ indicates the phase of a certain component at time 0 (/ =0). Then, the
amplitudes of the components are regarded as
F{m) corresponds to the frequency of change in the magnetic field /(r) at any time.
We can also represent d5/d/ by a similar expression
Wc also show B and dS/dras functions of the frequency fin Figs. 3B and 4B. Similar
patterns of change in the amplitudes to those shown in Figs. 3A and 4A are still observed.
The amplitude of the components of B is relatively larger at/=0 and 1/6 Hz and decreases
abruptly after/=2/6 Hz, whereas the amplitude of the components of d5/d/ tends gradually
to decrease with increase i n / These results revealed that B mainly consisted of components
of the lowest frequencies, whereas d5/d/ as well as the eddy currents had more complicated
frequency spectra.
HeLa cells (strain S3) purchased from ICN Biomedicals Inc. (Costa Mesa. CA) were
maintained by serial culture in glass culture flasks containing 10 ml of culture medium
consisting of modified Eagle's minimum essential medium (mMEM) enriched with amino
acids and vitamins [Miyamoto et al., 1976] and supplemented with 10% (v/v) calf serum.
Growing cells were washed with Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), detached
from the culture flasks and dispersed by digestion with 0.5% trypsin (1:250, Difco Labora-
tories, Detroit, MI), and suspended in the same culture medium at a density of 5x 10"'cells/ml.
Aliquots of 2 ml of the cell suspension were inoculated into plastic culture dishes (35 mm
diameter. Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY) and incubated for 48 h at 37 ° C in an incubator
under humid air containing 5% COj.
The culture medium was discarded and the cultures were once washed with mMEM
containing 5 mM RbCl (super-pure grade, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) instead of 5 mM
KCl (Wako Pure Chemical, Osaka, Japan) and incubated in the same medium containing
RbCl. This medium also contained 25 mM N-2-hydroxy-ethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanosul-
fonic acid (HEPES, Sigma Chem. Co., St. Louis, MO) to maintain the pH at 7.2. These
procedures were carried out in a special incubator in which the temperature of the air could
rapidly be changed to that required for exposure to the magnetic fields. Rb* was used in
place of K* because the membrane transport of HeLa cells recognizes Rb* and K* equally
[Miyamoto et al., 1978]. Rb"^ influx was assayed for 15 min immediately after medium
106 H. Mivamoto et al.
^ 0.4
change, unless otherwise stated, because both active and passive Rb"" influxes take place at
the initial rates for at least 20 min [Miyamoto et al., 1986; Ikehara et al.. 1982 and 1993].
K* efflux was assayed as time-dependent decrease in the cellular K"^ content after
replacement of K* by Rb* (see Figure 11). The rate constant of K* efflux, i.e.. the rate constant
of decrease in cellular K.*, was estimated from the slope of the linear part of the semi-loga-
rithmic plot of the cellular K* content vs. the time after replacement of K*-medium by
Rb*-medium. K^ efflux, i.e., the rate of cellular K* loss, was calculated by multiplying the
rate constant bv the cellular K* content at the beg inning of the assay. Therefore, Rb^ intlux
and K* efflux could be assayed concurrently. Cation fluxes are expressed in nmol'mg
When these flux experiments were finished, the cultures were washed six times with
cold 0.15 M LiCl in 15 s. Volumes of 3 ml of cold deionized and distilled water were added
to the culture dishes, and then the cells were detached from the culture dishes and dispersed
in the dishes with a silicone-rubber policeman. Aliquots of 2 ml of the cell suspension were
sampled and mixed with 2 ml portions of 30 mM LiCl. These mixtures were kept at least
overnight at room temperature and then their cellular contents of Na*, K"" and Rb^ were
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on K (Rb ) Uptake by HeLa Cells 107
3 0
2 0
^ 1 0
4 8 1 2
u) [rad/s]
t 15
3 10
Figure 4. Amplitudes of the componenls of
dB/di. A. The amplitude as a function of w. B. 0
0.5 1 1.5
The amplitude as a function of/
f [Hz]
determined with a flamephotometer (170-30, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) with 15 inM LiCl
as an internal standard. Cellular contents of cations are expressed in nmol/mg protein.
Other samples of 1 ml of cell suspension were mixed with 1 ml of 1 N NaOH for
protein assay by the method of Lowry et al. (1951) with bovine serum albumin (fraction V)
as a standard.
For assay of the cellular ATP content, 2 mi portions of cell suspension in cold water
prepared by the same procedure to those described above were incubated for 5 min in a
boiling water bath to extract ATP, and ATP was measured by the luciferin-luciferase reaction
in a luminescence photometer (Monolight™ 500, Analytical Luminescence Laboratory, San
Diego, CA) as described previously [Ikehara et al., 1990]. The cellular ATP content is
expressed in nmol/mg protein.
Vertical Section
Figure 5. Schematic presentation of a special incubator to maintain the temperature of cultures. B, water bath;
C, cell culture; D, culture dish; L. plastic lid; S, styrene foam; T, thermistor sensor. [Yamaguchi et al., 1992]
Takara Indust. Co., Tokyo, Japan) were inserted to the bottoms of the culture dishes through
pin-holes in the lid and the pads for rnonitoring the temperatures of cultures continuously
during assay of cation fluxes. The lower portion of the incubator consisted of a water bath,
through which water flowed in the directions indicated by arrows and distributed heat evenly.
So, differences in temperatures between any two dishes did not exceed 0.2° C and heating
of the culture dishes by the hot polar faces was prevented. Normally, the temperature of the
dishes was adjusted to be 37° C, but it could be changed from 0 to 50° C. One of the incubators
was placed in the electromagnet and the other was kept outside the magnetic field as a control.
We also made the similar incubators with a smaller diameter of 80 mm to contain only one
dish to fit the small polar face. These incubators were normally used in combination with
the air incubator described before for adjusting the temperature during medium replacement.
This was because it took about 5 min to increase the temperature, from, for example, 37 to
40° C in these incubators, and this delay would influence Rb"^ influxes determined in 15 min.
The membrane potential of the cells was determined by a modification of the method
of Wright et al. [ 1981 ]. We applied micro-fluorophotometry to cells loaded with a fluorescent
indicator, 3,3"-dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (diS-C3-(5)) (Molecular Probes, Eugene,
OR), keeping the intracellular K* concentration at 139 mM. The cyanine dye was added to
the culture medium at 1 ^M immediately after 2 h exposure to the time-varying magnetic
field. For determination of fluorescence, the excitation wavelength was fixed at 540 nm and
emission was determined in a wide wavelength range from 580 to 680 nm to collect sufficient
energy of fluorescence with a modified fluorescence microscope (Optiphoto, Nikon, Tokyo,
Japan) equipped with a photon counter (PC-545A, NF Circuit Design Block Co., Yokohama,
Japan). The membrane potential was calculated as the K* equilibrium potential in the
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on K*(Rb*) Uptake by HeLa Cells 109
A: Na+, K«-pump
B: NaVK>/2C|- cotransport
Figure 6. Major pathways of K* up- Q. K* channel
take in the membrane of HeLa cells.
presence of a K* ionophore (4 )iM valinomycin), and the potential was related to the emission
intensity. When 150 mM K"^ was needed, an impermeable anion gluconate was used instead
of CI' as a counter anion to prevent rupture of the cell membrane due to strong cell swelling.
Micorphotographs of cells loaded with the fluorescent dye were taken with the same
fluorescence microscope in the same emission wavelength range at a magnification of 200x
(see Figure 13).
We also monitored changes in the electrical charge on the cell surface with the
fluorescent pH indicator 4-heptadecyl-7-hydroxycoumarin by a modification of the method
of Pal et al. [1983]. Immediately after adding this indicator to the culture medium at 6 pM.
we exposed the cultures to the magnetic field for 2 h, and then determined total fluorescence
energy in an einission wavelength range from 420 to 680 nin with the fluorescence
microscope at excitation wavelengths of 340 and 380 nin. The ratios of the emissions at these
wavelengths, E340/E380, were calculated and the ratios of exposed and control cells were
Rb+ influx
C Total,
A lOOmM ouabain
3 Ouabaln-sensitive
20 ri^
10 Q-
I 5
i 0
0.5 1.5
20 Lu
'l, I 1 i. ^
15 a n
d 0
10 A
5 t Figure 7. Effects on Rb'^ influxes into
1 ' HeLa cells of homogeneous magnetic fields
0 1 1
0.5 1 1.5 of various ttiagnetic flux densities from 0 to
1.6 T. A. . B. (42.0+0.1 )°C.
Magnetic (lux density (T)
Rb^ influx
O Total, Control, A lOOmM ouabain, n Ouabain-sensitiV'
Control Control
Total, Exposed
lOOmM Ouabain, Ouabain-sensitiv
Exposed Exposed
2.6 r
influx mediated by the Na-pump) was unaffected. Data in this panel are mean values of
results in six separate experiments expressed in arbitrary units. As a homogeneous magnetic
field of even 2 T did not influence Rb* influx in the absence or presence of ouabain at 37°
C (see Figure 8), homogeneous magnetic fields did not markedly influence the active and
passive Rb+ influxes when the magnetic flux density was less than 2 T. We also tested the
effects of homogeneous magnetic fields of similar magnetic flux densities on ouabain-in-
sensitive Rb"* influx in the presence of 0.1 mM furosemide at 37° C, but again observed no
significant effects of the magnetic fields (data not shown). These results reveal that magnetic
fields of less than 2 T do not significantly influence Rb* influx mediated by the Na*/K*/2C1"
-cotransport or the leakage pathway(s) at normal temperature.
Similarly, no significant effects on Rb* influx of homogeneous magnetic fields of the
same magnetic flux densities were detected at an abnormally high temperature of 42° C
(Figure 7B; t-test at p>0.05). Data in this panel are mean values of results in two separate
Kinouchi et al. [1988] have reported theoretical estimations of the Lorentz force for
suppressing diffusion of charged particles such as Na*, K*, Ca-* and CI", and plasma proteins.
They pointed out that the threshold field strength for suppression is so high, (more than lO"*
T) that the Lorentz force does not affect the diffusion of these particles at a magnetic flux
density of a few T. Their estimation is consistent with our finding of no significant effects
on passive Rb* influx at less than 2 T.
Figure 8A shows the effects on active and passive Rb* influxes of HeLa cells of a
homogeneous 2 T magnetic field over a wide range of culture temperatures of 10 to 45°C.
Rb* influxes without ouabain increased linearly with increase in temperature from 10 to
37°C, and decreased at temperatures above 40° C in both control cells (exposed only to the
terrestrial magnetic field) and cells exposed to the magnetic field (upper panel). No
significant differences between the influxes into control cells and those exposed to the
magnetic field were observed at any temperature tested (t-test, p>0.05). Ouabain-insensitivc
influx of about half the total influx increased with temperature from 20 to 37° C. but there
was no significant difference between the values in cultures in control and tested conditions.
Ouabain-sensitive Rb* influx also increased with increase in temperature from 10 to 40° C,
but unlike the ouabain-insensitive influx, it did not decrease markedly at 45° C (lower panel).
Again, there was no significant difference between ouabain-sensitive Rb* influx in control
cells and those exposed to the magnetic field in the temperature range tested. The marked
decrease in Rb* influx without ouabain above 40°C was mainly due to decrease in passive
flux at abnormally high temperatures.
These results show no significant effects on Rb* influx of a strong homogeneous
magnetic field of up to 2 T, implying the absence of effect of steady magnetic fields with a
magnetic flux density of less than 2 T on Rb* influx.
The data in Figure 8 A are represented by Arrhenius plots in Figure 8B. The plots for
ouabain-insensitive Rb* influxes of control cells and those exposed to a magnetic field show^
linear distributions of experimental points from 10 to 37°C along the regression lines
obtained by the least squares method, but above 37°C and especially above 40°C the points
markedly deviated downward from the lines (upper panel). From the slopes of these
regression lines, we estimated the activation energies for ouabain-insensitive (passive) Rb*
influxes to be 60.5 and 51.7 kJ/mol in control cells and cells exposed to the homogeneous
2 T magnetic field, respectively. Statistic analysis verified that the differences between the
variances of the data (F-test), the regression coefficients (t-test) and the intersections of the
regression lines with the ordinate (t-test) in control cells and those exposed to the magnetic
field were all insignificant (p>0.05). We also compared the regression lines for ouabain-sen-
sitive Rb* influxes (lower panel) and found that none of the three parameters were signifi-
112 H. Miyamoto et al.
Values are means+SD. n, number of samples. * and **, Significantly different from values for
control cells at p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively.
canity different in control and test cells. The activation energies estimated from the regression
lines were 54.9 and 51.4 kJ/mol for control and test cells, respectively.
Tenforde and Liburdy [1988] reported that a membrane consisting of phospholipid
bilayers is markedly influenced by externa! magnetic fields near the phase transition point.
They observed increase in efflux of a chemical agent from liposomes at a ternperature
(40.5°C) close to the phase transition point of the phospholipid on exposure to static magnetic
fields, and found that the effect of the magnetic field was saturated at 0.1 T. Liburdy and
Vanek, Jr. [1985] demonstrated significant increase in permeability to Na"" of red ceil
membranes on exposure to microwaves in the narrow temperature range of 17.7 to 19.5°C.
However, a phase transition point has not been observed in the membranes of living cells of
other than red cells, possibly due to the more complex components of cell membranes,
including various proteins, than of artificial membranes. Consistent with this idea, the
temperature-dependent characteristics of cell membranes are reported to be rnore compli-
cated than those of membranes consisting of pure organic substances [Aceto et al., 1970].
The results in Figure 8 do not support the possibility of membrane phase transition in HeLa
cells between 10 and 37°C.
# no inhibitor, Control
no inliibitor. Exposed
A 1 OOpM ouabain, Control
,^ tOOuM ouabain, Exposed
For further investigation of the effects of time-varying magnetic fields, the time of
Rb"" accumulation in the cells was prolonged to 2 h and the accumulations in control cells
and those exposed to a magnetic field were compared (Figure 9), The accumulations of Rb*
in control and exposed cells without ouabain were not markedly different in the first 15 min.
This insignificant difference was not consistent with the significant effect in Table 3. because
we used the type of magnetic field shown by Figure 2C (type 2C), which would induce a
weaker eddy current than that induced by the magnetic field of type 2 A used for the results
in Table 3. Since we needed more samples for the present experiment, we used the special
incubator containing four culture dishes with pole pieces with a face of 100 mm diameter.
The accumulafion was significantly inhibited after 30 min, as judged by Dunnett's t-tesi of
one-way layout after analysis of variance (ANOVA test. p<0,05). The inhibitory effect of
the magnetic field became more significant with time until at least 120 min. In contrast, Rb*
accumulation in the presence of ouabain was not significantly infiuenced by exposure to the
magnetic field. Hence, the inhibition of total Rb* accumulation was due to inhibition of
ouabain-sensitive Rb'^ accumulation. These results showing that active, but not passive Rb*
influx is inhibited are essentially consistent with those in Table 3.
As we found that the Na*-pump was inhibited by exposure to the magnetic field, we
next tested the effect of exposure to the magnetic field on the cellular ATP content (Figure
10), Results showed that the ATP contents of cells whose Rb'" accumulations are shown in
Figure 9 were not significantly influenced by exposure to the magnetic field for periods of
up to 120 min, irrespective of the presence of ouabain.
The effects of exposure to the magnetic field on K"" efflux were also tested. The K^
contents of cells exposed for various periods after replacement of K"^ by Rb* in the medium
were plotted on a semi-logarithmic scale and rate constants were determine by the procedures
described before (Figure 11). The plots for both exposed and control cells were linear with
no inltibitor, Control
no intiibilor, Exposed
40 100)iM ouabain. Control
I O O M M ouabain, Exposed
Figure 10, Effects on the cellular ATP content of exposure o
to a strong, time-varying magneticfield.[Yamaguchi et al., O"-
30 BO 90 120
1992] Ttne (min)
114 H. Miyamoto et al.
time, but the slope of the regression line for exposed cells was steeper than that for control
cells, and the rate constants for control and exposed cells were determined to be 0,0071 and
0.0105/min, which were significantly different by the t-test (p<0.01). Since the cellular K*
content at the start of exposure was 932 nmol/mg of protein, the K"' effluxes frorn control
and exposed cells were calculated to be 6.66 and 9.79 nmol/mg proteinmin. These results
demonstrate stimulation of K* efflux by exposure to a magnetic field and suggest exposure-
induced decrease in the sum of the intracellular K* and Rb* contents; i.e.. the K"' content of
cells in the nonnal medium.
0 >
the membrane potential. Thus the dye acted as an indicator of the potential in control celts.
In contrast, the emission ratio of exposed cells did not respond to a wide change in tlie K*
concentration in the medium, and the intensity of emission was again very weak. This
suggests that the decrease ia the emission intensity of exposed cells was not due to membrane
depolarization, but probably to an exposure-induced change in electrical charge on the cell
surface, since the dye molecule has a net negative charge,
Microphotograplis of cells loaded with a fluorescent dye taken with the fluorescence
microscope are shown in Figure 13. In control cells (panel A) the fluorescent dye has a more
homogeneous distribution than in exposed cells (panel B), in which the distribution of dye
is uneven and has a granular appearance. This uneven staining with the charged dye suggests
change in the distribution of electrical charge on the celi surface on exposure.
iS Exposed
Next we tested the effects of the time-varying magnetic field on the electrical charge
on the cell surface with the fluorescent pH hidicator 4-heptaclecy!-7-hydroxycoiimariii. The
ratio of emissions E340/E380 decreased with increase in pH of the culture medium from 6
to 8 (Figure 14). This resiih implies that the positive charge on the cell surface increases with
increase in pH of the medium. This decrease in the emission ratio with increase in pH of the
medium was also observed in cells exposed to the magnetic field. However, the exposed
cells showed significantly higher values of the emission ratio at all pH values tested (p<0.01
by Dunnett's 1-test after ANOVA test).
The wavelengths of 340 and 380 nm are near the peaks in the spectra of the
undissocaied and dissociated forms of the fluorescent reagent, respectively (Pal et al, 1983).
Therefore, the increase in the emission ratio E340/E380 with decrease in pH of the medium
represents a relative increase in the undissocatcd form of the reagent with decrease in pH in
both control and exposed cells. Exposure to the magnetic field seemed to inhibit the
pH-depcndciit dissociation of li* from the reagent attached to the cell membrane by
increasing the negative charge on the cell surface. These results on the emission ratio arc
consistent with those shown in Table 4 and Figure 13. Thus we concluded that exposure to
the magnetic field induced a relative increase in the negative charge on the cell surface.
An AC current has been demonstrated to decrease the activity of Na^.K^-ATPase in
suspension [Blank and Soo, 1989J. On the other hand, there is a report that exposure to an
ELF electric field increases the negative charge and exposure to an ELF magnetic field
decreases the hydrophobicity of thesurface of Physarumpolycephalum [Marron et ah, 1988],
Also, exposure of cultured U937 cells to a pidsed magnetic field of repeated bursts of 2.5 Hz
has been shown to increase the negative charge on the cell surface [Smith et ah, 1991].
Electro-osmotic flow of medium occurs when an electric field is applied in parallel to the
cell surface, and negatively charged macromolecules are moved on the cells surface and
accumulated on one side of the cell as demonstrated by the accumulation of concanavalin
A receptors on the cathodal side of muscle cells [McLaughlin and Poo, 1981].
_ 1.2
15 ^
_> -—
I 0S
Figure 15, Reversibility of the effect on Rb* influx of
exposure for 90 inin to a strong, time-varying magnetic
field. A, Exposed. B, Exposed and then placed oiit.side the
magnetic field. C, Control.
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on K*(Mb*) Uptake by HeLa Cells 117
I 1
Figure 16. Reversibility of the effect of exposure for 90 "-'
min to a strong, timc-var>-ing magnetic field on fluores- g o.5
ceiice emission of cells loaded with diS-C3-(5). A, Ex- "i
posed. B and C, Exposed and then placed outside the "g
magnetic field for 30 and 60 min, respectively, D. Control UJ „
118 H. Miyamoto et al.
exposure may be related to more substantial change in membrane structure than simple
change in the surface properties, since more than 30 min was required for complete recovery.
Exposure to strong homogeneous magnetic fields with various magnetic flux densi-
ties of less than 1.6 T had no significant effect on either active or passive Rb* influxes into
HeLa cells at normal or high temperatures. Exposure to a similar magnetic field of 2 T at
different temperatures of 10 to 45°C did not cause any change in active or passive Rb* influx,
and no evidence was obtained for the presence of a phase transition point of the cell
membrane between 10 and 37°C.
In contrast, exposure to a strong, time-varying magnetic field of quasi-rectangular
wave form caused significant inhibition of active Rb^ influx when the frequency of change
in the magnetic field was more than 1/20 Hz. Conversely, K* efflux was stimulated, but
passive Rb'^ influx was unaffected. Analyses of the amplitudes of the frequency components
of the time-varying magnetic field B and its differential ABlAt revealed that B mainly
consisted of components with the lowest angular frequencies, whereas dfi/dr contained
components of various frequencies. The inhibition of active Rb* influx was not due to change
in the cellular ATP content.
Results obtained by micro-fluorometry with fluorescent probes of the membrane
potential (diS-C3-(5)) and pH (4-heptadecyl-7-hydroxy-coumarin) showed change in the
electrical properties of the cell surface on exposure to the time-varying magnetic field.
Results suggested an uneven distribution of electrical charge and an increase in negative
charge on the cell surface. The inhibition of active Rb* influx and the change in electrical
properties of the cell membrane were reversible. Further studies are needed to determine
whether change in electrical properties is the direct cause of inhibition of the Na*-pump.
We thank Dr. Elizabeth Ichihara for correcting the English and Mr. T. Masuya for
technical assistance. This study was .supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on a Priority Area (No. 03202136) from the Japanese Ministry of Education,
Science and Culture.
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acid cycle intermediates by renal brush border membranes. Effects of fluorescence of potential-sensitive
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14. R. Pal. W. A. Petri, Jr., Y. Barenolz. and R. R. Wagner (1983) Lipid and protein contributions to the
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tadecyl-7-hydroxycoumarin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 729, 185-192.
15. T. Ikehara, H. Yamaguchi. T. Sakai. and H. Miyamoto (1984a) Kinetic parameters and mechanism of
active cation transport in HeLa cells as studied by Rb* influx. Biochiin. Biophys. .Acta, 775, 297-307.
16. T. Ikehara. H. Yamaguchi. K. Hosokawa, T. Sakai, and H. Miyamoto (1984) Rb* influx in response to
changes in energy generation: effect of the regulation of the ATP content of HeLa cells. J. Cell. Physiol..
17. T. Ikehara, H. Yamaguchi, K. Hosokawa, and H. Miyamoto (1990) Kinetic mechanism of ATP action in
Na*-K*-Cl- cotransport of HeLa cells determined by Rb* influx studies. Am. J. Physiol., 258. C599-C609.
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24. M. Blank, and L. Soo (1989) The effects of alternating currents on Na.K-.^TPase function. Bioelectro-
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25. M. T. Marron, E. M. Goodman, P. T. Sharpe. and B. Greenebaum (1988) Low frequency electric and
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26. O. M. Smith. E. M. Goodman, B. Greenebaum, and P. Tipnis (1991) An increase in the negative surface
charge of U937 cells exposed to a pulsed magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics. 12, 197-202.
27. S. McLaughlin, and M.-M. Poo (1981) The role of electro-osmosis in the electric-field-induced movement
of charged macromolecules on the surfaces of cells. Biophys. J.. 34. 85-93.
There has been increasing concern over possible human health risks associated with
exposure to alternating current (AC) magnetic fields induced by transmission and distribu-
tion systems. To accurately assess the possible health risk, it is necessary to conduct a wide
range of studies with appropriate exposure systems both for animal and human subjects.
Because AC transmission lines are three phase, the magnetic field at ground level tends to
be elliptically polarized (Deno, 1976) and is represented fairly well by a rotating vector. In
the laboratory, this rotating vector can be simulated by the sum of horizontal and vertical
magnetic fields 90° out of phase. It is very important to allow the simultaneous exposure of
as many animals as possible. An exposure facility must be designed to fill these requirements.
Melatonin, which is synthesized in the pineal gland, has been assumed to have linkage
to the etiology of cancer in at least the following three ways; 1) melatonin itself is oncostatic,
2) melatonin enhances certain facets of immune function and 3) melatonin functions as an
inhibitor of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, hence it may reduce the availability of
hormones that are required for the growth of certain hormone-dependent breast, ovarian and
prostate cancers (Wilson and Anderson, 1990).
Welkeretal. (1983) reported that experimental inversion of the horizontal component
of the natural magnetic field during nighttime led to a significant decrease of pineal
serotonin-N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity and melatonin content in rats. Since then
several papers have been published investigating the effects on pineal activity of geomag-
netic fields inversion (e.g., Olcese and Reuss, 1986; Olceseet al, 1985; Stehle et al., 1988).
Lerchl et al. (1990) reported that pineal NAT activity of rats was depressed by intermittent
exposure to magnetic fields. Yellon (1991) reported that 15-min exposure to a 60-Hz
horizontal magnetic field, at a strength of 0.1 mT, suppressed the nighttime melatonin rise
of Djungarian hamsters.
Biological Effecis of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 121
122 M. Kato and T. Shigemitsu
C, It
Ci li P(x,y,z)
d/4 P(x.Y.z) Figure 1. Coordinate system and
Cj li configuration of the proposed loop
d/4 paired coils for generating a one-
C2 l2 axis magnetic field. (.Shigemitsu cl
d/4 al. Bioelectromatgnetics (1993)
vol 14: 107-116).
Effects of Exposure to a 50 Hz Magnetic Field un Melatonin in Rats 123
Horizontals Five 1.7 in square wooden frames at intervals of 0.425 m, with coils
having 66 turns of insulated wire (cross section 2.0 min^) in the outer paired coils, 12 turns
in the middle and 30 turns in the center coil. This group is the entire 1.7 m cube. For these
coils, the resistance was 8.0 Q and the inductance was 73.6 mH.
Vertical. Five 1.8 m square wooden fraines at intervals of 0.45 m, with coils having
the same numbers of turns and the same insulated wire as the horizontal coils. This group is
the entire 1.8 m cube, for in these coils the resistance was 13.5 Q and the inductance was
79.7 mH.
Rotating. The cube for the horizontal magnetic field coils fits inside the cube for the
vertical magnetic field coils with planes of the two sets of coils perpendicular to each other.
This arrangement gives the horizontal magnetic field in the x-direction and the
vertical magnetic field in the z-direction. An elliptically polarized magnetic field can be
obtained if each coil is energized separately from the power supply.
Each system has three Im square wooden shelves forming a Im cube. The wooden
shelves are employed as cage supports. These cage shelves are isolated from the coils which
are supported by another wooden frame. This isolation eliminates mechanical vibration of
the cages. Animal-housing space is within the Im cube. Water supply and food pellets are
placed on the top of each cage through a stainless steel grating. The standard wooden chip
is used for bedding. Nine standard cages (30 cmW x 25 cmL x 17 cmH) can be placed on
each shelf However, a total of 24 cages were placed for the actual experiments because no
cage was set on the center of the shelves so as to improve homogeneity of light distribution.
To equalize illumination within the cages during experiments, animal cages were inter-
changed among the three shelves.
105 r
- 100?-
95 L
by-by' by-by'
105 r 105 r
100| =» 100 p
95 1 95 I
cy-cy cy-cy
105 [ 105
1001 100?=
95 1 95 L
c-c c-c
105r 105 r
looL 100»-
95 L 95 L
A 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance from center ot coil (cm) Distance from center of coil (cm)
' Horizontal
ay-ay ax-ax
105r 105|
- 100o=
95 L
by-by' bx-bx'
105r 105r
100<> lOOo-
95 L 95 L
cy-cy cx-cx
105r 105 r
lool- - lOoi-
95 L
' 95 I
c-c c-c
105|- 105
100 fl —7-0= n M
100? ~—0
951- 95
B 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance from center of coil (cm) Distance from center of coil (cm)
Figure 4. The magnetic field distribution along the x-axis and the y-axis on four different planes inside the 1
m cube of the animal-housing space. The values of the vertical axis are normalized to the values at the center
A: Results of applying the vertical magnetic field. B: Results of applying the horizontal field. (Shigemitsu. et
al. Bioelectromagnetics (1993) vol. 14: 107-116).
of the exposure level to the sham level was overall 50:1. The ratio has a somewhat smaller
gradient, about 2 %, along the diagonal direction in the sham system. The stray field in the
sham system is somewhat distorted to ellipsoidal polarization compared with the circularly
polarized magnetic field in the exposure system.
126 M. Kato and T. Shigemitsu
2.8 Noise
The noise level was measured by using a sound-level meter (Octave band filter
NX-OIA, sound level meter NA-61, Rion). By placing a microphone in the center of the
room and in both exposure and sham - exposure systems, the measurements were made with
the air conditioner turned on or off and the circularly polarized magnetic field turned on at
0.4 mTrms (B|,=B,). Results show that the air conditioner is the main contributor to noise.
The sound level was about 70 dB, which is the general room noise. There was no difference
in the sound level with the exposure system turned on or off
Four standard fluoresent lights were installed on the ceiling 3.5 m above the floor
and another two were set up beside each system 1 m apart and 1 m from the floor. Light
scattering panels were set up on the top of the two systems. The overall light intensity was
20.4 - 84.4 lux with 24 animal cages inside the animal-housing space.
By using this newly developed exposure facility and Wistar-King male rats as
subjects, three experiments were conducted to determine whether 6 weeks of exposure to
circularly polarized, horizontally and vertically oriented magnetic fields suppresses mela-
tonin content in plasma and the pineal gland (Kato et al. 1993,1994). Plasma and pineal
melatonin were assayed by radioimmuno-assay (RIA).
In the first experiment rats were exposed continuously to a circularly polarized
magnetic field at 1,5, 50 or 250 ^T (spatial vector rms).
Effects of Exposure to a 50 Hz Magnetic Field on Melatonin in Rats 127
12:00 h
24:00 h
30 30 24 24 22 24 22 24 21 19 23 23 21 19 Sample number
C 0.02 0.1 1 1 5 50 ^T
91/8 90/7 91/4 90/7 90/12 91/4 90/12 Date Of Exp.
Figure 5. Levels of plasma melatonin at 12:00 and 24:00 h at different strengths of the magnetic Held across
time. Sample numbers of the rats, density in microteslas, and date of experimentation are indicated at the
bottom of the figure. For example, 91/8 means the main part of the 6-\veek exposure was carried out during
August 1991: C=control. The ordinate shows melatonin levels in picograms per milliliter The lc\cls deter-
mined at 0.02 j.iT, 90/7; 0.0! |jT, 91/4; and 1 j.iT, 90/12 were from the rats housed in the sham-exposure facility
in which the waveform of the field was ellipsoidal. (Kato, et al. Bioelectroiuagnetics 1199,^) \ol. 14: 97-1061.
Figure 5 summarizes the "no-fields" data and the data obtained by applying different
strengths of the magnetic fields across time. No statistical difference was observed among
the nighttime values for the control, 0.02 (iT, or 0.01 fiT (both stray fields), while a significant
difference was detected between the control and 0.1 |JT exposed animals at 12:00 h. There
was a significant decrease in melatonin content at 12:00 h for fields stronger than 0.1 ^T
and at 24:00 h for fields stronger than 1 |iT, compared with the control. There were no
significant differences among the values at 24:00 h for exposures to fields stronger than 1
I^T. At 12:00 h a significant decrease was observed at 50 /.iT.
Horizontal Vertical
30 30 24 24 24 24 30 30 ie 16 ie 16
C 0.02 1 C 002 1
91/a S3/I 93/1
91/8 91/7 91/7
Figure 6. Concentrations of melatonin in plasma and the pineal gland at 12:00h and 24:00h at horizontally
oriented (Horizontal) and vertically oriented (Vertical) 1 |jT magnetic fields. C is control values collected in
control experiments, (modified from Kato, et al. Neuroscicnce Letters (1994) vol. 168: 205-208).
128 M. Kato and T. Shigemitsu
When one thinks about possible mechanisms of field exposure in animals, including
humans, electric current induced in the body under electric and/or magnetic fields is a likely
factor influencing body organs. Eddy currents induced by magnetic fields flow in loops
which are greatest near the periphery of the body. The pineal gland of the rat is located just
beneath the dura and skull, while in other mammals such as the cat, sheep, monkey, baboon
and human, the pineal gland is located deep inside the brain. Considering these anatomical
differences, we suggest that the pineal gland of the rat may be exposed to stronger eddy
currents than in other mammals. Since the biological effects may not be simply explained
by current density alone (K. Isaka, personal communication), other factors such as direction
of the current, phase angles of the field, waveform, speed of onset of the field (Rogers et al.,
1991), and location of the organs should be taken into consideration.
Olcese et al. (1985) compared the effects of magnetic field exposure on melatonin
content between rats with severed optic nerves and intact animals, and Reuss and Olcese
(1986) compared the effects between rats kept in a completely dark room and those kept
under dim red light. Under both experimental conditions there was no effect of magnetic
field exposure on melatonin level in the rats whose optic nerve system was not activated by
light stimulus. Hence they concluded that light stimulation to some extent is essential for
the magnetosensitivity. It has long been known that extremely low frequency (ELF) and
transient magnetic fields of moderate flux densities generate visual phenomena called
magnetophosphenes. Lovsund et al. (1979) reported that magnetophosphenes are generated
in the retina and are in the same channels that normally propagate signals induced by light.
Therefore, it is conceivable that signals set up in the retina by dim red light and magnetic
fields, of which magnetic field alone is subthreshold, eventually reach the pineal cells to
lower the synthesis of melatonin.
In our first experiment of circularly polarized field exposure at I fiJ suppressed
melatonin concentration, while in the following experiments of linearly polarized, vertical
or horizontal, magnetic field exposure it was demonstrated such suppressing effects do not
take place. Because all other obvious experimental conditions, such as geomagnetic fields,
age and strain of the rats, exposure period, etc. were quite similar in all of our experiments,
differences in results obtained with rotating field exposure vs vertical or horizontal field can
reasonably be attributed to differences in magnetic field characteristics.
Whether the primary effects of magnetic field exposure on melatonin production arise
from induced currents in the pineal gland, from alterations in the tonal aspects of neuronal
signaling, or from as yet unrecognized mechanisms, is a question that remains to be resolved
in future studies.
1. Baum, J.W., Kuehner, .^.V., Benz. R.D. and Carsten, A.L. (1991) A system for simultaneous exposure of
small animals to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 12:85-99p.
2. Cohen. H.D., Graham. C , Cook. M.R. and Phelps. J.W. (1992) ELF exposure facility for human testing.
Bioelectromagnetics 13:169-182P.
Effects of Exposure to a 50 Hz Magnetic Field on Melatonin in Rats 129
Larry E. Anderson
There is now convincing evidence from a large number of laboratories, that exposure
to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic and electric fields produces biological responses
in animals. Many of the observed effects appear to be directly or indirectly associated with
the neural or neuroendocrine systems. Such effects include increased neuronal excitability,
chemical and hormonal changes in the nervous system, altered behavioral responses, some
of which are related to sensing the presence of the field, and changes in endogenous
biological rhythms. Additional indices of general physiological status appear relatively
unaffected by exposure, although effects have occasionally been described in bone growth
and fracture repair, reproduction and development, and immune system function. A major
focus of ongoing research in the laboratory is to determine whether the epidemiological-
based suggested association between EMF exposure and risk of cancer can be supported in
studies using animal models. Three major challenges exist for ongoing laboratory research:
I) knowledge about the mechanisms underlying observed bioeffects is incomplete. 2) we do
not as yet understand what physical aspects of exposure produce biological responses, and
3) health consequences resulting from ELF exposure are unknown. .Although no animal
studies clearly demonstrate deleterious effects of ELF fields, several are suggestive of
potential health impacts. From the perspective of laboratory animal studies, this presentation
will discuss biological responses to ELF magnetic and/or electric field exposures.
Over the past several decades, the likelihood for humans and animals to be exposed
to ELF magnetic (H) and electric (E) fields has increased substantially. Furthermore, the
Biolo^u-al Ff'fccty of Magnetic atii! f-'h'ciromagnctk Fields. Edited by S. L'eno
Plenum Press. Kew York. 1496 131
132 L. E. Anderson
level of exposure has increased by orders of magnitude over the natural background of
generally very low F, and H fields, Such elevated fields span all frequency ranges; however,
specific interest is currently focused on the potential biological impact of increased power
frequency (50 and 60 Hz) fields. Detailed reviews on the bioeffects of ELF fields arc
In the past twenty-five years, research programs throughout the world have made
significant progress in describing interactions between H and E fields found in the environ-
ment and living organisms. Also addressed have been questions regarding biological cfiects
from such fields, both real and potential, and whether such effects are permanent or transient,
detrimental or beneficial. In H and E field studies that have been reported, exposure levels
have been utilized from 0.1 to 30 millitessla (mT) and from a few volts/meter (V/m) to more
than 100 kV/m. Similarly, a broad range of biological endpoints have been examined for
evidence of possible ELF field exposure effects.
It should be noted that most indices of general physiological status appear to be
relatively unaffected by exposure to ELF fields. It is also generally recognized that exposure
to such fields does produce responses in specific biological systems, however, health
implications for humans and animals have yet to be determined. Where experimental effects
are demonstrated, the mechanisms of interaction between the field and the organisms remain
largely unknown. For instance, it is not known whether observed effects result from fields
acting at the surface of the body, E fields induced in the interior of the body, or from H fields
penetrating the body.
Even though the effects of H and E fields in humans are of primary importance, many
areas of biological interest are more effectively investigated using other animal species.
Results from experimental laboratory research in rats, mice, birds, swine, and nonhuman
primates form the basis for this paper, with emphasis on those areas which appear to be most
sensitive to ELF fields and which may provide information of most relevance to human ELF
Many of the biological effects which have been reported in animals or humans
exposed to ELF H or E fields appear to be associated with the nervous system. Such system
responsiveness to fields might be anticipated since the nervous system plays a basic role in
the interaction of animals with their environment. Indeed, other biological systems may be
influenced indirectly by ELF exposure through neural/neuroendocrine (hormonal) functions.
Reported nervous system effects from ELF exposures include changes in behavioral and
activity response; chemical changes in nerve cells; changes in the excitability of nerves;
altered neurotransmitter and neurohormone levels; and disruption of biological rhythms.
Under those levels, changes in physical activity responses have been reported although the
changes are usually transitory [see review '^]. Effects of H fields on behavior are curious in
that many of the investigations performed at low field intensities showed behavioral
alterations (primarily activity changes) [see review . In contrast, studies conducted at
higher H-field intensities demonstrated no evidence of effects on animal behavior.
effects of E fields on postnatal growth and survival in prenatal mammals, however, these
studies are countered by others in which rats, rabbits, or mice were exposed to broad range
of field strengths with no evident effects on reproduction, survival, and growth'^'''*.
Few studies have been performed to examine the effects of ELF H fields on growth
and development. In the most comprehensive study published to date, no reproductive or
developmental effects of 60-Hz H fields were observed^' These results have been generally
supported by a recent study performed in Finland'*. A great deal of interest has been
generated by reports from Delgado's lab; that significant increases in malformation rates
were observed in chick eggs exposed to low levels of pulsed magnetic fields-'. Subsequent
efforts have partially confirmed these results-*.
Exposure of animals to electric fields does not appear to affect the immune system.
In a comprehensive investigation of the immune system, no effects of exposure at very low
field strengths (150-250 V/m) in mice or rats were observed^'. In contrast to the apparent
lack of E-field influence in vivo on the immune system, magnetic fields arc reported to
strongly affect system responses to mitogens and antigens^'.
protocol is required for testing. "Initiation" is defined as a genotoxic event in which the
carcinogen causes a direct affect on the DNA. "Promotion" is operationally defined, as an
enhancing agent that is applied subsequent to initiation over a protracted time period.
Promotion is tied to a number of subcellular events that are usually non-genotoxic and is
involved in the conversion of initiated cells to cancerous cells. To evaluate the agent (EMF)
as an initiator, one high dose of EMF would be given followed by repeated exposure to a
model promoter (e.g. 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. TPA). If, on the other hand.
EMF were to be investigated as a potential promoter, the animals would be treated with a
potent initiator of cancer (e.g. 7,12-dimethyl benz[a]anthracene, DMBA), and subsequently
exposed to EMF over a period of several months. These initiation/promotion approaches use
fewer animals and involve shorter experimental time and less cost than complete carcino-
genicity studies. However, a specific initiation/promotion model is usually restricted to
evaluating one or few specific cancers and may provide only limited information on possible
biological mechanisms of EMF and development of cancer.
Complete Carcinogen Studies. Few truly life-long animal studies examining EMF
as a complete carcinogen have yet been completed, although several are underway (in the
US, Italy, Japan, and Canada). However, several studies designed to evaluate EMF as a
promoter of cancer have contained control groups that were exposed to EMF without being
treated with chemical carcinogen (initiator). These studies include a mammary tumor
promotion study in rats", a lymphoma study in mice''*, and a mouse skin tumor promotion
study-*^. A major deficiency of using such "add-on" studies to evaluate complete carcino-
genicity is the small group sizes involved. The Beniashvili study found an increase in
mammary gland tumors in rats exposed to 20 ^iT for 3 hours per day compared to unexposed
animals. The other two studies reported no increase in tumors with long term exposure to
magnetic fields (500 or 50 \xT and 15 (xT, respectively).
Tumor Initiation Studies. No tumor initiation studies have yet been reported in the
literature. There is very little motivation for such studies because of the very weak energies
involved in extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: energies that are too weak
to break chemical bonds. Furthermore, invitro studies have provided no evidence that DNA
molecules can be damaged by exposure to 50/60 Hz EMF.
Tumor Promotion Studies. Despite the obvious need for EMF promotion studies,
based on the suggested associations between EMF and cancer found in the epidemiological
results, relatively few animal experiments have been completed. Skin tutnor promotion, after
initiation with DMBA, was examined in mice exposed to a 2 mT, 60 Hz continuous magnetic
field, 6 hr/d, 5 days/wk for up to 21-23 weeks'*. None of the exposed or sham exposed mice
developed papillomas. When magnetic fields were combined with application of TPA, a
slightly earlier development of tumors was observed in the magnetic field-exposed animals' .
Rannug and coworkers have conducted both skin tumor and liver foci studies in
Sweden . in the two-year skin tumor promotion study, mice were initiated with
DMBA then exposed to 0.5 mT or 50 ^T, 50 Hz magnetic fields for 19-21 hr/d. No evidence
of a field-exposure effect was observed in either systemic or skin tumor development or in
skin hyperplasia. In the liver foci study, rats were treated with similar EMF exposures over
a 12 week period. The exposed animals showed no differences in foci development from the
sham exposed rats. In animals treated with a chemical promoter (phenobarbital) as well as
the magnetic field, foci formation was slightly inhibited when compared to initiated-only
In a series of experiments conducted in Germany'"''*'''-'*', perhaps the strongest
evidence for the carcinogenicity potential of EMF in rats has been reported. Generally, rats
136 L. E. Anderson
were exposed for 3 to 4 months to 50 Hz magnetic fields ranging from 0.1 to 30 mT. Initiation
was accomplished with repeated oral doses of DMBA and subsequent development of
mammary tumors was determined. In some of the experiments, the tumor incidence was
increased in EMF exposed animals. In other experiments of this series, the number of tumors
per tumor bearing animal was increased but the total tumor incidence was not affected. In
still other efforts at replicating the initial results, non-statistically significant trends were
seen but the clear enhancement of tumor development with EMF exposure was not observed.
These apparent differences in results from the same research group may reflect differences
in animal response at the different field intensities used or may simply be a reflection of the
differences in group size between experiments. Several efforts are now underway to try and
replicate this important studies on EMF and mammary cancer.
Prior to the Mevissen study, a group in Georgia also examined mammary carcino-
genesis in EMF-exposed animals that were initiated with N-nitroso-N-methylurea'\ In the
groups of animals exposed to a 20 |iT, 50 Hz magnetic field for 3 hr/d, for the lifetime of
the animals, there was an increased incidence of NMU-induced mammary tumors over the
sham animals or animals exposed to only 1/2 hr of EMF per day.
Numerous studies have been initiated to determine the nature of the physical
mechanisms involved in ELF field-induced effects and to what extent an electrical environ-
ment containing H or E fields poses a health hazard to living organisms. The biological
effects reported in many of the experiments have not confirmed pathological effects, even
after prolonged exposures to high-intensity H (10-mT) and high-strength E fields (100 k V/m)
fields. However, the question of whether an occurrence of a "biological effect" from field
exposure constitutes a health hazard has yet to be answered. Areas in which effects have
been demonstrated appear to be associated primarily with the nervous system. In addition,
in several instances, unconfirmed or controversial data exist where observed effects may be
due to the fields (e.g., changes in brain chemistry and morphology, alterations in reproduction
and development). It is not yet known whether confirmed or putative effects are due to a
direct interaction of the electric field with tissue or to an indirect interaction, e.g.. a
physiological response due to detection and/or sensory stimulation by the field. Future
research thrusts, at the minimum, need to address the following topics: 1) an investigation
of what aspects of field exposure constitutes dose to living systems; 2) a determination of
the interaction mechanisms between ELF fields and animals/humans; 3) an exploration of
the implications of observed effects on nervous system function; 4) an evaluation of the
potential effects of ELF fields on reproduction and early development; and 5) a determination
of whether cancer promotion and/or progression is influenced by ELF fields.
Research sponsored today in several countries is designed to provide data to help set
maximum levels of ELF field intensities which are biologically acceptable for both workers
and the general public. This research also addresses the broader issues of increased electro-
magnetic fields in the environment from a variety of sources, and the potential health
implications for humans.
This work was supported by the Electric Power Research Institute (RP 2965-16) and
the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Management, under contract DE-AC06-
Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Magnetic and Electric Fields 137
76RLO 1830. Portions of this paper were previously published in Electricity and Magnetism
in Biology and Medicine, M. Blank, Ed. San Francisco Press, 1993.
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39. Rannug. A., B, Holmberg, T. Ekstrom and K. Hans.son Mild. Rat liver foci study on coexposure with 50
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41. Loscher. W.. M. .Mevissen, W. Lehmacher and A. Stamm. Tumor promotion in a breast cancer model by
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42. Loscher. W..L. Wahnschaffe, M, Mevissen. A. Lerchland A. Stamm. Effects ofweak alternating magnetic
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University of Utah
Department of Electrical Engineering
SakLakeCity, Utah, 84112
Increasingly finer-resolution anatomically based heterogeneous models of the human
body are being used for calculations of induced electric fields, current densities, and specific
absorption rates for electromagnetic exposures from extremely low frequencies (ELF) to
microwave frequencies [1,2]. Because ofthe need to extend dosimetric calculations to higher
frequencies of several gigahertz, and for small-volume exposure devices such as mobile
telephones, hair dryers, hair clippers, etc., resolutions on the order of millimeters are needed.
A new mm-resolution model based on the MRI scans of an adult male volunteer has,
therefore, been developed [1, 3, 4]. This model, with a resolution of 3 mm in the vertical
direction and a pixel size of 1.974 x 1.974 mm has, to date, been used to calculate coupling
of EM fields from handheld wireless communication systems operating at cenlerband
frequencies of 835 and 1900 MHz [4], and for spatially varying 60-Hz magnetic fields of a
hair dryer and a hair clipper [5].
V X E = -^li ^ , V X H = CTE + E
Figure I. ,-\ rypical crosh section of the milUtTieter-rf'so'ulioti model of the human bodv. Th; ticular cross
seel icr. is for la>xr r;0, 4-), which is 12 cm below the top of the head. Shown arc the eonioyi the eyes, the
opiic nerves,, cerebeiUuii, etc, against tiit* b,:ickgTijijRii of a gnd o.f ceifs oiMiaiciisions l.9"4 974 mm.
Millimeter-Resolution Dosimetry for EM Fields 141
problem can, to some extent, be ameliorated by assuming that the cell dimensions for the
cross sections are larger than 1.875 mm by the ratio of (71/64)' - = 1.053. i.e.. 1.974 mm
instead of 1.875 mm. Using a software package from the Mayo Clinic called ANALYZE,
the MRI scans were converted into images involving 29 tissue types whose electrical
properties (s^, a) can then be prescribed at the frequency of interest. Shown in Fig. 1 is a
typical cross section of the new model of the body. This is a section through the eyes and
the cerebellum. Also shown in Fig. 1 are the contours for the various features of this cross
section such as the eyes, ear, optic nerve, cerebellum, etc.
Since negligible SARs result for the lower regions of the body, we have used
the upper 42-cm height of the body involving head, neck, and the upper torso. Taken
from references 19-22, the dielectric properties used for the various tissues at center
frequencies of 835 and 1900 MHz are given in Table 1. To simulate a handset that
is typically tilted forward by about 33° for a vertically erect head, we have modified
the MRI-based model so that it is tilted forward by 33°. With this forward tilt ac-
complished by displacing each successive layer of the MRI scans separated by 3 mm
back by 1 cell, i.e., 1.974 mm, the handset may then be held in the vertical position
for SAR calculations. The vertical orientation of the handset and the antenna allows
a more accurate modeling of their shapes and dimensions. For commercially used
telephones 1-10, given in Tables 2 and 3, we have used the X-ray pictures of the
various antennas to model the exact dimensions of the radiating elements. Models for
each of the antennas and the handsets were assumed to be covered with insulating
materials of prescribed dielectric constants (typically 4.0 and 3.0). Since the coatings
of these materials are thinner (generally 1 mm) as compared to the cell size of 1.974
mm, effective dielectric constants K^ given by the following equation are used for
the cells covering the antennas and the handsets.
142 O. P. Gandhi and J. Y. Chen
Table 1. Dielectric properties of the various tissues assumed for the model of the head and
neck at midband mobile telephone frequencies of 835 and 1900 MHz
Old values for 835 New values for 835 New values for 1900
MHz [19 -21] MHz [22] MHz [22]
Type* Tissue Sr o Sr CT e, a
1 muscle 51.0 1.35 50.0 1.08 48.0 1.54
2 fat 7.2 0.16 11,0 0.17 11.0 0.28
3 bone 7.2 0.16 21.0 0.33 16.5 0.45
4 cartilage 7.2 0.16 37.0 0.80 36.0 1.22
5 skin 35.0 0.60 35.0 0.60 55.0 0.55
6 brain 43.0 0.86 41.0 0.86 41.1 1.14
II blood 64.0 1.25 55.0 1.86 54.0 2.27
12 eye 70.0 1.90 70.0 1.90 70.0 2.70
17 cerebrospinal 76.0 1.75 78.0 1.97 78.0 2.76
tluid (CSF)
18 vitreous humor 73.0 1.90 67.0 1.68 74.0 2.35
14 sclera/comea 52.0 1.80 51.0 1.13 50.0 2.30
20 lens 45.0 0.75 33.0 0.79 42.0 1.20
* These numbers correspond to the tissue types used for the model of the whole body.
5 £r
K= [E r (8 - w) + w]
where w is the thickness of the coating in millimeters and 8 is the dimension of the
Yee cell which may be 8^, 6y, or 8^, depending on the surface. Because of the proximity of
the hand to the telephone, it is essential to also model the hand for numerical calculations.
Table 2. Calculated and measured SARs for the various commercial telephones
for the maximum radiated power of 0.6 W or 600 mW at 835 MHz
Peak 1 -cell (11.7 mg of tissue) local SARs
Brain Ear
Telephone averaged SAR
No. mW,/kg W/kg Calculated W 'kg M easured W.'kg
1 2.35 1.29 3.60 1.56-2.80
2 1.58 0.97 2.20 1.61-2.91
3 1.60 1.33 2.97 2.80-5.30
4 1.58 0.59 1.87 1.94-2.84
5 2.13 1.99 4.03 1.82-3.57
6 0.89 0.51 1.72 0.80-1.70
7 0.81 0.49 1.59 0.47-1.28
8 1.09 0.31 0.96 0.70-0.84
9 2.30 0.70 1.96 0.86-1.92
10 0.88 0.51 1.63 1.81-3.07
4* 1.60 0.35 2,48 1.94-2.84
* Values calculated for telephone no. 4 using the new tissue properties at 835 MHz given
in Table 1.
Millimeter-Resolution Dositnetrv for EM Fields 143
Table 3. Peak SARs for 1 g of tissues of the head, brain, and "hand"
for the maximum telephone power of 0.6 W at 835 MHz
Peak SAR for any 1 cm' of tissue^
Telephone of the head of the brain of the "hand"
No. W/kg W/kg W/kg
1 0.57 0.26 0.66
2 0.38 0.21 0.41
3 0.51 0.28 0.59
4 0.28 0.13 0.49
5 0.69 0.41 0.71
6 0.26 0.10 0.15
7 0.26 0.10 0.09
8 0.16 0.06 1.90
9 0.48 0.16 0.33
10 0.25 0.14 0.24
4* 0.35 0.15 0.49
* Defined as volume in the shape of a cube.
* Same as for Table 2.
For the present calculations we have modeled the hand by a region of 2/3 muscle-equivalent
material of thickness 1.974 cm (10 5^) wrapped around the handset on three sides, with the
exception of the side facing the head, up to two-thirds of the height of the handset.
To normalize the calculated SAR distributions for peak operating powers of 600 m\V
or 125 mW for mobile telephones operating at 835 and 1900 MHz, respectively, the
procedure was as follows. A sinusoidal driving voltage of 3 V rms was assumed across the
gap for the cell representing the driving point. Starting with this prescribed unifonn
z-directed E-field of 1000 V/m rms, the various converged components of E and H were
calculated for all the cells of the modeled region. From the calculated tangential magnetic
fields for the cells representing the antenna, we obtained the z-directed current distributions
along the lengths of the various antennas from the expression I = - f H d_. The z-directed
current calculated for the cell corresponding to the driving point was then used to calculate
the complex feedpoint impedance Z - V/I = R + jX and, hence, the power 1/2 I I * R fed into
the antenna. The calculated SARs were subsequently scaled for maximum antenna powers
of 0.6 and 0.125 W, respectively.
Table 4. Comparison of the powers absorbed and peak SARs for the X<'4 and 3 /J8
antennas at 835 MHz. Time-averaged radiated power = 0.6 W. Assumed size of the
handset is 2.5 x 6 x 15 cm
Peak 1-cm^ SAR W/kg % power absorbed by
Length Tilt Head Brain "hand" head and neck
X/4 0° 1.53 0.97 17.0 63.1
(596 mg)* (877 mg)*
/,/4 33° 1.21 0.54 15.0 50.8
(549 mg)* (713 mg)*
3 >./8 0° 0.67 0.35 16.5 42.5
(526 mg)* (877 mg)*
3;./8 33° 0.74 0.68 12.5 34.4
(795 mg)* (877 mg)*
Table 5. Comparison of the powers absorbed and peak SARs for the >./4 and 3 L'8
antennas at 1900 MHz. Time-averaged radiated power = 125 mW. Assumed size of the
handset is 2.5 x 6 x 15 cm
Peak 1-cm' SAR W/k g % power absorbed by
Antenna Head and
Length Tih Head Brain "Hand" "Hand" Neck
}J4 0= 0.86 0.28 0.46 22.5 46.9
(.'>03 mg)* (818 mg)
k:4 33.3° 0.86 0.49 0.41 22.1 45.1
(503 mg)* (818 mg)*
3 X:'S 0° 0.71 0.24 0.39 17.7 48,8
(503 mg)* (853 mg)*
3 >./8 33.3° 0.85 0.38 0,38 17.1 46.3
(561 mg)* (878mg)»
The salient features of the results obtained for some of the mobile telephones studied
to date are given in Tables 2 to 5. For each of the telephones we have selected the side of the
head for which the SAR was higher because of the proximity of the antenna to the head. In
Table 2, for the telephones 1, 2, 3, and 5, we have considered the telephone placed against
the left ear, while for telephone 4, we have considered the telephone placed against the right
ear in order to obtain the highest possible SARs for the model. Because of the symmetrical
placement of the antennas in telephones 6-10 and for the }J4 and 3 X/S antenna devices
assumed for the data given in Tables 4 and 5, the choice of the side of the head was immaterial.
Even though older values of £r and a given in Table 1 [19-21] were used for the
calculations given in Tables 2 and 3, newer values for both 835 and 1900 MHz, given in
Table 1, have recently become available [22], and these have been used for the calculated
data given in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. An important thing to note for the newly obtained
dielectric properties given in Table 1 is that the values of £, and o, both for skull/bone and
cartilage, are much higher than those given previously [19-21]. Using telephone 4 as a test
case, we find slight alterations in the calculated values of the SARs when new values of Er,
a are used at 835 MHz. The data calculated for telephone 4 using the new values of the tissue
properties are given in the last rows of Tables 2 and 3, respectively. As expected, the peak
1 -cell SAR for the higher-conductivity cartilage of the ear is somewhat higher, and the 1 -cell
SAR for the brain is somewhat lower (see Table 2) because of the additional shielding
provided by the higher-conductivity skull.
We have examined the effect of the antenna length {X/4 vs. 3^/8) on the power
absorbed by the head and neck and have determined the peak 1-cm' SARs anywhere in the
head, including the ear, and the tissues in the brain. The salient features of the calculated
results at 835 and 1900 MHz are given in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
It is interesting to note that the powers absorbed by the head and neck and the peak
1-cm" SARs are lower for a 3>./8 antenna vis vis a X/4 antenna at 835 MHz (Table 4), while
these quantities are almost the same for corresponding lengths of antennas at 1900 MHz
(Table 5). This may be due to the fact that a 3?./8 antenna is substantially longer (13.5 cm)
at 835 MHz than that for 1900 MHz (5.9 cm). The peak current region for a 3/./8 antenna is
a length of >L/8 higher up on the antenna as compared to the A./4 antenna where it is at the
base of the antenna and, hence, very close to the ear. For a longer 3A./8 antenna at 835 MHz,
the peak current region is, therefore, somewhat removed from the ear and the head, which
results in lower absorbed power and SARs as compared to the X/4 antenna, while a similar
effect is not obtained for the 3?t/8 antenna at 1900 MHz where the high-current region is still
Millimeter-Resolution Dosimetry for EM Fields 145
awfully close to the head. Similar arguments can also be given for the calculated lower S ARs
for 33f tilted antennas vis vis the vertically held antennas, since the somewhat longer
antennas at 835 MHz get further away from the head, which results in lower SARs for tilted
antennas at this frequency, while a similar effect does not occur at the higher frequency of
1900 MHz because of the smaller lengths of the antennas.
tissues are given in Table 6. The vertically directed current 1^ passing through the various
sections of the model is shown in Fig. 2. Though the current variation is very similar to that
given earlier [26] and, in fact, also by Deno a number of years ago [23], it is now possible
to identify the regions of the peak induced E-fields and current densities and the magnitudes
of these internal quantities with a degree of precision that was not possible in the past.
In Figs. 3 and 4, we give the calculated maximum magnitudes of the induced electric
fields Ej = (E + E + E)' - and current densities Jj for the various cross sections of the body,
respectively. It is interesting to note that local induced current densities may be as high as
20 mA/m- for the head and trunk and up to nearly 100 mA/m- for the lower regions of the
body (Fig. 4). These are considerably higher than 4 and even 10 mA/m- that have been
suggested in the various safety guidelines [31, 32].
Numerical methods have matured to a level that they are being increasingly
used by many laboratories for dosimetric calculations for important and meaningful
bioelectromagnetic problems. For certification of mobile telephones to be within the
ANSI/IEEE C95,1-1992 RF Safety Guidelines, the approach discussed in this paper
may be quite useful. We should also be able to use the numerical approach outlined
here to understand coupling of power-frequency high-magnetic-field sources such as
Millimeter-Resolution Dosimetry for EM Fields 147
;—-T--1 - v r - r - T rr^ri vv
-.1 .- M M
50 100 ir)U 200
Figure 2. The calculated vertical current passing through the various layers of a 5.922 x 5.922 x ^ mm
MRI-based grounded model of the human body exposed to EMFs at 60 Hz. E = 10 kV m (\ertical) and B =
.l,"?..! |_iT (from side to side of the body).
1 00
0 3 0,5 0 (i
hair dryers, hair clippers, electric shavers, etc., to the human head. Of particular
interest would be the induced EMFs and current densities for the pineal gland which
has been alleged to be involved in the biological effects of power-frequency HMFs.
With the resolution of the present models being on the order of 11.7 milligratns of
tissue for each of the cells of dimension 1.974 x 1.974 x 3 mm, it is possible to
define even small glands, such as the pineal, with a great deal of precision. The
numerical models tnay also be used for the design/assesstnent of important bioinedical
devices such as implantable cardiac defibrillators, etc.
1. O, p. Gandhi, "Some Numerical Methods for Dosimetry: Extremely Low Frequencies to .Microwave
Frequencies," Radio Science. Vol. 30, pp. 161-177, January/February 1995.
2. O, P. Gandhi, "Numerical Methods for Specific Absorption Rate Calculations," in Biological Effects and
Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Energy, O. P. Gandhi, Editor, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1990.
3. J. N. Lee and O. P. Gandhi, "Models of the Human Body; A Historical Perspective," invited paper
presented at the Radio-Frequency Radiation Dosimetry Workshop, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas,
December 8-9, 1992; to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop.
4. O. P. Gandhi. J. Y. Chen, and D. Wu, "Electromagnetic Absorption in the Human Head for .Mobile
Telephones at 835 and 1900 MHz," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic
Compaiibiliiy. (EMC '94 ROMA), Vol. I, pp. 1-5, September 13-16, 1994.
5. D. Wu, O. P. Gandhi, and J. Y. Chen, "Electric Field and Current Density Distributions Induced in a
Millimeter-Resolution Model of the Human Head and Neck by Magnetic Fields of a Hair Dr\'er and an
Electric Shaver," paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society.
Copenhagen, Denmark, June 12-17, 1994.
6. K. S. Yee, "Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell's Equations in
Isotropic Media," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. AP-14, pp. 302-307. 1966.
Millimeter-Resolution Dosimetry for EM Fields 149
7. A. Taflove and M. E. Brodwin. "Computation of the Electromagnetic Fields and Induced Temperatures
Within a Model of the Microwave Irradiated Human Eye," IEEE Tiansaciions on Microwave Theory und
Techniques. Vol. MTT-23, pp. 888-8%, 1975.
8. A. Taflove and M. E. Brodwin. "Numerical Solution of Steady-State Electromagnetic Scattering Problems
Using the Time-Dependent Maxwell's Equations," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Tech-
niques. Vol. MTT-23, pp. 623-630, 1975.
9. .\. Taflove, "Application of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method to Smusoidal Steady-State
Electroinagnetic-Penetration Problems," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatihility, Vol,
EMC-22, pp. 191-202, 1980.
10. K. Umashankar and .\. Taflove, '".A Novel Method to Analyze Electromagnetic Scattering of Coinplex
Objects," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. EMC-24. pp. 397-405, 1982.
11. R. Holland, "TH REDE: A Free-Field EMP Coupling and Scattering ; Transactions on Nuclear
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12. K. S. Kunz and K. M. Lee, "A Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Solution of the External Response
of an .Mrcraft to a Complex Transient EM Environment. The Method and Its Implementation," IEEE
Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 20, pp. 328-332. 1978.
13. D. M. Sullivan, O. P. Gandhi, and .\. Taflove, "Use of the Finite-Difference Time-DoiTiain Method in
Calculating EM Absorption of Man Models," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. Vol.
BME-35. pp. 179-186, 1988.
14. J. Y. Chen and O. P. Gandhi, "RF Currents Induced in an Anatomically Based Model of a Human for
Plane-Wave Exposures 20-100 MHz." Health Physics, Vol. 57, pp. 89-98, 1989.
15. J. Y. Chen, O. P. Gandhi, and D. L. Conover, "SAR and Induced Current Distributions for Operator
Exposure to RF Dielectric Scalers," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. Vol. 33, pp.
252-261. 1991.
16. O. P. Gandhi, Y. G. Gu, J. Y. Chen, and H. I. Bassen, "SAR and Induced Current Distributions in a
High-Resolution Anatoinically Based Model of a Human for Plane-Wave Exposures 100-915 MHz."
Health Physics. Vol. 63, pp. 281-290, 1992.
17. J. Y Chen and O. P. Gandhi, "Currents Induced in an Anatomically Based .Model of a Human for Exposure
to Venically Polarized EMP," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 39, pp.
31-39, 199l'.
18. ANSI IEEE C95.1-1992, "American National Standard— Safety Levels with Respect to Human Expo-
sure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," published by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 345 East 47th Street, New York. New York. 10017.
19. C. C. Johnson and A. W. Guy, "Nonionizing Electroinagnetic Wave Effects in Biological Materials and
Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 60, pp. 692-717, 1972.
20. M. A. Stuchly and S. S. Stuchly, "Dielectric Properties of Biological Substances - Tabulated,"./oi/rHu/ of
Microwave Power. Vol. 15, No. l,pp. 19-26, 1980.
21. P. J. Dimbylow and O. P. Gandhi, "Finite-Difference Tiine-Domain Calculations of SAR in a Realistic
Heterogeneous Model of the Head for Plane-Wave Exposure from 600 MHz to 3 GHz," Physics in
Medicine and Biology. Vol. 36, pp. 1075-1089, 1991.
22. C. Gabriel, personal cominunication.
23. D. W. Deno, "Currents Induced in the Human Body by High Voltage Transmission Line Electric Field —
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26. O. P. Gandhi and J. Y. Chen, "Numerical Dosimetry at Power-Line Frequencies Using Anatoinically Based
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78-22. prepared for USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (AFSC), Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, 78235,
Mav 1978.
150 O. P. Gandhi and J. Y. Chen
Electrical excitation of motor neurons in the brain cortex, or peripheral neurons, and
observation of evoked responses have been extensively used in research and medical
practice. Until mid 1980's, excitation had been obtained with current pulses produced either
by implanted or external electrodes applied near the neuron. Magnetic field stimulation offers
the advantages that it is a non-invasive, non-contact method which produces minimal
discomfort to the patient as only low density current flows through skin pain receptors during
the procedure (Amassian et al., 1989; Barker et al., 1987; Freeston et al., 1984). Magnetic
stimulation of brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves has been used to diagnose various
medical conditions associated with the abnormal conduction of motor pathways (Barker et
al., 1987; Chokroverty, 1990; Evans et al., 1988; Hallett and Cohen, 1989). It has also been
used in mapping the motor-cortex (Cohen et al., 1988; Benecke et al., 1988).
In magnetic stimulation, the magnitude, sign and time-course of the spatial derivative
of the induced electric field along the axis of the axon (nerve fiber) determine whether
stimulation occurs and where along the axon it occurs (Basser and Roth, 1991; Roth and
Basser, 1990). Depending on the sign of the field derivative the axon is depolarized (negative
derivative) or hyperpolarized. All neurons within the volume where the electric field
derivative is negative and above a threshold value for the given neurons are stimulated. In
clinical practice, it is important to control the location and size of this volume. Furthermore,
it is important to control the location of the volume where hyperpolarization occurs, as it
may block the propagation of the action potential.
The induced electric fields have been modeled for some tissue geometries. Two
approaches have been used to compute the spatial distribution of induced electric fields from
Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 151
152 M. A. Stuehlv and K. P. Ksscllc
coils. Simplified tissue models such as homogeneous semi-infinite plane (Esselle and
Stuchly, 1992), cylinder (Esselle and Stuchly, 1994), and sphere (Eaton. 1992) have been
used in analytical techniques. Homogeneous and heterogeneous models of varied degree of
anatomical fidelity have been used in numerical techniques, (Branston and Tofts, 1991;
D'Inzeoet al., 1992; Roth et al., 1990. 1991: Ueno et. a!., 1992). The numerical techniques
are the preferred solution when a final accurate analysis is required. However, for compara-
tive evaluation of various exposure conditions and coil configurations analytical solutions
otTer considerable advantages. Firstly, the computer resources and time requirements for
analytical .solutions are significantly smaller than for numerical solutions. This alone makes
analytical solutions exceptionally suitable for optimization of coils used in various medical
applications. Another advantage is that useful physical insight can be gained by in\ estigating
mathematical expressions associated with analytical solutions.
A cylindrical volume conductor model provides a good representation of geometries
associated with stimulation of peripheral nerves. This paper describes the method and results
of coil optimization for this model. An analytical technique is used. A comparison with
numerical computations for the same geometry is also given.
Electric Field Due to a Coil Element
This shows a coil carrying a time-varying current /, and an intmitely-long homoge-
neous tissue cylinder with a radius a. The coil has an arbitrary shape and A'number of turns.
Vector iU' represents a small element of the coil located at ) First, we derive an
expression for the electric field produced by this coil element assuming that it is located on
the.v-r plane, ie.cp' = 0 Later, we will generalize it for any tp'The total electric field is obtained
by integrating this expression along the coil.
Under quasi-static conditions (Roth et al., 1991). the primary electric field produced
by the coil-elements is given by (Roth et al., 1990):
li„N{dI/dl)dI' (1
dE" =
where |.i„ is the permeability of free-space and R is the distance between the coil element and
the point where the field is calculated, (r,(p,z), given by:
The secondary quasi-static electric field, which is a result of the surface charge at the
tissue-air interface, is derived from a scalar potential funcion y as
dE' =-Vv|/
The function \\i is defined only inside the cylinder and it satisfies Laplace's equation:
VV = 0 (4)
Under quasi-static conditions, the electric field component normal to the tissue-air
dt =-V\i/
interface should be zero inside the tissue cylinder (Polk and Song, 1990). That is:
When tp' = 0 substitution of (1) and (3) in (5) gives the following boundary condition for
{dE"+dE').rl__, = 0 (6)
where dl',. and dl'^ are the - and cp- components of dJ ', respectively.
ii„N{di I dt)di:
+BjXyinm{^-0')]l„XXr)dX} ^^^
The electric field patterns obtained by this method are qualitatively and quantitively
similar to those previously computed by Roth et al., (1990). using the finite difference
technique. For example, a 5 cm diameter cylinder was exposed to a 5 cm diameter circular
coil carrying a current rising a 100 A/)as. When this lO-turn coil was perpendicular to the
cylinder and the gap between the two was 1 cm, the electric field at a point 6.25 mm beneath
the surface was 39 V'm. When the same analysis was repeated using our method, the result
was 41 V/m.
Stimulating coils of circular, square, double-square (DS) and quadruplesquare (QS)
shapes were analyzed. The coils analyzed were placed parallel or perpendicular to the
cylinder axis or for DS and QS coils with its wings tilted (better conforming to the cylinder
surface). For all results presented, the conducting (tissue) cylinder diameter was 8 cm.
Circular coil diameter or the length of each square coil section was 5 cm. The nerve, parallel
to the cylinder axis, was assumed to be located I cm below the cylinder surface. The
minimum distance between the coil and the cylinder surface was 1 cm. The time rate of
current change in the coil was 100 A/|j.s.
Figures 2 to 6 show contours of the electric field and its spatial derivative along the
direction of the nerve for various coil configurations. The surfaces shown are cylindrical and
are located 1 cm below the surface of the cylinder, i.e. where the nerve to be stimulated is
located. Table 1 gives a summary of the maximum values of the electric field and its
derivative at the nerve location for various coils illustrated in Figures 2 to 6.
The analysis of the cylindrical model confirmed the previous findings from a planar
model regarding properties of various stimulating coils (Esselle and Stuchly, 1992a, 1992b).
Cylindrical Model for Xeiral Stimuiallon with Magnetic Fields 155
60 90 : 2G
i fde
Figure 2. a, Eieclric iielci i;'-iiiid its derivative dEJb::^ fh Fkctric field iLoii a sortace cm beneath ihecyliiider
S'drfiict; for a iioriz-OPtaiiy fnerited circiiinr Cdii, dia. 5 Ci)i. .V = Id.
Single CO! IS of circiiiar or square shape produce two maxima and rwr> minima or8£V5r (Figs.
2 and 3). ..Analogously to the previous findings the localion of the si.imiilation con be easily
and reasonabiy well deicrmincd by Visuai iiispection for square coils, but not for circular
coils. This is becau^JC ibr square coils dse niaxima of j 6Z:-.'(t I occur midemeath the coil
corners clo.se to the coil and somewhat outworth for greater distances (deeper nerves). Sc}uare
coiis also produce a stronger stirnidus for the same current pulse liable 1). Reorienting a
circular or stpiare eoil wiih respect to ihe tissue cylinder, so n is perpendicular, results in
only one polarization and one hyperpolarization spot But the stimulus is much wcalcer, 0.6
kV-m*- compared witir 2.1 kV.'m-' for the sarTic coil, parallel lo the cylinder.
As illiislrated in Figure 5, for a double coil there is one maximum and one minimum
of 6tf ftc. Their magnitudes arc n.early double thai ofa single coil with the same number of
turns in each section (but twice the total iuunbcr of turns) (Table !). This ieafure makes these
COJIS more advantageous than suigle cods. .A quadruple coil is even belter, as it can be seen
frojTi Figure 6 and Tabic 1. There is only one location of the grealeyt 5Zy.''5e, negative or
Table 1. The maximum tLand 8EJSz at the nerve iocation for various coils
Coil f}£, / dz
(V/in) (kV/m^)
single-circular, parallel 78.5 1.8
N = 10
single-square, parallel, 91.0 2.1
N = 10
single-square, perpendicular. ,50,4 0.8
N = iO
double-square, parallel. 167.7 .1.8
N = 2 x 10
quad-square, tilted 110°, 79..i 4.7
156 M. A. Stuchlv and K. P. Essclle
" 0
Figure ?.. a. Electric tlcld c- and its dc!ivsn!>c (>£V& b. Electric field E. for a horizcnialiy oriented square
coii, side .1 en-. N= Kl
l\? at r=3rnn, f*;jfr. «eft;^a^ sgjore eo' , rray-50.^ v^-V &l^/dz af r^3cm. ^rom veriicol sqyore coil, ma5<-S2* v/m^^
" 0
Figure 4. a. Electric fieitl £-. and its <i-;ri\;iiive O£J5Z . b. Electric field £_ for a vertically oriented square coil,
side 5 em, A' = 10.
Cylindrical Model for Neural Stimulation with Magnetic Fields 157
b "'
' "
" .
; "" -- -
' ''"..--
r'i\ i
v--% - 1 ; :
V^ y , ' " " -
' ^ - ..„''
i K.
.0 50 1 80 i rX: 1 80
r ^ '^-^-^i;
Figure S. a, Ficctfic iieid £_ and ITS iicrivative SE/Sz. b. Electric iieid £- for a horizoriaily orienled double
square cell, side ? CIT!, A'= 2 x '.il
Qi, EEOS f™5csn, ^™1 IQB, s^O, TS3*-7'i.^'.'/T QS, dE^/a£ «! r^3£n^ ^ ^ ; 1 0^ s^O, mo»--l,6= k'//"-
30 60 90 1 20 1 50 1 BO
#> ( d e g )
Figure 6. a. Eicctrsc tleid E. and its ilar- aii^ e d..Sr. b^ Electric field t for a quadruple square coil, side 5 cm.
the angle between the 'ifcl'.tjos I iO" inx^y Piane (Fig. 1), ,V= 4 x 5 .
158 M. A. Stuchlv and K. P. Essellc
Table 2. The niaximuiTi E. and hEJdiz for various coils and a heterogeneous model of a
human forearm
Coil dE. 1 dz
single-circular, parallel. 40.1 0.85
N = 10
single-square, parallel, 48.1 1.05
N = 10
double-square, parallel, -iS.S 1.25
N = 2 x 10
quad-square, tilted 110'. 22.1 1.01
N = 4x5
This work was supported by a grant from the National Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and by a NATO travel grant.
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Epilepsy is a neurologic disorder characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brain
dysfunction due to excessive neuronal discharge. This abnormal activity is often associated
with trauma to brain tissue, or to genetic predisposition. The physical and cognitive
manifestations of these discharges vary depending on their locations in the brain, and to what
extent the abnormal activity spreads to adjacent tissue. This abnormality depends on the
extracellular environment, the supporting cell populations, and interaction with other neu-
rons (Schwartzkroin, 1993). The electronic structure of the neuron is composed of both
"passive" membrane structural components and an active component of transmembrane
potential mediated by intra- and extracellular ion concentrations and their fluxes. The ions
involved in electrical activity are potassium, sodium, chloride, and calcium. Anticonvulsant
medications affect the ion channels and modulate the repetitive discharges which occur in
hyperexcitable neurons during epilepsy.
A recent case report involved treatment of a 20 year old female with idiopathic
seizure disorder, with onset in childhood (Sandyk and Anninos, 1992). She was having
generalized convulsions and averaged three times a day while on anticonvulsant medi-
cations with therapeutic serum levels. She also had intellectual decline and violent
Treatment of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases 163
behavior directed against herself and others. An interictal EEG was normal. External
magnetic fields were applied for 2 minutes on 3 consecutive days. The patient was
continued on her anticonvulsant medication (Valproic acid). She was seizure free for 2
weeks. She was then given a device to administer "magnetic smoothing" treatments at
home each evening. At a 3 month follow-up, her seizure frequency declined to 1 per
week, and her aggressive behavior had abated. Time spent in sleep also increased 1-2
hours a day.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is classified as a demyelinating disease, with onset in young
adulthood. Diagnosis can be made on a clinical basis. Initial physical complaints are often
paresthesias and visual changes: decreased visual acuity or diplopia. Other neurologic
systems may be affected, and the patient may have weakness of one or more extremities,
with loss of balance and difficulty or inability to walk. Urinary incontinence, fatigue and
depression are often features. The disease is characterized by a waxing and waning course
of either of two patterns. One is acute exacerbations of symptoms with resolution, and the
other is a chronic progressive course. Diagnosis can be confirmed by Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) of the brain which on T2 signal will show demyelinating lesions, often
involving the corpus callosum. Visual evoked potential studies show slowing of cortical
electrical response to visual stimuli.
The exact mechanism of the disease is unknown. It is generally thought to be an
autoimmune response, perhaps related to past viral exposure. Some patients respond favor-
ably to treatment with steroids during an exacerbation (methylprednisolone or ACTH). It is
not clear that the demyelinating lesions on MRI account for the clinical course of the disease,
and there is speculation that the clinical manifestations are due to impaired serotonin activity
(Sandyk and lacono, 1993). A cohort study of 25 patients with multiple sclerosis found pineal
gland calcification in 96%, abnormal melatonin levels in 52%, and abnormal alpha-melano-
cyte stimulating hormone in 70% (Sandyk and Awerbuck, 1992).
Several cases of treatment of multiple sclerosis with magnetic fields have been
reported in detail (Sandyk 1992; Sandyk and lacono, 1993; Sandyk, 1994). The main
features of these cases will be mentioned here. The patients were age 50-64 with a history
of MS who were referred for experimental treatment based on their poor physical condition
and failure to respond to other treatments. They were treated with an external array of
magnetic field generating coils at 7.5 pT, 5 Hz, for durations of 20 to 30 minutes. After
a single treatment, and over a period of several days, the patients reported significant
(50-60%) improvement in all symptoms. This included improved vision, balance, sleep,
clearness of thinking and speech, One measure of improvement was pre- and post-treat-
ment drawing tests for assessment of motor control and psychological constructional
ability. Patients were asked to draw an Archimedes spiral and a house. In pre-treatment
drawings, the lines were irregular and showed poverty of content. In post-treatment
drawings the lines were more regular and the pictures more detailed. More objective
evidence of a change in neurologic function was obtained in one patient by measurement
of visual evoked potentials (VEP). Prior to treatment, the latency response time of the
occipital cortex to stimulation of the eyes with a flashed checkerboard light pattern was
slowed in both eyes to an abnormal range. The VEP was remeasured and showed a
normalization of latency 24 hours after treatment. Up to a 3 month follow-up was done
showing the improved condition to be stable.
164 B. Chandoset al.
Parkinson's Disease is a movement disorder witii peaic onset in the sixth decade of
life. It is characterized clinically by a resting tremor, muscle rigidity, akinesia, stooped
posture and masked faces. The disease is progressive and can be debilitating. There is no
clear etiology for this disease. Pathology shows loss of pigmented cells in the substantia
nigra and other pigmented nuclei (Adams and Victor, 1993). This is associated with a loss
of dopamine producing cells. The mainstay of symptomatic treatment is dopamine replace-
ment therapy with the dopamine precursor L-dopa.
The symptoms of Parkinson's Disease are associated with an increase in activity of
striatal neurons which project to the globus pallidus. The system is normally balanced by
the inhibitory nigral dopamine input interacting with the excitatory cortical glutamate input.
In this disease the excitatory input dominates, and may contribute to induced cell death along
the striatal pathway (Mitchell et al., 1994). The substantia nigra has elevated iron levels
compared to other areas of the brain which is bound by neuromelanin, with electron
paramagnetic resonance showing unbound irons to be in paramagnetic valence states (Zccca
and Swartz, 1992). Iron contributes to oxidative stress in the brain tissue by being a catalyst
for lipid peroxidation reactions, with resulting alteration in calcium hemostasis (Youdin and
Ben-Shachar. 1991).
There are reports of low-level magnetic fields improving the symptoms of Parkin-
son's Disease. (Sandyk, 1992). We will summarize one typical case. A 71 year old man had
a 3 year history of progressive symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. At the time of treatment
he had moderate generalized bradykinesia, mild resting tremor, frontal lobe release signs,
oily face and forehead, hypophonic speech, decreased blink rate of 5-8/min, micrographia,
cogwheel rigidity, and stooped posture. He had been treated with the medication bro-
mocriptine (16 mg/d) with mild improvement of symptoms. He was treated with a sham
exposure session with no change in symptoms. He was then treated with a 2-7 Hz magnetic
field at 7.5 pT for seven minutes. Ten minutes after initial treatment, the patient's blood
pressure dropped from 140/80 to 130/70 mm Hg. Heart rate dropped from 76/min to 68/min.
Thirty minutes after treatment facial muscles showed improved expression and blink rate
had increased to 18-21/min. His voice was louder and he was less bradykinetic. Posture had
improved. There was complete resolution of his hand tremor. The initial benefit lasted 4
days. The patient assessed his improvement at 60%, which remained stable for three months
with weekly magnetic treatments.
Further assessment of cognitive improvements were done using picture drawing and
a word-fluency test (Sandyk, 1994). Subjects were asked to produce a list of words beginning
with the letters "S" and "C". Parkinson patients tended to show a decline in the number of
words produced; about half of that expected when compared with controls. After a series of
two magnetic field treatments, word fluency on the same tasks improved to normal range.
When drawing objects such as a daisy flower or a bicycle, the pre-treatment subjects had
drawings with irregular lines and poverty of content. Post-treatment subject showed
smoother lines and more detailed drawings; an indication of improved tremor and visuocon-
structional functioning. Micrographia has also been shown to improve with magnetic field
treatments (Sandyk and locono, 1994).
A stroke is a sudden focal neurologic deficit. This is usually caused by the
interruption of oxygenated blood flow to an area of the brain by an embolus or thrombosis
Treatment of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases 165
of an artery. The neurons in that region undergo ischemic necrosis. Treatment of stroke
was traditionally providing supportive medical care and treating the risks for vascular
disease or cardiac disease. It was suggested that the neurons surrounding the core area
of ischemic damage were being injured by glutamate which was being released by the
excess calcium released by the dying cells (Choi, 1990). These surrounding cells, dubbed
the "ischemic penumbra", were thought to be potentially salvageable. Indeed, several
pharmacologic agents have been known to decrease the volume of brain injury, and
clinical trials are ongoing (Ginsberg, 1993). Many of these agents block the release of
excess glutamate by preventing calcium influx to neurons. The presence of iron in the
brain also contributes to propagation of injury by acting as a cofactor in the lipid
peroxidation reaction. This produces malignant free radicals which the brain is poorly
equipped to deal with, due to the low level of the endogenous free radical scavenger
superoxide dismutase (Davalos, 1994). This mechanism is also an area of research in
pharmacologic intervention.
Electromagnetic fields have been shown to alter calcium flux in the brain (Bawin and
Adey, 1976; Blackman, 1988). This led to attempts to reduce the amount of brain injury from
stroke in animal models using electromagnetic fields. Using a pulsed electromagnetic field
(parameters: 27.1 MHz, 585 W peak power, 65 us pulses, 400 pulses per second) on rats
undergoing permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion, it was found that animals treated
for 2 hours had reduced edema, but no significant reduction in the volume of injury
(Rappaport and Young, 1990). In a more recent study, using a model of transient ischemia
in the rabbit, certain zones of ischemia in the treated group showed marked improvement,
but overall injury was not significantly different (CJrant, 1994). The field used was 2.8 mT
at 75 Hz with pulse width of 1.3 ms. Of additional interest was that somatosensory evoked
potentials were done to assess ischemic change, and the magnetic field treated animals tended
to show less attenuation of conduction compared to controls.
While the application of ELF electromagnetic fields to neurologic and psychiatric
disease may appear promising, it is in its infancy. A great deal of research must be conducted
to demonstrate its safety and efficacy. The mechanism of interaction of magnetic fields with
the nervous system is still unclear. Apart from seizure induction, the flux density used in the
cited studies was very low (pT), the effects seemed to occur very fast and were long-lasting.
Magnetites have been identified in cells in the human brain (Kirschvink et al., 1990),
however, it has been calculated that magnetic fields higher than 5mT are required to generate
sufficient effect on these particles (Adair, 1993). There may be a common pathway as to how
EMF improves the conditions in the mentioned diseases. The role of calcium is fundamental
in neuronal functioning and may play a key role in elucidating mechanisms of effect. It's
involvement was mentioned in all the diseases, and could probably be associated with the
neurotransmitter glutamate. Iron also plays a key role in the pathophysiology of neurologic
disease (Sachdew, 1993), but to what extent magnetic field affects iron metabolism in the
main remains to be elucidated. Endogenous opioids may also play a role. Magnetic fields
have been shown to activate endogenous opioids in the brain (Lai, 1993). In addition,
naltrexone has been shown to attenuate the antiparkinsonian effects of magnetic field
(Sandyk, 1994). Magnetic field also shows an effect on immune responses, which may be
significant in multiple sclerosis (Tanovic, 1991).
An important criticism of the human case reports is the lack of control subjects. Even
though, the treatments included sham exposures, late improvement in tasks could be in part
from practice. In most cases, the small numbers yield weak statistical power. Animal models
of stroke are variable in reproducibility, and further systematic studies of different treatment
parameters would be beneficial. While some mechanisms of action have been proposed, their
substantiation is needed.
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Department of Biochemistry
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Tokyo, Japan
Some species of bacteria possess the ability, termed a taxis, to move from an
unsuitable environment to a more suitable one. Chemotaxis is the ability to detect a specific
chemical substance and then swim either away from or towards it. A similar ability with
respect to light is termed phototaxis. Some of bacteria swim in the direction of a magnetic
field, and they were therefore called magnetotactic bacteria. The intracellular magnetic
particles synthesized by a magnetotactic bacterium form a chain-like structure which
functions like a single bar magnet, causing the bacterium to orient in an external magnetic
field. As a result of this orientation, the bacterium is directed to swim towards microhabitats
of lower oxygen concentration deeper in the sediment of lakes, swamps and other aquatic
habitats due to the inclination of the earth's magnetic field. North-seeking bacteria swim
downwards in the northern hemisphere and upward in the southern hemisphere (south-seek-
ing bacteria do to opposite). However, culture of magnetotactic bacteria is now possible, and
cultured magnetotactic bacteria swim towards both poles. Magnetotactic bacteria have also
been discovered which can grow under conditions of high oxygen concentration, although
they do not synthesize magnetic particles under these conditions. Since the discovery of
these bacteria, the category of magnetotactic bacteria appears less clearly defined, and
perhaps a more useful category would be magnetic bacteria, that is, all bacteria which
synthesize magnetic materials. A further area of uncertainty is the reason why magnetic
bacteria synthesize magnetic particles. One suggestion is that under anaerobic conditions it
is necessary for these bacteria to metabolize iron, and magnetic particles are simply
by-products of the metabolism. However, research has not yet provided any clear information
about bacterial magnetic particle synthesis or related aspects of metabolism.
Magnetic materials have also been found in migratory fish, such as salmon and tuna,
and in other higher organisms. Magnetic materials have been extracted from the heads of
these types offish, and it has been proposed that these materials function as compasses to
enable the fish to determine direction in order to migrate vast distances across the open ocean.
It has been suggested that the magnetic material may form a composite structure which
Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press, New York, 1996 171
172 T. Matsuga et al.
Figure 2. Southern hybridizaiion analysis ofpRK4!5 isoSuted froin transi-oara«.i.inL L.isie:-, : \ l , X-Pstl : 1,2.
pRK4 15 purified from E. co!: by uilracetuniiigauon; 3,4, r.RK41S jsoiaied IrGsi! A;vtB-! imiisconjiiganl: 5,6.
pRK4i,'5 frDni..\MB-; tnifisionrifd arsd rc:selaied iVorn £. tx;,'< ; 7, gc-ionsic D \ . \ iioinvuki type AK'1B-1. DNA
sairifjics i)i iafics i ,3,:5,"' v,,"^rc digcsicd v-iih A'cuR! aiiij saiiipirs in lane; 2,4.6 v-cre digested with 5>Mal. Probe
: purified [)RK4!5.
transconjugant was confirmed to have antibiotic resistance, and was sliowii by southern
hybridization to maintain the plasmid(Fig. 2 ) (13).
Moreover, we optimized transfer of pKT230 by performing conjugation at different
condetions. Optimum conditions for this vector were at a donor-recipient ratio of 10:1 and
for6hat25°C(Fig. 3 ). ForpRK415,they were at the ratio of 100:1 for 6 hand the maximum
efficiency was 5.0 x 10'^(transconjiigants / donors). Therefore, all conjugations of AMB-l
were done under the conditions.
This efficiency is fairly high when compared with Aquaspirillum species (5), so this
transfer method is considered useful for future transposon mntagenesis.
figure 5. Southeni h>bridiza!!Oii analysis of £foi<i^4igestcd genomic DXA from notimago utants with
Tii.5 is a probe^ l.iines : M. l^/fwdiH; L pSUPiU2i; 2, wild tvpc; 3, NEvli; 4. \7vl2; 5. NM3; 6, KM5; 7. KM7.
13«51jp 6tl6liD
O E F1 (magA ( OR fUmagli)
-35 -10 -35
S t a r t ORTl(MaffA)
-10 net Go Leo Hs Hs FVo 6
Go L«u Thr Tyr Ao Alo [ I * Vol A Q Lao Aa Ao Vol Leo CyS Giy G'y f1e1 i e t Thr Arg Leu Lys Gn Pro Aio Vol Vol Gly Tyr He Leu Aio 39
Gy Vol Vol Leo G'y fVo 5«r G'y fbe G'y Lao Vo) Ser Asn Arq Aip A'o Vol Ao Thr Leu Ao C'u Pha G'y to! Leu net Leu Leu Phe Vo; Me Gy 73
PrUurl P>tl
l e t Ly5 Leo Asp [le [le Arg Pt^e Loo G o Vol Trp Lya Thr A a lie Phe Ttir Thr Vol Lao Gn He Alo Gy Ser Vol Cy Thr Au Leu Lao Leu 108
Arg H'8 Gly Lao Gy Trp Ser Leo Gy Leo Ao Vol Vol Leo G'y Cya Ao Vol A'o Vol Ser Ser Thr A'n Vol Vol He Lys Vol Leo Co Ser Ser 139
Asp Giu Leu Asp Thr Pro Vol G y V ^ Thr Thr Leu G'y lie Leu He Aio G'n Asp Hat Ao Vol Vol Pro Net llat Lao Vol Lao Gio Ser Pha Gio Thr 173
Lys Ao Leo Leo Pro Ao Asp net Ao Arg Vol Vol Leo Ser Vol Leo Pha Leu Vol Lao Leu Pha ' r p > p Leu Ser Lys Arg V g lie Asp Leu Pro 206
TnS t a r g a t a l t a
[le Thr Ao Arg Lao Sar Arg Asp Sar Asp Leo Aio Thr Leu Ser Thr Leu Aio ' r p Cys Pha G y Thr Ao Ao lie Sar G y Vol Lao Asp Leo Sar 239
Pro AiQ Tyr G'y Ao Pha Lao Gy Gy Vo' Vol Leu G'y Asn Ser A o G n V g Asp i t t Leu Leu Lys V q Ao Gn Pro [le Gy Sar Vol Lau Leo Net 273
Vol Phe Phe Leu Ser lie G y Leo Leu Leo Asp Pha Lys Phe He V p Lys Asn Leo G y Thr Vol Leo Thr Leu Leo Ao Nat Vol Tnr '^oo Phe LyS 306
Thr Ao Leu Asn Vol Thr Ao Leo Arg Leu Ao Arg G r Asp Trp Pro Ser Ao Phe Leu A'o Gly Vol AIO Leu Ao Gn [le G'y G'o Phe Sar Phe 339
Leu Lau Ao G'u Thr G y Lya Alo Vol Lys Lau [le Sar Ao Gn Go Thr Lya Leo Vol Vol Alo Vol TN- Vol Leo Sar Leo Vol Leu Sar Pro Phe Trp 373
Leu Pha Thr Nat Arg Arg Nat Hs Arg Vol Ao Ao Vol Hs Vol Hs Sar Ph« Arg Asp Leu Vol Thr Arg Lao Tyr G y Asp Ciu Ao Arg Ao [Tie q06
9D S t a r t ORTS
Alo Arg Thr A'o Arg Arg A'o V q Vol Lau Vol JVg Arg G'y Ser > p Arg Asp Asp Pro Asn Ao Gy Pro G'y Ser G'y He 'ISt
Net Pro Asp Leu A'o Leo G'u Phe Go He Gy G'y He 13
Vol Cya Gly [le Asp Go Vol Gy Arg G'y Pro Leo Ao G'y Pro Vol Vol Ao A'o Alo Vol [le Leu Asp Pro Aio Arg Leu Pro Lya Thr Lau Lau 48
Go Arg Leu Asp Asp Ser Lys Lys Leo Ser Lys fifq Asn Arg Go Go Leu Ao Go Leo Vol Pro Ao Thr Ao He Leu Gy Phe Gy Gio Alo Ser Vol 80
G0 Gio He Asp Arg He Asn [la Leo Gn Ao Thr Phe Leu Ao Net Arg Arg A'o Tyr Asp A Leo Gy Arg Go Cys A'o H s Ao Leu Vol Asp 113
G'y Asn V g Pro Pro Gy Leu Pro Cys Pro Vol V g Cys Vol Vol Gly G'y Asp Gy He Ser Leu Ser lie Ao Ao Ao Ser Vol Vol Ao Lys Vol 146
V g V g Asp Alo Net Net Ao Asp Lao A'o V g Ao H s Pro G o Phe Gy Trp Go V g Asn Ao G'y Tyr Giy Thr Aio Go His Leo Asp Aio Leo Lys 180
V g Leu Gly Pro Thr Pro H s N s V g A-g Ser Pha A o ("Vo Vol A o G'n Tyr Net Leo Phe 201
Figure 7. Nucleotide sequence of leh mulagenized genomic fragment of NM5. Arrows indicate inverted
repeats and hairpin loop.
Genetic Analysis of Iron Biomineralization 177
region is located 75 bp upstream from the start codon ofmagA at nt 883. Two sets of putative
-35 and -10 domains are shown as boxed regions and inverted repeats occur near the -35 and
-10 domains which are indicated by arrows in Fig. 7 . However, no promoter-like region was
found upstream from the start codon of 0RF2 at nt 2162. Furthermore there is a region of
dyad symmetry at nt 2227 downstream from the stop codon of inagA which resembles a
Rho-independent terminator (19). No terminator structure was found downstream from the
stop codon of ORF2. The hypothetical protein encoded by the mag A gene. MagA. consists
of 434 ainino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 46.8 kDa. 0RF2 consists of a 606
bp section which would encode a 21.6 kDa protein.
AMB-I N. D. 45.7
::: : I. . I: I : : I; I: : : : : : II: : : I: I I i I :
were transfeired into wild type AMB-1 cells by conjugation (13, 23) and change in CAT
activity with cell growth was measured (24). Table 1 shows average CAT activities of AMB-1
transconjugants containing either pXCAT or pMKP in log-phase. The pXC AT transconjugant
did not show CAT activity. In contrast, high CAT activity, 44.8 nunit/cell was measured in
Genetic Analysis of Iron Biomineralization 179
: . : : : 1:1 I I I I I I I I : I: I I : I I I I I I I I I : : : I: I I I I I I : : : I: : I
the cells of the pMKP transconjugant. This result suggests that the 540 bp fragment cloned
from upstream of the magA gene contains an active promoter which is functional in AMB-1
cells. Escherichia coli transconjugants containing pXCAT and pMKP were also analyzed for
magA promoter activity. Both transconjugants exhibited little CAT activity. The inagA
promoter does not function in E. coli.
JamHl Sal 1
^ " ^ BamHI So/ I
(pRK145 (10.5 kb)j) -t /«c(i.7kb) ^i
in Fig. 10 . inagA is 1305 bp long. Firstly, luc was cloned into the plasmid vector, pRK415
(Tc', lacZ, mob*) (10), which is a broad-host-range vector for gram-negative bacteria, and
was maintained in Magnelospirilliim sp. AMB-1. 886 bp of the EcoR\-Ncol fragment
containing the iiiagA promoter region and excluding the magA open reading frame was
connected with the luc gene. This plasmid was designed pKPL. Then, 1135 bp of the
EcoR]-Sph\ fragment was ligated with the luc gene after blunting treatment. The Sph)
restriction enzyme site is in the hydrophilic amino acid coding region in magA. By this
ligation the magA-luc fusion gene was successfully constructed, with no translation frame
shift. The constructed plasmid was termed pKML. Both plasmids were transferred into wild
type AMB-1 cells by conjugation.
The luciferase activities of cytoplasm, cell membrane and bacterial magnetic particles
(BMPs). of transconjugants were measured. The luciferase assay of each fraction was carried
out using PicaGene(Toyo Ink co.. ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The luminescence of the luciferin-lu-
ciferase reaction was detected using Luminescence Reader. pK.PL and pKML transconju-
gants were grown to stationary phase. Cells were harvested and resuspended in 10 mM Tris
buffer (pH 7.0). Harvested cells were broken by sonication, and BMPs were collected using
a magnet. Cells which were not lysed were separated from the cell debris by cenirifugaiion
at 5000 X g for 20 min. Then the supernatant was ultracentrifuged at 96,600 x g for 1.5 h to
separate the membrane fraction as a precipitate from the supernatant containing the cyto-
plasmic fraction.
Results of the luciferase as.says on pKPL and pKML transconjugants are shown in
Table 2 . Luciferase activity was detennined from the integrated luminescence yield for 3
minutes per ng of protein. In the pKPL transconjugant the highest luciferase activity was
Genetic Analysis of Iron BioniineralMaticin 181
in the cell aod BMP membranes of AMB-1, and translocates iron from the environment into
the cytoplasmic space across the cci! membrane, and from the cytoplasm into the lipid
vesicles of BMPs across the BMP membrane. In order to elucidate the synthesis mechanism
of the lipid vesicles of BMPs. it is important to know whether the MagA protein localizes
on the outer or inner membrane. We assume that the inner membrane invaginates to form
the lipid vesieles of BMPs.
cell niembrape
lipid layer
- O
Production of IgG-Hni BMPs and
nil!* prmUjrtlon of BMPi
Csllectlon «t BMPi l!j- magnet
Defelopment of Moreacter by
eniyme-bind BMPs
Figure 12. Teciinolo|ica! application of proiein product on BMPs.
Genetic Analysis of Iron Biomineralization 183
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14. Matsunaga, T., T. Sakaguchi, and F. Tadokoro. 1991. Magnetite formation by a magnetic bacterium
capable of growing aerobically. Appl. Microb. Biotechnol. 35:fi5l-()55.
15. Matsunaga. T.. F. Tadokoro, and N. Nakainura. 1990. Mass culture of magnetic bacteria and (heir
application to tlovv type immunoassays. IEEE Trans. Magnet. 26:1557-1559.
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sequence of the gene for the glulathione-regulatcd potassium-efflu.x system KefC of HKclu'rii hia coli.
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removal l-'schericliici coli using tluoroseein isothiocyanate conjugated inonoclonal antibody immobili/ed
on bacterial magnetic particles, .Anal, Chem, 65:2036-2039,
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The acute influence of an external static magnetic field on the erythrocyte rheology
is briefly reviewed. 1) The magnetohydrodynamic action rnay be effective to alter the fast
blood flow in aorta at a field over 5 T, but no experimental study has been made. 2) The
diamagnetic interaction, between the normal blood component and uniform magnetic field,
has been found: i.e., the biconcave disk-shaped erythrocytes and platelets orient their flat
plane parallel to the field direction above several T. 3) The paramagnetic interaction, effective
only on a slow flow of deoxygenated erythrocytes, affects the distribution of erythrocytes
within a vessel by the paramagnetic attractive force, which is proportional to the product of
[flux density] x [spatial gradient], the magnetic susceptibility of erythrocytes, and the
reciprocal of the flow velocity. Our model study showed that the paramagnetic interaction
may be effective under an anemic situation and under an inhomogeneous magnetic field over
above 100 T'/m for the product of [flux density] x [spatial gradient].
The static magnetic field has been known to interact with the cellular components of
blood: for example, the magnetic separation of phagocytes loaded with ferromagnetic
material [1], the orientation of sickled erythrocytes in a uniform magnetic field of 0.35 T [2,
3], and so forth. An external magnetic field may affect the blood flow enen in the normal
state through three distinct physical mechanisms: 1) The magnetohydrodynamic action: i.e.,
when charged particales pass at a high speed through a strong magnetic field, a force against
the flow develops (Lorentz force). Lorentz force is predicted to increase the pressure drop
Biological Effecls of Magnetic and Eleclromagnetic Fields. Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press. New York. 1996 185
186 T. Shiga et al.
by 10% in the ascending aorta under an uniform magnetic field of ca. 5 T [4]; but no
experimental proof has been given yet. 2) The diamagnetic interaction, which affects the
orientation of erythrocytes in an uniform magnetic field with normal discocytes at several T
[5], 3) The paramagnetic interaction, which acts only on the paramagnetic erythrocytes at
an inhomogeneous magnetic field with a strong spatial gradient. The first trial to trap the
Malaria-infected erythrocytes from flowing blood was not satisfactory [6], but later the idea
is successfully applied to the magnetic separation of paramagnetic erythrocytes [7].
Among these mechanisms, we have concentrated our attention to the paramagnetic
attraction of flowing erythrocytes under an inhomogeneous magnetic field [8,9.10,11], in
order to establish the physical characteristics of the phenomena, to find out the experimental
condition for the basis of safety criteria and for possible animal experiments, and to apply
the techniques for the hemorheological study. We have already demonstrated the magnetic
attraction of a flow line of the paramagnetic erythrocytes, using three experimental proce-
dures; i.e., I) displacement of a narrow stream line of erythrocyte suspension in a wide
laminar flow [8,9], 2) a small change in the distribution of erythrocytes flowing through a
cylindrical vessel [10], and 3) an acceleration of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate [11], due
to an inhomogeneous magnetic field.
This paper briefly reviewes these interactions between erythrocytes and magnetic
field, with emphasis on our own studies of paramagnetic attractive interaction.
Fe(ll) Fe (III)
Deo.vy ONV H2O CN
Energy -f -4-
Diagram -t
-M- -M-
^.9 0 5.9 1.7
Figure 1. The spin states of hemoglobin (Hb) derivatives. Depending on the ligand to the 5th position (L) the
spin slate of central iron ion varies: i.e., (a) deoxy-Hb is in ferrous high spin state [S=2], (b) oxy-Hb is
diamagnetic ferrous [S=0], (c) metHb-H20 is in ferric high spin state [S=5 2], and (d) metHb-CN is in ferric
low spin state [S=l'2].
Effects of Static Magnetic Fields on Erythrocyte Rlieology 187
B-I. Action on Blood Flow. When a solution, containing the ionic species (electric
charge: q), e.g., blood, flows rapidly at a velocity (u) in a tube (diameter: d) placed
perpendecularly to a static magnetic field (magnetic flux density: B), the Lorentz force (FB)
appears towards the direction perpendicular to both the flow direction and the megnetic field
as follows:
FB = q ( u x B).
Blood is a conducting fluid (electrical conductivity, o ), thus an electric current (j )
is generated in a homogeneous magnetic field :y = a (u x B) . The current produces a force
(/"[) to reduce the blood flow,
/ i = y X B = a (u X B) X B
Combining the Navier-Stokes equation and the Lorentz force, a calculation predicted
that 10 % retardation of blood velocity may occur with ascending aorta under the static field
of 5 T [1], but no change with small arteries [12]. However, no experimental proof has yet
been made.
B-2. Flow Potential. In addition, the induced electric potential (V) is provided by
blood flow with a diameter (d) in a static magnetic field: V = |u| |B| d. The amplitude of
T-wave in electrocardiogram can be modified by the superposition of the induced potential
(synchronizing to the pulse flow) due to aortic blood flow in a static magnetic field
Most of the biological materials are diamagnetic, and for a rod-like macromolecule
placed in a strong uniform magnetic field the diamagnetic anisotropy may lead an orienta-
tional change along its rotation axis. In the case of erythrocyte, a disc-like material (volume,
V) with the anisotropic diamagnetic susceptibility ( perpendicular to and parallel with the
disc surface, d under an uniform magnetic field (H), the field-induced energy (U) is
given by the following equation:
Vi = - (MVfl.) ixr + ^xcQs^ Q ) ,
where A/ = Xa~ /Crand 9 is the angle between H and the disc plane of erythrocyte as
shown in Fig. 2.
188 r. Shij>a ct al.
Early in 1946, Heidelberger et al [6] made the first trial to separate or concentrate
the Malaria infected erythrocytes (paramagnetic due to deoxygenation and/or oxidation of
hemoglobin) from the un-infected (presumably diamagnetic) erythrocytes with an inhomo-
geneous magnetic field. They could concentrate the paramagnetic erythrocytes in sorne
extent, and finally they wrote that the Malaria-infected erythrocytes were separable frorn
Effects of Static Magnetic Fields on Erytlirocyte Riieology 189
D-1. the Displacement of Erythrocyte Stream Line in Laminar Flow [H. 9]. (i) U s-
ing the fiow channel shown in Fig. 3, the position of the narrow stream line was measured
on microscopic photographs before and during the application of the magnetic field and the
displacement of the stream line due to the magnetic attraction was obtained by comparing
the two values. Fig. 4 shows the displacement of the stream line of erythrocyte suspension,
whose diameter is ca. 80 (.im in a wide laminar flow (Fig. 3a). The displacement is detected
only for paramagnetic erythrocytes, but not for the oxygenated erythrocytes containing
diamagnetic oxy-hemoglobin. The displacement became larger with the increase of: (a) the
product of magnetic field strength and its spatial gradient, (b) the paramagnetic susceptibility
of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, and (c) the reciprocal of the flow velocity. Further, it
increased in parallel with (d) hematocrit of the suspension,
(ii) The forces acting on a flowing paramagnetic particle are shown in Fig. 5. The
force F,„.,g is due to the attractive magnetic interaction,
F,nug = % V ( H . V ) B + q ( v x B + E)
the first term is obtained by differentiating the potential energy (cp = Vx HB'2) of a
paramagnetic particale in the magnetic field, using V x B (and H) =0. Here V (nabia) is a
differential operator. This term describes the magnetic interaction of erythrocytes (suscepti-
Figure 3. Flow channels and an iron blocl< attaclied to an electromagnet, (a) For tlie observation of the
displacement of an erythrocyte stream line in the laminar flow [8,9]. The dimension of the channel was 4 x 0.4
X 150 mm, and the width of the stream line (shown with a dotted line) was ca. 80 \\m. (b) For the detection of
excess flow of erythrocytes to the side branch [10] The inner diameter of the main cylinder was 2.0 mm and
that of the side branch 1.0 mm. The inhomogeneous magnetic field was made using an electromagnet and an
iron block with one side tapered, to which the channel or the tube is attached lightly. The magnetic flux density
around the model channel was measured point by point with a gauss meter, then the spatial gradient and the
"averaged" value of the product, B x dB/dz, were calculated [8,9,10].
190 T. Shiga et al.
Figure 4. Displacement of tlie erj'throcyte sfrcam line. Top panels show the position of erythrocyte stream line
in the absence of magneticfield;bottom panels are those in the presence of a magneticfield,with erythrocytes
(liemalocrit of 5 %) containing [from left] (a) oxy-henioglobin, (b) low spin methemogiobin, (c) deoxy-hemo-
globin, and (d) high spin methemogiobin, The microphotographs were taken at the position y=l50 mm. The
unfocused spots were small dust attached outside of the Oow channel. Standard experimental conditions: flow
velocity 0,7 mni,'s, average value of B x dB/dz 29 T'/m [For details, see ref 9],
bitity X and volume V) with the external magnetic field (magnetic flux density B, magnetic
field intensity H). The second term is the mteraction of erythrocytes (charge q) with the
electric fields v x B (due to Lorentz's Force) and E (due to Hall effect). Neglecting the
Lorentz force and the induced Hall effect, because they are small for a slow blood flow,
where x is the paramagnetic susceptibility of material, V the volume, ji the magnetic
permeability of the solvent, B^ and dBj. ./dz magnetic fl.ux density and its gradient with
z-coordinate (z is the direction of the magnetic attraction), respectively.
The frictional Stokes force, Ff, gives a resistance for the displacement,
Ff = 6 It T| R u,
where u is the velocity of displacement, and R the hydrodynamic radius of the moving
particle in a medium of viscosity ri. Ffis equilibrated to F^^g within a short time. From these
two equations, the velocity of displacement (u) is obtained, and by integrating u along the
path (y-axis) the estimate of displacement (L) can be calculated,
where Y] and Y, are the y-coodinates of the particular erythrocytes at t=0 and at t=T
when the observation was made, respectively, and v is the flow velocity (y-direction), thus
Although the displacement of the erythrocyte stream line occurred in accord with the
above theory, the observed displacement is much larger than the calculated value for a single
erythrocyte. Moreover, the displacement becomes large with an increase in the hematocrit
of erythrocyte suspension. These results indicate that a group of erythrocytes (in a "volume")
is attracted as a whole by the magnetic force, as discussed previously [8,9]. Actually a good
agreement was obaing between the observed and theoretical values of displacement, when
we calculate the displacement for a volume of spheric droplet, of which the diameter R is
the same as the diameter of narrow stream line and the magnetic susceptibility x as that for
the flowing erythrocyte suspension.
[30], i.e., the accelerated sedimentation in an inclined cylinder [31]. However, the detailed
mechanism of Boycott effect is not fully understood.
Our works were supported in part by the grants from the Ministi-y of Education,
Science and Culture of Japan, Nissan Science Foundation, and Ehime Health Foundation.
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erythrocytes. Eur. Biophys.J.. 14 :139-145.
Effects of Static Magnetic Fields on Erythrocyte Rheology 193
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angle in saline solution. Biorheology, 25: 157-164.
1.1. Denotation of "Safety" as a Legal Term
s a legal term, the Labor Safety and Hygiene Law (LSHL; enforced October, 1972)
uses it with a denotation of laborious disaster prevention. Activities for disaster prevention
of workplace are divided into safety management and hygienic management by a narrow
sense. Here, we think that it is prevention of an emergent danger with a task of "safety" of
a narrow sense concerning LSHL, and we are allowed to think it is prevention of a health
impairment that occurs chronically with an issue of "hygiene". We state about "safety"
related to magnetic field or electromagnetic field. Safety issues about a case of MR! taking
a superconducting magnet (SCM) as an example, are as follows; 1. a strong magnetic field
attracts an iron-made oxygen bomb and a stretcher (simple bed with wheels that carries a
patient prostrate) or causes a hammer and operative instruments to fly. injuring personnel
nearby; 2. danger of an asphyxia for a personnel nearby, when a SCM is quenched under
insutFicient ventilation; and 3. when dB / dt change in magnetic field of super-high-speed
MRI equipinent is large, induced currents stimulate nerves, muscles and directly act on the
In an industrial scene, we can easily understand "safety" issue as an accident which
is visible directly. "Safety" issue is generally well known, since we were concerned about it
earlier than about "hygiene" issue. As we are interested in weak influences of the factors that
shift and persist chronically, the present revised Act for Labor Safety and Hygiene (ALSH)
puts stress on a hygienic matter. We see not only "safety" matter that the ALSH treats, but
also "hygiene" issue. We discuss on safety issue with a wide denotation that includes
professional and general personnel.
Malcompensation 2
i) i2> v3' Figure I. Dose-response relation, indicating changes
CO c D D upward in response as magnitude of dose is increased.
A level of non response exists below a threshold dose
level of above zero. Threshold dose of electromagnetic
tTelds with no health risk is also unknown yet.
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglev 197
apparatus for magnetic stimulation is produced in large quantities as a clinical test machine
(e.g. SMN-1100 of Nihon Kohden Corp.)
The probable effects of this mechanismon a living body are a change of metabolism
accompanied with mechanical distortion of biomembrancs, or direct effect on gene functions
and expression. It is difficult to prove a substantial effect of static-magnetic field changing
the serum-chemical substances found in mice exposed for long term to a super-strong
magnetic field [8], though some relation could be suspected. An effect on genes is also one
of large themes in recent years. However, the effect seems not to be so strong as to be
suspected from the mechanisin in a static-magnetic field.A growth of strong bacteria on
fertility is not affected even in a strong magnetic field of 11.7 T, unless the condition of
cultures is so specific [9]. We found that the effect of a magnetic field is extremely weak by
our sharp mutation detection system of pyrimidine dimers using mutant fruit fly that lacked
repair functions of DNA damage. A mutation rate caused by 24-hour serial exposures to 0.6
T, was almost the same value of 5-s irradiation (12.5 Jm"-s"') at a distance of 50 cm from a
usual 15 W germicidal lamp [10],
A real case that human whole body, especially head and body trunk, is exposed to a
strong magnetic field is a medical diagnosis using MRI. Though usual flux density of mass
production machines is 0.50 - 1.5 T, it is said that three trial production equipment of MRI
for a whole body diagnosis with 4 T are available in the world. Schenck concerned in
development of 4 T-MRI for the whole body of General Electric Corp. tested exposures of
11 volunteers for a year according to a protocol of Pennsylvania University [11]. The total
exposure time of these volunteers was 150 hours that is less than 1 hour to 40 hours per one
volunteer. Though healthy men and women were selected for the test, nothing objective was
found by a check before and after the exposure in a medical examination by a medical doctor.
However, some personnel conspicuously complained of unusual conscious perception in a
reply to the questionnaire. There were reactions of vertigo, nausea, and metallic taste that
differed with 2 groups of 4 T and 1.5 T depending of the strength of a magnetic field
significantly, while there was no difference about headache, vomiting, tinnitus, balance
difficulties, numbness, or hiccuping. Magnetophosphenes were also noticed in both groups.
However, the perceptions felt at 4 T were clinically all light grade, and they did not occur at
all unless the subject abruptly moved the head inside a magnet or they were weak if ever
"Safety" issue of magnetic field in medical examination and equipment treatment
seems to remain usually at the extent comparable with any other high-energy equipment.
After all, comparing electromagnetic fields for X-ray CT, electromagnetic field is recognized
to be safer. Even though an exposure to a super-strong magnetic field of 1.5 T of MRI is
brief and repeated examinations may be a few, we can say that safety in medicine is not a
matter of extent.
Inconsistent results on biological effects of magnetic fields have been reported from
experiments involving various combinations of experimental variables, such as the species
of animals, exposure environment, frequency and flux density of the magnetic field, duration
of exposure and biological end point. Among these variables, the most critical factor appears
to be the amount of exposure as defined by flux density and exposure duration, with more
weight on the latter. In general, brief exposure of biological materials to a static magnetic
field, even under highly intense flux densities, has produced no biological effects. Null
examples are the nerve-conduction velocity after a 20-30 min exposure to 1.2 T [ 12] and the
growth rate of mammalian cells exposed for 2 h to 1.75 T [13]. In contrast, positive results
have been found in studies in which biota were exposed to a static magnetic field for a
prolonged period: e.g., Drosophila for 3 days to 0.44 T [14], mice for 35 days or more to
0.42 T [ 15], mice for 30 days to 1.6 T [ 16], rabbits for 5 weeks to 0.06 T [ 17], and mice for
4 weeks to 0.42 T [ 18]. F.ven at high densities used by many investigators, the static magnetic
field is probably too weak to cause substantial changes in animals exposed only for a short
period. Therefore, lengthy exposures and prolonged periods of observation after exposure
are indispensable if one is to obtain reliable results by which the existence of an effect can
be ascertained or denied. Magneto-electromotive force, magnetic anisotropy [19], and
modification of chemical reactions [20] are regarded as the primary factors involved in the
mechanism underlying the biological effects of static magnetic fields. Even a flux density
of 0.2-0.5 T is effective at the molecular level. However, there is a wide gap between the
understanding at the molecular level and that at the whole-body level. Selye [21] demon-
strated that the homeostatic responses of organisms to external stimuli follow a characteristic
pattern, which he named "general adaptation syndrome" (GAS). The progress of GAS takes
rather long time, so a persistent observation for days or weeks is necessary to ascertain this
pattern. Barnothy & Barnothy [22], Barnothy & Siimcgi [15], Laforge [23], and Nakagawa
& Matsuda [24] have demonstrated that reaction of animals to a static-magnetic field shows
the GAS-type pattern.
The activity of an animal is depressed immediately after a stressful stimulus is given
(shock phase), then it recovers beyond the original level of activity (counter-shock phase).
Both phases constitute "the stage of alarm reaction"; a characteristic feature of the GAS.
When the intensity of stimulus is moderate or exposure period is short, specific reactions
disappear after the counter-shock phase without showing a "going-to-death pattern" de-
scribed by Selye. Therefore, identification of "stage of alarm reaction" following a magnetic
exposure was taken as a criterion for successful detection of a biological effect of magnetic
(2) Method and Ccixc Traces. Barnothy & Barnothy [22] identified a typical pattern
of the GAS al the "stage of alarm reaction" by a body mass change in mice that had been
exposed to a field at 9,400 Oe (ca. 0.94 T) for 4 consecutive days. They specified it as a
"shock effect" caused by magnetic field.
Figure 2 illustrates the result of our experiment. It shows changes in the body mass
of mice that were subjected to a field of 0.6 T for 16 h a day for 4 days [14]. The double
dotted line indicates data obtained from control mice and the solid line from exposed ones.
The changes of body mass caused by the exposure were rather small, and the weight returned
to pre-exposure level on the second day. This is probably because exposure amount (which
is operationally defined here as the product of magnetic-fiux density and exposure duration)
was less than that employed by Barnothy and Barnothy [22]. The magnitude of mammals"
response to the magnetic field, in general, seems to be positively related to the exposure
amount, and there may be a threshold of exposure amount below which animals do not show
an observable reaction to the magnetic field.
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglcv 201
I3) Results and Conclusions. There are only nine reports that found the GAS-like
responses of mammals by magnetic exposure: five from our laboratory; A[26]. B[27]. D
[28], F[24] and G [24], and four from others; C [23], E [29], II [22] and I [16] as shown in
o Control
o A Exposed
Figure 3. Frequency of shucks received in the final 30 min of sessions in the SA schedule [13]. Exposed rals
(A) received more electroshocks than did control (O) during the exposure period and thereafter. (*: p<0.05.
202 M. Nakagawa et al.
Figure 4. The minimum total exposure durations employed in these studies are plotted as a
function of flux density. A power model without a constant term was used to search for a
regression equation. It was found that the solution was y=34x" ^' **. Although this solution is
a preliminary one due to the small number of data, half of the exposure amount indicated by
the above-mentioned function (y=17x*''"* ) can be considered the best estimation now-
available of the minimum exposure that produces detectable biological effects. However, in
order to think about safety standards of magnetic fields, we are compelled to push these
values lower. In that case, generally we decide the values as one tenth of the real effect. We
reached the standard values taking about one tenth of a dotted line in Figure 4 (y=l .7x"^ ).
According to this inference, these values are 7.6 h with 0.05 T, 5.4 hours with 0.1 T, 2.4
hours with 0.5 T, and 1.7 h with 1 T and 1.2 h with 2 T.
It is difficult to estimate the effects of high-density magnetic fields, since there is no
report on mammals exposed to a magnetic field over 2 T in which prolonged observation
was carried out to obtain the GAS patterns. It seems that a considerable amount of exposure
is required to make the changes on molecular level appear outside of the body exceeding the
limits of homeostasis. As demonstrated in Beischer's report [21 ], he did not detect any effect
on mice during one hour exposure to a magnetic field at extremely high flux density of 14
T. A certain length of exposure time would be needed for mammals, even a magnetic field
of ultra-high flux density, because magnetism, unlike ionizing radiation, does not destroy
biological structures instantaneously.
'i \ "C
X 9-
se- \ X D ^*^*„_ XH
XF y=34x-'"'«
Figure 4. Minimum exposure duration was plotted as a function of flux density employed in the studies in
which a GAS-like pattern was observed in mammals in response to the magnetic field. Responses observed in
Studies A to 1 are as follows: A: ln(HD-cholesterol)/ln(total cholesterol) in rabbits, B: food consumption b\'
mice, C: delayed reinforcement of low rate by rats, D; urination in mice, E; body mass in mice, F-,G; operant
responding by rats, H; body mass in mice, 1; adrenal corticosterone in mice. The power model of regression
on density of magnetic field and exposure time (y=ax''), half of which was presumed to be the minimum amount
of exposure that produces a detectable effect in combination with exposure time against flux density of
magnetic field. Values of about one-twentieth (a=1.7, b=-0.5) can thus be used as safety standards for whole
body exposure.
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglev 203
This chapter was rewritten based on the paper "Mammals' response and adaptation
to static magnetic fields as a nonspecific stressor" [31].
Field Gradient
Whole body 60 mT IT
Extremities 600 mT 2T
T(tesla)=IO'G(gauss)==F 10''Oc(cx;rsted). * Department of Energy.
because a sternocleidomastoid muscle contracts spastically and the vagus of the cervical
portion is also stimulated. dB/dt and also duration time T are related with a stimulation of
the living body. Nerve and tiiuscle cannot respond to electromagnetic fields, when the x is
short and so the frequency is high, even though dB/dt might be large. This is the reason why
Figure 5 illustrates a longer portion than 1 |.t s. From a point of view of safety for heart
muscles, an experimental stimulation was carried using a dog [36]. After tetnporarily
stopping the canine heart with a strong stimulation of the vagus, it was possible to move it
again by stimulating with a pulse magnetic field. However, a persistent stimulation as long
as 10 ms is necessary to cause a fibrillation with an electric stimulation of a normal heart.
Lincarniotorcar (EDS) Maglev 205
10' -
This energy is so great thai tlB/dt needs to be as high asfix10^ T s^'. Even a future-type MRl
(echo planar imaging) demanthng very high energy cannot come up to that power. It is
supposed difficult to cause cardiac arrest with magoetic stimulation by a real equipment.
As a problem of an unexpected obstacle arising from a large dB/dt of magnetic field,
we cite the case of a cardiac pacemaker. There are many investigations reporting that
temporary abnormal conditions of pacing often cannot be noticed by a pacemaker user. It is
reported that it is feared that an elimination equipment of EAS (electronic article sur\'eil-
lance; cheap watching patch to be attached to the recent products to protect from robbery)
system causes malfunctioning of a mode switch of pacemakers [ 37].
(a) : Occupational
(b) : Public
Figure 6. Main recommendation on safety standards or guidelines of electromagnetic fields with frequency
of ULF (ultra low frequency) to microwave range. Some researchers in advanced industrial countries think
these values are rather high compared with those of real fields where positive results are reported on high risk
of leukemia or some kinds of tumors by epidemiological methods.
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglev 207
T-static magnetic field. Table 3 indicates tlie result of the test at various flux den^sities of
time-varying magnetic field. In botli data, no significant difference between exposed and
control groups was observed, Tiiese results suggest that 1.3 T-static and up to 35mT-50Hz
time-varying magnetic fields have no mutagenic activity for these bacteria. However,
Shimizu et al, [46] reported a high density static magnetic field (up to 11 T) which affected
mutagenicity of some chemical mutagens and its effect depended on density of magnetic
flux m the Ames test with modifiedfnot shaken) preincubation method. Now we made a new
5 T-supcrcondiicting magnet. This magnet generates homogenious static magnetic field in
20cm-diameter and 20cm-long space, and is placed in the constant temperature room. We
Figure 8. Tlie slialcer (left) and temperature-conirolled water circulating system through the AC magnet.
Lincarmotorcar (EDS) Magkv 209
+1 Q
+1 +1 +1 +1
O X! s
\c r j §
oc v-,
~ <
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oo ^
— (N
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3 - s r
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a i
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^ 1
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U c«
< .i. ^ so
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210 M. Nakagawa ct al.
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— — ! —
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o ^o sc r"^ (N t*-' <N ri <5
c SL
o tN r- —1 q q
W^ r"' r-^ r-^ f^'
+1 + 1 +1 +1 +1
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>n r^,
q ^
00 (N
— + 1 + 1 +1
+1 +1 +! +1 +1 —'
' O
\o Tf
^ I
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(N f^, (N rJ IN
c> u
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u E
s 'S
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X. 5
i. si
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglev 211
can perform both of plate incorporation and preincubation method in it. We have started a
test for detection of mutagenicity under combination of high static magnetic field with
chemical mutagens.
4.2. Detection Of Mutagenic Activity Using Fruit Fly (Somatic Cell Test)
4.2.1. Method and Result. To estimate genetic effects of static magnetic field we
applied the mutant fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster that lacked repair function of damage
to their cellular DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). The mutant was sc z' w^^^ mei-9" mei-41 ""^
that was defective in both excision repair and post-replication repair. Young larvae of mutant
and normal genotypes were exposed to 0.6 T magnetic field for 24 h, and then allowed to
continue development in normal culture condition until they molted and finally emerged
from pupa cases. After their eclosion, the number of surviving adults was counted. Table 4
shows the adults of mutant genotype (male) which decreased by about 8 %, while normal
siblings (female) remained unchanged. When FM6 with normal repair function was used
instead of the mutant, its survival rate was not affected by magnetic field. It is inferred that
exposure to static magnetic field caused damage to larval cellular DNA, and that somatic
cells without normal DNA repair function failed to continue cell division, which resulted in
developmental lethality of mutant larvae. DNA damages occurring in normal larvae must
have been repaired, so that their survival rate was not altered. Similar effect was observed
when mutant larvae were subjected to ultraviolet (UV) light of conventional 15 W germicidal
lamp at 50 cm distance for 5 s (12.5 Jm'^). We estimated that mutagenic activity of 0.6 T
static magnetic field was the same as that of 0.14 mJm"' UV lights.
4.2.2. Discussion
(1) Detection and Estimation ofDna Damaging Effect. It was found that repair-de-
fective, mutagen-sensitive larvae were sensitive to a 0.6T static magnetic field. When first
and second instar larvae were exposed for 24h, about 8% of mutagen-sensitive males failed
to grow up to adult, while female siblings with normal repair function eclosed normally. As
a result, the male/female ratio showed a statistically significant decrease compared with the
non-exposed control (Table 2). It is inferred that static magnetic field caused, directly or
indirectly, damages to cellular DNA of the exposed larvae, which were repaired in female
somatic cells, but could not be repaired in male cells. As DNA molecules with damages could
not be duplicated normally, male somatic cells with damaged DNA may not divide, which
finally resulting in developmental lethality of mutagen-sensitive male larvae.
The apparent genotoxicity of static magnetic field was compared with that of UV
light. When second instar larvae were irradiated with various doses of UV light, the viability
of the females with normal repair function was more than 90% of untreated control at 180s
irradiation (450 Jm"-). Mutagen-sensitive males were, on the other hand, sensitive to even
10s irradiation. The number of male survivors decreased exponentially as the irradiation
period was lengthened. Exposure of the mutagen-sensitive larvae to 0.6T magnetic field for
24h and to 12.5J m'- UV caused the same decrease of male survivors. Assuming a linear
relationship between the UV effect and exposure dose, genotoxicity of a 0.6T static magnetic
field was estimated to be the same as that of 0.14mJ m ' s' UV light.
It can be argued that exposure to magnetic field gives general physiological effects
on larvae rather than effects of DNA damage. If female larvae were more resistant to such
stress than males, the exposure to magnetic field should decrease male/female ratio. This is
not probable, if not impossible, because FM6 males with normal repair function were not
killed by the exposure to magnetic field. The relative viability of FM6 males to y f:= females
is similar to, but a little bit smaller than that of sc z' w^^*^ mei-9^ mei-41'^'' males, the former
are expected to have similar or higher sensitivity to general physiological effects than the
latter. Therefore, the resistance of FM6 males to a 0.6T magnetic field strongly suggests that
repair-defective males were actually killed by induced damages in cellular DNA. rather than
due to general physiological effect of the exposure to which males were more sensitive than
f2j Possible Mechanisms of DNA Damaging. However, it is not probable that a 0.6T
static magnetic field directly attacked DNA molecules forming pyrimidine dimers or other
DN.A damages. Dissociation energy of 4 to 5 eV is necessary to disrupt chemical bonds and
form a pyrimidine dimer but the interaction of an electron spin with a 0.6T magnetic field
creates electromagnetic energy of 10 ' of it. Other kinds of DNA damage need 0.1 to 10 eV
and they are impossible to occur too. It is possible, on the other hand, that exposure to a 5T
magnetic field suppresses thephotoreactivation process. In somatic cells of sc z' w*"' mei-9''
mei-4l"^ males, excision repair and post-replication repair are defective while photoreacti-
vation, another DNA repair function, is still active. It is well known that some enzyme
reactions are affected by static magnetic field exposure[47], Drosophila photolyase can be
another example of magnetic field sensitive enzyme.
Another possible hypothesis is that the magnetic field interacts with mutagenic free
radicals which appeared occasionally in larval somatic cells. It is well known that static
magnetic field affects singlet-triplet transition in the unpaired electron. This effect is
especially prominent in a reaction in micelle. Tanimoto et al. [48] showed that the life time
of 2-naphthylphenylmethyl radicals in polyoxyethylene(44)dodecanol (Brij 35) micelles
was elongated by several times in a 0.6T static magnetic tleld. As micelle can be considered
a simple model of cell, it is possible that the life time of radicals in living cells is also affected
by static magnetic field. If its life is elongated, the same amount of radicals may have more
mutagenic activity.
Still another possibility is that the membrane permeability of cells is affected by
magnetic field, which results in influx of mutagenic agents which exist in the haemolymph
at the background level. Permeability change by magnetic field exposure has been reported
in cultured cells [49] and in liposome vesicles [50]. Although experiment was done at a
temperature near the phase transition region of lipid bilayer, this hypothesis is not absurd at
physiological temperature. This hypothesis predicts that the dose-response relationship
between flux density and genotoxicity is not linear. Deformation of lipid bilayer or channel
protein causes influx of mutagens while the flux density is not too high. When the flux density
exceeds a certain level, an over-deformation may occur which prevents influx of chemicals.
This is compatible with the "window" theory of the magnetic field effect. This should be
Linearmotorcar (EDS) Maglcv 21.1
(3) Sensitivity and Limitation of Dna Repair Test. The average dose of genotoxic
UV component in the sunlight is 10 to 20 kJ m"^ in Japan. As an exposure to a 0.6T magnetic
field for 24h and to 12.5J m"" UV caused the same decrease of male survivors, the
genotoxicity of a 0.6T static magnetic field is considered to be 1/2 to 14 of that of sunlight.
It is surprising that such weak genotoxicity could be detected by an individual animal test.
In normal cells, almost all DNA damages induced by a weak mutagen are repaired by DN.A
repair functions. Occasional error in the post-replication repair process causes mutations
which could be detected by mutagenic activity tests such as the sex-linked recessive lethal
test. In our experimental system, on the other hand, we detected DNA damage which was
much more frequent than occasional error in the repair process. The mutant used in our
experiment was defective in both excision repair and post-replication repair. In Escherichia
coli. a single damage in the whole genome was sufficient to kill a mutant cell that lacked
both of excision repair and recombination repair (bacterial version of the post-replication
repair, see ref [51]). Developmental lethality of individuals occurs at a high frequency if
DNA damages are induced in even a few percent of larval or embryonic cells. This
"amplification" makes the sensitivity of our test system much higher than in vitro tests, liven
if repair-deficient Xeroderma pigmentosum cells were used, it is hardly possible to detect a
mutagenic activity that causes DNA damages in a few percent of the cultured cells.
However, it is not clear whether this genotoxicity is equal to mutagenic activity.
Mutations arc created by occasional errors in the DNA repair process. Our test animals
carried mei-41'^'' mutation and therefore were defective in the error-prone post-replication
repair, so that mutation could not occur. The DNA damages caused by UV light are mainly
pyrimidine dimers which are known to be repaired, in the cells with normal repair functions,
by excision repair and/or post-replication repair process. Errors are expected to occur at a
frequency proportional to the number of damages and therefore the genotoxicity determined
by the DNA repair test using a repair defective strain can be considered equal to, or at least
proportional to the mutagenic activity of UV light. Mutagenic activity of chemicals whose
DNA damaging mechanisms are known is also determined by this test. The genotoxicity of
magnetic field determined by our test system will be also considered a mutagenic activity,
when its DNA damaging mechanism will have becoine clear.
5.1. Introduction
Powell and Danby bore the original conception of a magnetically suspended train in
1966 [52]. In Japan study on conception design of EDS (electro-dynamic suspension)-
maglev began from 1962, and it led to construction of the preliminary test track in Miyazaki
in 1975. Vehicle MLUOOl with some research staff on board recorded a speed of 400 km h
in 1987. In June 1990 the Ministry of Transport Japan declared the construction of an
experimental track for maglev in Yamanashi adjoining Tokyo authorized, which will go into
practical operation in future. Test train will consist of 3 and 5 vehicles and have ability of
developing a maximum speed of 550 kra'h.
214 M. Nakagawa et al.
Here, we introduce a first trainsct to be used for the ranning test in Yamaaashi aiming
at business opcraiion of the next phase. Wc state position and size of the SCM isupercon-
duciirig magnet), related posirioii of a propulsion coil, and shielding method to control a
leakage iiiagnedc ilux inside of the car and near tiis door where passengers get on and off.
5.3. a Tminset Using Yamanashi Test Track. The first trainset will be composed of
three vehicles as shown in Fig. i 1, their production to be completed in 1995. There are 3
cars that is a Kofu-side leading car, a standard middle coach, and a Tokyo-side leading car,
and every vehicle is combined with connecting bogies. Big feature with respect to outside
Suspension coil
(side wall
appearance is a forefront shape. The Kofu-side leading car "double-cusp" and the Tokyo-side
"aerowedge" . Performance of these two forefront shapes will be tested by real riinoing. One
aerodynamic brake is provided above everj' bogie. Fig. 12 is an. imaginative figure drawn
with computer graphics seeing from the Tokyo-side leading car. With no driver aboard, there
is no window in front of the leading car.
In the machine chamber of Tokyo-side forefront, batteries for main power supply,
gas turbine generator, DC/AC converter, and a lielium buffer tank are mounted. Middle coach
has a passenger room at the center and an end body .structure above the bogie. The connecting
division is provided for a person to pass through the center, and the exterior of passage makes
the machine chamber. In the machine chamber at Tokyo-side bogie, we load an aerodynamic
brake equipment, helium buffer tank, and inverters for machine power supply. In the
ICofu-side machine chamber, we load a helium buffer tank, ventilator, and air conditioning
outdoor machines. Large fairing for both sides of the connecting portion is done to rectify
the air flow aerodynamically.
About the magnetic shield inside of the car, less than 1 mT in passenger rooms, and
less than 20 mT on the passage of the connecting division, are considered design features.
Fig. 13 shows the arrangement of shielding materials with pure iron of industrial use at
connecting portion. We confirmed the real shield effect by a mock-up of a full size by
comparing with calculated values and investigating whether they were controlled at marked
levels of a magnetic shield. An equipment shown in Fig. 14 is the conception figure of a
boarding bridge to uoanable passengers to approach stray magnetic fields from outside of
the vehicle. As the maglev has SCMs at both exterior sides of connecting portion, it allows
passengers to avoid from the outside of the bogies. Two doors of the equipment are designed
i£53iiSiiES2..., dtzii.l tZufczJL
Figure It. The fmi trainscf is composed of three vehietes now in production for completion in 1995.
216 M. iN'akagawa ft al.
Figure 12. \ constnicted 3<ar tramset for "s'aniiinashi 'est track seeing frijiri ihe uikyo-side leading car.
to open only to guide passengers to the door of vehicle when they get oo or off the train. The
Iloor of the equipnient consists of a partial bridge, which sirves as to shield people against
the magnetic field from under the floor. Moreover, end of doors of tlic equipment are
designed in the shape of a cross section closely adhering to tlie vehicle with an increased
shielding effect.
Mock op
Figure 13. An arrangement of shielding materials with pure iron for indu.strial use at connecting portion.
Lincarmotorcar (EDS) Magiev 217
Shield Wall
Boarding Form
Figure 14. A conception figure of boarding bridge not allowing passengers to approach stray magnetic fields
from outside of the vehicle.
treatment use. It is not fully agreed, however, that any level of magnetic field should be
regulated for the vehicles utilized by people for short time. Levels of a time-varying magnetic
field of electrified railroads and electric vehicles are quite large comparing with those of
power transmission lines. As for the evaluation of an exposure amount of electromagnetic
fields, it is not argued yet that an exposure amount might be multiplied by a simple magnetic
flux density (whether it is a total amount of magnetic flux or not that a whole-body receives)
and by time (or the square of it or a square root of it). Therefore, about the safety of electric
trains nobody can say anything definite. Either it is not solved about ELF frequency whether
more than a certain Hz should be considered controversial (e.g. whether we should think that
the effect of less than 3 Hz is as weak as a static-magnetic field in IEEE frequency
We can say about safety of EDS magiev that magnetic shield marks meet the values
in Table 1 of a static-magnetic field. About the ripples mentioned before, however, magnitude
and frequency of them may become an issue. Frequency, strength, and exposure time must
be reviewed for the safety of a time-varying magnetic field, and further arguments are going
to begin from now. In parallel to the argument, we are progressing in development of magiev
such as the reform of a running mechanism, countermeasures for magnetic resistivity,
stabilization of the SCM, and development of power supply method. In the same way as in
development of electric vehicles, we expect that scientific technology and safety aspects
keep abreast of magiev development.
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Chilton, Didcot
0X11 ORQ, United Kingdom
Technological advance and changing social behaviour have been responsible for
driving the massive increase in the production and consumption of electricity during the 20th
century. One inevitable consequence of this process has been increased environmental
exposure to electromagnetic fields both at work and in the home. While there have been
many undoubted benefits from the widespread use of electricity, there has been growing
concern, especially during the last thirty years, that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic
fields at even low levels could have detrimental consequences on human health, and in
particular could be associated with some cancers. This possibility has aroused persistent
interest and concern, and continues to be investigated by a substantial number of laboratories
throughout the world. Much of this work has been comprehensively reviewed elsewhere
(Sienkiewicz, e/a/, 1991: Saunders, e? a/, 1991:NRPB, 1992; Cridland. 1993: WHO. 1993).
and it is clear that many of the older observations were essentially phenomenological in
nature. Within the last few years, however, a more coherent research strategy based on
powerful cellular and molecular approaches has started to emerge (Sienkiewicz. el al, 1993).
The available evidence suggests that exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF)
fields is not genotoxic (Murphy et al, 1993; McCann el al. 1993) and is therefore unlikely
to be directly associated with initiation. Although a few studies have reported a higher
incidence of chromosome aberrations following exposure to pulsed (Garcia-Sagredo et al,
1990; Khalil and Qassem, 1991) or intermittent (Nordenson et al, 1994) magnetic fields,
most recent studies have failed to find any evidence for chromosome aberrations or DNA
damage after exposure to 50 Hz electric fields at up to 20 kV m ' or magnetic fields at up to
Biological Etfects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields, Edited by S. Ueno
Plenum Press. New York. 1996 221
222 N. A. Cridland ct al.
Tumour Promotion
A number of studies have examined the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on
proliferative responses at the cellular level, as an indicator of tumour promotion. This
evidence is considered here at the various stages in the signalling pathways which control
cellular behaviour.
two other studies found that exposure of either human (Prasad et a/, 1991) or mouse (Coulton
and Barker, 1993) lymphocytes to resonant fields did not affect * uptake or intracellular
free Ca""" concentration respectively.
Effects on the Nucleus. Early reports of increased RNA synthesis from several chro-
mosomes in cultured Sciara copwphilia salivary glands exposed to a variety of ELF
magnetic fields (see Goodman and Henderson, 1991) has recently been extended (CJoodman
et al. 1992) to include an analysis of transcription from the right arm of chromosome 3 in a
similar preparation from Drosophila melanogaster. Exposure to a 72 Hz pulsed magnetic
field at a flux density of 3.5 mT has been reported to induce a short-term increase in the
synthesis of both total and messenger RNA (mRNA) in CCRF-CEM lymphoblastoid cells
(Phillips and McChesney, 1991). Exposure of HL-60 cells to a 1 mT, 60 Hz sinusoidal
magnetic field was reported to produce a temporally similar, though quantitatively smaller,
increase in total RNA synthesis which was dependent on the magnitude of the induced
electric field (Greene el al. 1991).
The significance of the reported short-term increases in gross transcription is difficult
to assess. Clear and unequivocal evidence for effects on the transcription of specific genes,
particularly those known to be important for regulating cellular behaviour would be of far
greater importance. Unfortunately the evidence for this is much less convincing. In particu-
lar, the absence of internal loading controls renders the data extremely difficult to interpret.
Furthermore, the published studies have mostly been based on dot-blots rather than more
analytical assays such as Northern blots or RNAase protection assays, and examples of raw
data have rarely been shown. Even where the evidence for magnetic field effects on gene
expression appears to be reliable, the magnitude of the response tends to be small and should
be viewed in the context of the response to other agents. For example, in cultured fibroblasts,
c-myc expression can be induced about 20-fold by serum (Campisi ci aL 1984). 40-fold by
platelet-derived growth factor, 15-fold by fibroblast growth factor and 10-fold by the
chemical tumour promoter 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) (Kelley et al.
1983). Similarly, treatment of B-lymphocytes with the mitogen lipopolysaccharide results
in a 20-fold induction oi c-myc expression, whilst treatment of T-lymphocytes with Con A
elicits a 10-fold induction (Kelley et al, 1983). For the proto-oncogenes c-fos (Shah el at.
1993) and c-/w« (Stein <??o/, 1992), inductions of up to 200-fold have been reported following
treatinent with serum and ultraviolet radiation respectively. Thus the biological significance
of much smaller inductions by EMF must be questionable.
It has been reported that exposure of HL-60 human lymphocytic cells to either pulsed
(1.5 - 72 Hz, 0.38 - 19 mT peak) or sinusoidal (5 - 150 Hz, 0.57 - 570 |uT rms) magnetic
fields increased accumulation of transcripts from the P-actin, histone H2B, c-myc. c-src. and
P-tubulin genes (Goodman e/cf/1989, 1992,1994; Wei e/a/, 1990; Goodman and Henderson,
1991; Gold et al. 1994); one gene, a-globin, did not respond to magnetic tlelds. but
expression of this gene is normally cell-type specific anyway. Exposure to a 5.7 nT rms,
60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field has also been reported to induce expression of the heat shock
protein gene, hsp70 in HL-60 cells (Goodman et al, 1994), and large T antigen in SV40-
transformed human fibroblasts (Gold et al, 1994). In general these data suggest the existence
of frequency, time and field strength windows for magnetic field effects on transcription.
However, excessive reliance on the use of dot-blots, and the absence of internal loading
controls renders interpretation of these data difficult, if not impossible. Moreover, the results
for histone are puzzling since the expression of histones is normally tightly regulated within
the cell cycle, whilst the reported increase in accumulation of mRNA from the proto-onco-
gene c-myc may have little significance since the c-myc gene in these cells is abnormally
regulated following a gene amplification event.
224 N. A. Cridland et al.
There is some support for magnetic field effects on the expression of c-w vc, and other
regulatory genes, from work in other laboratories. For example, exposure of CEM-CM3 T
lymphoblastoid cells to a 100 \xV. 60 Hz magnetic field for up to 2 hours resulted in transient
changes in the expression of the c-myc, c-fos, c-jun, and protein kinase C (PKC) genes
(Phillips el al, 1992). In this study the principle approach was to assess the rate of
transcription directly using nuclear run-off assays rather than indirectly by estimating the
accumulation of transcripts, a parameter which may be influenced by other processes.
Slot-blot analysis of cytoplasmic RN A from the same cells indicated that accumulation gave
a reasonable estimate of transcription. In general exposure was reported to increase tran-
scription from the c-fos, c-myc, and PKC genes, whilst the effect on expression oic-jun was
variable and dependent on cell density. Time course data indicated that these responses were
all observed within an hour, whilst longer exposure was reported to inhibit expression of
PKC. It should be noted, however, that in the absence of appropriate internal loading controls
it is difficult to reliably assess such small responses (generally around 2-fold).
Effects on gene expression, if they exist, are unlikely to result from direct effects of
the applied field on transcription complexes, but would instead result from activation of an
appropriate signalling pathway. Data on early signalling events (see above) indicate that
there could be effects on calcium ion influx, and it is therefore logical to investigate possible
links between this and the activation of genes such as c-myc. Liburdy, et al (1993a) have
reported such an association in cultured rat thymocytes stimulated with a suboptimal
concentration of Con A and exposed to a 22 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field for 60 minutes.
Calcium ion influx and accumulation of c-mvc RNA were measured in the same cells, and
whilst both were increased by a combination of magnetic field exposure and suboptimal Con
A, neither agent on its own produced an effect. This study appears to have been better
conducted than most; c-myc transcripts were quantitated by Northern analysis, and glycer-
aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was used as an internal loading control. However,
although this study provides evidence for an association between calcium ion influx and
c-myc expression in response to magnetic fields, it does not demonstrate that one leads to
the other. It is to be hoped that future extensions to this work will address this question,
possibly through the use of appropriate inhibitors and ionophores.
The activation of a gene in response to earlier signalling events occurs as a result of
changes in the interaction of protein transcription factors with regulatory elements in the
promoter region of the gene. There may be several such elements in the promoters of genes
which are responsive to a number of signalling pathways (activated by different stimuli),
and identification of the element conferring responsiveness to a particular stimulus may be
helpful in elucidating the pathway through which the signal is transduced. It has been
reported that a magnetic field responsive element resides between positions -353 and -1257
upstream of the c-myc PI initiation site (Lin, et al, 1994). The element was identified by
deletion analysis of the human c-myc promoter fused to a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase
(CAT) reporter gene, and mediated transcriptional activation in HeLa cells exposed to 60 Hz
magnetic fields at 8 yCY, but not 80 )uT. However, 900 base pairs is a relatively large fragment
of DNA, and there therefore remains considerable scope for defining the location of the
element more precisely. Moreover, it should be noted that the CAT activity appeared to be
extremely low for all the constructs, suggesting that they were all essentially unresponsive
under the conditions tested.
In contrast to those discussed above, other studies have failed to find consistent
effects on proto-oncogene expression. For example, Parker and Winters (1992) examined
transcription in a variety of human and mouse cell lines exposed to 0.1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic
fields and found no evidence for increased accumulation of mRNA from the proto-oncogenes
c-fos, c-myc, c-/a/ and c-ras; there was also no effect on transcription from hsp70 or, in the
case of cells infected with either mouse mammary tumour virus or murine sarcoma virus.
Recent Biological Studies Relevant to Carcinogenesis 225
viral genes. It should be noted, however, that in addition to suffering many of the methodo-
logical flaws criticised above, the minimum exposure time would have been too long to
detect transient effects.
In another study, it was found that exposure of HL-60 cells to a 1 mT, 60 Hz field for
up to 90 minutes did not affect the accumulation of either c-niyc or p-actin transcripts: the
steady state level of the 28 S ribosomal RNA was also unaffected (Greene el al, 1993). Using
a unique assay involving pulse labelling of cellular RN.A in combination with a nuclease
protection step, it was also shown that the transcription rates for c-mvc and P-actin were
unaffected by exposure. There did, however, appear to be an effect on synthesis of the 45 S
precursor ribosomal RNA, although this appeared to be associated with a concomitant
reduction in the half-life of the 45 S fraction and its mature products the 18 S and 28 S RNAs.
A number of studies currently in progress which appear to have been carefully
designed and performed, have not yet detected any effect of exposure to magnetic fields.
Preliminary reports indicate that in one study accumulation ofc-myc RNA was not affected
by exposure of HL-60 cells to 60 Hz magnetic fields at 1 and 10 jiT (Lacy-Hulbert el al,
1994), whilst in another careful and extensive study, neither c-myc nor p-actin appeared to
be affected by exposure of either HL-60 or Daudi cells to 60 Hz fields at flux densities from
8 nT to 1 mT (Saffer and Thurston, 1994). Similarly, it has been reported that exposure to
50 Hz magnetic fields at cither 6 |uT or 2 mT did not affect the interleukin-3 induced
expression of c-/av, c-jiin orjun-B in FDCP-mix murine haemopoietic stem cells (Reipert ct
al, 1994).
There is some evidence from studies of calcium influx that magnetic field effects on
cells are the result of the induced electric field (see above). It is therefore pertinent to consider
whether electric fields applied directly to the cultures can affect gene expression. It has been
reported that exposure of HL-60 cells to electric fields of 0.3 - 3 V m ' induced expression
of the c-myc, histone H2B, and hsp70 genes; cells were exposed to frequencies between 15
and 120 Hz (Blank e/a/, 1992; Goodman era/, 1994). Under the same conditions, transcrip-
tion from the p2-microglobulin was unaffected. It should, however, be noted that the
magnitudes of the reported responses were modest and are therefore of questionable
to a various field conditions, including fields tuned to Ca-"" did not affect proliferation or cell
viability (Reipert ef a/, 1992).
A recent study of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in L929 mouse fibroblasts
indicated that basal activity was elevated by 55-65 Hz magnetic fields at flux densities of
1-100 |.iT (Litovitz et a!. 1991). The process appeared to be dependent on the maintenance
of a coherent signal for at least 10 s.
In Vivo Stiulies. Tumour promotion has also been examined directly using animal
carcinogenesis models. Three studies have employed the well-established mouse skin
promotion model. McLean etal (\99\) initiated skin tumours in groups of 32 juvenile female
SENCAR mice by painting with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). Exposure to
60 Hz magnetic fields at 2 mT for 6 hours a day over 21 weeks did not affect tumour
Other studies have investigated whether magnetic field exposure can exert promoting
effects on the development of skin tumours in female NMRI (Rannug et al. 1993a) and
SENCAR (Rannug et al, 1994) mice. Tumours were initiated in 7-8 week old mice by
painting shaved dorsal skin with DMBA and groups of 30 (NMRI) or 40 (SENCAR) mice
were assigned to each treatment. Exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields at fiux densities of 50
or 500 ).iT commenced one week after initiation and continued for 2 years. Fields were either
continuous or intermittent (15 s on/off SENCAR mice only) and mice were exposed for 19
hours a day (21 hours at weekends). Coinparison of exposed animals with control mice,
which had received only DMBA, did not reveal any significant differences in either the
number of tumour bearing animals or the total number of tumours per group thus demon-
strating that magnetic fields do not act as tumour promoters in this system; treatment with
the chemical tuinour promoter TPA as a positive control greatly enhanced the yield of
tumours. These findings were further confirmed by analysis of epithelial hyperplasia, a
marker for tumour promotion in mouse skin. In contrast to TPA, which produced a marked
hyperplastic response both on its own and in combination with DMBA. magnetic fields did
not have any effect.
Exposure to a 20 kHz. 15 \iT (peak to peak) pulsed magnetic field did not affect the
development of lymphoma in female CBA mice which had previously been exposed to
5.24 Gy of x-rays; magnetic field exposure commenced when the mice were 40 days old and
continued for the remainder of their lives (SvendenstSl and Holmberg. 1993). It should be
noted, however, that the high incidence of x-ray-induced lymphomas would preclude the
detection of magnetic field effects in this study. Exposure to the magnetic field alone did not
affect the spontaneous lymphoma incidence although it did significantly decrease survival;
the siirv ival data for exposed mice were unusually variable thus casting doubt on the validity
of the latter finding.
Three studies have investigated the possibility that magnetic fields might promote
the de\ elopment of mammary tumours initiated with DMBA in female Sprague-Dawiey rats.
In these studies exposure to magnetic fields started at the time of the first treatment with
DMBA and continued for 91 days, at which time the animals were sacrificed for his-
topathological examination. In one of these studies, a group of 99 rats exposed to a 100 |.iT,
50 Hz field exhibited a significantly higher tumour incidence than controls after 8 weeks of
treatment, a trend which continued for the remainder of the exposure (Loscher et al. 1993).
The number of tumours per tumour bearing rat was the same for both groups, although the
final tumour size was greater in exposed animals. In the other studies, however, groups of
18-36 rats which had been exposed to various magnetic fields did not exhibit significant
differences in tumour incidence when compared with controls; some measures were altered
in individual experimental runs, but these changes were not consistent across the study
(Mevissen et al, 1993; Loscher et al, 1994). The field conditions included a 15 mT static
Recent Biological Studies Relevant to Carcinogenesis 227
The possibility that magnetic fields may act as tumour co-promoters by enhancing
the inhibitory effect of tumour promoters on gap junctional communication, thereby releas-
ing premalignant cells from the inhibitory effect of adjacent normal cells has been investi-
gated. Cain et al (1993a) employed an experimental model in which untransformed mouse
fibroblasts inhibit focus formation by transformed cells, an effect which can be relieved by
the addition of the chemical tumour promoter 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acctatc (TPA)
to the culture medium. Exposure to a 100 |iT, 60 Hz field for four 1 hour periods every day
for 29 days significantly enhanced focus formation by sub-optimal concentrations of TPA.
although the effect was not apparent at concentrations of TPA which induced little or no
focus formation. It should be noted, however, that there was considerable interexpcrimental
variation. Moreover, preliminary results from the same authors (Cain el al. 1993b) indicated
that in an extension to this study 60 Hz magnetic fields of 1 - 200 (iT inhibited rather than
enhanced focus formation in a field strength-dependent manner.
Magnetic field co-promotion has also been investigated in a whole animal study
(Stuchly et al, 1992). Tumours were initiated in 6 week old female SENCAR mice by
painting DMBA onto shaved dorsal skin and promoted by application of a sub-optimal dose
of TPA at weekly intervals thereafter. The mice were split into two groups of 48. one of which
was exposed for 6 hours per day and 5 days per week to a 2 mT. 60 Hz magnetic field, whilst
the other was sham exposed in the same room. The results for the first 24 weeks of the
54 week study indicate that exposure produced a significant increase in the rate of tumour
development but not in the yield of tumours at the end of the study. However, preliininary
reports from the same authors have indicated that the co-promotion effect is not reproducible
and may have been confounded by variable exposure to light (Thansandote et al. 1993).
Earlier studies had failed to establish a direct tumour promoting effect of magnetic fields
under the same conditions (see above).
Magnetic field exposure does not appear to have any effect on the formation of
chemically-induced preneoplastic lesions in rat liver (Rannug et al. 1993b. 1993c). Groups
of 9 - 10 male Sprague-Dawley rats were partially hepatectomised and treated 24 hours later
with the chemical initiator diethylnitrosamine (DENA).
Rats were exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields for 19 hours per day (21 hours at
weekends), starting one week after initiation and continuing for 12 weeks. After sacrifice of
the animals, preneoplastic lesions, characterised by expression of y-glutamyl transpeptidase
(GOT) and the placental form of glutathione S-transferase (GST), were detected by histo-
chemical staining of liver sections. There were no consistent differences in the number of
preneoplastic lesions identified in rats exposed to fiux densities between 0.5 and 500 |.iT
when compared with unexposed rats; treatment with the chemical tumour promoter pheno-
barbital increased the yield of preneoplastic lesions almost 20-fold (Rannug, et al. 1993b).
Similarly, exposure to magnetic fields at flux densities of 0.5 and 500 pT did not have any
consistent effect on tumour promotion by phenobarbital in this system (Rannug et al. 1993c).
228 N. A. Cridland et al.
Peptide Hormones
Another avenue whereby exposure to electromagnetic fields could influence tumour
promotion is via an effect mediated by circulating peptide hormones. The best developed
hypothesis relates to effects mediated by melatonin. This hormone is produced by the pineal
gland in a distinct circadian rhythm controlled by the photoperiod: synthesis and secretion
of this hormone is high at night and minimal during the day.
Melatonin. Stevens (1987) first suggested that chronic exposure to electric fields
may affect melatonin secretion and thereby increase the risk for breast cancer. This possibility
has aroused wide interest and attention and produced a large number of reviews, monographs
and books on this topic (for example, Gupta el al, 1988; Wilson el al, 1990a; Stevens el al,
1992, Moore-Ede <?f a/, 1992).
Melatonin is known to affect seasonal (reproductive) rhythms, although more re-
cently it has been implicated in a range of other physiological functions, and several possible
mechanisms have been proposed which suggest that melatonin may be able to influence
oncogenesis, and particularly breast cancer. The most convincing of these suggests that
decreased melatonin levels, which cause elevations in circulating estrogen and progesterone
and so increase cellular proliferation within the stem cell population of the breast, would
increase the risk of cancer of these cells (Cohen el al, 1978). It must also be remembered
that significant increases in estrogen concentration would also increase the proliferation of
any estrogen-responsive tumour cells. An alternative mechanism suggests that melatonin
directly suppresses the growth of (estrogen receptor-positive) tumours (Blask and Hill, 1986;
Hill and Blask, 1988). In addition, there is some evidence to suggest that melatonin acts as
a scavenger of free radicals (Tan e/o/, 1993a) and so protects DNA molecules from oxidative
damage (Tan et al, 1993b). In this case, reductions in melatonin could increase the likelihood
of the initiation of cancers, and possibly of their promotion. To be effective as a radical
scavenger, however, melatonin is required at a supraphysiological concentration of about 20
|iM. This is many orders of magnitude greater than normal serum melatonin concentrations
of 100 - 400 pM. For comparison, glutathione, an established radical scavenger which is
claimed to be less eflective than melatonin, is present in human skin at concentrations of
about 1 mM. For these reasons, it is possible that only melatonin in pharmacological
quantities would provide protection against free radicals. Finally, it is possible that melatonin
may have a modulatory effect on immune function (see Stevens et al, 1992) and decreases
in circulating melatonin could compromise immune surveillance and leave the animal more
vulnerable to carcinogenic attack.
All the proposed mechanisms require that exposure to electromagnetic fields cause
reductions in pineal or serum levels of melatonin. However the experimental evidence to
support such a statement is somewhat equivocal: some studies have reported an effect, but
others have failed to find consistent field-dependent changes in pineal function. This may
mean that either the effect is not very robust or it may only occur under highly specific
conditions which have yet to be fully described.
Studies using 60 Hz electric fields (reviewed in Wilson and Anderson, 1990) provided
the first indication of a field-dependent effect on pineal function. Suppression of the normal
nocturnal rise in the production of melatonin by the pineal gland was observed in adult rats
exposed for three weeks to electric fields in the range of 2-40 kV m ' : normal melatonin
rhythms returned within three days of cessation of the field. However, the results were
somewhat variable, and magnitude of the effects were independent of field intensity. Similar.
if more modest effects have been reported in rats exposed to electric fields from conception
until 23 days after birth. In contrast, a more recent study (Sasser el al, 1991) reported that
exposure to electric fields failed to modify nocturnal levels of melatonin in adult male and
Recent Biological Studies Relevant to Carcinogenesis 229
female rats. It is of interest to note that the exposure parameters were identical to those used
in the previous studies which found positive effects. Similarly, no change in pineal function
was found in ewe lambs following chronic exposure to a combined 60 Hz electric and
magnetic field (at 6 kV m"' and 4 |iT) associated with a 500 kV transmission line (Lee et aK
1993). It is possible that the original positive observations were the result of some artifact,
possibly associated with the methods used to assay melatonin levels (Reiter, 1993) and may
not be related to exposure to the electric field/?e/-.ve. Few attempts to replicate the original
findings using electric fields have been made in recent years.
Exposure to magnetic fields has also been reported to disrupt pineal function. A
number of studies have found that inversion of the geomagnetic field or exposure to pulsed
static magnetic fields modifies nocturnal melatonin metabolism in a variety of rodents (see
Reiter, 1993). In contrast, only a handful of studies have investigated the effects of power
frequency magnetic fields, and the results are somewhat variable. Chronic exposure to a
rotating 50 Hz magnetic field has been reported to depress both nocturnal and diurnal pineal
and serum melatonin levels in albino rats exposed at between I and 250 |.JT (spatial vector
rms) (Kato et al. 1993) and in pigmented rats exposed at 0.02 and 1 (,iT (Kato a al. 1994a).
The unusual exposure conditions appear to limit the relevance of these studies to humans,
and exposure to a (more usual) horizontal or vertical field at 0.02 and 1 pT was found to be
without effect in albino rats (Kato et al, 1994b). As part of an experiment to determine if
magnetic fields affect mammary carcinogenesis induced by application of DMBA, albino
rats were exposed to a 50 Hz field al 1 fiT for 8 - 9 weeks (Loscher el al. 1994). This treatment
caused a significant but rather conservative reduction in nighttime serum melatonin levels.
The effects of DMBA itself on pineal physiology were not described.
Occasionally large, but inconsistent effects have been reported in Djungarian ham-
sters (Yellon, 1994). An initial experiment found that the nighttime peak of pineal and serum
melatonin levels was both reduced and delayed following exposure to a 0.1 mT field for 15
minutes beginning 2 hours before dark, although replicate experiments failed to reproduce
these effects, and in one experiment, exposure had no effect on melatonin levels. The
differences in responsiveness were attributed to differences in age of subjects and other
seasonal factors. No other study has indicated that such a brief exposure before dark could
be disruptive to melatonin rhythms, and replication of this study by an independent labora-
tory appears warranted.
Very few studies appear to have used non-human primates; one preliminary study
(Rogers et al, 1991) reported inconsistent changes in serum melatonin levels in baboons
exposed to a combined electric and magnetic field (at 30 kV m"' and 0.1 mT). With few
laboratories possessing the necessary facilities to work with primates, it is important that
this study appears in the peer-reviewed literature.
It has not been established that exposure to electromagnetic fields is able to affect
the circadian production of melatonin from the pineal in humans, although several large scale
investigations are underway to help resolve this issue. The available data are very limited.
Wilson el al (1990b) reported a reduction in urinary levels of a stable metabolite of melatonin
in some volunteers following nighttime exposure to a very weak (0.4 - 0.7 ).iT) 60 Hz
magnetic field from an electric blanket. The results were highly variable, and were only
found in 7 out of 28 subjects, so the robustness of the effect and the implications for human
health are not at all clear. It is recognised that individuals exhibit wide differences in
sensitivity of melatonin levels to light at night, and it may be that individuals will also show
similar differences in sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, although further investigations
are required before any firm conclusions can be drawn.
Of more direct relevance to carcinogenesis, Liburdy el al (1993b) investigated
whether a 60 Hz magnetic field could influence the inhibitory effects of melatonin
on the growth of cultured breast cancer cells. Growth curves for estrogen receptor-
230 N. A. Cridland el al.
positive MCF-7 breast cancer cells were determined over 6 - 7 days in the presence
or absence of melatonin and magnetic fields. It was found that exposure to the magnetic
field did not affect the growth of cancer cells in the absence of melatonin. The presence
of melatonin at physiological concentrations (1 nM) produced a small but significant
inhibition of cell growth which was abolished by exposure to a 1.2 (JT field. However,
it should be noted that the melatonin-induced growth inhibition was much smaller in
magnitude than the variation in growth between subsequent passages of the cells.
Despite these limitations, this study is potentially important in that it describes a
direct effect of a magnetic field on the interaction of melatonin with cancer ceils,
although unlike most other studies in this area, the mechanism does not invoke an
effect on melatonin synthesis or secretion.
Tumour Progression
ELF fields could affect tumour progression via changes in immune function. How-
ever, exposure of animals to magnetic fields does not appear to result in any significant
inhibition of immune responsiveness (Putinas and Michaelson, 1990; Morris et al. 1990).
Exposure for 7 days to a 50 Hz magnetic field at 20 mT did not affect haematocrit values or
either total or differential white blood cell counts in mice (Lorimore et al, 1990). In addition,
assays of bone marrow stem cells and myelomonocytic progenitor cells failed to reveal
significant effects on cell population dynamics, although subtle effects could not be ruled
out. McLean el a/ (1991) examined the effects of exposing mice to a 2 iriT magnetic field
for 6 h'day after treatment with DMBA. No effects were observed on mononuclear cell
counts, and natural killer cell activities in spleen and blood, or on spleen size, and it was
suggested that magnetic fields did not affect the immune response. However, in animals also
treated with the tumour promoter TPA exposure to the field resulted in both a greater number
of enlarged spleens, and a greater number of mononuclear cells per spleen. Moreover,
although mononuclear blood cell count was not significantly increased as a group, it was
high in three out of ten aniinals. The authors interpreted their results as suggesting that
magnetic field exposure compromised the animals' immune surveillance thereby reducing
its effectiveness in combating tumour growth.
Possible effects on tumour progression have been examined directly. The incidence
of leukaemia in a strain of leukaemia-prone mice was unaffected by periodic exposure to a
6 mT magnetic field pulsed at either 12 or 460 Hz (Bellossi, 1991). The mice were exposed
to the magnetic field for 30 minutes twice a week, and leukaemia incidence was studied over
five generations of the mice.
Recent Biological Studies Relevant to Carcinogenesis 231
A series of reports from one group in particular have indicated that exposure of either
Ch inese hamster fibroblasts (Garaj-Vrhovac €t ol^ 1990; 1991) or human lymphocytes
(Garaj-Vrhovac et al, 1992) to 7.7 GHz radiation at 0.5 - 30 mW cm"- for up to 60 minutes
produced a statistically significant increase in the number of chromosome aberrations. It
should, however, be noted that temperature was not actively controlled, and small tempera-
ture rises at the surface of the samples were reported. It would appear likely that temperatures
within the cultures may have been elevated. Long-term irradiation of mice with 2.45 GHz
at an SAR of about 1.2 W kg"' was reported to induce gross DNA reaiTangcmcnts (Sarkar a
aL 1994). In contrast to these results, exposure of Chinese hamster ovary cells to 2.45 GHz
radiation at an SAR of 33.8 W kg"' for 2 hours did not produce a nonthermal increase in the
number of chromosome aberrations, even in the presence of genotoxic chemicals (Kerbacher
c/a/. 1990).
Membrane Effects. Ion fluxes through the membrane constitute important signalling
mechanisms and rely on ion gradients built up by the action of transmembrane ion pumps.
A number of reports have suggested that radiofrequency (RF) radiation may be capable of
affecting the activity of such pumps. It has been reported, for example, that the human
erythrocyte Na'^,K*-ATPasc can be induced to pump Na* ion by application of 1 MHz electric
fields at 2 kV m ' (Liu et al, 1990). Another report has suggested that irradiation of a
Na^K^-ATPase with 9.14 GHz RF at an SAR of 20 W kg"' generally elevated its activity,
although the activity was depressed by irradiation at 25"C (Brown and Chattopadhyay, 1991).
This observation is consistent with earlier observations that RF irradiation may depress the
activity of Na*,K*-ATPase at temperatures which produced conformational changes in the
active site.
Proliferation. Athermal effects on the rate of DNA synthesis have been reported
following exposure of glioma cells (Cleary et al, 1990a) or human lymphocytes (Cleary et
aL 1990b) to either 27 MHz or 2.45 GHz at SARs of 25 W kg"'. However, higher SARs
resulted in a smaller response, and in some cases actually depressed DNA synthesis. In
contrast, athermal exposure to 2.45 GHz radiation has been found not to affect transformation
of human lymphocytes in vitro, although thermal exposure enhanced transformation to the
232 N. A. Cridland et al.
same extent as conventional heating (Czerska ef al, 1992). In the same system, exposure to
pulsed fields significantly increased transformation under both thermal and athermal condi-
Krause et al (1990) have reported that exposure of mouse fibroblasts to 915 MHz
amplitude modulated microwaves at an SAR of 3 W kg' increased ODC activity by 2- to
3-fold. To put this in perspective it should, however, be noted that phorbol ester treatment
and serum stimulation both produced increases of over 20-fold under the same conditions.
Tumour Progression
It has been suggested that microwaves may affect tumour progression, and one
mechanism for this could involve impairment of the immune system which normally plays
a role in preventing tumour development. Veyret et al (1991) reported changes in the
antibody responses of mice following repeated exposure to very low level pulsed 9,4 GHz
microwaves, amplitude-modulated at 14-41 MHz, at an SAR of 0.015 W kg"'. The direction
of the observed effect appeared to be dependent on the frequency of amplitude modulation.
A recent preliminary report suggested that daily exposure of groups of 44 Fisher 344
rats to either CW, or pulse modulated 915 MHz microwaves did not enhance the growth of
brain tumours induced by direct injection of RG2 tumour cells (Salford el al. 1992).
Exposures which were for 7 h/day and 5 days/week started 5 days after inoculation of tumour
cells into the head of the right caudate nucleus. Rectal temperatures were monitored before,
during and after exposure using an optical temperature device, and were not altered by
exposure. Animals were sacrificed after 3 weeks and brains were examined histopathologi-
There is no convincing evidence that ELF electric or magnetic fields cause genetic
damage and it is therefore extremely unlikely that they could have any effect on the initiation
of cancer. It is generally accepted that if these fields do affect carcinogenesis it is likely to
be at the level of promotion. This possibility has been investigated at the cellular and
subcellular levels, principally by exploring the possibility that cell signalling pathways may
be affected leading to increa.sed cellular proliferation. Many of these studies have centred
on changes in calcium signalling, whilst others have followed the signalling pathways to the
nucleus and examined the expression of proto-oncogenes known to be involved in regulating
cellular behaviour, Possible effects on cellular proliferation have been assessed directly and
animal carcinogenesis models have been employed to assess the potential for electromag-
netic fields to act as promoting agents. Overall, the available experimental evidence remains
contradictory and does not provide a clear indication that electromagnetic fields affect
tumour promotion. Further studies are required to clarify the situation with respect to putative
effects on cellular processes.
There is limited recent evidence suggesting that ELF fields may act as co-promoters,
essentially enhancing the effects of chemical tumour promoters, possibly via an effect on
cell-cell communication. These studies are, however, at best preliminary, and will need to
be both repeated and extended before any firm conclusions can be drawn.
Exposure to electric or magnetic fields has, under some circumstances, been reported
to inhibit the night-time synthesis of melatonin, which may have effects on the growth of
certain tumours, and this has therefore been suggested as a route by which electromagnetic
fields could influence tumour promotion. However, this effect has not always been success-
fully replicated, and it is possible that the reported changes in melatonin are more attributable
Recent Biological Studies Relevant to Carcinogenesis 233
to the way the samples are collected, stored or analyzed than exposure to electromagnetic
fields. Overall, the link between exposure to electromagnetic fields and depression of
melatonin levels must remain tentative. Effects mediated by endogenous opioids have been
postulated, but have not been demonstrated.
It has been suggested that ELF magnetic fields could affect tumour progression via
a suppression of the immune system. There is, however, very little evidence for effects on
the immune system and the positive results which have been reported are tentative and do
not appear to have been independently replicated.
There is no convincing new evidence that athermal exposure to RF induces genetic
damage and thus exposure is unlikely to initiate carcinogenesis. The evidence for effects on
ion pumps or cell proliferation, which could constitute a mechanism for influencing tumour
promotion, is extremely limited. There is no new convincing evidence that RF irradiation
can affect tumour progression.
Bellossi, A., 1991. Effect of pulsed magnetic fields on leukemia-prone AKR mice. No-cffcct on mortality
through five generations. Leukemia Res. 15:899-902.
Beniash\ili. D. Sh., Bilanishvili, V. G.. and Menabde, M. Z., 1991, Low-frequency cleettoiiiagnctic radiation
enhances the induction of rat mammary tumours by nitrosomethyl urea. Cancer Leil. dl: 75-79,
Blank. M.. Soo, I.., Lin, H., Henderson, A. S.. and Goodman, R., 1992,Changes in transcription in llL-60 cells
following exposure to alternating currents from electric fields, Bioelct li'oclieiii. Bii>ciieri;el. 28:.''01-
Blask, D. H.. and Hill, S. M., 1986, Effects of melatonin on cancer: Studies on MCF-? human breast cancer
cells in culture,./. Neural. Tran.sm. 21 (Suppl):433-449.
Brown. H. D., and Chattopadhyay, S. K.. 1991. Ouabain inhibition of kidney .'\TPase is altered by 9.14 GHz
radiation. Biot'lectromagiielic.s 12:137-143.
Cain, C. 0., I homas, D. L., and Adey, \V. R., 1993a, 60 Hz magnetic field acts as a co-promoter in focus
formation of C3H: IOTl/2 cells, Carcinogeiie.^h 14:955-960.
Cain, C. D., Thomas, D. L., Jimenez. L., Jones. R. .^..and Adey, W. R., 1993b. Dependence of 60 Hz magnetic
field strength on copromotion of focus formation, in vitro. IN Ihe Annual Rcxiew of Research on
Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields from the Cieneration. Deli\ery and Use of
Electricity. Savannah. Georgia. 3 1 October - 4 November
Campisi. J.. Gray. H. H., Pardee, .\. B.. Dean. M., and Sonenshcin, G. I',, 1984. Cell-cycle control o(c-m\c
but not c-^as expression is lost following chemical transformation. Ceil 36:241-247.
Carson. J. L.. Prato. F. S., Drost, D. J., Diesbourg. L. D., and Dixon, S. J.. 1990. Tiinc-\arying magnetic fields
increase cytosolic free Ca^* in HL-60 cells. Am. J. Physiol. 259: [Cell Phv.siol. 28):C687-C692,
Cleary, S. F.. Liu, L-M., and Merchant. R. E.. 1990a, Glioma proliferation modulated in vitro by isothermal
radiofrequency radiation exposure. Radial. Res. 121: 38-45.
Cleary. S. P. Liu. L-M.. and Merchant. R. E.. 1990b, In vitro lymphocyte proliferation induced by radio-fre-
quency electromagnetic radiation under isothermal conditions. Bioclettronuifiiietics I 1:47-56.
Cohen. M.. Lippman, M., and Chabner. B., 1978. Role of pineal gland in aetiology and treatment of breast
cancer iudrcV 2:814-816.
Coulton. L. .\.. and Barker. A. '['.. 1993. Magnetic fields and intracellular calcium: effects on lymphocytes
exposed to conditions for 'cyclotron resonance', Fhvs. Med. Hied. 38:347-360.
Cridland. N. A., 1993, Electromagnetic fields and cancer: A review of relevant cellular studies, Chilton.
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Cridland. N. A. Cragg, T A., and Saunders, R. D.. 1993, Proliferative responses of human fibroblasts exposed
to ELF magnetic fields. IN Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine (M Blank, editor) San
Francisco, San Francisco Press, pp 628-632.
Czerska. E. M.. Elson, E, C , Davis, C. C . Swicord. M. L., and Czerski. P.. 1992. Effects of continuous and
pulsed 2450-MHz radiation on spontaneous lymphoblastoid transformation of human lymphocytes
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