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American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

ISSN: 1557-4989
© 2014 A. Moongngarm et al., This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution
(CC-BY) 3.0 license
doi:10.3844/ajabssp.2014.457.465 Published Online 9 (3) 2014 (


Anuchita Moongngarm, Wanassanun Tiboonbun, Mai Sanpong, Pimpila Sriwong,
Laongdao Phiewtong, Rattanapon Prakitrum and Nattipon Huychan
Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Faculty of Technology,
Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand

Received 2014-07-10; Revised 2014-07-15; Accepted 2014-08-09

Recently, various innovative products from unripe banana flour have been reported as it is high in
resistant starch and other important compounds. The harvesting period of the unripe banana fruit is one
of the key factors affecting the quality of the unripe banana flour in terms of resistant starch and
bioactive compound content. The study aimed to investigate the effect of the harvesting stages of
unripe banana fruit on Resistant Starch (RS) content, carotenoid content, antioxidant activity and the
application of unripe banana flour to prepare high RS rice noodle. Four different harvesting stages of
banana fruits of Musa sapientum Linn including 75, 90, 105 and 120 days after bloom, were processed
for banana flours. The results indicated that the maturation stages affected RS, some bioactive
contents, antioxidant activities. The highest RS content (48.88%) of banana flour was obtained from
the 105 day banana fruits. The total phenolic and carotenoid contents were high in the banana flours
harvested between 75 and 105 days. The unripe banana flour could be substituted for rice flour as high
as 80% and contained RS content as high as 18.64% whereas the commercial rice noodle had 4.21% of
RS content. Therefore, the preparation of unripe banana flour from banana fruit harvested at 105 days
and applying it in the preparation of functional food is promising.

Keywords: Green Banana, Resistant Starch, Antioxidant Activity, Unripe Banana

1. INTRODUCTION establishment put losses of bananas as high as half of the

total number grown. Reduction in this loss economically
Banana (Musa sapientum, ABB group) is one of the would be of great significance to growers and
most popular and consumed fruits in Thailand. It is consumers. To lessen the loss, any economical
equally popular in other parts of the world especially in processing method that increases the utilization of
tropical regions. It is a climacteric fruit, generally banana is accepted. One of the most interesting
consumed in a ripe state; consequently, a large amount of processing methods is the production of unripe (green)
ripe bananas are lost during commercialization. They are banana flour and the incorporation of that flour into
quickly perishable and if the processes of harvesting, various food products. Due to the high content of these
handling and transporting are not done properly, the functional ingredients, regular consumption of unripe
bananas will soon decompose and become unwholesome banana flour can be expected to give health benefits
for human consumption. Even though estimations of (Rodríguez-Ambriz et al., 2008). The advantages of
production losses in each country are difficult, some unripe banana flour are, high in resistant starch (42%)
Corresponding Author: Anuchita Moongngarm, Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Faculty of Technology,
Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand

Science Publications 457 AJABS

Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

(Ovando-Martinez et al., 2009; Rodriguez-Amaya and emergence and the fruits were collected on harvesting
Kimura, 2004) and dietary fiber content (14.5%) day on the 75, 90, 105 and 120 day. Three bunches
(Alkarkhi et al., 2011). Recently, some innovative (approximately, 9-12 hands) of each stage were served
products from unripe banana flour have been reported, as three replicates. All fruits from all hands in each
such as slowly digestible cookies (Juarez-Garcia et al., bunch were mixed as one replicate, except wing fruits
2006). RS, by definition, is a part of the starch that is not that were removed from the hands. The fruits were
broken down by enzymes in the small intestine. It enters weighed and then washed before their peel was
the large intestine where it is partially or wholly fermented separated. The unripe banana flour was prepared
by microorganisms. RS is generally considered to be one
according to Tribess et al. (2009) with some
of the components that makeup Total Dietary Fiber (TDF)
modifications. The pulps were cut into transverse
(Ovando-Martinez et al., 2009).
slices of about 0.2 cm thickness and soaked in 0.5%
In the production of unripe banana flour, one of the
(%w/v) citric acid solution for 15 min, to prevent
key factors in obtaining the highest quality in terms of
enzymatic browning. After that, the solution was
achieving the highest amount of RS is the quality of
drained and the banana slices were dried in a tray
the unripe banana fruit. In this study, it was
dryer at 45-50°C until the moisture content reached
hypothesized that the stages of maturation would
approximately 10%. The dried pulp slices were
affect the level of RS and also other key quality
ground using a coffee grinder and passed through 70
factors of the obtained flour. Therefore, it became
mesh screens to attain the unripe banana flour. The
important to investigate harvesting at the right
flours were stored in airtight plastic packs in cold
maturity stage. By knowing the stage of maturation of storage (4°C) until used.
the bananas, it would be possible to plan harvesting,
handling, processing and marketing operations 2.2. Determination of Physical Characteristics of
efficiently. Proper estimation of the maturity stage of Banana Fruits
the banana is important for unripe banana flour usage.
The peel color of the banana fruits was judged
Therefore, the present study was carried out to visually using the 7ºC color scale (Dadzie and Orchard,
investigate the effect of the maturation (harvesting 1997), where 1 = full unripe, 2 = unripe with yellow tip,
period) on RS content, carotenoid content and 3 = more unripe than yellow, 4 = more yellow than
antioxidant activity. Moreover, unripe banana flour was unripe, 5 = yellow with unripe tip, 6 = fully yellow, 7 =
applied in the preparation of rice noodle because this yellow with black spots. The banana was considered
type of noodle is popularly consumed in Asian unripe at stages 1-4 and ripe at stages 5-7. They were
countries and a large amount of it is manufactured. Our then weighed using a weighing balance. The pH of the
previous study (Tiboonbun et al., 2011) prepared high unripe banana fruit was measured using a pH meter. Pulp
RS content rice noodle using unripe banana flour. In that suspension (8% (w/v)) was stirred for 5 min, allowed to
study, several aspects of noodle qualities such as tensile stand for 30 min, filtered and the pH of the filtrate
strength, cooking loss and color of noodle were measured (Suntharalingam and Ravindran, 1993). Total
determined but sensorial observations were not included. acidity in the same slurries was measured using the
Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate titration method. Titratable acidity expressed as malic
the acceptability of panelists and to confirm the potential acid (%) (AOAC, 2000). Reducing sugar content was
use of unripe banana flour for the production of high RS measured using the method of (Somogyi, 1952).
rice noodle as a functional food. 2.3. Determination of Resistant Starch (RS),
Non-RS and Total Starch (TS)
Prior to determining chemical compositions, the
2.1. Banana Fruit Sample moisture content of the samples was measured using
the drying method of the (AOAC, 2000). The
Approximately nine bunches of unripe banana solubilized starch (non-RS), RS and total starch were
fruits (Musa sapientum, ABB group, Kluai Nam Wa) determined using the enzymatic and
were collected from a commercial grower in the spectrophotometric method using the Megazyme
Muang district, Mahasarakham province, Thailand. resistant starch and total starch assay kit (Megazyme
The maturation stages were tacked after the bunch International Ireland Ltd, Bray, Ireland).

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

2.4. Determination of Carotenoids ×100, where A was the absorbance of using the sample
or control. BHA and gallic acid were used as the positive
2.4.1. Total Carotenoid Content controls. The percentage of scavenging activity
The total carotenoids were evaluated using the method (inhibition) from a different concentration was plotted
reported by (Rodriguez-Amaya and Kimura, 2004). against the sample concentration to obtain IC50, defined
as the concentration of sample necessary to cause 50%
2.4.2. β-Carotene Determination inhibition (Moongngarm and Komphiphatkul, 2011).
Sample preparation and β-carotene determination 2.5.4. Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity
were done using the method of (Barua and Olson, 1998)
with some modifications. An aliquot of 20 µL was The effect of the hydroxyl radical was assayed by
injected onto the HPLC system (Spectra Physic SP 800 using the 2-deoxyribose oxidation method (Sakanaka et al.,
UV detector, Phenomenex column, reverse phase C18, 4 2005). Percent inhibition of deoxyribose degradation by
µm 4.6×150 mm, USA). The gradient elution at ambient the hydroxyl radical was calculated as: [(1-A sample)/A
temperature was used. The mobile phases applied were control] ×100, where A was the absorbance of using the

methanol and water. The gradient of methanol-water (90: sample or control. BHA and gallic acid were used as the
10) at a flow rate of 1.2 mlmin−1 was changed linearly positive controls. The hydroxyl radical scavenging
over 10 min to 100% methanol, then 100% methanol was activity of the sample was expressed as the IC50 µg mL
continued for 35 min and finally methanol-water (90:10) (Moongngarm and Komphiphatkul, 2011).
again for 5 min. Peaks were quantified at 450 nm 2.5.5. Lipid Peroxidation Assay
using a freshly-prepared standard curve in an
extraction buffer and identified on the basis of their Lipid peroxidation was used to measure the lipid
characteristic absorption spectra. Retention times relative peroxide formed in egg yolk homogenate as lipid-rich
to known standards were available. Results were media (Dasgupta and De, 2004). Inhibition of lipid
expressed as µg100g−1 dry weight. peroxidation was expressed as IC50 values.

2.5. Determination of Antioxidant Activity 2.6. Preparation of Rice Noodle

2.5.1. Sample Extraction The preparation of rice noodle was done by following
the method of (Tiboonbun et al., 2011). The basic
The banana flour samples (5.0 g) were shaken with ingredients of rice noodle were 28.06 g rice flour (100%
25 mL of 80% methanol at room temperature for 3 h. rice flour or 0% substitution, served as control sample), 0
The extracts were filtered through Whatman No. 1 g unripe banana flour, 7.42 g cassava flour, 64.08 g
paper, each of the filtrates was concentrated using a water and 0.44 g vegetable oil. Five additional rice
rotary evaporator at 40°C and the weight of each noodle samples were prepared by substituting rice flour
extract was recorded before being re-dissolved with with 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% banana flour (prepared
methanol to a final volume of 25 ml in a volumetric from 105 days banana fruits). The rice noodle was
flask. The extracts were used for antioxidant analyses prepared by mixing flour with water; approximately 100
(Dasgupta and De, 2004). ml of flour slurry was poured into a tray (20×30 cm) and
2.5.2. Total Phenolic Compounds (TPC) steamed for 5 min. The cooked rice sheet was cooled
down to room temperature before being cut into 2.5×30
The TPC was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu cm strips to obtain a fresh noodle.
reagent and expressed as milligram (mg) of Gallic Acid
Equivalents (GAE) per gram (g) of dry weight basis of 2.7. Sensory Evaluation
the extract (Kim et al., 2006). Fresh noodle samples were prepared for sensory
2.5.3. DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity evaluation. The samples were boiled in water for one
minute, then stored at 45-50°C for not more than 20 min in
The antioxidant capacity of the extracts was tightly covered plastic food containers prior to testing and
evaluated on the basis of the radical scavenging capacity serving with soup. The noodle was evaluated for
of the radical DPPH radical by following the method appearance, flavor, taste, texture, adhesiveness and
described by (Dasgupta and De, 2004). The percent overall liking by 30 untrained panelists using the 9-point
inhibition activity was calculated as: [(1-A sample)/A control] hedonic scales, where 9 = extremely like and 1 =

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

extremely dislike. Each panelist evaluated six samples lowest RS content was in unripe banana flour from fruits
(identified by unique three-digit codes) in a balanced harvested at 120 days (Table 2).
sequential order. The optimal ratio of banana flour to rice
flour in the noodles was investigated using sensory 3.3. Total Carotenoids and β-Carotene
qualities in comparison to the control noodles. The concentration of total carotenoids and β-carotene
2.8. Statistic Analysis are explained in Table 3. The maturation stages in this
study did not significantly affect the concentration of β-
All results of triplicate samples were statistically carotene, but total carotenoids. The total carotenoids
analyzed using SPSS (Demo version) for windows. The varied from 826.24 to 1054.58 µg100g dry weight
results of individual samples are reported as the mean ± whereas the β-carotene content ranged 415.38 to 574.90
standard deviation. The Duncan’s Multiple Range Test −1
µg100g dry weights.
(DMRT) was applied for mean comparison when
analysis of variance showed significant differences at a 3.4. Antioxidant Activities
95% confidence level. The results of Total Phenolic Compound (TPC) were
expressed as Gallic Acid Equivalent (GAE) as shown in
3. RESULTS Table 3. The unripe banana flours from 75 to 105 days
had a significantly higher level of TPC (3.23-3.48 mg
3.1. Physical Characteristics of Banana Fruits −1
GAEg ) while TPC from flour of banana 120 days was
The peel color of unripe banana fruits harvested from reduced to 2.59 mg GAEg . The concentration of TPC
75 to 105 days was unripe (maturation stage 1 and 2) in this study was slightly different compared with the
while those collected at 120 days were also unripe but report of (Bennett et al., 2010), who found that the TPC
yellow trace was observed and judged as stage 2 and 3 −1
of banana (Terra cultivar) was 6.50-9.90 mgg . This
(Table 1). All banana fruit samples in this study were may due to the variation of varieties, growing season,
unripe according to a 7-degree color scale used as the postharvest treatment and growing management.
reference for color measurements guiding that green The unripe banana flours prepared from bananas
banana from maturation stage 1 to 4 are unripe banana. collected at 75 and 90 days showed good antioxidant
The maturation stages of banana depend on cultivars. activity when evaluated with DPPH radical scavenging
The fruit weight ranged from 88.76 to 139.47 g, capacity and the lipid peroxidation assay, whereas flours
which was the smallest weight observed in fruits at 75 from banana fruits collected at 90 and 105 days indicated
days. The biggest fruits were found in fruits at 120 good antioxidant activity when evaluated through the
days. The pH values and total acidity of the banana hydroxyl radical scavenging method (Fig. 1). This may
flour from all stages were not significantly different. be due to the variation of the distribution of bioactive
The pH raged between 5.39 and 5.41 and the total compounds that possess antioxidant in different stages of
acidity varied from 0.60 to 0.64% (Table 1). These maturation. At the earlier stages (75-105 days), bananas
limited variations may be because the banana fruit used contained a higher level of total phenolic, which may
in this study was unripe; therefore the change was too cause the banana flour to have stronger antioxidant
small and undetectable. The level of reducing sugar in activity than the banana at 120 days.
banana flour prepared from 120 day banana fruits was 3.5. Rice Noodle Quality
higher (5.09 mg g ) than that of the flour prepared
from fruits harvested between 75 and 105 days (3.72- 3.5.1. RS, Solubilized Starch (Non-RS) and TS
−1 Contents of Rice Noodle
3.96 mg g ). The increase of reducing sugar is caused
by starch degradation during the ripening stage. An increase in RS content was observed in rice
3.2. Resistant Starch, Total Starch (TS) and noodle that substituted for unripe banana flour (Table 4).
Non-RS Contents The control (0% of banana flour) had the lowest RS
content (4.21%), whilst the rice noodle containing 100%
The RS of unripe banana flour varied from 32.26 to of unripe banana flour had the significantly highest RS
48.88%. The highest content was in the flour obtained content (18.64%). This is related to the high RS content
from unripe banana collected at 105 days, whereas the of unripe banana flour used (48.88%) (Table 2).

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

Table 1. Physical characteristics of banana fruits obtained from different harvesting stages
Harvesting Reducing sugars
period (days) Peel color (stage) Fruit weight (g) pH Total acidity (%) (mg g−1)
75 Unripe (1) 88.76±7.09c 5.40±0.09 0.64±0.02 3.72±0.25b
90 Unripe (1) 109.52±8.82b 5.39±0.08 0.61±0.06 3.96±0.23b
105 Unripe (1-2) 136.59±12.1a 5.41±0.02 0.63±0.01 3.89±0.80b
120 Unripe, with yellow trace (2-3) 139.47±15.6a 5.39±0.07 0.60±0.04 5.09±0.26a
Means within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p≤0.05)

Table 2. Resistant Starch (RS), Total Starch (TS), and non-RS of unripe banana flour obtained from banana fruits harvested at
different maturation stages
Harvesting period (days) RS (%) TS (%) Non-RS (%)
75 44.89±2.16b 69.18±1.15c 24.29±1.89b
90 45.25±3.37b 72.63±0.48b 27.38±3.25b
a a
105 48.88±2.05 75.74±1.21 26.86±1.32b
120 32.26±2.54c 68.60±1.07c 36.34±2.11a
Means within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p≤0.05)

Table 3. Total phenolic, β-carotene, and total carotenoid contents of unripe banana flour obtained from banana fruits harvested at
different maturation stages
Total phenolic content β-carotene Total carotenoids
Harvesting period (days) (mg GAEg−1) (µg100g−1) (µg100g−1)
75 3.48±0.45a 474.90±17.54 1054.58±29.58 a
90 3.23±0.15 438.09±25.49 956.24±39.07b
105 3.44±0.31a 446.39±10.81 997.80±36.62ab
120 2.59±0.22 415.38±26.85 939.87±22.79b
Means within a column with different superscripts are significantly different (p≤0.05)

Table 4. RS, Digestible starch (DS), and TS of rice noodle and rice noodle containing different levels of the unripe banana flour
Substitution level (%) RS (%) TS (%) Non-RS (%)
0 (control) 4.21±0.36e 74.80±1.54 70.59±1.66a
20 7.33±0.71d 75.46±1.01 68.13±0.94b
40 9.19±0.08 75.79±1.38 66.60±1.54b
60 12.83±0.19 76.32±0.63 63.51±0.52c
80 15.45±0.87 75.86±0.90 60.41±0.86d
100 18.64±0.25 76.67±1.21 58.03±3.33d
Values are means ±SD of triplicate samples (on a dry weight basis); Values with the same alphabet along the same columns are not
significantly different (p≤0.05); Ns: Not significant different at p>0.05

Table 5. Sensorial liking scores (9 point hedonic scale) of rice noodle containing different levels of unripe banana flour
level (%) Appearance Color Flavor (ns) Texture Adhesiveness Overall acceptability
a a a a
0 (control) 7.21±1.29 7.29±1.27 6.25±1.96 7.04±1.46 7.12±1.0 7.17±1.24a
ab ab ab ab
20 6.17±1.52 5.62±1.69 5.71±1.65 6.33±1.63 6.08±1.79 6.83±1.37ab
ab ab ab ab
40 5.83±1.81 5.46±1.25 5.38±1.97 5.79±2.13 5.75±1.75 6.00±1.91ab
ab ab ab ab
60 6.25±1.23 5.58±1.72 6.08±1.44 6.88±1.23 6.79±1.44 6.79±1.02ab
ab ab ab ab
80 5.88±1.36 5.35±1.96 5.21±2.04 6.38±1.74 6.08±1.56 6.25±1.54ab
100 4.96±1.94b 4.71±2.18 b 4.71±1.94 5.38±1.74 b 5.50±2.00 b 5.58±1.91b
Values with the same alphabet along the same columns are not significantly different (p≤0.05); Ns: Not significant different at

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014




Fig. 1. Antioxidant activities (DPPH radical scavenging (a), Hydroxyl radical scavenging (b) and Lipid peroxi-dation assay (c)) of
unripe banana flours obtained from banana fruits harvested at different maturation days

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

3.5.2. Sensorial Quality are broken down to simple sugar by several enzymes of
carbohydrate hydrolases (Emaga et al., 2007) with the
In the present study, the sensory evaluation of result of lowering the starch content in both RS and
optimally cooked noodles substituted with banana flour TS whilst the content and reducing sugar increases.
was carried out with the objective of choosing the best The results were in agreement with the study of
suited degree of replacement of banana flour (by Emaga et al. (2007; Prabha and Bhagyalakshmi (1998).
percentage) for the preparation of the noodles. The Total carotenoids and β-carotene content were slightly
means sensory liking scores for appearance, color, lower than the results reported by Newilah et al. (2008)
flavor, texture, adhesiveness and overall liking of however, the β-carotene contents were close to the
noodles are shown in Table 5. Most panelists scored the study detailed by Englberger et al., (2006). The
noodles substituted with 20 to 80% banana flour to be variation of carotenoids relied on several factors,
similarly acceptable as the control noodles (0%) for especially the cultivars.
appearance, color, texture, adhesiveness and overall For the study on the substitution of unripe banana
liking. It was observed that the sensory liking scores of flour to rice flour in this study, the degree of substitution
the flavor attributes of noodles were not significantly was higher than the previous studies of Barua and Olson
different with variations in the banana flour content (0 to (1998); Ovando-Martinez et al. (2009). The higher level
100%). However, in this study, by sensorial acceptance, of substitution obtained, in this current study, could be
the substitution of banana flour (20 to 80%) for rice flour attributed to the addition of 10% cassava flour as an
did not affect the acceptance of panelists as shown by ingredient. The cassava flour could inhibit the cooking
significant scores in Table 5. This may due to the loss and hard texture. The high level of unripe banana
sensitivity of the equipment being higher than the flour added resulted in the rice noodle having a higher
threshold of the panelist. RS content. Ovando-Martinez et al. (2009), reported that
RS values of the sample with banana flour were lower
4. DISCUSSION than those reported in spaghetti with banana flour
(67.36-69.70%). Replacing rice flour with unripe banana
For the Musa sapientum ABB group banana, grown
flour did not affect the TS content of the rice noodle.
in Thailand, banana fruit at approximately 120 days after
These results were similar to the TS content in sphagetti
bloom will begin the fifth stage according to the 7ºC
prepared from unripe banana flour (72.48-78.90%)
color scale (Newilah et al., 2008) or the second stage of
reported by Ovando-Martinez et al. (2009). The instant
ripening after a few days of harvesting. The peel color of
porridge samples with pre-gelatinized banana flour
banana fruit changed from light green to green with
added were also higher than those of instant rice
yellow trace on the 120 day as the result of chlorophyll
(Loypimai and Moongngarm, 2013).
beginning to degrade that gradually exposed carotenoid
The results of liking scores for color in this study
pigments lying beneath in the unripe fruit. The peel color
differed from our previous study reported by
of banana is an important indicator of the stage of
Tiboonbun et al. (2011) who found that the substitution
maturity (Newilah et al., 2008).
of unripe banana flour for rice flour affected color of rice
The total acidity, pH and reducing sugar of green
noodle measured using the Chromameter (Minolta CR-
banana flour in this study were comparable to that 300, Japan). They found that the increasing of the degree
studied by Bennett et al. (2010). The starch is of substitution of unripe banana flour significantly
converted to sugars as the banana fruit starts to ripen. increased the a* and b* values of rice noodles and
The type of sugar present in ripe banana includes reduced L* values due to the unripe banana flour itself
glucose, fructose and sucrose, among which more than having a dark grey color which was able to be detected
70% of the total sugar is sucrose (Marriott et al., using the instrument that might be more sensitive than
1981). In addition, the sugar content is considered a the panelists. In addition, Tiboonbun et al. (2011) also
practicable parameter for evaluation of fruit ripening since observed that tensile strength and cooking loss increased
it gains good correlation with optical properties and when the banana flour content increased.
physical properties during ripening (Kader, 1997;
Liew and Lau, 2012). 5. CONCLUSION
The RS content was decreased due to the maturation
stage at 120 days being the second stage of the ABB The study indicated that maturation stage affects RS
group banana in which it begins to ripen. Some starches content, total phenolic compounds and some aspects of

Science Publications
Anuchita Moongngarm et al. / American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 9 (3): 457-465, 2014

pasting properties. The banana fruits harvested at 105 Dasgupta, N. and B. De, 2004. Antioxidant activity of
days were recommended for preparing the unripe banana piper betle L. leaf extract in vitro. Food Chem., 88:
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prepared by liquefaction of unripe banana flour. Sci. Technol., 42: 1022-1025.
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