Shaik Minhaj Kausar Shaik Minhaj Kausar, Anil B and Neeti Harshitha M
M.Sc. Student, Department of
Nutrition, Capital Degree and DOI:
PG College, Shapur Nagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India Abstract
Sweet potato is one of the most edible winter snacks, boiled or usually roasted and eaten. Sweet
Anil B
potatoes are nutritional, packing a good quantum of vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese into each
Head and Professor,
Department of Nutrition, serving. This research study aims to investigate the preparation, quality evaluation, and standardization
Capital Degree and PG College, of flour and biscuits derived from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). The nutritional composition,
Shapur Nagar, Hyderabad, including proximate analysis, was also determined. Furthermore, the sensory attributes were evaluated
Telangana, India by a panel of trained experts with a 5-point hedonic scale rating. In this trial, sweet potato flour was
incorporated with wheat flour in a ratio of 20%, 30%, and 50% along with other elements from which
Neeti Harshitha M three samples were made. Statistical analysis of the sensory data showed Sample C received higher
Lecturer, Department of scores and the nutritional analysis of the biscuits revealed that Moisture content was found (14.0%),
Nutrition, Capital Degree and Total ash content was (2.94%), Carbohydrate content was (57.0%), Fat content was (18.0%), Protein
PG College, Shapur Nagar, (8.10%), Dietary fibre was (1.92%), Total sugars (15.4%) and Total Starch was (39.4%). Overall, this
Hyderabad, Telangana, India study provides valuable insights into the preparation, quality evaluation, and standardization of flour
and biscuit derived from sweet potatoes. The findings contribute to the implementation of this
nutritious tuber in food processing industries and encourage the development of innovative and health-
promoting food products.
Keywords: Sweet potato flour, sweet potato biscuits, physiochemical analysis, standardization,
nutritional composition, sensory evaluation, quality evaluation and microbial load
1. Introduction
The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Is a stiff, sweet-tasting root vegetable that
belongs to the Convolvulaceae family? The statistical data of the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) shows that sweet potato is the fifth and the seventh most
important food crop in developing countries and the world. Further than 130 million tons of
sweet potato are produced annually of which over 95% of the crop is produced in Asia
developing countries. The sweet potato has come well established with a large eventuality
for, and to be used as a staple food in developing nations due to its short maturity time,
capability to grow under different climatic conditions, and fairly poor soils (Nguyen Van
Toan 2018) [2].
The flour can be stored for 6 months or further in sealed holders. It can be used as a cover for
wheat flour in the following quantities: 100% in white gravies, 25-50% in eyefuls, galettes,
and flatbreads, and 15-20% in viands. SP flour would be retailed as a low-cost volition to
imported wheat flour, especially for snack food and pate directors. Small flour product and
use trials were made using original kinds. Important specialized exploration on SP flour
carried out in developing country institutions has concentrated on product expression using
SP flour rather than on effective, low-cost, small-scale processes to produce the flour. Sweet
potato-grounded products are of high quality and could contend with being products in the
request (Srivastava S et al., 2012) [1].
Sweet potato is a member of the Convolvulaceae family, and it is a dicotyledonous root
vegetable plant with large starchy, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots. Besides the tubers, the
Corresponding Author: young leaves and shoot are also consumed sometimes as greens. Sweet potato (Ipomoea
Shaik Minhaj Kausar
M.Sc. Student, Department of batatas) is the only member of the over 1,000 species of the Convolvulaceae family and the
Nutrition, Capital Degree and approximately 50 genera that is of significant importance, some others are used locally, but
PG College, Shapur Nagar, many are actually poisonous. Potato is the world's most widely grown tuber crop and the
Hyderabad, Telangana, India fourth largest food crop in terms of fresh produce after rice, wheat, and maize the potato has
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International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
capabilities for a salutary role in world food product, owing characteristics and physicochemical of biscuits (E S
to its status as a cheap and generous crop, which can be Harahap et al, 2020) [5].
raised in a wide variety of climates and locales sweet potato
contain complex carbohydrates, beta-carotene (a provitamin 2. Materials and Methods
A carotenoid), manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6, dietary 2.1 Materials
fibre and potassium. Pink, yellow and green varieties are Slightly red-pink sweet potatoes of a variety without any
also high in beta-carotene (Onabanjo O.O, Ighere Dickson abrasion were reaped from the local market in Hyderabad
A, 2014) [3]. city Telangana state India. The sample was stored in a zip
The processing of sweet potato into starch generates by lock cover on the shelves of the lab at ambient temperature
products which is currently very limited in use. The solid until its use. Below are the other ingredients purchased from
residue produced from the bounce birth process contains the local supermarkets in Hyderabad which are used for baking
rich of fibre, which can be recovered by several processes biscuits: Wheat flour, baking powder, Butter, Milkmaid
including a milling and sieving process to produce salutary (sweetener), Semolina, Date syrup, Milk, Carrots, Dry fruits
fibre. therefore, the end this exploration was to study the (almonds, cashew, raisins), Vanilla essence, less quantity of
effect of rate of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) flour, all-purpose flour.
bounce, and residual flour on the organoleptic
Flowchart 2: Making biscuits with wheat and sweet potatoes (composite flour)
acceptability. In terms of colour, sample 1 has a mean value 2.82 with a standard deviation value of 0.4, and sample 3
of 2.85 while sample 2 has a mean value of 3.1, and sample has a mean value of 3.97 with a standard deviation value of
3 has a mean value of 4.02. Regarding texture, sample 1 has 0.6. Finally, in terms of overall acceptability, sample 1 has a
a mean value of 3.07 while sample 2 has a mean value of mean value of 3.22 while sample 2 has a mean value of
2.9, and sample 3 has a mean value of 4.15. 2.95, and sample 3 has a mean value of 4.17. These
Further aroma, sample 1 has a mean value of 2.95 while measurements provide an assessment of sensory attributes
sample 2 has a mean value of 2.85, and sample 3 has a mean for three samples 1, 2, 3. Sample 3 generally tends to have
value of 4.1. In terms of taste, sample 1 has a mean value of great mean values across all attributes, indicating a
2.75 while sample 2 has a mean value of 2.97, and sample 3 potentially better sensory experience compare to samples 2
has a mean value of 3.95. For appearance, sample 1 has a and 1. Biscuits with varying amounts of sweet potato flour
mean value of 2.77, while sample 2 has a mean value of substitution were sensory assessed and compared to control
2.62, and sample 3 has a mean value of 4.12. Regarding biscuits made just with whole wheat flour.
flavor, sample 1 has a mean value of 3.77 with a standard As a result, Table 8 contains standard deviation of sensory
deviation value of 0.4 while sample 2 has a mean value of evaluation.
When compared to the other ratios that were similar to the 3.2 Nutritional Analysis of sweet potato flour biscuits
control sample, the colour ratings of biscuits made with 50% The nutrition analysis of selected samples has a
sweet potato flour were at their highest. As a result, adding carbohydrate of 57.0 g/100 g, 8.10 g/100 g of protein, 14.0
sweet potato flour at a level of 50% increased the sensory g/100 g of moisture, 2.94 g/100 g of ash, 18.0 g/100 g of fat
qualities, specifically the texture, flavor, colour, appearance, content, 1.92 g/100 g of dietary fiber, Total sugars 15.4
aroma, taste, and general acceptability Sweet potato flour g/100 g, Reducing sugars 7.30 g/100 g, non-reducing 7.70
was added to the developed biscuits, improving their g/100 g, total starch content 39.4 g/100 g (Table 4).
nutritional value
3.3 Microbiological parameters of sweet potato flour a thorough chemical, physical, microbiological, and
biscuits after 30 days of storage: As shown below in Table physical investigation, shelf-life research evaluates the food
5, the parameter listed is the total viable count, which is product's quality and hygienic standards and provides food
measured in Colony forming units per gram (cfu/ml). producers and manufacturers with confidence in the
According to the IS (Indian Standard) methods, the product's shelf life. Safeguard their brand and customers.
acceptable limit for the total plate count is Max 50 cfu/ml. The other studies which were taken for comparison do not
Along with microorganisms like coliform, E. coli, show any shelf-life analysis or microbiological parameters.
Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Yeast, and Mold. Using
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International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
4. Conclusion
In this study, the replacement potential of wheat flour with
sweet potato flour in biscuits to improve nutritional values
and the development of new recipes to make good quality
biscuits from sweet potato were successfully and thoroughly
investigated. According to the sensory evaluation scores, the
results of biscuits produced from sweet potato flour were
significantly good sensory score. The selected sweet potato
biscuits were found to be highly nutritional, and the selected
sample was also found to be absent in microbiological
parameters after one-month study. It was found that sweet
potato contains a limited amount of protein, although rich in
dietary fiber content and carbohydrate, so a successful
combination with wheat flour for biscuit production would
be nutritionally advantageous.
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