Guava Toffee PAPER14
Guava Toffee PAPER14
Guava Toffee PAPER14
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4 authors, including:
Udaykumar Dalvi
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth
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The present investigation was carried out to develop a technology for preparation of toffee from guava pulp and study the changes
in chemical composition and sensory properties of toffee during storage at ambient temperature as well as refrigerated condition.
Preliminary studies were carried out to standardize the optimum levels of ingredients like sugar 500 g, fat 100 g, SMP 100 g and
salt 5 g, respectively per kg of guava pulp. Toffees was prepared from this combination was found to be better than other
combinations in respect to organoleptic properties and nutritional quality. The yield of fresh toffees was ranged from 0.884 to
1.222 kg per kg guava pulp and various combinations of ingredients used in the toffee preparation. The toffees prepared were
wrapped in metallic coated polythene wrapper, packed in 200 gauge polythene bags and stored at ambient (27+2 0C) as well as
refrigerated (5+2 0C) condition for 90 days. The stored samples were drawn periodically at 30 days interval for organoleptic and
chemical analysis. The chemical composition indicated that the fresh toffees contained on an average moisture 9.79 per cent, TSS
78.87 0Brix, titrable acidity 0.43 per cent, total sugars 72.53 per cent, reducing sugar 47.28 percent and ascorbic acid 89.35
mg/100 g. The mean score of fresh toffees for colour and appearance was 8.30, texture 8.10, flavour 8.25, taste 8.25 and overall
acceptability 8.50 on 9 point hedonic scales. The cost of fresh toffee was ranged from Rs. 130 to 162 per kg for various
combinations of ingredients. The storage study indicated that the TSS, reducing sugars and total sugars increased with the
advancement of storage period, while moisture content, ascorbic acid and acidity decreased. The rates of increase or decrease
were relatively higher at ambient temperature than the refrigerated condition. The toffee prepared from 500 g sugar, 100 g fat,
100 g SMP per kg of pulp was found superior over other combinations in respect of organoleptic properties throughout storage
period. However, toffees were found to be acceptable even after 90 days storage at ambient as well as refrigerated conditions.
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a member of Maharashtra, Bihar, Andra Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya
dicotyledonous, family Myrtaceae, having Tropical Pradesh, and Karnataka. Guava is an important
America origin. It is important tropical fruit crop. It is commercial horticultural crop in Maharashtra with an
a small tree or shrub of 2 to 8 m in height with wide area of 33,469 ha, with production of 2.58 lakh MT
spreading branches (Singh, 1988). India leads the and productivity 7.80 MT/ha (Bijay Kumar, 2011).
world in guava production (Singhal, 1996). Guava The sensory quality and nutritional value of guava
crop in India occupies an area of 2.20 lakh hectare fruits are influenced by physical and biochemical
with annual production 25.72 lakh MT having changes during maturation/ripening. Fully ripped
productivity 11.70 MT/ha (2010). Maharashtra ranks guava fruits have very strong flavour therefore, it is
second in production in India (Bijay Kumar, 2011). unsuitable to use as a table purpose. Fruit is rich
Major guava producing states are Uttar Pradesh, source of vitamin C (100-260 mg/100 g) and also good
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
in minerals like phosphorus, calcium, etc. The fresh Research Project on Arid Fruit Crops of the
fruit contains 83 per cent moisture, 1 per cent protein Department of Horticulture, M.P.K.V, Rahuri. These
with an energy value of 67.78 cal/100 g fruit (Singh et fruits were brought to the laboratory of the
al, 1976). In some countries, the fruit is used for Department of Food Technology for further research
curing diarrhea. Guava is normally consumed fresh as work.
a desert fruit. However, guava is highly perishable and
cannot be stored for longer period. Moreover Chemicals: Most of the chemicals used in this
considerable proportion of the produce is lost during investigation were of analytical grade obtained from
post-harvest linkage (Chavan, 2014; Chavan and M/s. Qualigens Fine Chemicals Mumbai, M/s. S. d.
Ahire, 2014). It is, therefore, imperative to develop Fine Chemicals, Mumbai and M/s. Loba Chemicals
suitable technology for processing and preservation of Mumbai.
such surplus produce.
Additives: Cane sugar, hydrogenated fat, salt,
Guava pulp had very strong flavour and higher amount skimmed milk powder, black gram Flour (BGF) and
of Vitamin C content. Therefore, it will be very semolina were obtained from local market and used as
wrathful to mix guava pulp with other fruit pulp ingredients for preparation of guava fruit toffee.
having less flavour to form combination of both to
yield good quality processed fruit product. Toffee is Packaging materials: Butter paper and metallic film
one of the confectionery products. It is reported that coated polythene wrappers and polythene 200 guage
pulpy fruits like mango, guava, papaya, fig, jack fruit bags were obtained from local market.
etc. can be utilized for preparation of toffee, such fruit
toffees naturally are very nutritious as they contains Extraction of pulp: Selected fully ripped guava fruits
most of the constituents of the fruit from which they were washed under tap water, surface dried and cut
are prepared (Jain et al., 1958). However, very little into pieces and were passed through the home scale
work is done on mixed fruit toffees. It is possible to pulping machine to obtain homogenous pulp with
prepare the toffee combining guava pulp and other seed. To remove seed the content was poured on
ingredients to get desired properties from fruit toffee. screen/sieve (60 meshes) and rubbed with gentle hand
It is, therefore proposed to utilize guava fruits with to get fine pulp.
various combinations for preparation of toffee and
study their nutritional and organoleptic properties. Standardization of toffee recipe: Guava toffees were
first prepared by using 11 combinations of different
Materials and Methods levels of ingredients per kg pulp and control as shown
in Table 1.
The fully matured and ripened guava fruits (Cv.
Sardar) were obtained from the All India Co-ordinated
Table 1: Various combinations of ingredients per kg pulp taken for preparation of guava fruit toffee
Guava Ranking
Treatment Sugar Fat SMP BGF Semolina Salt
pulp for further
No (g/kg) (g/kg) (g/kg) (g/kg) (g/kg) (g/kg)
(%) study
T1 100 500 25 25 100 400 5 -
T2 100 500 50 50 100 400 5 -
T3 100 500 100 100 100 400 5 T1
T4 100 750 25 25 100 400 5 -
T5 100 750 50 50 100 400 5 T2
T6 100 750 100 100 100 400 5 -
T7 100 1000 25 25 100 400 5 -
T8 100 1000 50 50 100 400 5 -
T9 100 1000 100 100 100 400 5 -
T10 100 500 100 100 - - 5 T3
T11 100 750 50 50 - - 5 T4
* SMP: Skim milk powder, BGF: Black Gram Flour
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
The levels of ingredients per kg pulp were finalized by the instrument. The absolute peak force of the
sensory evaluation of toffees by a panel of minimum resulting curve was considered as cutting strength of
ten semi-trained judges using 1 to 9 point Hedonic the guava toffee (Singh et al., 1990).
Scale (Amerine et al., 1965). The homogenized pulps
were taken into stainless steel container and mixed Packaging and storage of toffees: The prepared
well, other ingredients such as sugar, butter fat, toffees were packed in metallic paper, kept in 200
skimmed milk powder, Black Gram Flour, Semolina, gauge plastic bags, sealed and stored for three months
as per the treatment were mixed into pulp. The at ambient (27±2 0C) and refrigerated temperature
mixture was heated till the TSS of content reached to (5±2 0C) and periodically at 30 days interval evaluated
80 0Brix. Salt was dissolved in small quantity of water for their organoleptic properties and chemical
and mixed in the above mixture and again heated till composition.
TSS of content reached 82-83 0Brix. The heated mass
was transferred in stainless steel plate which was Microbial quality of toffees: Microbial count was
already smeared with fat and product was spread into a recorded by using standard plate count (SPC)
thin sheet of 1 to 2 cm thickness. This was allowed to technique. The Nutrient agar was used as growth
cool and set for two to three hr. and then the solid medium and Petridis were incubated at 37±5 0C for 48
sheet was cut into cubes of 1.5 to 2.5 cm (Parpia, hrs for formation of bacterial colonies. The colonies
1967) with stainless steel knife. were counted with magnifying lence. Total count was
taken along with pin point colonies (Harrigon and
Chemical analysis of toffee: The toffee prepared by Mccance, 1967).
standard method was chemically analyzed for
moisture, TSS, acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, Statistical analysis: All experiments were carried
titratable acidity and ascorbic acid contents using out by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD).
standard methods of AOAC (1990). The data obtained in the present investigation were
analyzed for the statistical significance according to
Sensory evaluation of toffees: The sensory the procedure given by Panse and Sukhatme (1967).
evaluations of guava toffees were carried out
according to the standard procedure (Amerine et al.,
1965) on a 1 to 9 point Hedonic Scale. The mean score Results and Discussion
of minimum 10 semi trained judges for each quality
Physico-chemical properties of guava fruits: The
parameter viz., colour and appearance, texture, taste,
guava fruit (Sardar) have greenish yellow colour, 138g
flavour and overall acceptability was calculated.
average weight of fruits, 4.63 cm diameter and
contained 85.61 per cent moisture, 12.00 0Brix(TSS),
Cutting strength of guava toffee: The cutting strength
0.81 per cent acidity, 7.11 per cent total sugar, 5.1 per
of toffee was measured using HDP/BS blade of texture
cent reducing sugar and 243 mg/100g ascorbic acid
analyzer. The individual samples of guava toffee were
(Table 2).
placed on the platform and the blade was attached to
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Recovery of pulp from guava: The recovery of guava overall acceptability scores. Keeping black gram flour,
pulp was recorded as 93.6 per cent by using screens. Semolina and salt as constant per kg pulp in treatment
The recovery of guava pulp was recorded as 65 per T1 to T9 and treatment T10, T11 are control. Treatments
cent by using the pulper (Pol, 2001). were finalized with different levels of ingredients per
kg pulp as shown in Table 1. From various
Organoleptic evaluation of preliminary prepared of combinations, combination number three (T3) and
guava toffees: Preliminary trials were conducted to combination number five (T5) were selected as a best
select the appropriate levels of ingredients per kg combination and combination number ten (T10) and
guava pulp for toffee preparation (Table 3). These eleven (T11) were taken as control because in these
prepared toffees were organoleptically evaluated using treatments black gram flour and semolina were not
semi-trained judges and best two and other two for used. These flour treatments were taken for further
comparison as a control were promoted for further storage study.
storage study on the basis of their higher level of
Sensory score
Treatment Colour and Overall Remarks
Texture Flavour Taste
appearance acceptability
T1 7.00 7.40 7.20 7.00 7.00 Not selected
T2 7.00 7.20 7.00 7.20 7.20 Not selected
T3 8.20 8.00 8.20 8.00 8.40 Selected for
further study
T4 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.60 7.80 Not selected
T5 8.00 7.80 8.00 7.80 8.20 Selected for
further study
T6 7.60 7.60 7.40 7.60 8.00 Not selected
T7 7.40 7.20 7.20 7.40 7.80 Not selected
T8 7.40 7.40 7.20 7.40 7.60 Not selected
T9 7.20 7.20 7.60 7.20 7.20 Not selected
T10 8.60 8.40 8.60 8.80 8.80 Selected for
further study
T11 8.40 8.20 8.20 8.40 8.60 Selected for
further study
Mean 7.64 7.60 7.64 7.67 7.87 -
SE + 0.521 0.455 0.464 0.512 0.472 -
CD at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS -
Yield and chemical composition of fresh guava toffee kg/kg of pulp (Khandekar et al., 2005). Also the yield
of guava toffees was reported as 1.410 to 1.360 kg/kg
Average yield of toffee: The treatment T1 gave 1.144 of pulp (Pol, 2001). It was reported that, the yield of
kg/kg toffee yield while T2 gave 1.222 kg/kg toffee custard apple toffee increased to 1.35 kg/kg of pulp
yield to guava pulp. The treatment T3 and T4 gave with increase in sugar level (Dhumal et al., 1996). The
toffee yield 0.884 kg and 0.960 kg/kg pulp yield of fig and guava mixed toffee was reported 1.210
respectively. The variation in the yield of fruit toffee to 1.220 kg/kg of pulp (Kohinkar, et al., 2012). The
was due to the variation in the level of ingredients yield of aonla and ginger mixed toffee was reported
used while preparation of toffees. In those toffees 1.240 to 1.124 kg/kg of pulp (Nalage, et al., 2014).
black gram flour and semolina are used they gave The yield of Guava and Strawberry mixed toffee was
higher yield than control because they increase the reported 0.868 to 0.787 kg/kg of pulp (Chavan et al.,
solid material in the toffees (Table 4). It was reported 2015).
that the yield of fig toffee ranged from 1.218 to 1.220
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Table 4: Yield and chemical composition of fresh guava toffees
Chemical composition of fresh toffees prepared without black gram flour and semolina gave
higher TSS (Table 4). The TSS of fig toffees was
Moisture content: The average moisture content of ranged from 82.50 to 83.75 0Brix (Khandekar et al.,
guava toffees was 9.79 per cent. Treatment T1 content 2005). The TSS of guava fruit toffee was ranged from
10.13 per cent, T2 10.34 per cent, T3 9.31 per cent and 82.10 to 82.40 0Brix (Pol, 2001). The TSS of custard
T4 9.37 per cent respectively. There was a significant apple toffee ranged from 82.40 to 82.80 0Brix
difference in moisture content of toffee. The toffees in (Dhumal et al., 1996). TSS of fig and guava toffee
which black gram flour and semolina were used they ranged from 82.5 to 84.10 0Brix (Kohinkar, et al.,
are holding higher amount of moisture than the other 2012). TSS of aonla and ginger toffee ranged from
toffees. Due to higher amount of protein and starch 82.40 to 84.35 0Brix (Nalage et al., 2014). TSS of
content in above ingredients were responsible for the guava strawberry mixed fruit toffee ranged from 82.40
holding higher amount of moisture. Pol (2001) to 82.64 0Brix (Chavan et al., 2015). The results
reported that the moisture content of guava toffee obtained in the present study are in agreement with the
ranged from 8.30 to 8.50 per cent. The moisture literature.
content of fig toffees was recorded within the range of
8.40 to 8.50 per cent (Khandekar et al., 2005). The Acidity: The acidity of guava toffee ranged from 0.36
moisture content of mango toffees was reported as to 0.49 per cent. The treatment T1 had 0.36, T2 0.42, T3
8.62 per cent (Kerawala and Siddappa, 1963a), banana 0.46 and T4 0.49 per cent acidity. There was a
toffees 8.10 to 8.50 (Dhumal et al., 2003), sapota significant difference between the acidity content in
toffees 8.30 to 8.80 per cent, aonla toffees 12.68 per various toffees prepared by different ingredients of
cent (Domale et al., 2008), fig and guava mix fruit treatments. The acidity of mango fruit toffee made by
toffees 8.80 to 8.69 per cent (Kohinkar, et al., 2012), using Bengal gram flour was reported 0.24 to 0.28 per
aonla and ginger mix fruit toffees 8.60 to 8.38 per cent cent (Kerawala and Siddappa, 1963d). The acidity of
(Nalage et al., 2014). Guava and Strawberry mixed banana toffee ranged from 0.169 to 0.211 per cent,
fruit toffees 8.31 to 8.84 per cent (Pawar, 2013 and papaya toffee 0.31 to 0.40 per cent (Diwate, 2002), fig
Chavan et al., 2015).The results obtained in the toffee was reported in range of 0.235 to 0.256 per cent
present study are in agreement with literature. (Khandekar et al., 2005). The acidity of tamarind,
mango, and papaya mixed fruit toffee was 0.260 per
Total soluble solids (TSS, 0Brix): The TSS content of cent (Nale et al., 2007). The acidity of aonla and
guava toffees ranged from 78.26 to 79.51 0Brix. ginger toffee ranged from 0.465 to 0.390 per cent
Treatment T1 contained 78.26, T2 78.33, T3 79.37 and (Nalage et al., 2014). The acidity of guava and
T4 79.51 0Brix. There was a significant difference strawberry mixed fruit toffee was 0.26 to 0.30 per cent
between the TSS of treatments. Those toffees are (Chavan et al., 2015). The results obtained in the
containing higher moisture content gives lower present investigation are concurrent with literature.
amount of TSS than the other toffees. The toffees
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Total sugars: The total sugars of guava toffee ranged and guava and strawberry mixed fruit toffee 88.53 to
from71.00 to 74.11 per cent. The treatment T4 had 59.32 mg/100 g (Chavan et al., 2015).
maximum amount of total sugars than the other Textural properties of guava toffee: The textural
treatments because in this treatment sugar addition analysis of guava toffee was taken at 0 and 90 days. At
was up to 750g/kg pulp and there is no black gram 0 days treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 showed force
flour and semolina. The tamarind, mango, papaya required for cutting was 10.77 N, 29.11 N, 69.72 N
mixed fruit toffee had total sugars content of 55.67 to and 90.04 N respectively. After 3 month storage at
60.13 per cent (Nale et al., 2007). Similarly aonla ambient temperature treatment T3 and T4 showed force
toffee contained 35.51 per cent total sugars (Domale et required for cutting was 71.45 N and 93.10 N
al., 2008). It was reported that the total sugars content respectively. Treatment T1 and T2 are contained black
of mango toffees was 67.30 per cent (Kerawala and gram flour and semolina absorbs more moisture and
Siddappa, 1963a), custard apple toffee 72.20 to 78.90 therefore are spoiled due to microbial growth. While at
per cent (Dhumal et al., 1996), carrot toffee 73.40 to refrigerated temperature treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4
78.50 per cent, banana toffees 72.44 to 75.22 per cent, required force for cutting was 11.53 N, 30.13 N, 70.50
aonla and ginger mixed toffee was 55.67 to 60.13 per N and 92.08 N respectively. The maximum force was
cent (Nalage et al., 2014), guava and strawberry mixed required for treatment T4 i.e. 92.08 N while minimum
toffee was 74.07 to 72.82 per cent (Chavan et al., force was required for treatment T1 i.e. 11.53 N at
2015). refrigerated storage.
Reducing sugars: The reducing sugars of guava toffee
ranged from 45.05 to 48.83 per cent. The treatment T4 Sensory properties of fresh guava toffees:
had maximum amount of reducing sugars than the Colour and appearance: The score for colour and
other treatments. The reducing sugars content in guava appearance was 8.20, 8.00, 8.60 and 8.40 for
toffees prepared by (Pol, 2001) with skim milk powder treatments T1, T2 T3 and T4, respectively (Table 5).
and sugar were 49.93 per cent initially. Similar The toffee prepared by using 500 g sugar, 100 g fat
observations were recorded by Kausal et al. (2001) in and 100 g skim milk powder per kg pulp of treatment
apple pomace toffees. The findings in the present T3 scored highest (8.60), while toffee T2 with 750 g
investigation are in corroboration with those of sugar, 50 g fat, 50 g skim milk powder, Black Gram
Khandekar et al., (2004) in case of toffees that showed Flour 100 g and 400 g semolina scored minimum
gradual increase of reducing sugars from 38.69 to score (8.00). The score for colour and appearance was
39.34 per cent over 90 days of storage. reported in between 8.83 to 8.33 to the fig toffee
Ascorbic acid: The ascorbic acid content of fresh (Khandekar et al., 2005). The score for tamarind,
guava toffees ranged from 87.96 to 91.36 mg/100g. mango, papaya blended toffee ranged from 8.00 to
The treatment T4 contained maximum amount of 8.80, the score improves with increase in mango pulp
ascorbic acid than other treatments. The ascorbic acid (Nale et al., 2007). The score for fig and guava mixed
content of bael toffee was 2.15 mg/100 g (Reena et al., toffees was ranged from 8.60 to 8.00 (Kohinkar et al.,
2007), aonla fruit toffee 322.53 mg/100 g (Domale et 2012). The score for aonla and ginger mixed toffees
al., 2008), custard apple toffee 7.12 to 7.50 mg/100 g was ranged from 8.25 to 8.68 (Nalage et al., 2014) and
(Mundhe et al., 2008), and aonla and ginger mixed the score for guava and strawberry mixed toffees was
toffee 145.90 to107.42 mg/100 g (Nalage et al., 2014) 8.10 to 8.39 (Chavan et al., 2015).
Table 5: Sensory score of fresh toffees prepared from guava pulp
Sensory score
Treatment Colour and Overall
Texture Flavour Taste
appearance acceptability
T1 8.20 8.00 8.20 8.00 8.40
T2 8.00 7.80 8.00 7.80 8.20
T3 8.60 8.40 8.60 8.80 8.80
T4 8.40 8.20 8.20 8.40 8.60
Mean 8.30 8.10 8.25 8.25 8.50
S.E. + 0.561 0.659 0.6 0.6 0.418
CD at 5 % NS NS NS NS NS
*Nine point Hedonic scale; Ten semi-trained judges were used for sensory evaluation.
*NS = Non-Significant. Treatments are as per table no 4.
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Texture: The average score for texture of guava better colour and appearance, texture, flavour, taste
toffees was in the range of 7.80 to 8.40 for treatment and different level of ingredients per kg guava pulp.
T1, T2, T3 and T4. The toffees with 500 g sugar, 100 g The overall acceptability score was reported 7.80 to
fat, 100 g SMP scored maximum (8.40), while toffee 8.00 for guava toffee (Pol, 2001), fig toffee 8.50 to
with 750 g sugar, 50 g fat, 50 g SMP, 100 g BGF, 400 8.67 (Khandekar et al., 2005), tamarind toffee 7.34 to
g semolina scored minimum (7.80). The score for 8.86 (Doiphode, 2004), Nale (2006) was reported that
fresh fig toffees ranged from 8.67 to 8.83 (Khandekar tamarind : mango blended toffee score maximum
et al., 2005). The texture score of mango, tamarind (8.70) than whole tamarind toffee (8.15), mixed fruit
(50 : 50) was maximum than whole tamarind toffees toffee of aonla and ginger the overall acceptability
(Nale et al., 2007). The score for texture of guava score was reported 8.20 to 8.50 (Nalage et al., 2014)
fruit toffees ranged from 7.80 to 8.00 (Pol, 2001), fig and mixed fruit toffee of guava and strawberry the
and guava fruit toffees ranged from 8.20 to 8.70 overall acceptability score was reported 8.13 to 8.20
(Kohinkar et al., 2012). The score for aonla and ginger (Chavan et al.,2015).
mixed toffees was ranged from 8.22 to 8.57 (Nalage et
al., 2014) and the score guava and strawberry mixed Changes in chemical composition of guava toffee
toffees was ranged from 7.98 to 8.05 (Chavan et al., during storage
2015).The results obtained in the present study are
concurrent to literature. The guava toffee stored at ambient (27±2 0C) and
refrigerated (5±2 0C) condition for the period of 90
Flavour: Flavour score for guava toffee ranged from days. T1 and T2 samples contained black gram flour
8.20 to 8.60. The treatment T3 i.e. 500 g sugar, 100 g and semolina respectively spoiled due to microbial
fat, 100 g SMP scored significantly maximum (8.60), growth at ambient storage within one month so these
while treatment T2 scored minimum (8.00). It was treatments were discarded for further study.
reported that the flavour score for fig toffees flavour
ranged from 8.17 to 8.50 (Khandekar et al., 2005), Moisture: There was significant decrease in moisture
7.50 to 8.12 for sapota toffee and 8.13 to 8.38 for content of toffee during storage for different
papaya toffee (Diwate, 2002). The blended toffee treatments. The minimum moisture loss was recorded
prepared from tamarind and mango (50 : 50) score in treatment T3 from 9.31 to 8.20 per cent and from
maximum (8.65) as compared to whole tamarind 9.31 to 8.34 per cent at ambient and refrigerated
toffee (8.00) (Nale et al., 2007), flavour score for fig condition, respectively (Table 6). The rate of loss of
and guava mixed fruit toffee ranged from 8.20 to 8.70 moisture was faster at ambient temperature than
(Kohinkar et al., 2012), flavour score for aonla and refrigerated condition. This is due to the temperature
ginger mixed toffees was ranged from 8.20 to 8.67 difference in the storage conditions. At ambient
(Nalage, 2012) and flavour score for guava and temperature the treatment T3 showed least moisture
strawberry mixed fruit toffees was ranged from 8.11 to loss from 9.31 to 8.20 per cent followed by treatment
8.32 (Chavan et al., 2015). T4 from, 9.37 to 8.41 per cent at the end of storage
Taste: The taste scores for fresh guava toffees ranged period. At refrigerated condition the least loss of
from 7.80 to 8.80. The treatment T3 had significantly moisture content was found in treatment T2, 10.34 to
maximum score of 8.80 over the treatments T1, T2, T4. 9.10 per cent, followed by treatment T1, 10.13 to 9.13,
The sensory score for taste of fresh guava toffee T4, 9.37 to 8.47 and T3, 9.31 to 8.34 at end of 90 days
ranged from 7. 80 to 8.00 (Pol, 2001), papaya toffee of storage period. The statistical analysis showed the
8.13 to 8.38 score for taste was ranged from 8.00 to significant effect on moisture content during storage.
8.85 (Nale et al., 2007). The sensory score for taste of The decrease in moisture content during storage was
aonla and ginger mixed toffees was ranged from 8.00 reported 0.43 per cent in mango fruit toffees
to 8.60 (Nalage et al., 2014) and the sensory score (Kerawala and Siddappa, 1963a), banana toffee from
from guava and strawberry mixed fruit toffees was 8.83 to 7.62, sapota toffee from 8.31 to 7.62 (Pawar,
ranged from 8.14 to 8.56 (Chavan et al., 2015). The 2001), guava toffee from 8.40 to 7.65 (Diwate, 2002),
results of the present study are in agreement with that fig toffee from 8.45 to 7.41 (Khandekar et al., 2005),
of literature. tamarind and mango blended toffee from 15.13 to
12.90 per cent (Nale et al., 2007), aonla toffee from
Overall acceptability: There was no significant 12.68 to 10.87 (Domale et al., 2008), aonla and ginger
difference among the treatment for overall mixed toffee from 8.48 to 7.89 per cent (Nalage et al.,
acceptability score. The toffee of treatment T3 2014). The guava and strawberry mixed fruit toffee
recorded maximum (8.80) followed by treatment T4 from 8.73 to 8.57 per cent (Chavan et al., 2015).
(8.60), T1 (8.40) and T2 (8.20). This might be due to
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Table 6: Effect of storage period and pulp combinations on chemical composition of guava toffee
after 3 months storage
Total soluble solids (TSS): The mean of TSS of four guava and strawberry mixed toffee from 83.21 to
toffees prepared from guava increases from 78.87 to 83.54 0Brix (Chavan et al., 2015). The results
81.91 at ambient temperature and 78.87 to 79.68 0Brix obtained in the present investigation are in agreement
at refrigerated storage conditions, respectively. There to the literature.
was significant increase in the T.S.S. of toffees in
different treatments. The increase in T.S.S. of toffees Acidity: There was significant decrease in the per cent
might be due to decrease in moisture content during acidity of toffee at both storage conditions. At ambient
storage period at both conditions. At ambient condition, maximum decrease was observed in
temperature, the treatment T4 showed maximum treatment T3, 0.46 to 0.33 per cent followed by
increase in T.S.S. from 79.51 to 81.97 0Brix, followed treatment T4, 0.49 to 0.38 per cent. At refrigerated
by 79.37 to 81.85 0Brix for treatment T3. At condition the acidity per cent was decrease merely in
refrigerated temperature T.S.S. content of treatment T4 treatment T4, 0.49 to 0.40 per cent followed by
increased from 79.51 to 80.15 0Brix followed by treatment T3, 0.46 to 0.36 per cent, treatment T2, 0.42
treatment T3 from 79.37 to 80.10 0Brix, 78.33 to 79.53 to 0.29 and T1, 0.36 to 0.27 per cent. The rate of
Brix for treatment T2 and 78.26 to 78.95 0Brix at end decrease in per cent acidity was faster in ambient
of 90 days storage period for treatment T1. There was storage than the refrigerated storage. The statistical
increase in TSS while storage period toffees. This analysis showed that the treatment had significant
might be due to decrease in moisture content during effect on acidity content during storage except at 90
storage. The statistical analysis showed that the and 60 days for ambient and refrigerated storage
treatment and storage period had significant effect on respectively. The decrease in acidity content was
total soluble solids content. The increase in the T.S.S. reported in fig toffee from 0.246 to 0.226 per cent
content during storage period was reported in sapota (Khandekar et al., 2005), tamarind : mango blended
toffee from 82.25 to 82.55 0Brix, papaya toffee from toffee from 2.60 to 2.02 per cent (Nale et al., 2007),
83.75 to 84.00 0Brix (Diwate, 2002), guava toffee banana toffee from 0.191 to 0.172 per cent, papaya
from 82.25 to 82.56 0Brix (Pol, 2001), banana toffee toffee from 0.34 to 0.32 per cent (Diwate, 2002), aonla
from 82.25 to 82.55 0Brix, fig toffee from 83.13 to and ginger mixed toffee from 0.420 to 0.400 per cent
83.92 0Brix (Khandekar et al., 2005), tamarind : (Nalage et al., 2014) and guava and strawberry mixed
mango blended toffee from 84.48 to 85.96 0Brix (Nale toffee from 0.30 to 0.26 (Chavan et al., 2015). The
et al., 2007), aonla toffee from 84.44 to 85.46 0Brix results obtained in present investigation are in
(Domale et al., 2008), aonla and ginger mixed toffee agreement to the literature.
from 83.66 to 85.13 0Brix (Nalage et al., 2014) and
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Total sugars: At ambient temperature, maximum in treatment T3 from 89.44 to 83.68 mg/100 g
increase in total sugar content was observed in followed by treatment T2 from 88.64 to 82.24 mg/100
treatment T4 from 74.11 to 76.49 per cent followed by g, treatment T4 from 91.36 to 84.48 mg/100 g and
treatment T3 from 73.54 to 76.35 per cent during 90 treatment T1 from 87.96 to 80.96 mg/100 g. The rate
days storage. At refrigerated temperature, maximum of decrease in ascorbic acid was more in ambient
increase was observed in treatment T4 from 74.11 to temperature than refrigerated temperature. The
76.15 per cent followed by treatment T3 from, 73.54 to statistical analysis showed that the treatment had
75.21 per cent, treatment T2 from, 71.46 to 73.62 and significant effect on ascorbic acid content at ambient
treatment T1 from 71.00 to 73.05 per cent. The rate of and refrigerated condition except at 30 days storage.
increase of total sugars content was faster at ambient The decrease in ascorbic acid content was reported in
temperature than refrigerated temperature. The aonla toffee from 322.53 to 320.78 mg/100 g (Domale
increase in total sugars toffee was due to loss of in et al., 2008), guava toffee from 98.20 to 94.13 mg/100
moisture in both the storage conditions. The statistical g (Shivakumar et al., 2007), aonla and ginger mixed
analysis showed non significant effect on total sugar toffee from 124.45 to 121.67 (Nalage et al., 2014) and
content during the advancement of storage. The guava and strawberry mixed toffee from 64.06 to
increase in total sugars content was reported in guava 62.66 mg/100 g (Chavan et al., 2015). The results
toffee from 73.85 to 74.12 per cent (Pol, 2001), sapota obtained in the present investigation are in agreement
toffee from 73.85 to 74.12 per cent, banana toffee to the literature.
from 73.71 to 74.08 per cent, fig toffee from 74.79 to
75.12 per cent (Khandekar et al., 2005), aonla and Changes in sensory properties of guava toffee during
ginger mixed toffee from 52.72 to 53.41 per cent storage
(Nalage et al., 2014) and guava and strawberry mixed Colour and appearance: A gradual decrease in score
toffee from 73.12 to 74.15 per cent (Chavan et al., from 8.60 to 8.20, 8.40 to 7.80 with respect to
2015). The results obtained in the present treatment T3 and T4 during 90 days of storage at
investigation are in agreement to the literature. ambient temperature, while toffees in refrigerated
Reducing sugars: There was significant increase in temperature showed score decreased from 8.20 to
the reducing sugar content of guava toffees during 8.00, 8.00 to 7.60, 8.60 to 8.40, 8.40 to 8.00 with
storage but non-significant at 60 days storage at respect to T1, T2, T3 and T4 used in the present study
ambient conditions. At ambient temperature, (Table 7). The maximum score observed for treatment
maximum increase in reducing sugar content was T3 i.e. 8.40 at 90 days at refrigerated temperature,
observed in treatment T4 from 48.83 to 52.85 per cent while minimum score was observed for treatment T4
followed by treatment T3 from, 48.35 to 51.86 per cent i.e. 7.80 at 90 days of ambient temperature. The
at the end of 90 days storage. At refrigerator organoleptic score for colour and appearance
temperature, maximum increase was observed for decreases non-significantly during storage of 90 days.
treatment T4, 48.83 to 51.98 per cent followed by The colour deterioration is more in ambient
treatment T3, 48.35 to 51.23 per cent, treatment T2 temperature than the refrigerated. This might be the
46.91 to 50.71 per cent and treatment T1, 45.05 to temperature effect on colour and appearance as well as
48.26 per cent. The rate of increase of reducing sugars surrounding environment. The retention of good
content was faster at ambient temperature than colour and appearance was observed in 500 g sugar,
refrigerated temperature. The increase in reducing 100 g fat, 100 g SMP (treatment T3) than other
sugars content in guava toffee due to loss in moisture treatment i.e. treatment T4. The statistical analysis
in both the storage conditions. The statistical analysis showed that the treatment and storage period had non
showed that the significant effect on reducing sugar significant effect on colour and appearance. It was
content. The findings in the present investigation are reported that colour and appearance score decreases
in corroboration with those of Khandekar et al, (2005) with respect to storage as period advances in banana
in case of fig toffees that showed gradual increase in toffee from 7.85 to 6.18, grape toffee from 8.18 to
reducing sugars from 38.69 to 39.34 per cent over 90 7.50 (Rokade, 1999), sapota toffee from 8.18 to 6.76
days of storage. (Pawar, 2001), guava toffee from 8.00 to 7.30 (Pol,
2001), fig toffee from 8.58 to 7.25 (Khandekar et al.,
Ascorbic acid: There was significant decrease in the 2004), aonla and ginger mixed toffee from 8.49 to
ascorbic acid content of guava toffees. At ambient 8.04 (Nalage et al., 2014), guava and strawberry
temperature, maximum decrease was observed in T4 mixed fruit toffee from 8.29 to 7.90 (Chavan et al.,
from 91.36 to 83.68 mg/100 g followed by treatment 2015). The results obtained in the present
T3 from 89.44 to 82.72 mg/100 g. At refrigerated investigation are parallel to the literature.
condition the ascorbic acid content decreased merely
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
Table 7: Sensory quality of guava toffees after 3 months storage*
Texture: A gradual decrease in score was found from storage (90 day) at ambient temperature for treatment
8.40 to 8.00, 8.20 to 7.60 with respect to treatment T3 T3 and T4 respectively. While, toffee stored in
and T4 at the end of storage (90 days) at ambient refrigerated condition score on flavour decreases from
temperature. While toffee stored at refrigerated 8.20 to 7.80, 8.00 to 7.60, 8.60 to 8.40 and 8.20 to
condition showed score on texture decreases from 8.00 8.00 with respect to treatment T1, T2, T3, and T4 at the
to 7.60, 7.80 to 7.40, 8.40 to 8.20 and 8.20 to 7.80 end of storage (90 day). The maximum score was
with respect to T1, T2 T3 and T4. The maximum score observed for treatment T3 i.e. 8.40 at 90 day of
was observed for treatment T3 i.e. 8.20 at 90 day refrigerated storage, while minimum score was
refrigerated temperature, while minimum score was observed for treatment T4 i.e. 7.80 at 90 days of
observed for treatment T4 i.e. 7.60 at 90 days of ambient temperature storage. The score for flavour
ambient temperature. The decrease in texture score is decreases significantly during 90 days storage. The
faster in ambient temperature than refrigerated decreases of flavour score was faster in ambient
temperature. At ambient conditions more moisture loss storage than refrigerated storage. This effect is mostly
makes toffee harder than the refrigerated condition due to the temperature difference in the storage
ultimately gets fewer score. In general texture was condition. The retention of significantly good flavour
good in treatment T3 (500 g sugar, 100 g fat, 100 g was observed in treatment T3 (500 g sugar, 100 g fat,
SMP) than T1 (500 g sugar, 100 g fat, 100 g SMP, 100 100 g SMP) than treatment T1, T2 and T4 at both
g BGF, 400 g semolina), T2 (750 g sugar, 50 g fat, 50 ambient and refrigerated storage. It was reported that
g SMP, 100 g BGF, 400 g semolina) and T4 (750 g flavour score decreases with respect to storage in
sugar, 50 g fat, 50 g SMP) in both ambient and banana toffee from 7.96 to 6.40, sapota toffee from
refrigerated storage conditions. The statistical analysis 7.98 to 6.62 (Pawar, 2001), guava toffee from 7.90 to
showed that the treatment and storage period had non 7.36 (Pol, 2001), fig toffee from 8.34 to 7.09
significant effect on texture of guava toffee. It was (Khandekar et al., 2005), tamarind : mango blended
reported that the texture score decreases with respect toffee from 8.35 to 7.20 (Nale et al., 2007), aonla and
to storage in banana toffee from 7.76 to 6.40, sapota ginger mixed toffee from 8.51 to 8.19 (Nalage et al.,
toffee from 8.37 to 6.58 (Pawar, 2001), guava toffee 2014) and guava and strawberry mixed toffee from
from 7.90 to 6.50 (Pol, 2001), fig toffee from 8.35 to 8.22 to 7.78 (Chavan et al., 2015).
8.20 (Khandekar et al., 2005), tamarind : mango
blended toffee (Nale et al., 2007), aonla and ginger Taste: There was decrease in taste score from 8.80 to
mixed toffee from 8.56 to 7.99 (Nalage et al., 2014) 8.20, 8.40 to 8.00 with respect to treatment T3 and T4 at
and 8.02 to 7.62 for guava and strawberry mixed the end of storage (90 day) at ambient temperature.
toffee (Chavan et al., 2015). The results obtained in While, toffees stored in refrigerated condition score on
the present investigation are parallel to the literature. taste decreased from 8.00 to 7.60, 7.80 to 7.60, 8.80 to
8.40 and 8.40 to 8.20 with respect to treatment T 1, T2,
Flavour: A gradual decrease in flavour score was T3 and T4. The maximum score was observed for
observed from 8.60 to 8.20, 8.20 to 7.80 at the end of treatment T3 i.e. 8.40 at 90 days of refrigerated
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(1): 99-111
storage, while significantly minimum score was 7.76 (Chavan et al., 2015). The results obtained in
observed for treatment T4 i.e. 8.00 at 90 days ambient present investigation are parallel to the literature.
storage. The score for taste decreases significantly
during 90 days storage. The decrease rate of taste Microbial quality: The microbial count was taken at 0,
score was faster in ambient than refrigerated 30, 60 and 90 days were observed on nutrient agar. At
condition. This is due to temperature effect and the initial period there was no growth observed but
moisture loss during storage condition. Good taste after one month storage period treatment T1 and T2
score was observed in treatment T3 (500 g sugar, 100 g showed standard plate count for room temperature as 8
fat, 100 g SMP) than treatment T1, T2, and T4 in both x 105, 9 x 105, respectively. The microbial growth
ambient and refrigerated storage at the end of 3 observed in treatment T1 and T2 due to the content of
months storage period. The statistical analysis showed Black Gram Flour, Semolina and higher moisture
that the treatment and storage period had non content in ambient temperature. Therefore, T1 and T2
significant effect on taste score. It was reported that samples (spoiled samples) were discarded from the
taste score with respect to storage period in banana storage study after one month. After 3 month storage
toffee from 7.98 to 6.22, sapota toffee from 8.02 to period treatment T3 and T4 showed standard plate
6.28 (Pawar, 2001), guava toffee from 7.90 to 7.35 count for room temperature as 2 x 105 and 2.66 x 105
(Pol, 2001), fig toffee from 8.75 to 7.09 (Khandekar et respectively, while treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4 showed
al., 2005), tamarind : mango blended toffee from 8.45 standard plate count for refrigerated temperature was
to 7.35 (Nale et al., 2007), aonla and ginger mixed 1.66 x 105, 1.33 x 105, 1 x 105, 1.5 x 105 respectively.
toffee from 8.31 to 7.97 (Nalage et al., 2014), and The results indicated that the standard plate count
guava and strawberry mixed toffee from 8.32 to 8.10 directly proportional to moisture content in toffee.
(Chavan et al., 2015).The results obtained in the Although refrigerated toffee had higher moisture but
present investigations are parallel to the literature. due to low temperature the microbes attack on toffee
in very low percentage. The acceptability of the
Overall acceptability: A gradual decrease in overall product by the panel members after 3 months storage
acceptability score was observed from 8.80 to 8.20, confirms that the minimum changes which might have
8.60 to 8.00 for treatment T3 and T4 respectively at the occurred due to microbes were in safe limits for
end of 90 days storage at ambient condition. While, human consumption. At present there are no standard
toffee stored in refrigerated condition score on overall limits of safe level of microbes to compare with
acceptability decreases from 8.40 to 8.00, 8.20 to 7.80, prepared guava fruit toffees. Aruna et al. (2000)
8.80 to 8.40 and 8.60 to 8.20 for the treatment T 1, T2, reported that the papaya toffees stored at room
T3 and T4 respectively. The maximum score was temperature showed 3 x 102 CFU/g bacterial growth.
observed for treatment T3 i.e. 8.20 at 90 days at Standard plate count of fig toffee was reported from
ambient condition. The score for overall acceptability 11 x 103 to 23 x 103/g (Khandekar et al., 2005). In
decreases significantly during 90 days storage. The case of tamarind toffee the standard plate count was
statistical analysis showed that the treatment and reported from 35 x 103 to 56 x 103 (Nale et al., 2007).
storage period had non significant effect on overall In case of aonla and ginger toffee the standard plate
acceptability. The overall acceptability score of guava count was reported from 9 x 105 to 5 x 105 (Nalage et
toffee was higher for treatment T3 (500 g sugar, 100 g al., 2014) and in case of guava and strawberry mixed
fat, 100 g SMP) than treatment T1, T2 and T4 in both toffee the standard plate count reported from 7 x 105 to
ambient and refrigerated condition at the end of 3 5 x 105 (Chavan et al., 2015).
month storage period. This is might be due to better
score on colour and appearance, flavours, texture and Economics of toffee making: The cost of production
taste and taste of the Treatment T3. It was reported that of guava toffee ranged from Rs. 130.00 to 162.00 per
overall acceptability score decrease with respect to kg. These costs did not include rent, transport
storage in banana toffee from 8.72 to 8.26, sapota charges, sale commission, local taxes etc. Toffee
toffee from 8.57 to 8.37 (Pawar, 2001), guava toffee prepared from T1 (500 g sugar, 100 g fat, 100 g SMP,
7.40 to 7.90 (Pol, 2001), fig toffee from 8.59 to 8.13 100 g BGF, 400 g Semolina, 5g salt per kg guava
(Khandekar et al., 2005) tamarind : mango from 8.40 pulp) was costlier than toffee prepared from T2 (750 g
to 7.15 blended toffee (Nale et al., 2007), aonla toffee sugar, 50 g fat, 50 g SMP, 100 g BGF, 400 g
8.49 to 7.42 (Domale et al., 2008), aonla and ginger Semolina, 5g salt), T3 (500 g sugar, 100 g fat, 100 g
mixed toffee from 8.34 to 8.06 (Nalage et al., 2014), SMP, 5g salt) and T4 (750 g sugar, 50 g fat, 50 g SMP,
and guava and strawberry mixed toffee from 8.16 to 5g salt per kg guava pulp). It was due to the higher
cost of fat and SMP. However, there was significant
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