The document discusses the elements and assigning traits to them. It notes that a lack of assertiveness could be due to the air, earth, or water elements depending on the underlying reason. When one person asked for resources to better understand the elements for soul mirror work, many irrelevant suggestions were given. The best resource for understanding the elements and assigning traits to them is the writings of Bill, as much of what has been written about the elements in recent centuries has been speculative.
The document discusses the elements and assigning traits to them. It notes that a lack of assertiveness could be due to the air, earth, or water elements depending on the underlying reason. When one person asked for resources to better understand the elements for soul mirror work, many irrelevant suggestions were given. The best resource for understanding the elements and assigning traits to them is the writings of Bill, as much of what has been written about the elements in recent centuries has been speculative.
The document discusses the elements and assigning traits to them. It notes that a lack of assertiveness could be due to the air, earth, or water elements depending on the underlying reason. When one person asked for resources to better understand the elements for soul mirror work, many irrelevant suggestions were given. The best resource for understanding the elements and assigning traits to them is the writings of Bill, as much of what has been written about the elements in recent centuries has been speculative.
The document discusses the elements and assigning traits to them. It notes that a lack of assertiveness could be due to the air, earth, or water elements depending on the underlying reason. When one person asked for resources to better understand the elements for soul mirror work, many irrelevant suggestions were given. The best resource for understanding the elements and assigning traits to them is the writings of Bill, as much of what has been written about the elements in recent centuries has been speculative.
element. This is not necessarily the case. For ex-
ample, if you are not assertive because you're timid, it is a vice of the air element. If you are not assertive because you are too lazy to stand up for yourself, it is a vice of the earth element. If you are not assertive because you are afraid of hurt- ing others, it is a vice of the water element. One time on an online Bardon chat group, a member making his soul mirrors asked for re- sources that would help him understand the el- ements better so he would have the knowledge needed to accurately assign the various items to the elements. I remember people were rec- ommending random writings by Rudolf Steiner, Swami Vivekananda, Aleister Crowley, and Dion Fortune, along with other bizarre suggestions like The Kyballion. Most of the suggestions were only at most semi-relevant to the question, after all, the member was asking specifically for texts about the elements and not spiritual texts in general. I remember feeling sad (and confused) when I saw this series of absurd responses to the question. If you are struggling with the process of assigning the traits to the elements, there is no better resource to turn to than Bill's writings. Much of what has been written about the ele- ments in magic during the past two centuries has been based upon speculation and conjecture. As a result, knowledge regarding the elements has deteriorated and become muddled with cor- respondences and cliche ideas repeated over and over again by those who lack the initiatory