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Pure Ecstacy Right Now.: 20 Minutos E... 7%

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Over the centuries, the Holy Guardian Angel has

been called by hundreds oc names, includn
ing the Logos, the Augoeides, the Genius, the
Higher Selc, the Inner God, Silent Watcher, Great
Master, the Daemon, Adonai, Vishnu, Atman, The
Great Person, and even the Qabalistic terms
Neschamah, Chiah, or Yechidah. Abramelin the
Mage and Aleister Crowley chose the name "Holy
Guardian Angel." The name implies no particun
lar theory oc the universe, and it would be silly ic
not impossible to try to erect a cosmology around
the name.

Don't concuse the Holy Guardian Angel with any

aspects oc your personality, cor there is no direct
relationship between any part oc your pern
sonality and the Holy Guardian Angel. Your Holy
Guardian Angel is not a human construct; it is
beyond that. Ic you hear somebody talking about
their Angel as an interdimensional being or that
they are communicating with Atlantis through
their Angel, they are talking about something
other than the Holy Guardian Angel.

I want to share with you a really big secret: you

already have the Knowledge and Conversan
tion oc your Holy Guardian Angel. You just don't
know it. It's really strange, but once you experin
ence this cosmic awareness, you realize that it's
always been there. There is so much other stucc
going on around you that it distracts you crom the
pure ecstacy oc being that you're experiencing right
now. The silent voice oc your Holy Guardian Angel is
always with you. It is not somewhere
restantes 20 minutos e... 7%

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