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Introd Uction: Posición 9

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Introd uction

This work is a small manual for evoking the

Olympick Spirits using sigils, colored lighting and
special fragrances. They are described in an an-
cient grimoire known as the Arbatel , as well
as in certain other derivative grimoires. The
Olympicks are both very beneficial and easy to
summon, and can lead to sorne very interesting
experiences. If you have read sorne of my other
works, this particular small book may be some-
what redundant. Once you know the basic me-
chanics of evocation and using sigils, there is not
much else that needs to be explained. It is prac-
tice and experimentation that is important-
not theory and instruction. Magick is very sim-
ple when you distill it to its essentials, despite
what you may have read elsewhere . However, 1
will try and pack as much usef ul information as 1
can into this small book and give you all the tools
you will need to summon the Olympick Spirits. 1
was inspired to write this after the success of my
book on the Egyptian Spirit Bast, and it seems
that though the book is small, many people
found it useful and interesting. 1write this work
merely as a general introduction and invitation
to the Olympicks, though, and not as a compre-
hensive manual. Eventually 1 may include this
work in a larger volume, detailing many Spirits,
their sigils, etc.

Also, at the end of this book 1 am including an

essay addressing sorne questions on the nature

Posición 9 0°/o
of the reality of evocation. 1think this is a good
book to place such an essay in, for reasons which
will become clear in the essay itself.

According to the Arbatel , the Olympicks are the

"Spirits of Olympus." But while we normally as-
sociate Mt. Olympus with the home of the Greek
Pantheon, the Olympick Spirits are not Greek
in origin, nor do they necessarily correspond
to Greek deities. On the contrary, the Olympick
Spirits themselves have Hebrew names, and ap-
pear to work and manifest within a Kabbalistic
framework . 1 have evoked other Spirits associ-
ated with the Kabbalah, and the "flavor" of the
Olympicks is very similar. 1 don't want to color
your perception of what they feel like, as you
should summon them and see for yourself, but
it is my experience that different types of Spirits
associated with specific cultural contexts have
similar natures and "attitudes". Egyptian Spirits
feel different the Norse Spirits, and Chinese Spir-
its feel different than Persian Spirits. But even
though the Olympick Spirits feel Kabbalistic,
they are in a class of their own.According to the
Arbatel , they are the Spirits "whom God willed
administer over the universe and the entire en-
gine of the world ." They are "visible stars"-i.e.,
the seven planets-and "under the command of
each is a manifold and heavenly militia", for
"there are seven rulers in all the elements, along
with their retinue, who equally cause the mo-
tions of heaven, and of whom the inferiors are
always dependent upon their superiors." It also
says that they have 196 provinces under the

restantes 26 minutos e...

power of their administration, and each rules in
succession for 490 years.By the reckoning of the
Arbatel ,H agi,th is now in control.

The names of the Olympicks are,in arder:








In addition to their Kabbalistic names, the

Olympicks are clearly associated with the seven
classical planets of ancient Astrology.Aratron is
Saturn, Bethor is Jupiter, Phaleg is Mars, Och is
the Sun, Hagi,th is Venus, Ophiel is Mercury, and
Phul is the Moon. However, they are different
than evoking the planets in themselves. Though
1have not evoked them in sorne time, my expe-
riences with them is that they are Spirits who
participate in planetary energies, but they have
a nature and personality of their own indepen-
dent of the planets. For example, Aratron works
and appears with energies which are clearly Sat-
urnian, but whereas summoning Saturnian en-
ergies in themselves often results in a sense of
impersonal and primal energies,Aratron is more
restantes 25 minutos e...
inviting. Whereas Saturnian energies tend to en-
gulf and display themselves without interaction,
Aratron interacts and dialogues in a personal-
and even personable-way. This follows for the
other Spirits as well. They each seem to embody
—-------------------------------------------------- —
within themselves pl a n e t a r y e n e r g i e s , b u t a t th e
s a m e t im e p o s s e s s t h e i r o w n u n i q u e a n d s p e-
—-- ------------------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------- —
cial consciousnesses which are distinct from the
p l a n e ts th e m s e l v e s .
Many of the details found in the Arbatel are un-
necessary to actually summon the Olympicks. In
my experience, this is true of most grimoires:
the Christian Latin prayers, the sacrificed ani-
mals, the odd incense ingredients, etc. are all not
necessary . Even the circle is not necessary. If 1
were a gambler, I'd even bet that these things
were not even used by the ancient magicians-
at least not the smart ones-and were put in
the grimoires to throw the "uninitiated" of the
trail. The only things necessary to summon the
—------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
Olymp i c k s a r e t h e n a m e o f th e S p i r i t a n d i t s s i g il.
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
B e y o n d t h e s e , t h e e n t i r e e x p e r i e n c e c a n b e m o re
interesting and powerful if you incorporate
other elements, but such things are also not ab-
solutely required. However, 1would suggest you
purchase a copy of the Arbatel and read it multi-
ple times.You do not have to believe everything
it says, of course, but it is a fascinating and well-
written book. 1 am under the impression, also,
that having a physical copy of the work nearby
makes the summoning experience more vivid,
but this may not be the case for all people.

restantes 24 minutos e... 10°/o

As the Arbatel says, each of the Olympick Spir-
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
i t s h a s c e r ta i n p a r t ic u l a r p o w e r s w h i c h , i n a —
veiled way, communicate their overall power. In
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
a d d i t i o n to b e i n g u s e f u l i n s o - c a l l e d " p r a c t i c al"
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
ways, these Spirits are the kind that can bestow
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
m-- - -y- -s- -t-i-c- -a- -l- - - e- - -x- -p- - -e- -r- i- -e- -n- - c- - e- - -s- - - -s- -u- -c- -h- - - - a- - -s- - -u- - -n- -i-o- - -n- -,- - -t-h- - -e- - - -d- - -i-s- -s- -o--

lution of the sense of self, the feeling of other

—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
w o r l d s a n d r e a l i t i e s , e t c . 1 b e l i e v e t h e y a r e a g o od
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e p r a c t i c e o f m a g ic k i n g e n-
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
e r a l , a s t h e y a r e e a s i l y s u m m o n e d , a r e g e n e r a l ly
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
g o o d n a t u r e d , a n d t h e y c a n c o n v e y a w i d e r a n ge
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
o f e x p e r ie n c e s .
Also, at the end of this book 1 am including an
essay addressing sorne questions on the nature
of the reality of evocation. 1think this is a good
book to place such an essay in, for reasons which
will become clear in the essay itself.

restantes 23 minutos e...

The method of evocation

An Olympick may be evoked with nothing more

—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
th a n i t s s i g U a n d i t s n a m e . T h a t i s , y o u c a n w r i te
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
i t s s i g il d o w n o n a p i e c e o f p a p e r , p l a c e th e p a p er
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
n f ro n t o f y o u , th e n s l o w l y c h a n t i ts n a m e.
You should do a banishing ritual beforehand or
b r i e f m e d i t a t io n t o c o l l e c t y o u r th o u g h t s an d
this is all that is necessary.

However, the bare-bones approach isn't neces-

sarily the best one. If you want to increase the
likelihood of an intense evocation session, 1rec-
ommend utilizing as many elements of astrolog-
ical correspondence as you can. The more the
better-especially if you are a beginner at evoca-

(Here is where 1 get redundant, with sorne

quotes from my book Cat M agick ):

To perform a simple summoning ritual for any

spirit, 1recommend having these items:

An altar

A painted, white or black picture frame to hold

the sigil

Various white or black candle holders

Colored candles

Colored lamps (seven for each of the primary

restantes 22 minutos e...
A rosary or set of beads


The Altar

An altar can be anything from a small table to

your own construction. 1 recommend utilizing
bricks,painted black. Lay a cloth over the bottom
part, but allow a brick or two to actually hold the
sigí l frame in place.

The Sigíl

A sigíl is the seal or emblem of the Spirit. It is an

abstract design which serves as a point of focus
for the summoning, as well as a means of con-
tacting the Spirit.The sigiJ itself should be placed
in the center of the altar with a cloth over, keep-
ing it bid.It will be unveiled during the ritual it-
self.While conducting the ritual you should look
—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
at the s i g í l a n d n o t h i n g e l s e , u n t i l t h e p r e s e n c e of
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
th e S p i r i t m a n i f e s t s .
Colored Cand les and Colored Lamps

These follow planetary correspondences and are

designed to give the ritual a certain beneficial
and magickally potent ambience. Colored can-
dles shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, but
making lamps is a little harder. 1 recommend
buying something which is clear glass that you
can easily set a candle in, then painting it with
heat resistant paint .You will likely need to paint
a few coats, and a sponge brush works far bet-
restantes 22 minutos e...
ter for coverage than a regular paint brush. 1
would recommend using both candles and col-
ored lamps if possible and, of course, you can
place them wherever you wish, although it is al-
ways best to have an eye for the aesthetics of the

A Scrying M irror

This is to gaze at during the evocation to see

images. 1wrote a book on it called Scrying With-
out Tears which goes into the process of training
yourself to scry.To get started, though, you can
take a photo frame and paint the image holder
pure black. When you evoke, you stare into the
scrying mirror and, in time, images will begin to

The Bead s

Chanting the name of the Spirit is a good means

of also bringing it into manifestation. 1 recom-
mend making an abstract mantra out of the
Spirit's name to recite, though one can also write
a prayer in English or simply recite or sing the
name of the Spirit in question.

I ncense

This has much the same function as the candles

and lamps, and one can consult an Astrological
dictionary to see what best incenses to use for
planetary correspondences.

The Ritual

restantes 21 minutos e... 21°/o

After everything has been set up, the first step is
to calm yourself for a few moments with your
eyes closed. Ideally, the ritual should take place
in the dark, with no light but the lamps/candles.
At this time, take in the smell of the incense and
the sense of anticipation filling the room .

Next, open your eyes and recite a prayer to the

Spirit. Wait a moment in silence. Then, unveil
the sigiJ and gaze upan it.At this time you can re-
cite the prayer again and wait, or recite the name
of the Spirit with the beads, or use the abstract
mantra.Do so until the Spirit comes.

Once the Spirit arrives, you can simply com-

mune with it, ask it questions or make requests.
If you have a scrying mirror set up, this is
the time to begin scrying, perceiving the Spirit's
forms. When the time is right, bid the Spirit to

Afterward s

Take a few moments to reflect on the ritual.

Then, slowly and mindfully, place the sigil in its
cloth, snuff out the incense, then the candles and
then the lamps. Then put everything away. You
can write about your feelings and experiences in
your magickal journal for later reflection, also, as
well as whatever images you see during scrying.

According to the Arbatel , each of the Olympicks

—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
i-s- - -t-o- - - -b- - -e- - - -e- -v- -o- -k- -e- -d- - - - o- - -n- - - -t-h- -e- - - - f- -i-r- s- t- - - -h- -o- - -u- -r- - - o- - -f- - -t-h- - -e- -i-r- - - -p- -a- - - -r-- - - -

ticular planetary day, but in my experience it is

restantes 21 minutos e...

just as effective to evoke them at any time on
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e p l a n e t a r y d a y. w o u l d s ay th is is
--------------------------------------------------------- 1
true for all planetary energies, actually. Sunday —-- - - - - - - - - - - -—
is for the Sun, Monday for the Moon, Tuesday
for Mars, Wednesday for Mercury, Thursday for
—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —
J u p i t e r , F r i d a y fo r V e n u s a n d S a t u r d a y f o r S at-
u r n . Yo u c a n e v o k e t h e m o n a n a lt e r n a t e d a y , b u t
—-- - - - - -—
the experience may be less intense, or they may
not arrive at all. This may be because the seven
luminaries really do control everything, but 1
doubt reality is so compact and orderly as that. A
Chaos magick attitude would perhaps consider
that there is a collective "energy wave" of ancient
practitioners associated with these Spirits, and
because they were always evoked on certain days
at certain times then such times are more potent
because of this.Just as certain religious symbols
have inherent power not because the religions
are true, but because people believe they are true,
so too these days and times have a resonance
with the Spirits in question, even though there
is really no objective basis for such. But I'm not
entirely convinced of the Chaos magick para-
digm, either. 1like to think of things as both/and
rather than either/or. Even better than having a
conclusion about something is to enjoy its mys-
tery. 1would advise sticking to the planetary day
correspondences-at least at the outset-and ex-
perimenting later.

However, sorne of the Olympicks seem to me to

respond better at night than at day. 1am not sure
if this is the case with everyone, so 1recommend
trying at both times and noting the results.

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