Auto Transformer Design
Auto Transformer Design
Auto Transformer Design
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
Dept. Electrical Engg. atil College of Engineering, Indapur
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Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
Fig.2 above shows the T- Connected autotransformer Where,
model, using two single phase transformers. This
proposed design gives requires less space, volume and VA =Volt ampere (6)
weight [2]. η = Efficiency and its value is to be considered in
Høidalen, Hans K: have proposed the novel transformer between 80 to 96%
model, where two or three phase autotransformer Calculate area of conductor
windings can be used. Authors have used ATP Draw
environment to implement the model. A= I/δp mm2 (7)
Gusev, A. S.: has proposed and implemented the
universal mathematical model. In this model power and Where,
autotransformers are combined and a new model is
developed. The model is tested and found more reliable δp – Current density of copper winding conductor in
than the other hybrid models [4]. A/mm2 value is generally taken as 2.3 A/mm2
Arturi, C. M: has proposed the highly saturated
autotransformer model. This model is more effective in Number of primary turns
power system during the transient state. Authors have
proposed a five limb core autotransformer. Authors T = Primary voltage* Turns/volts (8)
have used the ATP environment for development of the
said model [5]. T = Vp*Te (9)
Efficiency 0.9
I= VA/Vp*η (5) 9
93 | P a g e
Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
IV. OVERALL DIMENSION OF CORE Generally autotransformers are suitable for step down
applications, the proposed system found suitable for the
150 50 25 25
Figure 4: 3 phase, Linear Autotransformer (Side View)
130 50 25 65
90 50 25 25
kVA rating 1
Secondary Voltage 4
Window height 2
Window width 2
94 | P a g e
Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
Figure 7: Copper winding on Bakelite bobbin VIII. RESULTS
Parameter Autotransformer Linear Autotransformer
kVA rating 1 1
Input voltage 440 440
Output voltage 470 470
Insulation class F F
Number of turns 340 280
Volts per turn 1.451 1.3157
Regulation 1.14 0.22
To collect the current rectangular carbon brushes are
used having very less contact area to provide precise
variation in output voltage. With the help of sliding
In this paper, by using linear autotransformer less
mechanism shown in fig. 8 required output is provided
expensive and efficient model can be achieved which
will leads to improve the efficiency and overall cost of
manufacturing and process of manufacturing .
In short it is less expensive and more feasible solution
against the autotransformer. In future scope current
collection method can be improved by using splitting
method to reduce heating at brush
Figure 8: Brush holder and sliding mechanism 1) Karnath, Girish R., David Benson, and Richard
Wood. "A novel autotransformer based 18-pulse
VII. TESTING OF LINEAR AUTOTRANSFORMER rectifier circuit." Applied Power Electronics
The experimental set up of linear auto transformer is as Conference and Exposition, 2002. APEC 2002.
shown fig. 9 and fig.10 below. Two wattmeter methods Seventeenth Annual IEEE. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2002.
is used to measure the power in linear autotransformer. 2) Gusev, A. S., I. L. Plodistiy, and S. V. Svechkarev.
"Universal mathematical model of power three-
phase transformers and autotransformers."
Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. 2007.
Vol. 311,№ 4: Power engineering311.4 (2007): 73-
3) B. A. Mork, F. Gonzalez, D. Ichshenko, “Leakage
inductance model for Autotransformer transient
simulation”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Power System
Transients, paper 248, 2005.
4) H. W. Dommel and, Electromagnetic
Figure 9: Testing of three phase autotransformer Transients Program Reference Manual (EMTP
Theory Book), Portland, OR: Prepared for BPA, Aug.
5) J. J. Graininger and W. D. Stevenson: Power System
Analysis, McGrawHill 1994.
6) A. Greenwood: Electrical Transients in Power
Systems, Wiley, 1991.
7) F. deLeon, A. Semlyen, “Time domain modeling of
eddy current effects for transformer transients”,
IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 8, no. 1,
Figure 10: Testing of three phase linear autotransformer
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