Dissolution Pooled Sample
Dissolution Pooled Sample
Dissolution Pooled Sample
Dissolution test as defined by USP is an important determination in assessing the quality of different pharmaceutical
forms. Some years ago, the pooled samples test was introduced. This test is carried out in three stages like the test for indi-
vidual samples, but it uses different acceptance criteria. Some doubts have been raised regarding calculation of the third
stage average. In this paper, the statistical precision of an equation for this calculation is discussed. Average dissolution val-
ues used to assess compliance are affected by several sources of variability: measurement, dissolved amount unit to unit
differences, etc. These sources of variability were studied and preferred zones are described for different values of those
components, to calculate third stage averages. The results obtained were verified with a simulation study. It was demon-
strated that it is possible to reduce the number of units tested in the third stage without introducing a noticeable increase
of the risks in the acceptance/rejection decisions.
n the third stage of the USP Dissolution Test with pooled uct refers to the dissolved amount in the dissolution test
samples (1),(criteria shown in Table 1),the average value (i.e. variability of the concentration of analyte present in
of the lot submitted to inspection is compared with the the vessel at the end of the dissolution test). This compo-
value of the parameter Q specified in the monograph. When nent was described using the RSD (relative standard
the third stage is reached,the calculation of the average of deviation). A RSD range of 1-10% covering the usual val-
the 3 values obtained in the three stages,can originate the ues (2) was studied.
question if the value of the third stage must be weighted • Variability (or uncertainty) due to measurements, includ-
double taking in account the fact that they are twelve units ing:
instead of six. The following aspects are investigated in this • Variability of aliquot volumes used to make the pooled
paper: sample. This variability has been modeled using CVp
(coefficient of variation of volume delivered); its usual
a. Which is the best estimate of the mean value (weighted value was considered to be 0.01 (1%).
vs. non-weighted estimations), • Variability related to the operation of adjusting pooled
b. Which are the consequences of applying an expression volume. This variability has been modeled using CVe
that differs from the optimum for estimation of the (coefficient of variation of the filling of the volumetric
mean, flask); its usual value was considered to be 0.005
c. Which would be the consequences of taking a sample (0.5%).
of only six units also in the third stage instead of twelve. • Variability related to the measurement of the concen-
tration of the analyte in the pooled solution. This has
Discussion been modeled using CVa (coefficient of variation of
To perform this work a statistical model of the inspection analysis); figures taken were between 0.005 and 0.03
has been built,including the following sources of variability (0.5-3%) in order to consider the different analytical
in the results of each stage: procedures that might be used.
1University of the Republic of Uruguay, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial 2 Correspondingauthor, Facultad de Ingeniería, Instituto de Ingeniería
Production Department, Montevideo, Uruguay Mecánica y Producción Industrial, Julio Herrera y Reissig 565, Montevideo,
R1, R2, R3 are the pooled results obtained in stage 1, 2 and 3.
CVR1 is coefficient of variation of result in stage 1, CVR2 is
assumed to be the same as CVR1.
CVR3 is coefficient of variation of result in stage 3, and
RSD is expressed as a percentage.
With the results of stages 1, 2 and 3, the mean value of
the lot is estimated (m) and the decision of acceptance or
rejection is taken by comparing this value with Q.
The method established by USP gives equal weights to
the three results despite the fact that they have been
obtained with different numbers of dosage units.
Figure 2. Weighting factors preferred zones (CVp = 0.01 and CVe = 0.005).
In a general way, weighting of the results can be
expressed as follows:
The partial derivative of equation 4 with respect to w is:
In this equation the following considerations have been (5)
Then it can be obtained the value of w, which makes
• Same weighting is given to results 1 and 2 because they minimum the variability of the calculated average value m,
have similar variability, and therefore the most efficient estimator of the mean (3).
• Result for stage 3 is weighted by a factor (1-2w), which The expression is as follows:
assures that the three factors add to 1 and m is an aver-
age of the results obtained. (6)
The authors wish to thank Ms. Elena Saccone for her lan-
guage revisions of the manuscript.
Pharmacopoeia Convention, Inc., Board of Trustees,
Webcom Limited, Toronto, Ontario, 2303-2304, 2004.
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3. Montgomery, D.,“Introduction to statistical quality con-
trol”, 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 91,