Patterns and Processes of Sediment Sorting in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Patterns and Processes of Sediment Sorting in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Patterns and Processes of Sediment Sorting in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Abstract: Sedimentological studies of coarse-grained alluvial rivers reveal patterns of bed material
sorting at a variety of spatial scales ranging from downstream fining over the length of the long
profile to the vertical segregation of a coarse surface layer at the scale of individual particles. This
article reviews the mechanisms that sort bed material by size during sediment entrainment,
transport and deposition and discusses some of the inter-relationships that exist between patterns
and processes of sediment sorting at different spatial and temporal scales. At initiation of motion,
sorting can arise from the preferential entrainment of the finer fractions from the heterogeneous
bed sediments. Bedload grain-size distributions are modified during transport as different size
fractions are routed along different transport pathways under the influence of nonuniform bed
topography and associated flow patterns, and during deposition as the variable pocket geometry
of the rough bed surface and turbulence intensity of the flow control the size of the particles that
deposit. The review highlights the poor understanding of the many feedback linkages that exist
between patterns and processes of sediment sorting at different scales and the need for a greater
awareness of the spatial and temporal bounds of these linkages.
Key words: sediment sorting, gravel-bed rivers, fluvial sedimentology, bed material, bedload
I Introduction
Patterns of sediment sorting in coarse-grained alluvial channels result from the segrega-
tion of particles with differing physical characteristics during processes of erosion,
transport and deposition. A knowledge of sediment sorting patterns and processes is
important because it is fundamental to our understanding of modern and ancient fluvial
systems (Carling and Dawson, 1996), boundary roughness (Robert, 1990), heavy mineral
enrichment and the generation of economic placers (Force, 1991), the fate of chemical and
metal pollutants (Webb and Walling, 1992; Macklin et al., 1997) and for maintaining the
ecological diversity of aquatic habitats (American Society of Civil Engineers Task
Committee, 1992; Montgomery et al., 1996). In sand-sized sediment, differences in
mineral densities can be important to grain sorting (Slingerland and Smith, 1986; Komar,
1989a). Coarser sediments are usually sorted by size, with shape of secondary import-
ance (Carling et al., 1992), although the effectiveness of shape selection may vary with
particle size (Bluck, 1982).
The sorting of alluvial river gravels is conventionally attributed to size-selective
entrainment whereby larger particles, because of their greater inertia, are intrinsically
less mobile than smaller particles and require higher shear stresses to entrain them.
Patterns of sediment sorting are therefore interpreted as a textural response to local
differences in flow competence. However, recent research has suggested that entrainment
from sediment mixtures is only weakly size selective. This has fuelled an ongoing debate
about the strength and effectiveness of selective entrainment as a sorting process
(e.g., Hoey and Ferguson, 1994) and generated a renewed interest in processes of select-
ive transport which route different-size fractions along different transport pathways
(e.g., Paola, 1989) and selective deposition by which the variable pocket geometry of a
rough bed surface selectively accepts and rejects clasts of differing size (e.g., Bluck, 1987).
After a brief description of the principal sedimentological features of gravel-bed rivers,
this article reviews current understanding of the processes that sort bed material by
size during sediment entrainment, transport and deposition and some of the inter-
relationships that exist between pattern and process at different spatial and temporal
scales. Numerical models of sediment sorting are only briefly considered; readers
interested in mathematical analyses of sediment sorting processes should consult Parker
(1992), Kelsey (1996) and the references cited therein.
Gravel-bed rivers exhibit complex, yet systematic, patterns of sediment sorting. Perhaps
the most obvious manifestation of sorting occurs at the channel-length scale with the
downstream reduction in bed surface grain size (Figure 1a). Despite the discontinuities in
grain size trends that arise from tributary inputs and valley side failures (Knighton, 1980;
Dawson, 1988; Rice, 1994; Pizzuto, 1995), the sorting of river gravels over the longitudinal
profile is commonly modelled as a simple downstream exponential decrease in particle
size (Figure 1a):
D Do e
where D is some characteristic particle size (usually the median (D50) or mean
particle size of the surface material), D is the initial value, L is distance downstream,
(D) o
and a is an empirical diminution coefficient (a 5 0). Compilations of diminution
coefficients indicate wide variations in downstream fining rates (Shaw and Kellerhals,
1982; Knighton, 1987). Distances within which the D50 is halved vary from tens of
kilometres in large single-thread rivers to a few hundred metres in rapidly aggrading
alluvial fans. Distal reaches often show a sudden reduction in bed material calibre from
gravel to sand (Sambrook Smith and Ferguson, 1995), the abruptness of which may
reflect the contrasting hydraulic characteristics of the two types of river system
(Sambrook Smith et al., 1997).
Superimposed on this downstream trend of decreasing particle size are reach-scale
patterns of sediment sorting associated with the spatial organization of pool-bar units in
rivers of contrasting channel pattern. The morphology and sedimentology of pool-bar
D. Mark Powell 3
units often reflect the complex erosional and depositional histories of their formation.
However, the influence of the topographic control of flow structure and sediment
transport pathways on bed material sorting is often retained. For example, the riffle
sediments of straight channels are often coarser and better sorted than those in adjacent
pools (Keller, 1971; Lisle, 1979; Figure 1b) while point bars in meandering channels
commonly fine laterally from the outer bank to the inner bank and, over the upper parts
at least, longitudinally from barhead to bartail (Bluck, 1971; Bridge and Jarvis, 1976;
Figure 1c). Downbar fining is also characteristic of medial bars in braided rivers
(Boothroyd and Ashley, 1975; Bluck, 1982; Figure 1d).
Size segregation of bed material also occurs at the grain scale (Richards and Clifford,
1991). Most gravel-bed rivers develop a surface layer, one or two grain diameters thick,
that is relatively coarse in comparison with the sand/gravel mixture beneath (Church
et al., 1987; Figure 1e). Although all size fractions present in the subsurface material are
usually represented in the surface material, the latter is usually better sorted, with a
median particle size some two to three times that of the former (Andrews, 1984).
Following Moss (1963; 1972), Dunkerley (1990) suggests that the development of a coarse
surface layer may represent a more extensive manifestation of grain±grain interactions
that promote sediment sorting within small-scale gravel bedforms such as pebble
clusters (Brayshaw, 1984; Figure 1f). Similar processes may be partly responsible for the
development of transverse ribs and clast dams (McDonald and Banerjee, 1971; Boothroyd
and Ashley, 1975; Koster, 1978; Figure 1g) and bedload sheets (Whiting et al., 1988;
Bennett and Bridge, 1995; Figure 1h).
where rs , r, g and D denote sediment density, fluid density, acceleration due to gravity
and particle diameter, respectively. A plot of t*c versus grain Reynolds number (Re* ) is
shown in Figure 2. Although subject to considerable scatter (e.g., Gessler, 1971; Miller
et al., 1977; Hammond et al., 1984) the results suggest that t*c attains a constant value
under the hydraulically rough condition of natural gravel-bed rivers. Consequently,
critical shear stresses are directly proportional to particle size (tc / D) suggesting that
particle weight is the principal force restricting movement. Larger particles, because of
their greater inertia, are intrinsically less mobile than smaller particles and require higher
shear stresses to entrain them.
Many patterns of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers are consistent with the
preferential entrainment of sediment by size. Surface coarsening (Figure 1e), for example,
can result from the entrainment of finer, more mobile particles during periods of low to
moderate flows that are incompetent for the coarser, less mobile clasts. Armouring of the
channel bed by selective entrainment is common whenever a pronounced imbalance
between sediment supply and the transporting capacity of the flow is maintained for any
length of time. Such conditions are typical of lake outflows and rivers downstream of
dams (e.g., Harrison, 1950; Komura and Simons, 1967; Williams and Wolman, 1984). The
surfaces that result are immobile at all discharges up to the historical maximum sustained
flow. As such, they are commonly called static or stable armours (Sutherland, 1987;
Parker and Sutherland, 1990). However, as discussed below, coarse surface layers can be
maintained in the presence of an upstream sediment supply and during flows capable of
moving all available grain sizes. These surfaces are termed mobile armours. As for static
armours, the conventional explanation assumes a wide range in entrainment thresholds
for particles of differing size. The bed surface is broken when the coarsest material is
entrained by the flow, thus allowing the underlying finer material to be transported. As
the flow decreases, the bed surface reforms quickly through the preferential deposition of
the coarser fractions of the bedload which eventually isolates the subsurface material
6 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
from the flow. Finer particles for which the flow is still competent to transport remain in
motion and are winnowed from the bed leaving a coarse bed surface (Klingeman and
Emmett, 1982; Gomez, 1983).
Size-selective entrainment of bed material according to spatial variations in bed shear
stress provides a mechanism that links sediment sorting, channel topography and flow
pattern in channels of different planform geometry. As discussed below, sediment
sorting in meander bends (Figure 1c) has long been attributed to a nonuniform distribu-
tion of boundary shear stress and flow competence induced by the topographic control
on flow structure (e.g., Dietrich, 1987). Similar processes may be responsible for braided
river sedimentology (Bridge, 1993).
Selective entrainment is also consistent with the reduction of bed material calibre over
the long profile (Figure 1a). Historically, downstream fining has been attributed to
particle abrasion. This reflects past emphasis on the concept of the graded river (Mackin,
1948) with its assumption that the slope required to maintain transport continuity
decreases in the downstream direction in response to an independently produced decline
in grain size.
Equation 1 is, in fact, a derivative of Sternberg's (1875) law of particle abrasion in which
a is a coefficient of abrasion. Results from abrasion tank experiments (Pettijohn, 1975:
45±58; Brewer and Lewin, 1993; Kodama, 1994a; 1994b; Mikos, 1994) and observations
that clasts with different lithologies, but similar densities, fine at different rates within the
same river system (Plumley, 1948; Bradley, 1970; Abbott and Peterson, 1978; Werritty,
1992) lend support to the particle abrasion hypothesis. Many rivers, however, exhibit
rates of downstream fining that are one or two orders of magnitude greater than rates of
abrasion (e.g., Brierley and Hickin, 1985; Dawson, 1988; Ferguson and Ashworth, 1991).
Notwithstanding secondary effects of chemical weathering (Bradley, 1970) and
abrasion in situ (Schumm and Stevens, 1973), the recognition that downstream fining
rates increase with aggradation rates (Shaw and Kellerhals, 1982) and that downstream
fining can be modelled in laboratory flumes over distances too short for abrasion to be
significant (Paola et al., 1992b) indicate that the selective downstream transfer of finer
fractions is a major cause of the longitudinal gradation of particle size. The assumption is
that size-selective entrainment concentrates the coarser particles in the upper reaches and
finer particles in the lower reaches through a process of `sedimentary fractionation'
(Paola, 1988) that results from the higher frequencies and velocities of movement of the
finer fractions of the bed material. The diminution coefficient (a) in Equation 1, should,
therefore, be interpreted to reflect the cumulative and undifferentiated effects of particle
abrasion and sediment sorting, the relative importance of which will vary according to
lithology, channel morphology and flow and sediment transport conditions.
movement of unisized sediment. Research conducted during the 1970s (e.g., Fenton and
Abbott, 1977) and 1980s (e.g., Parker et al., 1982a; 1982b) suggested that the critical shear
stress (tci) for a particle of size Di depends on its size relative to the underlying bed
material (Di/D50) as well as its absolute size and has led to a re-evaluation of the strength
of sorting at entrainment and, therefore, of the conventional models of mobile armouring
and downstream fining described above.
Figure 3 Forces acting on grains resting on a rough bed. Fl , Fd and Fg are the
forces of lift, drag and gravity, u is mean flow velocity and z is the height above
the local mean bed elevation. Factors affecting the force balance are friction
angle (y) about pivot point P, grain projection above the local mean bed surface
(c) and grain exposure above the local upstream bed surface (e)
Source: Redrawn from Richards (1990)
8 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
probability of small particles falling into gaps between surrounding grains and is com-
monly termed `microscopic' hiding (Parker and Klingeman, 1982). As a result, relatively
fine grains in a sediment mixture are less mobile than they would be in a bed of uniform
sizes. Likewise, relatively coarse grains in a mixture are more mobile than they would
otherwise be if surrounded by particles of similar size. Egiazaroff (1965) incorporated the
effects of relative protrusion into the theoretically derived entrainment criterion:
log10 19D=D
which models reasonably well the decrease in t*ci with relative particle size that is typical
of mixed-sized sediments (Figure 4a).
Grain mobility is also controlled by the grain pivot angle (Figure 3) which varies with
relative particle size according to the relation:
Di ÿf
(Miller and Byrne, 1966). Komar and Li (1986) found that the variation in the coefficients
(20 4 e 4 64 and 0.32 4 f 4 0.75) reflected the effects of particle shape, angularity, bed
structure and the manner in which a particle moves from the pocket within which it
resides. In general, pivoting angles increase as relative particle size, roundness and
sphericity decrease. Komar and Li (1986) modelled the effect of the y, Di/D50
dependence on entrainment thresholds with a simple grain pivoting model which has
been successfully applied to a number of field data sets (Figure 4b). In reality, however,
particle mobility, and therefore entrainment thresholds, will be determined by a
combination of the effects of particle hiding and grain pivoting angle. The force-balance
analysis of Wiberg and Smith (1987), for example, uses an alternative to Equation 4 of
the form:
ÿ1 Di =D50 c
y cos
Di =D50 1
(Figure 4b) while Komar and Li improved their grain pivoting model to incorporate
hiding effects (Komar and Li, 1988). Subsequent work, however, has demonstrated that
particle projection, exposure and pivoting angle vary widely for a given grain on a given
bed surface as a result of the complex microtopography of natural river gravels (Kirchner
et al., 1990; Buffington et al., 1992). Particle critical shear stresses should, therefore, be
characterized by probability distributions, rather than single values.
These and other deterministic models of sediment entrainment differ in their con-
sideration of particle geometry, lift and drag forces and the role of turbulence and are
fitted to empirical data sets by adjusting poorly constrained parameters (Bridge and
Bennett, 1992; Kelsey, 1996). However, they all indicate that grain protrusion and friction
angle reduce the relative mobility of individual size fractions within heterogeneous
sediments. In contrast to the analysis of Shields which suggests t*c is a constant, Figure 4
indicates that in a bed of mixed sizes, t*ci decreases with increasing relative particle size.
This can be modelled by the entrainment function:
t*ci t*c50
(Figure 4b) in which t*c50 is the critical dimensionless shear stress when Di D50 and b is
a hiding factor which quantifies the dependence of t*ci on relative particle size (b 5 0).
Substituting 6 into 2 yields:
tci / D1b
Equation 6, therefore, quantifies the extent to which relative size effects act to reduce the
intrinsic differences in mobility between coarse and fine fractions in a mix of surface
grains. Of particular significance are the values b 0 and b 71. If b 0 then, as
Shields suggested, sediment entrainment is dependent solely on particle size (i.e.,
tci / Di). However, an exponent of 71 indicates that the absolute weight of a particle is
completely compensated for by relative size effects and critical shear stresses for particles
comprising sediment mixtures are independent of particle size (tci / Di0). All sizes of
particles are, therefore, entrained at the same threshold shear stress (t*c50 ) and the bedload
grain size distribution approximates that of the bed material at all sediment transporting
As noted by Church et al. (1991), the equivalence of bedload and bed material grain-
size distributions is implicit in many engineering bedload formulae. However, the extent
to which relative size effects reduce the mobility of different size fractions within sedi-
ment mixtures has been the subject of much debate, the outcome of which determines
our understanding of sediment transport and sediment sorting processes generally, and
surface coarsening and downstream fining in particular.
10 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
Parker and co-workers instigated the debate with a series of articles that assumed equal
sediment mobility as a first approximation for predicting the rate of transport of sedi-
ment mixtures (Parker et al., 1982a; 1982b; Parker and Klingeman, 1982). Parker et al.
(1982a) analysed data from Oak Creek, a small, flume-like stream with a well-developed
coarse surface layer in Oregon, USA. Using data collected at flows above the critical
discharge for the break-up of the armour and the particle size distribution of the
subsurface bed material, they derived an entrainment function with a hiding factor of
70.982. This implies a very small dependence of critical shear stress on Di . The exponent
was considered to be so close to 71 as to render all subsurface grains equally mobile
such that for flows in excess of the threshold required to break up the armour, the
bedload grain-size distribution approximated that of the bulk bed material. However, an
analysis of material contained within the surface armour suggested that coarser particles
were less mobile than finer particles: relative size effects eliminated most, but not all, of
the mobility differences between coarse and fine particles. This result was used to argue
that under equilibrium transport conditions when the transport rate of each size fraction
entering the system is identical to that leaving the system, the lesser (greater) mobility of
coarser (finer) grains is compensated by their over- (under-) representation on the bed
surface through a process of `vertical winnowing' (Parker and Klingeman, 1982). The
essential difference between mobile armouring by `downstream winnowing' (see above)
and by `vertical winnowing' is that the former process requires that the larger particles
do not move, while the latter process requires that they do.
The above model of sediment entrainment has come to be known as the equal mobility
hypothesis. It states that under equilibrium transport conditions, surface coarsening
through vertical winnowing acts to equalize the mobility of different sizes by counter-
balancing the intrinsic lesser mobility of relatively coarse particles (Parker et al., 1982b;
Andrews and Parker, 1987). Consequently, the D50 can be used in conjunction with an
appropriate value of the Shields parameter to derive an estimate of the shear stress
required to initiate general movement (Gordon et al., 1992: 334; Wilcock, 1992a), above
which all grain sizes are transported at rates in proportion to their presence in the bed
material. The coarse surface layer is not destroyed during periods of competent flow
because the entrainment of bed particles is sporadic and only a small proportion of the
available bed material is active at any one time (Andrews and Erman, 1986).
An important aspect of the equal mobility hypothesis is that the lower the transport
rate (i.e., low excess shear stresses), the greater the degree of surface coarsening required
to equalize the mobility of different-size fractions (Parker, 1990). Mobile and static
armours are, therefore, genetically linked; the former will degrade into the latter under
conditions of reduced sediment supply (Dietrich et al., 1989; Parker and Sutherland,
1990). At high flows and transport intensities, the degree of surface coarsening declines
until it is eventually `washed out' (Kuhnle, 1989; 1992; Lisle and Madej, 1992; Laronne
et al., 1994; Figure 5).
The evidence for and against the equal mobility hypothesis has been discussed
exhaustively in the literature (e.g., Andrews and Parker, 1987; Richards, 1990; Gomez,
1995; Lisle, 1995; Wathen et al., 1995; Komar, 1996). Discussion has usually centred on
the strength of the tci :Di dependence as quantified by the exponent (hiding factor) in
Equation 6. Although the results demonstrate general agreement that the relative
mobility of different size fractions in heterogeneous sediments is considerably reduced
D. Mark Powell 11
by relative size effects, it is apparent that there is considerable discrepancy in the pub-
lished results. In part, this may reflect variations and differences in field and analytical
methodologies (Richards, 1990). Wilcock (1988; 1992b) argues that the reference transport
rate method (e.g., Parker et al., 1982a; Wilcock and Southard, 1988; 1989) which defines tc
as that shear stress required to produce a low, but arbitrarily defined transport rate gives
results that indicate little, if any, tci dependence on Di (b 7 1) while the largest grain
method (e.g., Komar, 1989b), in which the shear stress calculated for the largest particle
in a bedload sample (Dmax) is assumed to approximate the critical shear stress as long as
coarser particles are available on the bed, produces a variation in tci with Di0.5
(b 70.5). In principle, the two initial motion methods should give identical results
except when tci is independent of Di . That they do not is largely a result of scaling and
sampling problems which makes it very difficult to obtain accurate, representative and
comparable estimates of tci for different size fractions (Dietrich and Whiting, 1989;
Komar and Shih, 1992; Wilcock, 1988; 1992b). The strength of selective entrainment can
also be expected to vary according to mixture sorting and bimodality (Kuhnle, 1993a;
1993b; Wilcock, 1992a; 1993) and flow intensity (Parker et al., 1982b; Diplas, 1987;
Ashworth and Ferguson, 1989).
The work cited above suggests that natural gravel-bed rivers might display a wide
range of initial motion conditions according to local hydraulic and sedimentological
conditions and cautions against the use of aggregated data sets or the uncritical
comparison and application of initial motion results between rivers (Richards, 1990).
12 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
any particular patch grain size distribution is determined by the mean grain size of the
patch, coarser `patches' will have lower transport rates, and thus contribute less sediment
to the overall downstream flux than finer `patches' (Figure 7). Thus, even though equal
mobility is satisfied locally within a patch, the spatial organization of bed material and
inherent nonlinearity of the sediment transport process result in a section average, or
global, relative mobility between different size fractions which increases as the number,
sorting and range of patch mean sizes increase and the magnitude of the sediment
transporting flows decreases. Applications of the theory to the North Fork Toutle River,
in Washington, USA, led them to conclude that global relative sediment mobility arising
from local equal sediment mobility was sufficient to explain the observed pattern of
downstream fining.
As noted above, equal mobility appears to break down for poorly sorted and bimodal
sediment. Patches, it is suggested, form in such sediments by the natural process of
local sorting and sediment redistribution which, over time, force discrete areas of the
bed towards a condition of approximate local equal mobility (Paola and Seal, 1995).
14 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
Alternatively, patches may result from patterns of sediment sorting controlled by meso-
(e.g., Parker and Andrews, 1985) or micro- (Sambrook Smith and Ferguson, 1996) scale
variations in bed topography. In this way, patterns of sediment sorting at one scale have
consequences for processes and patterns of sediment sorting at other scales. Thus,
although sorting mechanisms during transport have received less attention than those
operating at entrainment, the conclusion of Paola and Seal (1995) that lateral size segre-
gation results in enhanced downstream fining establishes an important, but under-
researched, link between patterns and processes of sediment sorting operating at
different spatial and temporal scales.
Figure 8 Pool-bar morphology in (a) straight, (b) meandering and (c) braided
channels. Each bar unit consists of a deep narrow scour zone (pool) that widens
and shoals to an oblique lobe front (riffle-bar). The pool is shaded in (a) and (b)
whereas the shading in c) represents the low flow water level
Source: Dietrich (1987) reproduced with permission of the Royal Geographical
pattern is usually associated with a distinctive pattern of sediment sorting (Figures 1b±d).
These characteristic bed topographies and sedimentologies result from, and in turn
reinforce, complex flow, boundary shear stress and sediment transport fields in which
different grain sizes are moved in different directions. The theory for flow over non-
uniform bed topography is beyond the remit of this review (comprehensive discussions
can be found in Ikeda and Parker (1989) and Ashworth et al. (1996)). However, its key
aspects can be readily demonstrated with respect to flow through channel bends for
which the theory is most advanced.
turned inwards. The result is a spiral-like, secondary circulation confined to the thalweg
(Figure 9a). The tilt of the water surface slope varies in direction between successive
bends. The effect is an important modification of the longitudinal water surface slope
that results in a zone of maximum water surface slope (and hence boundary shear stress)
that shifts from the inside upstream bank to the outside downstream one as the flow
progresses through the zone of minimum radius of curvature (Figure 9b). Bed topo-
graphy effects are also important. Downstream convective accelerations associated with
Figure 9 Flow structure (a), shifting loci of maximum boundary shear stress
and sediment transport pathways (b), and forces acting on a bedload particle
(c) in meander bends. Secondary flow is dominated by a skew-induced,
helicoidal cell in the thalweg, shoaling over the point bar and a smaller, outer
bank cell. Sediment sorting results from the balance of forces acting on particles
during transport. The net result is a sorting mechanism whereby relatively fine
particles move inwards under the action of near-bed, cross-stream circulations
and coarser particles avalanche outwards under the influence of gravity
Source: (a) and (c) Markham and Thorne (1992) # John Wiley & Sons, Limited.
Reproduced with permission; (b) after Dietrich and Whiting (1989)
D. Mark Powell 17
shoaling of the flow over the bar platform reduce the cross-stream water surface slope
causing a significant net cross-stream discharge towards the pool (Figure 9a). If the bar is
extended well into the flow, the effect is an orientation of the near-bed velocity and
boundary shear stress vectors towards the outer bank. The shoaling flow meets the
secondary circulation at the point bar face causing upwelling. At the outer bank, a less
important cell of reverse circulation is observed. Pronounced downwelling occurs where
the outer-bank cell and main secondary circulation meet.
Similar controls of flow structure and boundary shear stress can be expected to operate
in the pool-bar units of braided rivers (Bridge, 1993; Rhoads and Kenworthy, 1995).
However, a full understanding of flow dynamics in braided reaches is hampered
by the occurrence of confluences and diffluences and the corresponding zones of
flow convergence and divergence, the dynamics of which vary with the discharge
and momentum of the combining and combined flows, the junction angle and the depth
and orientation of scour zone. However, detailed flume experiments (e.g., Mosley, 1976;
Ashmore, 1982; Best 1987) and field studies (e.g., Davoren and Mosley, 1986; Roy and
Bergeron, 1990; Ashmore et al., 1992; Bridge and Gabel, 1992; Ferguson et al., 1989; 1992;
Rhoads and Kenworthy, 1995) of flow patterns through simple `Y' or `X' shaped pool-bar
units indicate that the primary flow structure consists of twin cores of high velocity from
each tributary that accelerate and converge into the confluence zone. Downstream, the
flow decelerates as it diverges out of the pool and as it shoals over the downstream bar,
the flow is deflected outwards. The cross-stream flow structure within the confluence
consists of two cells of secondary circulation that plunge at the channel centre line and
diverge at the bed (Figure 10), a feature that results from either the curvature-induced
imbalance between the cross-stream pressure gradient and the centrifugal force as
described above for meander bends (e.g., Mosely, 1976; Ashmore and Parker, 1983;
Rhoads, 1996), and/or horizontal separation vortices downstream of the avalanche faces
that border the scour zone (e.g., Biron et al., 1993; McLelland et al., 1996). Downstream of
the convergence zone, the strength of the secondary circulation decreases as the core of
intensely turbulent flow lifts from the bed, the depth decreases and radius of curvature
increases. Flow in the gently curving anabranch distributaries may resemble that of low-
sinuosity meander bends (Ashworth et al., 1992b; Bridge, 1993).
exerted by the inward-acting secondary flow and the outward-acting gravitational force
(Figure 9c). Since finer particles have more surface area per unit of mass than coarse
particles, the smaller diameter grains will move inward under the net influence of the
secondary currents, while the larger diameter particles move outwards under the net
D. Mark Powell 19
influence of the gravitational force. The differential effect of transverse bed slopes on
particles of different diameter forces fine and coarse particles to trade positions as they
move through the bend (Figures 9b and c). This results in a consistent pattern of sedi-
ment sorting in which the pool tends to be coarser than the inside point bar which itself
fines downstream (Figure 1d).
Although predictions of sediment sorting arising solely from cross-stream `tipping'
under the relative action of a spatially uniform inward drag and outward gravitational
acceleration on particles compare favourably to those observed in natural river bends
(e.g., Parker and Andrews, 1985), a fully developed theory for meander morphology and
sedimentology requires a correct understanding of the relationships between the distribu-
tion of boundary shear stress and channel topography and the relationship between the
distribution of boundary shear stress and the spatial pattern of bedload transport rate
and grain size (Dietrich and Whiting, 1989). Early theories of equilibrium bed topography
and grain size distribution in channel bends modelled the transverse force balance acting
on particles moving over the outward-sloping surface of the point bar (e.g., Allen, 1970;
Bridge, 1977). At equilibrium, the cross-stream component of particle weight is exactly
balanced by the inward-acting fluid drag of the helical secondary circulation. Although
there is no net cross-stream transport of sediment, the locus of the coarser fractions
follows the shift in the zone of the maximum shear stress through the bend, thus
suppressing a tendency for erosion to increase. Since finer sediment moves inward into
the low shear stress zones, the zone of the maximum transport is maintained near the
channel centre-line.
Although early theories simulate observations reasonably well (e.g., Bridge and Jarvis,
1982; Bridge, 1984; Dietrich, 1987) they do not include the effects of topographic accelera-
tions induced by flow shoaling over the point bar (Smith and McLean, 1984). The supply
and removal of sediment from the point bar by the shoaling flow cause net outward
sediment transport which, in sand-bedded rivers, forces the zone of maximum bedload
transport rate to track the outward-shifting zone of maximum shear stress (Dietrich and
Smith, 1984). In this way, the outward-directed flow over bars exerts an important control
on equilibrium bend morphology by balancing the spatial variation in shear stress with
convergent sediment transport. A particle force balance that assumes no net cross-stream
transport, is therefore, only possible at the downstream end of a bend where the distri-
bution of shear stress might not vary in a downstream direction. In addition to topo-
graphically induced near-bed flow, Dietrich and Smith (1984) highlight the importance
of cross-stream transport caused by strong, troughwise currents along the crestlines of
bedforms that have been skewed by the migrating shear stress field. They argue that
sediment transport pathways through equilibrium meander bends are the result of a
dynamic, rather than static, balance of forces (Figure 11).
The relationship between the boundary shear stress field and the sediment transport
field depends, however, on the size and heterogeneity of the bed material (Bridge and
Jarvis, 1982). Close correspondence between the zone of maximum shear stress and
bedload transport rate may only occur in very well sorted and/or fine-grained sediments
(e.g., sand-bedded rivers) where excess shear stresses are high (e.g., Hooke, 1975).
Sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers is generally a close-to-threshold process. As such,
the cross-stream shift in the zone of maximum shear stress is more likely to be accom-
modated by coarsening of the bed in the pool. The control exerted on the relationship
between the boundary shear stress and sediment transport fields by spatial adjustments
in surface grain size is illustrated by Whiting and Dietrich's (1991) study of the
20 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
distribution of stress over an alternate gravel bar. They describe how a large variation in
shear stress is matched by a strong size sorting of surface bar material. The segregation of
the coarser fractions of the bed material in zones of high shear stress zones prevents
topographic modification of the bedform. Grain size and sediment flux adjustments to
changing boundary shear stress fields are not, however, mutually exclusive. An assess-
ment of factors controlling their relative importance awaits further field studies in a wider
range of morphological, sedimentological and hydrological settings (e.g., Carson, 1986).
Similar topographic controls on sediment pathways have been proposed for braided
rivers. Ashworth (1988) and Ashworth et al. (1992b) studied the distribution of bedload
transport rate and grain size in a scaled model of a braided reach of the White River,
Washington, USA. Bar growth led to the segregation of bedload grain size and the
routing of the finer bedload fractions through the distributaries and coarser fractions on
to the barhead. Interpreting the pattern of bedload transport in terms of the primary
(i.e., downstream) velocity field, Ashworth (1996) suggests that the routing of different
grain sizes along selective transport pathways occurs when the velocity at the barhead
switches from a maximum to a minimum and the surface flow pattern changes from one
of convergence to divergence (Figure 12). The flume study showed that the velocity and
flow pattern changes occur concurrently when the bar height was just over half that of
the water depth.
Braid-bar sorting will be enhanced by the three-dimensional flow structure of con-
fluence zones (Figure 13). Surface-convergent secondary flow cells at the confluence zone
cause divergent flow at the bed. Although the strength of the secondary flow decreases
with increasing distance from the tributary mixing zone, the lateral near-bed velocity
components of the double helical flow cell act to drive sediment bankwards. Since the
secondary circulation is much weaker than the primary flow direction, it only affects
the finer bedload fractions which are swept down either one or both distributaries
D. Mark Powell 21
depending on the maturity and morphology of the bar form. The coarser fractions have
sufficient momentum to resist the secondary flow circulation and continue to move
downstream to the barhead. If the bar has reached a critical bar-height to water-depth
ratio, only relatively coarse particles may have sufficient momentum to move up on to
the bar; finer fractions are more likely to be routed by flow divergence through the
distributaries. Sediment sorting at the barhead may also be aided by selective deposition
22 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
under the influence of variable bed pocket geometry (see below). In the distributaries
which resemble back-to-back meander bends (an eroding outer bank, asymmetrical
thalweg and inner point bar), fines may be swept inwards by surface divergent flow cells
(Richardson et al., 1996) leading to an accumulation of fines at the bar tail (Figure 13).
pocket geometry which encourages the deposition of similar sizes and decreases the
likelihood of finer particles settling due to increased turbulence around the coarse clasts.
Relatively fine particles `rejected' by the barhead are transported downstream to the
bartail where they may be deposited. The internal sorting of bar material produces a
down-bar decrease in grain size which may be maintained by a corresponding down-bar
decrease in the intensity of turbulence at the water±sediment interface (Robert et al., 1992;
1996). In a series of connected chute-bar units, sorting of bedload during bar deposition
may control the supply of coarse material to downstream aggrading barheads creating a
larger-scale pattern of downstream sorting (Figure 1d). If there are sufficient relatively
large particles in the bedload, the coarse surface fabric of the barhead may stabilize, thus
preventing further migration downstream (cf. Lisle et al., 1991). Similar processes may be
responsible for patterns of sediment sorting within transverse ribs and clast dams
(Figure 1g).
Pebble clusters also exhibit a distinctive pattern of sediment sorting although they
differ from clast dams and transverse ribs in that their axes are orientated parallel to the
flow direction (Figure 1f). Obstacle clasts are formed from a coarse, relatively immobile
grain, typically greater than the D95 of the bed surface grain size distribution. The stoss
particles also comprise relatively coarse fractions of bed material (c. D75 to D95) that often
develop an imbricate structure. The wake particles, in contrast, are relatively fine (c. D10
to D50) and form a streamlined tail. The pattern of size sorting within cluster bedforms
results from the differential response of coarse and fine grains to the bed pressure and
velocity fields generated by the obstacle clast (Brayshaw et al., 1983; Paola et al., 1986).
Reid et al. (1992) use tracers to analyse how particle transport distance varies with site of
deposition within cluster bedforms. Although they do not segregate their data by size,
particle travel distances are least for wake and stoss deposits and greatest for loosely
clustered and open framework deposits. Sambrook Smith and Ferguson (1996) note how
fines deposited in the lee of pebble clusters in a flume study grew into longitudinal
ribbons. As described above, the presence of patchiness in bed surface texture can lead to
enhanced rates of downstream fining. In this way, processes of size segregation operating
at the local scale can have an important influence on larger-scale patterns of sediment
sorting. Since bedform dimensions are a function of local grain size (Figure 1f), the
converse will also be true.
In a study of the transport of sand and gravel mixtures, Iseya and Ikeda (1987) describe
how processes of smoothing, exposure and collision sorted the bed material into longi-
tudinal smooth, transitional and congested bed states. Smoothing, whereby sand particles
infill the interstices of gravel deposits, leads to a reduction in bed roughness. As the sand
loading increases, bed roughness decreases to such an extent that gravel material is
remobilized. Aided by their greater exposure to the flow, gravels extract greater momen-
tum from the flow and are thus able to travel at higher speeds than they could under a
bed comprising solely gravel. They continue to move downstream until they become
trapped by the coarse pocket geometry of the congested bed. Finally, momentum is
exchanged from the gravel to the sand through the collision of gravel particles. The
process of longitudinal sorting induced a rhythmic pulsation of bedload transport rates
and hence aggradation and degradation at a given cross-section as well as a variation in
the structural characteristics of the bed surface (Figure 15).
Similar sorting processes have been used to explain the development of bedload sheets,
thin, migrating accumulations of sediment with coarse grains clustered at the leading
edge (Whiting et al., 1988; Figure 1h), and the development of spatially variable bed
24 Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel-bed rivers
amouring in conditions of reduced sediment supply (Dietrich et al., 1989). These observa-
tions suggest that within an imposed flow and sediment supply regime, many bed
surfaces may be controlled by the presence of coarse grains inhibiting the entrainment of
fines and the presence of fines mobilizing coarse grains (Dunkerley, 1990; Kirchner et al.,
1990). This contrasts with the mobile pavement and equal mobility hypothesis which
treats particles as individual entities and, under equilibrium transport, requires a coarse
surface layer to compensate for the inherent lower mobility of coarse particles.
VII Conclusions
The sorting of bed material over the long profile and within individual reaches indicates
that size-selective transfers of sediment must occur during the process of bedload
transfer. Although size segregation at entrainment has been shown to be weak, the
relatively long periods of time over which alluvial channels adjust their morphology and
sedimentology suggest that these subtle deviations from equal mobility may be sufficient
to generate systematic patterns of sediment sorting (Church, 1987). Modification of the
bedload grain size distribution occurs during transport. Of particular importance is the
topographic routing of different size fractions along different transport pathways which
gives rise to the sediment sorting patterns exhibited by reaches of contrasting channel
pattern. Finally, the variable pocket geometry of bed surfaces and the associated turbul-
ence intensity of flow promote sorting during deposition. The process of self-mediated
entrainment/disentrainment during transport is a particularly powerful sorting mech-
anism, especially in poorly graded sediments.
This review demonstrates that sorting at all three stages of the bedload transfer process
is important in the development of fluvial sedimentology. It has also highlighted some of
the interdependencies that exist between patterns and processes of sorting at different
spatial and temporal scales. These scale dependencies are poorly understood. Future
D. Mark Powell 25
research should, therefore, move on from the study of individual morphological and sedi-
mentological components of gravel-bed rivers and focus more on the feedback linkages
that exist between patterns and processes of sorting across scales ranging from assem-
blages of only a few particles to the grading of sediment over the longitudinal profile.
The recognition that processes generate pattern and that patterns have consequences
for higher/lower-level processes is an important one, but it should not be pursued
uncritically. Relationships between pattern and process are likely to vary as a function of
scale. For example, the simulations of downstream fining described above are the results
of modelling sediment transport mechanics at engineering-geomorphic timescales and
are therefore constrained by initial profile configuration, stream hydrology and sediment
supply. The rapidity at which significant downstream fining can develop and the length
of time it can persist suggest that autogenic modification of bed surface texture is an
important mechanism of gravel-bed river adjustment to disequilibrium conditions.
Because of the fundamental causal links between subsidence, deposition and down-
stream fining, such studies can be extended to model the filling of alluvial basins with
gravel and sand (e.g., Paola, 1988; Paola et al., 1992a). Geological models that relate
sedimentation to subsidence can be used to reconstruct the palaeohydraulics of ancient
deposits (e.g., Robinson and Slingerland, in press) and interpret basinal stratigraphy
(e.g., Heller and Paola, 1992). However, the extent to which the controls of downstream
fining that operate at geomorphic timescales are manifested at geological timescales is, at
present, uncertain (Robinson and Slingerland, in press). Moreover, other studies have
shown that the sedimentary response of infilling basins to changes in governing
variables depends on the timescale of change as well as the magnitude of the change
(Paola et al., 1992a). If different controls are dominant at different timescales, great care is
required in making comparisons between studies undertaken at different scales. Under-
standing gained from laboratory-based experiments or studies undertaken at individual
field sites may not, for example, scale up to the drainage network where spatial
variations in sediment supply (e.g., Rice, 1994; Pizzuto, 1995) and transport dynamics
(e.g., Lisle, 1995) become important. In a similar vein, understanding the controls on
grain size variation at drainage-basin scales may not be relevant for understanding the
stratigraphy of basin fills and other geological deposits. Clearly, improvements in our
understanding of modern and ancient sedimentary deposits require a greater awareness
of the spatial and temporal bounds of the linkages that exist between patterns and
processes of sediment sorting at different scales.
Much of this review was written while the author was in receipt of a School of
Geography research studentship at the University of Leeds, UK, and under the
supervision of Phil Ashworth. The review benefited from comments and suggestions by
Trevor Hoey and an anonymous referee.
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