Gawetal SediGeol03
Gawetal SediGeol03
Gawetal SediGeol03
Studies aimed at investigating the controls on 40 m 40 m. The time evolution of the model
syn-rift stratigraphy in both active and ancient rift consists of updating, at each time step, the height
basins have focused on basin-margin, coarse- of the cells as a result of tectonic subsidence and
grained depositional systems such as alluvial fans erosional or depositional processes. Time steps
and fan deltas (Colella, 1988; Dart et al., 1994; are 20 years. For a more detailed mathematical
Dorsey et al., 1995, 1997; Gupta et al., 1999; and algorithmic description of the modelling
Soreghan et al., 1999; Young et al., 2000). Such approach, the reader is referred to Ritchie et al.
studies suggest a wide range of controls on strati- (1999). The following sections describe the key
graphy, including climate, eustatic sea level and elements of the modelling approach, namely: (1)
fault slip. However, it is often not possible to trace half-graben structural geometry; (2) sediment
particular stratigraphic intervals within fan or fan- sources and supply; and (3) sediment transport
delta successions along fault zones or around rift and fan delta deposition (Fig. 1A). In addition to
basins to document their variability unequi- these elements, sea-level change is simulated as a
vocally with respect to structural setting or sedi- simplified fourth-order (100 ky) glacio-eustatic
ment entry points. Furthermore, in many cases, cycle with an amplitude of 120 m (Fig. 1B). The
dating landscape and/or stratigraphy is not of rates and scales of structural development and
sufficiently high resolution to allow detailed sediment supply used are within the range of
comparison with known global or local processes
such as eustatic sea-level change or climate.
Here, results are reported from a numerical
forward model of linked subsidence, sediment
supply, fan-delta deposition and eustatic sea-
level variation for a marine rift basin. This study
is a development of that of Hardy & Gawthorpe
(1998), who focused on the effects of along-strike
variation in slip rate and eustatic sea-level change
on fan deltas deposited in the immediate hang-
ingwall of a normal fault zone. Here, fluvial
incision during relative sea-level fall (cf. Ritchie
et al., 1999), hangingwall deformation and spatial
variations in sediment supply associated with
transverse drainage catchments developed on the
footwall scarp and hangingwall dip slope are
included. Using rates of processes reported from
studies of active extensional basins, this model is
used to investigate the three-dimensional devel-
opment of syn-rift depositional sequences in
different structural settings within rift basins,
and the variability of key stratal surfaces, such as
sequence boundaries and marine flooding surfa-
ces, and facies stacking patterns.
AND SEDIMENTATION Fig. 1. (A) Schematic plan view of the three-dimen-
sional numerical model of coarse-grained deltaic sedi-
The specific aim of this study is to investigate the mentation in half-graben rift basins. The structure is
effect of relative sea-level change, sediment sup- based on half a fault segment (fault centre to tip),
ply and basin physiography on fan-delta strati- whereas sedimentation is simplified to three charac-
teristic delta depositional systems sourced from: (1)
graphy in marine half-graben basins. The
footwall uplands; (2) fault tip; and (3) hangingwall dip
modelling approach used is cellular: a 12 km by slope. Fault slip rates and sediment supplies are based
10 km area of the Earths surface is represented by on active rift basins (see text for discussion). (B) Eu-
a grid of cells, with cell size appropriate to the static sea-level curve used in simulation, which is
scale of the processes being modelled, here based on fourth-order glacio-eustatic sea-level changes.
rates reported from half-graben around the world during the early stages of extension, the hanging-
(see Leeder, 1991; Leeder et al., 1991; Dart et al., wall starts with a pre-existing bathymetry of 50 m
1994; Gawthorpe et al., 1994; Hardy et al., 1994), across the whole model; there are no pre-existing
and sensitivity analysis of model results indicates sediments or deltaic bodies. The footwall remains
that they are representative of half-graben of this above sea level throughout the model run.
scale and their interaction with eustatic sea-level
Sediment sources and supplies
Uplift and subsidence around normal fault zones
Half-graben structural geometry
results in pronounced asymmetry of rift basin
Structural studies of rift basins confirm that tilted topography that controls the development of
fault blocks or half-graben are the fundamental transverse drainage catchments on footwall and
basin element (Jackson, 1987; Leeder & hangingwall uplands (Fig. 2). Sediment supply
Gawthorpe, 1987). Typically, half-graben are from these drainage catchments acts as a primary
520 km wide, on the order of 1530 km long control on the distribution of sedimentary
and are bounded on one side by major segmented environments and lithofacies (e.g. Leeder &
normal fault zones (Fig. 2). The half-graben depo- Gawthorpe, 1987; Leeder, 1991; Leeder & Jackson,
centres exhibit narrow, steep footwall scarps 1993; Gawthorpe & Leeder, 2000). These catch-
along the fault zone and gentler, broader hang- ments supply sediment to fans and/or fan deltas
ingwall dip slopes. Furthermore, along-strike deposited locally at the mouths of the catchments,
displacement gradients, with slip decreasing from or they combine and feed axial depositional
fault centre to fault tip, lead to hangingwall systems (Fig. 2). A further control on drainage
topographic highs (commonly termed transverse development is related to the segmented nature of
anticlines; Schlische, 1995) at fault tips and the border fault zones, with fault offsets and
depocentres associated with the area of high- transfer zones in the footwall commonly forming
est displacement rates at fault centres (e.g. the locus of larger-than-average drainage basins
Gawthorpe et al., 1994). (Fig. 2). This paper focuses on these structural
This characteristic half-graben basin geometry controls on sediment supply, although additional
is modelled using a simple linear increase in factors such as bedrock lithology and antecedent
hangingwall subsidence along a normal fault zone drainage may also be locally important in control-
from 0 m ky)1 at the fault tip to 25 m ky)1 at the ling the spatial distribution of sediment supply in
fault centre over a strike distance of 12 km rift basins (e.g. Leeder et al., 1991, 1998).
(Fig. 1A). This is, in effect, half an idealized In order to simulate depositional systems sour-
isolated fault segment and half-graben. Neither ced from the main structurally controlled drainage
lateral propagation of the fault zone nor interac- catchments, three fixed sediment entry points have
tion with adjacent fault zones are considered in been used (cf. Figs 1A and 2). Sediment derived
this model. The rates of subsidence used are from footwall catchments is represented by a single
within the range of rates reported from normal sediment entry point located on the fault scarp
faults around the world (see Gawthorpe et al., at a position where hangingwall subsidence is
1994; Hardy et al., 1994). The fault is modelled as 20 m ky)1. A further sediment entry point is
a simple vertical normal fault, separating a located on the fault zone, at the fault tip, to reflect
2 km wide footwall upland above sea level, from structurally controlled sediment supply at seg-
a subsiding hangingwall basin (Fig. 1A). The ment boundaries along the border fault zone. The
horizontal component of fault displacement is third sediment entry point is located on the edge of
not included (cf. Waltham & Hardy, 1995). Tilting the hangingwall dip slope to reflect hangingwall
of the hangingwall is modelled using a linear catchments. The rate of sediment supply has been
decrease in subsidence perpendicular to, and set at 1600 m3 year)1 for the sediment entry point
away from, the fault zone, reaching zero along located on the footwall scarp, and 6400 m3 year)1
the hangingwall edge of the model (Fig. 1A). The for both the fault-tip and the hangingwall entry
combination of fault-parallel displacement gradi- points (Fig. 1A). These values are consistent with
ents and fault-perpendicular tilting results in sediment yield data from similar structural settings
hangingwall deformation that generates a three- in active extensional settings (e.g. Leeder et al.,
dimensional, scoop-shaped depocentre typical of 1991; Dart et al., 1994).
half-graben depocentres (Gawthorpe et al., 1994; At each of the three sediment entry points,
Schlische, 1995). In order to simulate deposition the rate of sediment supply is kept constant
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172 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.
throughout the model run. This assumption slope gradients. Temporal variation in sediment
of constant sediment supply neglects likely spa- supply over the 110 ky run caused by climate
tial changes in sediment supply resulting from change is also not accounted for in the model
variation in bedrock lithology, uplift rates and (e.g. Leeder et al., 1998; Collier et al., 2000). These
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Modelling sequences in rift basins 173
the three component fan deltas during the sim- top and an arcuate shoreline separating the delta
plified glacio-eustatic sea-level cycle shown in top from the delta slope. All the deltas show
Fig. 1. After 10 ky (Fig. 3A), three small fan deltas components of both aggradation and progradation
have formed and are localized at the sediment and have a basinward-climbing shoreline traject-
entry points. Each delta has a subhorizontal delta ory, characteristics of normal regression during
Fig. 3. (Continued).
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176 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.
relative sea-level rise (e.g. Posamentier & Vail, during the period of eustatic fall that major
1988). The low sediment supply and high variations in morphology and internal geometry
subsidence rate of the footwall-sourced delta develop between the three deltas (Fig. 3BD).
result in a cone-shaped aggradational delta During the initial stages of eustatic fall between
that has a narrow, 100 m wide delta top 10 and 20 ky, the deltas maintained a similar
and high foresets ( 250 m high) (Figs 3A and arcuate morphology to that developed at eustatic
4A). In contrast, the fault-tip and hangingwall highstand, and deposition occurred as a continu-
deltas are more progradational, extending 950 ous fringe along the delta fronts. The main
and 750 m into the basin from their sediment difference at this early stage of eustatic fall is in
entry points respectively (cf. Figs 4A, 5A and the amount of progradation. By 20 ky, the foot-
6A). wall delta has prograded up to 250 m from the
From 10 to 90 ky, the background (eustatic) sea- fault scarp, whereas the fault-tip and hangingwall
level falls by 120 m, with a maximum rate of fall dip-slope deltas have prograded 1500 m and
of 2 m ky)1 attained between 20 and 80 ky. It is 1100 m respectively.
Fig. 4. Cross-sectional view of the model showing the evolution of stratal geometry. (AF) The stages are illustrated
in Fig. 3, and the section is located through the input point for the footwall-sourced delta and is perpendicular to the
fault (see Fig. 1). Note vertical exaggeration.
Fig. 5. Cross-sectional view of the model showing the evolution of stratal geometry. (AF) The stages are illustrated
in Fig. 3, and the section is located through the input point for the hangingwall dip-slope delta and is perpendicular
to the fault (see Fig. 1). Note vertical exaggeration.
By 40 ky into the model run, eustatic sea level embayments 200600 m deep (Fig. 3B). The delta
has fallen by 50 m, and marked variations in the top of both fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope
morphology and internal geometry of the three deltas dips seawards, associated with offlap and
deltas are apparent (Fig. 3B). The footwall-sour- downstepping of the deltaic lobes (Figs 5B and
ced delta still maintains the arcuate morphology 6B). These features are characteristic of shallow-
developed during eustatic rise and early fall, but marine and deltaic deposition resulting from
evolves into a progradational geometry with the forced regression during relative sea-level fall
shoreline extending up to 450 m from the fault (e.g. Plint, 1988; Hunt & Tucker, 1992; Posamen-
(Figs 3B and 4B). The delta has a flat delta top tier et al., 1992).
with no evidence of offlap or incision. In contrast, The incised channels developed by headward
both fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope deltas erosion from the shoreline shortly after the onset
have become incised by 40 ky, and the shoreline of relative sea-level fall at 10 ky, and numerous
has developed a complex lobate form with dis- incised channels developed initially. By 40 ky,
tinct delta lobes 5001750 m wide, separated by however, most of the earlier formed incised
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178 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.
Fig. 6. Cross-sectional view of the model showing the evolution of stratal geometry. (AF) The stages are illustrated
in Fig. 3, and the section is parallel to the fault and located in the immediate hangingwall (see Fig. 1); it is viewed
looking into the hangingwall. Note vertical exaggeration.
channels have been abandoned, and sediment result, deposition is localized at the mouth of the
transport has become localized through a small major incised channel as a 1750 m wide, down-
number of incised channels that are preferentially stepping delta lobe that extends basinward by
developed in the direction of tectonic tilt. These 1750 m from the sediment entry point (Fig. 3B).
major incised channels supply sediment to point- This prominent delta lobe progrades obliquely
sourced delta lobes at their mouths (Fig. 3B; cf. across the hangingwall dip slope, down the local
Ritchie et al., 1999). For example, incision in the tectonic tilt (Fig. 3B). Thus, the dip section
fault-tip delta is dominantly axial with respect to through the sediment entry point of the hanging-
the fault, leading to the development of an wall delta shows the exposed, incised and
offlapping delta lobe that downsteps parallel to bypassed proximal delta top with virtually no
the fault in the direction of increasing displace- deposition between 30 and 40 ky (Fig. 5B). In
ment (Figs 3B and 6B). By 40 ky, this delta lobe contrast, the dip section located 200 m along-
has prograded axially 3000 m from the sediment strike towards the centre of the fault segment
entry point. shows an oblique section through the mounded
In a similar way, incision on the hangingwall form of the 3040 ky delta lobe deposited at the
dip-slope delta becomes preferentially developed mouth of the major incised channel (Fig. 4B).
in the direction of tectonic tilt. One major incised At the end of the period of maximum rate of
valley, orientated in the direction of tilt, has eustatic sea-level fall at 80 ky, over half the
developed by 40 ky and has captured flow that hangingwall dip slope has become subaerially
was previously going through many earlier exposed (Fig. 3C). Overall, the morphology and
formed incised channels (Fig. 3B and C). As a internal geometry of the footwall-sourced delta is
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Modelling sequences in rift basins 179
similar to earlier stages in its development, and it 90 ky and onlap onto the 80 ky surface. This is
has continued to prograde, the shoreline now best displayed in the strike section in the imme-
reaching 780 m into the hangingwall from the diate hangingwall of the fault (Fig. 6D). Compar-
fault (Figs 3C and 4C). The strike section through ison of the amount of onlap and aggradation
the footwall-sourced delta (Fig. 6C) illustrates the between the fault-tip and footwall-sourced deltas
delicate balance between relative sea-level indicates that the amount of aggradation increases
change and stratal geometry. Towards the fault with increasing subsidence along the fault zone
tip, the strike section displays minor offlap and (Fig. 6D). Thus, although eustatic sea level was
downstep between 20 and 80 ky (Fig. 6C). Here, still falling between 80 and 90 ky, the lower rate
the subsidence along the fault is slightly less than of eustatic fall (compared with the rate between
the rate of eustatic fall (2 m ky)1), creating a 20 and 80 ky) and the relatively high subsidence,
minor relative sea-level fall. In contrast, towards basinal location of the shoreline of all three deltas
the centre of the fault segment, the equivalent between 80 and 90 ky, resulted in deposition
deltaic wedges display progradation with minor under conditions of a relative sea-level rise.
aggradation, and a slightly rising shoreline tra- The eustatic sea-level rise from 90 ky to the end
jectory. In this location, the subsidence rate is of the model run at 110 ky produces a marked
slightly greater than the rate of eustatic fall, landward shift in shoreline position in all three
resulting in a minor relative sea-level rise. In deltas as the rate of relative sea-level rise out-
many ways, the pronounced sequence variability paces sediment supply (Fig. 3E and F). In the
illustrated by the footwall-sourced delta during footwall-sourced delta, the preceding delta top is
the eustatic fall is a microcosm of the variability abruptly drowned and is downlapped by the toes
within the half-graben as a whole. of a small conical delta deposited in the imme-
By 80 ky, both the fault-tip and the hangingwall diate hangingwall of the fault (Fig. 4E and F).
dip-slope deltas have undergone marked regres- During the eustatic rise, the fault-tip and hang-
sion (Fig. 3C) and, landward of the 80 ky shore- ingwall dip-slope deltas are characterized by a
line, the earlier formed downstepping deltaic series of low-relief mounded deposits that retro-
wedges have become subaerially exposed and grade back towards the sediment entry points
incised (Figs 3C, 5C and 6C). The geometry of the (e.g. Figs 3E, 4E and 6E). These transgressive
fault-tip delta has become markedly elongate, deposits are fed through, and infill, the incised
with the shoreline migrating some 3500 m paral- valleys cut during the earlier phase of relative
lel to the fault between 40 and 80 ky. The delta sea-level fall.
becomes progressively narrower, extending only At the end of the model run at 110 ky (Fig. 3F),
7501000 m away from the fault as it progrades the fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope deltas
into progressively deeper water (Fig. 3C). In occupy similar positions to those attained during
contrast, the hangingwall dip-slope delta has a the initial highstand of eustatic sea level (i.e. at
more sheet-like, lobate form, the shoreline having 10 ky; Fig. 3A). In cross-section, the two deltas
migrated a maximum of 3500 m obliquely down have components of aggradation and prograda-
the hangingwall dip slope between 40 and 80 ky, tion, and downlap onto the retrogradational de-
and formed a broad delta lobe 4600 m wide posits (Figs 4F and 6F). Thus, both deltas display
(Fig. 3C). characteristics of normal regression formed as a
At the lowstand of eustatic sea level at 90 ky, result of sediment supply outpacing relative sea-
all three deltas have reached their maximum level rise. In contrast, the footwall-sourced delta
point of regression (Fig. 3D). The delta sourced at 110 ky has almost no topsets and is almost
from the fault tip and the footwall-sourced delta entirely a submarine cone building onto the 90 ky
have merged to form a continuous fringe of submerged delta top that is now 160 m below
deposition in the immediate hangingwall of the sea level (Figs 3F and 4F).
fault zone (Fig. 3D). The delta top in all three
deltas has a smooth and subhorizontal form
immediately behind the 90 ky lowstand shoreline DISCUSSION OF MODEL RESULTS
that contrasts with the incised, downstepping AND IMPLICATIONS FOR SEQUENCE
nature of the more proximal, exposed portion of DEVELOPMENT AND VARIABILITY
the fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope delta tops
(cf. Fig. 3C and D). In cross-section, the smooth, Although the results presented were generated for
subhorizontal portion of the delta top is associ- one numerical model with a specific set of
ated with slight aggradation between 80 and parameters, they provide more general insights
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180 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.
into depositional sequence development and the the hangingwall dip-slope delta is located 56 km
three-dimensional variability of sequences and basinward of the sediment entry point.
their component stratal units and key stratal The fault-tip delta builds predominantly axial-
surfaces. These results, and the general and ly and develops an elongate external form as a
specific conclusions drawn from them, are in result of tilting into, and parallel with, the fault.
agreement with other numerical and analogue Low subsidence rates towards the fault tip make
studies of such systems (e.g. Contreras & Scholz, this type of delta prone to eustatic sea-level fall
2001; Heller et al., 2001; Csato & Kendall, 2002). and, as a result, the fault-tip delta in the model
The cross-sectional stratal geometries, together undergoes marked regression, with the lowstand
with the surfaces representing the three-dimen- shoreline situated some 9 km along the fault from
sional morphology of the depositional systems at the sediment entry point. Despite the pro-
specific times during their evolution, are perhaps nounced regression parallel to the fault, the
most akin to seismic stratigraphy, rather than shoreline only extends up to 15 km into the
higher resolution outcrop-based depositional hangingwall and narrows progressively as it
sequence analysis based on detailed facies analy- builds into deeper water towards the centre of
sis. In this section, the differences between the the fault (e.g. Fig. 3C).
three deltas developed in the model and their The morphological characteristics of the var-
implications for sequence development and vari- ious modelled deltas are typical of natural exam-
ability are discussed. Key issues that arise from ples from rift basins. For example, in the active
the results are also compared with natural exam- Sperchios basin, Greece (Fig. 2; Eliet &
ples of deltas in half-graben basins. Gawthorpe, 1995), the footwall-sourced, hanging-
wall dip-slope and axial deltas have similar
planform morphology and areal extent to those
External form of deltas
in the numerical model presented here. In the
The model presented for an idealized half-graben Gulf of Corinth and Gulf of Patras half-graben,
rift basin indicates that local, fault-controlled Greece, steep-gradient, cone- to fan-shaped fan
tectonic subsidence has a major impact on the deltas, with an area of 12 km2, dominate the
three-dimensional external form and internal southern fault-bounded margin of the basins (e.g.
stratal geometry of coarse-grained deltas. In terms Ferentinos et al., 1988; Leeder et al., 2002). In
of the three-dimensional external form of the contrast, major hangingwall rivers feed broad,
deltas, major differences are apparent between sheet-like deltas, such as the Evinos and Mornos
the footwall-sourced, fault-tip and hangingwall deltas that have delta top areas of several tens of
dip-slope deltas because of the impact of border square kilometres (e.g. Piper et al., 1990; Chronis
fault slip rates and local tectonic tilting on et al., 1991; Collier et al., 2000).
accommodation development and basin physio-
Internal stratal geometry of deltas
The steep bathymetric gradients that develop
along the fault scarp, particularly near the centre Although there are gross similarities in the evo-
of the modelled fault segment, coupled with lution of the three deltas, namely they all have an
limited sediment supply from small footwall initial regressive phase followed by transgression
drainage catchments, lead to coarse-grained del- and a final phase of limited regression, there are
tas that have a cone- or fan-shaped morphology marked differences in their sequence stratigraphy
and undergo limited progradation (in the model (Fig. 7). Two key stratal surfaces can be recog-
< 1 km). Hangingwall dip-slope deltas, in com- nized in the deltas based on stratal geometry,
parison, build into shallow water, on account of shoreline trajectory and stratal terminations.
the lower gradient of the hangingwall dip slope, These are: (1) a transgressive surface, marked by
and with low subsidence rates. The shallow water onlap and a landward shift in the position of the
depths, together with relatively large sediment shoreline that caps the initial phase of regression;
supplies from hangingwall catchments, generate and (2) a downlap surface (maximum flooding
deltas that have a broad sheet-like to lobate form surface) that lies at the base of the final phase of
(in this low-energy basin where no tide or wave limited regression (sensu Mitchum et al., 1977;
effects are modelled). Low subsidence rates also Posamentier & Vail, 1988).
make the deltas prone to eustatic sea-level fall, In situations with low-gradient delta tops, low
leading to pronounced forced regression. In the sediment supply and/or high rates of relative sea-
model presented here, the lowstand shoreline of level rise, such as in the footwall-sourced delta
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Modelling sequences in rift basins 181
Fig. 7. Representative cross-sections showing the final stratigraphic product and sequence-stratigraphic interpret-
ation for: (A) footwall-sourced delta; (B) fault-tip delta; and (C) hangingwall dip-slope delta. Numbered stratal
surfaces are time in thousands of years, and the inset shows eustatic sea-level curve. Systems tract nomenclature
follows that of Hunt & Tucker (1992) and Gawthorpe et al. (2000). See text for discussion.
near the centre of the fault segment, the trans- systems tract and separate the transgressive sur-
gressive surface and downlap surface are coinci- face at their base from the overlying downlap
dent, and there are no retrogradational deposits, surface. Sediment deposited in these transgres-
i.e. no transgressive systems tract (Fig. 7A). In the sive systems tract deposits is fed through, and
fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope deltas, low- progressively back-fills, the distal portions of
relief mounded units retrograde up the exposed incised channels.
and seaward-dipping delta top and attest to Key stratal surfaces associated with relative sea-
deposition when the rate of accommodation level fall, such as the sequence boundary and the
development outpaced sediment supply (Fig. 7B basal surface of forced regression (e.g. Plint, 1988;
and C). These deposits form a transgressive Posamentier & Vail, 1988; Van Wagoner et al.,
2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 169185
182 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.
1990; Hunt & Tucker, 1992; Posamentier et al., final stratigraphic product is less clear. In the case
1992), are not equally developed in all three of the modelled fault-tip delta, the main regres-
deltas. In high-subsidence settings, such as sive deposits (090 ky) recorded in the final
experienced by the footwall-sourced delta in the stratigraphy would be interpreted to reflect initial
model, key stratal surfaces associated with sea- aggradation (010 ky), followed by progradation
level fall are poorly developed, if at all (Fig. 7A). associated with toplap (1080 ky) and, finally,
The footwall-sourced delta is located at the point onlap and aggradation/progradation (8090 ky)
where the rate of subsidence is equal to the fastest (Fig. 7B). The subtle downstepping indicative of
rate of eustatic fall (2 m ky)1 in the model). The forced regression may be lost in the final product,
delta essentially progrades, and the delta top is partly because of the along-strike tilting of the
not incised during the phase of eustatic fall delta topsets in the direction of regression
(Fig. 7A). The fault-tip side of the delta experi- (Fig. 7B). Thus, a pragmatic sequence-stratigra-
ences slight relative fall, as the rate of eustatic fall phic interpretation of the 080 ky stratigraphy is
is greater than the subsidence rate, whereas the that it is a highstand systems tract formed during
fault-centre side of the delta experiences slight an initial relative sea-level rise and subsequent
relative rise as subsidence rates are > 2 m ky)1. stillstand. Exposure and incision associated with
This variation in relative sea level is expressed by relative sea-level fall then followed, before coastal
subtle offlap towards the fault tip and slight onlap and the development of a lowstand wedge
aggradation of the topsets towards the fault centre between 80 and 90 ky. This interpretation is
(e.g. Fig. 6C). In practice, however, these subtle- clearly erroneous, misinterpreting the controls
ties would be difficult to identify, particularly on on the main phase of regression and the timing of
subsurface data (well logs or seismic), and a relative sea-level fall.
pragmatic interpretation would interpret the first In the hangingwall dip-slope delta (Fig. 7C), in
regressive phase in the footwall-sourced delta to addition to incision close to the sediment entry
evolve from aggradational to progradational: a point, there is clear evidence of a downward shift
highstand systems tract. Thus, despite the back- in coastal onlap onto the 40 ky delta front and
ground eustatic fall, the stratal geometry of the subsequent downstepping deltaic wedges up to
footwall-sourced delta would be interpreted in 90 ky. Based on the two-dimensional cross-sec-
terms of deposition during relative sea-level rise. tion in Fig. 7C, a practical sequence-stratigraphic
Comparable stratal geometries are seen in nat- interpretation would place all the 040 ky strati-
ural examples from the Gulf of Corinth half- graphy in a highstand systems tract, followed by
graben and the Suez rift (Dart et al., 1994; Gaw- the development of forced regressive and low-
thorpe et al., 1994; Gupta et al., 1999). In the case stand wedges until 90 ky. Interestingly, in the
of the Gulf of Corinth, ?Plio-Pleistocene fan two-dimensional section through the sediment
deltas, now uplifted and incised in the footwall entry point of the hangingwall dip-slope delta,
of the active normal fault zone, are dominated by the 90 ky deltaic wedge appears to be a detached
aggradationally stacked stratal units, which lowstand shoreline, separated from the updip
evolve internally from aggradation to prograda- delta by a zone of bypass (e.g. Fig. 5D). However,
tion and are bounded by major transgressive this is not a detached lowstand delta: in three
surfaces and/or downlap surfaces (e.g. the dimensions, it is connected by a series of forced
Kerinitis delta, Fig. 2B; Dart et al., 1994; Gaw- regressive delta wedges back to the initial high-
thorpe et al., 1994). Surfaces characterized by stand delta that formed at 10 ky (Fig. 3D).
incision and across which there is a basinward Comparable stratal geometries to those devel-
shift in facies are rare. oped in the modelled hangingwall dip-slope
In contrast to the footwall-sourced delta, the deltas are seen in natural examples from Greece
fault-tip and hangingwall dip-slope deltas show along the hangingwall of the Gulfs of Patras and
clear evidence for relative sea-level fall in the Corinth (e.g. Piper et al., 1990; Collier et al.,
form of incised channels (Fig. 7B and C). Identi- 2000). For example, in the eastern Gulf of
fication of the incised channels in proximal areas Corinth (Alkyonides Gulf), highly progradation-
allows a sequence boundary to be picked at the al, sheet- to wedge-shaped hangingwall
base of the incised valleys and along associated dip-slope deltas are imaged in high-resolution
interfluves. However, although there is clear shallow seismic data sets (Fig. 2C; Collier et al.,
evidence of incision and forced regression when 2000). These deltas are interpreted to reflect
the evolution of the system is visualized (Fig. 3), deposition during late Quaternary eustatic sea-
interpretation of relative sea-level fall from the level falls when the gulf became an isolated lake
2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 169185
Modelling sequences in rift basins 183
(Lake Corinth) because of a structural sill at its and seismic expression in natural systems. In
western end. contrast, key stratal surfaces associated with
The sequence-stratigraphic analysis of the three relative sea-level fall may be absent in certain
modelled deltas has major implications for exist- structural settings and are often cryptic in
ing sequence-stratigraphic models and for inter- others. For example, subaerial exposure and
preting the controls on stratigraphy. In particular, fluvial incision may be absent in the immediate
the modelling results raise questions regarding hangingwall near the centre of fault segments,
the chronostratigraphic significance of systems where subsidence rates may outpace all but the
tracts when different systems tracts are developed fastest eustatic falls. Even in settings where
contemporaneously within a basin over distance relative sea-level falls are pronounced, there are
of several kilometres to tens of kilometres. Fur- practical difficulties in correctly identifying the
thermore, the results highlight the problems in stratigraphy associated with relative sea-level
interpreting the controls on stratigraphy from the falls. Recognizing the onset of relative sea-level
preserved stratigraphic product, particularly the fall from the stratigraphic product is partic-
timing and duration of relative sea-level fall, and ularly difficult.
the difficulty in deconvolving eustatic and tec- Local subsidence rates also have a major
tonic components of relative sea-level change impact on the development of systems tracts
(e.g. Gawthorpe et al., 1994; Hardy et al., 1994; within depositional sequences. The marked spa-
Csato & Kendall, 2002). tial variations in relative sea-level change that
result from local variations in fault-controlled
subsidence lead to the development of different
CONCLUSIONS facies stacking patterns and stratal geometries in
particular structural settings. This is most
Despite the simplifications and assumptions apparent during eustatic sea-level fall, when
used in the numerical model, the results pre- high subsidence rates adjacent to the centre of
sented here highlight the marked three-dimen- fault segments may lead to the continual cre-
sional variability in depositional sequences that ation of accommodation and the development of
may develop in rift basins. In particular, the highstand systems tracts that are contemporane-
results indicate the importance of fault-related ous with forced regressive systems tracts in low
subsidence rates on relative sea-level change and subsidence rate locations. Variations in the
basin physiography, and the impact that these development of the transgressive systems tract
factors have on sequence development. The are also apparent around the modelled half-
results of the modelling study also have more graben. Regions of low sediment supply, low
general implications for sequence-stratigraphic coastal plain (delta top) gradients and high
interpretation of basin fills, highlighting the subsidence undergo abrupt transgression and
potential difficulties in correctly interpreting lack retrogradational deposits of the transgres-
controls on stratigraphy in natural systems. In sive systems tract. In contrast, in low subsidence
particular, this study indicates the problems in rate settings that have higher sediment supplies
correctly identifying the stratigraphic products and where transgression occurs over the sea-
associated with relative sea-level fall and the ward-dipping exposed top of downstepping
practical problems in unequivocally relating the forced regressive wedges, retrogradational depos-
preserved stratigraphic product to the control- its are developed and form a transgressive
ling processes. systems tract.
The model results indicate that key stratal Although the model used here is a simplifica-
surfaces that define depositional sequences (e.g. tion of a complex natural system, and many
the sequence boundary) or subdivide deposi- processes are omitted (compaction, true drainage
tional sequences into component systems tracts development in the footwall and climatic oscil-
(e.g. transgressive and maximum flooding lations), it allows a better understanding of the
surfaces) may be of limited spatial extent. In three-dimensional stratigraphic evolution of half-
subsidence-dominated settings such as the hang- graben basin fills. Furthermore, the results
ingwall of rift basins, major marine flooding highlight pitfalls in sequence-stratigraphic inter-
surfaces, such as the maximum flooding surface, pretation and problems in interpreting control-
are the most widespread, occurring in all three ling processes from the preserved stratigraphic
deltas in the model, and this surface is likely to product that are also applicable to other types of
have a distinctive lithological, biostratigraphic sedimentary basin.
2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 169185
184 R. L. Gawthorpe et al.