Sound Level Analysis

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3, March-2017
P. G. Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Padmbhushan Vasantdada Patil Institute of technology,Budhgaon

Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Padmbhushan Vasantdada Patil Institute of
technology,Budhgaon Sangli.

ABSTRACT: 5) The calibration of sound level meter is necessary. If the

Exhaust noise created by the engines is value displayed on the sound meter is more than 0.2 dB of
important noise pollution to the environment. Exhaust the calibrator value, calibrate or adjust the sound meter.
systems are required to attenuate noise meeting
required dB levels and sound quality, emissions based
on environment norms. Hence this is become an
important area for research and development.
Mufflers are important part of engine system and used
in exhaust system to minimize sound transmissions
caused by exhaust gases. Design of muffler is a
complex function that affects noise characteristics,
emission and fuel efficiency of engine. Thus muffler
design becomes more and more important for noise
reduction. This research deals with a practical
approach to design, develop reactive muffler for
exhaust system, which will give advantages over the Fig.1 Experimental Setup
conventional method with shorten product
development cycle time and validation.
KEYWORDS: Exhaust muffler; Experimentation, sound
level meter, pollution norms.

The measurement of sound level is important in
exhaust system of an automobile. The noise which is
emitted by the engine is going to exhaust system. In
exhaust system muffler plays an important role. In this
research paper noise measurement is carried out for
muffler with a double expansion chamber. The
measurement of sound pressure level (dB) is carried out
when vehicle is at stationary condition.
. Fig.2 General Test Conditions.
2.1GENERAL TEST CONDITIONS: 6) The microphone position placed behind the exhaust
1) The test carried out under stationary condition. During pipe at a distance of 50 cm ±2 cm from the reference point
test motorcycle must be at normal running temperature. of the exhaust pipe, at the same height as the reference
2) During testing Motorcycle should be in vertical position point ±2 cm if this point is more than 20 cm from the
and stable. If operator cannot maintain this position by ground, on an imaginary line at a 45° angle ±10° with
themselves, an assistant can help them by standing on the respect to the longitudinal axis of the motorcycle. The
opposite side from the microphone and as close to the microphone pointed at the reference point The
front of the vehicle as possible. microphone must be supported by a tripod, and no other
3) The motorcycle should be in neutral condition during accessory used to position the microphone in relation to
testing.. the exhaust pipe should be left in place. The windscreen
79 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3, March-2017
should be put on the microphone to take the measurement. 3.2 MOTORCYCLE SPECIFICATIONS:
If there is more than one exhaust pipe on the same side of Table 2.Motorcycle Specifications.
the motorcycle, see Figure 2 to determine which exhaust Sr.No. Parameter Specifications

pipe to use for the measurement. 1. Model Royal Enfield Bullet 350cc (Classic)
7) The sound meter must be set on the scale for A
2. Engine Type Single Cylinder 4 Stroke, OHV, Dual
frequency-weighting and on the F time-weighting. It must
Spark Ignition, Air Cooled
be used in a measurement mode that memorizes the
maximum sound pressure level (LAFMAX) during the 3. Bore 70 mm.

measurement period planned. 4. Stroke 90 mm

8) If the motorcycle’s tachometer is used, the sound meter
5. Swept volume 346 cc.
operator or an assistant must take the readings during the
test. This person must stand on the side opposite the 6. Compression ratio 8.5:1.
7. Max Power @ rpm19.8 BHP @ 5250 rpm
9) If the motorcycle is equipped with an exhaust pipe on
both sides, a measurement must be taken on both sides. 8. Max Torque -@ rpm28 Nm @ 4000 rpm
The highest sound pressure level measured is the one to
9. Idle RPM 1050±200 rpm
record. If the level measured on the first side exceeds the
allowed limit, it is not necessary to test the other side. 10. Starting Kick Start/E-Start

11. Air filter element Paper element

3.1 NOISE STANDARDS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES: 12. Carburetor Ucal - BS 29.
13. Lubrication Wet sump Forced lubrication
Every motor vehicle shall be constructed and
maintained so as to conform to noise standards as 14. Engine oil capacity 2.75 Litres.
15. Engine oil grade Royal Enfield 15 W 50 API SL Engine
indicated in the table below, and these Standards shall be Oil (JASOMA).
tested as per IS: 3028. 16. FD Sprocket 16 Teeth.
Table 1.Noise limits for vehicles applicable at
17. Rear Wheel 38 Teeth.
manufacturing stage from year 2003.
Sr Noise Limits from Date of
.N Type of vehicle 1st January, 2003. implementation 4. MEASUREMENT OF EXHAUST PIPE SOUND LEVEL:
o (dB)
As per the Indian BIS a standard IS: 3028 for the two
wheelers maximum permissible sound is 80dB.
1 i) Two wheeler 75
Displacement upto 80 cm3
ii) Displacement more than 1st January, 2003
80cm3 but upto 175 cm3 77
iii) Displacement more than
175 cm3

2 Three wheeler
i) Displacement upto 175 77 1st January, 2003
ii) Displacement more than 80 Plate.1.Sound Level indication from Instrument
175 cm3

3 Passenger Car 75 1st January, 2003

4 Passenger or commercial
vehicle i) Gross vehicle 80
weight upto 4 tonne.
ii) Gross vehicle weight
more than 4 tonne but upto 1st July 2003
12 tonne. 83
iii) Gross vehicle weight
more than 12 tonne.

(Source: Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1st January 2003) Plate 2. Sound with existing muffler without and With

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3, March-2017
1) “Prediction of Transmission Loss for Motorcycle
Muffler”,Tetsuo Kaneda, Mistake Oda; SAE Paper No.;
2) “Development of Exhaust Silencer for Improved Sound
Quality”, Sachin Wagh; SAE Paper No.; 2010-01-0388.
3) “Study on the Vibration of Motorcycle Muffler System”,
J. Suwa, K. Hokari, M. Oda; SAE Paper No.; 2001-01-
1868/4289, 2001.
Plate 3. Measurement of sound level by using Double 4) “Experimental Modal Analysis of Automotive Exhaust
expansion chamber. Structures”,Heiner Storck, Hartono Sumali; SAE Paper
No.; 2001-01-0662, 2001.
5) “A Practical Approach towards Muffler Design,
Development and Prototype Validation”, Shital Shah;
SAE Paper No.; 2010-032-0021.
6) M.L. Munjal, 1987, Acoustics of ducts and mufflers with
application to exhaust and Ventilation system design,
Wiley-Interscience, 328 pg.
7) Liu Qing, Performance Simulation Analysis and
Improvement of Exhaust Muffler of LJ276M EFI
Plate.4. Muffler with double expansion chamber.
Gasoline Engine. Wu Han Wuhan University of
Table 3.Sound Level Measurement.
8) “Environmental Standards” for Motor vehicle in India
Sr.No Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound with
with with without without with double IS 3028, Environment Amendment Rules, dated 25th
existing first muffler muffler double expansion September, 2000.
muffler( gear (dB) with first expansi chamber
dB) shift & gear shift on with first 9) “Prediction of transmission loss using an improved SEA
raised and chambe gear shift Mehod”, Rainer Stelzer, Nicolas Totaro,Goran Pavic;
muffle raised r and raised
r (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
INSA Lyon Laboratories 12-16 April 2010.

1. 67.9 90.7 70.2 86.5 64.00 79.8

2. 68.4 90.8 70.5 86.3 63.7 80.2
3. 67.5 90.2 71 86.9 63.8 79.7
4. 67.3 90.4 70.8 86.4 63.7 79.5
5. 67.8 90.3 70.6 85.5 63.2 80
6. 67.9 90.9 71.2 85.9 63.8 79.8
7. 67.3 90.5 70.9 85.8 63.5 78.9

8. 67.8 90.9 70.5 86.0 63.7 79.3

9. 68 90.5 70.6 86.4 63.9 79.5

10. 68.2 90.4 70.6 86.2 63.2 79.6

As per the Indian BIS standards IS: 3028 for the two
wheelers maximum permissible sound is 80dB. The sound
with existing silencer with & without raised the value
comes above 80dB which is not accepted. The sound with
existing muffler and sound with first gear shift this will
gives values above 80dB.Sound with double expansion
chamber at neutral condition and with first gear shift and
raised gives optimum results than existing silencer. Sound
with double expansion chamber with and without raised
gives values bellow 80 dB.

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