Acoustic Performance Designof Automotive Muffler

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Acoustic Performance Design of Automotive Muffler.

Technical Report · May 2019

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2 authors:

Atoa Scientific Technologies Asutosh Prasad

ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd, India, Bengaluru


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Acoustic Performance Design of Automotive Muffler
Asutosh Prasad*, and Raj C Thiagarajan
* Corresponding author, ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd, 204, Regent Prime, 48 Whitefield Main Road,
Whitefield, Bengaluru 560066, India,,

Abstract with huge cost to mankind by making environmental

noise pollution. Automotive engines are the root cause
The effects of automotive engine emission and of traffic noise pollution. Hence mufflers are essential
exhaust noise on the natural environment has become a to reduce the engine noise before it interact with
critical obstacle for living beings. Exhaust system is surrounding atmosphere.
known to be a vital component of the automotive
1.2 Engine Noise
emission and environmental noise pollution. Exhaust
noise from an Internal Combustion engine is one of the The Internal Combustion Engine is the heart of a
root causes for traffic noise pollution. Acoustical vehicle. The explosion during combustion process
Engineering of automotive muffler or silencer has generates loud sound pressure which must be extracted
gradually reduced the noise pollution level in an to atmosphere without affecting the engine
effective manner. Automotive mufflers are engineered performance. This sound pulse propagates through air
to attenuate noise level, meeting desired emissions and medium to our ear. The noise produced from the
sound quality based on pollution regulatory control. internal combustion engines can increase beyond
normal sound level leading to hearing loss and mental
Therefore automotive muffler design has become an
essential part of current research and development. The
design validation of mufflers has always been a big 1.3 Exhaust Mufflers
challenge for Engineers due to its complexity, hence it
is an active area of research and development in recent Exhaust Mufflers are the mechanical devices
years. Automotive Mufflers need to be designed engineered to attenuate engine noise before it reaches
considering the Sound Wave propagation and Noise to the surrounding atmosphere. The integrated sound
cancellation physics behind it. Design and production cancellation phenomena of expansion chambers inside
exhaust muffler makes it possible to attenuate high
of desired muffler is an iterative process followed by
frequency noise and generate sounds below critical
built and test method. Recent research on automotive level. Though mufflers can reduce high frequency
emissions made it possible to design and develop noise, it gradually decreases engine performance by
desired muffler numerically without consuming time generating heavy back pressure. Hence it is essential to
and cost. This paper deals with the numerical design a muffler which reduces engine noise without
experiments for early prediction of muffler affecting the performance. Design and analysis of
performance at the design stage. In this experiment a mufflers is a complex work that affects noise attributes,
Reactive Muffler is developed and validated emission and fuel efficiency of an internal combustion
engine. For suitable design of a muffler, Transmission
numerically compared to traditional built and test
loss (TL) and Insertion Loss (IL) are the key
process. parameters that need to be derived for further
experiments. Among these two, Transmission Loss
1.0 Introduction (TL) is more preferred and widely used for predicting
both muffler and engine performance. Though the
With increased demands of passenger cars in muffler design is an iterative process by trial and error
developing countries, the automotive manufacturers are methods, in recent years the advances in Numerical
facing several challenges from Pollution control board simulation has made it possible to save production time
on severe noise pollution. Automobiles are the major and costs by reducing prototype building and physical
part in the development of any country, which makes testing. In this paper, numerical design of a reactive
regular transportation easier. Though automobiles muffler is considered for better noise reduction and
provides better transportation, it comes engine performance.
1.3.1 Reactive Muffler Delta type thin baffles are patterned gradually to
separate the sound wave and flow at nose and mix
Reactive Mufflers are designed to reflect the sound them at tail for extra sound reduction. Since the flow
waves produced by the engine so that the sound waves direction are opposite to each other, they tend to cancel
partially cancel themselves out. This phenomena is the sound effectively. The inlet and the outlet
called as the principle of destructive interference. The correspond to connections in direction of engine and
initial sound waves produced from engine noise are free air, respectively.
guided to produce another equal and opposite reflected
sound wave inside expansion chambers. These waves
when collides with each other produce a destructive
interference leading to sound cancellation. A Reactive
muffler consists of several chambers connected with
tubular pipes to produce sound reflection at every
junction. The impedance mismatch and reflection of
the incident sound wave makes it possible to send back
the acoustic energy to the source, hence partially
reduce the engine noise inside the muffler. Though the
reactive mufflers are designed to reduce engine noise,
they are prone to generate heavy backpressure. It has
been found that the reduction in noise is inversely
proportional to the backpressure. Because of the back
pressure the volumetric efficiency decreases and
specific fuel consumption increases leading to low Figure 1. CAD Model of Automotive Muffler
engine performance. Hence an optimised muffler
design is to be implemented so that there is maximum 2.2 Meshing
noise reduction and minimum possible back pressure
without affecting engine performance. An optimum Meshing is defined as a process to discretize an
reactive muffler can be designed by special infinite geometric domain into finite numbers of
arrangement of expansion chamber and pipes, which is elements and nodes. In this investigation the tetrahedral
an iterative process followed by traditional “Built & mesh elements are used. The maximum element length
Test” methods. The traditional “Built & Test” methods is calculated considering the wavenumber and
of mufflers are expensive and time consuming to obtain wavelength. For Finite Element Analysis it is necessary
desired results. With recent developments in Computer to maintain four elements per each wavelength.
Aided Design and Computer Aided Engineering, it is
possible predict muffler performance by virtual Wavelength calculation
simulations. λ= f
2.0 Numerical Modeling & Simulation λ = Wavelength of Sound
This paper describes the prediction of mufller c = Velocity of Sound = 343 m/sec
performance by Numerical modeling methodology. The f = Maximum Frequency = 2000 Hz
Numerical model of a muffler is developed and
simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics. 343
λ = 2000 = 0.1715 m
According to theory, there has to be four elements per
2.1 Model Definition
In this experiment a CAD model of automotive
Maximum element length
muffler is designed using commercial CAD software
and imported to COMSOL for numerical simulation. W avelength 0.1715
The muffler model consists of five separate resonating 4
= 4
= 0.042875 m
chambers divided by thin walls. The resonating
chambers are connected by tubular pipes for easy = 42.875 mm
passage of exhaust gases and better sound reflection.
2.4 Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions implemented in this

numerical models are of three different types. Sound
hard (wall) boundary condition is applied to the outer
walls of the muffler, separating walls between the
resonating chambers and the walls of the tubular pipes.

(− ) .n = 0

A combination of incoming and outgoing plane

wave is assumed at inlet of the muffler.

(− ) .n =

ρc p −
ρc p0 .n

In the above equation “p0” denotes the applied outer

pressure and “ i” is the imaginary unit. Similarly an
outgoing plane wave is set at the outlet of the muffler.

(− ) .n =

ρc p

2.5 Transmission Loss

Transmission loss (TL) is defined as the difference

between the power incident on a muffler and that
transmitted downstream into an anechoic termination.
It describes the accumulated decrease in intensity of a
waveform energy as a wave propagates outwards from
Figure 2. Meshed Model of Automotive Muffler a source, or as it propagates through a certain area or
through a certain type of structure. Transmission loss is
2.3 Governing Equation independent of the source and requires an anechoic
termination at the downstream end.
The numerical problem is constructed and solved
in frequency domain using the Pressure Acoustics, The following equation is used to calculate the
Frequency Domain interface of COMSOL Transmission Loss (TL) in the reactive muffler design.
Multiphysics. A modified Helmholtz equation for the
acoustic pressure “p” is used to solve the numerical T L = 10 log ( )
P in
P out
Where Pin and Pout denotes the acoustic effects at
▽. −
⍴ )− ω2 p
c2 ⍴
=0 the inlet and outlet of the muffler respectively. The
acoustics effects at the inlet and outlet are derived
Where ρ is the density, c is the speed of sound and using the following equations
ω is the angular frequency.
(P 0 ) 2 ∣P c ∣
P in = ∫ 2ρc
dA , P out = ∫ 2ρc
A numerical parametric study is assigned to solve ∂Ω ∂Ω
the mathematical model in a frequency range of 100 Hz
to 2000 Hz.
3.0 Result & Discussion

The performance of the reactive muffler design is

analysed numerically and simulation results are
represented graphically as bellows. Figure.3 visualizes
the acoustic pressure field, Figure.4 represents the
sound pressure level and Figure.5 plots isosurface of
pressure in the muffler at a frequency of 1350 Hz.

Figure 5. Isosurface plot of Pressure field at 1350 Hz

The calculated results from the parametric study

of muffler design are presented graphically as below.
Figure.6 plots the sound pressure level curve as a
function of frequency. Figure.7 reveals the damping
effects in the muffler and in Figure.8 the incident and
exhaust sound pressure values are compared
respectively. A minimum exhaust Sound Pressure of
2.5 dB at tailpipe, respective to higher Transmission
Figure 3. Acoustic Pressure field at 1350 Hz Loss of 90 dB is obtained at 1350 Hz of frequency.

Figure 4. Sound Pressure level at 1350 Hz Figure 6. Sound Pressure level.

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cost respectively. Numbers of muffler can be designed

and performance calculations can be performed in
virtual environment before physical production. The
numerical model can further be used to optimize
muffler-design, for extreme sound cancellation and
high engine performance in automobiles.

5.0 Acknowledgement

This research was supported by R & I Department

of ATOA Scientific Technologies, Bengaluru, India.
The author would like to thank the technical team, who
provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the

6.0 References

[1] M,L. Munjal, Acoustic of Ducts and mufflers, New

Figure 7. Transmission Loss (TL).
[2] J. Igarashi and M.Toyama 1958 Aeronautical
Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Report no.339,
223-241 Fundamental of acoustical silencers

[3] Shital Shah, et al., “A Practical Approach towards

Muffler Design, Development and Prototype
Validation”, SAE International, vol. 021, pp. 1-16,

[4] Paritosh Bhattacharya, et al., “Design of Reactive

Muffler for Study on the Noise Level and Performance
of a Two cylinder Four Stroke 16 H.P Diesel Engine”,

[5] Sabry Allam, “Acoustic Modeling and Testing of

Advanced Exhaust System
components for Automotive Engines”, Doctoral thesis,
KTH, Sweden, 2004.

Figure 8. Sound Pressure level comparison.

4.0 Conclusions

In this experiment the performance of a reactive

muffler model is analysed numerically. The numerical
modelling methodology helped us to predict
performance of a complex muffler design without
traditional built and test methods. Muffler performance
investigation by numerical methodologies shows
potential to increase productivity of muffler
manufacturers , reduces the production time and

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