Reduction of Noise in Air Cooled Engine and Crankcase - Irc
Reduction of Noise in Air Cooled Engine and Crankcase - Irc
Reduction of Noise in Air Cooled Engine and Crankcase - Irc
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and reduce the overall noise. Due to the presence of var- SOURCE IDENTIFICATION USING INTENSITY TECH-
ious sources, it was very difficult to detect the ringing NIQUE – One of the important steps in any noise control
noise of particular character and also the surface which program is the identification of major noise sources. The
was radiating that noise. Hence the isolation of the other sound intensity measurement technique using two
sources from the engine noise was essential. The trans- closely spaced microphones and dual channel FFT Ana-
mission was removed, the exhaust and inlet noise were lyzer has made the task of noise source location easier.
isolated by proper treatment, thus only the engine noise Sound intensity in the frequency domain is obtained from
was present. the imaginary part of the cross spectrum between two
microphones [3,4,8] The intensity in their direction is cal-
The noise and vibration signals were recorded at various
locations on cylinder head and cylinder block figure 1. (1)
The finite element model of cylinder head was prepared
using shell 63, four noded quadrilateral shell element
having thickness as a variable option. It has six degrees
of freedom at each node (translation along x, y, z and
rotation about x, y,z).
The material properties used are modulus of elasticity
= 0.675 x 108 kg mm/s 2 . mm2 and density = 2700 x
10 -9 kg/mm 3. The complete model consists of 2500
nodes and 2300 elements.
For finding out natural frequencies and modeshapes 40
(a) (Location 1) master degrees of freedom are given with operating
boundary conditions. The frequencies obtained are
given in Table 1.
where {F} is applied load vector and {x,}, {x }, {x} are
systems are made up of structural elements such as
nodal displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors.
bars, beams, plates and shells. These elements have
continuously distributed mass and stiffness properties This harmonic analysis is carried out experimentally and
and expressing the kinetic and strain energies of ele- analytically. In the experimental harmonic analysis the
ments in terms of elemental degrees of freedom. [9] In structure is excited with known force and the responses
modal analysis we are basically interested in finding out at discrete points are measured. In the analytical method
eigen values and eigen vectors. Equations for free vibra- the finite element model of the structure with identical
tions for the assemblage is given by boundary conditions is excited with the same force and at
same location and the responses are recorded at loca-
(2) tions indicated in the experimental harmonic analysis.
The correlation is obtained in experimental and FEM
Here, as the modal displacements are time varying analytical results for acceptance of model.
assuming displacement vector {x} can be represented
assuming a simple harmonic motion with angular fre- The dynamic analysis of the cylinder head was carried
quency of motion ω rad/sec, as out. The dynamic excitation was simulated in the com-
puter and the responses were recorded at various loca-
{ x } = { X } sin ωt (3) tions as shown in figure 1. Figure 6 shows the typical
substituting this value in equation (3) we get, dynamic response at locations H 1 & H 7 on the head
respectively. The results show high amplitudes of vibra-
ω2 [M] {x} = [ K ] [ x ] (4) tion around 3100Hz. This is responsible for noise cre-
The above equation can be written in general form as ated by the typical fin structure excited by axial vibration
of cylinder block.
[K] {φ} = λ[M] {φ} (5)
equation (5) is the eigen value problem with λ = ω2 as a
eigen value and f as a eigen vector which can be solved
by using different numerical algorithms. The eigen val-
ues determine the natural frequencies while eigen vec-
tors give the mode shapes corresponding to each mode.
Figure 5.
The modal analysis of modified head indicate that the
resonant frequency around 3100Hz was absent. The
harmonic analysis of the modified head was also simu-
lated on the computer.
The structure was excited with the same force and the
responses were recorded at the same locations as it was
done with unmodified head. The dynamic response
curves show that there is no predominant peak of vibra-
tion around 3100Hz (Figure 9)
(Location 1)
head the noise levels were 76.86 dBA and with modified meshing frequencies related to noise and vibration are
head the noise levels were reduced to 73 dBA. present in a gear train. The gear tooth irregularities such
as broken or chipped tooth produces high noise and
vibration levels at the narrow band peaks which are in
addition to the various gear meshing frequencies and
their associated harmonics. The vibrations of the shaft
due to misalignment in axial direction which results in
increased vibration at rotational frequency and first few
harmonics. All the vibrations are ultimately transferred to
the casing via bearing. So isolation of bearing is most
effective and direct approach in solving the structure born
noise problems. [14]
The crankshaft signals from engine inertia loads are
transferred to the outer casing via main bearing which
ultimately are transferred to the outer casing through
(Location 1) shaft via bearing housing which results in the structure
born noise. This has been shown in figure 12.
It was decided to fine tune the structure so that noise
related frequencies are eliminated. The methodology for
noise reduction of crankcase assembly is shown in the
figure 13.
(Location 2)
NOISE REDUCTION OF CRANKCASE Figure 13. Methodology for noise reduction of crankcase
ASSEMBLY assembly for motorcycles.
The crankcase cover of this motorcycle houses two FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS – The crankcase of this
speed gear box. In the present gear box several gear motorcycle assembly consists of three parts. RH side,
middle and LH side casing. The model was prepared in
ANSYS using shell elements and solid elements were
used. The three casings of the crankcase are shown in
figure 14.
(Location 1)
Table 3. Natural frequencies of crankcase casing.
Mode No. Frequency (Hz)
1 3000.7
2 3849.2
3 4352.5
4 5260.2
5 5457.7
(Location 1)
(Location 6)
Figure 20. The noise spectras of crankcase with &
without modifications.
Figure 19. Nodal displacement plots of crankcase around
The ringing noise is generated due to ring and port 1. Hans H.Priebch & Josef Affenzealler, “Structure born
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Noise levels at 1m distance from engine indicate that lev-
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The results of noise signal analysis show that number of 6. Terry A.Dunlap & William G.Haivorsen, “Transmis-
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are less as compared to unmodified head indicating that 7. K.Fujita, T.Abe and Y.Hori, “Simulation of accelera-
the quality of noise has been improved. tion passby noise considering the acoustic radiation
The noise is generated by gears and crankshaft which is characteristics of a vehicle body”, I.J. of a vehicle
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around 3 to 5 KHz. The modal analysis shows that the 8. F.J.Fahy, “Sound intensity” EL sevier applied science,
natural frequencies of the crankcase assembly lie New york, 1979.
between 3 to 5KHz. 9. O.C.Zienkiewicz, “The finite element method”, Mc
Grow Hill, Publication, New Delhi, 1979.
The nodal displacement plots obtained from the modal
analysis show that the right hand side casing have high 10. D.J.Ewins, “Modal Testing : Theory and Practice,”
Research studies press ltd., Tounton, England,
displacement values around 3000Hz indicating that it is
Revised Edition.
responsible for emitting noise. The modified crankcase
assembly gives substantial reduction in the noise levels. 11. ANSYS 5.1, Theoretical manual, ANSYS inc. Hous-
ton, USA.
The noise analysis results indicate that the predominant 12. ANSYS 5.1 Users Manual, Vol.I,II ANSYS Inc Hous-
peaks are absent between 3 to 5 KHz which were ton USA.
present in unmodified crankcase assembly.
13. L.E.Kinsler and A.R.Fray, “Fundamentals of Acous-
The pass by noise results shows that reduction upto 2 dB tics”, Willey Eastern Ltd., New Delhi 1987.
is obtained with the modified assembly. 14. M.P.Norton “Fundamentals of Noise and vibration
analysis for engineers”, Cambridge university press,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Cambridge, 1989.